Ensure playfield window is restored after menu, help and especially aborted loading.
[generic-block-game.git] / gbg.bas
1 /'
2 Generic Block Game
3 Copyright 2008, 2018 Pajo <xpio at tut dot by>
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 #include "fbgfx.bi"
20 Using fb
22 'const TRUE=-1
23 'const FALSE=0
24 const GFXPATH="gfx"
25 const VARPATH="variations"
26 Dim Shared As String nextvariation, title
27 ReDim Shared help () As String
28 Dim Shared As UByte playabletiles, numberoftiles
29 Dim Shared As Short columns=1, rows=1
30 Dim Shared As Byte wrap,gravity,randominputs,randomgoals,showscore=FALSE
31 dim shared score as short=0
32 ReDim Shared tilesfiles(0) As String
33 Dim Shared speed as single=3
34 ReDim Shared randomtable() As UByte
35 Dim Shared tim as Double
37 Declare Function loadgame(filename As String) As Byte
38 Declare Sub loadTiles(increment As Byte=1)
39 Declare Sub initplayfield()
41 Function asctonumber(ch As UByte) As UByte
42 If ch=46 Then : Return 0
43 ElseIf ch=33 Then : Return 254 'start=!=254
44 ElseIf ch=Asc("@") Then : Return 253 'exit=@=253
45 ElseIf ch>=48 And ch<=57 Then : Return ch-48
46 ElseIf ch>=65 And ch<=90 Then : Return ch-65+10
47 ElseIf ch>=97 And ch<=122 Then : Return ch-97+36
48 Else : Return 255
49 End If
50 End Function
52 Function getImgWidth(filename As String) As Short
53 Open filename For Input As #2
54 If Err>0 Then Return 0
55 Dim w As Integer
56 Get #2,19,w
57 Close #2
58 Return w
59 End Function
61 ReDim Shared inputsindex(0) As UByte 'pokazuje krajeve
62 ReDim Shared inputs(0,2) As UByte
63 ReDim Shared goals(0,2) As UByte
64 Sub loadshapes(shapes() As UByte, filename As String, index As Byte=FALSE)
65 Dim l as String
66 Dim currentpoint As Short=0
67 Dim As UByte a,b=0,currentshape=0
68 Do Until l="}" Or Eof(1)
69 Line Input #1,l
70 If l="" Then
71 b=0
72 shapes(currentpoint,0)=255
73 shapes(currentpoint,1)=255
74 shapes(currentpoint,2)=255 'end shape
75 If index Then
76 ReDim Preserve inputsindex(currentshape)
77 inputsindex(currentshape)=currentpoint
78 currentshape+=1
79 End if
80 currentpoint+=1
81 ReDim Preserve shapes(currentpoint,2)
82 ElseIf l<>"}" Then
83 For a=0 To Len(l)-1
84 shapes(currentpoint,0)=a
85 shapes(currentpoint,1)=b
86 If l[a]=46 Then : shapes(currentpoint,2)=0
87 Else : shapes(currentpoint,2)=asctonumber(l[a])
88 End If
89 currentpoint+=1
90 ReDim Preserve shapes(currentpoint,2)
91 Next
92 b+=1
93 EndIf
94 Loop
95 shapes(currentpoint,0)=255
96 shapes(currentpoint,1)=255
97 shapes(currentpoint,2)=255 'end shape
98 If index Then
99 ReDim Preserve inputsindex(currentshape)
100 inputsindex(currentshape)=currentpoint
101 End If
102 End Sub
105 Declare Sub gameOver()
107 dim shared playfield(0 to columns-1,0 to rows-1) as UByte
108 dim shared originalplayfield(0 to columns-1,0 to rows-1) as UByte
110 type block
111 declare constructor
112 declare sub init()
113 Declare sub update(justerase As Byte = FALSE)
114 Declare sub drop()
