Added not yet working vtkinteractorstyle subclass + fixed sigabrt when switching...
[engrid.git] / vtksmoothpolydatafilter2.cpp
1 /*=========================================================================
3 Program: Visualization Toolkit
4 Module: $RCSfile: vtksmoothpolydatafilter2.cpp,v $
6 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7 All rights reserved.
8 See Copyright.txt or for details.
10 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12 PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 #include "vtksmoothpolydatafilter2.h"
17 #include "vtkCellArray.h"
18 #include "vtkCellData.h"
19 #include "vtkCellLocator.h"
20 #include "vtkFloatArray.h"
21 #include "vtkMath.h"
22 #include "vtkInformation.h"
23 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
24 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
25 #include "vtkPointData.h"
26 #include "vtkPolyData.h"
27 #include "vtkPolygon.h"
28 #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
29 #include "vtkTriangleFilter.h"
30 #include <QString>
31 #include <QTextStream>
32 #include "egvtkobject.h"
34 vtkCxxRevisionMacro(vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2, "$Revision: $");
35 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2);
37 // The following code defines a helper class for performing mesh smoothing
38 // across the surface of another mesh.
39 typedef struct _vtkSmoothPoint {
40 vtkIdType cellId; // cell
41 int subId; // cell sub id
42 double p[3]; // parametric coords in cell
43 } vtkSmoothPoint;
45 class vtkSmoothPoints { //;prevent man page generation
46 public:
47 vtkSmoothPoints();
48 ~vtkSmoothPoints()
50 if (this->Array)
52 delete [] this->Array;
55 vtkIdType GetNumberOfPoints() {return this->MaxId + 1;};
56 vtkSmoothPoint *GetSmoothPoint(vtkIdType i) {return this->Array + i;};
57 vtkSmoothPoint *InsertSmoothPoint(vtkIdType ptId)
59 if ( ptId >= this->Size )
61 this->Resize(ptId+1);
63 if ( ptId > this->MaxId )
65 this->MaxId = ptId;
67 return this->Array + ptId;
69 vtkSmoothPoint *Resize(vtkIdType sz); //reallocates data
70 void Reset() {this->MaxId = -1;};
72 vtkSmoothPoint *Array; // pointer to data
73 vtkIdType MaxId; // maximum index inserted thus far
74 vtkIdType Size; // allocated size of data
75 vtkIdType Extend; // grow array by this amount
78 vtkSmoothPoints::vtkSmoothPoints()
80 this->MaxId = -1;
81 this->Array = new vtkSmoothPoint[1000];
82 this->Size = 1000;
83 this->Extend = 5000;
86 vtkSmoothPoint *vtkSmoothPoints::Resize(vtkIdType sz)
88 vtkSmoothPoint *newArray;
89 vtkIdType newSize;
91 if (sz >= this->Size)
93 newSize = this->Size +
94 this->Extend*(((sz-this->Size)/this->Extend)+1);
96 else
98 newSize = sz;
101 newArray = new vtkSmoothPoint[newSize];
103 memcpy(newArray, this->Array,
104 (sz < this->Size ? sz : this->Size) * sizeof(vtkSmoothPoint));
106 this->Size = newSize;
107 delete [] this->Array;
108 this->Array = newArray;
110 return this->Array;
113 // The following code defines methods for the vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2 class
116 // Construct object with number of iterations 20; relaxation factor .01;
117 // feature edge smoothing turned off; feature
118 // angle 45 degrees; edge angle 15 degrees; and boundary smoothing turned
119 // on. Error scalars and vectors are not generated (by default). The
120 // convergence criterion is 0.0 of the bounding box diagonal.
