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[emacs.git] / lisp / url / url-cookie.el
1 ;;; url-cookie.el --- URL cookie support
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1996-1999, 2004-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Keywords: comm, data, processes, hypermedia
7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
8 ;;
9 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 ;;; Commentary:
24 ;;; Code:
26 (require 'url-util)
27 (require 'url-parse)
28 (require 'url-domsuf)
30 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
32 (defgroup url-cookie nil
33 "URL cookies."
34 :prefix "url-"
35 :prefix "url-cookie-"
36 :group 'url)
38 ;; A cookie is stored internally as a vector of 7 slots
41 (cl-defstruct (url-cookie
42 (:constructor url-cookie-create)
43 (:copier nil)
44 (:type vector)
45 :named)
46 name value expires localpart domain secure)
48 (defvar url-cookie-storage nil "Where cookies are stored.")
49 (defvar url-cookie-secure-storage nil "Where secure cookies are stored.")
50 (defcustom url-cookie-file nil
51 "File where cookies are stored on disk."
52 :type '(choice (const :tag "Default" :value nil) file)
53 :group 'url-file
54 :group 'url-cookie)
56 (defcustom url-cookie-confirmation nil
57 "If non-nil, confirmation by the user is required to accept HTTP cookies."
58 :type 'boolean
59 :group 'url-cookie)
61 (defcustom url-cookie-multiple-line nil
62 "If nil, HTTP requests put all cookies for the server on one line.
63 Some web servers, such as http://www.hotmail.com/, only accept cookies
64 when they are on one line. This is broken behavior, but just try
65 telling Microsoft that."
66 :type 'boolean
67 :group 'url-cookie)
69 (defvar url-cookies-changed-since-last-save nil
70 "Whether the cookies list has changed since the last save operation.")
72 (defun url-cookie-parse-file (&optional fname)
73 "Load FNAME, default `url-cookie-file'."
74 ;; It's completely normal for the cookies file not to exist yet.
75 (load (or fname url-cookie-file) t t))
77 (defun url-cookie-clean-up (&optional secure)
78 (let ((var (if secure 'url-cookie-secure-storage 'url-cookie-storage))
79 new new-cookies)
80 (dolist (cur (symbol-value var))
81 (setq new-cookies nil)
82 (dolist (cur-cookie (cdr cur))
83 (or (not (url-cookie-p cur-cookie))
84 (url-cookie-expired-p cur-cookie)
85 (null (url-cookie-expires cur-cookie))
86 (setq new-cookies (cons cur-cookie new-cookies))))
87 (when new-cookies
88 (setcdr cur new-cookies)
89 (setq new (cons cur new))))
90 (set var new)))
92 (defun url-cookie-write-file (&optional fname)
93 (when url-cookies-changed-since-last-save
94 (or fname (setq fname (expand-file-name url-cookie-file)))
95 (if (condition-case nil
96 (progn
97 (url-make-private-file fname)
98 nil)
99 (error t))
100 (message "Error accessing cookie file `%s'" fname)
101 (url-cookie-clean-up)
102 (url-cookie-clean-up t)
103 (with-temp-buffer
104 (insert ";; Emacs-W3 HTTP cookies file\n"
105 ";; Automatically generated file!!! DO NOT EDIT!!!\n\n"
106 "(setq url-cookie-storage\n '")
107 (pp url-cookie-storage (current-buffer))
108 (insert ")\n(setq url-cookie-secure-storage\n '")
109 (pp url-cookie-secure-storage (current-buffer))
110 (insert ")\n")
111 (insert "\f\n;; Local Variables:\n"
112 ";; version-control: never\n"
113 ";; no-byte-compile: t\n"
114 ";; End:\n")
115 (set (make-local-variable 'version-control) 'never)
116 (write-file fname))
117 (setq url-cookies-changed-since-last-save nil))))
119 (defun url-cookie-store (name value &optional expires domain localpart secure)
120 "Store a cookie."
121 (let ((storage (if secure url-cookie-secure-storage url-cookie-storage))
122 tmp found-domain)
123 ;; First, look for a matching domain.
