lookup buffer by name instead of filename
[eproject.git] / eproject.el
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;;
3 ;; eproject.el --- project workspaces for emacs
4 ;;
5 ;; Copyright (C) 2008 grischka
6 ;;
7 ;; Author: grischka -- grischka@users.sourceforge.net
8 ;; Created: 24 Jan 2008
9 ;; Version: 0.2
11 ;; This program is free software, released under the GNU General
12 ;; Public License (GPL, version 2). For details see:
14 ;; http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.html
16 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; General Public License for more details.
21 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
23 ;; There is a global file
24 (defun prj-globalfile ()
25 (expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "eproject.lst"))
28 ;; with the list of all projects
29 (defvar prj-list)
31 ;; and the project that was open in the last session (if any)
32 (defvar prj-last-open nil)
34 ;; and the frame coords from last session
35 (defvar prj-frame-pos nil)
37 ;; eproject version that created the config file
38 (defvar prj-version nil)
40 ;; Here is a function to reset these
41 (defun prj-init ()
42 (setq prj-version nil)
43 (setq prj-list nil)
44 (setq prj-last-open nil)
45 (setq prj-frame-pos nil)
48 ;; Each project has a directory
49 (defvar prj-directory)
51 ;; with a configuration files in it
52 (defun prj-localfile ()
53 (expand-file-name "eproject.cfg" prj-directory)
56 ;; This file defines:
58 ;; the list of files
59 (defvar prj-files)
61 ;; the current file
62 (defvar prj-curfile)
64 ;; an alist of settings
65 (defvar prj-config)
67 ;; a list of tools
68 (defvar prj-tools)
70 ;; a list of utility functions (feature incomplete)
71 (defvar prj-functions nil)
73 ;; directory to run commands, default to prj-directory
74 (defvar prj-directory-run)
76 ;; Here are some default tools for new projects,
77 ;; (which you might want to adjust to your needs)
79 (defun prj-default-config ()
80 (setq prj-tools (copy-tree '(
81 ("Make" "make" "f9")
82 ("Clean" "make clean" "C-f9")
83 ("Run" "echo run what" "f8")
84 ("Stop" "-e eproject-killtool" "C-f8")
85 ("---")
86 ("Configure" "./configure")
87 ("---")
88 ("Explore Project" "nautilus --browser `pwd` &")
89 ("XTerm In Project" "xterm &")
90 )))
93 ;; This defines the current project
94 (defvar prj-current)
96 ;; There is an internal list with generated functions
97 ;; for each tool
98 (defvar prj-tools-fns)
100 ;; and a list with files removed from the project
101 (defvar prj-removed-files)
103 ;; Here is a function to reset/close the project
104 (defun prj-reset ()
105 (setq prj-version nil)
106 (setq prj-current nil)
107 (setq prj-directory nil)
108 (setq prj-directory-run nil)
109 (setq prj-files nil)
110 (setq prj-removed-files nil)
111 (setq prj-curfile nil)
112 (setq prj-config nil)
113 (setq prj-tools nil)
114 (setq prj-tools-fns nil)
115 (prj-reset-functions)
116 (prj-default-config)
119 (defun prj-reset-functions ()
120 (dolist (l prj-functions)
121 (if (eq (car l) 'setq)
122 (makunbound (cadr l))
123 (fmakunbound (cadr l))
125 (setq prj-functions nil)
128 (defun prj-set-functions (s)
129 (prj-reset-functions)
130 (setq prj-functions s)
131 (dolist (l s) (eval l))
134 ;; Some more variables
136 ;; the frame that exists on startup
137 (defvar prj-initial-frame nil)
139 ;; this is put into minor-mode-alist
140 (defvar eproject-mode t)
142 ;; where this file is in
143 (defvar eproject-directory)
145 ;; eproject version that created the files
146 (defvar eproject-version "0.2")
148 ;; Configuration UI
149 (eval-and-compile
150 (defun eproject-setup-toggle () (interactive))
151 (defun eproject-setup-quit () (interactive))
152 (defun prj-config-get-result (s))
153 (defun prj-config-reset ())
154 (defun prj-config-print ())
155 (defun prj-config-parse ())
158 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
159 ;; Small functions
161 (defun prj-del-list (l e)
162 (let ((a (assoc (car e) l)))
163 (if a
164 (delq a l)
165 l)))
167 (defun prj-add-list (l e)
168 (nconc (prj-del-list l e) (list e))
171 (defun prj-next-file (l e)
172 (let ((a (assoc (car e) l)))
173 (when a
174 (setq l (memq a l))
175 (if (cdr l) (cadr l) a)
178 (defun prj-prev-file (l e)
179 (let ((a (assoc (car e) l)) (p l))
180 (when a
181 (while (and l (null (eq (car l) a)))
182 (setq p l l (cdr l))
184 (car p)
187 ;; replace a closed file, either by the previous or the next.