121 vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2::vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2()
123 this->Convergence = 0.0; //goes to number of specied iterations
124 this->NumberOfIterations = 20;
126 this->RelaxationFactor = .01;
128 this->FeatureAngle = 45.0;
129 this->EdgeAngle = 15.0;
130 this->FeatureEdgeSmoothing = 0;
131 this->BoundarySmoothing = 1;
133 this->GenerateErrorScalars = 0;
134 this->GenerateErrorVectors = 0;
136 // optional second input
137 this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(2);
140 void vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2::SetSource(vtkPolyData *source)
142 this->SetInput(1, source);
145 vtkPolyData *vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2::GetSource()
147 if (this->GetNumberOfInputConnections(1) < 1)
149 return NULL;
151 return vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
152 this->GetExecutive()->GetInputData(1, 0));
155 // #define VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX 0
156 // #define VTK_FIXED_VERTEX 1
157 // #define VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX 2
160 // Special structure for marking vertices
161 typedef struct _vtkMeshVertex
163 char type;
164 vtkIdList *edges; // connected edges (list of connected point ids)
165 } vtkMeshVertex, *vtkMeshVertexPtr;
167 int vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2::RequestData(
168 vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
169 vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
170 vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
172 cout<<"=================="<<endl;
174 // get the info objects
175 vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
176 vtkInformation *sourceInfo = inputVector[1]->GetInformationObject(0);
177 vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
179 // get the input and ouptut
180 vtkPolyData *input = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
181 inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
182 vtkPolyData *source = 0;
183 if (sourceInfo)
185 source = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
186 sourceInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
188 vtkPolyData *output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
189 outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
191 vtkIdType numPts, numCells, i, numPolys, numStrips;
192 int j, k;
193 vtkIdType npts = 0;
194 vtkIdType *pts = 0;
195 vtkIdType p1, p2;
196 double x[3], y[3], deltaX[3], xNew[3], conv, maxDist, dist, factor;
197 double x1[3], x2[3], x3[3], l1[3], l2[3];
198 double CosFeatureAngle; //Cosine of angle between adjacent polys
199 double CosEdgeAngle; // Cosine of angle between adjacent edges
200 double closestPt[3], dist2, *w = NULL;
201 int iterationNumber, abortExecute;
202 vtkIdType numSimple=0, numBEdges=0, numFixed=0, numFEdges=0;
203 vtkPolyData *inMesh, *Mesh;
204 vtkPoints *inPts;
205 vtkTriangleFilter *toTris=NULL;
206 vtkCellArray *inVerts, *inLines, *inPolys, *inStrips;
207 vtkPoints *newPts;
208 vtkMeshVertexPtr Verts;
209 vtkCellLocator *cellLocator=NULL;
211 // Check input
213 numPts=input->GetNumberOfPoints();
214 numCells=input->GetNumberOfCells();
215 if (numPts < 1 || numCells < 1)
217 vtkErrorMacro(<<"No data to smooth!");
218 return 1;
221 CosFeatureAngle =
222 cos((double) vtkMath::DegreesToRadians() * this->FeatureAngle);
223 CosEdgeAngle = cos((double) vtkMath::DegreesToRadians() * this->EdgeAngle);
225 vtkDebugMacro(<<"Smoothing " << numPts << " vertices, " << numCells
226 << " cells with:\n"
227 << "\tConvergence= " << this->Convergence << "\n"
228 << "\tIterations= " << this->NumberOfIterations << "\n"
229 << "\tRelaxation Factor= " << this->RelaxationFactor << "\n"
230 << "\tEdge Angle= " << this->EdgeAngle << "\n"
231 << "\tBoundary Smoothing " << (this->BoundarySmoothing ? "On\n" : "Off\n")
232 << "\tFeature Edge Smoothing " << (this->FeatureEdgeSmoothing ? "On\n" : "Off\n")
233 << "\tError Scalars " << (this->GenerateErrorScalars ? "On\n" : "Off\n")
234 << "\tError Vectors " << (this->GenerateErrorVectors ? "On\n" : "Off\n"));
236 if ( this->NumberOfIterations <= 0 || this->RelaxationFactor == 0.0)
237 { //don't do anything! pass data through
238 output->CopyStructure(input);
239 output->GetPointData()->PassData(input->GetPointData());
240 output->GetCellData()->PassData(input->GetCellData());
241 return 1;
244 // Peform topological analysis. What we're gonna do is build a connectivity
245 // array of connected vertices. The outcome will be one of three
246 // classifications for a vertex: VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX, VTK_FIXED_VERTEX. or
247 // VTK_EDGE_VERTEX. Simple vertices are smoothed using all connected
248 // vertices. FIXED vertices are never smoothed. Edge vertices are smoothed
249 // using a subset of the attached vertices.
