* doc/lispref/variables.texi (Scope): Mention the availability of lexbind.
[emacs.git] / lisp / dired.el
1 ;;; dired.el --- directory-browsing commands -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1985-1986, 1992-1997, 2000-2011
4 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6 ;; Author: Sebastian Kremer <sk@thp.uni-koeln.de>
7 ;; Maintainer: FSF
8 ;; Keywords: files
9 ;; Package: emacs
11 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
13 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16 ;; (at your option) any later version.
18 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
26 ;;; Commentary:
28 ;; This is a major mode for directory browsing and editing.
29 ;; It is documented in the Emacs manual.
31 ;; Rewritten in 1990/1991 to add tree features, file marking and
32 ;; sorting by Sebastian Kremer <sk@thp.uni-koeln.de>.
33 ;; Finished up by rms in 1992.
35 ;;; Code:
37 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
39 ;;; Customizable variables
41 (defgroup dired nil
42 "Directory editing."
43 :link '(custom-manual "(emacs)Dired")
44 :group 'files)
46 (defgroup dired-mark nil
47 "Handling marks in Dired."
48 :prefix "dired-"
49 :group 'dired)
52 ;;;###autoload
53 (defcustom dired-listing-switches (purecopy "-al")
54 "Switches passed to `ls' for Dired. MUST contain the `l' option.
55 May contain all other options that don't contradict `-l';
56 may contain even `F', `b', `i' and `s'. See also the variable
57 `dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks' concerning the `F' switch.
58 On systems such as MS-DOS and MS-Windows, which use `ls' emulation in Lisp,
59 some of the `ls' switches are not supported; see the doc string of
60 `insert-directory' in `ls-lisp.el' for more details."
61 :type 'string
62 :group 'dired)
64 (defcustom dired-subdir-switches nil
65 "If non-nil, switches passed to `ls' for inserting subdirectories.
66 If nil, `dired-listing-switches' is used."
67 :group 'dired
68 :type '(choice (const :tag "Use dired-listing-switches" nil)
69 (string :tag "Switches")))
71 (defcustom dired-chown-program
72 (purecopy (cond ((executable-find "chown") "chown")
73 ((file-executable-p "/usr/sbin/chown") "/usr/sbin/chown")
74 ((file-executable-p "/etc/chown") "/etc/chown")
75 (t "chown")))
76 "Name of chown command (usually `chown')."
77 :group 'dired
78 :type 'file)
80 (defcustom dired-use-ls-dired 'unspecified
81 "Non-nil means Dired should use \"ls --dired\".
82 The special value of `unspecified' means to check explicitly, and
83 save the result in this variable. This is performed the first
84 time `dired-insert-directory' is called."
85 :group 'dired
86 :type '(choice (const :tag "Check for --dired support" unspecified)
87 (const :tag "Do not use --dired" nil)
88 (other :tag "Use --dired" t)))
90 (defcustom dired-chmod-program "chmod"
91 "Name of chmod command (usually `chmod')."
92 :group 'dired
93 :type 'file)
95 (defcustom dired-touch-program "touch"
96 "Name of touch command (usually `touch')."
97 :group 'dired
98 :type 'file)
100 (defcustom dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks nil
101 "Informs Dired about how `ls -lF' marks symbolic links.
102 Set this to t if `ls' (or whatever program is specified by
103 `insert-directory-program') with `-lF' marks the symbolic link
104 itself with a trailing @ (usually the case under Ultrix).
106 Example: if `ln -s foo bar; ls -F bar' gives `bar -> foo', set it to
107 nil (the default), if it gives `bar@ -> foo', set it to t.
109 Dired checks if there is really a @ appended. Thus, if you have a
110 marking `ls' program on one host and a non-marking on another host, and
111 don't care about symbolic links which really end in a @, you can
112 always set this variable to t."
113 :type 'boolean
114 :group 'dired-mark)
116 (defcustom dired-trivial-filenames (purecopy "^\\.\\.?$\\|^#")
117 "Regexp of files to skip when finding first file of a directory.
118 A value of nil means move to the subdir line.
119 A value of t means move to first file."
120 :type '(choice (const :tag "Move to subdir" nil)
121 (const :tag "Move to first" t)
122 regexp)
123 :group 'dired)
125 (defcustom dired-keep-marker-rename t
126 ;; Use t as default so that moved files "take their markers with them".
127 "Controls marking of renamed files.
128 If t, files keep their previous marks when they are renamed.
129 If a character, renamed files (whether previously marked or not)
130 are afterward marked with that character."
131 :type '(choice (const :tag "Keep" t)
132 (character :tag "Mark"))
133 :group 'dired-mark)
135 (defcustom dired-keep-marker-copy ?C
136 "Controls marking of copied files.
137 If t, copied files are marked if and as the corresponding original files were.
138 If a character, copied files are unconditionally marked with that character."
139 :type '(choice (const :tag "Keep" t)
140 (character :tag "Mark"))
141 :group 'dired-mark)
143 (defcustom dired-keep-marker-hardlink ?H
144 "Controls marking of newly made hard links.
145 If t, they are marked if and as the files linked to were marked.
146 If a character, new links are unconditionally marked with that character."
147 :type '(choice (const :tag "Keep" t)
148 (character :tag "Mark"))
149 :group 'dired-mark)
151 (defcustom dired-keep-marker-symlink ?Y
152 "Controls marking of newly made symbolic links.
153 If t, they are marked if and as the files linked to were marked.
154 If a character, new links are unconditionally marked with that character."
155 :type '(choice (const :tag "Keep" t)
156 (character :tag "Mark"))
157 :group 'dired-mark)
159 (defcustom dired-dwim-target nil
160 "If non-nil, Dired tries to guess a default target directory.
161 This means: if there is a dired buffer displayed in the next window,
162 use its current subdir, instead of the current subdir of this dired buffer.
164 The target is used in the prompt for file copy, rename etc."
165 :type 'boolean
166 :group 'dired)
168 (defcustom dired-copy-preserve-time t
169 "If non-nil, Dired preserves the last-modified time in a file copy.
170 \(This works on only some systems.)"
171 :type 'boolean
172 :group 'dired)
174 ; These variables were deleted and the replacements are on files.el.
175 ; We leave aliases behind for back-compatibility.
176 (defvaralias 'dired-free-space-program 'directory-free-space-program)
177 (defvaralias 'dired-free-space-args 'directory-free-space-args)
179 ;;; Hook variables
181 (defcustom dired-load-hook nil
182 "Run after loading Dired.
183 You can customize key bindings or load extensions with this."
184 :group 'dired
185 :type 'hook)
187 (defcustom dired-mode-hook nil
188 "Run at the very end of `dired-mode'."
189 :group 'dired
190 :type 'hook)
192 (defcustom dired-before-readin-hook nil
193 "This hook is run before a dired buffer is read in (created or reverted)."
194 :group 'dired
195 :type 'hook)
197 (defcustom dired-after-readin-hook nil
198 "Hook run after each time a file or directory is read by Dired.
199 After each listing of a file or directory, this hook is run
200 with the buffer narrowed to the listing."
201 :group 'dired
202 :type 'hook)
203 ;; Note this can't simply be run inside function `dired-ls' as the hook
204 ;; functions probably depend on the dired-subdir-alist to be OK.
206 (defcustom dired-dnd-protocol-alist
207 '(("^file:///" . dired-dnd-handle-local-file)
208 ("^file://" . dired-dnd-handle-file)
209 ("^file:" . dired-dnd-handle-local-file))
210 "The functions to call when a drop in `dired-mode' is made.
211 See `dnd-protocol-alist' for more information. When nil, behave
212 as in other buffers. Changing this option is effective only for
213 new dired buffers."
214 :type '(choice (repeat (cons (regexp) (function)))
215 (const :tag "Behave as in other buffers" nil))
216 :version "22.1"
217 :group 'dired)
219 ;; Internal variables
221 (defvar dired-marker-char ?* ; the answer is 42
222 ;; so that you can write things like
223 ;; (let ((dired-marker-char ?X))
224 ;; ;; great code using X markers ...
225 ;; )
226 ;; For example, commands operating on two sets of files, A and B.
227 ;; Or marking files with digits 0-9. This could implicate
228 ;; concentric sets or an order for the marked files.
229 ;; The code depends on dynamic scoping on the marker char.
230 "In Dired, the current mark character.
231 This is what the do-commands look for, and what the mark-commands store.")
233 (defvar dired-del-marker ?D
234 "Character used to flag files for deletion.")
236 (defvar dired-shrink-to-fit t
237 ;; I see no reason ever to make this nil -- rms.
238 ;; (> baud-rate search-slow-speed)
239 "Non-nil means Dired shrinks the display buffer to fit the marked files.")
241 (defvar dired-flagging-regexp nil);; Last regexp used to flag files.
243 (defvar dired-file-version-alist)
245 ;;;###autoload
246 (defvar dired-directory nil
247 "The directory name or wildcard spec that this dired directory lists.
248 Local to each dired buffer. May be a list, in which case the car is the
249 directory name and the cdr is the list of files to mention.
250 The directory name must be absolute, but need not be fully expanded.")
252 (defvar dired-actual-switches nil
253 "The value of `dired-listing-switches' used to make this buffer's text.")
255 (defvar dired-re-inode-size "[0-9 \t]*"
256 "Regexp for optional initial inode and file size as made by `ls -i -s'.")
258 ;; These regexps must be tested at beginning-of-line, but are also
259 ;; used to search for next matches, so neither omitting "^" nor
260 ;; replacing "^" by "\n" (to make it slightly faster) will work.
262 (defvar dired-re-mark "^[^ \n]")
263 ;; "Regexp matching a marked line.
264 ;; Important: the match ends just after the marker."
265 (defvar dired-re-maybe-mark "^. ")
266 ;; The [^:] part after "d" and "l" is to avoid confusion with the
267 ;; DOS/Windows-style drive letters in directory names, like in "d:/foo".
268 (defvar dired-re-dir (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "d[^:]"))
269 (defvar dired-re-sym (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "l[^:]"))
270 (defvar dired-re-exe;; match ls permission string of an executable file
271 (mapconcat (function
272 (lambda (x)
273 (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size x)))
274 '("-[-r][-w][xs][-r][-w].[-r][-w]."
275 "-[-r][-w].[-r][-w][xs][-r][-w]."
276 "-[-r][-w].[-r][-w].[-r][-w][xst]")
277 "\\|"))
278 (defvar dired-re-perms "[-bcdlps][-r][-w].[-r][-w].[-r][-w].")
279 (defvar dired-re-dot "^.* \\.\\.?/?$")
281 ;; The subdirectory names in the next two lists are expanded.
282 (defvar dired-subdir-alist nil
283 "Association list of subdirectories and their buffer positions.
284 Each subdirectory has an element: (DIRNAME . STARTMARKER).
285 The order of elements is the reverse of the order in the buffer.
286 In simple cases, this list contains one element.")
288 (defvar dired-switches-alist nil
289 "Keeps track of which switches to use for inserted subdirectories.
290 This is an alist of the form (SUBDIR . SWITCHES).")
291 (make-variable-buffer-local 'dired-switches-alist)
293 (defvaralias 'dired-move-to-filename-regexp
294 'directory-listing-before-filename-regexp)
296 (defvar dired-subdir-regexp "^. \\([^\n\r]+\\)\\(:\\)[\n\r]"
297 "Regexp matching a maybe hidden subdirectory line in `ls -lR' output.
298 Subexpression 1 is the subdirectory proper, no trailing colon.
299 The match starts at the beginning of the line and ends after the end
300 of the line (\\n or \\r).
301 Subexpression 2 must end right before the \\n or \\r.")
303 (defgroup dired-faces nil
304 "Faces used by Dired."
305 :group 'dired
306 :group 'faces)
308 (defface dired-header
309 '((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face)))
310 "Face used for directory headers."
311 :group 'dired-faces
312 :version "22.1")
313 (defvar dired-header-face 'dired-header
314 "Face name used for directory headers.")
316 (defface dired-mark
317 '((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
318 "Face used for dired marks."
319 :group 'dired-faces
320 :version "22.1")
321 (defvar dired-mark-face 'dired-mark
322 "Face name used for dired marks.")
324 (defface dired-marked
325 '((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
326 "Face used for marked files."
327 :group 'dired-faces
328 :version "22.1")
329 (defvar dired-marked-face 'dired-marked
330 "Face name used for marked files.")
332 (defface dired-flagged
333 '((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
334 "Face used for flagged files."
335 :group 'dired-faces
336 :version "22.1")
337 (defvar dired-flagged-face 'dired-flagged
338 "Face name used for flagged files.")
340 (defface dired-warning
341 ;; Inherit from font-lock-warning-face since with min-colors 8
342 ;; font-lock-comment-face is not colored any more.
343 '((t (:inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
344 "Face used to highlight a part of a buffer that needs user attention."
345 :group 'dired-faces
346 :version "22.1")
347 (defvar dired-warning-face 'dired-warning
348 "Face name used for a part of a buffer that needs user attention.")
350 (defface dired-perm-write
351 '((((type w32 pc)) :inherit default) ;; These default to rw-rw-rw.
352 ;; Inherit from font-lock-comment-delimiter-face since with min-colors 8
353 ;; font-lock-comment-face is not colored any more.
354 (t (:inherit font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)))
355 "Face used to highlight permissions of group- and world-writable files."
356 :group 'dired-faces
357 :version "22.2")
358 (defvar dired-perm-write-face 'dired-perm-write
359 "Face name used for permissions of group- and world-writable files.")
361 (defface dired-directory
362 '((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
363 "Face used for subdirectories."
364 :group 'dired-faces
365 :version "22.1")
366 (defvar dired-directory-face 'dired-directory
367 "Face name used for subdirectories.")
369 (defface dired-symlink
370 '((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
371 "Face used for symbolic links."
372 :group 'dired-faces
373 :version "22.1")
374 (defvar dired-symlink-face 'dired-symlink
375 "Face name used for symbolic links.")
377 (defface dired-ignored
378 '((t (:inherit shadow)))
379 "Face used for files suffixed with `completion-ignored-extensions'."
380 :group 'dired-faces
381 :version "22.1")
382 (defvar dired-ignored-face 'dired-ignored
383 "Face name used for files suffixed with `completion-ignored-extensions'.")
385 (defvar dired-font-lock-keywords
386 (list
388 ;; Dired marks.
389 (list dired-re-mark '(0 dired-mark-face))
391 ;; We make heavy use of MATCH-ANCHORED, since the regexps don't identify the
392 ;; file name itself. We search for Dired defined regexps, and then use the
393 ;; Dired defined function `dired-move-to-filename' before searching for the
394 ;; simple regexp ".+". It is that regexp which matches the file name.
396 ;; Marked files.
397 (list (concat "^[" (char-to-string dired-marker-char) "]")
398 '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 dired-marked-face)))
400 ;; Flagged files.
401 (list (concat "^[" (char-to-string dired-del-marker) "]")
402 '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 dired-flagged-face)))
403 ;; People who are paranoid about security would consider this more
404 ;; important than other things such as whether it is a directory.
405 ;; But we don't want to encourage paranoia, so our default
406 ;; should be what's most useful for non-paranoids. -- rms.
407 ;;; ;;
408 ;;; ;; Files that are group or world writable.
409 ;;; (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size
410 ;;; "\\([-d]\\(....w....\\|.......w.\\)\\)")
411 ;;; '(1 dired-warning-face)
412 ;;; '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 dired-warning-face)))
413 ;; However, we don't need to highlight the file name, only the
414 ;; permissions, to win generally. -- fx.
415 ;; Fixme: we could also put text properties on the permission
416 ;; fields with keymaps to frob the permissions, somewhat a la XEmacs.
417 (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size
418 "[-d]....\\(w\\)....") ; group writable
419 '(1 dired-perm-write-face))
420 (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size
421 "[-d].......\\(w\\).") ; world writable
422 '(1 dired-perm-write-face))
424 ;; Subdirectories.
425 (list dired-re-dir
426 '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 dired-directory-face)))
428 ;; Symbolic links.
429 (list dired-re-sym
430 '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 dired-symlink-face)))
432 ;; Files suffixed with `completion-ignored-extensions'.
433 '(eval .
434 ;; It is quicker to first find just an extension, then go back to the
435 ;; start of that file name. So we do this complex MATCH-ANCHORED form.
436 (list (concat "\\(" (regexp-opt completion-ignored-extensions) "\\|#\\)$")
437 '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 dired-ignored-face))))
439 ;; Files suffixed with `completion-ignored-extensions'
440 ;; plus a character put in by -F.
441 '(eval .
442 (list (concat "\\(" (regexp-opt completion-ignored-extensions)
443 "\\|#\\)[*=|]$")
444 '(".+" (progn
445 (end-of-line)
446 ;; If the last character is not part of the filename,
447 ;; move back to the start of the filename
448 ;; so it can be fontified.
449 ;; Otherwise, leave point at the end of the line;
450 ;; that way, nothing is fontified.
451 (unless (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'mouse-face)
452 (dired-move-to-filename)))
453 nil (0 dired-ignored-face))))
455 ;; Explicitly put the default face on file names ending in a colon to
456 ;; avoid fontifying them as directory header.
457 (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size dired-re-perms ".*:$")
458 '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 'default)))
460 ;; Directory headers.
461 (list dired-subdir-regexp '(1 dired-header-face))
463 "Additional expressions to highlight in Dired mode.")
465 (defvar dnd-protocol-alist)
467 ;;; Macros must be defined before they are used, for the byte compiler.
469 (defmacro dired-mark-if (predicate msg)
470 "Mark all files for which PREDICATE evals to non-nil.
471 PREDICATE is evaluated on each line, with point at beginning of line.
472 MSG is a noun phrase for the type of files being marked.
473 It should end with a noun that can be pluralized by adding `s'.
474 Return value is the number of files marked, or nil if none were marked."
475 `(let ((inhibit-read-only t) count)
476 (save-excursion
477 (setq count 0)
478 (if ,msg (message "Marking %ss..." ,msg))
479 (goto-char (point-min))
480 (while (not (eobp))
481 (if ,predicate
482 (progn
483 (delete-char 1)
484 (insert dired-marker-char)
485 (setq count (1+ count))))
486 (forward-line 1))
487 (if ,msg (message "%s %s%s %s%s."
488 count
489 ,msg
490 (dired-plural-s count)
491 (if (eq dired-marker-char ?\040) "un" "")
492 (if (eq dired-marker-char dired-del-marker)
493 "flagged" "marked"))))
494 (and (> count 0) count)))
496 (defmacro dired-map-over-marks (body arg &optional show-progress
497 distinguish-one-marked)
498 "Eval BODY with point on each marked line. Return a list of BODY's results.
499 If no marked file could be found, execute BODY on the current line.
500 ARG, if non-nil, specifies the files to use instead of the marked files.
501 If ARG is an integer, use the next ARG (or previous -ARG, if
502 ARG<0) files. In that case, point is dragged along. This is
503 so that commands on the next ARG (instead of the marked) files
504 can be chained easily.
505 For any other non-nil value of ARG, use the current file.
506 If optional third arg SHOW-PROGRESS evaluates to non-nil,
507 redisplay the dired buffer after each file is processed.
508 No guarantee is made about the position on the marked line.
509 BODY must ensure this itself if it depends on this.
510 Search starts at the beginning of the buffer, thus the car of the list
511 corresponds to the line nearest to the buffer's bottom. This
512 is also true for (positive and negative) integer values of ARG.
513 BODY should not be too long as it is expanded four times.
515 If DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED is non-nil, then if we find just one marked file,
516 return (t FILENAME) instead of (FILENAME)."
518 ;;Warning: BODY must not add new lines before point - this may cause an
519 ;;endless loop.
520 ;;This warning should not apply any longer, sk 2-Sep-1991 14:10.
521 `(prog1
522 (let ((inhibit-read-only t) case-fold-search found results)
523 (if ,arg
524 (if (integerp ,arg)
525 (progn ;; no save-excursion, want to move point.
526 (dired-repeat-over-lines
527 ,arg
528 (function (lambda ()
529 (if ,show-progress (sit-for 0))
530 (setq results (cons ,body results)))))
531 (if (< ,arg 0)
532 (nreverse results)
533 results))
534 ;; non-nil, non-integer ARG means use current file:
535 (list ,body))
536 (let ((regexp (dired-marker-regexp)) next-position)
537 (save-excursion
538 (goto-char (point-min))
539 ;; remember position of next marked file before BODY
540 ;; can insert lines before the just found file,
541 ;; confusing us by finding the same marked file again
542 ;; and again and...
543 (setq next-position (and (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
544 (point-marker))
545 found (not (null next-position)))
546 (while next-position
547 (goto-char next-position)
548 (if ,show-progress (sit-for 0))
549 (setq results (cons ,body results))
550 ;; move after last match
551 (goto-char next-position)
552 (forward-line 1)
553 (set-marker next-position nil)
554 (setq next-position (and (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
555 (point-marker)))))
556 (if (and ,distinguish-one-marked (= (length results) 1))
557 (setq results (cons t results)))
558 (if found
559 results
560 (list ,body)))))
561 ;; save-excursion loses, again
562 (dired-move-to-filename)))
564 (defun dired-get-marked-files (&optional localp arg filter distinguish-one-marked)
565 "Return the marked files' names as list of strings.
566 The list is in the same order as the buffer, that is, the car is the
567 first marked file.
568 Values returned are normally absolute file names.
569 Optional arg LOCALP as in `dired-get-filename'.
570 Optional second argument ARG, if non-nil, specifies files near
571 point instead of marked files. It usually comes from the prefix
572 argument.
573 If ARG is an integer, use the next ARG files.
574 Any other non-nil value means to use the current file instead.
575 Optional third argument FILTER, if non-nil, is a function to select
576 some of the files--those for which (funcall FILTER FILENAME) is non-nil.
578 If DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED is non-nil, then if we find just one marked file,
579 return (t FILENAME) instead of (FILENAME).
