(comment-indent-function): Use 0 for ;;; and %%%.
[emacs.git] / lisp / newcomment.el
1 ;;; newcomment.el --- (un)comment regions of buffers
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Free Software Foundation Inc.
5 ;; Author: code extracted from Emacs-20's simple.el
6 ;; Maintainer: Stefan Monnier <monnier@cs.yale.edu>
7 ;; Keywords: comment uncomment
8 ;; Version: $Name: $
9 ;; Revision: $Id: newcomment.el,v 1.19 2000/07/06 13:25:31 monnier Exp $
11 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
13 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
16 ;; any later version.
18 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
25 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
26 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
28 ;;; Commentary:
30 ;; A replacement for simple.el's comment-related functions.
32 ;;; Bugs:
34 ;; - single-char nestable comment-start can only do the "\\s<+" stuff
35 ;; if the corresponding closing marker happens to be right.
36 ;; - comment-box in TeXinfo generate bogus comments @ccccc@
37 ;; - uncomment-region with a numeric argument can render multichar
38 ;; comment markers invalid.
39 ;; - comment-indent or comment-region when called inside a comment
40 ;; will happily break the surrounding comment.
41 ;; - comment-quote-nested will not (un)quote properly all nested comment
42 ;; markers if there are more than just comment-start and comment-end.
43 ;; For example, in Pascal where {...*) and (*...} are possible.
45 ;;; Todo:
47 ;; - try to align tail comments
48 ;; - check what c-comment-line-break-function has to say
49 ;; - spill auto-fill of comments onto the end of the next line
50 ;; - uncomment-region with a consp (for blocks) or somehow make the
51 ;; deletion of continuation markers less dangerous
52 ;; - drop block-comment-<foo> unless it's really used
53 ;; - uncomment-region on a subpart of a comment
54 ;; - support gnu-style "multi-line with space in continue"
55 ;; - somehow allow comment-dwim to use the region even if transient-mark-mode
56 ;; is not turned on.
58 ;; - when auto-filling a comment, try to move the comment to the left
59 ;; rather than break it (if possible).
60 ;; - sometimes default the comment-column to the same
61 ;; one used on the preceding line(s).
63 ;;; Code:
65 ;;;###autoload
66 (defalias 'indent-for-comment 'comment-indent)
67 ;;;###autoload
68 (defalias 'set-comment-column 'comment-set-column)
69 ;;;###autoload
70 (defalias 'kill-comment 'comment-kill)
71 ;;;###autoload
72 (defalias 'indent-new-comment-line 'comment-indent-new-line)
74 ;;;###autoload
75 (defgroup comment nil
76 "Indenting and filling of comments."
77 :prefix "comment-"
78 :version "21.1"
79 :group 'fill)
81 (defvar comment-use-syntax 'undecided
82 "Non-nil if syntax-tables can be used instead of regexps.
83 Can also be `undecided' which means that a somewhat expensive test will
84 be used to try to determine whether syntax-tables should be trusted
85 to understand comments or not in the given buffer.
86 Major modes should set this variable.")
88 ;;;###autoload
89 (defcustom comment-column 32
90 "*Column to indent right-margin comments to.
91 Setting this variable automatically makes it local to the current buffer.
92 Each mode establishes a different default value for this variable; you
93 can set the value for a particular mode using that mode's hook."
94 :type 'integer
95 :group 'comment)
96 (make-variable-buffer-local 'comment-column)
98 ;;;###autoload
99 (defvar comment-start nil
100 "*String to insert to start a new comment, or nil if no comment syntax.")
102 ;;;###autoload
103 (defvar comment-start-skip nil
104 "*Regexp to match the start of a comment plus everything up to its body.
105 If there are any \\(...\\) pairs, the comment delimiter text is held to begin
106 at the place matched by the close of the first pair.")
108 ;;;###autoload
109 (defvar comment-end-skip nil
110 "Regexp to match the end of a comment plus everything up to its body.")
112 ;;;###autoload
113 (defvar comment-end ""
114 "*String to insert to end a new comment.
115 Should be an empty string if comments are terminated by end-of-line.")
117 ;;;###autoload
118 (defvar comment-indent-function
119 (lambda () (if (looking-at "\\s<\\s<\\s<") 0 comment-column))
120 "Function to compute desired indentation for a comment.
121 This function is called with no args with point at the beginning of
122 the comment's starting delimiter.")
124 (defvar block-comment-start nil)
125 (defvar block-comment-end nil)
127 (defvar comment-quote-nested t
128 "Non-nil if nested comments should be quoted.
129 This should be locally set by each major mode if needed.")
131 (defvar comment-continue nil
132 "Continuation string to insert for multiline comments.
133 This string will be added at the beginning of each line except the very
134 first one when commenting a region with a commenting style that allows
135 comments to span several lines.
136 It should generally have the same length as `comment-start' in order to
137 preserve indentation.
138 If it is nil a value will be automatically derived from `comment-start'
139 by replacing its first character with a space.")
