Handle HAVE_ALL and HAVE_NONE. Cleanup the BITFIELD message.
[etorrent.git] / lib / etorrent-1.0 / src / etorrent_piece_mgr.erl
1 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 %%% File : etorrent_piece_mgr.erl
3 %%% Author : Jesper Louis Andersen <jlouis@ogre.home>
4 %%% Description : Piece Manager code
5 %%%
6 %%% Created : 21 Jul 2008 by Jesper Louis Andersen <jlouis@ogre.home>
7 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -module(etorrent_piece_mgr).
10 -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl").
11 -include("etorrent_piece.hrl").
13 -behaviour(gen_server).
15 %% API
16 -export([start_link/0, delete/1, decrease_missing_chunks/2, statechange/3,
17 fetched/2, bitfield/1, select/1, select/2, valid/2, interesting/2,
18 num_not_fetched/1, check_interest/2, add_pieces/2, chunk/3]).
20 -export([fetched/1]).
22 %% gen_server callbacks
23 -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
24 terminate/2, code_change/3]).
26 -record(state, {}).
27 -define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
29 %%====================================================================
30 %% API
31 %%====================================================================
32 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
33 %% Function: start_link() -> {ok,Pid} | ignore | {error,Error}
34 %% Description: Starts the server
35 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
36 start_link() ->
37 gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).
39 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
40 %% Function: delete(Id) -> ok
41 %% Description: Rip out the pieces identified by torrent with Id
42 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
43 delete(Id) ->
44 gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {delete, Id}).
45 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
46 %% Function: add_pieces(Id, FPList) -> void()
47 %% Args: Id ::= integer() - torrent id
48 %% FPList ::= [{Hash, Files, Done}]
49 %% Description: Add a list of pieces to the database.
50 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
51 add_pieces(Id, Pieces) ->
52 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {add_pieces, Id, Pieces}).
54 chunk(Id, Idx, N) ->
55 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {chunk, Id, Idx, N}).
57 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
58 %% Function: t_decrease_missing_chunks/2
59 %% Args: Id ::= integer() - torrent id
60 %% PieceNum ::= integer() - piece index
61 %% Description: Decrease missing chunks for the {Id, PieceNum} pair.
62 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
63 decrease_missing_chunks(Id, Idx) ->
64 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {decrease_missing, Id, Idx}).
66 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
67 %% Function: statechange(Id, PieceNumber, S) -> ok
68 %% Description: Update the {Id, PieceNumber} pair to have state S
69 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
70 statechange(Id, PN, State) ->
71 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {statechange, Id, PN, State}).
73 fetched(Id, Idx) ->
74 [R] = ets:lookup(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, Idx}),
75 R#piece.state =:= fetched.
77 fetched(Id) ->
78 MH = #piece { state = fetched, idpn = {Id, '$1'}, _ = '_'},
79 ets:select(etorrent_piece_tbl,
80 [{MH, [], ['$1']}]).
82 bitfield(Id) when is_integer(Id) ->
83 NP = etorrent_torrent:num_pieces(Id),
84 Fetched = fetched(Id),
85 etorrent_peer_communication:construct_bitfield(
86 NP,
87 gb_sets:from_list(Fetched)).
89 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
90 %% Function: num_not_fetched(Id) -> integer()
91 %% Description: Return the number of not_fetched pieces for torrent Id.
92 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
93 num_not_fetched(Id) when is_integer(Id) ->
94 Q = qlc:q([R#piece.piece_number ||
95 R <- ets:table(etorrent_piece_tbl),
96 R#piece.id =:= Id,
97 R#piece.state =:= not_fetched]),
98 length(qlc:e(Q)).
100 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
101 %% Function: check_interest(Id, PieceSet) -> interested | not_interested | invalid_piece
102 %% Description: Given a set of pieces, return if we are interested in any of them.
103 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
104 check_interest(Id, PieceSet) when is_integer(Id) ->
105 It = gb_sets:iterator(PieceSet),
106 find_interest_piece(Id, gb_sets:next(It)).
108 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
109 %% Function: select(Id) -> [#piece]
110 %% Description: Return all pieces for a torrent id
111 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
112 select(Id) ->
113 MatchHead = #piece { idpn = {Id, '_'}, _ = '_'},
114 ets:select(etorrent_piece_tbl, [{MatchHead, [], ['$_']}]).
