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[emacs.git] / lisp / term / ns-win.el
1 ;;; ns-win.el --- lisp side of interface with NeXT/Open/GNUstep/MacOS X window system -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1993-1994, 2005-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Authors: Carl Edman
6 ;; Christian Limpach
7 ;; Scott Bender
8 ;; Christophe de Dinechin
9 ;; Adrian Robert
10 ;; Keywords: terminals
12 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
14 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17 ;; (at your option) any later version.
19 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
24 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 ;;; Commentary:
29 ;; ns-win.el: this file is loaded from ../lisp/startup.el when it
30 ;; recognizes that Nextstep windows are to be used. Command line
31 ;; switches are parsed and those pertaining to Nextstep are processed
32 ;; and removed from the command line. The Nextstep display is opened
33 ;; and hooks are set for popping up the initial window.
35 ;; startup.el will then examine startup files, and eventually call the hooks
36 ;; which create the first window (s).
38 ;; A number of other Nextstep convenience functions are defined in
39 ;; this file, which works in close coordination with src/nsfns.m.
41 ;;; Code:
42 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
43 (or (featurep 'ns)
44 (error "%s: Loading ns-win.el but not compiled for GNUstep/MacOS"
45 (invocation-name)))
47 ;; Documentation-purposes only: actually loaded in loadup.el.
48 (require 'frame)
49 (require 'mouse)
50 (require 'faces)
51 (require 'menu-bar)
52 (require 'fontset)
53 (require 'dnd)
55 (defgroup ns nil
56 "GNUstep/Mac OS X specific features."
57 :group 'environment)
59 ;;;; Command line argument handling.
61 (defvar x-invocation-args)
62 (defvar ns-command-line-resources nil) ; FIXME unused?
64 ;; nsterm.m.
65 (defvar ns-input-file)
67 (defun ns-handle-nxopen (_switch &optional temp)
68 (setq unread-command-events (append unread-command-events
69 (if temp '(ns-open-temp-file)
70 '(ns-open-file)))
71 ns-input-file (append ns-input-file (list (pop x-invocation-args)))))
73 (defun ns-handle-nxopentemp (switch)
74 (ns-handle-nxopen switch t))
76 (defun ns-ignore-1-arg (_switch)
77 (setq x-invocation-args (cdr x-invocation-args)))
79 (defun ns-parse-geometry (geom)
80 "Parse a Nextstep-style geometry string GEOM.
81 Returns an alist of the form ((top . TOP), (left . LEFT) ... ).
82 The properties returned may include `top', `left', `height', and `width'."
83 (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\\( \\([0-9]+\\)\\( \\([0-9]+\\)\
84 \\( \\([0-9]+\\) ?\\)?\\)?\\)?"
85 geom)
86 (apply
87 'append
88 (list
89 (list (cons 'top (string-to-number (match-string 1 geom))))
90 (if (match-string 3 geom)
91 (list (cons 'left (string-to-number (match-string 3 geom)))))
92 (if (match-string 5 geom)
93 (list (cons 'height (string-to-number (match-string 5 geom)))))
94 (if (match-string 7 geom)
95 (list (cons 'width (string-to-number (match-string 7 geom)))))))))
97 ;;;; Keyboard mapping.
99 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'ns-alternatives-map 'x-alternatives-map "24.1")
101 ;; Here are some Nextstep-like bindings for command key sequences.