115 Declare Function move(as Byte,as Byte=0,As UByte=0) As Byte
116 As UByte typ
117 private:
118 Declare Function isblocked(x as Byte, y As Byte=0, typ As UByte=0, mode As Byte=FALSE) As Byte
119 As Short x,y,oldx,oldy
120 As UByte oldtyp
121 end type
123 ReDim Shared nextshape() As UByte
125 Function block.isblocked(x as Byte, y As Byte=0, typ As UByte=0, mode As Byte=FALSE) As Byte
126 Dim As Short strt, stp, a
127 Dim As Byte failed
129 If typ=1 Then strt=0 Else strt=inputsindex(typ-1-1)+1 'preskace se ona 255 tacka
130 stp=inputsindex(typ-1)-1 'izostavlja se ona 255 tacka
131 'mode=true = ispituje se origin
132 For a = strt To stp
133 failed=inputs(a,2)<>0 And _
134 playfield(x+inputs(a,0),y+inputs(a,1))<>254 And _
135 playfield(x+inputs(a,0),y+inputs(a,1))<>253
136 If Not mode Then failed=failed And playfield(x+inputs(a,0),y+inputs(a,1))<>0
137 failed=failed Or y+inputs(a,1)>=rows _
138 Or y+inputs(a,1)<0 _
139 Or x+inputs(a,0)>=columns _
140 Or x+inputs(a,0)<0
141 If failed Then Exit For
142 Next
143 Return failed
144 End Function
147 Sub block.init()
148 If randominputs Then 'permutovati brojeve od 1 do playabletiles
149 Dim a As UByte
150 ReDim randomtable(playabletiles) As UByte
151 For a = 1 To playabletiles
152 randomtable(a)=fix(rnd*playabletiles)+1
153 Next
154 EndIf
156 Type xy
157 As UByte x,y
158 End Type
159 ReDim startpositions(0) As xy
160 Dim posnumber As UShort=0
161 Dim As UShort x,y
162 Dim starttyp As UByte
163 this.typ=fix(rnd*(ubound(inputsindex)+1))+1
164 starttyp=this.typ
166 for y=0 to rows-1 : for x=0 to columns-1
167 If originalplayfield(x,y)=254 Then
168 If Not this.isblocked(x,y,this.typ,TRUE) Then 'dodaj na listu
169 ReDim Preserve startpositions(posnumber) As xy
170 startpositions(posnumber)=Type(x,y)
171 posnumber+=1
172 EndIf
173 EndIf
174 next x: next y
175 If posnumber=0 Then
176 this.typ=nextshape(this.typ)
177 If this.typ=starttyp Then
178 gameOver()
179 Return
180 EndIf
181 EndIf
182 Loop Until posnumber>0
183 posnumber=fix(rnd*posnumber)
184 this.x=startpositions(posnumber).x
185 this.y=startpositions(posnumber).y
186 this.oldx=this.x
187 this.oldy=this.y
188 this.oldtyp=this.typ
189 End Sub
191 Constructor block
192 'constructor bi se pokretao kod samog deklarisanja, pre playfielda
193 End Constructor
195 Function getshapewidthheight(typ As UByte,geth As Byte = FALSE) As Short
196 Dim As Short strt, stp, a, maxwidth=0, maxheight=0
198 If typ=1 Then strt=0 Else strt=inputsindex(typ-1-1)+1 'preskace se ona 255 tacka
199 stp=inputsindex(typ-1)-1 'izostavlja se ona 255 tacka
200 For a = strt To stp
201 If maxwidth<inputs(a,0) Then maxwidth=inputs(a,0)
202 If maxheight<inputs(a,1) Then maxheight=inputs(a,1)
203 Next
204 If geth Then Return maxheight
205 Return maxwidth
206 End Function
209 Function block.move(x as Byte, y As Byte=0, typ As UByte=0) As Byte 'successfull?true/false
210 Dim As Byte dw,dh
211 If typ=0 Then
212 typ=this.typ
213 Else
214 '!centriranje
215 dw=(getshapewidthheight(this.typ)-getshapewidthheight(typ)) / 2