188 (defun prj-otherfile (l f)
189 (let ((n (prj-prev-file l f)))
190 (when (equal f n)
191 (setq n (prj-next-file l f))
192 (when (equal f n)
193 (setq n nil)
197 (defun caddr (l) (car (cddr l)))
199 ;; make relative path, but only up to the second level of ..
200 (defun prj-relative-path (f)
201 (let ((r (file-relative-name f prj-directory)))
202 (if (string-match "^\\.\\.[/\\]\\.\\.[/\\]\\.\\.[/\\]" r)
207 ;; friendly truncate filename
208 (defun prj-shortname (s)
209 (let ((l (length s)) (x 30) n)
210 (cond ((>= x l) s)
211 ((progn
212 (setq x (- x 3))
213 (setq n (length (file-name-nondirectory s)))
214 (if (< n l) (setq n (1+ n)))
215 (>= x n)
217 (concat (substring s 0 (- x n)) "..." (substring s (- n)))
219 ((= n l)
220 (concat (substring s 0 x) "...")
223 (concat "..." (substring s (- n) (- (- x 3) n)) "...")
224 ))))
226 (defun prj-settitle ()
227 (modify-frame-parameters
229 (list (cons 'title
230 (and prj-current
231 (format "emacs - %s" (car prj-current))
232 )))))
234 (defun eproject-addon (f)
235 (concat eproject-directory f)
238 (defun prj-goto-line (n)
239 (goto-char 1)
240 (beginning-of-line n)
243 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
244 ;; Write configuration to file
246 (defun prj-print-list (s fp)
247 (let ((v (eval s)))
248 (setq v (list 'setq s
249 (if (and (atom v) (null (and (symbolp v) v)))
251 (list 'quote v)
253 ;;(print v fp)
254 (pp v fp) (princ "\n" fp)
257 (defun prj-create-file (filename)
258 (let ((fp (generate-new-buffer filename)))
259 (princ ";; -*- mode: Lisp; -*-\n\n" fp)
260 fp))
262 (defun prj-close-file (fp)
263 (with-current-buffer fp
264 (condition-case nil
265 (write-region 1 (point-max) (buffer-name fp) nil 0)
266 (error nil)
268 (kill-buffer fp)
271 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
272 ;; Load/Save global project list and initial frame sizes
274 (defun prj-loadlist ()
275 (prj-init)
276 (load (prj-globalfile) t t)
277 (setq prj-version eproject-version)
280 (defun prj-get-frame-pos (f)
281 (and f
282 (mapcar
283 (lambda (parm) (cons parm (frame-parameter f parm)))
284 '(top left width height)
287 (defun prj-savelist ()
288 (let ((g (prj-globalfile))
291 (unless (file-exists-p g)
292 (make-directory (file-name-directory g) t)
294 (setq prj-last-open (car prj-current))
295 (when (frame-live-p prj-initial-frame)
296 (setq prj-frame-pos (prj-get-frame-pos prj-initial-frame))
298 (setq fp (prj-create-file g))
299 (when fp
300 (prj-print-list 'prj-version fp)
301 (prj-print-list 'prj-list fp)
302 (prj-print-list 'prj-last-open fp)
303 (prj-print-list 'prj-frame-pos fp)
304 (prj-close-file fp)
307 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
308 ;; Load/Save local per-project configuration file
310 (defun prj-update-config ()
311 (setq prj-directory-run
312 (file-name-as-directory
313 (expand-file-name
314 (or (prj-getconfig "run-directory") ".")