116 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
117 %% Function: select(Id, PieceNumber) -> [#piece]
118 %% Description: Return the piece PieceNumber for the Id torrent
119 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
120 select(Id, PN) ->
121 ets:lookup(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, PN}).
123 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
124 %% Function: valid(Id, PieceNumber) -> bool()
125 %% Description: Is the piece valid for this torrent?
126 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
127 valid(Id, Pn) when is_integer(Id) ->
128 case ets:lookup(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, Pn}) of
129 [] -> false;
130 [_] -> true
131 end.
133 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
134 %% Function: interesting(Id, Pn) -> bool()
135 %% Description: Is the piece interesting?
136 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
137 interesting(Id, Pn) when is_integer(Id) ->
138 [P] = ets:lookup(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, Pn}),
139 case P#piece.state of
140 fetched ->
141 false;
142 _ ->
143 true
144 end.
146 %%====================================================================
147 %% gen_server callbacks
148 %%====================================================================
150 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
151 %% Function: init(Args) -> {ok, State} |
152 %% {ok, State, Timeout} |
153 %% ignore |
154 %% {stop, Reason}
155 %% Description: Initiates the server
156 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
157 init([]) ->
158 process_flag(trap_exit, true),
159 _Tid = ets:new(etorrent_piece_tbl, [set, protected, named_table,
160 {keypos, #piece.idpn}]),
161 {ok, #state{}}.
163 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
164 %% Function: %% handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} |
165 %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
166 %% {noreply, State} |
167 %% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
168 %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} |
169 %% {stop, Reason, State}
170 %% Description: Handling call messages
171 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
172 handle_call({add_pieces, Id, Pieces}, _From, S) ->
173 lists:foreach(
174 fun({PN, Hash, Files, State}) ->
175 ets:insert(etorrent_piece_tbl,
176 #piece { idpn = {Id, PN},
177 id = Id,
178 piece_number = PN,
179 hash = Hash,
180 files = Files,
181 state = State})
182 end,
183 Pieces),
184 {reply, ok, S};
185 handle_call({chunk, Id, Idx, N}, _From, S) ->
186 [P] = ets:lookup(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, Idx}),
187 ets:insert(etorrent_piece_tbl, P#piece { state = chunked, left = N}),
188 {reply, ok, S};
189 handle_call({decrease_missing, Id, Idx}, _From, S) ->
190 case ets:update_counter(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, Idx},
191 {#piece.left, -1}) of
192 0 -> {reply, full, S};
193 N when is_integer(N) -> {reply, ok, S}
194 end;
195 handle_call({statechange, Id, Idx, State}, _From, S) ->
196 [P] = ets:lookup(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, Idx}),
197 ets:insert(etorrent_piece_tbl, P#piece { state = State }),
198 {reply, ok, S};
199 handle_call({delete, Id}, _From, S) ->
200 MatchHead = #piece { idpn = {Id, '_'}, _ = '_'},
201 ets:select_delete(etorrent_piece_tbl, [{MatchHead, [], [true]}]),
202 {reply, ok, S};
203 handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
204 Reply = ok,
205 {reply, Reply, State}.
207 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
208 %% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} |
209 %% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
210 %% {stop, Reason, State}
211 %% Description: Handling cast messages
212 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
213 handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
214 {noreply, State}.
216 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
217 %% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} |
218 %% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
219 %% {stop, Reason, State}
220 %% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
221 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
222 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
223 {noreply, State}.
225 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
226 %% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void()
227 %% Description: This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to
228 %% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary
229 %% cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason.
230 %% The return value is ignored.
231 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
232 terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
233 ets:delete(etorrent_piece_tbl),
236 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
237 %% Func: code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
238 %% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
239 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
240 code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
241 {ok, State}.
243 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
244 %%% Internal functions
245 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
246 find_interest_piece(_Id, none) ->
247 not_interested;
248 find_interest_piece(Id, {Pn, Next}) ->
249 case ets:lookup(etorrent_piece_tbl, {Id, Pn}) of
250 [] ->
251 invalid_piece;
252 [P] when is_record(P, piece) ->
253 case P#piece.state of
254 fetched ->
255 find_interest_piece(Id, gb_sets:next(Next));
256 _Other ->
257 interested
259 end.