descriptionSmall and simple webcam software for *nix.
homepage URL
last changeWed, 3 Feb 2010 10:45:48 +0000 (3 10:45 +0000)
content tags
A small and simple program for generating images from most V4L1/V4L2 compatible webcams.
2010-02-03 Philip HeronFPS option part 2master
2010-02-03 Philip HeronSmall tidyup
2010-02-03 Philip HeronAdd support for changing frame rate to src_v4l2.c
2010-02-02 Philip HeronUpdated changelog
2010-02-02 Philip HeronAdded SGBRG8 bayer support
2010-01-14 Philip HeronDon't test font if the banner is disabled.
2010-01-13 Philip HeronUpdate changelog.
2010-01-13 Philip HeronFixing silly spelling mistakes.
2010-01-13 Philip HeronDisable the banner if the font fails to load.
2010-01-13 Philip HeronMove LDFLAGS to after the objects being included.
2010-01-13 Philip Heroninitial check-in
14 years ago master