141 (defvar comment-add 0
142 "How many more comment chars should be inserted by `comment-region'.
143 This determines the default value of the numeric argument of `comment-region'.
144 This should generally stay 0, except for a few modes like Lisp where
145 it can be convenient to set it to 1 so that regions are commented with
146 two semi-colons.")
148 (defconst comment-styles
149 '((plain . (nil nil nil nil))
150 (indent . (nil nil nil t))
151 (aligned . (nil t nil t))
152 (multi-line . (t nil nil t))
153 (extra-line . (t nil t t))
154 (box . (nil t t t))
155 (box-multi . (t t t t)))
156 "Possible comment styles of the form (STYLE . (MULTI ALIGN EXTRA INDENT)).
157 STYLE should be a mnemonic symbol.
158 MULTI specifies that comments are allowed to span multiple lines.
159 ALIGN specifies that the `comment-end' markers should be aligned.
160 EXTRA specifies that an extra line should be used before and after the
161 region to comment (to put the `comment-end' and `comment-start').
162 INDENT specifies that the `comment-start' markers should not be put at the
163 left margin but at the current indentation of the region to comment.")
165 ;;;###autoload
166 (defcustom comment-style 'plain
167 "*Style to be used for `comment-region'.
168 See `comment-styles' for a list of available styles."
169 :group 'comment
170 :type (if (boundp 'comment-styles)
171 `(choice ,@(mapcar (lambda (s) `(const ,(car s))) comment-styles))
172 'symbol))
174 ;;;###autoload
175 (defcustom comment-padding " "
176 "Padding string that `comment-region' puts between comment chars and text.
177 Can also be an integer which will be automatically turned into a string
178 of the corresponding number of spaces.
180 Extra spacing between the comment characters and the comment text
181 makes the comment easier to read. Default is 1. nil means 0.")
183 ;;;###autoload
184 (defcustom comment-multi-line nil
185 "*Non-nil means \\[comment-indent-new-line] continues comments, with no new terminator or starter.
186 This is obsolete because you might as well use \\[newline-and-indent]."
187 :type 'boolean
188 :group 'comment)
190 ;;;;
191 ;;;; Helpers
192 ;;;;
194 (defun comment-string-strip (str beforep afterp)
195 "Strip STR of any leading (if BEFOREP) and/or trailing (if AFTERP) space."
196 (string-match (concat "\\`" (if beforep "\\s-*")
197 "\\(.*?\\)" (if afterp "\\s-*\n?")
198 "\\'") str)
199 (match-string 1 str))
201 (defun comment-string-reverse (s)
202 "Return the mirror image of string S, without any trailing space."
203 (comment-string-strip (concat (nreverse (string-to-list s))) nil t))
205 (defun comment-normalize-vars (&optional noerror)
206 (if (not comment-start) (or noerror (error "No comment syntax is defined"))
207 ;; comment-use-syntax
208 (when (eq comment-use-syntax 'undecided)
209 (set (make-local-variable 'comment-use-syntax)
210 (let ((st (syntax-table))
211 (cs comment-start)
212 (ce (if (string= "" comment-end) "\n" comment-end)))
213 ;; Try to skip over a comment using forward-comment
214 ;; to see if the syntax tables properly recognize it.
215 (with-temp-buffer
216 (set-syntax-table st)
217 (insert cs " hello " ce)
218 (goto-char (point-min))
219 (and (forward-comment 1) (eobp))))))
220 ;; comment-padding
221 (when (integerp comment-padding)
222 (setq comment-padding (make-string comment-padding ? )))
223 ;; comment markers
224 ;;(setq comment-start (comment-string-strip comment-start t nil))
225 ;;(setq comment-end (comment-string-strip comment-end nil t))
226 ;; comment-continue
227 (unless (or comment-continue (string= comment-end ""))
228 (set (make-local-variable 'comment-continue)
229 (concat (if (string-match "\\S-\\S-" comment-start) " " "|")
230 (substring comment-start 1))))
231 ;; comment-skip regexps
232 (unless comment-start-skip
233 (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
234 (concat "\\(\\(^\\|[^\\\\\n]\\)\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*\\)\\(\\s<+\\|"
235 (regexp-quote (comment-string-strip comment-start t t))
236 "+\\)\\s-*")))
237 (unless comment-end-skip
238 (let ((ce (if (string= "" comment-end) "\n"
239 (comment-string-strip comment-end t t))))
240 (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end-skip)
241 (concat "\\s-*\\(\\s>" (if comment-quote-nested "" "+")
242 "\\|" (regexp-quote (substring ce 0 1))
243 (if (and comment-quote-nested (<= (length ce) 1)) "" "+")
244 (regexp-quote (substring ce 1))
245 "\\)"))))))
247 (defun comment-quote-re (str unp)
248 (concat (regexp-quote (substring str 0 1))
249 "\\\\" (if unp "+" "*")
250 (regexp-quote (substring str 1))))
252 (defun comment-quote-nested (cs ce unp)
253 "Quote or unquote nested comments.