102 (define-key global-map [?\s-,] 'customize)
103 (define-key global-map [?\s-'] 'next-multiframe-window)
104 (define-key global-map [?\s-`] 'other-frame)
105 (define-key global-map [?\s-~] 'ns-prev-frame)
106 (define-key global-map [?\s--] 'center-line)
107 (define-key global-map [?\s-:] 'ispell)
108 (define-key global-map [?\s-?] 'info)
109 (define-key global-map [?\s-^] 'kill-some-buffers)
110 (define-key global-map [?\s-&] 'kill-this-buffer)
111 (define-key global-map [?\s-C] 'ns-popup-color-panel)
112 (define-key global-map [?\s-D] 'dired)
113 (define-key global-map [?\s-E] 'edit-abbrevs)
114 (define-key global-map [?\s-L] 'shell-command)
115 (define-key global-map [?\s-M] 'manual-entry)
116 (define-key global-map [?\s-S] 'ns-write-file-using-panel)
117 (define-key global-map [?\s-a] 'mark-whole-buffer)
118 (define-key global-map [?\s-c] 'ns-copy-including-secondary)
119 (define-key global-map [?\s-d] 'isearch-repeat-backward)
120 (define-key global-map [?\s-e] 'isearch-yank-kill)
121 (define-key global-map [?\s-f] 'isearch-forward)
122 (define-key global-map [?\s-g] 'isearch-repeat-forward)
123 (define-key global-map [?\s-h] 'ns-do-hide-emacs)
124 (define-key global-map [?\s-H] 'ns-do-hide-others)
125 (define-key global-map [?\s-j] 'exchange-point-and-mark)
126 (define-key global-map [?\s-k] 'kill-this-buffer)
127 (define-key global-map [?\s-l] 'goto-line)
128 (define-key global-map [?\s-m] 'iconify-frame)
129 (define-key global-map [?\s-n] 'make-frame)
130 (define-key global-map [?\s-o] 'ns-open-file-using-panel)
131 (define-key global-map [?\s-p] 'ns-print-buffer)
132 (define-key global-map [?\s-q] 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
133 (define-key global-map [?\s-s] 'save-buffer)
134 (define-key global-map [?\s-t] 'ns-popup-font-panel)
135 (define-key global-map [?\s-u] 'revert-buffer)
136 (define-key global-map [?\s-v] 'yank)
137 (define-key global-map [?\s-w] 'delete-frame)
138 (define-key global-map [?\s-x] 'kill-region)
139 (define-key global-map [?\s-y] 'ns-paste-secondary)
140 (define-key global-map [?\s-z] 'undo)
141 (define-key global-map [?\s-|] 'shell-command-on-region)
142 (define-key global-map [s-kp-bar] 'shell-command-on-region)
143 ;; (as in Terminal.app)
144 (define-key global-map [s-right] 'ns-next-frame)
145 (define-key global-map [s-left] 'ns-prev-frame)
147 (define-key global-map [home] 'beginning-of-buffer)
148 (define-key global-map [end] 'end-of-buffer)
149 (define-key global-map [kp-home] 'beginning-of-buffer)
150 (define-key global-map [kp-end] 'end-of-buffer)
151 (define-key global-map [kp-prior] 'scroll-down-command)
152 (define-key global-map [kp-next] 'scroll-up-command)
154 ;; Allow shift-clicks to work similarly to under Nextstep.
155 (define-key global-map [S-mouse-1] 'mouse-save-then-kill)
156 (global-unset-key [S-down-mouse-1])
158 ;; Special Nextstep-generated events are converted to function keys. Here
159 ;; are the bindings for them. Note, these keys are actually declared in
160 ;; x-setup-function-keys in common-win.
161 (define-key global-map [ns-power-off] 'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
162 (define-key global-map [ns-open-file] 'ns-find-file)
163 (define-key global-map [ns-open-temp-file] [ns-open-file])
164 (define-key global-map [ns-change-font] 'ns-respond-to-change-font)
165 (define-key global-map [ns-open-file-line] 'ns-open-file-select-line)
166 (define-key global-map [ns-spi-service-call] 'ns-spi-service-call)
167 (define-key global-map [ns-new-frame] 'make-frame)
168 (define-key global-map [ns-toggle-toolbar] 'ns-toggle-toolbar)
169 (define-key global-map [ns-show-prefs] 'customize)
172 ;; Set up a number of aliases and other layers to pretend we're using
173 ;; the Choi/Mitsuharu Carbon port.