216 If gravity Then
217 dh=0
218 Else
219 dh=(getshapewidthheight(this.typ,TRUE)-getshapewidthheight(typ,TRUE)) / 2
220 EndIf
221 EndIf
222 this.oldx=this.x
223 this.oldy=this.y
224 this.oldtyp=this.typ
225 this.update(TRUE) 'just erase oldx i oldy
227 this.x=x + this.x + dw
228 this.y=y + this.y + dh
229 If wrap Then
230 this.x=(this.x + columns) Mod columns
231 If Not gravity Then this.y=(this.y + rows) Mod rows
232 EndIf
234 failed=failed Or y+inputs(a,1)>=rows _
235 Or y+inputs(a,1)<0 _
236 Or x+inputs(a,0)>=columns _
237 Or x+inputs(a,0)<0
240 Dim As Byte failed
241 failed=this.isblocked(this.x,this.y,typ)
242 If failed Then
243 this.x=this.oldx
244 this.y=this.oldy
245 this.typ=this.oldtyp
246 Else
247 this.typ=typ
248 EndIf
249 this.update()
250 Return Not failed
252 End Function
255 Sub markshape(shapestart As Short,shapeend As Short,x As Short,y As Short)
256 Dim As Short mx,my,q
257 For q=shapestart To shapeend-1
258 mx=x-goals(q,0)
259 my=y-goals(q,1)
260 If goals(q,2)<>0 And playfield(mx,my)<100 Then
261 playfield(mx,my)+=100
262 End if
263 Next
264 End Sub
267 function matchshape(x As Short,y As Short) as Byte
268 dim as Byte fullshape,foundshape=FALSE
269 Dim As Short mx,my,shapestart=0,p=0,q
270 Dim a As UByte
271 Dim goalscolors(100) As UByte 'za randomgoals '!max 100 randomgolova
272 fullshape=true
273 For p=0 To UBound(goals)
274 If goals(p,0)=255 And goals(p,1)=255 And goals(p,2)=255 Then '255,255,255=end
275 If fullshape=TRUE Then
276 markshape(shapestart,p,x,y)
277 foundshape=TRUE
278 End If
279 shapestart=p+1
280 fullshape=TRUE
281 For a=0 To UBound(goalscolors) : goalscolors(a)=0 : Next a
282 Else
283 mx=x-goals(p,0)
284 my=y-goals(p,1)
285 If mx<0 Or mx>columns-1 Or my<0 Or my>rows-1 Then
286 fullshape=FALSE
287 ElseIf goals(p,2)=255 Then '255=joker
288 fullshape = fullshape And _
289 (playfield(mx,my)<>0) And _
290 (playfield(mx,my)<>254) And _
291 (playfield(mx,my)<>253)
292 ElseIf goals(p,2)<>0 Then
293 If randomgoals Then
294 If goalscolors(goals(p,2))=0 Then
295 If (playfield(mx,my)<>0) And _
296 (playfield(mx,my)<>254) And _
297 (playfield(mx,my)<>253)Then
298 goalscolors(goals(p,2))=playfield(mx,my)
299 Else
300 fullshape=FALSE
301 EndIf
302 EndIf
303 fullshape = fullshape And (playfield(mx,my)=goalscolors(goals(p,2)) _
304 Or playfield(mx,my)=goalscolors(goals(p,2))+100)
305 Else
306 fullshape = fullshape And (playfield(mx,my)=goals(p,2) _
307 Or playfield(mx,my)=goals(p,2)+100)
308 EndIf
309 End If
310 End If
311 Next
312 Return foundshape
313 end function
316 Sub checksituation()
317 dim as byte x,y,gap,removed=false,scoremulti=0,existsnextvariation=FALSE, gotonextvariation=TRUE
318 for y=0 to rows-1 : for x=0 to columns-1
319 if matchshape(x,y) then scoremulti+=1
320 next x: next y
321 If gravity Then 'remove >100 (marked shapes)
322 for x=0 to columns-1
323 gap=0
324 for y=rows-1 to 0 step -1
325 if playfield(x,y)>100 And playfield(x,y)<>254 And playfield(x,y)<>253 Then
326 gap+=1