254 If UNP is non-nil, unquote nested comment markers."
255 (setq cs (comment-string-strip cs t t))
256 (setq ce (comment-string-strip ce t t))
257 (when (and comment-quote-nested (> (length ce) 0))
258 (let ((re (concat (comment-quote-re ce unp)
259 "\\|" (comment-quote-re cs unp))))
260 (goto-char (point-min))
261 (while (re-search-forward re nil t)
262 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
263 (forward-char 1)
264 (if unp (delete-char 1) (insert "\\"))
265 (when (= (length ce) 1)
266 ;; If the comment-end is a single char, adding a \ after that
267 ;; "first" char won't deactivate it, so we turn such a CE
268 ;; into !CS. I.e. for pascal, we turn } into !{
269 (if (not unp)
270 (when (string= (match-string 0) ce)
271 (replace-match (concat "!" cs) t t))
272 (when (and (< (point-min) (match-beginning 0))
273 (string= (buffer-substring (1- (match-beginning 0))
274 (1- (match-end 0)))
275 (concat "!" cs)))
276 (backward-char 2)
277 (delete-char (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)))
278 (insert ce))))))))
280 ;;;;
281 ;;;; Navigation
282 ;;;;
284 (defun comment-search-forward (limit &optional noerror)
285 "Find a comment start between point and LIMIT.
286 Moves point to inside the comment and returns the position of the
287 comment-starter. If no comment is found, moves point to LIMIT
288 and raises an error or returns nil of NOERROR is non-nil."
289 (if (not comment-use-syntax)
290 (if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip limit noerror)
291 (or (match-end 1) (match-beginning 0))
292 (goto-char limit)
293 (unless noerror (error "No comment")))
294 (let* ((pt (point))
295 ;; Assume (at first) that pt is outside of any string.
296 (s (parse-partial-sexp pt (or limit (point-max)) nil nil nil t)))
297 (when (and (nth 8 s) (nth 3 s))
298 ;; The search ended inside a string. Try to see if it
299 ;; works better when we assume that pt is inside a string.
300 (setq s (parse-partial-sexp
301 pt (or limit (point-max)) nil nil
302 (list nil nil nil (nth 3 s) nil nil nil nil)
303 t)))
304 (if (not (and (nth 8 s) (not (nth 3 s))))
305 (unless noerror (error "No comment"))
306 ;; We found the comment.
307 (let ((pos (point))
308 (start (nth 8 s))
309 (bol (line-beginning-position))
310 (end nil))
311 (while (and (null end) (>= (point) bol))
312 (if (looking-at comment-start-skip)
313 (setq end (min (or limit (point-max)) (match-end 0)))
314 (backward-char)))
315 (goto-char (or end pos))
316 start)))))
318 (defun comment-search-backward (&optional limit noerror)
319 "Find a comment start between LIMIT and point.
320 Moves point to inside the comment and returns the position of the
321 comment-starter. If no comment is found, moves point to LIMIT
322 and raises an error or returns nil of NOERROR is non-nil."
323 ;; FIXME: If a comment-start appears inside a comment, we may erroneously
324 ;; stop there. This can be rather bad in general, but since
325 ;; comment-search-backward is only used to find the comment-column (in
326 ;; comment-set-column) and to find the comment-start string (via
327 ;; comment-beginning) in indent-new-comment-line, it should be harmless.
328 (if (not (re-search-backward comment-start-skip limit t))
329 (unless noerror (error "No comment"))
330 (beginning-of-line)
331 (let* ((end (match-end 0))
332 (cs (comment-search-forward end t))
333 (pt (point)))
334 (if (not cs)
335 (progn (beginning-of-line)
336 (comment-search-backward limit noerror))
337 (while (progn (goto-char cs)
338 (comment-forward)
339 (and (< (point) end)
340 (setq cs (comment-search-forward end t))))
341 (setq pt (point)))
342 (goto-char pt)
343 cs))))
345 (defun comment-beginning ()
346 "Find the beginning of the enclosing comment.
347 Returns nil if not inside a comment, else moves point and returns
348 the same as `comment-search-forward'."
349 (let ((pt (point))
350 (cs (comment-search-backward nil t)))
351 (when cs
352 (if (save-excursion
353 (goto-char cs)
354 (if (comment-forward 1) (> (point) pt) (eobp)))
356 (goto-char pt)
357 nil))))
359 (defun comment-forward (&optional n)
360 "Skip forward over N comments.
361 Just like `forward-comment' but only for positive N
362 and can use regexps instead of syntax."
363 (setq n (or n 1))
364 (if (< n 0) (error "No comment-backward")
365 (if comment-use-syntax (forward-comment n)
366 (while (> n 0)
367 (skip-syntax-forward " ")
368 (setq n
369 (if (and (looking-at comment-start-skip)
370 (re-search-forward comment-end-skip nil 'move))
371 (1- n) -1)))
372 (= n 0))))
374 (defun comment-enter-backward ()
375 "Move from the end of a comment to the end of its content.