124 (if (setq found-domain (assoc domain storage))
125 ;; Need to either stick the new cookie in existing domain storage
126 ;; or possibly replace an existing cookie if the names match.
127 (unless (dolist (cur (setq storage (cdr found-domain)) tmp)
128 (and (equal localpart (url-cookie-localpart cur))
129 (equal name (url-cookie-name cur))
130 (progn
131 (setf (url-cookie-expires cur) expires)
132 (setf (url-cookie-value cur) value)
133 (setq tmp t))))
134 ;; New cookie.
135 (setcdr found-domain (cons
136 (url-cookie-create :name name
137 :value value
138 :expires expires
139 :domain domain
140 :localpart localpart
141 :secure secure)
142 (cdr found-domain))))
143 ;; Need to add a new top-level domain.
144 (setq tmp (url-cookie-create :name name
145 :value value
146 :expires expires
147 :domain domain
148 :localpart localpart
149 :secure secure))
150 (cond (storage
151 (setcdr storage (cons (list domain tmp) (cdr storage))))
152 (secure
153 (setq url-cookie-secure-storage (list (list domain tmp))))
155 (setq url-cookie-storage (list (list domain tmp))))))))
157 (defun url-cookie-expired-p (cookie)
158 "Return non-nil if COOKIE is expired."
159 (let ((exp (url-cookie-expires cookie)))
160 (and (> (length exp) 0)
161 (> (float-time) (float-time (date-to-time exp))))))
163 (defun url-cookie-retrieve (host &optional localpart secure)
164 "Retrieve all cookies for a specified HOST and LOCALPART."
165 (let ((storage (if secure
166 (append url-cookie-secure-storage url-cookie-storage)
167 url-cookie-storage))
168 (case-fold-search t)
169 cookies retval localpart-match)
170 (dolist (cur storage)
171 (setq cookies (cdr cur))
172 (if (and (car cur)
173 (string-match
174 (concat "^.*"
175 (regexp-quote
176 ;; Remove the dot from wildcard domains
177 ;; before matching.
178 (if (eq ?. (aref (car cur) 0))
179 (substring (car cur) 1)
180 (car cur)))
181 "$") host))
182 ;; The domains match - a possible hit!
183 (dolist (cur cookies)
184 (and (if (and (stringp
185 (setq localpart-match (url-cookie-localpart cur)))
186 (stringp localpart))
187 (string-match (concat "^" (regexp-quote localpart-match))
188 localpart)
189 (equal localpart localpart-match))
190 (not (url-cookie-expired-p cur))
191 (setq retval (cons cur retval))))))
192 retval))
194 (defun url-cookie-generate-header-lines (host localpart secure)
195 (let ((cookies (url-cookie-retrieve host localpart secure))
196 retval chunk)
197 ;; Have to sort this for sending most specific cookies first.
198 (setq cookies (and cookies
199 (sort cookies
200 (lambda (x y)
201 (> (length (url-cookie-localpart x))
202 (length (url-cookie-localpart y)))))))
203 (dolist (cur cookies)
204 (setq chunk (format "%s=%s" (url-cookie-name cur) (url-cookie-value cur))
205 retval (if (and url-cookie-multiple-line
206 (< 80 (+ (length retval) (length chunk) 4)))
207 (concat retval "\r\nCookie: " chunk)
208 (if retval
209 (concat retval "; " chunk)
210 (concat "Cookie: " chunk)))))
211 (if retval
212 (concat retval "\r\n")
213 "")))
215 (defcustom url-cookie-trusted-urls nil
216 "A list of regular expressions matching URLs to always accept cookies from."
217 :type '(repeat regexp)
218 :group 'url-cookie)
220 (defcustom url-cookie-untrusted-urls nil
221 "A list of regular expressions matching URLs to never accept cookies from."
222 :type '(repeat regexp)
223 :group 'url-cookie)
225 (defun url-cookie-host-can-set-p (host domain)
226 (let ((last nil)
227 (case-fold-search t))
228 (if (string= host domain) ; Apparently netscape lets you do this
230 ;; Remove the dot from wildcard domains before matching.