315 prj-directory
319 (defun prj-loadconfig (a)
320 (let (lf e)
321 (prj-reset)
322 (setq prj-current a)
323 (setq prj-directory
324 (file-name-as-directory
325 (expand-file-name (cadr a))
328 (when (file-exists-p (setq lf (prj-localfile)))
329 (load lf nil t)
330 (setq prj-curfile
331 (or (assoc prj-curfile prj-files)
332 (car prj-files)
335 (if (setq e (prj-getconfig "project-name"))
336 (setcar a e)
337 (prj-setconfig "project-name" (car a))
339 (prj-update-config)
340 (prj-set-functions prj-functions)
341 (setq prj-version eproject-version)
344 (defun prj-saveconfig ()
345 (when prj-current
346 (let (w c b files)
347 (prj-removehooks)
348 (setq w (selected-window))
349 (setq c (window-buffer w))
350 (dolist (f prj-files)
351 (cond ((setq b (get-buffer (car f)))
352 (set-window-buffer w b t)
353 (with-current-buffer b
354 (let ((s (line-number-at-pos (window-start w)))
355 (p (line-number-at-pos (window-point w)))
357 (push (list (car f) s p) files)
359 ((consp (cdr f))
360 (push f files)
362 (set-window-buffer w c t)
363 (prj-addhooks)
364 (let ((fp (prj-create-file (prj-localfile)))
365 (prj-curfile (car prj-curfile))
366 (prj-files (nreverse files))
368 (when fp
369 (prj-print-list 'prj-version fp)
370 (prj-print-list 'prj-config fp)
371 (prj-print-list 'prj-tools fp)
372 (prj-print-list 'prj-files fp)
373 (prj-print-list 'prj-curfile fp)
374 (prj-print-list 'prj-functions fp)
375 (prj-close-file fp)
379 (defun prj-saveall ()
380 (prj-saveconfig)
381 (prj-savelist)
384 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
385 ;; The core functions: Open / Close / Add / Remove Project
387 (defun eproject-open (a)
388 "Open another project."
389 (interactive
390 (list
391 (or (prj-config-get-result 'p)
392 (completing-read "Open Project: " (mapcar 'car prj-list))
394 (unless (consp a)
395 (let ((b (assoc a prj-list)))
396 (unless b
397 (error "No such project: %s" a)
399 (setq a b)
401 (setq a (or (car (member a prj-list)) a))
402 (unless (eq a prj-current)
403 (unless (file-directory-p (cadr a))
404 (error "Error: No such directory: %s" (cadr a))
406 (setq prj-list (cons a (delq a prj-list)))
407 (eproject-close)
408 (prj-loadconfig a)
410 (prj-addhooks)
411 (prj-setup-all)
412 (cd prj-directory)
413 (unless (prj-edit-file prj-curfile)
414 (eproject-dired)
417 (defun eproject-close ()
418 "Close the current project."
419 (interactive)
420 (when prj-current
421 (prj-saveconfig)
422 (prj-removehooks)
423 (let (f)
424 (unwind-protect
425 (progn
426 (save-some-buffers nil)
427 (eproject-killbuffers t)
428 (setq f t)
430 (or f (prj-addhooks))
432 (prj-reset)
433 (prj-config-reset)
434 (prj-setup-all)
437 (defun eproject-killbuffers (&optional from-project)
438 "If called interactively kills all buffers that
439 do not belong to project files"
440 (interactive)
441 (let (a b)
442 (dolist (f prj-files)
443 (setq b (get-buffer (car f)))
444 (if b
445 (setq a (cons (list b) a))
447 (dolist (b (buffer-list))
448 (when (eq (consp (assoc b a)) from-project)
449 (kill-buffer b)
450 ))))
452 (defun eproject-add (d)
453 "Add a new or existing project to the list."
