Added a lot of regression tests for the IPC-D-356 exporter.
[geda-pcb/pcjc2.git] / tests / inputs / ipcd356_hole_2.pcb
1 # release: pcb 4.1.1
3 # To read pcb files, the pcb version (or the git source date) must be >= the file version
4 FileVersion[20091103]
6 PCB["" 200.00mil 200.00mil]
8 Grid[10.00mil 0.0000 0.0000 0]
9 PolyArea[3100.006200]
10 Thermal[0.500000]
11 DRC[10.00mil 10.00mil 10.00mil 10.00mil 15.00mil 10.00mil]
12 Flags("nameonpcb,uniquename,clearnew,snappin")
13 Groups("1,c:2:3:4:5:6,s:7:8")
14 Styles["Signal,10.00mil,36.00mil,20.00mil,10.00mil:Power,25.00mil,60.00mil,35.00mil,10.00mil:Fat,40.00mil,60.00mil,35.00mil,10.00mil:Skinny,6.00mil,24.02mil,11.81mil,6.00mil"]
16 Attribute("PCB::grid::unit" "mm")
17 Via[100.00mil 100.00mil 36.00mil 20.00mil 0.0000 20.00mil "" "hole"]
18 Layer(1 "top" "copper")
21 Layer(2 "ground" "copper")
24 Layer(3 "signal2" "copper")
27 Layer(4 "signal3" "copper")
30 Layer(5 "power" "copper")
33 Layer(6 "bottom" "copper")
36 Layer(7 "outline" "copper")
39 Layer(8 "spare" "copper")
42 Layer(9 "bottom silk" "silk")
45 Layer(10 "top silk" "silk")