231 (when (eq ?. (aref domain 0))
232 (setq domain (substring domain 1)))
233 (and (url-domsuf-cookie-allowed-p domain)
234 ;; Need to check and make sure the host is actually _in_ the
235 ;; domain it wants to set a cookie for though.
236 (string-match (concat (regexp-quote domain)
237 "$") host)))))
239 (defun url-cookie-handle-set-cookie (str)
240 (setq url-cookies-changed-since-last-save t)
241 (let* ((args (url-parse-args str t))
242 (case-fold-search t)
243 (secure (and (assoc-string "secure" args t) t))
244 (domain (or (cdr-safe (assoc-string "domain" args t))
245 (url-host url-current-object)))
246 (current-url (url-view-url t))
247 (trusted url-cookie-trusted-urls)
248 (untrusted url-cookie-untrusted-urls)
249 (expires (cdr-safe (assoc-string "expires" args t)))
250 (localpart (or (cdr-safe (assoc-string "path" args t))
251 (file-name-directory
252 (url-filename url-current-object))))
253 (rest nil))
254 (dolist (this args)
255 (or (member (downcase (car this)) '("secure" "domain" "expires" "path"))
256 (setq rest (cons this rest))))
258 ;; Sometimes we get dates that the timezone package cannot handle very
259 ;; gracefully - take care of this here, instead of in url-cookie-expired-p
260 ;; to speed things up.
261 (and expires
262 (string-match
263 (concat "^[^,]+, +\\(..\\)-\\(...\\)-\\(..\\) +"
264 "\\(..:..:..\\) +\\[*\\([^\]]+\\)\\]*$")
265 expires)
266 (setq expires (concat (match-string 1 expires) " "
267 (match-string 2 expires) " "
268 (match-string 3 expires) " "
269 (match-string 4 expires) " ["
270 (match-string 5 expires) "]")))
272 ;; This one is for older Emacs/XEmacs variants that don't
273 ;; understand this format without tenths of a second in it.
274 ;; Wednesday, 30-Dec-2037 16:00:00 GMT
275 ;; - vs -
276 ;; Wednesday, 30-Dec-2037 16:00:00.00 GMT
277 (and expires
278 (string-match
279 "\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([A-Za-z]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\)\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)*[ \t]+\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)"
280 expires)
281 (setq expires (concat (match-string 1 expires) "-" ; day
282 (match-string 2 expires) "-" ; month
283 (match-string 3 expires) " " ; year
284 (match-string 4 expires) ".00 " ; hour:minutes:seconds
285 (match-string 6 expires)))) ":" ; timezone
287 (while (consp trusted)
288 (if (string-match (car trusted) current-url)
289 (setq trusted (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)))
290 (pop trusted)))
291 (while (consp untrusted)
292 (if (string-match (car untrusted) current-url)
293 (setq untrusted (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)))
294 (pop untrusted)))
295 (and trusted untrusted
296 ;; Choose the more specific match.
297 (set (if (> trusted untrusted) 'untrusted 'trusted) nil))
298 (cond
299 (untrusted
300 ;; The site was explicitly marked as untrusted by the user.
301 nil)
302 ((or (eq url-privacy-level 'paranoid)
303 (and (listp url-privacy-level) (memq 'cookies url-privacy-level)))
304 ;; User never wants cookies.
305 nil)
306 ((and url-cookie-confirmation
307 (not trusted)
308 (save-window-excursion
309 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Cookie Warning*"
310 (dolist (x rest)
311 (princ (format "%s - %s" (car x) (cdr x)))))
312 (prog1
313 (not (funcall url-confirmation-func
314 (format "Allow %s to set these cookies? "
315 (url-host url-current-object))))
316 (if (get-buffer "*Cookie Warning*")
317 (kill-buffer "*Cookie Warning*")))))
318 ;; User wants to be asked, and declined.
319 nil)
320 ((url-cookie-host-can-set-p (url-host url-current-object) domain)
321 ;; Cookie is accepted by the user, and passes our security checks.
322 (dolist (cur rest)
323 (url-cookie-store (car cur) (cdr cur) expires domain localpart secure)))
325 (url-lazy-message "%s tried to set a cookie for domain %s - rejected."