251 cout<<"Analyzing topology..."<<endl;
252 cout<<"0:numPts="<<numPts<<endl;
253 Verts = new vtkMeshVertex[numPts];
254 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
256 cout<<"0:VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX"<<endl;
257 Verts[i].type = VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX; //can smooth
258 Verts[i].edges = NULL;
261 inPts = input->GetPoints();
262 conv = this->Convergence * input->GetLength();
264 // check vertices first. Vertices are never smoothed_--------------
265 for (inVerts=input->GetVerts(), inVerts->InitTraversal();
266 inVerts->GetNextCell(npts,pts); )
268 for (j=0; j<npts; j++)
270 cout<<"pts[j]="<<pts[j]<<"->vertices:VTK_FIXED_VERTEX"<<endl;
271 Verts[pts[j]].type = VTK_FIXED_VERTEX;
274 this->UpdateProgress(0.10);
276 // now check lines. Only manifold lines can be smoothed------------
277 for (inLines=input->GetLines(), inLines->InitTraversal();
278 inLines->GetNextCell(npts,pts); )
280 for (j=0; j<npts; j++)
282 cout<<"pts[j]="<<pts[j]<<"->lines"<<endl;
283 if ( Verts[pts[j]].type == VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX )
285 if ( j == (npts-1) ) //end-of-line marked FIXED
287 cout<<"pts[j]="<<pts[j]<<"2:VTK_FIXED_VERTEX"<<endl;
288 Verts[pts[j]].type = VTK_FIXED_VERTEX;
290 else if ( j == 0 ) //beginning-of-line marked FIXED
292 cout<<"pts[j]="<<pts[j]<<"3:VTK_FIXED_VERTEX"<<endl;
293 Verts[pts[0]].type = VTK_FIXED_VERTEX;
294 inPts->GetPoint(pts[0],x2);
295 inPts->GetPoint(pts[1],x3);
297 else //is edge vertex (unless already edge vertex!)
299 cout<<"pts[j]="<<pts[j]<<"4:VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX"<<endl;
300 Verts[pts[j]].type = VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX;
301 Verts[pts[j]].edges = vtkIdList::New();
302 Verts[pts[j]].edges->SetNumberOfIds(2);
303 Verts[pts[j]].edges->SetId(0,pts[j-1]);
304 Verts[pts[j]].edges->SetId(1,pts[j+1]);
306 } //if simple vertex
308 else if ( Verts[pts[j]].type == VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX )
309 { //multiply connected, becomes fixed!
310 cout<<"pts[j]="<<pts[j]<<"5:VTK_FIXED_VERTEX"<<endl;
311 Verts[pts[j]].type = VTK_FIXED_VERTEX;
312 Verts[pts[j]].edges->Delete();
313 Verts[pts[j]].edges = NULL;
316 } //for all points in this line
317 } //for all lines
318 this->UpdateProgress(0.25);
320 // now polygons and triangle strips-------------------------------
321 inPolys=input->GetPolys();
322 numPolys = inPolys->GetNumberOfCells();
323 inStrips=input->GetStrips();
324 numStrips = inStrips->GetNumberOfCells();
326 cout<<"numPolys="<<numPolys<<endl;
327 cout<<"numStrips="<<numStrips<<endl;
330 if ( numPolys > 0 || numStrips > 0 )
331 { //build cell structure
332 vtkCellArray *polys;
333 vtkIdType cellId;
334 int numNei, nei, edge;
335 vtkIdType numNeiPts;
336 vtkIdType *neiPts;
337 double normal[3], neiNormal[3];
338 vtkIdList *neighbors;
340 neighbors = vtkIdList::New();
341 neighbors->Allocate(VTK_CELL_SIZE);
343 inMesh = vtkPolyData::New();
344 inMesh->SetPoints(inPts);
345 inMesh->SetPolys(inPolys);
346 Mesh = inMesh;
348 if ( (numStrips = inStrips->GetNumberOfCells()) > 0 )
349 { // convert data to triangles
350 inMesh->SetStrips(inStrips);
351 toTris = vtkTriangleFilter::New();
352 toTris->SetInput(inMesh);
353 toTris->Update();
354 Mesh = toTris->GetOutput();
357 Mesh->BuildLinks(); //to do neighborhood searching
358 polys = Mesh->GetPolys();
359 this->UpdateProgress(0.375);
361 for (cellId=0, polys->InitTraversal(); polys->GetNextCell(npts,pts);
362 cellId++)
364 cout<<"->cellId="<<cellId<<endl;
365 for (i=0; i < npts; i++)
367 cout<<"-->i="<<i<<endl;
368 p1 = pts[i];
369 p2 = pts[(i+1)%npts];
371 if ( Verts[p1].edges == NULL )
373 Verts[p1].edges = vtkIdList::New();
