add "Local History" actions to VCS Popup even if VCS isn't configured
[fedora-idea.git] / resources-en / src / inspectionDescriptions / RedundantTypeArguments.html
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3 <font face="verdana" size="-1">
4 This inspection reports all calls to parametrized methods where explicit argument types
5 can be omitted, since they will be unambiguously inferred by compiler.<br>
6 Such usages make code excessive and thus less readable.<br><br>
7 For example if you have a call to parametrized method like:
8 <pre>
9 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><font color="#000080">this</font></b>.&lt;String&gt;addItem(<font color="#008000">""</font>);
10 </pre>
11 - the usage of <b><font color="#000080">&lt;String&gt;</font></b> will be highlighted.<br><br>
12 </font>
13 </body>
14 </html>