327 Else
328 If playfield(x,y)=254 Then
329 If originalplayfield(x,y)=254 Or originalplayfield(x,y)=253 Then
330 playfield(x,y+gap)=originalplayfield(x,y)
331 Else
332 playfield(x,y+gap)=0
333 EndIf
334 Else playfield(x,y+gap)=playfield(x,y)
335 End If
336 End if
337 If y<gap Then
338 If originalplayfield(x,y)=254 Or originalplayfield(x,y)=253 Then
339 playfield(x,y)=originalplayfield(x,y)
340 Else
341 playfield(x,y)=0
342 EndIf
343 EndIf
344 next y
345 removed=removed or gap>0
346 next x
347 if removed then checksituation()
348 Else 'no gravity
349 for y=0 to rows-1 : for x=0 to columns-1
350 if playfield(x,y)>100 And playfield(x,y)<>254 And playfield(x,y)<>253 Then
351 If originalplayfield(x,y)=254 Or originalplayfield(x,y)=254 Then
352 playfield(x,y)=originalplayfield(x,y)
353 Else
354 playfield(x,y)=0
355 EndIf
356 EndIf
357 next x: next y
358 EndIf
359 score+=scoremulti*10
360 'proveri da li je pokriven exit
361 for y=0 to rows-1 : for x=0 to columns-1
362 If originalplayfield(x,y)=253 Then
363 existsnextvariation=TRUE
364 If playfield(x,y)=253 Then gotonextvariation=FALSE
365 EndIf
366 next x: next y
367 If existsnextvariation And gotonextvariation Then
368 loadgame(VARPATH+"/"+nextvariation)
369 loadTiles(0)
370 speed=3
371 initplayfield()
372 EndIf
373 End Sub
376 Sub block.update(justerase As Byte =FALSE)
377 Dim As Short strt, stp, a
379 If this.oldtyp=1 Then strt=0 Else strt=inputsindex(this.oldtyp-1-1)+1 'preskace se ona 255 tacka
380 stp=inputsindex(this.oldtyp-1)-1 'izostavlja se ona 255 tacka
381 For a = strt To stp
382 If inputs(a,2)<>0 Then
383 If originalplayfield(this.oldx+inputs(a,0),this.oldy+inputs(a,1))=254 Or _
384 originalplayfield(this.oldx+inputs(a,0),this.oldy+inputs(a,1))=253 Then
385 playfield(this.oldx+inputs(a,0),this.oldy+inputs(a,1)) = _
386 originalplayfield(this.oldx+inputs(a,0),this.oldy+inputs(a,1)) 'cuvamo "start" pri pomeranju
387 Else
388 playfield(this.oldx+inputs(a,0),this.oldy+inputs(a,1))=0
389 EndIf
390 EndIf
391 Next
392 If justerase=FALSE Then
393 If this.typ=1 Then strt=0 Else strt=inputsindex(this.typ-1-1)+1 'preskace se ona 255 tacka
394 stp=inputsindex(this.typ-1)-1 'izostavlja se ona 255 tacka
395 For a = strt To stp
396 If inputs(a,2)<>0 Then
397 If randominputs Then
398 playfield(this.x+inputs(a,0),this.y+inputs(a,1))=randomtable(inputs(a,2))
399 Else
400 playfield(this.x+inputs(a,0),this.y+inputs(a,1))=inputs(a,2)
401 EndIf
402 EndIf
403 Next
404 EndIf
407 ' playfield(this.oldx,this.oldy)=0
408 ' playfield(this.x,this.y)=this.typ
410 End Sub
413 Sub block.drop()
414 If Not this.move(0,1) Then
415 checksituation()
416 this.init()
417 EndIf
419 nije mi jasno kako checksituation funkcionise bez ovoga:
420 this.update()
422 End Sub
425 dim keypress as string
427 sub initplayfield
428 ReDim playfield(0 to columns-1,0 to rows-1) As UByte
429 dim as ubyte x,y
430 for y=0 to rows-1 : for x=0 to columns-1
431 playfield(x,y)=originalplayfield(x,y)
432 next x : next y
433 end sub