374 Verts[p1].edges->Allocate(16,6);
376 if ( Verts[p2].edges == NULL )
378 Verts[p2].edges = vtkIdList::New();
379 Verts[p2].edges->Allocate(16,6);
382 Mesh->GetCellEdgeNeighbors(cellId,p1,p2,neighbors);
383 numNei = neighbors->GetNumberOfIds();
384 cout<<"-->numNei="<<numNei<<endl;
387 if ( numNei == 0 )
392 else if ( numNei >= 2 )
394 // check to make sure that this edge hasn't been marked already
395 for (j=0; j < numNei; j++)
397 if ( neighbors->GetId(j) < cellId )
399 break;
402 if ( j >= numNei )
408 else if ( numNei == 1 && (nei=neighbors->GetId(0)) > cellId )
410 vtkPolygon::ComputeNormal(inPts,npts,pts,normal);
411 Mesh->GetCellPoints(nei,numNeiPts,neiPts);
412 vtkPolygon::ComputeNormal(inPts,numNeiPts,neiPts,neiNormal);
414 if ( this->FeatureEdgeSmoothing &&
415 vtkMath::Dot(normal,neiNormal) <= CosFeatureAngle )
420 else // a visited edge; skip rest of analysis
422 continue;
425 if ( edge && Verts[p1].type == VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX )
427 Verts[p1].edges->Reset();
428 Verts[p1].edges->InsertNextId(p2);
429 Verts[p1].type = edge;
431 else if ( (edge && Verts[p1].type == VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX) ||
432 (edge && Verts[p1].type == VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX) ||
433 (!edge && Verts[p1].type == VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX ) )
435 Verts[p1].edges->InsertNextId(p2);
436 if ( Verts[p1].type && edge == VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX )
438 Verts[p1].type = VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX;
442 if ( edge && Verts[p2].type == VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX )
444 Verts[p2].edges->Reset();
445 Verts[p2].edges->InsertNextId(p1);
446 Verts[p2].type = edge;
448 else if ( (edge && Verts[p2].type == VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX ) ||
449 (edge && Verts[p2].type == VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX) ||
450 (!edge && Verts[p2].type == VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX ) )
452 Verts[p2].edges->InsertNextId(p1);
453 if ( Verts[p2].type && edge == VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX )
455 Verts[p2].type = VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX;
461 inMesh->Delete();
462 if (toTris) {toTris->Delete();}
464 neighbors->Delete();
465 }//if strips or polys
467 this->UpdateProgress(0.50);
469 //post-process edge vertices to make sure we can smooth them
470 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
472 if ( Verts[i].type == VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX )
474 numSimple++;
477 else if ( Verts[i].type == VTK_FIXED_VERTEX )
479 numFixed++;
482 else if ( Verts[i].type == VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX ||
483 Verts[i].type == VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX )
484 { //see how many edges; if two, what the angle is
486 if ( !this->BoundarySmoothing &&
487 Verts[i].type == VTK_BOUNDARY_EDGE_VERTEX )
489 Verts[i].type = VTK_FIXED_VERTEX;
490 numBEdges++;
493 else if ( (npts = Verts[i].edges->GetNumberOfIds()) != 2 )
495 Verts[i].type = VTK_FIXED_VERTEX;
496 numFixed++;
499 else //check angle between edges
501 inPts->GetPoint(Verts[i].edges->GetId(0),x1);
502 inPts->GetPoint(i,x2);
503 inPts->GetPoint(Verts[i].edges->GetId(1),x3);
505 for (k=0; k<3; k++)
507 l1[k] = x2[k] - x1[k];
508 l2[k] = x3[k] - x2[k];
510 if ( vtkMath::Normalize(l1) >= 0.0 &&
511 vtkMath::Normalize(l2) >= 0.0 &&
512 vtkMath::Dot(l1,l2) < CosEdgeAngle)
514 numFixed++;
515 Verts[i].type = VTK_FIXED_VERTEX;
517 else
519 if ( Verts[i].type == VTK_FEATURE_EDGE_VERTEX )
521 numFEdges++;
523 else
525 numBEdges++;