175 (defvaralias 'mac-allow-anti-aliasing 'ns-antialias-text)
176 (defvaralias 'mac-command-modifier 'ns-command-modifier)
177 (defvaralias 'mac-right-command-modifier 'ns-right-command-modifier)
178 (defvaralias 'mac-control-modifier 'ns-control-modifier)
179 (defvaralias 'mac-right-control-modifier 'ns-right-control-modifier)
180 (defvaralias 'mac-option-modifier 'ns-option-modifier)
181 (defvaralias 'mac-right-option-modifier 'ns-right-option-modifier)
182 (defvaralias 'mac-function-modifier 'ns-function-modifier)
183 (declare-function ns-do-applescript "nsfns.m" (script))
184 (defalias 'do-applescript 'ns-do-applescript)
186 ;;;; Services
187 (declare-function ns-perform-service "nsfns.m" (service send))
189 (defun ns-define-service (path)
190 (let ((mapping [menu-bar services])
191 (service (mapconcat 'identity path "/"))
192 (name (intern
193 (subst-char-in-string
194 ?\s ?-
195 (mapconcat 'identity (cons "ns-service" path) "-")))))
196 ;; This defines the function.
197 (defalias name
198 (lambda (arg)
199 (interactive "p")
200 (let* ((in-string
201 (cond ((stringp arg) arg)
202 (mark-active
203 (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))))
204 (out-string (ns-perform-service service in-string)))
205 (cond
206 ((stringp arg) out-string)
207 ((and out-string (or (not in-string)
208 (not (string= in-string out-string))))
209 (if mark-active (delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
210 (insert out-string)
211 (setq deactivate-mark nil))))))
212 (cond
213 ((lookup-key global-map mapping)
214 (while (cdr path)
215 (setq mapping (vconcat mapping (list (intern (car path)))))
216 (if (not (keymapp (lookup-key global-map mapping)))
217 (define-key global-map mapping
218 (cons (car path) (make-sparse-keymap (car path)))))
219 (setq path (cdr path)))
220 (setq mapping (vconcat mapping (list (intern (car path)))))
221 (define-key global-map mapping (cons (car path) name))))
222 name))
224 ;; nsterm.m
225 (defvar ns-input-spi-name)
226 (defvar ns-input-spi-arg)
228 (declare-function dnd-open-file "dnd" (uri action))
230 (defun ns-spi-service-call ()
231 "Respond to a service request."
232 (interactive)
233 (cond ((string-equal ns-input-spi-name "open-selection")
234 (switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*untitled*"))
235 (insert ns-input-spi-arg))
236 ((string-equal ns-input-spi-name "open-file")
237 (dnd-open-file ns-input-spi-arg nil))
238 ((string-equal ns-input-spi-name "mail-selection")
239 (compose-mail)
240 (rfc822-goto-eoh)
241 (forward-line 1)
242 (insert ns-input-spi-arg))
243 ((string-equal ns-input-spi-name "mail-to")
244 (compose-mail ns-input-spi-arg))
245 (t (error (concat "Service " ns-input-spi-name " not recognized")))))
248 ;; Composed key sequence handling for Nextstep system input methods.
249 ;; (On Nextstep systems, input methods are provided for CJK
250 ;; characters, etc. which require multiple keystrokes, and during
251 ;; entry a partial ("working") result is typically shown in the
252 ;; editing window.)
254 (defface ns-working-text-face
255 '((t :underline t))
256 "Face used to highlight working text during compose sequence insert."
257 :group 'ns)
259 (defvar ns-working-overlay nil
260 "Overlay used to highlight working text during compose sequence insert.
261 When text is in th echo area, this just stores the length of the working text.")
263 (defvar ns-working-text) ; nsterm.m
265 ;; Test if in echo area, based on mac-win.el 2007/08/26 unicode-2.
266 ;; This will fail if called from a NONASCII_KEYSTROKE event on the global map.
267 (defun ns-in-echo-area ()
268 "Whether, for purposes of inserting working composition text, the minibuffer
269 is currently being used."
270 (or isearch-mode
271 (and cursor-in-echo-area (current-message))
272 ;; Overlay strings are not shown in some cases.