580 Don't use that together with FILTER."
581 (let* ((all-of-them
582 (save-excursion
583 (dired-map-over-marks
584 (dired-get-filename localp)
585 arg nil distinguish-one-marked)))
586 result)
587 (if (not filter)
588 (if (and distinguish-one-marked (eq (car all-of-them) t))
589 all-of-them
590 (nreverse all-of-them))
591 (dolist (file all-of-them)
592 (if (funcall filter file)
593 (push file result)))
594 result)))
596 ;; The dired command
598 (defun dired-read-dir-and-switches (str)
599 ;; For use in interactive.
600 (reverse (list
601 (if current-prefix-arg
602 (read-string "Dired listing switches: "
603 dired-listing-switches))
604 ;; If a dialog is about to be used, call read-directory-name so
605 ;; the dialog code knows we want directories. Some dialogs can
606 ;; only select directories or files when popped up, not both.
607 (if (next-read-file-uses-dialog-p)
608 (read-directory-name (format "Dired %s(directory): " str)
609 nil default-directory nil)
610 (read-file-name (format "Dired %s(directory): " str)
611 nil default-directory nil)))))
613 ;; We want to switch to a more sophisticated version of
614 ;; dired-read-dir-and-switches like the following, if there is a way
615 ;; to make it more intuitive. See bug#1285.
617 ;; (defun dired-read-dir-and-switches (str)
618 ;; ;; For use in interactive.
619 ;; (reverse
620 ;; (list
621 ;; (if current-prefix-arg
622 ;; (read-string "Dired listing switches: "
623 ;; dired-listing-switches))
624 ;; ;; If a dialog is about to be used, call read-directory-name so
625 ;; ;; the dialog code knows we want directories. Some dialogs can
626 ;; ;; only select directories or files when popped up, not both.
627 ;; (if (next-read-file-uses-dialog-p)
628 ;; (read-directory-name (format "Dired %s(directory): " str)
629 ;; nil default-directory nil)
630 ;; (let ((cie ()))
631 ;; (dolist (ext completion-ignored-extensions)
632 ;; (if (eq ?/ (aref ext (1- (length ext)))) (push ext cie)))
633 ;; (setq cie (concat (regexp-opt cie "\\(?:") "\\'"))
634 ;; (lexical-let* ((default (and buffer-file-name
635 ;; (abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name)))
636 ;; (cie cie)
637 ;; (completion-table
638 ;; ;; We need a mix of read-file-name and
639 ;; ;; read-directory-name so that completion to directories
640 ;; ;; is preferred, but if the user wants to enter a global
641 ;; ;; pattern, he can still use completion on filenames to
642 ;; ;; help him write the pattern.
643 ;; ;; Essentially, we want to use
644 ;; ;; (completion-table-with-predicate
645 ;; ;; 'read-file-name-internal 'file-directory-p nil)
646 ;; ;; but that doesn't work because read-file-name-internal
647 ;; ;; does not obey its `predicate' argument.
648 ;; (completion-table-in-turn
649 ;; (lambda (str pred action)
650 ;; (let ((read-file-name-predicate
651 ;; (lambda (f)
652 ;; (and (not (member f '("./" "../")))
653 ;; ;; Hack! Faster than file-directory-p!
654 ;; (eq (aref f (1- (length f))) ?/)
655 ;; (not (string-match cie f))))))
656 ;; (complete-with-action
657 ;; action 'read-file-name-internal str nil)))
658 ;; 'read-file-name-internal)))
659 ;; (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
660 ;; (lambda ()
661 ;; (setq minibuffer-default default)
662 ;; (setq minibuffer-completion-table completion-table))
663 ;; (read-file-name (format "Dired %s(directory): " str)
664 ;; nil default-directory nil))))))))
666 (defun dired-file-name-at-point ()
667 "Try to get a file name at point in the current dired buffer.
668 This hook is inteneded to be put in `file-name-at-point-functions'."
669 (let ((filename (dired-get-filename nil t)))
670 (when filename
671 (if (file-directory-p filename)
672 (file-name-as-directory (abbreviate-file-name filename))
673 (abbreviate-file-name filename)))))
675 ;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-map "d" 'dired)
676 ;;;###autoload
677 (defun dired (dirname &optional switches)
678 "\"Edit\" directory DIRNAME--delete, rename, print, etc. some files in it.
679 Optional second argument SWITCHES specifies the `ls' options used.
680 \(Interactively, use a prefix argument to be able to specify SWITCHES.)
681 Dired displays a list of files in DIRNAME (which may also have
682 shell wildcards appended to select certain files). If DIRNAME is a cons,
683 its first element is taken as the directory name and the rest as an explicit
684 list of files to make directory entries for.
685 \\<dired-mode-map>\
686 You can move around in it with the usual commands.
687 You can flag files for deletion with \\[dired-flag-file-deletion] and then
688 delete them by typing \\[dired-do-flagged-delete].
689 Type \\[describe-mode] after entering Dired for more info.
691 If DIRNAME is already in a dired buffer, that buffer is used without refresh."
692 ;; Cannot use (interactive "D") because of wildcards.
693 (interactive (dired-read-dir-and-switches ""))
694 (switch-to-buffer (dired-noselect dirname switches)))
696 ;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-4-map "d" 'dired-other-window)
697 ;;;###autoload
698 (defun dired-other-window (dirname &optional switches)
699 "\"Edit\" directory DIRNAME. Like `dired' but selects in another window."
700 (interactive (dired-read-dir-and-switches "in other window "))
701 (switch-to-buffer-other-window (dired-noselect dirname switches)))
703 ;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-5-map "d" 'dired-other-frame)
704 ;;;###autoload
705 (defun dired-other-frame (dirname &optional switches)
706 "\"Edit\" directory DIRNAME. Like `dired' but makes a new frame."
707 (interactive (dired-read-dir-and-switches "in other frame "))
708 (switch-to-buffer-other-frame (dired-noselect dirname switches)))
710 ;;;###autoload
711 (defun dired-noselect (dir-or-list &optional switches)
712 "Like `dired' but returns the dired buffer as value, does not select it."
713 (or dir-or-list (setq dir-or-list default-directory))
714 ;; This loses the distinction between "/foo/*/" and "/foo/*" that
715 ;; some shells make:
716 (let (dirname initially-was-dirname)
717 (if (consp dir-or-list)
718 (setq dirname (car dir-or-list))
719 (setq dirname dir-or-list))
720 (setq initially-was-dirname
721 (string= (file-name-as-directory dirname) dirname))
722 (setq dirname (abbreviate-file-name
723 (expand-file-name (directory-file-name dirname))))
724 (if find-file-visit-truename
725 (setq dirname (file-truename dirname)))
726 ;; If the argument was syntactically a directory name not a file name,
727 ;; or if it happens to name a file that is a directory,
728 ;; convert it syntactically to a directory name.
729 ;; The reason for checking initially-was-dirname
730 ;; and not just file-directory-p
731 ;; is that file-directory-p is slow over ftp.
732 (if (or initially-was-dirname (file-directory-p dirname))
733 (setq dirname (file-name-as-directory dirname)))
734 (if (consp dir-or-list)
735 (setq dir-or-list (cons dirname (cdr dir-or-list)))
736 (setq dir-or-list dirname))
737 (dired-internal-noselect dir-or-list switches)))
739 ;; The following is an internal dired function. It returns non-nil if
740 ;; the directory visited by the current dired buffer has changed on
741 ;; disk. DIRNAME should be the directory name of that directory.
742 (defun dired-directory-changed-p (dirname)
743 (not (let ((attributes (file-attributes dirname))
744 (modtime (visited-file-modtime)))
745 (or (eq modtime 0)
746 (not (eq (car attributes) t))
747 (equal (nth 5 attributes) modtime)))))
749 (defun dired-buffer-stale-p (&optional noconfirm)
750 "Return non-nil if current dired buffer needs updating.
751 If NOCONFIRM is non-nil, then this function always returns nil
752 for a remote directory. This feature is used by Auto Revert Mode."
753 (let ((dirname
754 (if (consp dired-directory) (car dired-directory) dired-directory)))
755 (and (stringp dirname)
756 (not (when noconfirm (file-remote-p dirname)))
757 (file-readable-p dirname)
758 ;; Do not auto-revert when the dired buffer can be currently
759 ;; written by the user as in `wdired-mode'.
760 buffer-read-only
761 (dired-directory-changed-p dirname))))
763 (defcustom dired-auto-revert-buffer nil
764 "Automatically revert dired buffer on revisiting.
765 If t, revisiting an existing dired buffer automatically reverts it.
766 If its value is a function, call this function with the directory
767 name as single argument and revert the buffer if it returns non-nil.
768 Otherwise, a message offering to revert the changed dired buffer
769 is displayed.
770 Note that this is not the same as `auto-revert-mode' that
771 periodically reverts at specified time intervals."
772 :type '(choice
773 (const :tag "Don't revert" nil)
774 (const :tag "Always revert visited dired buffer" t)
775 (const :tag "Revert changed dired buffer" dired-directory-changed-p)
776 (function :tag "Predicate function"))
777 :group 'dired
778 :version "23.2")
780 (defun dired-internal-noselect (dir-or-list &optional switches mode)
781 ;; If there is an existing dired buffer for DIRNAME, just leave
782 ;; buffer as it is (don't even call dired-revert).
783 ;; This saves time especially for deep trees or with ange-ftp.
784 ;; The user can type `g' easily, and it is more consistent with find-file.
785 ;; But if SWITCHES are given they are probably different from the
786 ;; buffer's old value, so call dired-sort-other, which does
787 ;; revert the buffer.
788 ;; A pity we can't possibly do "Directory has changed - refresh? "
789 ;; like find-file does.
790 ;; Optional argument MODE is passed to dired-find-buffer-nocreate,
791 ;; see there.
792 (let* ((old-buf (current-buffer))
793 (dirname (if (consp dir-or-list) (car dir-or-list) dir-or-list))
794 ;; Look for an existing buffer.
795 (buffer (dired-find-buffer-nocreate dirname mode))
796 ;; Note that buffer already is in dired-mode, if found.
797 (new-buffer-p (null buffer)))
798 (or buffer
799 (setq buffer (create-file-buffer (directory-file-name dirname))))
800 (set-buffer buffer)
801 (if (not new-buffer-p) ; existing buffer ...
802 (cond (switches ; ... but new switches
803 ;; file list may have changed
804 (setq dired-directory dir-or-list)
805 ;; this calls dired-revert
806 (dired-sort-other switches))
807 ;; Always revert regardless of whether it has changed or not.
808 ((eq dired-auto-revert-buffer t)
809 (revert-buffer))
810 ;; Revert when predicate function returns non-nil.
811 ((functionp dired-auto-revert-buffer)
812 (when (funcall dired-auto-revert-buffer dirname)
813 (revert-buffer)
814 (message "Changed directory automatically updated")))
815 ;; If directory has changed on disk, offer to revert.
816 ((when (dired-directory-changed-p dirname)
817 (message "%s"
818 (substitute-command-keys
819 "Directory has changed on disk; type \\[revert-buffer] to update Dired")))))
820 ;; Else a new buffer
821 (setq default-directory
822 ;; We can do this unconditionally
823 ;; because dired-noselect ensures that the name
824 ;; is passed in directory name syntax
825 ;; if it was the name of a directory at all.
826 (file-name-directory dirname))
827 (or switches (setq switches dired-listing-switches))
828 (if mode (funcall mode)
829 (dired-mode dir-or-list switches))
830 ;; default-directory and dired-actual-switches are set now
831 ;; (buffer-local), so we can call dired-readin:
832 (let ((failed t))
833 (unwind-protect
834 (progn (dired-readin)
835 (setq failed nil))
836 ;; dired-readin can fail if parent directories are inaccessible.
837 ;; Don't leave an empty buffer around in that case.
838 (if failed (kill-buffer buffer))))
839 (goto-char (point-min))
840 (dired-initial-position dirname))
841 (set-buffer old-buf)
842 buffer))
844 (defvar dired-buffers nil
845 ;; Enlarged by dired-advertise
846 ;; Queried by function dired-buffers-for-dir. When this detects a
847 ;; killed buffer, it is removed from this list.
848 "Alist of expanded directories and their associated dired buffers.")
850 (defvar dired-find-subdir)
852 ;; FIXME add a doc-string, and document dired-x extensions.
853 (defun dired-find-buffer-nocreate (dirname &optional mode)
854 ;; This differs from dired-buffers-for-dir in that it does not consider
855 ;; subdirs of default-directory and searches for the first match only.
856 ;; Also, the major mode must be MODE.
857 (if (and (featurep 'dired-x)
858 dired-find-subdir
859 ;; Don't try to find a wildcard as a subdirectory.
860 (string-equal dirname (file-name-directory dirname)))
861 (let* ((cur-buf (current-buffer))
862 (buffers (nreverse
863 (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dirname))))
864 (cur-buf-matches (and (memq cur-buf buffers)
865 ;; Wildcards must match, too:
866 (equal dired-directory dirname))))
867 ;; We don't want to switch to the same buffer---
868 (setq buffers (delq cur-buf buffers))
869 (or (car (sort buffers #'dired-buffer-more-recently-used-p))
870 ;; ---unless it's the only possibility:
871 (and cur-buf-matches cur-buf)))
872 ;; No dired-x, or dired-find-subdir nil.
873 (setq dirname (expand-file-name dirname))
874 (let (found (blist dired-buffers)) ; was (buffer-list)
875 (or mode (setq mode 'dired-mode))
876 (while blist
877 (if (null (buffer-name (cdr (car blist))))
878 (setq blist (cdr blist))
879 (with-current-buffer (cdr (car blist))
880 (if (and (eq major-mode mode)
881 dired-directory ;; nil during find-alternate-file
882 (equal dirname
883 (expand-file-name
884 (if (consp dired-directory)
885 (car dired-directory)
886 dired-directory))))
887 (setq found (cdr (car blist))
888 blist nil)
889 (setq blist (cdr blist))))))
890 found)))
893 ;; Read in a new dired buffer
895 (defun dired-readin ()
896 "Read in a new dired buffer.
897 Differs from `dired-insert-subdir' in that it accepts
898 wildcards, erases the buffer, and builds the subdir-alist anew
899 \(including making it buffer-local and clearing it first)."
901 ;; default-directory and dired-actual-switches must be buffer-local
902 ;; and initialized by now.
903 (let (dirname
904 ;; This makes readin much much faster.
905 ;; In particular, it prevents the font lock hook from running
906 ;; until the directory is all read in.
907 (inhibit-modification-hooks t))
908 (if (consp dired-directory)
909 (setq dirname (car dired-directory))
910 (setq dirname dired-directory))
911 (setq dirname (expand-file-name dirname))
912 (save-excursion
913 ;; This hook which may want to modify dired-actual-switches
914 ;; based on dired-directory, e.g. with ange-ftp to a SysV host
915 ;; where ls won't understand -Al switches.
916 (run-hooks 'dired-before-readin-hook)
917 (if (consp buffer-undo-list)
918 (setq buffer-undo-list nil))
919 (make-local-variable 'file-name-coding-system)
920 (setq file-name-coding-system
921 (or coding-system-for-read file-name-coding-system))
922 (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
923 ;; Don't make undo entries for readin.
924 (buffer-undo-list t))
925 (widen)
926 (erase-buffer)
927 (dired-readin-insert))
928 (goto-char (point-min))
929 ;; Must first make alist buffer local and set it to nil because
930 ;; dired-build-subdir-alist will call dired-clear-alist first
931 (set (make-local-variable 'dired-subdir-alist) nil)
932 (dired-build-subdir-alist)
933 (let ((attributes (file-attributes dirname)))
934 (if (eq (car attributes) t)
935 (set-visited-file-modtime (nth 5 attributes))))
936 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
937 ;; No need to narrow since the whole buffer contains just
938 ;; dired-readin's output, nothing else. The hook can
939 ;; successfully use dired functions (e.g. dired-get-filename)
940 ;; as the subdir-alist has been built in dired-readin.
941 (run-hooks 'dired-after-readin-hook))))
943 ;; Subroutines of dired-readin
945 (defun dired-readin-insert ()
946 ;; Insert listing for the specified dir (and maybe file list)
947 ;; already in dired-directory, assuming a clean buffer.
948 (let (dir file-list)
949 (if (consp dired-directory)
950 (setq dir (car dired-directory)
951 file-list (cdr dired-directory))
952 (setq dir dired-directory
953 file-list nil))
954 (setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
955 (if (and (equal "" (file-name-nondirectory dir))
956 (not file-list))
957 ;; If we are reading a whole single directory...
958 (dired-insert-directory dir dired-actual-switches nil nil t)
959 (if (not (file-readable-p
960 (directory-file-name (file-name-directory dir))))
961 (error "Directory %s inaccessible or nonexistent" dir)
962 ;; Else treat it as a wildcard spec
963 ;; unless we have an explicit list of files.
964 (dired-insert-directory dir dired-actual-switches
965 file-list (not file-list) t)))))
967 (defun dired-align-file (beg end)
968 "Align the fields of a file to the ones of surrounding lines.
969 BEG..END is the line where the file info is located."
970 ;; Some versions of ls try to adjust the size of each field so as to just
971 ;; hold the largest element ("largest" in the current invocation, of
972 ;; course). So when a single line is output, the size of each field is
973 ;; just big enough for that one output. Thus when dired refreshes one
974 ;; line, the alignment if this line w.r.t the rest is messed up because
975 ;; the fields of that one line will generally be smaller.
977 ;; To work around this problem, we here add spaces to try and
978 ;; re-align the fields as needed. Since this is purely aesthetic,
979 ;; it is of utmost importance that it doesn't mess up anything like
980 ;; `dired-move-to-filename'. To this end, we limit ourselves to
981 ;; adding spaces only, and to only add them at places where there
982 ;; was already at least one space. This way, as long as
983 ;; `directory-listing-before-filename-regexp' always matches spaces
984 ;; with "*" or "+", we know we haven't made anything worse. There
985 ;; is one spot where the exact number of spaces is important, which
986 ;; is just before the actual filename, so we refrain from adding
987 ;; spaces there (and within the filename as well, of course).
988 (save-excursion
989 (let (file file-col other other-col)
990 ;; Check that there is indeed a file, and that there is anoter adjacent
991 ;; file with which to align, and that additional spaces are needed to
992 ;; align the filenames.
993 (when (and (setq file (progn (goto-char beg)
994 (dired-move-to-filename nil end)))
995 (setq file-col (current-column))
996 (setq other
997 (or (and (goto-char beg)
998 (zerop (forward-line -1))
999 (dired-move-to-filename))
1000 (and (goto-char beg)
1001 (zerop (forward-line 1))
1002 (dired-move-to-filename))))
1003 (setq other-col (current-column))
1004 (/= file other)
1005 ;; Make sure there is some work left to do.
1006 (> other-col file-col))
1007 ;; If we've only looked at the line above, check to see if the line
1008 ;; below exists as well and if so, align with the shorter one.
1009 (when (and (< other file)
1010 (goto-char beg)
1011 (zerop (forward-line 1))
1012 (dired-move-to-filename))
1013 (let ((alt-col (current-column)))
1014 (when (< alt-col other-col)
1015 (setq other-col alt-col)
1016 (setq other (point)))))
1017 ;; Keep positions uptodate when we insert stuff.
1018 (if (> other file) (setq other (copy-marker other)))
1019 (setq file (copy-marker file))
1020 ;; Main loop.
1021 (goto-char beg)
1022 (skip-chars-forward " ") ;Skip to the first field.
1023 (while (and (> other-col file-col)
1024 ;; Don't touch anything just before (and after) the
1025 ;; beginning of the filename.
1026 (> file (point)))
1027 ;; We're now just in front of a field, with a space behind us.
1028 (let* ((curcol (current-column))
1029 ;; Nums are right-aligned.
1030 (num-align (looking-at "[0-9]"))
1031 ;; Let's look at the other line, in the same column: we
1032 ;; should be either near the end of the previous field, or
1033 ;; in the space between that field and the next.
1034 ;; [ Of course, it's also possible that we're already within
1035 ;; the next field or even past it, but that's unlikely since
1036 ;; other-col > file-col. ]
1037 ;; Let's find the distance to the alignment-point (either
1038 ;; the beginning or the end of the next field, depending on
1039 ;; whether this field is left or right aligned).
1040 (align-pt-offset
1041 (save-excursion
1042 (goto-char other)
1043 (move-to-column curcol)
1044 (when (looking-at
1045 (concat
1046 (if (eq (char-before) ?\s) " *" "[^ ]* *")
1047 (if num-align "[0-9][^ ]*")))
1048 (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)))))
1049 ;; Now, the number of spaces to insert is align-pt-offset
1050 ;; minus the distance to the equivalent point on the
1051 ;; current line.
1052 (spaces
1053 (if (not num-align)
1054 align-pt-offset
1055 (and align-pt-offset
1056 (save-excursion
1057 (skip-chars-forward "^ ")
1058 (- align-pt-offset (- (current-column) curcol)))))))
1059 (when (and spaces (> spaces 0))
1060 (setq file-col (+ spaces file-col))
1061 (if (> file-col other-col)
1062 (setq spaces (- spaces (- file-col other-col))))
1063 (insert-char ?\s spaces)
1064 ;; Let's just make really sure we did not mess up.
1065 (unless (save-excursion
1066 (eq (dired-move-to-filename) (marker-position file)))
1067 ;; Damn! We messed up: let's revert the change.
1068 (delete-char (- spaces)))))
1069 ;; Now skip to next field.
1070 (skip-chars-forward "^ ") (skip-chars-forward " "))
1071 (set-marker file nil)))))
1074 (defvar ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program)
1076 (defun dired-insert-directory (dir switches &optional file-list wildcard hdr)
1077 "Insert a directory listing of DIR, Dired style.
1078 Use SWITCHES to make the listings.
1079 If FILE-LIST is non-nil, list only those files.
1080 Otherwise, if WILDCARD is non-nil, expand wildcards;
1081 in that case, DIR should be a file name that uses wildcards.