528 }//if along edge
529 }//if edge vertex
530 }//for all points
532 cout<<"Found\n\t" << numSimple << " simple vertices\n\t"
533 << numFEdges << " feature edge vertices\n\t"
534 << numBEdges << " boundary edge vertices\n\t"
535 << numFixed << " fixed vertices\n\t"<<endl;
536 cout<<"1:numPts="<<numPts<<endl;
538 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
540 cout<<"Verts["<<i<<"].type="<<vertex_type(Verts[i].type)<<endl;
541 if(Verts[i].edges != NULL && (npts = Verts[i].edges->GetNumberOfIds()) > 0)
543 for (j=0; j<npts; j++)
545 cout<<"Verts["<<i<<"].edges->GetId("<<j<<")="<<Verts[i].edges->GetId(j)<<endl;
546 }//for all connected points
550 cout<<"Beginning smoothing iterations..."<<endl;
551 cout<<"2:numPts="<<numPts<<endl;
553 // We've setup the perform Laplacian smoothing
555 newPts = vtkPoints::New();
556 newPts->SetNumberOfPoints(numPts);
558 // If Source defined, we do constrained smoothing (that is, points are
559 // constrained to the surface of the mesh object).
560 if ( source )
562 this->SmoothPoints = new vtkSmoothPoints;
563 vtkSmoothPoint *sPtr;
564 cellLocator = vtkCellLocator::New();
565 w = new double[source->GetMaxCellSize()];
567 cellLocator->SetDataSet(source);
568 cellLocator->BuildLocator();
570 for (i=0; i < numPts; i++)
572 sPtr = this->SmoothPoints->InsertSmoothPoint(i);
573 cellLocator->FindClosestPoint(inPts->GetPoint(i), closestPt,
574 sPtr->cellId, sPtr->subId, dist2);
575 newPts->SetPoint(i, closestPt);
578 else //smooth normally
580 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++) //initialize to old coordinates
582 newPts->SetPoint(i,inPts->GetPoint(i));
586 factor = this->RelaxationFactor;
587 for ( maxDist=VTK_DOUBLE_MAX, iterationNumber=0, abortExecute=0;
588 maxDist > conv && iterationNumber < this->NumberOfIterations && !abortExecute;
589 iterationNumber++ )
592 if ( iterationNumber && !(iterationNumber % 5) )
594 this->UpdateProgress (0.5 + 0.5*iterationNumber/this->NumberOfIterations);
595 if (this->GetAbortExecute())
597 cout<<"ABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORT!!!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
598 abortExecute = 1;
599 break;
603 maxDist=0.0;
604 // cout<<"numPts="<<numPts<<endl;
605 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
607 // cout<<"Verts["<<i<<"].type="<<(int)Verts[i].type<<endl;
608 if ( Verts[i].type != VTK_FIXED_VERTEX && Verts[i].edges != NULL &&
609 (npts = Verts[i].edges->GetNumberOfIds()) > 0 )
611 newPts->GetPoint(i, x); //use current points
612 deltaX[0] = deltaX[1] = deltaX[2] = 0.0;
613 for (j=0; j<npts; j++)
615 newPts->GetPoint(Verts[i].edges->GetId(j), y);
616 for (k=0; k<3; k++)
618 deltaX[k] += (y[k] - x[k]) / npts;
620 }//for all connected points
622 for (k=0;k<3;k++)
624 xNew[k] = x[k] + factor * deltaX[k];
627 // Constrain point to surface
628 if ( source )
630 vtkSmoothPoint *sPtr = this->SmoothPoints->GetSmoothPoint(i);
631 vtkCell *cell=NULL;
633 if ( sPtr->cellId >= 0 ) //in cell
635 cell = source->GetCell(sPtr->cellId);
638 if ( !cell || cell->EvaluatePosition(xNew, closestPt,
639 sPtr->subId, sPtr->p, dist2, w) == 0)
640 { // not in cell anymore
641 cellLocator->FindClosestPoint(xNew, closestPt, sPtr->cellId,
642 sPtr->subId, dist2);
644 for (k=0; k<3; k++)
646 xNew[k] = closestPt[k];
650 newPts->SetPoint(i,xNew);
651 if ( (dist = vtkMath::Norm(deltaX)) > maxDist )
653 maxDist = dist;
655 }//if can move point
656 }//for all points
657 } //for not converged or within iteration count
659 vtkDebugMacro(<<"Performed " << iterationNumber << " smoothing passes");
660 if ( source )
662 cellLocator->Delete();
663 delete this->SmoothPoints;
664 delete [] w;
667 // Update output. Only point coordinates have changed.