273 (get-char-property (point) 'invisible)
274 (and (not (bobp))
275 (or (and (get-char-property (point) 'display)
276 (eq (get-char-property (1- (point)) 'display)
277 (get-char-property (point) 'display)))
278 (and (get-char-property (point) 'composition)
279 (eq (get-char-property (1- (point)) 'composition)
280 (get-char-property (point) 'composition)))))))
282 ;; The 'interactive' here stays for subinvocations, so the ns-in-echo-area
283 ;; always returns nil for some reason. If this WASN'T the case, we could
284 ;; map this to [ns-insert-working-text] and eliminate Fevals in nsterm.m.
285 ;; These functions test whether in echo area and delegate accordingly.
286 (defun ns-put-working-text ()
287 (interactive)
288 (if (ns-in-echo-area) (ns-echo-working-text) (ns-insert-working-text)))
289 (defun ns-unput-working-text ()
290 (interactive)
291 (ns-delete-working-text))
293 (defun ns-insert-working-text ()
294 "Insert contents of `ns-working-text' as UTF-8 string and mark with
295 `ns-working-overlay'. Any previously existing working text is cleared first.
296 The overlay is assigned the face `ns-working-text-face'."
297 ;; FIXME: if buffer is read-only, don't try to insert anything
298 ;; and if text is bound to a command, execute that instead (Bug#1453)
299 (interactive)
300 (ns-delete-working-text)
301 (let ((start (point)))
302 (insert ns-working-text)
303 (overlay-put (setq ns-working-overlay (make-overlay start (point)
304 (current-buffer) nil t))
305 'face 'ns-working-text-face)))
307 (defun ns-echo-working-text ()
308 "Echo contents of `ns-working-text' in message display area.
309 See `ns-insert-working-text'."
310 (ns-delete-working-text)
311 (let* ((msg (current-message))
312 (msglen (length msg))
313 message-log-max)
314 (setq ns-working-overlay (length ns-working-text))
315 (setq msg (concat msg ns-working-text))
316 (put-text-property msglen (+ msglen ns-working-overlay)
317 'face 'ns-working-text-face msg)
318 (message "%s" msg)))
320 (defun ns-delete-working-text()
321 "Delete working text and clear `ns-working-overlay'."
322 (interactive)
323 (cond
324 ((and (overlayp ns-working-overlay)
325 ;; Still alive?
326 (overlay-buffer ns-working-overlay))
327 (with-current-buffer (overlay-buffer ns-working-overlay)
328 (delete-region (overlay-start ns-working-overlay)
329 (overlay-end ns-working-overlay))
330 (delete-overlay ns-working-overlay)))
331 ((integerp ns-working-overlay)
332 (let ((msg (current-message))
333 message-log-max)
334 (setq msg (substring msg 0 (- (length msg) ns-working-overlay)))
335 (message "%s" msg))))
336 (setq ns-working-overlay nil))
339 (declare-function ns-convert-utf8-nfd-to-nfc "nsfns.m" (str))
341 ;;;; OS X file system Unicode UTF-8 NFD (decomposed form) support
342 ;; Lisp code based on utf-8m.el, by Seiji Zenitani, Eiji Honjoh, and
343 ;; Carsten Bormann.
344 (when (eq system-type 'darwin)
345 (defun ns-utf8-nfd-post-read-conversion (length)
346 "Calls `ns-convert-utf8-nfd-to-nfc' to compose char sequences."
347 (save-excursion
348 (save-restriction
349 (narrow-to-region (point) (+ (point) length))
350 (let ((str (buffer-string)))
351 (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
352 (insert (ns-convert-utf8-nfd-to-nfc str))
353 (- (point-max) (point-min))))))
355 (define-coding-system 'utf-8-nfd
356 "UTF-8 NFD (decomposed) encoding."
357 :coding-type 'utf-8
358 :mnemonic ?U
359 :charset-list '(unicode)
360 :post-read-conversion 'ns-utf8-nfd-post-read-conversion)
361 (set-file-name-coding-system 'utf-8-nfd))
363 ;;;; Inter-app communications support.