1082 In other cases, DIR should be a directory name or a directory filename.
1083 If HDR is non-nil, insert a header line with the directory name."
1084 (let ((opoint (point))
1085 (process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment))
1086 end)
1087 (if (and
1088 ;; Don't try to invoke `ls' if we are on DOS/Windows where
1089 ;; ls-lisp emulation is used, except if they want to use `ls'
1090 ;; as indicated by `ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program'.
1091 (not (and (featurep 'ls-lisp)
1092 (null ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program)))
1093 (or (if (eq dired-use-ls-dired 'unspecified)
1094 ;; Check whether "ls --dired" gives exit code 0, and
1095 ;; save the answer in `dired-use-ls-dired'.
1096 (setq dired-use-ls-dired
1097 (eq (call-process insert-directory-program nil nil nil "--dired")
1099 dired-use-ls-dired)
1100 (file-remote-p dir)))
1101 (setq switches (concat "--dired " switches)))
1102 ;; We used to specify the C locale here, to force English month names;
1103 ;; but this should not be necessary any more,
1104 ;; with the new value of `directory-listing-before-filename-regexp'.
1105 (if file-list
1106 (dolist (f file-list)
1107 (let ((beg (point)))
1108 (insert-directory f switches nil nil)
1109 ;; Re-align fields, if necessary.
1110 (dired-align-file beg (point))))
1111 (insert-directory dir switches wildcard (not wildcard)))
1112 ;; Quote certain characters, unless ls quoted them for us.
1113 (if (not (string-match "b" dired-actual-switches))
1114 (save-excursion
1115 (setq end (point-marker))
1116 (goto-char opoint)
1117 (while (search-forward "\\" end t)
1118 (replace-match (apply #'propertize
1119 "\\\\"
1120 (text-properties-at (match-beginning 0)))
1121 nil t))
1122 (goto-char opoint)
1123 (while (search-forward "\^m" end t)
1124 (replace-match (apply #'propertize
1125 "\\015"
1126 (text-properties-at (match-beginning 0)))
1127 nil t))
1128 (set-marker end nil)))
1129 (dired-insert-set-properties opoint (point))
1130 ;; If we used --dired and it worked, the lines are already indented.
1131 ;; Otherwise, indent them.
1132 (unless (save-excursion
1133 (goto-char opoint)
1134 (looking-at " "))
1135 (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil))
1136 (indent-rigidly opoint (point) 2)))
1137 ;; Insert text at the beginning to standardize things.
1138 (save-excursion
1139 (goto-char opoint)
1140 (if (and (or hdr wildcard)
1141 (not (and (looking-at "^ \\(.*\\):$")
1142 (file-name-absolute-p (match-string 1)))))
1143 ;; Note that dired-build-subdir-alist will replace the name
1144 ;; by its expansion, so it does not matter whether what we insert
1145 ;; here is fully expanded, but it should be absolute.
1146 (insert " " (directory-file-name (file-name-directory dir)) ":\n"))
1147 (when wildcard
1148 ;; Insert "wildcard" line where "total" line would be for a full dir.
1149 (insert " wildcard " (file-name-nondirectory dir) "\n")))))
1151 (defun dired-insert-set-properties (beg end)
1152 "Make the file names highlight when the mouse is on them."
1153 (save-excursion
1154 (goto-char beg)
1155 (while (< (point) end)
1156 (condition-case nil
1157 (if (dired-move-to-filename)
1158 (add-text-properties
1159 (point)
1160 (save-excursion
1161 (dired-move-to-end-of-filename)
1162 (point))
1163 '(mouse-face highlight
1164 dired-filename t
1165 help-echo "mouse-2: visit this file in other window")))
1166 (error nil))
1167 (forward-line 1))))
1169 ;; Reverting a dired buffer
1171 (defun dired-revert (&optional _arg _noconfirm)
1172 "Reread the dired buffer.
1173 Must also be called after `dired-actual-switches' have changed.
1174 Should not fail even on completely garbaged buffers.
1175 Preserves old cursor, marks/flags, hidden-p.
1177 Dired sets `revert-buffer-function' to this function. The args
1178 ARG and NOCONFIRM, passed from `revert-buffer', are ignored."
1179 (widen) ; just in case user narrowed
1180 (let ((modflag (buffer-modified-p))
1181 (positions (dired-save-positions))
1182 (mark-alist nil) ; save marked files
1183 (hidden-subdirs (dired-remember-hidden))
1184 (old-subdir-alist (cdr (reverse dired-subdir-alist))) ; except pwd
1185 (case-fold-search nil) ; we check for upper case ls flags
1186 (inhibit-read-only t))
1187 (goto-char (point-min))
1188 (setq mark-alist;; only after dired-remember-hidden since this unhides:
1189 (dired-remember-marks (point-min) (point-max)))
1190 ;; treat top level dir extra (it may contain wildcards)
1191 (if (not (consp dired-directory))
1192 (dired-uncache dired-directory)
1193 (dired-uncache (car dired-directory))
1194 (dolist (dir (cdr dired-directory))
1195 (if (file-name-absolute-p dir)
1196 (dired-uncache dir))))
1197 ;; Run dired-after-readin-hook just once, below.
1198 (let ((dired-after-readin-hook nil))
1199 (dired-readin)
1200 (dired-insert-old-subdirs old-subdir-alist))
1201 (dired-mark-remembered mark-alist) ; mark files that were marked
1202 ;; ... run the hook for the whole buffer, and only after markers
1203 ;; have been reinserted (else omitting in dired-x would omit marked files)
1204 (run-hooks 'dired-after-readin-hook) ; no need to narrow
1205 (dired-restore-positions positions)
1206 (save-excursion ; hide subdirs that were hidden
1207 (dolist (dir hidden-subdirs)
1208 (if (dired-goto-subdir dir)
1209 (dired-hide-subdir 1))))
1210 (unless modflag (restore-buffer-modified-p nil)))
1211 ;; outside of the let scope
1212 ;;; Might as well not override the user if the user changed this.
1213 ;;; (setq buffer-read-only t)
1216 ;; Subroutines of dired-revert
1217 ;; Some of these are also used when inserting subdirs.
1219 (defun dired-save-positions ()
1220 "Return current positions in the buffer and all windows with this directory.
1221 The positions have the form (BUFFER-POSITION WINDOW-POSITIONS).
1223 BUFFER-POSITION is the point position in the current dired buffer.
1226 WINDOW-POSITIONS are current positions in all windows displaying
1227 this dired buffer. The window positions have the form (WINDOW
1229 (list
1230 (list (current-buffer) (dired-get-filename nil t) (point))
1231 (mapcar (lambda (w)
1232 (list w
1233 (with-selected-window w
1234 (dired-get-filename nil t))
1235 (window-point w)))
1236 (get-buffer-window-list nil 0 t))))
1238 (defun dired-restore-positions (positions)
1239 "Restore POSITIONS saved with `dired-save-positions'."
1240 (let* ((buf-file-pos (nth 0 positions))
1241 (buffer (nth 0 buf-file-pos)))
1242 (unless (and (nth 1 buf-file-pos)
1243 (dired-goto-file (nth 1 buf-file-pos)))
1244 (goto-char (nth 2 buf-file-pos))
1245 (dired-move-to-filename))
1246 (dolist (win-file-pos (nth 1 positions))
1247 ;; Ensure that window still displays the original buffer.
1248 (when (eq (window-buffer (nth 0 win-file-pos)) buffer)
1249 (with-selected-window (nth 0 win-file-pos)
1250 (unless (and (nth 1 win-file-pos)
1251 (dired-goto-file (nth 1 win-file-pos)))
1252 (goto-char (nth 2 win-file-pos))
1253 (dired-move-to-filename)))))))
1255 (defun dired-remember-marks (beg end)
1256 "Return alist of files and their marks, from BEG to END."
1257 (if selective-display ; must unhide to make this work.
1258 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
1259 (subst-char-in-region beg end ?\r ?\n)))
1260 (let (fil chr alist)
1261 (save-excursion
1262 (goto-char beg)
1263 (while (re-search-forward dired-re-mark end t)
1264 (if (setq fil (dired-get-filename nil t))
1265 (setq chr (preceding-char)
1266 alist (cons (cons fil chr) alist)))))
1267 alist))
1269 (defun dired-mark-remembered (alist)
1270 "Mark all files remembered in ALIST.
1271 Each element of ALIST looks like (FILE . MARKERCHAR)."
1272 (let (elt fil chr)
1273 (while alist
1274 (setq elt (car alist)
1275 alist (cdr alist)
1276 fil (car elt)
1277 chr (cdr elt))
1278 (if (dired-goto-file fil)
1279 (save-excursion
1280 (beginning-of-line)
1281 (delete-char 1)
1282 (insert chr))))))
1284 (defun dired-remember-hidden ()
1285 "Return a list of names of subdirs currently hidden."
1286 (let ((l dired-subdir-alist) dir pos result)
1287 (while l
1288 (setq dir (car (car l))
1289 pos (cdr (car l))
1290 l (cdr l))
1291 (goto-char pos)
1292 (skip-chars-forward "^\r\n")
1293 (if (eq (following-char) ?\r)
1294 (setq result (cons dir result))))
1295 result))
1297 (defun dired-insert-old-subdirs (old-subdir-alist)
1298 "Try to insert all subdirs that were displayed before.
1299 Do so according to the former subdir alist OLD-SUBDIR-ALIST."
1300 (or (string-match "R" dired-actual-switches)
1301 (let (elt dir)
1302 (while old-subdir-alist
1303 (setq elt (car old-subdir-alist)
1304 old-subdir-alist (cdr old-subdir-alist)
1305 dir (car elt))
1306 (condition-case ()
1307 (progn
1308 (dired-uncache dir)
1309 (dired-insert-subdir dir))
1310 (error nil))))))
1312 (defun dired-uncache (dir)
1313 "Remove directory DIR from any directory cache."
1314 (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler dir 'dired-uncache)))
1315 (if handler
1316 (funcall handler 'dired-uncache dir))))
1318 ;; dired mode key bindings and initialization
1320 (defvar dired-mode-map
1321 ;; This looks ugly when substitute-command-keys uses C-d instead d:
1322 ;; (define-key dired-mode-map "\C-d" 'dired-flag-file-deletion)
1323 (let ((map (make-keymap)))
1324 (set-keymap-parent map special-mode-map)
1325 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'dired-mouse-find-file-other-window)
1326 (define-key map [follow-link] 'mouse-face)
1327 ;; Commands to mark or flag certain categories of files
1328 (define-key map "#" 'dired-flag-auto-save-files)
1329 (define-key map "." 'dired-clean-directory)
1330 (define-key map "~" 'dired-flag-backup-files)
1331 ;; Upper case keys (except !) for operating on the marked files
1332 (define-key map "A" 'dired-do-search)
1333 (define-key map "C" 'dired-do-copy)
1334 (define-key map "B" 'dired-do-byte-compile)
1335 (define-key map "D" 'dired-do-delete)
1336 (define-key map "G" 'dired-do-chgrp)
1337 (define-key map "H" 'dired-do-hardlink)
1338 (define-key map "L" 'dired-do-load)
1339 (define-key map "M" 'dired-do-chmod)
1340 (define-key map "O" 'dired-do-chown)
1341 (define-key map "P" 'dired-do-print)
1342 (define-key map "Q" 'dired-do-query-replace-regexp)
1343 (define-key map "R" 'dired-do-rename)
1344 (define-key map "S" 'dired-do-symlink)
1345 (define-key map "T" 'dired-do-touch)
1346 (define-key map "X" 'dired-do-shell-command)
1347 (define-key map "Z" 'dired-do-compress)
1348 (define-key map "!" 'dired-do-shell-command)
1349 (define-key map "&" 'dired-do-async-shell-command)
1350 ;; Comparison commands
1351 (define-key map "=" 'dired-diff)
1352 (define-key map "\M-=" 'dired-backup-diff)
1353 ;; Tree Dired commands
1354 (define-key map "\M-\C-?" 'dired-unmark-all-files)
1355 (define-key map "\M-\C-d" 'dired-tree-down)
1356 (define-key map "\M-\C-u" 'dired-tree-up)
1357 (define-key map "\M-\C-n" 'dired-next-subdir)
1358 (define-key map "\M-\C-p" 'dired-prev-subdir)
1359 ;; move to marked files
1360 (define-key map "\M-{" 'dired-prev-marked-file)
1361 (define-key map "\M-}" 'dired-next-marked-file)
1362 ;; Make all regexp commands share a `%' prefix:
1363 ;; We used to get to the submap via a symbol dired-regexp-prefix,
1364 ;; but that seems to serve little purpose, and copy-keymap
1365 ;; does a better job without it.
1366 (define-key map "%" nil)
1367 (define-key map "%u" 'dired-upcase)
1368 (define-key map "%l" 'dired-downcase)
1369 (define-key map "%d" 'dired-flag-files-regexp)
1370 (define-key map "%g" 'dired-mark-files-containing-regexp)
1371 (define-key map "%m" 'dired-mark-files-regexp)
1372 (define-key map "%r" 'dired-do-rename-regexp)
1373 (define-key map "%C" 'dired-do-copy-regexp)
1374 (define-key map "%H" 'dired-do-hardlink-regexp)
1375 (define-key map "%R" 'dired-do-rename-regexp)
1376 (define-key map "%S" 'dired-do-symlink-regexp)
1377 (define-key map "%&" 'dired-flag-garbage-files)
1378 ;; Commands for marking and unmarking.
1379 (define-key map "*" nil)
1380 (define-key map "**" 'dired-mark-executables)
1381 (define-key map "*/" 'dired-mark-directories)
1382 (define-key map "*@" 'dired-mark-symlinks)
1383 (define-key map "*%" 'dired-mark-files-regexp)
1384 (define-key map "*c" 'dired-change-marks)
1385 (define-key map "*s" 'dired-mark-subdir-files)
1386 (define-key map "*m" 'dired-mark)
1387 (define-key map "*u" 'dired-unmark)
1388 (define-key map "*?" 'dired-unmark-all-files)
1389 (define-key map "*!" 'dired-unmark-all-marks)
1390 (define-key map "U" 'dired-unmark-all-marks)
1391 (define-key map "*\177" 'dired-unmark-backward)
1392 (define-key map "*\C-n" 'dired-next-marked-file)
1393 (define-key map "*\C-p" 'dired-prev-marked-file)
1394 (define-key map "*t" 'dired-toggle-marks)
1395 ;; Lower keys for commands not operating on all the marked files
1396 (define-key map "a" 'dired-find-alternate-file)
1397 (define-key map "d" 'dired-flag-file-deletion)
1398 (define-key map "e" 'dired-find-file)
1399 (define-key map "f" 'dired-find-file)
1400 (define-key map "\C-m" 'dired-find-file)
1401 (put 'dired-find-file :advertised-binding "\C-m")
1402 (define-key map "g" 'revert-buffer)
1403 (define-key map "i" 'dired-maybe-insert-subdir)
1404 (define-key map "j" 'dired-goto-file)
1405 (define-key map "k" 'dired-do-kill-lines)
1406 (define-key map "l" 'dired-do-redisplay)
1407 (define-key map "m" 'dired-mark)
1408 (define-key map "n" 'dired-next-line)
1409 (define-key map "o" 'dired-find-file-other-window)
1410 (define-key map "\C-o" 'dired-display-file)
1411 (define-key map "p" 'dired-previous-line)
1412 (define-key map "s" 'dired-sort-toggle-or-edit)
1413 (define-key map "t" 'dired-toggle-marks)
1414 (define-key map "u" 'dired-unmark)
1415 (define-key map "v" 'dired-view-file)
1416 (define-key map "w" 'dired-copy-filename-as-kill)
1417 (define-key map "x" 'dired-do-flagged-delete)
1418 (define-key map "y" 'dired-show-file-type)
1419 (define-key map "+" 'dired-create-directory)
1420 ;; moving
1421 (define-key map "<" 'dired-prev-dirline)
1422 (define-key map ">" 'dired-next-dirline)
1423 (define-key map "^" 'dired-up-directory)
1424 (define-key map " " 'dired-next-line)
1425 (define-key map [remap next-line] 'dired-next-line)
1426 (define-key map [remap previous-line] 'dired-previous-line)
1427 ;; hiding
1428 (define-key map "$" 'dired-hide-subdir)
1429 (define-key map "\M-$" 'dired-hide-all)
1430 ;; isearch
1431 (define-key map (kbd "M-s a C-s") 'dired-do-isearch)
1432 (define-key map (kbd "M-s a M-C-s") 'dired-do-isearch-regexp)
1433 (define-key map (kbd "M-s f C-s") 'dired-isearch-filenames)
1434 (define-key map (kbd "M-s f M-C-s") 'dired-isearch-filenames-regexp)
1435 ;; misc
1436 (define-key map [remap toggle-read-only] 'dired-toggle-read-only)
1437 (define-key map "?" 'dired-summary)
1438 (define-key map "\177" 'dired-unmark-backward)
1439 (define-key map [remap undo] 'dired-undo)
1440 (define-key map [remap advertised-undo] 'dired-undo)
1441 ;; thumbnail manipulation (image-dired)
1442 (define-key map "\C-td" 'image-dired-display-thumbs)
1443 (define-key map "\C-tt" 'image-dired-tag-files)
1444 (define-key map "\C-tr" 'image-dired-delete-tag)
1445 (define-key map "\C-tj" 'image-dired-jump-thumbnail-buffer)
1446 (define-key map "\C-ti" 'image-dired-dired-display-image)
1447 (define-key map "\C-tx" 'image-dired-dired-display-external)
1448 (define-key map "\C-ta" 'image-dired-display-thumbs-append)
1449 (define-key map "\C-t." 'image-dired-display-thumb)
1450 (define-key map "\C-tc" 'image-dired-dired-comment-files)
1451 (define-key map "\C-tf" 'image-dired-mark-tagged-files)
1452 (define-key map "\C-t\C-t" 'image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs)
1453 (define-key map "\C-te" 'image-dired-dired-edit-comment-and-tags)
1454 ;; encryption and decryption (epa-dired)
1455 (define-key map ":d" 'epa-dired-do-decrypt)
1456 (define-key map ":v" 'epa-dired-do-verify)
1457 (define-key map ":s" 'epa-dired-do-sign)
1458 (define-key map ":e" 'epa-dired-do-encrypt)
1460 ;; Make menu bar items.
1462 ;; No need to fo this, now that top-level items are fewer.
1463 ;;;;
1464 ;; Get rid of the Edit menu bar item to save space.
1465 ;(define-key map [menu-bar edit] 'undefined)
1467 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir]
1468 (cons "Subdir" (make-sparse-keymap "Subdir")))
1470 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir hide-all]
1471 '(menu-item "Hide All" dired-hide-all
1472 :help "Hide all subdirectories, leave only header lines"))
1473 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir hide-subdir]
1474 '(menu-item "Hide/UnHide Subdir" dired-hide-subdir
1475 :help "Hide or unhide current directory listing"))
1476 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir tree-down]
1477 '(menu-item "Tree Down" dired-tree-down
1478 :help "Go to first subdirectory header down the tree"))
1479 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir tree-up]
1480 '(menu-item "Tree Up" dired-tree-up
1481 :help "Go to first subdirectory header up the tree"))
1482 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir up]
1483 '(menu-item "Up Directory" dired-up-directory
1484 :help "Edit the parent directory"))
1485 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir prev-subdir]
1486 '(menu-item "Prev Subdir" dired-prev-subdir
1487 :help "Go to previous subdirectory header line"))
1488 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir next-subdir]
1489 '(menu-item "Next Subdir" dired-next-subdir
1490 :help "Go to next subdirectory header line"))
1491 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir prev-dirline]
1492 '(menu-item "Prev Dirline" dired-prev-dirline
1493 :help "Move to next directory-file line"))
1494 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir next-dirline]
1495 '(menu-item "Next Dirline" dired-next-dirline
1496 :help "Move to previous directory-file line"))
1497 (define-key map [menu-bar subdir insert]
1498 '(menu-item "Insert This Subdir" dired-maybe-insert-subdir
1499 :help "Insert contents of subdirectory"
1500 :enable (let ((f (dired-get-filename nil t)))
1501 (and f (file-directory-p f)))))
1502 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate]
1503 (cons "Immediate" (make-sparse-keymap "Immediate")))
1505 (define-key map
1506 [menu-bar immediate image-dired-dired-display-external]
1507 '(menu-item "Display Image Externally" image-dired-dired-display-external
1508 :help "Display image in external viewer"))
1509 (define-key map
1510 [menu-bar immediate image-dired-dired-display-image]
1511 '(menu-item "Display Image" image-dired-dired-display-image
1512 :help "Display sized image in a separate window"))
1514 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate revert-buffer]
1515 '(menu-item "Refresh" revert-buffer
1516 :help "Update contents of shown directories"))
1518 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate dashes]
1519 '("--"))
1521 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate isearch-filenames-regexp]
1522 '(menu-item "Isearch Regexp in File Names..." dired-isearch-filenames-regexp
1523 :help "Incrementally search for regexp in file names only"))
1524 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate isearch-filenames]
1525 '(menu-item "Isearch in File Names..." dired-isearch-filenames
1526 :help "Incrementally search for string in file names only."))