436 Dim Shared tilewidth As Short
437 Dim Shared tilesimg As Any Ptr
438 Dim Shared scoreimg As Any Ptr
440 Declare Sub drawplayfield()
442 Sub loadTiles(increment As Byte=1)
443 Static tilesetnum As UByte
444 tilesetnum+=increment
445 If tilesetnum>UBound(tilesfiles) Then tilesetnum=0
446 If tilesetnum<0 Then tilesetnum = UBound(tilesfiles)
448 Dim tilesfile As String
449 tilesfile=GFXPATH & "/" & tilesfiles(tilesetnum)
450 tilewidth = getImgWidth(tilesfile)
451 If showscore Then
452 ScreenRes tilewidth*columns,tilewidth*rows+16,16,2',&h08
453 Else
454 ScreenRes tilewidth*columns,tilewidth*rows,16,2',&h08
455 EndIf
456 ScreenSet 0,1
458 tilesimg = ImageCreate(tilewidth, tilewidth*(3+numberoftiles))
459 BLoad tilesfile, tilesimg
460 scoreimg = ImageCreate(122,20)
461 BLoad GFXPATH+"/brojke.bmp", scoreimg
462 drawplayfield()
463 End Sub
465 dim shared blok as block
467 Sub drawscore
468 'ScreenRes tilewidth*columns,tilewidth*rows,16,2,&h08
469 Dim As UByte a,digit
470 Dim As Byte numberstarted=FALSE
472 Static xpx As UByte = 0
473 Line (0,0)-(xpx,14),RGB(0,0,0),bf
474 xpx=0
475 For a=0 To 8 'max 9 digits
476 digit=Fix((score Mod 10^(9-a)) / 10^(8-a))
477 numberstarted=numberstarted Or digit>0
478 If numberstarted Then
479 If digit=1 Then
480 Put (1+xpx,1),scoreimg,(13,0)-(17,14),PSet
481 xpx+=5
482 ElseIf digit=0 Then
483 Put (1+xpx,1),scoreimg,(0,0)-(12,14),PSet
484 xpx+=13
485 Else
486 Put (1+xpx,1),scoreimg,(-8+digit*13,0)-(-8+12+digit*13,14),PSet
487 xpx+=13
488 EndIf
489 EndIf
490 Next
492 Dim xpx As UShort = tilewidth*columns
493 Line(0,0)-(xpx,16),RGB(0,0,0),BF
494 For a=0 To 9 'max 10 digits - traze se otpozadi
495 If 10^a > score Then Exit For
496 digit=Fix((score Mod 10^(a+1)) / 10^a)
497 If digit=1 Then
498 xpx-=5
499 Put (xpx,1),scoreimg,(13,0)-(17,14),PSet
500 ElseIf digit=0 Then
501 xpx-=13
502 Put (xpx,1),scoreimg,(0,0)-(12,14),PSet
503 Else
504 xpx-=13
505 Put (xpx,1),scoreimg,(-8+digit*13,0)-(-8+12+digit*13,14),PSet
506 EndIf
507 Next
508 End Sub
511 Sub drawplayfield
512 Dim As Short offsetx=0,offsety=0,offsetpx=0,offsetpy=0
513 If showscore Then offsetpy=16
514 dim as ubyte x,y,t
515 for y=0 to rows-1 : for x=0 to columns-1
516 If playfield(x,y)=0 Then : t=0
517 ElseIf playfield(x,y)=254 Then : t=1
518 ElseIf playfield(x,y)=253 Then : t=2
519 Else : t=playfield(x,y)+2
520 End If
521 Put (offsetpx+(offsetx+x)*tilewidth, offsetpy+(offsety+y)*tilewidth), _
522 tilesimg,(0,t*tilewidth) - Step(tilewidth-1,tilewidth-1),PSet
523 next x: next y
524 If showscore Then drawscore
526 ScreenSync
527 ScreenCopy
528 End Sub
531 Sub loadtilesets()
532 Dim l As String, n As UByte=0
533 Do Until l="}" Or Eof(1)
534 Line Input #1,l
535 ReDim Preserve tilesfiles(n)
536 tilesfiles(n)=l
537 n+=1
538 Loop
539 ReDim Preserve tilesfiles(n-2)
540 End Sub
543 Sub loadcycle()
544 Dim l As String, n As UByte
545 Line Input #1,l
546 ReDim nextshape(Len(l)) As UByte
547 For n=0 To Len(l) 'nextshape(0) se ne koristi
548 nextshape(n+1)=asctonumber(l[n])