365 (defun ns-insert-file ()
366 "Insert contents of file `ns-input-file' like insert-file but with less
367 prompting. If file is a directory perform a `find-file' on it."
368 (interactive)
369 (let ((f (pop ns-input-file)))
370 (if (file-directory-p f)
371 (find-file f)
372 (push-mark (+ (point) (cadr (insert-file-contents f)))))))
374 (defvar ns-select-overlay nil
375 "Overlay used to highlight areas in files requested by Nextstep apps.")
376 (make-variable-buffer-local 'ns-select-overlay)
378 (defvar ns-input-line) ; nsterm.m
380 (defun ns-open-file-select-line ()
381 "Open a buffer containing the file `ns-input-file'.
382 Lines are highlighted according to `ns-input-line'."
383 (interactive)
384 (ns-find-file)
385 (cond
386 ((and ns-input-line (buffer-modified-p))
387 (if ns-select-overlay
388 (setq ns-select-overlay (delete-overlay ns-select-overlay)))
389 (deactivate-mark)
390 (goto-char (point-min))
391 (forward-line (1- (if (consp ns-input-line)
392 (min (car ns-input-line) (cdr ns-input-line))
393 ns-input-line))))
394 (ns-input-line
395 (if (not ns-select-overlay)
396 (overlay-put (setq ns-select-overlay (make-overlay (point-min)
397 (point-min)))
398 'face 'highlight))
399 (let ((beg (save-excursion
400 (goto-char (point-min))
401 (line-beginning-position
402 (if (consp ns-input-line)
403 (min (car ns-input-line) (cdr ns-input-line))
404 ns-input-line))))
405 (end (save-excursion
406 (goto-char (point-min))
407 (line-beginning-position
408 (1+ (if (consp ns-input-line)
409 (max (car ns-input-line) (cdr ns-input-line))
410 ns-input-line))))))
411 (move-overlay ns-select-overlay beg end)
412 (deactivate-mark)
413 (goto-char beg)))
415 (if ns-select-overlay
416 (setq ns-select-overlay (delete-overlay ns-select-overlay))))))
418 (defun ns-unselect-line ()
419 "Removes any Nextstep highlight a buffer may contain."
420 (if ns-select-overlay
421 (setq ns-select-overlay (delete-overlay ns-select-overlay))))
423 (add-hook 'first-change-hook 'ns-unselect-line)
425 ;;;; Preferences handling.
426 (declare-function ns-get-resource "nsfns.m" (owner name))
428 (defun get-lisp-resource (arg1 arg2)
429 (let ((res (ns-get-resource arg1 arg2)))
430 (cond
431 ((not res) 'unbound)
432 ((string-equal (upcase res) "YES") t)
433 ((string-equal (upcase res) "NO") nil)
434 (t (read res)))))
436 ;; nsterm.m
438 (declare-function ns-read-file-name "nsfns.m"
439 (prompt &optional dir mustmatch init dir_only_p))
441 ;;;; File handling.
443 (defun x-file-dialog (prompt dir default_filename mustmatch only_dir_p)
444 "Read file name, prompting with PROMPT in directory DIR.
445 Use a file selection dialog. Select DEFAULT-FILENAME in the dialog's file
446 selection box, if specified. If MUSTMATCH is non-nil, the returned file
447 or directory must exist.
449 This function is only defined on NS, MS Windows, and X Windows with the
450 Motif or Gtk toolkits. With the Motif toolkit, ONLY-DIR-P is ignored.
451 Otherwise, if ONLY-DIR-P is non-nil, the user can only select directories."
452 (ns-read-file-name prompt dir mustmatch default_filename only_dir_p))
454 (defun ns-open-file-using-panel ()
455 "Pop up open-file panel, and load the result in a buffer."
456 (interactive)
457 ;; Prompt dir defaultName isLoad initial.
458 (setq ns-input-file (ns-read-file-name "Select File to Load" nil t nil))
459 (if ns-input-file
460 (and (setq ns-input-file (list ns-input-file)) (ns-find-file))))
462 (defun ns-write-file-using-panel ()
463 "Pop up save-file panel, and save buffer in resulting name."
