Handle HAVE_ALL and HAVE_NONE. Cleanup the BITFIELD message.
[etorrent.git] / lib / etorrent-1.0 / src / etorrent_peer_communication.erl
1 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 %%% File : peer_communication.erl
3 %%% Author : Jesper Louis Andersen <jlouis@succubus>
4 %%% License : See COPYING
5 %%% Description : Various pieces of the peer protocol that takes a bit to
6 %%% handle.
7 %%%
8 %%% Created : 26 Jan 2007 by Jesper Louis Andersen <jlouis@succubus>
9 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
10 -module(etorrent_peer_communication).
12 %% API
13 -export([initiate_handshake/3, receive_handshake/1,
14 complete_handshake/3]).
15 -export([send_message/3, recv_message/2,
16 construct_bitfield/2, destruct_bitfield/2]).
18 -define(DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, 120000).
19 -define(HANDSHAKE_SIZE, 68).
20 -define(PROTOCOL_STRING, "BitTorrent protocol").
22 %% Extensions
23 -define(EXT_BASIS, 0). % The protocol basis
24 -define(EXT_FAST, 4). % The Fast Extension
26 %% Packet types
27 -define(CHOKE, 0:8).
28 -define(UNCHOKE, 1:8).
29 -define(INTERESTED, 2:8).
30 -define(NOT_INTERESTED, 3:8).
31 -define(HAVE, 4:8).
32 -define(BITFIELD, 5:8).
33 -define(REQUEST, 6:8).
34 -define(PIECE, 7:8).
35 -define(CANCEL, 8:8).
36 -define(PORT, 9:8).
38 %% FAST EXTENSION Packet types
39 -define(SUGGEST, 13:8).
40 -define(HAVE_ALL, 14:8).
41 -define(HAVE_NONE, 15:8).
42 -define(REJECT_REQUEST, 16:8).
43 -define(ALLOWED_FAST, 17:8).
45 %%====================================================================
46 %% API
47 %%====================================================================
48 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
49 %% Function: recv_message(Message) -> keep_alive | choke | unchoke |
50 %% interested | not_interested | {have, integer()} | ...
51 %% Description: Receive a message from a peer and decode it
52 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
53 recv_message(Rate, Message) ->
54 MSize = size(Message),
55 Decoded =
56 case Message of
57 <<>> ->
58 keep_alive;
59 <<?CHOKE>> ->
60 choke;
61 <<?UNCHOKE>> ->
62 unchoke;
63 <<?INTERESTED>> ->
64 interested;
66 not_interested;
67 <<?HAVE, PieceNum:32/big>> ->
68 {have, PieceNum};
69 <<?BITFIELD, BitField/binary>> ->
70 {bitfield, BitField};
71 <<?REQUEST, Index:32/big, Begin:32/big, Len:32/big>> ->
72 {request, Index, Begin, Len};
73 <<?PIECE, Index:32/big, Begin:32/big, Data/binary>> ->
74 {piece, Index, Begin, Data};
75 <<?CANCEL, Index:32/big, Begin:32/big, Len:32/big>> ->
76 {cancel, Index, Begin, Len};
77 <<?PORT, Port:16/big>> ->
78 {port, Port};
80 <<?SUGGEST, Index:32/big>> ->
81 {suggest, Index};
82 <<?HAVE_ALL>> ->
83 have_all;
84 <<?HAVE_NONE>> ->
85 have_none;
86 <<?REJECT_REQUEST, Index:32, Offset:32, Len:32>> ->
87 {reject_request, Index, Offset, Len};
88 <<?ALLOWED_FAST, FastSet/binary>> ->
89 {allowed_fast, decode_allowed_fast(FastSet)}
90 end,
91 {Decoded, etorrent_rate:update(Rate, MSize), MSize}.