376 Point is assumed to be just at the end of a comment."
377 (if (bolp)
378 ;; comment-end = ""
379 (progn (backward-char) (skip-syntax-backward " "))
380 (let ((end (point)))
381 (beginning-of-line)
382 (save-restriction
383 (narrow-to-region (point) end)
384 (if (re-search-forward (concat comment-end-skip "\\'") nil t)
385 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
386 ;; comment-end-skip not found probably because it was not set right.
387 ;; Since \\s> should catch the single-char case, we'll blindly
388 ;; assume we're at the end of a two-char comment-end.
389 (goto-char (point-max))
390 (backward-char 2)
391 (skip-chars-backward (string (char-after)))
392 (skip-syntax-backward " "))))))
394 ;;;;
395 ;;;; Commands
396 ;;;;
398 ;;;###autoload
399 (defun comment-indent (&optional continue)
400 "Indent this line's comment to comment column, or insert an empty comment.
401 If CONTINUE is non-nil, use the `comment-continuation' markers if any."
402 (interactive "*")
403 (comment-normalize-vars)
404 (let* ((empty (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
405 (looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
406 (starter (or (and continue comment-continue)
407 (and empty block-comment-start) comment-start))
408 (ender (or (and continue comment-continue "")
409 (and empty block-comment-end) comment-end)))
410 (cond
411 ((null starter)
412 (error "No comment syntax defined"))
413 (t (let* ((eolpos (line-end-position))
414 cpos indent begpos)
415 (beginning-of-line)
416 (if (not (setq begpos (comment-search-forward eolpos t)))
417 (setq begpos (point))
418 (setq cpos (point-marker))
419 (goto-char begpos))
420 ;; Compute desired indent.
421 (setq indent (funcall comment-indent-function))
422 ;; Avoid moving comments past the fill-column.
423 (setq indent
424 (min indent
425 (+ (current-column)
426 (- fill-column
427 (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column))))))
428 (if (= (current-column) indent)
429 (goto-char begpos)
430 ;; If that's different from current, change it.
431 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
432 (delete-region (point) begpos)
433 (indent-to (if (bolp) indent (max indent (1+ (current-column))))))
434 ;; An existing comment?
435 (if cpos
436 (progn (goto-char cpos) (set-marker cpos nil))
437 ;; No, insert one.
438 (insert starter)
439 (save-excursion
440 (insert ender))))))))
442 ;;;###autoload
443 (defun comment-set-column (arg)
444 "Set the comment column based on point.
445 With no ARG, set the comment column to the current column.
446 With just minus as arg, kill any comment on this line.
447 With any other arg, set comment column to indentation of the previous comment
448 and then align or create a comment on this line at that column."
449 (interactive "P")
450 (cond
451 ((eq arg '-) (comment-kill nil))
452 (arg
453 (save-excursion
454 (beginning-of-line)
455 (comment-search-backward)
456 (beginning-of-line)
457 (goto-char (comment-search-forward (line-end-position)))
458 (setq comment-column (current-column))
459 (message "Comment column set to %d" comment-column))
460 (comment-indent))
461 (t (setq comment-column (current-column))
462 (message "Comment column set to %d" comment-column))))
464 ;;;###autoload
465 (defun comment-kill (arg)
466 "Kill the comment on this line, if any.
467 With prefix ARG, kill comments on that many lines starting with this one."
468 (interactive "P")
469 (dotimes (_ (prefix-numeric-value arg))
470 (save-excursion
471 (beginning-of-line)
472 (let ((cs (comment-search-forward (line-end-position) t)))
473 (when cs
474 (goto-char cs)
475 (skip-syntax-backward " ")
476 (setq cs (point))
477 (comment-forward)
478 (kill-region cs (if (bolp) (1- (point)) (point)))
479 (indent-according-to-mode))))
480 (if arg (forward-line 1))))
482 (defun comment-padright (str &optional n)
483 "Construct a string composed of STR plus `comment-padding'.
484 It also adds N copies of the last non-whitespace chars of STR.
485 If STR already contains padding, the corresponding amount is
486 ignored from `comment-padding'.
487 N defaults to 0.
488 If N is `re', a regexp is returned instead, that would match
489 the string for any N."
490 (setq n (or n 0))
491 (when (and (stringp str) (not (string= "" str)))
492 ;; Separate the actual string from any leading/trailing padding
493 (string-match "\\`\\s-*\\(.*?\\)\\s-*\\'" str)
494 (let ((s (match-string 1 str)) ;actual string
495 (lpad (substring str 0 (match-beginning 1))) ;left padding
496 (rpad (concat (substring str (match-end 1)) ;original right padding
497 (substring comment-padding ;additional right padding
498 (min (- (match-end 0) (match-end 1))
499 (length comment-padding)))))
500 ;; We can only duplicate C if the comment-end has multiple chars
501 ;; or if comments can be nested, else the comment-end `}' would
502 ;; be turned into `}}}' where only the first ends the comment
503 ;; and the rest becomes bogus junk.