464 (interactive)
465 (let (ns-output-file)
466 ;; Prompt dir defaultName isLoad initial.
467 (setq ns-output-file (ns-read-file-name "Save As" nil nil nil))
468 (message ns-output-file)
469 (if ns-output-file (write-file ns-output-file))))
471 (defcustom ns-pop-up-frames 'fresh
472 "Non-nil means open files upon request from the Workspace in a new frame.
473 If t, always do so. Any other non-nil value means open a new frame
474 unless the current buffer is a scratch buffer."
475 :type '(choice (const :tag "Never" nil)
476 (const :tag "Always" t)
477 (other :tag "Except for scratch buffer" fresh))
478 :version "23.1"
479 :group 'ns)
481 (declare-function ns-hide-emacs "nsfns.m" (on))
483 (defun ns-find-file ()
484 "Do a `find-file' with the `ns-input-file' as argument."
485 (interactive)
486 (let* ((f (file-truename
487 (expand-file-name (pop ns-input-file)
488 command-line-default-directory)))
489 (file (find-file-noselect f))
490 (bufwin1 (get-buffer-window file 'visible))
491 (bufwin2 (get-buffer-window "*scratch*" 'visible)))
492 (cond
493 (bufwin1
494 (select-frame (window-frame bufwin1))
495 (raise-frame (window-frame bufwin1))
496 (select-window bufwin1))
497 ((and (eq ns-pop-up-frames 'fresh) bufwin2)
498 (ns-hide-emacs 'activate)
499 (select-frame (window-frame bufwin2))
500 (raise-frame (window-frame bufwin2))
501 (select-window bufwin2)
502 (find-file f))
503 (ns-pop-up-frames
504 (ns-hide-emacs 'activate)
505 (let ((pop-up-frames t)) (pop-to-buffer file nil)))
507 (ns-hide-emacs 'activate)
508 (find-file f)))))
511 (defun ns-drag-n-drop (event &optional new-frame force-text)
512 "Edit the files listed in the drag-n-drop EVENT.
513 Switch to a buffer editing the last file dropped."
514 (interactive "e")
515 (let* ((window (posn-window (event-start event)))
516 (arg (car (cdr (cdr event))))
517 (type (car arg))
518 (data (car (cdr arg)))
519 (url-or-string (cond ((eq type 'file)
520 (concat "file:" data))
521 (t data))))
522 (set-frame-selected-window nil window)
523 (when new-frame
524 (select-frame (make-frame)))
525 (raise-frame)
526 (setq window (selected-window))
527 (if force-text
528 (dnd-insert-text window 'private data)
529 (dnd-handle-one-url window 'private url-or-string))))
532 (defun ns-drag-n-drop-other-frame (event)
533 "Edit the files listed in the drag-n-drop EVENT, in other frames.
534 May create new frames, or reuse existing ones. The frame editing
535 the last file dropped is selected."
536 (interactive "e")
537 (ns-drag-n-drop event t))
539 (defun ns-drag-n-drop-as-text (event)
540 "Drop the data in EVENT as text."
541 (interactive "e")
542 (ns-drag-n-drop event nil t))
544 (defun ns-drag-n-drop-as-text-other-frame (event)
545 "Drop the data in EVENT as text in a new frame."
546 (interactive "e")
547 (ns-drag-n-drop event t t))
549 (global-set-key [drag-n-drop] 'ns-drag-n-drop)
550 (global-set-key [C-drag-n-drop] 'ns-drag-n-drop-other-frame)
551 (global-set-key [M-drag-n-drop] 'ns-drag-n-drop-as-text)
552 (global-set-key [C-M-drag-n-drop] 'ns-drag-n-drop-as-text-other-frame)
554 ;;;; Frame-related functions.
556 ;; nsterm.m
557 (defvar ns-alternate-modifier)
558 (defvar ns-right-alternate-modifier)
559 (defvar ns-right-command-modifier)
560 (defvar ns-right-control-modifier)
562 ;; You say tomAYto, I say tomAHto..
