[glibc.git] / math / Makefile
1 # Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2 # This file is part of the GNU C Library.
4 # The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
6 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
7 # License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 # The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # Library General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
15 # License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
16 # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
17 # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 # Makefile for the math library.
21 subdir := math
23 # Installed header files.
24 headers := math.h mathcalls.h __math.h huge_val.h nan.h \
25 fpu_control.h complex.h cmathcalls.h fenv.h \
26 fenvbits.h
28 # Internal header files.
29 distribute := math_private.h machine/asm.h machine/endian.h
31 # FPU support code.
32 aux := fpu_control setfpucw
34 # Build the -lm library.
36 extra-libs := libm
37 extra-libs-others = $(extra-libs)
39 libm-support = k_standard s_lib_version s_matherr s_signgam \
40 s_rinttol s_rinttoll s_roundtol s_roundtoll \
41 fclrexcpt fgetexcptflg fraiseexcpt fsetexcptflg \
42 ftestexcept fegetround fesetround fegetenv feholdexcpt \
43 fesetenv feupdateenv
44 libm-calls = e_acos e_acosh e_asin e_atan2 e_atanh e_cosh e_exp e_fmod \
45 e_hypot e_j0 e_j1 e_jn e_lgamma_r e_log e_log10 e_pow \
46 e_rem_pio2 e_remainder e_scalb e_sinh e_sqrt k_cos \
47 k_rem_pio2 k_sin k_tan s_asinh s_atan s_cbrt \
48 s_ceil s_copysign s_cos s_erf s_expm1 s_fabs s_finite \
49 s_floor s_frexp s_ilogb s_ldexp s_log1p s_logb \
50 s_modf s_nextafter s_rint s_scalbn s_significand \
51 s_sin s_tan s_tanh w_acos w_acosh w_asin \
52 w_atan2 w_atanh w_cosh w_drem w_exp w_fmod w_gamma \
53 w_gamma_r w_hypot w_j0 w_j1 w_jn w_lgamma w_lgamma_r \
54 w_log w_log10 w_pow w_remainder w_scalb w_sinh w_sqrt \
55 s_signbit s_fpclassify s_fmax s_fmin s_fdim s_nan s_trunc \
56 s_remquo s_log2 s_exp2 s_round s_nearbyint s_sincos \
57 conj cimag creal cabs carg s_cexp s_csinh s_ccosh s_clog \
58 s_catan s_casin s_ccos s_csin s_ctan s_ctanh s_cacos \
59 s_casinh s_cacosh s_catanh s_csqrt s_cpow s_cproj
60 libm-routines = $(libm-support) $(libm-calls) \
61 $(patsubst %_rf,%f_r,$(libm-calls:=f)) \
62 $(long-m-$(long-double-fcts))
63 long-m-routines = $(patsubst %_rl,%l_r,$(libm-calls:=l))
64 long-m-yes = $(long-m-routines)
65 distribute += $(long-m-yes:=.c)
67 # These functions are in libc instead of libm because __printf_fp
68 # calls them, so any program using printf will need them linked in,
69 # and we don't want to have to link every program with -lm.
70 calls = s_isinf s_isnan s_finite s_copysign s_modf s_scalbn s_frexp s_ldexp
71 routines = $(calls) $(calls:=f) $(long-c-$(long-double-fcts))
72 long-c-yes = $(calls:=l)
73 distribute += $(long-c-yes:=.c)
75 # Rules for the test suite.
76 tests = test-float test-double $(test-longdouble-$(long-double-fcts))
77 # We do the `long double' tests only if this data type is available and
78 # distrinct from `double'.
80 # XXX This test is disabled for now since the functions are too buggy.
81 #test-longdouble-yes = test-longdouble
83 CFLAGS-test-float.c = -fno-inline
84 CFLAGS-test-double.c = -fno-inline
85 CFLAGS-test-longdouble.c = -fno-inline
86 LDLIBS-test-float = libm
87 LDLIBS-test-double = libm
88 LDLIBS-test-longdouble = libm
90 distribute += libm-test.c
93 # The -lieee module sets the _LIB_VERSION_ switch to IEEE mode
94 # for error handling in the -lm functions.
95 install-lib += libieee.a
96 non-lib.a += libieee.a
97 extra-objs += libieee.a ieee-math.o
98 distribute += ieee-math.c
100 include ../Rules
103 # This file defines the default _LIB_VERSION variable that controls
104 # the error return conventions for the math functions.
105 CPPFLAGS-s_lib_version.c := -D_POSIX_MODE
107 # We don't want the fdlibm code to use the inline math functions,
108 # only the fdlibm code.
111 ifneq ($(long-double-fcts),yes)
112 # The `double' and `long double' types are the same on this machine.
113 # We won't compile the `long double' code at all. Tell the `double' code
114 # to define aliases for the `FUNCl' names. To avoid type conflicts in
115 # defining those aliases, tell <math.h> to declare the `FUNCl' names with
116 # `double' instead of `long double'.
117 CPPFLAGS += -DNO_LONG_DOUBLE -D_Mlong_double_=double
118 endif
120 # The fdlibm code generates a lot of these warnings but is otherwise clean.
121 override CFLAGS += -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-write-strings
123 # The -lieee library is actually an object file.
124 # The module just defines the _LIB_VERSION_ variable.
125 # It's not a library to make sure it is linked in instead of s_lib_version.o.
126 $(objpfx)libieee.a: $(objpfx)ieee-math.o
127 rm -f $@
128 ln $< $@
130 ifeq ($(build-shared),yes)
131 $(addprefix $(objpfx),$(tests)): $(objpfx)libm.so$(libm.so-version)
132 else
133 $(addprefix $(objpfx),$(tests)): $(objpfx)libm.a
134 endif