504 (multi (not (and comment-quote-nested
505 ;; comment-end is a single char
506 (string-match "\\`\\s-*\\S-\\s-*\\'" comment-end)))))
507 (if (not (symbolp n))
508 (concat lpad s (when multi (make-string n (aref str (1- (match-end 1))))) rpad)
509 ;; construct a regexp that would match anything from just S
510 ;; to any possible output of this function for any N.
511 (concat (mapconcat (lambda (c) (concat (regexp-quote (string c)) "?"))
512 lpad "") ;padding is not required
513 (regexp-quote s)
514 (when multi "+") ;the last char of S might be repeated
515 (mapconcat (lambda (c) (concat (regexp-quote (string c)) "?"))
516 rpad "")))))) ;padding is not required
518 (defun comment-padleft (str &optional n)
519 "Construct a string composed of `comment-padding' plus STR.
520 It also adds N copies of the first non-whitespace chars of STR.
521 If STR already contains padding, the corresponding amount is
522 ignored from `comment-padding'.
523 N defaults to 0.
524 If N is `re', a regexp is returned instead, that would match
525 the string for any N."
526 (setq n (or n 0))
527 (when (and (stringp str) (not (string= "" str)))
528 ;; Only separate the left pad because we assume there is no right pad.
529 (string-match "\\`\\s-*" str)
530 (let ((s (substring str (match-end 0)))
531 (pad (concat (substring comment-padding
532 (min (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0))
533 (length comment-padding)))
534 (match-string 0 str)))
535 (c (aref str (match-end 0))) ;the first non-space char of STR
536 ;; We can only duplicate C if the comment-end has multiple chars
537 ;; or if comments can be nested, else the comment-end `}' would
538 ;; be turned into `}}}' where only the first ends the comment
539 ;; and the rest becomes bogus junk.
540 (multi (not (and comment-quote-nested
541 ;; comment-end is a single char
542 (string-match "\\`\\s-*\\S-\\s-*\\'" comment-end)))))
543 (if (not (symbolp n))
544 (concat pad (when multi (make-string n c)) s)
545 ;; Construct a regexp that would match anything from just S
546 ;; to any possible output of this function for any N.
547 ;; We match any number of leading spaces because this regexp will
548 ;; be used for uncommenting where we might want to remove
549 ;; uncomment markers with arbitrary leading space (because
550 ;; they were aligned).
551 (concat "\\s-*"
552 (if multi (concat (regexp-quote (string c)) "*"))
553 (regexp-quote s))))))
555 ;;;###autoload
556 (defun uncomment-region (beg end &optional arg)
557 "Uncomment each line in the BEG..END region.
558 The numeric prefix ARG can specify a number of chars to remove from the
559 comment markers."
560 (interactive "*r\nP")
561 (comment-normalize-vars)
562 (if (> beg end) (let (mid) (setq mid beg beg end end mid)))
563 (save-excursion
564 (goto-char beg)
565 (setq end (copy-marker end))
566 (let ((numarg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
567 spt)
568 (while (and (< (point) end)
569 (setq spt (comment-search-forward end t)))
570 (let* ((ipt (point))
571 ;; Find the end of the comment.
572 (ept (progn
573 (goto-char spt)
574 (unless (comment-forward)
575 (error "Can't find the comment end"))
576 (point)))
577 (box nil)
578 (ccs comment-continue)
579 (srei (comment-padright ccs 're))
580 (sre (and srei (concat "^\\s-*?\\(" srei "\\)"))))
581 (save-restriction
582 (narrow-to-region spt ept)
583 ;; Remove the comment-start.
584 (goto-char ipt)
585 (skip-syntax-backward " ")
586 ;; Check for special `=' used sometimes in comment-box.
587 (when (and (= (- (point) (point-min)) 1) (looking-at "=\\{7\\}"))
588 (skip-chars-forward "="))
589 ;; A box-comment starts with a looong comment-start marker.
590 (when (> (- (point) (point-min) (length comment-start)) 7)
591 (setq box t))
592 (when (looking-at (regexp-quote comment-padding))
593 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
594 (when (and sre (looking-at (concat "\\s-*\n\\s-*" srei)))
595 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
596 (if (null arg) (delete-region (point-min) (point))
597 (skip-syntax-backward " ")
598 (delete-char (- numarg)))
600 ;; Remove the end-comment (and leading padding and such).
601 (goto-char (point-max)) (comment-enter-backward)
602 ;; Check for special `=' used sometimes in comment-box.
603 (when (= (- (point-max) (point)) 1)
604 (let ((pos (point)))
605 ;; skip `=' but only if there are at least 7.
606 (when (> (skip-chars-backward "=") -7) (goto-char pos))))
607 (unless (looking-at "\\(\n\\|\\s-\\)*\\'")
608 (when (and (bolp) (not (bobp))) (backward-char))
609 (if (null arg) (delete-region (point) (point-max))
610 (skip-syntax-forward " ")
611 (delete-char numarg)))
613 ;; Unquote any nested end-comment.