93 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
94 %% Function: send_message(Socket, Message)
95 %% Description: Send a message on a socket
96 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
97 send_message(Rate, Socket, Message) ->
98 Datagram =
99 case Message of
100 keep_alive ->
101 <<>>;
102 choke ->
103 <<?CHOKE>>;
104 unchoke ->
105 <<?UNCHOKE>>;
106 interested ->
107 <<?INTERESTED>>;
108 not_interested ->
110 {have, PieceNum} ->
111 <<?HAVE, PieceNum:32/big>>;
112 {bitfield, BitField} ->
113 <<?BITFIELD, BitField/binary>>;
114 {request, Index, Begin, Len} ->
115 <<?REQUEST, Index:32/big, Begin:32/big, Len:32/big>>;
116 {piece, Index, Begin, Data} ->
117 <<?PIECE,
118 Index:32/big, Begin:32/big, Data/binary>>;
119 {cancel, Index, Begin, Len} ->
120 <<?CANCEL, Index:32/big, Begin:32/big, Len:32/big>>;
121 {port, PortNum} ->
122 <<?PORT, PortNum:16/big>>;
124 {suggest, Index} ->
125 <<?SUGGEST, Index:32>>;
126 have_all ->
127 <<?HAVE_ALL>>;
128 have_none ->
129 <<?HAVE_NONE>>;
130 {reject_request, Index, Offset, Len} ->
131 <<?REJECT_REQUEST, Index, Offset, Len>>;
132 {allowed_fast, FastSet} ->
133 BinFastSet = encode_fastset(FastSet),
134 <<?ALLOWED_FAST, BinFastSet>>
135 end,
136 Sz = size(Datagram),
137 Res = gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<Sz:32/big, Datagram/binary>>),
138 {Res, etorrent_rate:update(Rate, Sz), Sz}.
140 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
141 %% Function: receive_handshake(Socket) -> {ok, protocol_version,
142 %% remote_peer_id()} |
143 %% {ok, proto_version(),
144 %% info_hash(),
145 %% remote_peer_id()} |
146 %% {error, Reason}
147 %% Description: Receive a handshake from another peer. In the receive,
148 %% we don't send the info_hash, but expect the initiator to send what
149 %% he thinks is the correct hash. For the return value, see the
150 %% function receive_header()
151 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
152 receive_handshake(Socket) ->
153 Header = build_peer_protocol_header(),
154 case gen_tcp:send(Socket, Header) of
155 ok ->
156 receive_header(Socket, await);
157 {error, X} ->
158 {error, X}
159 end.
161 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
162 %% Function: initiate_handshake(socket(), peer_id(), info_hash()) ->
163 %% {ok, protocol_version()} |
164 %% {error, Reason}
165 %% Description: Handshake with a peer where we have initiated with him.
166 %% This call is used if we are the initiator of a torrent handshake as
167 %% we then know the peer_id completely.
168 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
169 initiate_handshake(Socket, LocalPeerId, InfoHash) ->
170 % Since we are the initiator, send out this handshake
171 Header = build_peer_protocol_header(),
173 ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, Header),
174 ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, InfoHash),
175 ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, LocalPeerId),
176 receive_header(Socket, InfoHash)
177 catch
178 error:_ -> {error, stop}
179 end.
181 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
182 %% Function: complete_handshake/3
183 %% Args: Socket ::= socket()
184 %% InfoHash ::= binary()
185 %% LocalPeerId ::= binary()
186 %% Description: Complete a handshake.
187 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
188 complete_handshake(Socket, InfoHash, LocalPeerId) ->
189 Header = build_peer_protocol_header(),
191 ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, Header),
192 ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, InfoHash),
193 ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, LocalPeerId),
195 catch
196 error:_ -> {error, stop}
197 end.
200 %%====================================================================
201 %% Internal functions
202 %%====================================================================
204 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
205 %% Function: build_peer_protocol_header() -> binary()
206 %% Description: Returns the Peer Protocol header.
207 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
208 build_peer_protocol_header() ->
209 PSSize = length(?PROTOCOL_STRING),
210 ReservedBytes = protocol_capabilities(),
211 <<PSSize:8, ?PROTOCOL_STRING, ReservedBytes/binary>>.
213 protocol_capabilities() ->
214 ProtoSpec = lists:sum([%?EXT_FAST,
215 ?EXT_BASIS]),
216 <<ProtoSpec:64/big>>.
218 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
219 %% Function: receive_header(socket()) -> {ok, proto_version(),
220 %% remote_peer_id()} |
221 %% {ok, proto_version(),
222 %% info_hash(),
223 %% remote_peer_id()} |
224 %% {error, Reason}
225 %% Description: Receive the full header from a peer. The function
226 %% returns either with an error or successfully with a
227 %% protocol_version string, the infohash the remote sent us and his
228 %% peer_id.
229 %% --------------------------------------------------------------------
230 receive_header(Socket, InfoHash) ->
231 %% Last thing we do on the socket, catch an error here.
232 case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, ?HANDSHAKE_SIZE, ?DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT) of
233 %% Fail if the header length is wrong
234 {ok, <<PSL:8/integer, ?PROTOCOL_STRING, _:8/binary,
235 _IH:20/binary, _PI:20/binary>>}
236 when PSL /= length(?PROTOCOL_STRING) ->
237 {error, packet_size_mismatch};
238 %% If the infohash is await, return the infohash along.