1527 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate compare-directories]
1528 '(menu-item "Compare Directories..." dired-compare-directories
1529 :help "Mark files with different attributes in two dired buffers"))
1530 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate backup-diff]
1531 '(menu-item "Compare with Backup" dired-backup-diff
1532 :help "Diff file at cursor with its latest backup"))
1533 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate diff]
1534 '(menu-item "Diff..." dired-diff
1535 :help "Compare file at cursor with another file"))
1536 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate view]
1537 '(menu-item "View This File" dired-view-file
1538 :help "Examine file at cursor in read-only mode"))
1539 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate display]
1540 '(menu-item "Display in Other Window" dired-display-file
1541 :help "Display file at cursor in other window"))
1542 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate find-file-other-window]
1543 '(menu-item "Find in Other Window" dired-find-file-other-window
1544 :help "Edit file at cursor in other window"))
1545 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate find-file]
1546 '(menu-item "Find This File" dired-find-file
1547 :help "Edit file at cursor"))
1548 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate create-directory]
1549 '(menu-item "Create Directory..." dired-create-directory
1550 :help "Create a directory"))
1551 (define-key map [menu-bar immediate wdired-mode]
1552 '(menu-item "Edit File Names" wdired-change-to-wdired-mode
1553 :help "Put a dired buffer in a mode in which filenames are editable"
1554 :keys "C-x C-q"
1555 :filter (lambda (x) (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode) x))))
1557 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp]
1558 (cons "Regexp" (make-sparse-keymap "Regexp")))
1560 (define-key map
1561 [menu-bar regexp image-dired-mark-tagged-files]
1562 '(menu-item "Mark From Image Tag..." image-dired-mark-tagged-files
1563 :help "Mark files whose image tags matches regexp"))
1565 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp dashes-1]
1566 '("--"))
1568 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp downcase]
1569 '(menu-item "Downcase" dired-downcase
1570 ;; When running on plain MS-DOS, there's only one
1571 ;; letter-case for file names.
1572 :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))
1573 (msdos-long-file-names))
1574 :help "Rename marked files to lower-case name"))
1575 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp upcase]
1576 '(menu-item "Upcase" dired-upcase
1577 :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))
1578 (msdos-long-file-names))
1579 :help "Rename marked files to upper-case name"))
1580 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp hardlink]
1581 '(menu-item "Hardlink..." dired-do-hardlink-regexp
1582 :help "Make hard links for files matching regexp"))
1583 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp symlink]
1584 '(menu-item "Symlink..." dired-do-symlink-regexp
1585 :visible (fboundp 'make-symbolic-link)
1586 :help "Make symbolic links for files matching regexp"))
1587 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp rename]
1588 '(menu-item "Rename..." dired-do-rename-regexp
1589 :help "Rename marked files matching regexp"))
1590 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp copy]
1591 '(menu-item "Copy..." dired-do-copy-regexp
1592 :help "Copy marked files matching regexp"))
1593 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp flag]
1594 '(menu-item "Flag..." dired-flag-files-regexp
1595 :help "Flag files matching regexp for deletion"))
1596 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp mark]
1597 '(menu-item "Mark..." dired-mark-files-regexp
1598 :help "Mark files matching regexp for future operations"))
1599 (define-key map [menu-bar regexp mark-cont]
1600 '(menu-item "Mark Containing..." dired-mark-files-containing-regexp
1601 :help "Mark files whose contents matches regexp"))
1603 (define-key map [menu-bar mark]
1604 (cons "Mark" (make-sparse-keymap "Mark")))
1606 (define-key map [menu-bar mark prev]
1607 '(menu-item "Previous Marked" dired-prev-marked-file
1608 :help "Move to previous marked file"))
1609 (define-key map [menu-bar mark next]
1610 '(menu-item "Next Marked" dired-next-marked-file
1611 :help "Move to next marked file"))
1612 (define-key map [menu-bar mark marks]
1613 '(menu-item "Change Marks..." dired-change-marks
1614 :help "Replace marker with another character"))
1615 (define-key map [menu-bar mark unmark-all]
1616 '(menu-item "Unmark All" dired-unmark-all-marks))
1617 (define-key map [menu-bar mark symlinks]
1618 '(menu-item "Mark Symlinks" dired-mark-symlinks
1619 :visible (fboundp 'make-symbolic-link)
1620 :help "Mark all symbolic links"))
1621 (define-key map [menu-bar mark directories]
1622 '(menu-item "Mark Directories" dired-mark-directories
1623 :help "Mark all directories except `.' and `..'"))
1624 (define-key map [menu-bar mark directory]
1625 '(menu-item "Mark Old Backups" dired-clean-directory
1626 :help "Flag old numbered backups for deletion"))
1627 (define-key map [menu-bar mark executables]
1628 '(menu-item "Mark Executables" dired-mark-executables
1629 :help "Mark all executable files"))
1630 (define-key map [menu-bar mark garbage-files]
1631 '(menu-item "Flag Garbage Files" dired-flag-garbage-files
1632 :help "Flag unneeded files for deletion"))
1633 (define-key map [menu-bar mark backup-files]
1634 '(menu-item "Flag Backup Files" dired-flag-backup-files
1635 :help "Flag all backup files for deletion"))
1636 (define-key map [menu-bar mark auto-save-files]
1637 '(menu-item "Flag Auto-save Files" dired-flag-auto-save-files
1638 :help "Flag auto-save files for deletion"))
1639 (define-key map [menu-bar mark deletion]
1640 '(menu-item "Flag" dired-flag-file-deletion
1641 :help "Flag current line's file for deletion"))
1642 (define-key map [menu-bar mark unmark]
1643 '(menu-item "Unmark" dired-unmark
1644 :help "Unmark or unflag current line's file"))
1645 (define-key map [menu-bar mark mark]
1646 '(menu-item "Mark" dired-mark
1647 :help "Mark current line's file for future operations"))
1648 (define-key map [menu-bar mark toggle-marks]
1649 '(menu-item "Toggle Marks" dired-toggle-marks
1650 :help "Mark unmarked files, unmark marked ones"))
1652 (define-key map [menu-bar operate]
1653 (cons "Operate" (make-sparse-keymap "Operate")))
1655 (define-key map
1656 [menu-bar operate image-dired-delete-tag]
1657 '(menu-item "Delete Image Tag..." image-dired-delete-tag
1658 :help "Delete image tag from current or marked files"))
1659 (define-key map
1660 [menu-bar operate image-dired-tag-files]
1661 '(menu-item "Add Image Tags..." image-dired-tag-files
1662 :help "Add image tags to current or marked files"))
1663 (define-key map
1664 [menu-bar operate image-dired-dired-comment-files]
1665 '(menu-item "Add Image Comment..." image-dired-dired-comment-files
1666 :help "Add image comment to current or marked files"))
1667 (define-key map
1668 [menu-bar operate image-dired-display-thumbs]
1669 '(menu-item "Display image thumbnails" image-dired-display-thumbs
1670 :help "Display image thumbnails for current or marked image files"))
1672 (define-key map [menu-bar operate dashes-4]
1673 '("--"))
1675 (define-key map
1676 [menu-bar operate epa-dired-do-decrypt]
1677 '(menu-item "Decrypt" epa-dired-do-decrypt
1678 :help "Decrypt file at cursor"))
1680 (define-key map
1681 [menu-bar operate epa-dired-do-verify]
1682 '(menu-item "Verify" epa-dired-do-verify
1683 :help "Verify digital signature of file at cursor"))
1685 (define-key map
1686 [menu-bar operate epa-dired-do-sign]
1687 '(menu-item "Sign" epa-dired-do-sign
1688 :help "Create digital signature of file at cursor"))
1690 (define-key map
1691 [menu-bar operate epa-dired-do-encrypt]
1692 '(menu-item "Encrypt" epa-dired-do-encrypt
1693 :help "Encrypt file at cursor"))
1695 (define-key map [menu-bar operate dashes-3]
1696 '("--"))
1698 (define-key map [menu-bar operate query-replace]
1699 '(menu-item "Query Replace in Files..." dired-do-query-replace-regexp
1700 :help "Replace regexp in marked files"))
1701 (define-key map [menu-bar operate search]
1702 '(menu-item "Search Files..." dired-do-search
1703 :help "Search marked files for regexp"))
1704 (define-key map [menu-bar operate isearch-regexp]
1705 '(menu-item "Isearch Regexp Files..." dired-do-isearch-regexp
1706 :help "Incrementally search marked files for regexp"))
1707 (define-key map [menu-bar operate isearch]
1708 '(menu-item "Isearch Files..." dired-do-isearch
1709 :help "Incrementally search marked files for string"))
1710 (define-key map [menu-bar operate chown]
1711 '(menu-item "Change Owner..." dired-do-chown
1712 :visible (not (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt)))
1713 :help "Change the owner of marked files"))
1714 (define-key map [menu-bar operate chgrp]
1715 '(menu-item "Change Group..." dired-do-chgrp
1716 :visible (not (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt)))
1717 :help "Change the group of marked files"))
1718 (define-key map [menu-bar operate chmod]
1719 '(menu-item "Change Mode..." dired-do-chmod
1720 :help "Change mode (attributes) of marked files"))
1721 (define-key map [menu-bar operate touch]
1722 '(menu-item "Change Timestamp..." dired-do-touch
1723 :help "Change timestamp of marked files"))
1724 (define-key map [menu-bar operate load]
1725 '(menu-item "Load" dired-do-load
1726 :help "Load marked Emacs Lisp files"))
1727 (define-key map [menu-bar operate compile]
1728 '(menu-item "Byte-compile" dired-do-byte-compile
1729 :help "Byte-compile marked Emacs Lisp files"))
1730 (define-key map [menu-bar operate compress]
1731 '(menu-item "Compress" dired-do-compress
1732 :help "Compress/uncompress marked files"))
1733 (define-key map [menu-bar operate print]
1734 '(menu-item "Print..." dired-do-print
1735 :help "Ask for print command and print marked files"))
1736 (define-key map [menu-bar operate hardlink]
1737 '(menu-item "Hardlink to..." dired-do-hardlink
1738 :help "Make hard links for current or marked files"))
1739 (define-key map [menu-bar operate symlink]
1740 '(menu-item "Symlink to..." dired-do-symlink
1741 :visible (fboundp 'make-symbolic-link)
1742 :help "Make symbolic links for current or marked files"))
1743 (define-key map [menu-bar operate async-command]
1744 '(menu-item "Asynchronous Shell Command..." dired-do-async-shell-command
1745 :help "Run a shell command asynchronously on current or marked files"))
1746 (define-key map [menu-bar operate command]
1747 '(menu-item "Shell Command..." dired-do-shell-command
1748 :help "Run a shell command on current or marked files"))
1749 (define-key map [menu-bar operate delete]
1750 '(menu-item "Delete" dired-do-delete
1751 :help "Delete current file or all marked files"))
1752 (define-key map [menu-bar operate rename]
1753 '(menu-item "Rename to..." dired-do-rename
1754 :help "Rename current file or move marked files"))
1755 (define-key map [menu-bar operate copy]
1756 '(menu-item "Copy to..." dired-do-copy
1757 :help "Copy current file or all marked files"))
1759 map)
1760 "Local keymap for `dired-mode' buffers.")
1762 ;; Dired mode is suitable only for specially formatted data.
1763 (put 'dired-mode 'mode-class 'special)
1765 ;; Autoload cookie needed by desktop.el
1766 ;;;###autoload
1767 (defun dired-mode (&optional dirname switches)
1769 Mode for \"editing\" directory listings.
1770 In Dired, you are \"editing\" a list of the files in a directory and
1771 \(optionally) its subdirectories, in the format of `ls -lR'.
1772 Each directory is a page: use \\[backward-page] and \\[forward-page] to move pagewise.
1773 \"Editing\" means that you can run shell commands on files, visit,
1774 compress, load or byte-compile them, change their file attributes
1775 and insert subdirectories into the same buffer. You can \"mark\"
1776 files for later commands or \"flag\" them for deletion, either file
1777 by file or all files matching certain criteria.
1778 You can move using the usual cursor motion commands.\\<dired-mode-map>
1779 Letters no longer insert themselves. Digits are prefix arguments.
1780 Instead, type \\[dired-flag-file-deletion] to flag a file for Deletion.
1781 Type \\[dired-mark] to Mark a file or subdirectory for later commands.
1782 Most commands operate on the marked files and use the current file
1783 if no files are marked. Use a numeric prefix argument to operate on
1784 the next ARG (or previous -ARG if ARG<0) files, or just `1'
1785 to operate on the current file only. Prefix arguments override marks.
1786 Mark-using commands display a list of failures afterwards. Type \\[dired-summary]
1787 to see why something went wrong.
1788 Type \\[dired-unmark] to Unmark a file or all files of a subdirectory.
1789 Type \\[dired-unmark-backward] to back up one line and unflag.
1790 Type \\[dired-do-flagged-delete] to eXecute the deletions requested.
1791 Type \\[dired-find-file] to Find the current line's file
1792 (or dired it in another buffer, if it is a directory).
1793 Type \\[dired-find-file-other-window] to find file or dired directory in Other window.
1794 Type \\[dired-maybe-insert-subdir] to Insert a subdirectory in this buffer.
1795 Type \\[dired-do-rename] to Rename a file or move the marked files to another directory.
1796 Type \\[dired-do-copy] to Copy files.
1797 Type \\[dired-sort-toggle-or-edit] to toggle Sorting by name/date or change the `ls' switches.
1798 Type \\[revert-buffer] to read all currently expanded directories aGain.
1799 This retains all marks and hides subdirs again that were hidden before.
1800 SPC and DEL can be used to move down and up by lines.
1802 If Dired ever gets confused, you can either type \\[revert-buffer] \
1803 to read the
1804 directories again, type \\[dired-do-redisplay] \
1805 to relist a single or the marked files or a
1806 subdirectory, or type \\[dired-build-subdir-alist] to parse the buffer
1807 again for the directory tree.
1809 Customization variables (rename this buffer and type \\[describe-variable] on each line
1810 for more info):
1812 `dired-listing-switches'
1813 `dired-trivial-filenames'
1814 `dired-shrink-to-fit'
1815 `dired-marker-char'
1816 `dired-del-marker'
1817 `dired-keep-marker-rename'
1818 `dired-keep-marker-copy'
1819 `dired-keep-marker-hardlink'
1820 `dired-keep-marker-symlink'
1822 Hooks (use \\[describe-variable] to see their documentation):
1824 `dired-before-readin-hook'
1825 `dired-after-readin-hook'
1826 `dired-mode-hook'
1827 `dired-load-hook'
1829 Keybindings:
1830 \\{dired-mode-map}"
1831 ;; Not to be called interactively (e.g. dired-directory will be set
1832 ;; to default-directory, which is wrong with wildcards).
1833 (kill-all-local-variables)
1834 (use-local-map dired-mode-map)
1835 (dired-advertise) ; default-directory is already set
1836 (setq major-mode 'dired-mode
1837 mode-name "Dired"
1838 ;; case-fold-search nil
1839 buffer-read-only t
1840 selective-display t ; for subdirectory hiding
1841 mode-line-buffer-identification
1842 (propertized-buffer-identification "%17b"))
1843 (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
1844 (function dired-revert))
1845 (set (make-local-variable 'buffer-stale-function)
1846 (function dired-buffer-stale-p))
1847 (set (make-local-variable 'page-delimiter)
1848 "\n\n")
1849 (set (make-local-variable 'dired-directory)
1850 (or dirname default-directory))
1851 ;; list-buffers uses this to display the dir being edited in this buffer.
1852 (setq list-buffers-directory
1853 (expand-file-name (if (listp dired-directory)
1854 (car dired-directory)
1855 dired-directory)))
1856 (set (make-local-variable 'dired-actual-switches)
1857 (or switches dired-listing-switches))
1858 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
1859 '(dired-font-lock-keywords t nil nil beginning-of-line))
1860 (set (make-local-variable 'desktop-save-buffer)
1861 'dired-desktop-buffer-misc-data)
1862 (setq dired-switches-alist nil)
1863 (dired-sort-other dired-actual-switches t)
1864 (when (featurep 'dnd)
1865 (set (make-local-variable 'dnd-protocol-alist)
1866 (append dired-dnd-protocol-alist dnd-protocol-alist)))
1867 (add-hook 'file-name-at-point-functions 'dired-file-name-at-point nil t)
1868 (add-hook 'isearch-mode-hook 'dired-isearch-filenames-setup nil t)
1869 (run-mode-hooks 'dired-mode-hook))
1871 ;; Idiosyncratic dired commands that don't deal with marks.
1873 (defun dired-summary ()
1874 "Summarize basic Dired commands and show recent dired errors."
1875 (interactive)
1876 (dired-why)
1877 ;>> this should check the key-bindings and use substitute-command-keys if non-standard
1878 (message
1879 "d-elete, u-ndelete, x-punge, f-ind, o-ther window, R-ename, C-opy, h-elp"))
1881 (defun dired-undo ()
1882 "Undo in a dired buffer.
1883 This doesn't recover lost files, it just undoes changes in the buffer itself.
1884 You can use it to recover marks, killed lines or subdirs."
1885 (interactive)
1886 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
1887 (undo))
1888 (dired-build-subdir-alist)
1889 (message "Change in dired buffer undone.
1890 Actual changes in files cannot be undone by Emacs."))
1892 (defun dired-toggle-read-only ()
1893 "Edit dired buffer with Wdired, or set it read-only.
1894 Call `wdired-change-to-wdired-mode' in dired buffers whose editing is
1895 supported by Wdired (the major mode of the dired buffer is `dired-mode').
1896 Otherwise, for buffers inheriting from dired-mode, call `toggle-read-only'."
1897 (interactive)
1898 (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
1899 (wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)
1900 (toggle-read-only)))
1902 (defun dired-next-line (arg)
1903 "Move down lines then position at filename.
1904 Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one line."
1905 (interactive "p")
1906 (forward-line arg)
1907 (dired-move-to-filename))
1909 (defun dired-previous-line (arg)
1910 "Move up lines then position at filename.
1911 Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one line."
1912 (interactive "p")
1913 (forward-line (- arg))
1914 (dired-move-to-filename))
1916 (defun dired-next-dirline (arg &optional opoint)
1917 "Goto ARG'th next directory file line."
1918 (interactive "p")
1919 (or opoint (setq opoint (point)))
1920 (if (if (> arg 0)
1921 (re-search-forward dired-re-dir nil t arg)
1922 (beginning-of-line)
1923 (re-search-backward dired-re-dir nil t (- arg)))
1924 (dired-move-to-filename) ; user may type `i' or `f'
1925 (goto-char opoint)
1926 (error "No more subdirectories")))
1928 (defun dired-prev-dirline (arg)
1929 "Goto ARG'th previous directory file line."
1930 (interactive "p")
1931 (dired-next-dirline (- arg)))
1933 (defun dired-up-directory (&optional other-window)
1934 "Run Dired on parent directory of current directory.
1935 Find the parent directory either in this buffer or another buffer.
1936 Creates a buffer if necessary."
1937 (interactive "P")
1938 (let* ((dir (dired-current-directory))
1939 (up (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
1940 (or (dired-goto-file (directory-file-name dir))
1941 ;; Only try dired-goto-subdir if buffer has more than one dir.
1942 (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)
1943 (dired-goto-subdir up))
1944 (progn
1945 (if other-window
1946 (dired-other-window up)
1947 (dired up))
1948 (dired-goto-file dir)))))
1950 (defun dired-get-file-for-visit ()
1951 "Get the current line's file name, with an error if file does not exist."
1952 (interactive)
1953 ;; We pass t for second arg so that we don't get error for `.' and `..'.
1954 (let ((raw (dired-get-filename nil t))
1955 file-name)
1956 (if (null raw)
1957 (error "No file on this line"))
1958 (setq file-name (file-name-sans-versions raw t))
1959 (if (file-exists-p file-name)
1960 file-name
1961 (if (file-symlink-p file-name)
1962 (error "File is a symlink to a nonexistent target")
1963 (error "File no longer exists; type `g' to update dired buffer")))))
1965 ;; Force C-m keybinding rather than `f' or `e' in the mode doc:
1966 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'dired-advertised-find-file 'dired-find-file "23.2")
1967 (defun dired-find-file ()
1968 "In Dired, visit the file or directory named on this line."
1969 (interactive)
1970 ;; Bind `find-file-run-dired' so that the command works on directories
1971 ;; too, independent of the user's setting.
1972 (let ((find-file-run-dired t))
1973 (find-file (dired-get-file-for-visit))))
1975 (defun dired-find-alternate-file ()
1976 "In Dired, visit this file or directory instead of the dired buffer."
1977 (interactive)
1978 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
1979 (find-alternate-file (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
1980 ;; Don't override the setting from .emacs.
1981 ;;;###autoload (put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled t)
1983 (defun dired-mouse-find-file-other-window (event)
1984 "In Dired, visit the file or directory name you click on."
1985 (interactive "e")
1986 (let (window pos file)
1987 (save-excursion
1988 (setq window (posn-window (event-end event))
1989 pos (posn-point (event-end event)))
1990 (if (not (windowp window))
1991 (error "No file chosen"))
1992 (set-buffer (window-buffer window))
1993 (goto-char pos)
1994 (setq file (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
1995 (if (file-directory-p file)
1996 (or (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)
1997 (dired-goto-subdir file))
1998 (progn
1999 (select-window window)
2000 (dired-other-window file)))
2001 (select-window window)
2002 (find-file-other-window (file-name-sans-versions file t)))))
2004 (defun dired-view-file ()
2005 "In Dired, examine a file in view mode, returning to Dired when done.
2006 When file is a directory, show it in this buffer if it is inserted.
2007 Otherwise, display it in another buffer."
2008 (interactive)
2009 (let ((file (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
2010 (if (file-directory-p file)
2011 (or (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)
2012 (dired-goto-subdir file))
2013 (dired file))
2014 (view-file file))))
2016 (defun dired-find-file-other-window ()
2017 "In Dired, visit this file or directory in another window."
2018 (interactive)
2019 (find-file-other-window (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
2021 (defun dired-display-file ()
2022 "In Dired, display this file or directory in another window."
2023 (interactive)
2024 (display-buffer (find-file-noselect (dired-get-file-for-visit))))
2026 ;;; Functions for extracting and manipulating file names in Dired buffers.
2028 (defun dired-get-filename (&optional localp no-error-if-not-filep)
2029 "In Dired, return name of file mentioned on this line.
2030 Value returned normally includes the directory name.
2031 Optional arg LOCALP with value `no-dir' means don't include directory
2032 name in result. A value of `verbatim' means to return the name exactly as
2033 it occurs in the buffer, and a value of t means construct name relative to
2034 `default-directory', which still may contain slashes if in a subdirectory.