549 Next
550 End Sub
553 Sub loadplayfield()
554 columns=0 : rows=0
555 Dim l As String, n As UByte
556 Dim position As Integer = Seek(1)
557 Dim As Short a,b=0
558 Do Until l="}" Or Eof(1)
559 rows+=1
560 Line Input #1,l
561 If Len(l)>columns Then columns=Len(l)
562 Loop
563 ReDim originalplayfield(0 to columns-1,0 to rows-1) as UByte
564 rows-=1
565 Seek #1,position
566 l=""
567 Do Until l="}" Or Eof(1)
568 b+=1
569 Line Input #1,l
570 For a=0 To Len(l)-1
572 If l[a]=46 Then : originalplayfield(a,b-1)=0
573 Else : originalplayfield(a,b-1)=asctonumber(l[a])
574 End If
576 n=asctonumber(l[a])
577 originalplayfield(a,b-1)=n
578 If n>numberoftiles And n<100 Then numberoftiles=n
579 Next
580 Loop
581 If playabletiles>numberoftiles Then numberoftiles=playabletiles
582 End Sub
585 Sub loadsettings()
586 wrap=FALSE
587 gravity=FALSE
588 randominputs=FALSE
589 randomgoals=FALSE
590 Dim l As String
591 Do Until l="}" Or Eof(1)
592 Line Input #1,l
593 wrap=wrap Or l="wrap"
594 gravity=gravity Or l="gravity"
595 randominputs=randominputs Or l="randominputs"
596 randomgoals=randomgoals Or l="randomgoals"
597 If Left(l,6)="tiles:" Then playabletiles=CInt(Mid(l,7))
598 Loop
599 End Sub
602 Sub gameRestart()
603 score=0
604 speed=3
605 initplayfield()
606 blok.init()
607 blok.update()
608 drawplayfield()
609 End Sub
612 Function readtitle(filename As String) As String
613 Dim As String l, result
614 Open filename For Input As #1
615 If Err>0 Then Print "Error opening the file":End
617 Line Input #1,l
618 Select Case l
619 Case "Title {"
620 Line Input #1,result
621 End Select
622 Loop Until Eof(1)
623 Close #1
624 Return result
625 End Function
628 Sub loadhelp()
629 ReDim help(0)
630 Dim l As String
631 Do Until Eof(1)
632 Line Input #1,l
633 If l="}" Then Exit Do
634 ReDim Preserve help(UBound(help) + 1)
635 help(UBound(help)) = l
636 Loop
637 End Sub
640 Function loadgame(filename As String) As Byte
641 If filename = "" Then Return FALSE
642 Dim l As String
643 Open filename For Input As #1
644 If Err>0 Then Print "Error opening the file":End
646 Line Input #1,l
647 Select Case l
648 Case "Title {"
649 Line Input #1,l
650 title = l
651 WindowTitle(l)
652 Case "Settings {"
653 loadsettings()
654 Case "Next {"
655 Line Input #1,nextvariation
656 Case "Tilesets {"
657 loadtilesets()
658 Case "Playfield {"
659 loadplayfield()
660 Case "Input {"
661 loadshapes(inputs(),filename,TRUE)
662 Case "Cycle {"
663 loadcycle()
664 Case "Goals {"
665 loadshapes(goals(),filename)
666 Case "Help {"
667 loadhelp()
668 End Select
669 Loop Until Eof(1)
670 Close #1
671 loadTiles(0)
672 gameRestart()
673 Return TRUE
674 End Function
677 Function isin(xx As Short,yy As Short,x As Short,y As Short,w As UShort=50,h As UShort=50) As Byte
678 Dim in As Byte = TRUE
679 in=in And xx>=x And xx<=x+w
680 in=in And yy>=y And yy<=y+h
681 Return in
682 End Function
685 Sub togglescore()
686 showscore=Not showscore
687 If showscore Then
688 ScreenRes tilewidth*columns,tilewidth*rows+16,16,2',&h08