614 (comment-quote-nested comment-start comment-end t)
616 ;; Eliminate continuation markers as well.
617 (when sre
618 (let* ((cce (comment-string-reverse (or comment-continue
619 comment-start)))
620 (erei (and box (comment-padleft cce 're)))
621 (ere (and erei (concat "\\(" erei "\\)\\s-*$"))))
622 (goto-char (point-min))
623 (while (progn
624 (if (and ere (re-search-forward
625 ere (line-end-position) t))
626 (replace-match "" t t nil (if (match-end 2) 2 1))
627 (setq ere nil))
628 (forward-line 1)
629 (re-search-forward sre (line-end-position) t))
630 (replace-match "" t t nil (if (match-end 2) 2 1)))))
631 ;; Go the the end for the next comment.
632 (goto-char (point-max)))))
633 (set-marker end nil))))
635 (defun comment-make-extra-lines (cs ce ccs cce min-indent max-indent &optional block)
636 "Make the leading and trailing extra lines.
637 This is used for `extra-line' style (or `box' style if BLOCK is specified)."
638 (let ((eindent 0))
639 (if (not block)
640 ;; Try to match CS and CE's content so they align aesthetically.
641 (progn
642 (setq ce (comment-string-strip ce t t))
643 (when (string-match "\\(.+\\).*\n\\(.*?\\)\\1" (concat ce "\n" cs))
644 (setq eindent
645 (max (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2) (match-beginning 0))
646 0))))
647 ;; box comment
648 (let* ((width (- max-indent min-indent))
649 (s (concat cs "a=m" cce))
650 (e (concat ccs "a=m" ce))
651 (c (if (string-match ".*\\S-\\S-" cs)
652 (aref cs (1- (match-end 0))) ?=))
653 (_ (string-match "\\s-*a=m\\s-*" s))
654 (fill
655 (make-string (+ width (- (match-end 0)
656 (match-beginning 0) (length cs) 3)) c)))
657 (setq cs (replace-match fill t t s))
658 (string-match "\\s-*a=m\\s-*" e)
659 (setq ce (replace-match fill t t e))))
660 (cons (concat cs "\n" (make-string min-indent ? ) ccs)
661 (concat cce "\n" (make-string (+ min-indent eindent) ? ) ce))))
663 (def-edebug-spec comment-with-narrowing t)
664 (put 'comment-with-narrowing 'lisp-indent-function 2)
665 (defmacro comment-with-narrowing (beg end &rest body)
666 "Execute BODY with BEG..END narrowing.
667 Space is added (and then removed) at the beginning for the text's
668 indentation to be kept as it was before narrowing."
669 (let ((bindent (make-symbol "bindent")))
670 `(let ((,bindent (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (current-column))))
671 (save-restriction
672 (narrow-to-region beg end)
673 (goto-char (point-min))
674 (insert (make-string ,bindent ? ))
675 (prog1
676 (progn ,@body)
677 ;; remove the bindent
678 (save-excursion
679 (goto-char (point-min))
680 (when (looking-at " *")
681 (let ((n (min (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)) ,bindent)))
682 (delete-char n)
683 (setq ,bindent (- ,bindent n))))
684 (end-of-line)
685 (let ((e (point)))
686 (beginning-of-line)
687 (while (and (> ,bindent 0) (re-search-forward " *" e t))
688 (let ((n (min ,bindent (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0) 1))))
689 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
690 (delete-char n)
691 (setq ,bindent (- ,bindent n)))))))))))
693 (defun comment-region-internal (beg end cs ce
694 &optional ccs cce block lines indent)
695 "Comment region BEG..END.
696 CS and CE are the comment start resp end string.
697 CCS and CCE are the comment continuation strings for the start resp end
698 of lines (default to CS and CE).
699 BLOCK indicates that end of lines should be marked with either CCE, CE or CS
700 \(if CE is empty) and that those markers should be aligned.
701 LINES indicates that an extra lines will be used at the beginning and end
702 of the region for CE and CS.
703 INDENT indicates to put CS and CCS at the current indentation of the region
704 rather than at left margin."
705 ;;(assert (< beg end))
706 (let ((no-empty t))
707 ;; Sanitize CE and CCE.
708 (if (and (stringp ce) (string= "" ce)) (setq ce nil))
709 (if (and (stringp cce) (string= "" cce)) (setq cce nil))
710 ;; If CE is empty, multiline cannot be used.
711 (unless ce (setq ccs nil cce nil))
712 ;; Should we mark empty lines as well ?
713 (if (or ccs block lines) (setq no-empty nil))
714 ;; Make sure we have end-markers for BLOCK mode.
715 (when block (unless ce (setq ce (comment-string-reverse cs))))
716 ;; If BLOCK is not requested, we don't need CCE.
717 (unless block (setq cce nil))
718 ;; Continuation defaults to the same as CS and CE.
