git4idea: The HOME environment variable is now set to user.home if it is not specifie...
[fedora-idea.git] / build.xml
1 <project name="IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition" default="all">
2   <property name="project.home" value="${basedir}"/>
3   <property name="out.dir" value="${project.home}/out"/>
4   <property name="gant.home" value="${project.home}/build/lib/gant"/>
6   <target name="cleanup">
7     <delete dir="${out.dir}" failonerror="false"/>
8   </target>
10   <target name="init">
11     <mkdir dir="${out.dir}"/>
12   </target>
14   <macrodef name="call_gant">
15     <attribute name="script" />
16     <sequential>
17       <java failonerror="true" classname="" fork="true">
18         <jvmarg line="-Xms64m -Xmx512m"/>
19         <jvmarg line="&quot;-Dgant.script=@{script}&quot;"/>
21         <classpath>
22           <fileset dir="${project.home}/lib/ant/lib">
23             <include name="*.jar"/>
24           </fileset>
25           <pathelement location="${project.home}/build/lib/gant_patches.jar"/>
26           <fileset dir="${gant.home}/lib">
27             <include name="*.jar"/>
28           </fileset>
29         </classpath>
31         <arg value="-f"/>
32         <arg value="${project.home}/build/gant.xml"/>
33       </java>
34     </sequential>
35   </macrodef>
37   <target name="build" depends="init">
38     <call_gant script="${project.home}/build/scripts/dist.gant"/>
39   </target>
41   <target name="all" depends="cleanup,build"/>
42 </project>