454 (interactive
455 (list
456 (read-directory-name "Add project in directory: " prj-directory nil t)
458 (when d
459 (setq d (directory-file-name d))
461 (when (= 0 (length d))
462 (error "Error: Empty directory name.")
464 (let (n a)
465 (setq n (file-name-nondirectory d))
466 (setq a (list n d))
467 (push a prj-list)
468 (prj-setup-all)
471 (defun eproject-remove (a)
472 "Remove a project from the list."
473 (interactive
474 (list
475 (or (prj-config-get-result 'p)
476 (completing-read "Remove project: " (mapcar 'car prj-list))
478 (unless (consp a)
479 (let ((b (assoc a prj-list)))
480 (unless b
481 (error "No such project: %s" a)
483 (setq a b)
485 (when (progn
486 (beep)
487 (prog1 (y-or-n-p (format "Remove \"%s\"? " (car a)))
488 (message "")
490 (setq prj-list (prj-del-list prj-list a))
491 (prj-setup-all)
494 (defun eproject-save ()
495 "Save the project configuration to file."
496 (interactive)
497 (prj-config-parse)
498 (prj-config-print)
499 (prj-saveall)
502 (defun eproject-revert ()
503 "Reload the project configuration from file."
504 (interactive)
505 (prj-loadlist)
506 (if prj-current
507 (prj-loadconfig prj-current)
509 (prj-setup-all)
512 (defun eproject-addfile (f)
513 "Add a file to the current project."
514 (interactive
515 (and prj-current
516 (list
517 (read-file-name "Add file to project: " nil nil t nil)
519 (unless prj-current (error "No project open"))
520 (let ((a (prj-insert-file f (prj-config-get-result 'f))))
521 (unless (cdr a)
522 (message "Added to project: %s" (car a))
524 (prj-config-print)
525 (prj-setmenu)
528 (defun eproject-removefile (a)
529 "Remove a file from the current project."
530 (interactive (prj-get-existing-file-1 "Remove file from project: "))
531 (setq a (prj-get-existing-file-2 a))
532 (prj-remove-file a)
535 (defun eproject-visitfile (a)
536 "Visit a file from the current project."
537 (interactive (prj-get-existing-file-1 "Visit file: "))
538 (setq a (prj-get-existing-file-2 a))
539 (prj-edit-file a)
542 (defun prj-get-existing-file-1 (msg)
543 (and prj-current
544 (list
545 (or (prj-config-get-result 'f)
546 (completing-read msg (mapcar 'car prj-files))
547 ))))
549 (defun prj-get-existing-file-2 (a)
550 (unless prj-current (error "No project open"))
551 (if (consp a)
553 (let ((b (assoc (prj-relative-path a) prj-files)))
554 (unless b (error "No such file in project: %s" a))
558 (defun eproject-help ()
559 "Show the eproject README."