2035 Optional arg NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-FILEP means treat `.' and `..' as
2036 regular filenames and return nil if no filename on this line.
2037 Otherwise, an error occurs in these cases."
2038 (let (case-fold-search file p1 p2 already-absolute)
2039 (save-excursion
2040 (if (setq p1 (dired-move-to-filename (not no-error-if-not-filep)))
2041 (setq p2 (dired-move-to-end-of-filename no-error-if-not-filep))))
2042 ;; nil if no file on this line, but no-error-if-not-filep is t:
2043 (if (setq file (and p1 p2 (buffer-substring p1 p2)))
2044 (progn
2045 ;; Get rid of the mouse-face property that file names have.
2046 (set-text-properties 0 (length file) nil file)
2047 ;; Unquote names quoted by ls or by dired-insert-directory.
2048 ;; This code was written using `read' to unquote, because
2049 ;; it's faster than substituting \007 (4 chars) -> ^G (1
2050 ;; char) etc. in a lisp loop. Unfortunately, this decision
2051 ;; has necessitated hacks such as dealing with filenames
2052 ;; with quotation marks in their names.
2053 (while (string-match "\\(?:[^\\]\\|\\`\\)\\(\"\\)" file)
2054 (setq file (replace-match "\\\"" nil t file 1)))
2056 (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
2057 (save-match-data
2058 (let ((start 0))
2059 (while (string-match "\\\\" file start)
2060 (aset file (match-beginning 0) ?/)
2061 (setq start (match-end 0))))))
2063 (setq file (read (concat "\"" file "\"")))
2064 ;; The above `read' will return a unibyte string if FILE
2065 ;; contains eight-bit-control/graphic characters.
2066 (if (and enable-multibyte-characters
2067 (not (multibyte-string-p file)))
2068 (setq file (string-to-multibyte file)))))
2069 (and file (file-name-absolute-p file)
2070 ;; A relative file name can start with ~.
2071 ;; Don't treat it as absolute in this context.
2072 (not (eq (aref file 0) ?~))
2073 (setq already-absolute t))
2074 (cond
2075 ((null file)
2076 nil)
2077 ((eq localp 'verbatim)
2078 file)
2079 ((and (not no-error-if-not-filep)
2080 (member file '("." "..")))
2081 (error "Cannot operate on `.' or `..'"))
2082 ((and (eq localp 'no-dir) already-absolute)
2083 (file-name-nondirectory file))
2084 (already-absolute
2085 (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler file nil)))
2086 ;; check for safe-magic property so that we won't
2087 ;; put /: for names that don't really need them.
2088 ;; For instance, .gz files when auto-compression-mode is on.
2089 (if (and handler (not (get handler 'safe-magic)))
2090 (concat "/:" file)
2091 file)))
2092 ((eq localp 'no-dir)
2093 file)
2094 ((equal (dired-current-directory) "/")
2095 (setq file (concat (dired-current-directory localp) file))
2096 (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler file nil)))
2097 ;; check for safe-magic property so that we won't
2098 ;; put /: for names that don't really need them.
2099 ;; For instance, .gz files when auto-compression-mode is on.
2100 (if (and handler (not (get handler 'safe-magic)))
2101 (concat "/:" file)
2102 file)))
2104 (concat (dired-current-directory localp) file)))))
2106 (defun dired-string-replace-match (regexp string newtext
2107 &optional literal global)
2108 "Replace first match of REGEXP in STRING with NEWTEXT.
2109 If it does not match, nil is returned instead of the new string.
2110 Optional arg LITERAL means to take NEWTEXT literally.
2111 Optional arg GLOBAL means to replace all matches."
2112 (if global
2113 (let ((start 0) ret)
2114 (while (string-match regexp string start)
2115 (let ((from-end (- (length string) (match-end 0))))
2116 (setq ret (setq string (replace-match newtext t literal string)))
2117 (setq start (- (length string) from-end))))
2118 ret)
2119 (if (not (string-match regexp string 0))
2121 (replace-match newtext t literal string))))
2123 (defun dired-make-absolute (file &optional dir)
2124 ;;"Convert FILE (a file name relative to DIR) to an absolute file name."
2125 ;; We can't always use expand-file-name as this would get rid of `.'
2126 ;; or expand in / instead default-directory if DIR=="".
2127 ;; This should be good enough for ange-ftp.
2128 ;; It should be reasonably fast, though, as it is called in
2129 ;; dired-get-filename.
2130 (concat (or dir default-directory) file))
2132 (defun dired-make-relative (file &optional dir _ignore)
2133 "Convert FILE (an absolute file name) to a name relative to DIR.
2134 If this is impossible, return FILE unchanged.
2135 DIR must be a directory name, not a file name."
2136 (or dir (setq dir default-directory))
2137 ;; This case comes into play if default-directory is set to
2138 ;; use ~.
2139 (if (and (> (length dir) 0) (= (aref dir 0) ?~))
2140 (setq dir (expand-file-name dir)))
2141 (if (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote dir)) file)
2142 (substring file (match-end 0))
2143 ;;; (or no-error
2144 ;;; (error "%s: not in directory tree growing at %s" file dir))
2145 file))
2147 ;;; Functions for finding the file name in a dired buffer line.
2149 (defvar dired-permission-flags-regexp
2150 "\\([^ ]\\)[-r][-w]\\([^ ]\\)[-r][-w]\\([^ ]\\)[-r][-w]\\([^ ]\\)"
2151 "Regular expression to match the permission flags in `ls -l'.")
2153 ;; Move to first char of filename on this line.
2154 ;; Returns position (point) or nil if no filename on this line."
2155 (defun dired-move-to-filename (&optional raise-error eol)
2156 "Move to the beginning of the filename on the current line.
2157 Return the position of the beginning of the filename, or nil if none found."
2158 ;; This is the UNIX version.
2159 (or eol (setq eol (line-end-position)))
2160 (beginning-of-line)
2161 ;; First try assuming `ls --dired' was used.
2162 (let ((change (next-single-property-change (point) 'dired-filename nil eol)))
2163 (cond
2164 ((and change (< change eol))
2165 (goto-char change))
2166 ((re-search-forward directory-listing-before-filename-regexp eol t)
2167 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
2168 ((re-search-forward dired-permission-flags-regexp eol t)
2169 ;; Ha! There *is* a file. Our regexp-from-hell just failed to find it.
2170 (if raise-error
2171 (error "Unrecognized line! Check directory-listing-before-filename-regexp"))
2172 (beginning-of-line)
2173 nil)
2174 (raise-error
2175 (error "No file on this line")))))
2177 (defun dired-move-to-end-of-filename (&optional no-error)
2178 ;; Assumes point is at beginning of filename,
2179 ;; thus the rwx bit re-search-backward below will succeed in *this*
2180 ;; line if at all. So, it should be called only after
2181 ;; (dired-move-to-filename t).
2182 ;; On failure, signals an error (with non-nil NO-ERROR just returns nil).
2183 ;; This is the UNIX version.
2184 (if (get-text-property (point) 'dired-filename)
2185 (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'dired-filename))
2186 (let (opoint file-type executable symlink hidden case-fold-search used-F eol)
2187 ;; case-fold-search is nil now, so we can test for capital F:
2188 (setq used-F (string-match "F" dired-actual-switches)
2189 opoint (point)
2190 eol (line-end-position)
2191 hidden (and selective-display
2192 (save-excursion (search-forward "\r" eol t))))
2193 (if hidden
2195 (save-excursion ;; Find out what kind of file this is:
2196 ;; Restrict perm bits to be non-blank,
2197 ;; otherwise this matches one char to early (looking backward):
2198 ;; "l---------" (some systems make symlinks that way)
2199 ;; "----------" (plain file with zero perms)
2200 (if (re-search-backward
2201 dired-permission-flags-regexp nil t)
2202 (setq file-type (char-after (match-beginning 1))
2203 symlink (eq file-type ?l)
2204 ;; Only with -F we need to know whether it's an executable
2205 executable (and
2206 used-F
2207 (string-match
2208 "[xst]" ;; execute bit set anywhere?
2209 (concat
2210 (match-string 2)
2211 (match-string 3)
2212 (match-string 4)))))
2213 (or no-error (error "No file on this line"))))
2214 ;; Move point to end of name:
2215 (if symlink
2216 (if (search-forward " -> " eol t)
2217 (progn
2218 (forward-char -4)
2219 (and used-F
2220 dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks
2221 (eq (preceding-char) ?@) ;; did ls really mark the link?
2222 (forward-char -1))))
2223 (goto-char eol) ;; else not a symbolic link
2224 ;; ls -lF marks dirs, sockets, fifos and executables with exactly
2225 ;; one trailing character. (Executable bits on symlinks ain't mean
2226 ;; a thing, even to ls, but we know it's not a symlink.)
2227 (and used-F
2228 (or (memq file-type '(?d ?s ?p))
2229 executable)
2230 (forward-char -1))))
2231 (or no-error
2232 (not (eq opoint (point)))
2233 (error "%s" (if hidden
2234 (substitute-command-keys
2235 "File line is hidden, type \\[dired-hide-subdir] to unhide")
2236 "No file on this line")))
2237 (if (eq opoint (point))
2239 (point)))))
2244 (defun dired-copy-filename-as-kill (&optional arg)
2245 "Copy names of marked (or next ARG) files into the kill ring.
2246 The names are separated by a space.
2247 With a zero prefix arg, use the absolute file name of each marked file.
2248 With \\[universal-argument], use the file name relative to the dired buffer's
2249 `default-directory'. (This still may contain slashes if in a subdirectory.)
2251 If on a subdir headerline, use absolute subdirname instead;
2252 prefix arg and marked files are ignored in this case.
2254 You can then feed the file name(s) to other commands with \\[yank]."
2255 (interactive "P")
2256 (let ((string
2257 (or (dired-get-subdir)
2258 (mapconcat (function identity)
2259 (if arg
2260 (cond ((zerop (prefix-numeric-value arg))
2261 (dired-get-marked-files))
2262 ((consp arg)
2263 (dired-get-marked-files t))
2265 (dired-get-marked-files
2266 'no-dir (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
2267 (dired-get-marked-files 'no-dir))
2268 " "))))
2269 (if (eq last-command 'kill-region)
2270 (kill-append string nil)
2271 (kill-new string))
2272 (message "%s" string)))
2275 ;; Keeping Dired buffers in sync with the filesystem and with each other
2277 (defun dired-buffers-for-dir (dir &optional file)
2278 ;; Return a list of buffers for DIR (top level or in-situ subdir).
2279 ;; If FILE is non-nil, include only those whose wildcard pattern (if any)
2280 ;; matches FILE.
2281 ;; The list is in reverse order of buffer creation, most recent last.
2282 ;; As a side effect, killed dired buffers for DIR are removed from
2283 ;; dired-buffers.
2284 (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
2285 (let (result buf)
2286 (dolist (elt dired-buffers)
2287 (setq buf (cdr elt))
2288 (cond
2289 ((null (buffer-name buf))
2290 ;; Buffer is killed - clean up:
2291 (setq dired-buffers (delq elt dired-buffers)))
2292 ((dired-in-this-tree dir (car elt))
2293 (with-current-buffer buf
2294 (and (assoc dir dired-subdir-alist)
2295 (or (null file)
2296 (if (stringp dired-directory)
2297 (let ((wildcards (file-name-nondirectory
2298 dired-directory)))
2299 (or (= 0 (length wildcards))
2300 (string-match (dired-glob-regexp wildcards)
2301 file)))
2302 (member (expand-file-name file dir)
2303 (cdr dired-directory))))
2304 (setq result (cons buf result)))))))
2305 result))
2307 (defun dired-glob-regexp (pattern)
2308 "Convert glob-pattern PATTERN to a regular expression."
2309 (let ((matched-in-pattern 0) ;; How many chars of PATTERN we've handled.
2310 regexp)
2311 (while (string-match "[[?*]" pattern matched-in-pattern)
2312 (let ((op-end (match-end 0))
2313 (next-op (aref pattern (match-beginning 0))))
2314 (setq regexp (concat regexp
2315 (regexp-quote
2316 (substring pattern matched-in-pattern
2317 (match-beginning 0)))))
2318 (cond ((= next-op ??)
2319 (setq regexp (concat regexp "."))
2320 (setq matched-in-pattern op-end))
2321 ((= next-op ?\[)
2322 ;; Fails to handle ^ yet ????
2323 (let* ((set-start (match-beginning 0))
2324 (set-cont
2325 (if (= (aref pattern (1+ set-start)) ?^)
2326 (+ 3 set-start)
2327 (+ 2 set-start)))
2328 (set-end (string-match "]" pattern set-cont))
2329 (set (substring pattern set-start (1+ set-end))))
2330 (setq regexp (concat regexp set))
2331 (setq matched-in-pattern (1+ set-end))))
2332 ((= next-op ?*)
2333 (setq regexp (concat regexp ".*"))
2334 (setq matched-in-pattern op-end)))))
2335 (concat "\\`"
2336 regexp
2337 (regexp-quote
2338 (substring pattern matched-in-pattern))
2339 "\\'")))
2343 (defun dired-advertise ()
2344 ;;"Advertise in variable `dired-buffers' that we dired `default-directory'."
2345 ;; With wildcards we actually advertise too much.
2346 (let ((expanded-default (expand-file-name default-directory)))
2347 (if (memq (current-buffer) (dired-buffers-for-dir expanded-default))
2348 t ; we have already advertised ourselves
2349 (setq dired-buffers
2350 (cons (cons expanded-default (current-buffer))
2351 dired-buffers)))))
2353 (defun dired-unadvertise (dir)
2354 ;; Remove DIR from the buffer alist in variable dired-buffers.
2355 ;; This has the effect of removing any buffer whose main directory is DIR.
2356 ;; It does not affect buffers in which DIR is a subdir.
2357 ;; Removing is also done as a side-effect in dired-buffer-for-dir.
2358 (setq dired-buffers
2359 (delq (assoc (expand-file-name dir) dired-buffers) dired-buffers)))
2361 ;; Tree Dired
2363 ;;; utility functions
2365 (defun dired-in-this-tree (file dir)
2366 ;;"Is FILE part of the directory tree starting at DIR?"
2367 (let (case-fold-search)
2368 (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote dir)) file)))
2370 (defun dired-normalize-subdir (dir)
2371 ;; Prepend default-directory to DIR if relative file name.
2372 ;; dired-get-filename must be able to make a valid file name from a
2373 ;; file and its directory DIR.
2374 (file-name-as-directory
2375 (if (file-name-absolute-p dir)
2377 (expand-file-name dir default-directory))))
2379 (defun dired-get-subdir ()
2380 ;;"Return the subdir name on this line, or nil if not on a headerline."
2381 ;; Look up in the alist whether this is a headerline.
2382 (save-excursion
2383 (let ((cur-dir (dired-current-directory)))
2384 (beginning-of-line) ; alist stores b-o-l positions
2385 (and (zerop (- (point)
2386 (dired-get-subdir-min (assoc cur-dir
2387 dired-subdir-alist))))
2388 cur-dir))))
2390 ;(defun dired-get-subdir-min (elt)
2391 ; (cdr elt))
2392 ;; can't use macro, must be redefinable for other alist format in dired-nstd.
2393 (defalias 'dired-get-subdir-min 'cdr)
2395 (defun dired-get-subdir-max (elt)
2396 (save-excursion
2397 (goto-char (dired-get-subdir-min elt))
2398 (dired-subdir-max)))
2400 (defun dired-clear-alist ()
2401 (while dired-subdir-alist
2402 (set-marker (dired-get-subdir-min (car dired-subdir-alist)) nil)
2403 (setq dired-subdir-alist (cdr dired-subdir-alist))))
2405 (defun dired-subdir-index (dir)
2406 ;; Return an index into alist for use with nth
2407 ;; for the sake of subdir moving commands.
2408 (let (found (index 0) (alist dired-subdir-alist))
2409 (while alist
2410 (if (string= dir (car (car alist)))
2411 (setq alist nil found t)
2412 (setq alist (cdr alist) index (1+ index))))
2413 (if found index nil)))
2415 (defun dired-next-subdir (arg &optional no-error-if-not-found no-skip)
2416 "Go to next subdirectory, regardless of level."
2417 ;; Use 0 arg to go to this directory's header line.
2418 ;; NO-SKIP prevents moving to end of header line, returning whatever
2419 ;; position was found in dired-subdir-alist.
2420 (interactive "p")
2421 (let ((this-dir (dired-current-directory))
2422 pos index)
2423 ;; nth with negative arg does not return nil but the first element
2424 (setq index (- (dired-subdir-index this-dir) arg))
2425 (setq pos (if (>= index 0)
2426 (dired-get-subdir-min (nth index dired-subdir-alist))))
2427 (if pos
2428 (progn
2429 (goto-char pos)
2430 (or no-skip (skip-chars-forward "^\n\r"))
2431 (point))
2432 (if no-error-if-not-found
2433 nil ; return nil if not found
2434 (error "%s directory" (if (> arg 0) "Last" "First"))))))
2436 (defun dired-build-subdir-alist (&optional switches)
2437 "Build `dired-subdir-alist' by parsing the buffer.
2438 Returns the new value of the alist.
2439 If optional arg SWITCHES is non-nil, use its value
2440 instead of `dired-actual-switches'."
2441 (interactive)
2442 (dired-clear-alist)
2443 (save-excursion
2444 (let* ((count 0)
2445 (inhibit-read-only t)
2446 (buffer-undo-list t)
2447 (switches (or switches dired-actual-switches))
2448 new-dir-name
2449 (R-ftp-base-dir-regex
2450 ;; Used to expand subdirectory names correctly in recursive
2451 ;; ange-ftp listings.
2452 (and (string-match "R" switches)
2453 (string-match "\\`/.*:\\(/.*\\)" default-directory)
2454 (concat "\\`" (match-string 1 default-directory)))))
2455 (goto-char (point-min))
2456 (setq dired-subdir-alist nil)
2457 (while (re-search-forward dired-subdir-regexp nil t)
2458 ;; Avoid taking a file name ending in a colon
2459 ;; as a subdir name.
2460 (unless (save-excursion
2461 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
2462 (beginning-of-line)
2463 (forward-char 2)
2464 (save-match-data (looking-at dired-re-perms)))
2465 (save-excursion
2466 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
2467 (setq new-dir-name
2468 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (match-end 1))
2469 new-dir-name
2470 (save-match-data
2471 (if (and R-ftp-base-dir-regex
2472 (not (string= new-dir-name default-directory))
2473 (string-match R-ftp-base-dir-regex new-dir-name))
2474 (concat default-directory
2475 (substring new-dir-name (match-end 0)))
2476 (expand-file-name new-dir-name))))
2477 (delete-region (point) (match-end 1))
2478 (insert new-dir-name))
2479 (setq count (1+ count))
2480 (dired-alist-add-1 new-dir-name
2481 ;; Place a sub directory boundary between lines.
2482 (save-excursion
2483 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
2484 (beginning-of-line)
2485 (point-marker)))))
2486 (if (and (> count 1) (called-interactively-p 'interactive))
2487 (message "Buffer includes %d directories" count)))
2488 ;; We don't need to sort it because it is in buffer order per
2489 ;; constructionem. Return new alist:
2490 dired-subdir-alist))
2492 (defun dired-alist-add-1 (dir new-marker)
2493 ;; Add new DIR at NEW-MARKER. Don't sort.
2494 (setq dired-subdir-alist
2495 (cons (cons (dired-normalize-subdir dir) new-marker)
2496 dired-subdir-alist)))
2498 (defun dired-goto-next-nontrivial-file ()
2499 ;; Position point on first nontrivial file after point.
2500 (dired-goto-next-file);; so there is a file to compare with
2501 (if (stringp dired-trivial-filenames)
2502 (while (and (not (eobp))
2503 (string-match dired-trivial-filenames
2504 (file-name-nondirectory
2505 (or (dired-get-filename nil t) ""))))
2506 (forward-line 1)
2507 (dired-move-to-filename))))
2509 (defun dired-goto-next-file ()
2510 (let ((max (1- (dired-subdir-max))))
2511 (while (and (not (dired-move-to-filename)) (< (point) max))
2512 (forward-line 1))))
2514 (defun dired-goto-file (file)
2515 "Go to line describing file FILE in this dired buffer."
2516 ;; Return value of point on success, else nil.
2517 ;; FILE must be an absolute file name.
2518 ;; Loses if FILE contains control chars like "\007" for which ls
2519 ;; either inserts "?" or "\\007" into the buffer, so we won't find
2520 ;; it in the buffer.
2521 (interactive
2522 (prog1 ; let push-mark display its message
2523 (list (expand-file-name
2524 (read-file-name "Goto file: "
2525 (dired-current-directory))))
2526 (push-mark)))
2527 (setq file (directory-file-name file)) ; does no harm if no directory
2528 (let (found case-fold-search dir)
2529 (setq dir (or (file-name-directory file)
2530 (error "File name `%s' is not absolute" file)))
2531 (save-excursion
2532 ;; The hair here is to get the result of dired-goto-subdir
2533 ;; without really calling it if we don't have any subdirs.
2534 (if (if (string= dir (expand-file-name default-directory))
2535 (goto-char (point-min))
2536 (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)
2537 (dired-goto-subdir dir)))
2538 (let ((base (file-name-nondirectory file))
2539 search-string
2540 (boundary (dired-subdir-max)))
2541 (setq search-string
2542 (replace-regexp-in-string "\^m" "\\^m" base nil t))
2543 (setq search-string
2544 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "\\\\" search-string nil t))
2545 (while (and (not found)
2546 ;; filenames are preceded by SPC, this makes
2547 ;; the search faster (e.g. for the filename "-"!).