563 (defvaralias 'ns-option-modifier 'ns-alternate-modifier)
564 (defvaralias 'ns-right-option-modifier 'ns-right-alternate-modifier)
566 (defun ns-do-hide-emacs ()
567 (interactive)
568 (ns-hide-emacs t))
570 (declare-function ns-hide-others "nsfns.m" ())
572 (defun ns-do-hide-others ()
573 (interactive)
574 (ns-hide-others))
576 (declare-function ns-emacs-info-panel "nsfns.m" ())
578 (defun ns-do-emacs-info-panel ()
579 (interactive)
580 (ns-emacs-info-panel))
582 (defun ns-next-frame ()
583 "Switch to next visible frame."
584 (interactive)
585 (other-frame 1))
587 (defun ns-prev-frame ()
588 "Switch to previous visible frame."
589 (interactive)
590 (other-frame -1))
592 ;; Frame will be focused anyway, so select it
593 ;; (if this is not done, mode line is dimmed until first interaction)
594 ;; FIXME: Sounds like we're working around a bug in the underlying code.
595 (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'select-frame)
597 (defvar tool-bar-mode)
598 (declare-function tool-bar-mode "tool-bar" (&optional arg))
600 ;; Based on a function by David Reitter <dreitter@inf.ed.ac.uk> ;
601 ;; see http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2005-09/msg00681.html .
602 (defun ns-toggle-toolbar (&optional frame)
603 "Switches the tool bar on and off in frame FRAME.
604 If FRAME is nil, the change applies to the selected frame."
605 (interactive)
606 (modify-frame-parameters
607 frame (list (cons 'tool-bar-lines
608 (if (> (or (frame-parameter frame 'tool-bar-lines) 0) 0)
609 0 1)) ))
610 (if (not tool-bar-mode) (tool-bar-mode t)))
613 ;;;; Dialog-related functions.
615 ;; Ask user for confirm before printing. Due to Kevin Rodgers.
616 (defun ns-print-buffer ()
617 "Interactive front-end to `print-buffer': asks for user confirmation first."
618 (interactive)
619 (if (and (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
620 (or (listp last-nonmenu-event)
621 (and (char-or-string-p (event-basic-type last-command-event))
622 (memq 'super (event-modifiers last-command-event)))))
623 (let ((last-nonmenu-event (if (listp last-nonmenu-event)
624 last-nonmenu-event
625 ;; Fake it:
626 `(mouse-1 POSITION 1))))
627 (if (y-or-n-p (format "Print buffer %s? " (buffer-name)))
628 (print-buffer)
629 (error "Cancelled")))
630 (print-buffer)))
632 ;;;; Font support.
634 ;; Needed for font listing functions under both backend and normal
635 (setq scalable-fonts-allowed t)
637 ;; Set to use font panel instead
638 (declare-function ns-popup-font-panel "nsfns.m" (&optional frame))
639 (defalias 'x-select-font 'ns-popup-font-panel "Pop up the font panel.
640 This function has been overloaded in Nextstep.")
641 (defalias 'mouse-set-font 'ns-popup-font-panel "Pop up the font panel.
642 This function has been overloaded in Nextstep.")
644 ;; nsterm.m
645 (defvar ns-input-font)
646 (defvar ns-input-fontsize)
648 (defun ns-respond-to-change-font ()
649 "Respond to changeFont: event, expecting `ns-input-font' and\n\
650 `ns-input-fontsize' of new font."
651 (interactive)
652 (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame)
653 (list (cons 'fontsize ns-input-fontsize)))
654 (modify-frame-parameters (selected-frame)
655 (list (cons 'font ns-input-font)))
656 (set-frame-font ns-input-font))
659 ;; Default fontset for Mac OS X. This is mainly here to show how a fontset
660 ;; can be set up manually. Ordinarily, fontsets are auto-created whenever
661 ;; a font is chosen by
662 (defvar ns-standard-fontset-spec
663 ;; Only some code supports this so far, so use uglier XLFD version
664 ;; "-ns-*-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-standard,latin:Courier,han:Kai"
665 (mapconcat 'identity
666 '("-ns-*-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-standard"
667 "latin:-*-Courier-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1"
668 "han:-*-Kai-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1"
669 "cyrillic:-*-Trebuchet$MS-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1")
670 ",")
671 "String of fontset spec of the standard fontset.