239 {ok, <<_PSL:8/integer, ?PROTOCOL_STRING, ReservedBytes:64/big,
240 IH:20/binary, PI:20/binary>>}
241 when InfoHash =:= await ->
242 {ok, decode_protocol_capabilities(ReservedBytes), IH, PI};
243 %% Infohash mismatches. Error it.
244 {ok, <<_PSL:8/integer, ?PROTOCOL_STRING, _ReservedBytes:64/big,
245 IH:20/binary, _PI:20/binary>>}
246 when IH /= InfoHash ->
247 {error, infohash_mismatch};
248 %% Everything ok
249 {ok, <<_PSL:8/integer, ?PROTOCOL_STRING, ReservedBytes:64/big,
250 _IH:20/binary, PI:20/binary>>} ->
251 {ok, decode_protocol_capabilities(ReservedBytes), PI};
252 %% This is not even a header!
253 {ok, X} when is_binary(X) ->
254 {error, {bad_header, X}};
255 %% Propagate errors upwards, most importantly, {error, closed}
256 {error, Reason} ->
257 {error, Reason}
258 end.
260 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
261 %% Function: decode_protocol_capabilities(Integer)
262 %% Description: Decode the capabilities of the protocol
263 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
264 decode_protocol_capabilities(N) ->
265 Capabilities = [{?EXT_FAST, fast_extension}],
266 lists:foldl(
268 ({M, Cap}, Acc) when (M band N) > 0 -> [Cap | Acc];
269 (_Capability, Acc) -> Acc
270 end,
271 Capabilities,
272 []).
274 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
275 %% Function: construct_bitfield
276 %% Description: Construct a BitField for sending to the peer
277 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
278 construct_bitfield(Size, PieceSet) ->
279 PadBits = 8 - (Size rem 8),
280 F = fun(N) ->
281 case gb_sets:is_element(N, PieceSet) of
282 true -> 1;
283 false -> 0
285 end,
286 Bits = lists:append([F(N) || N <- lists:seq(0, Size-1)],
287 [0 || _N <- lists:seq(1,PadBits)]),
288 0 = length(Bits) rem 8,
289 list_to_binary(build_bytes(Bits)).
291 build_bytes(BitField) ->
292 build_bytes(BitField, []).
294 build_bytes([], Acc) ->
295 lists:reverse(Acc);
296 build_bytes(L, Acc) ->
297 {Byte, Rest} = lists:split(8, L),
298 build_bytes(Rest, [bytify(Byte) | Acc]).
300 bytify([B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8]) ->
301 <<B1:1/integer, B2:1/integer, B3:1/integer, B4:1/integer,
302 B5:1/integer, B6:1/integer, B7:1/integer, B8:1/integer>>.
304 destruct_bitfield(Size, BinaryLump) ->
305 ByteList = binary_to_list(BinaryLump),
306 Numbers = decode_bytes(0, ByteList),
307 PieceSet = gb_sets:from_list(lists:flatten(Numbers)),
308 case max_element(PieceSet) < Size of
309 true ->
310 {ok, PieceSet};
311 false ->
312 {error, bitfield_had_wrong_padding}
313 end.
315 max_element(Set) ->
316 gb_sets:fold(fun(E, Max) ->
317 case E > Max of
318 true ->
320 false ->
323 end, 0, Set).
325 decode_byte(B, Add) ->
326 <<B1:1/integer, B2:1/integer, B3:1/integer, B4:1/integer,
327 B5:1/integer, B6:1/integer, B7:1/integer, B8:1/integer>> = <<B>>,
328 Bytes = [{B1, 0}, {B2, 1}, {B3, 2}, {B4, 3},
329 {B5, 4}, {B6, 5}, {B7, 6}, {B8, 7}],
330 [N+Add || {K, N} <- Bytes, K =:= 1].
332 decode_bytes(_SoFar, []) -> [];
333 decode_bytes(SoFar, [B | Rest]) ->
334 [decode_byte(B, SoFar) | decode_bytes(SoFar + 8, Rest)].
337 decode_allowed_fast(<<>>) -> [];
338 decode_allowed_fast(<<Index:32, Rest/binary>>) ->
339 [Index | decode_allowed_fast(Rest)].
341 encode_fastset([]) -> <<>>;
342 encode_fastset([Idx | Rest]) ->
343 R = encode_fastset(Rest),
344 <<R/binary, Idx:32>>.