2548 (search-forward (concat " " search-string)
2549 boundary 'move))
2550 ;; Match could have BASE just as initial substring or
2551 ;; or in permission bits or date or
2552 ;; not be a proper filename at all:
2553 (if (equal base (dired-get-filename 'no-dir t))
2554 ;; Must move to filename since an (actually
2555 ;; correct) match could have been elsewhere on the
2556 ;; ;; line (e.g. "-" would match somewhere in the
2557 ;; permission bits).
2558 (setq found (dired-move-to-filename))
2559 ;; If this isn't the right line, move forward to avoid
2560 ;; trying this line again.
2561 (forward-line 1))))))
2562 (and found
2563 ;; return value of point (i.e., FOUND):
2564 (goto-char found))))
2566 (defvar dired-find-subdir)
2568 ;; FIXME document whatever dired-x is doing.
2569 (defun dired-initial-position (dirname)
2570 "Where point should go in a new listing of DIRNAME.
2571 Point assumed at beginning of new subdir line."
2572 (end-of-line)
2573 (and (featurep 'dired-x) dired-find-subdir
2574 (dired-goto-subdir dirname))
2575 (if dired-trivial-filenames (dired-goto-next-nontrivial-file)))
2577 ;; These are hooks which make tree dired work.
2578 ;; They are in this file because other parts of dired need to call them.
2579 ;; But they don't call the rest of tree dired unless there are subdirs loaded.
2581 ;; This function is called for each retrieved filename.
2582 ;; It could stand to be faster, though it's mostly function call
2583 ;; overhead. Avoiding the function call seems to save about 10% in
2584 ;; dired-get-filename. Make it a defsubst?
2585 (defun dired-current-directory (&optional localp)
2586 "Return the name of the subdirectory to which this line belongs.
2587 This returns a string with trailing slash, like `default-directory'.
2588 Optional argument means return a file name relative to `default-directory'."
2589 (let ((here (point))
2590 (alist (or dired-subdir-alist
2591 ;; probably because called in a non-dired buffer
2592 (error "No subdir-alist in %s" (current-buffer))))
2593 elt dir)
2594 (while alist
2595 (setq elt (car alist)
2596 dir (car elt)
2597 ;; use `<=' (not `<') as subdir line is part of subdir
2598 alist (if (<= (dired-get-subdir-min elt) here)
2599 nil ; found
2600 (cdr alist))))
2601 (if localp
2602 (dired-make-relative dir default-directory)
2603 dir)))
2605 ;; Subdirs start at the beginning of their header lines and end just
2606 ;; before the beginning of the next header line (or end of buffer).
2608 (defun dired-subdir-max ()
2609 (save-excursion
2610 (if (or (null (cdr dired-subdir-alist)) (not (dired-next-subdir 1 t t)))
2611 (point-max)
2612 (point))))
2614 ;; Deleting files
2616 (defcustom dired-recursive-deletes 'top
2617 "Decide whether recursive deletes are allowed.
2618 A value of nil means no recursive deletes.
2619 `always' means delete recursively without asking. This is DANGEROUS!
2620 `top' means ask for each directory at top level, but delete its subdirectories
2621 without asking.
2622 Anything else means ask for each directory."
2623 :type '(choice :tag "Delete non-empty directories"
2624 (const :tag "Yes" always)
2625 (const :tag "No--only delete empty directories" nil)
2626 (const :tag "Confirm for each directory" t)
2627 (const :tag "Confirm for each top directory only" top))
2628 :group 'dired)
2630 ;; Match anything but `.' and `..'.
2631 (defvar dired-re-no-dot "^\\([^.]\\|\\.\\([^.]\\|\\..\\)\\).*")
2633 ;; Delete file, possibly delete a directory and all its files.
2634 ;; This function is usefull outside of dired. One could change it's name
2635 ;; to e.g. recursive-delete-file and put it somewhere else.
2636 (defun dired-delete-file (file &optional recursive trash) "\
2637 Delete FILE or directory (possibly recursively if optional RECURSIVE is true.)
2638 RECURSIVE determines what to do with a non-empty directory. If RECURSIVE is:
2639 nil, do not delete.
2640 `always', delete recursively without asking.
2641 `top', ask for each directory at top level.
2642 Anything else, ask for each sub-directory."
2643 ;; This test is equivalent to
2644 ;; (and (file-directory-p fn) (not (file-symlink-p fn)))
2645 ;; but more efficient
2646 (if (not (eq t (car (file-attributes file))))
2647 (delete-file file trash)
2648 (if (and recursive
2649 (directory-files file t dired-re-no-dot) ; Not empty.
2650 (or (eq recursive 'always)
2651 (yes-or-no-p (format "Recursively %s %s? "
2652 (if (and trash
2653 delete-by-moving-to-trash)
2654 "trash"
2655 "delete")
2656 (dired-make-relative file)))))
2657 (if (eq recursive 'top) (setq recursive 'always)) ; Don't ask again.
2658 (setq recursive nil))
2659 (delete-directory file recursive trash)))
2661 (defun dired-do-flagged-delete (&optional nomessage)
2662 "In Dired, delete the files flagged for deletion.
2663 If NOMESSAGE is non-nil, we don't display any message
2664 if there are no flagged files.
2665 `dired-recursive-deletes' controls whether deletion of
2666 non-empty directories is allowed."
2667 (interactive)
2668 (let* ((dired-marker-char dired-del-marker)
2669 (regexp (dired-marker-regexp))
2670 case-fold-search)
2671 (if (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
2672 (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
2673 (dired-internal-do-deletions
2674 ;; this can't move point since ARG is nil
2675 (dired-map-over-marks (cons (dired-get-filename) (point))
2676 nil)
2677 nil t)
2678 (or nomessage
2679 (message "(No deletions requested)")))))
2681 (defun dired-do-delete (&optional arg)
2682 "Delete all marked (or next ARG) files.
2683 `dired-recursive-deletes' controls whether deletion of
2684 non-empty directories is allowed."
2685 ;; This is more consistent with the file marking feature than
2686 ;; dired-do-flagged-delete.
2687 (interactive "P")
2688 (dired-internal-do-deletions
2689 ;; this may move point if ARG is an integer
2690 (dired-map-over-marks (cons (dired-get-filename) (point))
2691 arg)
2692 arg t))
2694 (defvar dired-deletion-confirmer 'yes-or-no-p) ; or y-or-n-p?
2696 (defun dired-internal-do-deletions (l arg &optional trash)
2697 ;; L is an alist of files to delete, with their buffer positions.
2698 ;; ARG is the prefix arg.
2699 ;; Filenames are absolute.
2700 ;; (car L) *must* be the *last* (bottommost) file in the dired buffer.
2701 ;; That way as changes are made in the buffer they do not shift the
2702 ;; lines still to be changed, so the (point) values in L stay valid.
2703 ;; Also, for subdirs in natural order, a subdir's files are deleted
2704 ;; before the subdir itself - the other way around would not work.
2705 (let* ((files (mapcar (function car) l))
2706 (count (length l))
2707 (succ 0)
2708 (trashing (and trash delete-by-moving-to-trash))
2709 (progress-reporter
2710 (make-progress-reporter
2711 (if trashing "Trashing..." "Deleting...")
2712 succ count)))
2713 ;; canonicalize file list for pop up
2714 (setq files (nreverse (mapcar (function dired-make-relative) files)))
2715 (if (dired-mark-pop-up
2716 " *Deletions*" 'delete files dired-deletion-confirmer
2717 (format "%s %s "
2718 (if trashing "Trash" "Delete")
2719 (dired-mark-prompt arg files)))
2720 (save-excursion
2721 (let (failures);; files better be in reverse order for this loop!
2722 (while l
2723 (goto-char (cdr (car l)))
2724 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
2725 (condition-case err
2726 (let ((fn (car (car l))))
2727 (dired-delete-file fn dired-recursive-deletes trash)
2728 ;; if we get here, removing worked
2729 (setq succ (1+ succ))
2730 (progress-reporter-update progress-reporter succ)
2731 (dired-fun-in-all-buffers
2732 (file-name-directory fn) (file-name-nondirectory fn)
2733 (function dired-delete-entry) fn))
2734 (error;; catch errors from failed deletions
2735 (dired-log "%s\n" err)
2736 (setq failures (cons (car (car l)) failures)))))
2737 (setq l (cdr l)))
2738 (if (not failures)
2739 (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter)
2740 (dired-log-summary
2741 (format "%d of %d deletion%s failed"
2742 (length failures) count
2743 (dired-plural-s count))
2744 failures))))
2745 (message "(No deletions performed)")))
2746 (dired-move-to-filename))
2748 (defun dired-fun-in-all-buffers (directory file fun &rest args)
2749 ;; In all buffers dired'ing DIRECTORY, run FUN with ARGS.
2750 ;; If the buffer has a wildcard pattern, check that it matches FILE.
2751 ;; (FILE does not include a directory component.)
2752 ;; FILE may be nil, in which case ignore it.
2753 ;; Return list of buffers where FUN succeeded (i.e., returned non-nil).
2754 (let (success-list)
2755 (dolist (buf (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name directory)
2756 file))
2757 (with-current-buffer buf
2758 (if (apply fun args)
2759 (setq success-list (cons (buffer-name buf) success-list)))))
2760 success-list))
2762 ;; Delete the entry for FILE from
2763 (defun dired-delete-entry (file)
2764 (save-excursion
2765 (and (dired-goto-file file)
2766 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
2767 (delete-region (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
2768 (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (point))))))
2769 (dired-clean-up-after-deletion file))
2771 (defvar dired-clean-up-buffers-too)
2773 (defun dired-clean-up-after-deletion (fn)
2774 "Clean up after a deleted file or directory FN.
2775 Removes any expanded subdirectory of deleted directory.
2776 If `dired-x' is loaded and `dired-clean-up-buffers-too' is non-nil,
2777 also offers to kill buffers visiting deleted files and directories."
2778 (save-excursion (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)
2779 (dired-goto-subdir fn)
2780 (dired-kill-subdir)))
2781 ;; Offer to kill buffer of deleted file FN.
2782 (when (and (featurep 'dired-x) dired-clean-up-buffers-too)
2783 (let ((buf (get-file-buffer fn)))
2784 (and buf
2785 (funcall #'y-or-n-p
2786 (format "Kill buffer of %s, too? "
2787 (file-name-nondirectory fn)))
2788 (kill-buffer buf)))
2789 (let ((buf-list (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name fn))))
2790 (and buf-list
2791 (y-or-n-p (format "Kill dired buffer%s of %s, too? "
2792 (dired-plural-s (length buf-list))
2793 (file-name-nondirectory fn)))
2794 (dolist (buf buf-list)
2795 (kill-buffer buf))))))
2798 ;; Confirmation
2800 (defun dired-marker-regexp ()
2801 (concat "^" (regexp-quote (char-to-string dired-marker-char))))
2803 (defun dired-plural-s (count)
2804 (if (= 1 count) "" "s"))
2806 (defun dired-mark-prompt (arg files)
2807 "Return a string for use in a prompt, either the current file
2808 name, or the marker and a count of marked files."
2809 ;; distinguish-one-marked can cause the first element to be just t.
2810 (if (eq (car files) t) (setq files (cdr files)))
2811 (let ((count (length files)))
2812 (if (= count 1)
2813 (car files)
2814 ;; more than 1 file:
2815 (if (integerp arg)
2816 ;; abs(arg) = count
2817 ;; Perhaps this is nicer, but it also takes more screen space:
2818 ;;(format "[%s %d files]" (if (> arg 0) "next" "previous")
2819 ;; count)
2820 (format "[next %d files]" arg)
2821 (format "%c [%d files]" dired-marker-char count)))))
2823 (defun dired-pop-to-buffer (buf)
2824 "Pop up buffer BUF in a way suitable for Dired."
2825 (let ((split-window-preferred-function
2826 (lambda (window)
2827 (or (and (let ((split-height-threshold 0))
2828 (window-splittable-p (selected-window)))
2829 ;; Try to split the selected window vertically if
2830 ;; that's possible. (Bug#1806)
2831 (split-window-vertically))
2832 ;; Otherwise, try to split WINDOW sensibly.
2833 (split-window-sensibly window))))
2834 pop-up-frames)
2835 (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create buf)))
2836 ;; If dired-shrink-to-fit is t, make its window fit its contents.
2837 (when dired-shrink-to-fit
2838 ;; Try to not delete window when we want to display less than
2839 ;; `window-min-height' lines.
2840 (fit-window-to-buffer (get-buffer-window buf) nil 1)))
2842 (defcustom dired-no-confirm nil
2843 "A list of symbols for commands Dired should not confirm, or t.
2844 Command symbols are `byte-compile', `chgrp', `chmod', `chown', `compress',
2845 `copy', `delete', `hardlink', `load', `move', `print', `shell', `symlink',
2846 `touch' and `uncompress'.
2847 If t, confirmation is never needed."
2848 :group 'dired
2849 :type '(choice (const :tag "Confirmation never needed" t)
2850 (set (const byte-compile) (const chgrp)
2851 (const chmod) (const chown) (const compress)
2852 (const copy) (const delete) (const hardlink)
2853 (const load) (const move) (const print)
2854 (const shell) (const symlink) (const touch)
2855 (const uncompress))))
2857 (defun dired-mark-pop-up (bufname op-symbol files function &rest args)
2858 "Return FUNCTION's result on ARGS after showing which files are marked.
2859 Displays the file names in a buffer named BUFNAME;
2860 nil gives \" *Marked Files*\".
2861 This uses function `dired-pop-to-buffer' to do that.
2863 FUNCTION should not manipulate files, just read input
2864 (an argument or confirmation).
2865 The window is not shown if there is just one file or
2866 OP-SYMBOL is a member of the list in `dired-no-confirm'.
2867 FILES is the list of marked files. It can also be (t FILENAME)
2868 in the case of one marked file, to distinguish that from using
2869 just the current file."
2870 (or bufname (setq bufname " *Marked Files*"))
2871 (if (or (eq dired-no-confirm t)
2872 (memq op-symbol dired-no-confirm)
2873 ;; If FILES defaulted to the current line's file.
2874 (= (length files) 1))
2875 (apply function args)
2876 (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create bufname)
2877 (erase-buffer)
2878 ;; Handle (t FILE) just like (FILE), here.
2879 ;; That value is used (only in some cases), to mean
2880 ;; just one file that was marked, rather than the current line file.
2881 (dired-format-columns-of-files (if (eq (car files) t) (cdr files) files))
2882 (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
2883 '(mouse-face nil help-echo nil)))
2884 (save-window-excursion
2885 (dired-pop-to-buffer bufname)
2886 (apply function args))))
2888 (defun dired-format-columns-of-files (files)
2889 (let ((beg (point)))
2890 (completion--insert-strings files)
2891 (put-text-property beg (point) 'mouse-face nil)))
2893 ;; Commands to mark or flag file(s) at or near current line.
2895 (defun dired-repeat-over-lines (arg function)
2896 ;; This version skips non-file lines.
2897 (let ((pos (make-marker)))
2898 (beginning-of-line)
2899 (while (and (> arg 0) (not (eobp)))
2900 (setq arg (1- arg))
2901 (beginning-of-line)
2902 (while (and (not (eobp)) (dired-between-files)) (forward-line 1))
2903 (save-excursion
2904 (forward-line 1)
2905 (move-marker pos (1+ (point))))
2906 (save-excursion (funcall function))
2907 ;; Advance to the next line--actually, to the line that *was* next.
2908 ;; (If FUNCTION inserted some new lines in between, skip them.)
2909 (goto-char pos))
2910 (while (and (< arg 0) (not (bobp)))
2911 (setq arg (1+ arg))
2912 (forward-line -1)
2913 (while (and (not (bobp)) (dired-between-files)) (forward-line -1))
2914 (beginning-of-line)
2915 (save-excursion (funcall function)))
2916 (move-marker pos nil)
2917 (dired-move-to-filename)))
2919 (defun dired-between-files ()
2920 ;; This used to be a regexp match of the `total ...' line output by
2921 ;; ls, which is slightly faster, but that is not very robust; notably,
2922 ;; it fails for non-english locales.
2923 (save-excursion (not (dired-move-to-filename))))
2925 (defun dired-next-marked-file (arg &optional wrap opoint)
2926 "Move to the next marked file, wrapping around the end of the buffer."
2927 (interactive "p\np")
2928 (or opoint (setq opoint (point)));; return to where interactively started
2929 (if (if (> arg 0)
2930 (re-search-forward dired-re-mark nil t arg)
2931 (beginning-of-line)
2932 (re-search-backward dired-re-mark nil t (- arg)))
2933 (dired-move-to-filename)
2934 (if (null wrap)
2935 (progn
2936 (goto-char opoint)
2937 (error "No next marked file"))
2938 (message "(Wraparound for next marked file)")
2939 (goto-char (if (> arg 0) (point-min) (point-max)))
2940 (dired-next-marked-file arg nil opoint))))
2942 (defun dired-prev-marked-file (arg &optional wrap)
2943 "Move to the previous marked file, wrapping around the end of the buffer."
2944 (interactive "p\np")
2945 (dired-next-marked-file (- arg) wrap))
2947 (defun dired-file-marker (file)
2948 ;; Return FILE's marker, or nil if unmarked.
2949 (save-excursion
2950 (and (dired-goto-file file)
2951 (progn
2952 (beginning-of-line)
2953 (if (not (equal ?\040 (following-char)))
2954 (following-char))))))
2956 (defun dired-mark-files-in-region (start end)
2957 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
2958 (if (> start end)
2959 (error "start > end"))
2960 (goto-char start) ; assumed at beginning of line
2961 (while (< (point) end)
2962 ;; Skip subdir line and following garbage like the `total' line:
2963 (while (and (< (point) end) (dired-between-files))
2964 (forward-line 1))
2965 (if (and (not (looking-at dired-re-dot))
2966 (dired-get-filename nil t))
2967 (progn
2968 (delete-char 1)
2969 (insert dired-marker-char)))
2970 (forward-line 1))))
2972 (defun dired-mark (arg)
2973 "Mark the current (or next ARG) files.
2974 If on a subdir headerline, mark all its files except `.' and `..'.
2976 Use \\[dired-unmark-all-files] to remove all marks
2977 and \\[dired-unmark] on a subdir to remove the marks in
2978 this subdir."
2979 (interactive "P")
2980 (if (dired-get-subdir)
2981 (save-excursion (dired-mark-subdir-files))
2982 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
2983 (dired-repeat-over-lines
2984 (prefix-numeric-value arg)
2985 (function (lambda () (delete-char 1) (insert dired-marker-char)))))))
2987 (defun dired-unmark (arg)
2988 "Unmark the current (or next ARG) files.
2989 If looking at a subdir, unmark all its files except `.' and `..'."
2990 (interactive "P")
2991 (let ((dired-marker-char ?\040))
2992 (dired-mark arg)))
2994 (defun dired-flag-file-deletion (arg)
2995 "In Dired, flag the current line's file for deletion.
2996 With prefix arg, repeat over several lines.
2998 If on a subdir headerline, mark all its files except `.' and `..'."
2999 (interactive "P")
3000 (let ((dired-marker-char dired-del-marker))
3001 (dired-mark arg)))
3003 (defun dired-unmark-backward (arg)
3004 "In Dired, move up lines and remove deletion flag there.
3005 Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to unflag; default is one line."
3006 (interactive "p")
3007 (dired-unmark (- arg)))
3009 (defun dired-toggle-marks ()
3010 "Toggle marks: marked files become unmarked, and vice versa.
3011 Files marked with other flags (such as `D') are not affected.
3012 `.' and `..' are never toggled.
3013 As always, hidden subdirs are not affected."
3014 (interactive)
3015 (save-excursion
3016 (goto-char (point-min))
3017 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
3018 (while (not (eobp))
3019 (or (dired-between-files)
3020 (looking-at dired-re-dot)
3021 ;; use subst instead of insdel because it does not move
3022 ;; the gap and thus should be faster and because
3023 ;; other characters are left alone automatically
3024 (apply 'subst-char-in-region
3025 (point) (1+ (point))
3026 (if (eq ?\040 (following-char)) ; SPC
3027 (list ?\040 dired-marker-char)
3028 (list dired-marker-char ?\040))))
3029 (forward-line 1)))))
3031 ;;; Commands to mark or flag files based on their characteristics or names.
3033 (defvar dired-regexp-history nil
3034 "History list of regular expressions used in Dired commands.")
3036 (defun dired-read-regexp (prompt)
3037 (read-from-minibuffer prompt nil nil nil 'dired-regexp-history))
3039 (defun dired-mark-files-regexp (regexp &optional marker-char)
3040 "Mark all files matching REGEXP for use in later commands.
3041 A prefix argument means to unmark them instead.
3042 `.' and `..' are never marked.
3044 REGEXP is an Emacs regexp, not a shell wildcard. Thus, use `\\.o$' for
3045 object files--just `.o' will mark more than you might think."
3046 (interactive
3047 (list (dired-read-regexp (concat (if current-prefix-arg "Unmark" "Mark")
3048 " files (regexp): "))
3049 (if current-prefix-arg ?\040)))
3050 (let ((dired-marker-char (or marker-char dired-marker-char)))
3051 (dired-mark-if
3052 (and (not (looking-at dired-re-dot))
3053 (not (eolp)) ; empty line
3054 (let ((fn (dired-get-filename nil t)))
3055 (and fn (string-match regexp (file-name-nondirectory fn)))))
3056 "matching file")))
3058 (defun dired-mark-files-containing-regexp (regexp &optional marker-char)
3059 "Mark all files with contents containing REGEXP for use in later commands.
3060 A prefix argument means to unmark them instead.
3061 `.' and `..' are never marked."
