Skip monthofyear if = 0; Skip instance if = 0; Add debug lines
[funambol-sw.git] / build.cmd
1 @echo off
3 rem -- Define the path to a make utility on your computer
4 set MAKE=nmake.exe
6 rem -- RIM's signature tool to sign the .cod file
7 set SIGN=c:\progra~1\resear~1\blackb~1.1\bin\SignatureTool.jar
9 rem -- Define the path to the ant utility on your computer
10 set ANT=ant
12 rem -- In order to compile, the JDK must be in your path. If this is
13 rem -- not set in your environment, uncomment and adjust the following
14 set JAVA_HOME=C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk15~1.0_1
15 set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
17 set PRJNAME=funambol_blackberry_plugin
19 rem -- "/s" delete subfolders, "/q" delete in quiet mode (without asking)
20 del /s/q buildrelease
22 mkdir buildrelease
24 %MAKE% -f %PRJNAME%.mak
26 java -jar %SIGN% -a %PRJNAME%.cod
28 move %PRJNAME%.alx buildrelease\%PRJNAME%.alx
29 move %PRJNAME%.cod buildrelease\%PRJNAME%.cod
30 move %PRJNAME%.csl buildrelease\%PRJNAME%.csl
31 move %PRJNAME%.cso buildrelease\%PRJNAME%.cso
32 move %PRJNAME%*.debug buildrelease\
33 move %PRJNAME%.jar buildrelease\%PRJNAME%.jar
34 move %PRJNAME%.jad buildrelease\%PRJNAME%.jad
35 copy LICENSE.txt buildrelease
37 %ANT% -f build\build.xml