689 Else
690 ScreenRes tilewidth*columns,tilewidth*rows,16,2',&h08
691 EndIf
692 ScreenSet 0,1
693 drawplayfield()
694 End Sub
697 Sub quit()
698 ImageDestroy(tilesimg)
699 ImageDestroy(scoreimg)
701 End Sub
704 Sub openwindow(s As Sub)
705 Dim As Integer w,h
706 ScreenInfo(w,h)
710 ScreenRes w,h,16,2',&h08
711 drawplayfield()
712 End Sub
715 Function openloader(directory As String) As String
717 ScreenRes 300,150,16,1',&h08
719 Print "Load Variation"
720 Print
722 Dim title As String
723 Dim filenames (1 To 9) As String
724 Dim As Byte n = 1
726 filenames(n) = Dir(directory + "/*")
727 Do While n <= 9 and Len(filenames(n))
728 title = readtitle(directory + "/" + filenames(n))
729 Print n ; ". " ; title
730 n += 1
731 filenames(n) = Dir()
732 Loop
734 Print
735 Print "Press number to load variation"
736 Print "or any other key to exit."
739 Dim keypress As String
741 keypress=InKey
742 Loop Until keypress <> ""
743 If Val(keypress) >= 1 And Val(keypress) <= 9 Then
744 Return directory + "/" + filenames(Val(keypress))
745 End If
746 End Function
749 Sub openhelp()
750 ScreenRes 300,150,16,1',&h08
752 Print "Help for " + title
753 Print
755 Dim As UByte a
756 For a = 0 To UBound(help)
757 Print help(a)
758 Next a
760 Dim keypress As String
762 keypress=InKey
763 Loop Until keypress <> ""
764 End Sub
767 Sub openmenu()
768 Dim e As EVENT
769 Dim As Integer x, y, pressed
771 Dim menuimg As Any Ptr
772 ScreenRes 150,150,16,1',&h08
773 menuimg = ImageCreate(150,150)
774 BLoad GFXPATH+"/menu.bmp", menuimg
775 Put(0,0),menuimg,PSet
776 Dim keypress as string
778 keypress=InKey
780 If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
781 Select Case e.type
783 pressed = e.button=1
784 If e.button=2 Then Exit Do
785 If pressed Then
786 GetMouse(x,y)
787 If isin(x,y,0,0) Then 'help
788 keypress = chr(255)+";" 'F1
789 ElseIf isin(x,y,100,0) Then 'quit
790 keypress = chr(27) 'Esc
791 ElseIf isin(x,y,50,50) Then 'tiles
792 keypress = "t"
793 ElseIf isin(x,y,0,50) Then 'speed
794 keypress = "+"
795 ElseIf isin(x,y,100,50) Then 'score
796 keypress = "s"
797 ElseIf isin(x,y,50,0) Then 'restart
798 keypress = chr(255)+"<" 'F2
799 ElseIf isin(x,y,0,100) Then 'load
800 keypress = "l"
801 End If
802 End If
804 pressed = 0
806 If (pressed) Then
807 ScreenControl GET_WINDOW_POS, x, y
808 ScreenControl SET_WINDOW_POS, x + e.dx, y + e.dy
809 End If
810 End Select
811 End If
813 Select Case keypress
814 Case "t"
815 loadTiles(1)
816 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
817 Exit Sub
818 Case "+"
819 speed=speed/1.5
820 Exit Do
821 Case "s"
822 togglescore()
823 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
824 Exit Sub
825 Case chr(255)+";" 'F1
826 openwindow(@openhelp)
827 Case chr(255)+"<" 'F2
828 gameRestart()
829 Exit Do
830 Case "l"
831 If loadgame(openloader(VARPATH)) Then Exit Sub
832 Case chr(27)
833 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
834 quit()
835 End Select