560 (interactive)
561 (view-file (eproject-addon "eproject.txt"))
564 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
565 ;; Hook functions to track opening/closing files from emacs
567 (defun prj-addhooks ()
568 (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'prj-kill-buffer-hook)
569 (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'prj-find-file-hook)
570 (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'prj-wcc-hook)
573 (defun prj-removehooks ()
574 (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'prj-wcc-hook)
575 (remove-hook 'find-file-hook 'prj-find-file-hook)
576 (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'prj-kill-buffer-hook)
579 (defun prj-wcc-hook ()
580 (let ((w (selected-window)) (b (window-buffer (selected-window))))
581 ;; (message "wcc-hook: %s" (prin1-to-string (list wcc-count w b n)))
582 (prj-register-buffer b)
585 (defun prj-find-file-hook ()
586 (run-with-idle-timer
589 `(lambda () (prj-register-buffer ,(current-buffer)))
592 (defun prj-kill-buffer-hook ()
593 (let ((b (current-buffer)) a)
594 (if (setq a (rassq b prj-files))
595 (prj-remove-file a t)
596 (if (setq a (rassq b prj-removed-files))
597 (setq prj-removed-files (delq a prj-removed-files))
598 ))))
600 (defun prj-register-buffer (b)
601 (let (f a i)
602 (setq f (buffer-file-name b))
603 (when f
604 (setq a (rassq b prj-files))
605 (unless a
606 (setq a (prj-insert-file f nil t))
607 (when a
608 (unless (cdr a)
609 (message "Added to project: %s" (car a))
611 (setcdr a b)
612 (with-current-buffer b
613 (rename-buffer (car a) t)
615 (when (and a (null (eq a prj-curfile)))
616 (setq prj-curfile a)
617 (prj-setmenu)
621 (defun prj-insert-file (f &optional after on-the-fly)
622 (let ((r (prj-relative-path f)) a m)
623 (setq a (assoc r prj-files))
624 (unless (or a (and on-the-fly (assoc r prj-removed-files)))
625 (setq a (list r))
626 (setq m (memq (or after prj-curfile) prj-files))
627 (if m
628 (setcdr m (cons a (cdr m)))
629 (setq prj-files (prj-add-list prj-files a))
631 (setq prj-removed-files (prj-del-list prj-removed-files a))
635 (defun prj-remove-file (a &optional on-the-fly)
636 (let ((n (prj-otherfile prj-files a)) b)
637 (setq prj-files (prj-del-list prj-files a))
638 (when (eq prj-curfile a)
639 (setq prj-curfile n)
641 (unless on-the-fly
642 (setq prj-removed-files (prj-add-list prj-removed-files a))
644 (unless (prj-config-print)
645 (prj-edit-file prj-curfile)
647 (prj-setmenu)
648 (message "Removed from project: %s" (car a))
651 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
652 ;; Edit another file
654 (defun prj-edit-file (a)
655 (when a
656 (let ((n (car a)) f b pos)
657 (setq f (expand-file-name n prj-directory))
658 (setq b (get-file-buffer f))
659 (unless b
660 (prj-removehooks)
661 (setq b (find-file-noselect f))
662 (prj-addhooks)
663 (when b
664 (with-current-buffer b
665 (rename-buffer n t)
667 (setq pos (cdr a))
669 (when b
670 (setcdr a b)
671 (eproject-setup-quit)
672 (switch-to-buffer b)
673 (prj-restore-edit-pos pos (selected-window))
674 (prj-setmenu)
676 (setq prj-curfile a)
679 (defun prj-restore-edit-pos (pos w)
680 (when (consp pos)
681 (let ((b (current-buffer)) (top (car pos)) (line (cadr pos)))
682 (when (and (numberp top) (numberp line))
683 (prj-goto-line top)
684 (set-window-start w (point))
685 (prj-goto-line line)
686 ))))
688 (defun prj-select-window (w)
689 (let (focus-follows-mouse)
690 (select-window w)
691 (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame w))
694 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
695 ;; choose next/previous file
697 (defun eproject-nextfile ()
698 "Switch to the next file that belongs to the current project."
699 (interactive)
700 (prj-switch-file 'prj-next-file 'next-buffer)
703 (defun eproject-prevfile ()
704 "Switch to the previous file that belongs to the current project."