719 (unless ccs (setq ccs cs cce ce))
721 (save-excursion
722 (goto-char end)
723 ;; If the end is not at the end of a line and the comment-end
724 ;; is implicit (i.e. a newline), explicitly insert a newline.
725 (unless (or ce (eolp)) (insert "\n") (indent-according-to-mode))
726 (comment-with-narrowing beg end
727 (let ((min-indent (point-max))
728 (max-indent 0))
729 (goto-char (point-min))
730 ;; Quote any nested comment marker
731 (comment-quote-nested comment-start comment-end nil)
733 ;; Loop over all lines to find the needed indentations.
734 (goto-char (point-min))
735 (while
736 (progn
737 (unless (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
738 (setq min-indent (min min-indent (current-indentation))))
739 (end-of-line)
740 (setq max-indent (max max-indent (current-column)))
741 (not (or (eobp) (progn (forward-line) nil)))))
743 ;; Inserting ccs can change max-indent by (1- tab-width).
744 (setq max-indent
745 (+ max-indent (max (length cs) (length ccs)) tab-width -1))
746 (unless indent (setq min-indent 0))
748 ;; make the leading and trailing lines if requested
749 (when lines
750 (let ((csce
751 (comment-make-extra-lines
752 cs ce ccs cce min-indent max-indent block)))
753 (setq cs (car csce))
754 (setq ce (cdr csce))))
756 (goto-char (point-min))
757 ;; Loop over all lines from BEG to END.
758 (while
759 (progn
760 (unless (and no-empty (looking-at "[ \t]*$"))
761 (move-to-column min-indent t)
762 (insert cs) (setq cs ccs) ;switch to CCS after the first line
763 (end-of-line)
764 (if (eobp) (setq cce ce))
765 (when cce
766 (when block (move-to-column max-indent t))
767 (insert cce)))
768 (end-of-line)
769 (not (or (eobp) (progn (forward-line) nil))))))))))
771 ;;;###autoload
772 (defun comment-region (beg end &optional arg)
773 "Comment or uncomment each line in the region.
774 With just \\[universal-prefix] prefix arg, uncomment each line in region BEG..END.
775 Numeric prefix arg ARG means use ARG comment characters.
776 If ARG is negative, delete that many comment characters instead.
777 By default, comments start at the left margin, are terminated on each line,
778 even for syntax in which newline does not end the comment and blank lines
779 do not get comments. This can be changed with `comment-style'.
781 The strings used as comment starts are built from
782 `comment-start' without trailing spaces and `comment-padding'."
783 (interactive "*r\nP")
784 (comment-normalize-vars)
785 (if (> beg end) (let (mid) (setq mid beg beg end end mid)))
786 (let* ((numarg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
787 (add comment-add)
788 (style (cdr (assoc comment-style comment-styles)))
789 (lines (nth 2 style))
790 (block (nth 1 style))
791 (multi (nth 0 style)))
792 (save-excursion
793 ;; we use `chars' instead of `syntax' because `\n' might be
794 ;; of end-comment syntax rather than of whitespace syntax.
795 ;; sanitize BEG and END
796 (goto-char beg) (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r") (beginning-of-line)
797 (setq beg (max beg (point)))
798 (goto-char end) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r") (end-of-line)
799 (setq end (min end (point)))
800 (if (>= beg end) (error "Nothing to comment"))
802 ;; sanitize LINES
803 (setq lines
804 (and
805 lines ;; multi
806 (progn (goto-char beg) (beginning-of-line)
807 (skip-syntax-forward " ")
808 (>= (point) beg))
809 (progn (goto-char end) (end-of-line) (skip-syntax-backward " ")
810 (<= (point) end))
811 (or (not (string= "" comment-end)) block)
812 (progn (goto-char beg) (search-forward "\n" end t)))))
814 ;; don't add end-markers just because the user asked for `block'
815 (unless (or lines (string= "" comment-end)) (setq block nil))
817 (cond
818 ((consp arg) (uncomment-region beg end))
819 ((< numarg 0) (uncomment-region beg end (- numarg)))
821 (setq numarg (if (and (null arg) (= (length comment-start) 1))
822 add (1- numarg)))
823 (comment-region-internal
824 beg end
825 (let ((s (comment-padright comment-start numarg)))
826 (if (string-match comment-start-skip s) s
827 (comment-padright comment-start)))
828 (let ((s (comment-padleft comment-end numarg)))
829 (and s (if (string-match comment-end-skip s) s
830 (comment-padright comment-end))))
831 (if multi (comment-padright comment-continue numarg))
832 (if multi (comment-padleft (comment-string-reverse comment-continue) numarg))
833 block
834 lines
835 (nth 3 style))))))
837 (defun comment-box (beg end &optional arg)
838 "Comment out the BEG..END region, putting it inside a box.
839 The numeric prefix ARG specifies how many characters to add to begin- and
840 end- comment markers additionally to what `comment-add' already specifies."