326 (url-host url-current-object) domain)))))
328 (defvar url-cookie-timer nil)
330 (defcustom url-cookie-save-interval 3600
331 "The number of seconds between automatic saves of cookies.
332 Default is 1 hour. Note that if you change this variable outside of
333 the `customize' interface after `url-do-setup' has been run, you need
334 to run the `url-cookie-setup-save-timer' function manually."
335 :set #'(lambda (var val)
336 (set-default var val)
337 (if (bound-and-true-p url-setup-done)
338 (url-cookie-setup-save-timer)))
339 :type 'integer
340 :group 'url-cookie)
342 (defun url-cookie-setup-save-timer ()
343 "Reset the cookie saver timer."
344 (interactive)
345 (ignore-errors (cancel-timer url-cookie-timer))
346 (setq url-cookie-timer nil)
347 (if url-cookie-save-interval
348 (setq url-cookie-timer (run-at-time url-cookie-save-interval
349 url-cookie-save-interval
350 #'url-cookie-write-file))))
352 ;;; Mode for listing and editing cookies.
354 (defun url-cookie-list ()
355 "List the URL cookies."
356 (interactive)
358 (when (and (null url-cookie-secure-storage)
359 (null url-cookie-storage))
360 (error "No cookies are defined"))
362 (pop-to-buffer "*url cookies*")
363 (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
364 (domains (sort
365 (copy-sequence
366 (append url-cookie-secure-storage
367 url-cookie-storage))
368 (lambda (e1 e2)
369 (string< (car e1) (car e2)))))
370 (domain-length 0)
371 start name format domain)
372 (erase-buffer)
373 (url-cookie-mode)
374 (dolist (elem domains)
375 (setq domain-length (max domain-length (length (car elem)))))
376 (setq format (format "%%-%ds %%-20s %%s" domain-length)
377 header-line-format
378 (concat " " (format format "Domain" "Name" "Value")))
379 (dolist (elem domains)
380 (setq domain (car elem))
381 (dolist (cookie (sort (copy-sequence (cdr elem))
382 (lambda (c1 c2)
383 (string< (url-cookie-name c1)
384 (url-cookie-name c2)))))
385 (setq start (point)
386 name (url-cookie-name cookie))
387 (when (> (length name) 20)
388 (setq name (substring name 0 20)))
389 (insert (format format domain name
390 (url-cookie-value cookie))
391 "\n")
392 (setq domain "")
393 (put-text-property start (1+ start) 'url-cookie cookie)))
394 (goto-char (point-min))))
396 (defun url-cookie-delete ()
397 "Delete the cookie on the current line."
398 (interactive)
399 (let ((cookie (get-text-property (line-beginning-position) 'url-cookie))
400 (inhibit-read-only t)
401 variable)
402 (unless cookie
403 (error "No cookie on the current line"))
404 (setq variable (if (url-cookie-secure cookie)
405 'url-cookie-secure-storage
406 'url-cookie-storage))
407 (let* ((list (symbol-value variable))
408 (elem (assoc (url-cookie-domain cookie) list)))
409 (setq elem (delq cookie elem))
410 (when (zerop (length (cdr elem)))
411 (setq list (delq elem list)))
412 (set variable list))
413 (setq url-cookies-changed-since-last-save t)
414 (url-cookie-write-file)
415 (delete-region (line-beginning-position)
416 (progn
417 (forward-line 1)
418 (point)))))
420 (defun url-cookie-quit ()
421 "Kill the current buffer."
422 (interactive)
423 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
425 (defvar url-cookie-mode-map
426 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
427 (suppress-keymap map)
428 (define-key map "q" 'url-cookie-quit)
429 (define-key map [delete] 'url-cookie-delete)
430 (define-key map [(control k)] 'url-cookie-delete)
431 map))
433 (define-derived-mode url-cookie-mode nil "URL Cookie"
434 "Mode for listing cookies.
436 \\{url-cookie-mode-map}"
437 (buffer-disable-undo)
438 (setq buffer-read-only t
439 truncate-lines t))
441 (provide 'url-cookie)
443 ;;; url-cookie.el ends here