705 (interactive)
706 (prj-switch-file 'prj-prev-file 'previous-buffer)
709 (defun prj-switch-file (fn1 fn2)
710 (let ((a (rassoc (current-buffer) prj-files)))
711 (cond (a
712 (prj-edit-file (funcall fn1 prj-files a))
714 (prj-curfile
715 (prj-edit-file prj-curfile)
718 (funcall fn2)
719 ))))
721 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
722 ;; Set key shortcuts
724 (defun prj-setkeys ()
725 (let ((f (consp prj-current))
726 (a (assoc 'eproject-mode minor-mode-map-alist))
727 (map (make-sparse-keymap))
729 (if a
730 (setcdr a map)
731 (push (cons 'eproject-mode map) minor-mode-map-alist)
733 (when f
734 (define-key map [M-right] 'eproject-nextfile)
735 (define-key map [M-left] 'eproject-prevfile)
736 (define-key map [C-f5] 'eproject-dired)
737 (let ((n 0) fn s)
738 (dolist (a prj-tools)
739 (unless (setq fn (nth n prj-tools-fns))
740 (setq fn (list 'lambda))
741 (setq prj-tools-fns (nconc prj-tools-fns (list fn)))
743 (setcdr fn `(() (interactive) (prj-run-tool ',a)))
744 (setq n (1+ n))
745 (when (setq s (caddr a))
746 (define-key map (prj-parse-key s) (and f fn))
747 ))))
748 (define-key map [f5] 'eproject-setup-toggle)
751 (defun prj-parse-key (s)
752 (read
753 (if (string-match "[a-z][a-z0-9]+$" s)
754 (concat "[" s "]")
755 (concat "\"\\" s "\""))))
757 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
758 ;; Set menus
760 (defun prj-list-sorted ()
761 (sort (append prj-list nil)
762 '(lambda (a b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))
765 (defun prj-setmenu ()
766 (let ((f (consp prj-current)) m1 m2 m3)
768 (setq m1
769 (list
770 `("Open" open
771 ,@(prj-menulist-maker prj-list prj-current 'prj-menu-open)
772 ("--")
773 ("Add ..." "Add new or existing project to the list" . eproject-add)
774 ("Remove ..." "Remove project from the list" . eproject-remove)
775 ,@(and f '(("Close" "Close current project" . eproject-close)))
777 '("Setup" "Enter the project setup area." . eproject-setup-toggle)
779 (when f
780 (nconc m1 (cons '("--") (prj-menulist-maker prj-tools nil prj-tools-fns)))
781 (setq m2
782 `(("Dired" "Browse project directory in Dired - Use 'a' to add file(s) to the project" . eproject-dired)
783 ("--")
784 ,@(prj-menulist-maker prj-files prj-curfile 'prj-menu-edit)
787 (prj-menu-maker
788 global-map
789 `((buffer "Project" project ,@m1)
790 (file "List" list ,@m2)
792 '(menu-bar)
795 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
797 (defun prj-menu-edit ()
798 (interactive)
799 (let ((a (nth last-command-event prj-files)))
800 (if a (prj-edit-file a))
803 (defun prj-menu-open ()
804 (interactive)
805 (let ((a (nth last-command-event prj-list)))
806 (if a (eproject-open (car a)))
809 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
811 (defun prj-menu-maker (map l v)
812 (let ((e (list nil)))
813 (setq v (append v e))
814 (dolist (k (reverse l))
815 (let (s a)
816 (when (symbolp (car k))
817 (setq a (pop k))
819 (cond
820 ((numberp (car k))
821 (setcar e (pop k))
823 ((and (consp (cdr k)) (symbolp (cadr k)))
824 (setcar e (cadr k))
825 (setq s (cddr k))
826 (setq k (and s (cons (car k) (make-sparse-keymap (car k)))))
829 (setcar e (intern (downcase (car k))))
831 (if a
832 (define-key-after map (vconcat v) k a)
833 (define-key map (vconcat v) k)
835 (if s (prj-menu-maker map s v))
836 ))))
838 (defun prj-copy-head (l n)
839 (let (r)
840 (while (and l (> n 0))
841 (push (pop l) r)
842 (setq n (1- n))
844 (nreverse r)
847 (defun prj-split-list (l n)
848 (let (r)
849 (while l
850 (push (prj-copy-head l n) r)
851 (setq l (nthcdr n l))
853 (nreverse r)
856 (defun prj-menulist-maker (l act fns)
857 (let (r (w 30) s (m 0) (n 0) k)
858 (cond
859 ((< (length l) w)
860 (prj-menulist-maker-1 (list l fns n) act)
863 ;; menu too long; split into submenus
864 (setq s (prj-split-list l w))
865 (setq k (prj-menulist-maker-1 (list (append (pop s) '(("--"))) fns n) act))
866 (setq r (nreverse k))
867 (dolist (l s)
868 (when (consp fns)
869 (setq fns (nthcdr w fns))
871 (setq n (+ n w))
872 (setq k (prj-menulist-maker-1 (list l fns n) act))
873 (push (cons (concat (prj-shortname (caar l)) " ...")