841 (interactive "*r\np")
842 (let ((comment-style (if (cadr (assoc comment-style comment-styles))
843 'box-multi 'box)))
844 (comment-region beg end (+ comment-add arg))))
846 ;;;###autoload
847 (defun comment-dwim (arg)
848 "Call the comment command you want (Do What I Mean).
849 If the region is active and `transient-mark-mode' is on, call
850 `comment-region' (unless it only consists in comments, in which
851 case it calls `uncomment-region').
852 Else, if the current line is empty, insert a comment and indent it.
853 Else if a prefix ARG is specified, call `comment-kill'.
854 Else, call `comment-indent'."
855 (interactive "*P")
856 (comment-normalize-vars)
857 (if (and mark-active transient-mark-mode)
858 (let ((beg (min (point) (mark)))
859 (end (max (point) (mark))))
860 (if (save-excursion ;; check for already commented region
861 (goto-char beg)
862 (comment-forward (point-max))
863 (<= end (point)))
864 (uncomment-region beg end arg)
865 (comment-region beg end arg)))
866 (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (not (looking-at "\\s-*$")))
867 ;; FIXME: If there's no comment to kill on this line and ARG is
868 ;; specified, calling comment-kill is not very clever.
869 (if arg (comment-kill (and (integerp arg) arg)) (comment-indent))
870 (let ((add (if arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)
871 (if (= (length comment-start) 1) comment-add 0))))
872 (insert (comment-padright comment-start add))
873 (save-excursion
874 (unless (string= "" comment-end)
875 (insert (comment-padleft comment-end add)))
876 (indent-according-to-mode))))))
878 (defcustom comment-auto-fill-only-comments nil
879 "Non-nil means to only auto-fill inside comments.
880 This has no effect in modes that do not define a comment syntax."
881 :type 'boolean
882 :group 'comment)
884 ;;;###autoload
885 (defun comment-indent-new-line (&optional soft)
886 "Break line at point and indent, continuing comment if within one.
887 This indents the body of the continued comment
888 under the previous comment line.
890 This command is intended for styles where you write a comment per line,
891 starting a new comment (and terminating it if necessary) on each line.
892 If you want to continue one comment across several lines, use \\[newline-and-indent].
894 If a fill column is specified, it overrides the use of the comment column
895 or comment indentation.
897 The inserted newline is marked hard if variable `use-hard-newlines' is true,
898 unless optional argument SOFT is non-nil."
899 (interactive)
900 (comment-normalize-vars t)
901 (let (compos comin)
902 ;; If we are not inside a comment and we only auto-fill comments,
903 ;; don't do anything (unless no comment syntax is defined).
904 (unless (and comment-start
905 comment-auto-fill-only-comments
906 (not (save-excursion
907 (prog1 (setq compos (comment-beginning))
908 (setq comin (point))))))
910 ;; Now we know we should auto-fill.
911 (delete-region (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))
912 (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t") (point)))
913 (if soft (insert-and-inherit ?\n) (newline 1))
914 (if fill-prefix
915 (progn
916 (indent-to-left-margin)
917 (insert-and-inherit fill-prefix))
919 ;; If necessary check whether we're inside a comment.
920 (unless (or comment-multi-line compos (null comment-start))
921 (save-excursion
922 (backward-char)
923 (setq compos (comment-beginning))
924 (setq comin (point))))
926 ;; If we're not inside a comment, just try to indent.
927 (if (not compos) (indent-according-to-mode)
928 (let* ((comment-column
929 ;; The continuation indentation should be somewhere between
930 ;; the current line's indentation (plus 2 for good measure)
931 ;; and the current comment's indentation, with a preference
932 ;; for comment-column.
933 (save-excursion
934 (goto-char compos)
935 (min (current-column) (max comment-column
936 (+ 2 (current-indentation))))))
937 (comstart (buffer-substring compos comin))
938 (normalp
939 (string-match (regexp-quote (comment-string-strip
940 comment-start t t))
941 comstart))
942 (comment-end
943 (if normalp comment-end
944 ;; The comment starter is not the normal comment-start
945 ;; so we can't just use comment-end.
946 (save-excursion
947 (goto-char compos)
948 (if (not (comment-forward)) comment-end
949 (comment-string-strip
950 (buffer-substring
951 (save-excursion (comment-enter-backward) (point))
952 (point))
953 nil t)))))
954 (comment-start comstart)
955 ;; Force comment-continue to be recreated from comment-start.
956 (comment-continue nil))
957 (insert-and-inherit ?\n)
958 (forward-char -1)
959 (comment-indent (cadr (assoc comment-style comment-styles)))
960 (save-excursion
961 (let ((pt (point)))
962 (end-of-line)
963 (let ((comend (buffer-substring pt (point))))
964 ;; The 1+ is to make sure we delete the \n inserted above.
965 (delete-region pt (1+ (point)))
966 (beginning-of-line)
967 (backward-char)
968 (insert comend)
969 (forward-char))))))))))
971 (provide 'newcomment)
973 ;;; newcomment.el ends here