669 output->GetPointData()->PassData(input->GetPointData());
670 output->GetCellData()->PassData(input->GetCellData());
672 if ( this->GenerateErrorScalars )
674 vtkFloatArray *newScalars = vtkFloatArray::New();
675 newScalars->SetNumberOfTuples(numPts);
676 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
678 inPts->GetPoint(i,x1);
679 newPts->GetPoint(i,x2);
680 newScalars->SetComponent(i,0,
681 sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x1,x2)));
682 cout<<"dist["<<i<<"]="<<sqrt(vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(x1,x2))<<endl;
684 int idx = output->GetPointData()->AddArray(newScalars);
685 cout<<"ERROR SCALARS STORED IN ARRAY "<<idx<<endl;
686 output->GetPointData()->SetActiveAttribute(idx, vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS);
687 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
689 double dist=newScalars->GetComponent(i-1,idx);
690 cout<<"dist["<<i<<"]="<<dist<<endl;
693 newScalars->Delete();
696 if ( this->GenerateErrorVectors )
698 vtkFloatArray *newVectors = vtkFloatArray::New();
699 newVectors->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
700 newVectors->SetNumberOfTuples(numPts);
701 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
703 inPts->GetPoint(i,x1);
704 newPts->GetPoint(i,x2);
705 for (j=0; j<3; j++)
707 x3[j] = x2[j] - x1[j];
709 newVectors->SetTuple(i,x3);
711 output->GetPointData()->SetVectors(newVectors);
712 newVectors->Delete();
715 output->SetPoints(newPts);
716 newPts->Delete();
718 output->SetVerts(input->GetVerts());
719 output->SetLines(input->GetLines());
720 output->SetPolys(input->GetPolys());
721 output->SetStrips(input->GetStrips());
723 //free up connectivity storage
724 for (i=0; i<numPts; i++)
726 if ( Verts[i].edges != NULL )
728 Verts[i].edges->Delete();
729 Verts[i].edges = NULL;
732 delete [] Verts;
734 return 1;
737 int vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2::FillInputPortInformation(int port,
738 vtkInformation *info)
740 if (!this->Superclass::FillInputPortInformation(port, info))
742 return 0;
745 if (port == 1)
747 info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL(), 1);
749 return 1;
752 void vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter2::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
754 this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
756 os << indent << "Convergence: " << this->Convergence << "\n";
757 os << indent << "Number of Iterations: " << this->NumberOfIterations << "\n";
758 os << indent << "Relaxation Factor: " << this->RelaxationFactor << "\n";
759 os << indent << "Feature Edge Smoothing: " << (this->FeatureEdgeSmoothing ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
760 os << indent << "Feature Angle: " << this->FeatureAngle << "\n";
761 os << indent << "Edge Angle: " << this->EdgeAngle << "\n";
762 os << indent << "Boundary Smoothing: " << (this->BoundarySmoothing ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
763 os << indent << "Generate Error Scalars: " << (this->GenerateErrorScalars ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
764 os << indent << "Generate Error Vectors: " << (this->GenerateErrorVectors ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
765 if ( this->GetSource() )
767 os << indent << "Source: " << (void *)this->GetSource() << "\n";
769 else
771 os << indent << "Source (none)\n";