874 (cons (intern (format "m_%d" (setq m (1+ m))))
875 k)) r)
877 (nreverse r)
878 ))))
880 (defun prj-menulist-maker-1 (l act)
881 (let (r e f s i n a)
882 (while (car l)
883 (setq a (caar l))
884 (setcar l (cdar l))
885 (setq n (caddr l))
886 (setcar (cddr l) (1+ n))
887 (setq f (if (consp (cadr l))
888 (prog1 (car (cadr l)) (setcar (cdr l) (cdr (cadr l))))
889 (cadr l)))
891 (setq i (car a))
892 (unless (string-match "^ *#" i)
893 (setq s (if (and (consp (cdr a)) (stringp (cadr a))) (cadr a) i))
894 (cond ((equal ">" i)
895 (setq e (cons s (cons (intern s) (prj-menulist-maker-1 l act))))
896 (setq r (cons e r))
898 ((equal "<" i)
899 (setq l nil)
902 (setq i (prj-shortname i))
903 (setq e (cons n (if (eq a act)
904 `(menu-item ,i ,f :button (:toggle . t) :help ,s)
905 (cons i (cons s f)))))
906 (setq r (cons e r))
909 (nreverse r)
912 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
913 ;; Run make and other commands
915 (defun prj-setup-tool-window ()
916 (let ((bn "*compilation*") w h b c f)
917 (unless (get-buffer-window bn t)
918 (setq b (get-buffer-create bn))
919 (setq f (frame-list))
920 (cond ((cdr f)
921 (setq w (frame-first-window (car f)))
922 (delete-other-windows w)
925 (setq h (/ (* 70 (frame-height)) 100))
926 (delete-other-windows w)
927 (setq w (split-window w h))
929 (set-window-buffer w b)
932 (defun prj-run (cmd)
933 (let (dir)
934 (when (string-match "^-in +\\([^[:space:]]+\\) +" cmd)
935 (setq dir (match-string-no-properties 1 cmd))
936 (setq cmd (substring cmd (match-end 0)))
938 (when prj-directory-run
939 (setq dir (expand-file-name (or dir ".") prj-directory-run))
941 (if dir (cd dir))
942 (cond ((string-match "^-e +" cmd)
943 (setq cmd (read (substring cmd (match-end 0))))
944 (unless (commandp cmd)
945 (setq cmd `(lambda () (interactive) ,cmd))
947 (command-execute cmd)
949 ((string-match "\\(.+\\)& *$" cmd)
950 (start-process-shell-command "eproject-async" nil (match-string 1 cmd))
951 (message (match-string 1 cmd))
954 (unless (or (fboundp 'ecb-activate) (fboundp 'ewm-init))
955 (prj-setup-tool-window)
957 (let ((display-buffer-reuse-frames t))
958 (compile cmd)
959 )))))
961 (defun prj-run-tool (a)
962 (unless (string-match "^--+$" (car a))
963 (prj-run (or (cadr a) (car a)))
966 (defun eproject-killtool ()
967 (interactive)
968 (let ((bn "*compilation*") w0 w1)
969 (when (setq w1 (get-buffer-window bn t))
970 (when (fboundp 'kill-compilation)
971 (setq w0 (selected-window))
972 (select-window w1)
973 (kill-compilation)
974 (select-window w0)
975 ))))
977 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
978 ;; run grep on project files
980 (require 'grep)
982 (defun eproject-grep (command-args)
983 "Run the grep command on all the project files."
