Bug 1870642 - Fix Collection deleted snackbar that overlaps the toolbar r=android...
[gecko.git] / third_party / rust / uniffi_core / src / ffi / foreignfuture.rs
1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 //! This module defines a Rust Future that wraps an async foreign function call.
6 //!
7 //! The general idea is to create a [oneshot::Channel], hand the sender to the foreign side, and
8 //! await the receiver side on the Rust side.
9 //!
10 //! The foreign side should:
11 //!   * Input a [ForeignFutureCallback] and a `u64` handle in their scaffolding function.
12 //!     This is the sender, converted to a raw pointer, and an extern "C" function that sends the result.
13 //!   * Return a [ForeignFuture], which represents the foreign task object corresponding to the async function.
14 //!   * Call the [ForeignFutureCallback] when the async function completes with:
15 //!     * The `u64` handle initially passed in
16 //!     * The `ForeignFutureResult` for the call
17 //!   * Wait for the [ForeignFutureHandle::free] function to be called to free the task object.
18 //!     If this is called before the task completes, then the task will be cancelled.
20 use crate::{LiftReturn, RustCallStatus, UnexpectedUniFFICallbackError};
22 /// Handle for a foreign future
23 pub type ForeignFutureHandle = u64;
25 /// Handle for a callback data associated with a foreign future.
26 pub type ForeignFutureCallbackData = *mut ();
28 /// Callback that's passed to a foreign async functions.
29 ///
30 /// See `LiftReturn` trait for how this is implemented.
31 pub type ForeignFutureCallback<FfiType> =
32     extern "C" fn(oneshot_handle: u64, ForeignFutureResult<FfiType>);
34 /// C struct that represents the result of a foreign future
35 #[repr(C)]
36 pub struct ForeignFutureResult<T> {
37     // Note: for void returns, T is `()`, which isn't directly representable with C since it's a ZST.
38     // Foreign code should treat that case as if there was no `return_value` field.
39     return_value: T,
40     call_status: RustCallStatus,
43 /// Perform a call to a foreign async method
45 /// C struct that represents the foreign future.
46 ///
47 /// This is what's returned by the async scaffolding functions.
48 #[repr(C)]
49 pub struct ForeignFuture {
50     pub handle: ForeignFutureHandle,
51     pub free: extern "C" fn(handle: ForeignFutureHandle),
54 impl Drop for ForeignFuture {
55     fn drop(&mut self) {
56         (self.free)(self.handle)
57     }
60 unsafe impl Send for ForeignFuture {}
62 pub async fn foreign_async_call<F, T, UT>(call_scaffolding_function: F) -> T
63 where
64     F: FnOnce(ForeignFutureCallback<T::ReturnType>, u64) -> ForeignFuture,
65     T: LiftReturn<UT>,
67     let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel::<ForeignFutureResult<T::ReturnType>>();
68     // Keep the ForeignFuture around, even though we don't ever use it.
69     // The important thing is that the ForeignFuture will be dropped when this Future is.
70     let _foreign_future =
71         call_scaffolding_function(foreign_future_complete::<T, UT>, sender.into_raw() as u64);
72     match receiver.await {
73         Ok(result) => T::lift_foreign_return(result.return_value, result.call_status),
74         Err(e) => {
75             // This shouldn't happen in practice, but we can do our best to recover
76             T::handle_callback_unexpected_error(UnexpectedUniFFICallbackError::new(format!(
77                 "Error awaiting foreign future: {e}"
78             )))
79         }
80     }
83 pub extern "C" fn foreign_future_complete<T: LiftReturn<UT>, UT>(
84     oneshot_handle: u64,
85     result: ForeignFutureResult<T::ReturnType>,
86 ) {
87     let channel = unsafe { oneshot::Sender::from_raw(oneshot_handle as *mut ()) };
88     // Ignore errors in send.
89     //
90     // Error means the receiver was already dropped which will happen when the future is cancelled.