3062 (interactive
3063 (list (dired-read-regexp (concat (if current-prefix-arg "Unmark" "Mark")
3064 " files containing (regexp): "))
3065 (if current-prefix-arg ?\040)))
3066 (let ((dired-marker-char (or marker-char dired-marker-char)))
3067 (dired-mark-if
3068 (and (not (looking-at dired-re-dot))
3069 (not (eolp)) ; empty line
3070 (let ((fn (dired-get-filename nil t)))
3071 (when (and fn (file-readable-p fn)
3072 (not (file-directory-p fn)))
3073 (let ((prebuf (get-file-buffer fn)))
3074 (message "Checking %s" fn)
3075 ;; For now we do it inside emacs
3076 ;; Grep might be better if there are a lot of files
3077 (if prebuf
3078 (with-current-buffer prebuf
3079 (save-excursion
3080 (goto-char (point-min))
3081 (re-search-forward regexp nil t)))
3082 (with-temp-buffer
3083 (insert-file-contents fn)
3084 (goto-char (point-min))
3085 (re-search-forward regexp nil t))))
3087 "matching file")))
3089 (defun dired-flag-files-regexp (regexp)
3090 "In Dired, flag all files containing the specified REGEXP for deletion.
3091 The match is against the non-directory part of the filename. Use `^'
3092 and `$' to anchor matches. Exclude subdirs by hiding them.
3093 `.' and `..' are never flagged."
3094 (interactive (list (dired-read-regexp "Flag for deletion (regexp): ")))
3095 (dired-mark-files-regexp regexp dired-del-marker))
3097 (defun dired-mark-symlinks (unflag-p)
3098 "Mark all symbolic links.
3099 With prefix argument, unflag all those files."
3100 (interactive "P")
3101 (let ((dired-marker-char (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
3102 (dired-mark-if (looking-at dired-re-sym) "symbolic link")))
3104 (defun dired-mark-directories (unflag-p)
3105 "Mark all directory file lines except `.' and `..'.
3106 With prefix argument, unflag all those files."
3107 (interactive "P")
3108 (let ((dired-marker-char (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
3109 (dired-mark-if (and (looking-at dired-re-dir)
3110 (not (looking-at dired-re-dot)))
3111 "directory file")))
3113 (defun dired-mark-executables (unflag-p)
3114 "Mark all executable files.
3115 With prefix argument, unflag all those files."
3116 (interactive "P")
3117 (let ((dired-marker-char (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
3118 (dired-mark-if (looking-at dired-re-exe) "executable file")))
3120 ;; dired-x.el has a dired-mark-sexp interactive command: mark
3121 ;; files for which PREDICATE returns non-nil.
3123 (defun dired-flag-auto-save-files (&optional unflag-p)
3124 "Flag for deletion files whose names suggest they are auto save files.
3125 A prefix argument says to unflag those files instead."
3126 (interactive "P")
3127 (let ((dired-marker-char (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-del-marker)))
3128 (dired-mark-if
3129 ;; It is less than general to check for # here,
3130 ;; but it's the only way this runs fast enough.
3131 (and (save-excursion (end-of-line)
3133 (eq (preceding-char) ?#)
3134 ;; Handle executables in case of -F option.
3135 ;; We need not worry about the other kinds
3136 ;; of markings that -F makes, since they won't
3137 ;; appear on real auto-save files.
3138 (if (eq (preceding-char) ?*)
3139 (progn
3140 (forward-char -1)
3141 (eq (preceding-char) ?#)))))
3142 (not (looking-at dired-re-dir))
3143 (let ((fn (dired-get-filename t t)))
3144 (if fn (auto-save-file-name-p
3145 (file-name-nondirectory fn)))))
3146 "auto save file")))
3148 (defcustom dired-garbage-files-regexp
3149 ;; `log' here is dubious, since it's typically used for useful log
3150 ;; files, not just TeX stuff. -- fx
3151 (concat (regexp-opt
3152 '(".log" ".toc" ".dvi" ".bak" ".orig" ".rej" ".aux"))
3153 "\\'")
3154 "Regular expression to match \"garbage\" files for `dired-flag-garbage-files'."
3155 :type 'regexp
3156 :group 'dired)
3158 (defun dired-flag-garbage-files ()
3159 "Flag for deletion all files that match `dired-garbage-files-regexp'."
3160 (interactive)
3161 (dired-flag-files-regexp dired-garbage-files-regexp))
3163 (defun dired-flag-backup-files (&optional unflag-p)
3164 "Flag all backup files (names ending with `~') for deletion.
3165 With prefix argument, unflag these files."
3166 (interactive "P")
3167 (let ((dired-marker-char (if unflag-p ?\s dired-del-marker)))
3168 (dired-mark-if
3169 ;; Don't call backup-file-name-p unless the last character looks like
3170 ;; it might be the end of a backup file name. This isn't very general,
3171 ;; but it's the only way this runs fast enough.
3172 (and (save-excursion (end-of-line)
3173 ;; Handle executables in case of -F option.
3174 ;; We need not worry about the other kinds
3175 ;; of markings that -F makes, since they won't
3176 ;; appear on real backup files.
3177 (if (eq (preceding-char) ?*)
3178 (forward-char -1))
3179 (eq (preceding-char) ?~))
3180 (not (looking-at dired-re-dir))
3181 (let ((fn (dired-get-filename t t)))
3182 (if fn (backup-file-name-p fn))))
3183 "backup file")))
3185 (defun dired-change-marks (&optional old new)
3186 "Change all OLD marks to NEW marks.
3187 OLD and NEW are both characters used to mark files."
3188 (interactive
3189 (let* ((cursor-in-echo-area t)
3190 (old (progn (message "Change (old mark): ") (read-char)))
3191 (new (progn (message "Change %c marks to (new mark): " old)
3192 (read-char))))
3193 (list old new)))
3194 (if (or (eq old ?\r) (eq new ?\r))
3195 (ding)
3196 (let ((string (format "\n%c" old))
3197 (inhibit-read-only t))
3198 (save-excursion
3199 (goto-char (point-min))
3200 (while (search-forward string nil t)
3201 (if (if (= old ?\s)
3202 (save-match-data
3203 (dired-get-filename 'no-dir t))
3205 (subst-char-in-region (match-beginning 0)
3206 (match-end 0) old new)))))))
3208 (defun dired-unmark-all-marks ()
3209 "Remove all marks from all files in the dired buffer."
3210 (interactive)
3211 (dired-unmark-all-files ?\r))
3213 (defun dired-unmark-all-files (mark &optional arg)
3214 "Remove a specific mark (or any mark) from every file.
3215 After this command, type the mark character to remove,
3216 or type RET to remove all marks.
3217 With prefix arg, query for each marked file.
3218 Type \\[help-command] at that time for help."
3219 (interactive "cRemove marks (RET means all): \nP")
3220 (save-excursion
3221 (let* ((count 0)
3222 (inhibit-read-only t) case-fold-search
3223 (string (format "\n%c" mark))
3224 (help-form "\
3225 Type SPC or `y' to unmark one file, DEL or `n' to skip to next,
3226 `!' to unmark all remaining files with no more questions."))
3227 (goto-char (point-min))
3228 (while (if (eq mark ?\r)
3229 (re-search-forward dired-re-mark nil t)
3230 (search-forward string nil t))
3231 (if (or (not arg)
3232 (let ((file (dired-get-filename t t)))
3233 (and file
3234 (dired-query 'query "Unmark file `%s'? "
3235 file))))
3236 (progn (subst-char-in-region (1- (point)) (point)
3237 (preceding-char) ?\s)
3238 (setq count (1+ count)))))
3239 (message (if (= count 1) "1 mark removed"
3240 "%d marks removed")
3241 count))))
3243 ;; Logging failures operating on files, and showing the results.
3245 (defvar dired-log-buffer "*Dired log*")
3247 (defun dired-why ()
3248 "Pop up a buffer with error log output from Dired.
3249 A group of errors from a single command ends with a formfeed.
3250 Thus, use \\[backward-page] to find the beginning of a group of errors."
3251 (interactive)
3252 (if (get-buffer dired-log-buffer)
3253 (let ((owindow (selected-window))
3254 (window (display-buffer (get-buffer dired-log-buffer))))
3255 (unwind-protect
3256 (progn
3257 (select-window window)
3258 (goto-char (point-max))
3259 (forward-line -1)
3260 (backward-page 1)
3261 (recenter 0))
3262 (select-window owindow)))))
3264 (defun dired-log (log &rest args)
3265 ;; Log a message or the contents of a buffer.
3266 ;; If LOG is a string and there are more args, it is formatted with
3267 ;; those ARGS. Usually the LOG string ends with a \n.
3268 ;; End each bunch of errors with (dired-log t):
3269 ;; this inserts the current time and buffer at the start of the page,
3270 ;; and \f (formfeed) at the end.
3271 (let ((obuf (current-buffer)))
3272 (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create dired-log-buffer)
3273 (goto-char (point-max))
3274 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
3275 (cond ((stringp log)
3276 (insert (if args
3277 (apply (function format) log args)
3278 log)))
3279 ((bufferp log)
3280 (insert-buffer-substring log))
3281 ((eq t log)
3282 (backward-page 1)
3283 (unless (bolp)
3284 (insert "\n"))
3285 (insert (current-time-string)
3286 "\tBuffer `" (buffer-name obuf) "'\n")
3287 (goto-char (point-max))
3288 (insert "\f\n")))))))
3290 (defun dired-log-summary (string failures)
3291 "State a summary of a command's failures, in echo area and log buffer.
3292 STRING is an overall summary of the failures.
3293 FAILURES is a list of file names that we failed to operate on,
3294 or nil if file names are not applicable."
3295 (if (= (length failures) 1)
3296 (message "%s"
3297 (with-current-buffer dired-log-buffer
3298 (goto-char (point-max))
3299 (backward-page 1)
3300 (if (eolp) (forward-line 1))
3301 (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
3302 (message (if failures "%s--type ? for details (%s)"
3303 "%s--type ? for details")
3304 string failures))
3305 ;; Log a summary describing a bunch of errors.
3306 (dired-log (concat "\n" string "\n"))
3307 (dired-log t))
3309 ;;; Sorting
3311 ;; Most ls can only sort by name or by date (with -t), nothing else.
3312 ;; GNU ls sorts on size with -S, on extension with -X, and unsorted with -U.
3313 ;; So anything that does not contain these is sort "by name".
3315 (defvar dired-ls-sorting-switches "SXU"
3316 "String of `ls' switches \(single letters\) except \"t\" that influence sorting.
3318 This indicates to Dired which option switches to watch out for because they
3319 will change the sorting order behavior of `ls'.
3321 To change the default sorting order \(e.g. add a `-v' option\), see the
3322 variable `dired-listing-switches'. To temporarily override the listing
3323 format, use `\\[universal-argument] \\[dired]'.")
3325 (defvar dired-sort-by-date-regexp
3326 (concat "\\(\\`\\| \\)-[^- ]*t"
3327 ;; `dired-ls-sorting-switches' after -t overrides -t.
3328 "[^ " dired-ls-sorting-switches "]*"
3329 "\\(\\(\\`\\| +\\)\\(--[^ ]+\\|-[^- t"
3330 dired-ls-sorting-switches "]+\\)\\)* *$")
3331 "Regexp recognized by Dired to set `by date' mode.")
3333 (defvar dired-sort-by-name-regexp
3334 (concat "\\`\\(\\(\\`\\| +\\)\\(--[^ ]+\\|"
3335 "-[^- t" dired-ls-sorting-switches "]+\\)\\)* *$")
3336 "Regexp recognized by Dired to set `by name' mode.")
3338 (defvar dired-sort-inhibit nil
3339 "Non-nil means the Dired sort command is disabled.
3340 The idea is to set this buffer-locally in special dired buffers.")
3342 (defun dired-sort-set-modeline ()
3343 ;; Set modeline display according to dired-actual-switches.
3344 ;; Modeline display of "by name" or "by date" guarantees the user a
3345 ;; match with the corresponding regexps. Non-matching switches are
3346 ;; shown literally.
3347 (when (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
3348 (setq mode-name
3349 (let (case-fold-search)
3350 (cond ((string-match
3351 dired-sort-by-name-regexp dired-actual-switches)
3352 "Dired by name")
3353 ((string-match
3354 dired-sort-by-date-regexp dired-actual-switches)
3355 "Dired by date")
3357 (concat "Dired " dired-actual-switches)))))
3358 (force-mode-line-update)))
3360 (defun dired-sort-toggle-or-edit (&optional arg)
3361 "Toggle sorting by date, and refresh the Dired buffer.
3362 With a prefix argument, edit the current listing switches instead."
3363 (interactive "P")
3364 (when dired-sort-inhibit
3365 (error "Cannot sort this dired buffer"))
3366 (if arg
3367 (dired-sort-other
3368 (read-string "ls switches (must contain -l): " dired-actual-switches))
3369 (dired-sort-toggle)))
3371 (defun dired-sort-toggle ()
3372 ;; Toggle between sort by date/name. Reverts the buffer.
3373 (let ((sorting-by-date (string-match dired-sort-by-date-regexp
3374 dired-actual-switches))
3375 ;; Regexp for finding (possibly embedded) -t switches.
3376 (switch-regexp "\\(\\`\\| \\)-\\([a-su-zA-Z]*\\)\\(t\\)\\([^ ]*\\)")
3377 case-fold-search)
3378 ;; Remove the -t switch.
3379 (while (string-match switch-regexp dired-actual-switches)
3380 (if (and (equal (match-string 2 dired-actual-switches) "")
3381 (equal (match-string 4 dired-actual-switches) ""))
3382 ;; Remove a stand-alone -t switch.
3383 (setq dired-actual-switches
3384 (replace-match "" t t dired-actual-switches))
3385 ;; Remove a switch of the form -XtY for some X and Y.
3386 (setq dired-actual-switches
3387 (replace-match "" t t dired-actual-switches 3))))
3388 ;; Now, if we weren't sorting by date before, add the -t switch.
3389 (unless sorting-by-date
3390 (setq dired-actual-switches (concat dired-actual-switches " -t"))))
3391 (dired-sort-set-modeline)
3392 (revert-buffer))
3394 ;; Some user code loads dired especially for this.
3395 ;; Don't do that--use replace-regexp-in-string instead.
3396 (defun dired-replace-in-string (regexp newtext string)
3397 ;; Replace REGEXP with NEWTEXT everywhere in STRING and return result.
3398 ;; NEWTEXT is taken literally---no \\DIGIT escapes will be recognized.
3399 (let ((result "") (start 0) mb me)
3400 (while (string-match regexp string start)
3401 (setq mb (match-beginning 0)
3402 me (match-end 0)
3403 result (concat result (substring string start mb) newtext)
3404 start me))
3405 (concat result (substring string start))))
3407 (defun dired-sort-other (switches &optional no-revert)
3408 "Specify new `ls' SWITCHES for current dired buffer.
3409 Values matching `dired-sort-by-date-regexp' or `dired-sort-by-name-regexp'
3410 set the minor mode accordingly, others appear literally in the mode line.
3411 With optional second arg NO-REVERT, don't refresh the listing afterwards."
3412 (dired-sort-R-check switches)
3413 (setq dired-actual-switches switches)
3414 (dired-sort-set-modeline)
3415 (or no-revert (revert-buffer)))
3417 (defvar dired-subdir-alist-pre-R nil
3418 "Value of `dired-subdir-alist' before -R switch added.")
3419 (make-variable-buffer-local 'dired-subdir-alist-pre-R)
3421 (defun dired-sort-R-check (switches)
3422 "Additional processing of -R in ls option string SWITCHES.
3423 Saves `dired-subdir-alist' when R is set and restores saved value
3424 minus any directories explicitly deleted when R is cleared.
3425 To be called first in body of `dired-sort-other', etc."
3426 (cond
3427 ((and (string-match "R" switches)
3428 (not (string-match "R" dired-actual-switches)))
3429 ;; Adding -R to ls switches -- save `dired-subdir-alist':
3430 (setq dired-subdir-alist-pre-R dired-subdir-alist))
3431 ((and (string-match "R" dired-actual-switches)
3432 (not (string-match "R" switches)))
3433 ;; Deleting -R from ls switches -- revert to pre-R subdirs
3434 ;; that are still present:
3435 (setq dired-subdir-alist
3436 (if dired-subdir-alist-pre-R
3437 (let (subdirs)
3438 (while dired-subdir-alist-pre-R
3439 (if (assoc (caar dired-subdir-alist-pre-R)
3440 dired-subdir-alist)
3441 ;; subdir still present...
3442 (setq subdirs
3443 (cons (car dired-subdir-alist-pre-R)
3444 subdirs)))
3445 (setq dired-subdir-alist-pre-R
3446 (cdr dired-subdir-alist-pre-R)))
3447 (reverse subdirs))
3448 ;; No pre-R subdir alist, so revert to main directory
3449 ;; listing:
3450 (list (car (reverse dired-subdir-alist))))))))
3453 ;;;; Drag and drop support
3455 (defcustom dired-recursive-copies 'top
3456 "Decide whether recursive copies are allowed.
3457 A value of nil means no recursive copies.
3458 `always' means copy recursively without asking.
3459 `top' means ask for each directory at top level.
3460 Anything else means ask for each directory."
3461 :type '(choice :tag "Copy directories"
3462 (const :tag "No recursive copies" nil)
3463 (const :tag "Ask for each directory" t)
3464 (const :tag "Ask for each top directory only" top)
3465 (const :tag "Copy directories without asking" always))
3466 :group 'dired)
3468 (defun dired-dnd-popup-notice ()
3469 (message-box
3470 "Dired recursive copies are currently disabled.\nSee the variable `dired-recursive-copies'."))
3472 (declare-function x-popup-menu "menu.c" (position menu))
3474 (defun dired-dnd-do-ask-action (uri)
3475 ;; No need to get actions and descriptions from the source,
3476 ;; we only have three actions anyway.
3477 (let ((action (x-popup-menu
3479 (list "What action?"
3480 (cons ""
3481 '(("Copy here" . copy)
3482 ("Move here" . move)
3483 ("Link here" . link)
3484 "--"
3485 ("Cancel" . nil)))))))
3486 (if action
3487 (dired-dnd-handle-local-file uri action)
3488 nil)))
3490 (declare-function dired-relist-entry "dired-aux" (file))
3491 (declare-function make-symbolic-link "fileio.c")
3493 ;; Only used when (featurep 'dnd).
3494 (declare-function dnd-get-local-file-name "dnd" (uri &optional must-exist))
3495 (declare-function dnd-get-local-file-uri "dnd" (uri))
3497 (defvar dired-overwrite-confirmed) ;Defined in dired-aux.
3499 (defun dired-dnd-handle-local-file (uri action)
3500 "Copy, move or link a file to the dired directory.
3501 URI is the file to handle, ACTION is one of copy, move, link or ask.
3502 Ask means pop up a menu for the user to select one of copy, move or link."
3503 (require 'dired-aux)
3504 (let* ((from (dnd-get-local-file-name uri t))
3505 (to (when from
3506 (concat (dired-current-directory)
3507 (file-name-nondirectory from)))))
3508 (when from
3509 (cond ((eq action 'ask)
3510 (dired-dnd-do-ask-action uri))
3511 ;; If copying a directory and dired-recursive-copies is
3512 ;; nil, dired-copy-file fails. Pop up a notice.
3513 ((and (memq action '(copy private))
3514 (file-directory-p from)
3515 (not dired-recursive-copies))
3516 (dired-dnd-popup-notice))
3517 ((memq action '(copy private move link))
3518 (let ((overwrite (and (file-exists-p to)
3519 (y-or-n-p
3520 (format "Overwrite existing file `%s'? " to))))
3521 ;; Binding dired-overwrite-confirmed to nil makes
3522 ;; dired-handle-overwrite a no-op. We instead use
3523 ;; y-or-n-p, which pops a graphical menu.
3524 dired-overwrite-confirmed backup-file)
3525 (when (and overwrite
3526 ;; d-b-o is defined in dired-aux.
3527 (boundp 'dired-backup-overwrite)
3528 dired-backup-overwrite
3529 (setq backup-file
3530 (car (find-backup-file-name to)))
3531 (or (eq dired-backup-overwrite 'always)
3532 (y-or-n-p
3533 (format
3534 "Make backup for existing file `%s'? " to))))
3535 (rename-file to backup-file 0)
3536 (dired-relist-entry backup-file))
3537 (cond ((memq action '(copy private))
3538 (dired-copy-file from to overwrite))
3539 ((eq action 'move)
3540 (dired-rename-file from to overwrite))
3541 ((eq action 'link)
3542 (make-symbolic-link from to overwrite)))
3543 (dired-relist-entry to)
3544 action))))))
3546 (defun dired-dnd-handle-file (uri action)
3547 "Copy, move or link a file to the dired directory if it is a local file.
3548 URI is the file to handle. If the hostname in the URI isn't local, do nothing.
3549 ACTION is one of copy, move, link or ask.
3550 Ask means pop up a menu for the user to select one of copy, move or link."
3551 (let ((local-file (dnd-get-local-file-uri uri)))
3552 (if local-file (dired-dnd-handle-local-file local-file action)
3553 nil)))
3556 ;;;; Desktop support
3558 (eval-when-compile (require 'desktop))
3560 (defun dired-desktop-buffer-misc-data (dirname)
3561 "Auxiliary information to be saved in desktop file."
3562 (cons
3563 ;; Value of `dired-directory'.
3564 (if (consp dired-directory)
3565 ;; Directory name followed by list of files.
3566 (cons (desktop-file-name (car dired-directory) dirname)
3567 (cdr dired-directory))
3568 ;; Directory name, optionally with shell wildcard.
3569 (desktop-file-name dired-directory dirname))
3570 ;; Subdirectories in `dired-subdir-alist'.
3571 (cdr
3572 (nreverse
3573 (mapcar
3574 (function (lambda (f) (desktop-file-name (car f) dirname)))
3575 dired-subdir-alist)))))
3577 (defun dired-restore-desktop-buffer (_file-name
3578 _buffer-name
3579 misc-data)
3580 "Restore a dired buffer specified in a desktop file."
3581 ;; First element of `misc-data' is the value of `dired-directory'.
3582 ;; This value is a directory name, optionally with shell wildcard or
3583 ;; a directory name followed by list of files.