984 (interactive
985 (progn
986 (grep-compute-defaults)
987 (let ((default (grep-default-command)))
988 (list (read-from-minibuffer
989 "Run grep on project files: "
990 (if current-prefix-arg default grep-command)
993 'grep-history
994 (if current-prefix-arg nil default)
995 )))))
996 (let ((default-directory prj-directory))
997 (dolist (f (mapcar 'car prj-files))
998 (setq command-args (concat command-args " " f))
1000 (grep command-args)
1003 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1004 ;; add files to the project with dired
1006 (require 'dired)
1008 (defun prj-dired-addfiles ()
1009 (interactive)
1010 (when prj-current
1011 (let ((n 0) a)
1012 (dolist (f (dired-get-marked-files))
1013 (setq a (prj-insert-file f))
1014 (unless (cdr a)
1015 (setq n (1+ n))
1016 (setq prj-curfile a)
1018 (message "Added to project: %d file(s)" n)
1019 (prj-setmenu)
1022 (defun prj-dired-run ()
1023 (interactive)
1024 (let ((f (dired-get-marked-files)) c)
1025 (and (setq c (pop f))
1026 (null f)
1027 (let ((prj-directory (file-name-directory c)))
1028 (prj-run c)))))
1030 (defun eproject-dired ()
1031 "Start a dired window with the project directory."
1032 (interactive)
1033 (when prj-directory-run
1034 (eproject-setup-quit)
1035 ;;(message "Use 'a' to add marked or single files to the project.")
1036 (dired prj-directory-run)
1037 (let ((map dired-mode-map))
1038 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'dired-find-file)
1039 (define-key map "a" 'prj-dired-addfiles)
1040 (define-key map "r" 'prj-dired-run)
1041 (define-key map [menu-bar operate command] '("Add to Project"
1042 "Add current or marked file(s) to project" . prj-dired-addfiles))
1045 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1047 (defun prj-setup-all ()
1048 (prj-setkeys)
1049 (prj-setmenu)
1050 (prj-settitle)
1051 (prj-config-print)
1054 (defun prj-getconfig (n)
1055 (let ((a (cdr (assoc n prj-config))))
1056 (and (stringp a) a)
1059 (defun prj-setconfig (n v)
1060 (let ((a (assoc n prj-config)))
1061 (unless a
1062 (setq a (list n))
1063 (setq prj-config (nconc prj-config (list a)))
1065 (setcdr a v)
1068 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1069 ;; Initialize
1071 (defun prj-startup-delayed ()
1072 ;; where is this file
1073 (setq eproject-directory
1074 (file-name-directory (symbol-file 'eproject-startup)))
1076 ;; load UI support
1077 (load (eproject-addon "eproject-config") nil t)
1079 ;; When no projects are specified yet, load the eproject project itself.
1080 (unless prj-list
1081 (load (eproject-addon "eproject.cfg"))
1084 ;; no project so far
1085 (prj-reset)
1086 (prj-setup-all)
1087 (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'prj-saveall)
1089 ;; inhibit open last project when a file was on the commandline
1090 (unless (buffer-file-name (window-buffer))
1091 (when prj-last-open
1093 ;; open last project
1094 (eproject-open prj-last-open)
1096 ;; restore frame position
1097 (unless (fboundp 'ewm-init)
1098 (when prj-frame-pos
1099 (modify-frame-parameters prj-initial-frame prj-frame-pos)
1100 ;; emacs bug: when it's too busy it doesn't set frames correctly.
1101 (sit-for 0.2)
1102 ))))
1104 (when (fboundp 'ecb-activate)
1105 (ecb-activate)
1109 (defun prj-command-line-switch (option)
1110 (setq prj-last-open (pop argv))
1111 (setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
1114 (defun eproject-startup ()
1115 (if (boundp 'prj-list)
1116 (progn
1117 (load (eproject-addon "eproject-config"))
1118 (prj-setup-all))
1119 (progn
1120 (prj-loadlist)
1121 (when prj-last-open (setq inhibit-startup-screen t))
1122 (setq prj-initial-frame (selected-frame))
1123 (push '("project" . prj-command-line-switch) command-switch-alist)
1124 (run-with-idle-timer 0.1 nil 'prj-startup-delayed)
1127 ;;;###autoload(require 'eproject)
1128 (provide 'eproject)
1129 (eproject-startup)
1131 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1132 ;; eproject.el ends here