91     let _ = channel.send(result);
94 #[cfg(test)]
95 mod test {
96     use super::*;
97     use crate::{Lower, RustBuffer};
98     use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
99     use std::{
100         future::Future,
101         pin::Pin,
102         sync::{
103             atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
104             Arc,
105         },
106         task::{Context, Poll, Wake},
107     };
109     struct MockForeignFuture {
110         freed: Arc<AtomicU32>,
111         callback_info: Arc<OnceCell<(ForeignFutureCallback<RustBuffer>, u64)>>,
112         rust_future: Option<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = String>>>>,
113     }
115     impl MockForeignFuture {
116         fn new() -> Self {
117             let callback_info = Arc::new(OnceCell::new());
118             let freed = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0));
120             let rust_future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = String>>> = {
121                 let callback_info = callback_info.clone();
122                 let freed = freed.clone();
123                 Box::pin(foreign_async_call::<_, String, crate::UniFfiTag>(
124                     move |callback, data| {
125                         callback_info.set((callback, data)).unwrap();
126                         ForeignFuture {
127                             handle: Arc::into_raw(freed) as *mut () as u64,
128                             free: Self::free,
129                         }
130                     },
131                 ))
132             };
133             let rust_future = Some(rust_future);
134             let mut mock_foreign_future = Self {
135                 freed,
136                 callback_info,
137                 rust_future,
138             };
139             // Poll the future once, to start it up.   This ensures that `callback_info` is set.
140             let _ = mock_foreign_future.poll();
141             mock_foreign_future
142         }
144         fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<String> {
145             let waker = Arc::new(NoopWaker).into();
146             let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
147             self.rust_future
148                 .as_mut()
149                 .unwrap()
150                 .as_mut()
151                 .poll(&mut context)
152         }
154         fn complete_success(&self, value: String) {
155             let (callback, data) = self.callback_info.get().unwrap();
156             callback(
157                 *data,
158                 ForeignFutureResult {
159                     return_value: <String as Lower<crate::UniFfiTag>>::lower(value),
160                     call_status: RustCallStatus::new(),
161                 },
162             );
163         }
165         fn complete_error(&self, error_message: String) {
166             let (callback, data) = self.callback_info.get().unwrap();
167             callback(
168                 *data,
169                 ForeignFutureResult {
170                     return_value: RustBuffer::default(),
171                     call_status: RustCallStatus::error(error_message),
172                 },
173             );
174         }
176         fn drop_future(&mut self) {
177             self.rust_future = None
178         }
180         fn free_count(&self) -> u32 {
181             self.freed.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
182         }
184         extern "C" fn free(handle: u64) {
185             let flag = unsafe { Arc::from_raw(handle as *mut AtomicU32) };
186             flag.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
187         }
188     }
190     struct NoopWaker;
192     impl Wake for NoopWaker {
193         fn wake(self: Arc<Self>) {}
194     }
196     #[test]
197     fn test_foreign_future() {
198         let mut mock_foreign_future = MockForeignFuture::new();
199         assert_eq!(mock_foreign_future.poll(), Poll::Pending);
200         mock_foreign_future.complete_success("It worked!".to_owned());
201         assert_eq!(
202             mock_foreign_future.poll(),
203             Poll::Ready("It worked!".to_owned())
204         );
205         // Since the future is complete, it should free the foreign future
206         assert_eq!(mock_foreign_future.free_count(), 1);
207     }
209     #[test]
210     #[should_panic]
211     fn test_foreign_future_error() {
212         let mut mock_foreign_future = MockForeignFuture::new();
213         assert_eq!(mock_foreign_future.poll(), Poll::Pending);
214         mock_foreign_future.complete_error("It Failed!".to_owned());
215         let _ = mock_foreign_future.poll();
216     }
218     #[test]
219     fn test_drop_after_complete() {
220         let mut mock_foreign_future = MockForeignFuture::new();
221         mock_foreign_future.complete_success("It worked!".to_owned());
222         assert_eq!(mock_foreign_future.free_count(), 0);
223         assert_eq!(
224             mock_foreign_future.poll(),
225             Poll::Ready("It worked!".to_owned())
226         );
227         // Dropping the future after it's complete should not panic, and not cause a double-free
228         mock_foreign_future.drop_future();
229         assert_eq!(mock_foreign_future.free_count(), 1);
230     }
232     #[test]
233     fn test_drop_before_complete() {
234         let mut mock_foreign_future = MockForeignFuture::new();
235         mock_foreign_future.complete_success("It worked!".to_owned());
236         // Dropping the future before it's complete should cancel the future
237         assert_eq!(mock_foreign_future.free_count(), 0);
238         mock_foreign_future.drop_future();
239         assert_eq!(mock_foreign_future.free_count(), 1);
240     }