3584 (let* ((dired-dir (car misc-data))
3585 (dir (if (consp dired-dir) (car dired-dir) dired-dir)))
3586 (if (file-directory-p (file-name-directory dir))
3587 (progn
3588 (dired dired-dir)
3589 ;; The following elements of `misc-data' are the keys
3590 ;; from `dired-subdir-alist'.
3591 (mapc 'dired-maybe-insert-subdir (cdr misc-data))
3592 (current-buffer))
3593 (message "Desktop: Directory %s no longer exists." dir)
3594 (when desktop-missing-file-warning (sit-for 1))
3595 nil)))
3597 (add-to-list 'desktop-buffer-mode-handlers
3598 '(dired-mode . dired-restore-desktop-buffer))
3601 ;;; Start of automatically extracted autoloads.
3603 ;;;### (autoloads (dired-show-file-type dired-do-query-replace-regexp
3604 ;;;;;; dired-do-search dired-do-isearch-regexp dired-do-isearch
3605 ;;;;;; dired-isearch-filenames-regexp dired-isearch-filenames dired-isearch-filenames-setup
3606 ;;;;;; dired-hide-all dired-hide-subdir dired-tree-down dired-tree-up
3607 ;;;;;; dired-kill-subdir dired-mark-subdir-files dired-goto-subdir
3608 ;;;;;; dired-prev-subdir dired-insert-subdir dired-maybe-insert-subdir
3609 ;;;;;; dired-downcase dired-upcase dired-do-symlink-regexp dired-do-hardlink-regexp
3610 ;;;;;; dired-do-copy-regexp dired-do-rename-regexp dired-do-rename
3611 ;;;;;; dired-do-hardlink dired-do-symlink dired-do-copy dired-create-directory
3612 ;;;;;; dired-rename-file dired-copy-file dired-relist-file dired-remove-file
3613 ;;;;;; dired-add-file dired-do-redisplay dired-do-load dired-do-byte-compile
3614 ;;;;;; dired-do-compress dired-query dired-compress-file dired-do-kill-lines
3615 ;;;;;; dired-run-shell-command dired-do-shell-command dired-do-async-shell-command
3616 ;;;;;; dired-clean-directory dired-do-print dired-do-touch dired-do-chown
3617 ;;;;;; dired-do-chgrp dired-do-chmod dired-compare-directories dired-backup-diff
3618 ;;;;;; dired-diff) "dired-aux" "dired-aux.el" "9d6333fab9c0f1b49e0bf2a536b8f245")
3619 ;;; Generated autoloads from dired-aux.el
3621 (autoload 'dired-diff "dired-aux" "\
3622 Compare file at point with file FILE using `diff'.
3623 FILE defaults to the file at the mark. (That's the mark set by
3624 \\[set-mark-command], not by Dired's \\[dired-mark] command.)
3625 The prompted-for file is the first file given to `diff'.
3626 With prefix arg, prompt for second argument SWITCHES,
3627 which is options for `diff'.
3629 \(fn FILE &optional SWITCHES)" t nil)
3631 (autoload 'dired-backup-diff "dired-aux" "\
3632 Diff this file with its backup file or vice versa.
3633 Uses the latest backup, if there are several numerical backups.
3634 If this file is a backup, diff it with its original.
3635 The backup file is the first file given to `diff'.
3636 With prefix arg, prompt for argument SWITCHES which is options for `diff'.
3638 \(fn &optional SWITCHES)" t nil)
3640 (autoload 'dired-compare-directories "dired-aux" "\
3641 Mark files with different file attributes in two dired buffers.
3642 Compare file attributes of files in the current directory
3643 with file attributes in directory DIR2 using PREDICATE on pairs of files
3644 with the same name. Mark files for which PREDICATE returns non-nil.
3645 Mark files with different names if PREDICATE is nil (or interactively
3646 with empty input at the predicate prompt).
3648 PREDICATE is a Lisp expression that can refer to the following variables:
3650 size1, size2 - file size in bytes
3651 mtime1, mtime2 - last modification time in seconds, as a float
3652 fa1, fa2 - list of file attributes
3653 returned by function `file-attributes'
3655 where 1 refers to attribute of file in the current dired buffer
3656 and 2 to attribute of file in second dired buffer.
3658 Examples of PREDICATE:
3660 (> mtime1 mtime2) - mark newer files
3661 (not (= size1 size2)) - mark files with different sizes
3662 (not (string= (nth 8 fa1) (nth 8 fa2))) - mark files with different modes
3663 (not (and (= (nth 2 fa1) (nth 2 fa2)) - mark files with different UID
3664 (= (nth 3 fa1) (nth 3 fa2)))) and GID.
3666 \(fn DIR2 PREDICATE)" t nil)
3668 (autoload 'dired-do-chmod "dired-aux" "\
3669 Change the mode of the marked (or next ARG) files.
3670 Symbolic modes like `g+w' are allowed.
3672 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3674 (autoload 'dired-do-chgrp "dired-aux" "\
3675 Change the group of the marked (or next ARG) files.
3677 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3679 (autoload 'dired-do-chown "dired-aux" "\
3680 Change the owner of the marked (or next ARG) files.
3682 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3684 (autoload 'dired-do-touch "dired-aux" "\
3685 Change the timestamp of the marked (or next ARG) files.
3686 This calls touch.
3688 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3690 (autoload 'dired-do-print "dired-aux" "\
3691 Print the marked (or next ARG) files.
3692 Uses the shell command coming from variables `lpr-command' and
3693 `lpr-switches' as default.
3695 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3697 (autoload 'dired-clean-directory "dired-aux" "\
3698 Flag numerical backups for deletion.
3699 Spares `dired-kept-versions' latest versions, and `kept-old-versions' oldest.
3700 Positive prefix arg KEEP overrides `dired-kept-versions';
3701 Negative prefix arg KEEP overrides `kept-old-versions' with KEEP made positive.
3703 To clear the flags on these files, you can use \\[dired-flag-backup-files]
3704 with a prefix argument.
3706 \(fn KEEP)" t nil)
3708 (autoload 'dired-do-async-shell-command "dired-aux" "\
3709 Run a shell command COMMAND on the marked files asynchronously.
3711 Like `dired-do-shell-command' but if COMMAND doesn't end in ampersand,
3712 adds `* &' surrounded by whitespace and executes the command asynchronously.
3713 The output appears in the buffer `*Async Shell Command*'.
3715 \(fn COMMAND &optional ARG FILE-LIST)" t nil)
3717 (autoload 'dired-do-shell-command "dired-aux" "\
3718 Run a shell command COMMAND on the marked files.
3719 If no files are marked or a specific numeric prefix arg is given,
3720 the next ARG files are used. Just \\[universal-argument] means the current file.
3721 The prompt mentions the file(s) or the marker, as appropriate.
3723 If there is a `*' in COMMAND, surrounded by whitespace, this runs
3724 COMMAND just once with the entire file list substituted there.
3726 If there is no `*', but there is a `?' in COMMAND, surrounded by
3727 whitespace, this runs COMMAND on each file individually with the
3728 file name substituted for `?'.
3730 Otherwise, this runs COMMAND on each file individually with the
3731 file name added at the end of COMMAND (separated by a space).
3733 `*' and `?' when not surrounded by whitespace have no special
3734 significance for `dired-do-shell-command', and are passed through
3735 normally to the shell, but you must confirm first. To pass `*' by
3736 itself to the shell as a wildcard, type `*\"\"'.
3738 If COMMAND produces output, it goes to a separate buffer.
3740 This feature does not try to redisplay Dired buffers afterward, as
3741 there's no telling what files COMMAND may have changed.
3742 Type \\[dired-do-redisplay] to redisplay the marked files.
3744 When COMMAND runs, its working directory is the top-level directory
3745 of the Dired buffer, so output files usually are created there
3746 instead of in a subdir.
3748 In a noninteractive call (from Lisp code), you must specify
3749 the list of file names explicitly with the FILE-LIST argument, which
3750 can be produced by `dired-get-marked-files', for example.
3752 \(fn COMMAND &optional ARG FILE-LIST)" t nil)
3754 (autoload 'dired-run-shell-command "dired-aux" "\
3755 Not documented
3757 \(fn COMMAND)" nil nil)
3759 (autoload 'dired-do-kill-lines "dired-aux" "\
3760 Kill all marked lines (not the files).
3761 With a prefix argument, kill that many lines starting with the current line.
3762 \(A negative argument kills backward.)
3763 If you use this command with a prefix argument to kill the line
3764 for a file that is a directory, which you have inserted in the
3765 Dired buffer as a subdirectory, then it deletes that subdirectory
3766 from the buffer as well.
3767 To kill an entire subdirectory (without killing its line in the
3768 parent directory), go to its directory header line and use this
3769 command with a prefix argument (the value does not matter).
3771 \(fn &optional ARG FMT)" t nil)
3773 (autoload 'dired-compress-file "dired-aux" "\
3774 Not documented
3776 \(fn FILE)" nil nil)
3778 (autoload 'dired-query "dired-aux" "\
3779 Format PROMPT with ARGS, query user, and store the result in SYM.
3780 The return value is either nil or t.
3782 The user may type y or SPC to accept once; n or DEL to skip once;
3783 ! to accept this and subsequent queries; or q or ESC to decline
3784 this and subsequent queries.
3786 If SYM is already bound to a non-nil value, this function may
3787 return automatically without querying the user. If SYM is !,
3788 return t; if SYM is q or ESC, return nil.
3790 \(fn SYM PROMPT &rest ARGS)" nil nil)
3792 (autoload 'dired-do-compress "dired-aux" "\
3793 Compress or uncompress marked (or next ARG) files.
3795 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3797 (autoload 'dired-do-byte-compile "dired-aux" "\
3798 Byte compile marked (or next ARG) Emacs Lisp files.
3800 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3802 (autoload 'dired-do-load "dired-aux" "\
3803 Load the marked (or next ARG) Emacs Lisp files.
3805 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3807 (autoload 'dired-do-redisplay "dired-aux" "\
3808 Redisplay all marked (or next ARG) files.
3809 If on a subdir line, redisplay that subdirectory. In that case,
3810 a prefix arg lets you edit the `ls' switches used for the new listing.
3812 Dired remembers switches specified with a prefix arg, so that reverting
3813 the buffer will not reset them. However, using `dired-undo' to re-insert
3814 or delete subdirectories can bypass this machinery. Hence, you sometimes
3815 may have to reset some subdirectory switches after a `dired-undo'.
3816 You can reset all subdirectory switches to the default using
3817 \\<dired-mode-map>\\[dired-reset-subdir-switches].
3818 See Info node `(emacs)Subdir switches' for more details.
3820 \(fn &optional ARG TEST-FOR-SUBDIR)" t nil)
3822 (autoload 'dired-add-file "dired-aux" "\
3823 Not documented
3825 \(fn FILENAME &optional MARKER-CHAR)" nil nil)
3827 (autoload 'dired-remove-file "dired-aux" "\
3828 Not documented
3830 \(fn FILE)" nil nil)
3832 (autoload 'dired-relist-file "dired-aux" "\
3833 Create or update the line for FILE in all Dired buffers it would belong in.
3835 \(fn FILE)" nil nil)
3837 (autoload 'dired-copy-file "dired-aux" "\
3838 Not documented
3840 \(fn FROM TO OK-FLAG)" nil nil)
3842 (autoload 'dired-rename-file "dired-aux" "\
3843 Not documented
3847 (autoload 'dired-create-directory "dired-aux" "\
3848 Create a directory called DIRECTORY.
3850 \(fn DIRECTORY)" t nil)
3852 (autoload 'dired-do-copy "dired-aux" "\
3853 Copy all marked (or next ARG) files, or copy the current file.
3854 This normally preserves the last-modified date when copying.
3855 When operating on just the current file, you specify the new name.
3856 When operating on multiple or marked files, you specify a directory,
3857 and new copies of these files are made in that directory
3858 with the same names that the files currently have. The default
3859 suggested for the target directory depends on the value of
3860 `dired-dwim-target', which see.
3862 This command copies symbolic links by creating new ones,
3863 like `cp -d'.
3865 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3867 (autoload 'dired-do-symlink "dired-aux" "\
3868 Make symbolic links to current file or all marked (or next ARG) files.
3869 When operating on just the current file, you specify the new name.
3870 When operating on multiple or marked files, you specify a directory
3871 and new symbolic links are made in that directory
3872 with the same names that the files currently have. The default
3873 suggested for the target directory depends on the value of
3874 `dired-dwim-target', which see.
3876 For relative symlinks, use \\[dired-do-relsymlink].
3878 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3880 (autoload 'dired-do-hardlink "dired-aux" "\
3881 Add names (hard links) current file or all marked (or next ARG) files.
3882 When operating on just the current file, you specify the new name.
3883 When operating on multiple or marked files, you specify a directory
3884 and new hard links are made in that directory
3885 with the same names that the files currently have. The default
3886 suggested for the target directory depends on the value of
3887 `dired-dwim-target', which see.
3889 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3891 (autoload 'dired-do-rename "dired-aux" "\
3892 Rename current file or all marked (or next ARG) files.
3893 When renaming just the current file, you specify the new name.
3894 When renaming multiple or marked files, you specify a directory.
3895 This command also renames any buffers that are visiting the files.
3896 The default suggested for the target directory depends on the value
3897 of `dired-dwim-target', which see.
3899 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3901 (autoload 'dired-do-rename-regexp "dired-aux" "\
3902 Rename selected files whose names match REGEXP to NEWNAME.
3904 With non-zero prefix argument ARG, the command operates on the next ARG
3905 files. Otherwise, it operates on all the marked files, or the current
3906 file if none are marked.
3908 As each match is found, the user must type a character saying
3909 what to do with it. For directions, type \\[help-command] at that time.
3910 NEWNAME may contain \\=\\<n> or \\& as in `query-replace-regexp'.
3911 REGEXP defaults to the last regexp used.
3913 With a zero prefix arg, renaming by regexp affects the absolute file name.
3914 Normally, only the non-directory part of the file name is used and changed.
3916 \(fn REGEXP NEWNAME &optional ARG WHOLE-NAME)" t nil)
3918 (autoload 'dired-do-copy-regexp "dired-aux" "\
3919 Copy selected files whose names match REGEXP to NEWNAME.
3920 See function `dired-do-rename-regexp' for more info.
3922 \(fn REGEXP NEWNAME &optional ARG WHOLE-NAME)" t nil)
3924 (autoload 'dired-do-hardlink-regexp "dired-aux" "\
3925 Hardlink selected files whose names match REGEXP to NEWNAME.
3926 See function `dired-do-rename-regexp' for more info.
3928 \(fn REGEXP NEWNAME &optional ARG WHOLE-NAME)" t nil)
3930 (autoload 'dired-do-symlink-regexp "dired-aux" "\
3931 Symlink selected files whose names match REGEXP to NEWNAME.
3932 See function `dired-do-rename-regexp' for more info.
3934 \(fn REGEXP NEWNAME &optional ARG WHOLE-NAME)" t nil)
3936 (autoload 'dired-upcase "dired-aux" "\
3937 Rename all marked (or next ARG) files to upper case.
3939 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3941 (autoload 'dired-downcase "dired-aux" "\
3942 Rename all marked (or next ARG) files to lower case.
3944 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
3946 (autoload 'dired-maybe-insert-subdir "dired-aux" "\
3947 Insert this subdirectory into the same dired buffer.
3948 If it is already present, just move to it (type \\[dired-do-redisplay] to refresh),
3949 else inserts it at its natural place (as `ls -lR' would have done).
3950 With a prefix arg, you may edit the ls switches used for this listing.
3951 You can add `R' to the switches to expand the whole tree starting at
3952 this subdirectory.
3953 This function takes some pains to conform to `ls -lR' output.
3955 Dired remembers switches specified with a prefix arg, so that reverting
3956 the buffer will not reset them. However, using `dired-undo' to re-insert
3957 or delete subdirectories can bypass this machinery. Hence, you sometimes
3958 may have to reset some subdirectory switches after a `dired-undo'.
3959 You can reset all subdirectory switches to the default using
3960 \\<dired-mode-map>\\[dired-reset-subdir-switches].
3961 See Info node `(emacs)Subdir switches' for more details.
3963 \(fn DIRNAME &optional SWITCHES NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-DIR-P)" t nil)
3965 (autoload 'dired-insert-subdir "dired-aux" "\
3966 Insert this subdirectory into the same dired buffer.
3967 If it is already present, overwrites previous entry,
3968 else inserts it at its natural place (as `ls -lR' would have done).
3969 With a prefix arg, you may edit the `ls' switches used for this listing.
3970 You can add `R' to the switches to expand the whole tree starting at
3971 this subdirectory.
3972 This function takes some pains to conform to `ls -lR' output.
3974 \(fn DIRNAME &optional SWITCHES NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-DIR-P)" t nil)
3976 (autoload 'dired-prev-subdir "dired-aux" "\
3977 Go to previous subdirectory, regardless of level.
3978 When called interactively and not on a subdir line, go to this subdir's line.
3980 \(fn ARG &optional NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-FOUND NO-SKIP)" t nil)
3982 (autoload 'dired-goto-subdir "dired-aux" "\
3983 Go to end of header line of DIR in this dired buffer.
3984 Return value of point on success, otherwise return nil.
3985 The next char is either \\n, or \\r if DIR is hidden.
3987 \(fn DIR)" t nil)
3989 (autoload 'dired-mark-subdir-files "dired-aux" "\
3990 Mark all files except `.' and `..' in current subdirectory.
3991 If the Dired buffer shows multiple directories, this command
3992 marks the files listed in the subdirectory that point is in.
3994 \(fn)" t nil)
3996 (autoload 'dired-kill-subdir "dired-aux" "\
3997 Remove all lines of current subdirectory.
3998 Lower levels are unaffected.
4000 \(fn &optional REMEMBER-MARKS)" t nil)
4002 (autoload 'dired-tree-up "dired-aux" "\
4003 Go up ARG levels in the dired tree.
4005 \(fn ARG)" t nil)
4007 (autoload 'dired-tree-down "dired-aux" "\
4008 Go down in the dired tree.
4010 \(fn)" t nil)
4012 (autoload 'dired-hide-subdir "dired-aux" "\
4013 Hide or unhide the current subdirectory and move to next directory.
4014 Optional prefix arg is a repeat factor.
4015 Use \\[dired-hide-all] to (un)hide all directories.
4017 \(fn ARG)" t nil)
4019 (autoload 'dired-hide-all "dired-aux" "\
4020 Hide all subdirectories, leaving only their header lines.
4021 If there is already something hidden, make everything visible again.
4022 Use \\[dired-hide-subdir] to (un)hide a particular subdirectory.
4024 \(fn &optional IGNORED)" t nil)
4026 (autoload 'dired-isearch-filenames-setup "dired-aux" "\
4027 Set up isearch to search in Dired file names.
4028 Intended to be added to `isearch-mode-hook'.
4030 \(fn)" nil nil)
4032 (autoload 'dired-isearch-filenames "dired-aux" "\
4033 Search for a string using Isearch only in file names in the Dired buffer.
4035 \(fn)" t nil)
4037 (autoload 'dired-isearch-filenames-regexp "dired-aux" "\
4038 Search for a regexp using Isearch only in file names in the Dired buffer.
4040 \(fn)" t nil)
4042 (autoload 'dired-do-isearch "dired-aux" "\
4043 Search for a string through all marked files using Isearch.
4045 \(fn)" t nil)
4047 (autoload 'dired-do-isearch-regexp "dired-aux" "\
4048 Search for a regexp through all marked files using Isearch.
4050 \(fn)" t nil)
4052 (autoload 'dired-do-search "dired-aux" "\
4053 Search through all marked files for a match for REGEXP.
4054 Stops when a match is found.
4055 To continue searching for next match, use command \\[tags-loop-continue].
4057 \(fn REGEXP)" t nil)
4059 (autoload 'dired-do-query-replace-regexp "dired-aux" "\
4060 Do `query-replace-regexp' of FROM with TO, on all marked files.
4061 Third arg DELIMITED (prefix arg) means replace only word-delimited matches.
4062 If you exit (\\[keyboard-quit], RET or q), you can resume the query replace
4063 with the command \\[tags-loop-continue].
4065 \(fn FROM TO &optional DELIMITED)" t nil)
4067 (autoload 'dired-show-file-type "dired-aux" "\
4068 Print the type of FILE, according to the `file' command.
4069 If FILE is a symbolic link and the optional argument DEREF-SYMLINKS is
4070 true then the type of the file linked to by FILE is printed instead.
4072 \(fn FILE &optional DEREF-SYMLINKS)" t nil)
4074 ;;;***
4076 ;;;### (autoloads (dired-do-relsymlink dired-jump) "dired-x" "dired-x.el"
4077 ;;;;;; "86d436093caa9ae80f7b73915c6a4b4c")
4078 ;;; Generated autoloads from dired-x.el
4080 (autoload 'dired-jump "dired-x" "\
4081 Jump to dired buffer corresponding to current buffer.
4082 If in a file, dired the current directory and move to file's line.
4083 If in Dired already, pop up a level and goto old directory's line.
4084 In case the proper dired file line cannot be found, refresh the dired
4085 buffer and try again.
4086 When OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, jump to dired buffer in other window.
4087 Interactively with prefix argument, read FILE-NAME and
4088 move to its line in dired.
4090 \(fn &optional OTHER-WINDOW FILE-NAME)" t nil)
4092 (autoload 'dired-do-relsymlink "dired-x" "\
4093 Relative symlink all marked (or next ARG) files into a directory.
4094 Otherwise make a relative symbolic link to the current file.
4095 This creates relative symbolic links like
4097 foo -> ../bar/foo
4099 not absolute ones like
4101 foo -> /ugly/file/name/that/may/change/any/day/bar/foo
4103 For absolute symlinks, use \\[dired-do-symlink].
4105 \(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
4107 ;;;***
4109 ;;; End of automatically extracted autoloads.
4111 (provide 'dired)
4113 (run-hooks 'dired-load-hook) ; for your customizations
4115 ;;; dired.el ends here