Refine the Custom type of generated '*-modes' options
[emacs.git] / admin / syncdoc-type-hierarchy.el
1 ;;; syncdoc-type-hierarchy.el--- -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Andrea Corallo <>
6 ;; Keywords: documentation
8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
10 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
23 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;; This file is used to keep the type hierarchy representation present
26 ;; in the elisp manual in sync with the current type hierarchy. This
27 ;; is specified in `cl--direct-supertypes-of-type' in cl-preloaded.el, so each
28 ;; time `cl--direct-supertypes-of-type' is modified
29 ;; `syncdoc-update-type-hierarchy' must be run before the
30 ;; documentation is regenerated.
32 ;; We do not call this directly from make docs in order not to add a
33 ;; dependency on the tool "dot".
35 ;;; Code:
37 (require 'cl-lib)
38 (require 'org)
40 (defconst syncdoc-file (or (macroexp-file-name) buffer-file-name))
42 (defconst syncdoc-emacs-repo-dir
43 (expand-file-name "../" (file-name-directory syncdoc-file)))
45 (defconst syncdoc-lispref-dir
46 (expand-file-name "doc/lispref/" syncdoc-emacs-repo-dir))
48 (defconst syncdoc-all-types
49 (let (res)
50 (mapatoms (lambda (type)
51 (when (cl-find-class type)
52 (push type res)))
53 obarray)
54 (nreverse
55 (merge-ordered-lists
56 (sort
57 (mapcar (lambda (type) (cl--class-allparents (cl-find-class type)))
58 res)
59 (lambda (ts1 ts2) (> (length ts1) (length ts2)))))))
60 "List of all types.")
62 (defconst syncdoc-hierarchy
63 (progn
64 ;; Require it here so we don't load it before `syncdoc-all-types' is
65 ;; computed.
66 (cl-loop
67 with h = (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
68 for type in syncdoc-all-types
69 do (puthash type (mapcar #'cl--class-name
70 (cl--class-parents (cl-find-class type)))
72 finally return h)))
74 (defun syncdoc-insert-dot-content (rankdir)
75 (maphash (lambda (child parents)
76 (cl-loop for parent in parents
77 do (insert " \"" (symbol-name child) "\" -> \""
78 (symbol-name parent) "\";\n")))
79 syncdoc-hierarchy)
80 (sort-lines nil (point-min) (point-max))
82 (goto-char (point-min))
83 (insert "digraph {\n rankdir=\"" rankdir "\";\n")
84 (goto-char (point-max))
85 (insert "}\n"))
87 (defun syncdoc-make-type-table (file)
88 (with-temp-file file
89 (insert "|Type| Derived Types|\n|-\n")
90 (let ((subtypes ()))
91 ;; First collect info from the "builtin" types.
92 (maphash (lambda (type parents)
93 (dolist (parent parents)
94 (push type (alist-get parent subtypes))))
95 syncdoc-hierarchy)
96 (sort subtypes
97 (lambda (x1 x2)
98 (< (length (memq (car x2) syncdoc-all-types))
99 (length (memq (car x1) syncdoc-all-types)))))
100 (cl-loop for (type . children) in (reverse subtypes)
101 do (insert "|" (symbol-name type) " |")
102 do (cl-loop with x = 0
103 for child in children
104 for child-len = (length (symbol-name child))
105 when (> (+ x child-len 2) 60)
106 do (progn
107 (insert "|\n||")
108 (setq x 0))
109 do (insert (symbol-name child) " ")
110 do (cl-incf x (1+ child-len)) )
111 do (insert "\n")))
112 (require 'org-table)
113 (declare-function 'org-table-align "org")
114 (org-table-align)))
116 (defun syncdoc-update-type-hierarchy0 ()
117 "Update the type hierarchy representation used by the elisp manual."
118 (with-temp-buffer
119 (syncdoc-insert-dot-content "LR")
120 (with-demoted-errors "%S" ;In case "dot" is not found!
121 (call-process-region nil nil "dot" t (current-buffer) nil "-Tjpg" "-o"
122 (expand-file-name "elisp_type_hierarchy.jpg"
123 syncdoc-lispref-dir))))
124 (syncdoc-make-type-table (expand-file-name "elisp_type_hierarchy.txt"
125 syncdoc-lispref-dir)))
127 (defun syncdoc-update-type-hierarchy ()
128 "Update the type hierarchy representation used by the elisp manual."
129 (interactive)
130 (call-process (expand-file-name "src/emacs" syncdoc-emacs-repo-dir)
131 nil t t "-Q" "--batch" "-l" syncdoc-file
132 "-f" "syncdoc-update-type-hierarchy0"))
134 ;;; syncdoc-type-hierarchy.el ends here