Quadratic algorithm supports sign, as does decimal conversion.
[frac.git] / cf.c
1 // Demand channels. See squint paper by McIlroy.
2 //
3 // TODO: Handle messy thread problems. What happens if a thread quits
4 // but then another tries to signal and read its channel?
5 // TODO: What if the continued fraction terminates?
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <pthread.h>
9 #include <semaphore.h>
10 #include <gmp.h>
12 struct channel_s {
13 void *data;
14 struct channel_s *next;
16 typedef struct channel_s channel_t[1];
17 typedef struct channel_s *channel_ptr;
19 struct cf_s {
20 // Each continued fraction is a separate thread.
21 pthread_t thread;
22 // Helgrind prints warnings for these condition variables.
23 // Rewrite with semaphores?
24 // When queue is empty, and there is demand for the next term.
25 sem_t demand_sem;
26 // When the queue was empty, and we just added to it.
27 pthread_cond_t read_cond;
28 pthread_mutex_t chan_mu;
29 channel_ptr chan, next;
31 // We break the CSP model slightly here: the sign of the continued
32 // fraction is read directly from a variable, not over channels.
33 // Only 'thread' may write to 'sign', and it should do so before the first
34 // cf_put(). Other threads should only read it after they have
35 // called cf_get() at least once.
36 int sign;
37 int quitflag;
38 void *data;
41 typedef struct cf_s *cf_t;
43 void *cf_data(cf_t cf) {
44 return cf->data;
47 void cf_set_sign(cf_t cf, int sign) {
48 cf->sign = sign;
51 int cf_sign(cf_t cf) {
52 return cf->sign;
55 int cf_flip_sign(cf_t cf) {
56 return cf->sign = -cf->sign;
59 // A bit like cooperative multitasking. Continued fractions are expected
60 // to call this as often as practical, and on a return value of 0,
61 // to drop everything and stop.
62 int cf_wait(cf_t cf) {
63 for (;;) {
64 sem_wait(&cf->demand_sem);
65 // The wait is over!
66 if (cf->quitflag) {
67 return 0;
69 pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->chan_mu);
70 // ... but we keep waiting unless the channel is empty.
71 if (!cf->chan) break;
72 pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->chan_mu);
73 // The channel could be emptied in the meantime, but that
74 // implies at least one sem_post() call, so we'll notice next iteration.
76 pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->chan_mu);
77 return 1;
80 void cf_free(cf_t cf) {
81 // These two statements force a thread out of its next/current cf_wait.
82 cf->quitflag = 1;
83 sem_post(&cf->demand_sem);
85 pthread_join(cf->thread, NULL);
86 pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->chan_mu);
87 channel_ptr c = cf->chan;
88 while (c) {
89 channel_ptr cnext = c->next;
90 mpz_clear(c->data);
91 free(c->data);
92 free(c);
93 c = cnext;
95 pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->chan_mu);
96 sem_destroy(&cf->demand_sem);
97 free(cf);
100 void cf_put(cf_t cf, mpz_t z) {
101 // TODO: Block or something if there's a large backlog on the queue.
102 channel_ptr cnew = malloc(sizeof(*cnew));
103 mpz_ptr znew = malloc(sizeof(*znew));
104 mpz_init(znew);
105 mpz_set(znew, z);
106 cnew->data = znew;
107 cnew->next = NULL;
108 pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->chan_mu);
109 if (cf->chan) {
110 cf->next->next = cnew;
111 } else {
112 // Channel is empty. Now that we're populating it, send signal
113 // in case someone is waiting for data.
114 cf->chan = cnew;
115 pthread_cond_signal(&cf->read_cond);
117 cf->next = cnew;
118 pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->chan_mu);
121 void cf_put_int(cf_t cf, int n) {
122 mpz_t z;
123 mpz_init(z);
124 mpz_set_si(z, n);
125 cf_put(cf, z);
126 mpz_clear(z);
129 void cf_get(mpz_t z, cf_t cf) {
130 pthread_mutex_lock(&cf->chan_mu);
131 if (!cf->chan) {
132 // If channel is empty, send demand signal and wait for read signal.
133 sem_post(&cf->demand_sem);
134 pthread_cond_wait(&cf->read_cond, &cf->chan_mu);
136 channel_ptr c = cf->chan;
137 cf->chan = c->next;
138 pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf->chan_mu);
139 mpz_ptr znew = c->data;
140 mpz_set(z, znew);
141 mpz_clear(znew);
142 free(c->data);
143 free(c);
146 cf_t cf_new(void *(*func)(cf_t), void *data) {
147 cf_t cf = malloc(sizeof(*cf));
148 cf->sign = 1;
149 cf->chan = NULL;
150 cf->next = NULL;
151 cf->quitflag = 0;
152 cf->data = data;
153 pthread_attr_t attr;
154 pthread_attr_init(&attr);
155 pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
156 pthread_mutex_init(&cf->chan_mu, NULL);
157 sem_init(&cf->demand_sem, 0, 0);
158 pthread_cond_init(&cf->read_cond, NULL);
159 pthread_create(&cf->thread, &attr, (void*(*)(void *)) func, cf);
160 pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
161 return cf;