837 Loop Until keypress <> ""
838 ImageDestroy(menuimg)
839 End Sub
841 Sub windowmouse
842 Dim e As EVENT
843 Dim As Integer x, y
844 Static pressed As Integer=0
845 If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
846 Select Case e.type
848 pressed = e.button=1
849 If e.button=2 Then openwindow(@openmenu)
851 pressed = 0
853 If (pressed) Then
854 ScreenControl GET_WINDOW_POS, x, y
855 ScreenControl SET_WINDOW_POS, x + e.dx, y + e.dy
856 End If
857 End Select
858 End If
859 End Sub
862 Sub gameOver()
863 Dim As Short offsety=0, offsety2=0
864 Dim As Byte inkeyemptied=FALSE, scoredrawn=FALSE
865 Dim tim2 As Double
866 scoredrawn=showscore
867 If showscore Then offsety=16
868 offsety2=offsety
869 Dim keypress as string
870 tim=Timer()
871 tim2=Timer()
873 If Timer-tim2>0.5 Then
874 keypress=InKey
875 Else
876 While InKey<>"" : Wend 'prazni inkey tokom prvih pola sekunde
877 EndIf
879 If offsety2<tilewidth*rows+offsety-6 Then
880 If Timer-tim>0.03 Then
881 tim=Timer()
882 Line (0,offsety2)-(tilewidth*columns,offsety2+6),RGB(0,0,0),BF
883 Put(tilewidth*columns/2-47/2,offsety2+1),scoreimg,(52,15)-(99,19),PSet
884 offsety2+=1
885 ScreenSync
886 ScreenCopy
887 EndIf
888 EndIf
889 If offsety2>20 And Not scoredrawn Then
890 drawscore()
891 scoredrawn=TRUE
892 EndIf
894 windowmouse()
895 Loop Until keypress<>""
898 gameRestart()
899 End Sub
902 Randomize
903 If Not loadgame(Command) Then
904 If Not loadgame(openloader(VARPATH)) Then End
905 End If
906 tim=timer()
908 keypress=InKey
909 if keypress=chr(255)+"K" then
910 blok.move(-1)
911 drawplayfield()
912 ElseIf keypress=chr(255)+"M" then
913 blok.move(1)
914 drawplayfield()
915 ElseIf keypress=" " Then
916 blok.move(0,0,nextshape(blok.typ)) 'cycle
917 drawplayfield()
918 ElseIf keypress=chr(255)+"H" Then 'move up or rotate
919 If gravity Then
920 blok.move(0,0,nextshape(blok.typ)) 'cycle
921 Else
922 blok.move(0,-1)
923 EndIf
924 drawplayfield()
925 ElseIf keypress=chr(255)+"P" Then 'down
926 If gravity Then
927 score+=1
928 blok.drop()
929 tim=timer()
930 blok.update()
931 Else
932 blok.move(0,1)
933 EndIf
934 drawplayfield()
935 ElseIf keypress="t" Or keypress="T" Then
936 loadTiles(1)
937 ElseIf keypress=Chr(13) Then 'enter=fix or drop
938 If gravity Then
939 Do : score+=1 : Loop While blok.move(0,1)
940 EndIf
941 checksituation()
942 blok.init()
943 blok.update()
944 drawplayfield()
945 ElseIf keypress="s" Or keypress="S" then 'score
946 togglescore()
947 ElseIf keypress="l" Or keypress="L" then 'load
948 loadgame(openloader(VARPATH))
949 loadTiles(0) 'restore resolution
950 ElseIf keypress=chr(255)+";" then 'F1
951 openwindow(@openhelp)
952 ElseIf keypress=chr(255)+"<" then 'F2
953 gameRestart()
954 ElseIf keypress="+" Then 'speed+
955 speed=speed/1.5
956 ElseIf keypress=chr(27) Then 'Esc
957 openwindow(@openmenu)
958 EndIf
959 if gravity And timer-tim>speed then
960 speed=speed/1.003
961 blok.drop()
962 blok.update()
963 drawplayfield()
964 tim=timer()
965 end If
966 windowmouse()
967 loop