672 This defines a fontset consisting of the Courier and other fonts that
673 come with OS X.
674 See the documentation of `create-fontset-from-fontset-spec' for the format.")
676 (defvar ns-reg-to-script) ; nsfont.m
678 ;; This maps font registries (not exposed by NS APIs for font selection) to
679 ;; Unicode scripts (which can be mapped to Unicode character ranges which are).
680 ;; See ../international/fontset.el
681 (setq ns-reg-to-script
682 '(("iso8859-1" . latin)
683 ("iso8859-2" . latin)
684 ("iso8859-3" . latin)
685 ("iso8859-4" . latin)
686 ("iso8859-5" . cyrillic)
687 ("microsoft-cp1251" . cyrillic)
688 ("koi8-r" . cyrillic)
689 ("iso8859-6" . arabic)
690 ("iso8859-7" . greek)
691 ("iso8859-8" . hebrew)
692 ("iso8859-9" . latin)
693 ("iso8859-10" . latin)
694 ("iso8859-11" . thai)
695 ("tis620" . thai)
696 ("iso8859-13" . latin)
697 ("iso8859-14" . latin)
698 ("iso8859-15" . latin)
699 ("iso8859-16" . latin)
700 ("viscii1.1-1" . latin)
701 ("jisx0201" . kana)
702 ("jisx0208" . han)
703 ("jisx0212" . han)
704 ("jisx0213" . han)
705 ("gb2312.1980" . han)
706 ("gb18030" . han)
707 ("gbk-0" . han)
708 ("big5" . han)
709 ("cns11643" . han)
710 ("sisheng_cwnn" . bopomofo)
711 ("ksc5601.1987" . hangul)
712 ("ethiopic-unicode" . ethiopic)
713 ("is13194-devanagari" . indian-is13194)
714 ("iso10646.indian-1" . devanagari)))
717 ;;;; Pasteboard support.
719 (declare-function ns-get-selection-internal "nsselect.m" (buffer))
720 (declare-function ns-store-selection-internal "nsselect.m" (buffer string))
722 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'ns-get-cut-buffer-internal
723 'ns-get-selection-internal "24.1")
724 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'ns-store-cut-buffer-internal
725 'ns-store-selection-internal "24.1")
728 (defun ns-get-pasteboard ()
729 "Returns the value of the pasteboard."
730 (ns-get-selection-internal 'CLIPBOARD))
732 (defun ns-set-pasteboard (string)
733 "Store STRING into the pasteboard of the Nextstep display server."
734 ;; Check the data type of STRING.
735 (if (not (stringp string)) (error "Nonstring given to pasteboard"))
736 (ns-store-selection-internal 'CLIPBOARD string))
738 ;; We keep track of the last text selected here, so we can check the
739 ;; current selection against it, and avoid passing back our own text
740 ;; from x-selection-value.
741 (defvar ns-last-selected-text nil)
743 ;; Return the value of the current Nextstep selection. For
744 ;; compatibility with older Nextstep applications, this checks cut
745 ;; buffer 0 before retrieving the value of the primary selection.
746 (defun x-selection-value ()
747 (let (text)
748 ;; Consult the selection. Treat empty strings as if they were unset.
749 (or text (setq text (ns-get-pasteboard)))
750 (if (string= text "") (setq text nil))
751 (cond
752 ((not text) nil)
753 ((eq text ns-last-selected-text) nil)
754 ((string= text ns-last-selected-text)
755 ;; Record the newer string, so subsequent calls can use the `eq' test.
756 (setq ns-last-selected-text text)
757 nil)
759 (setq ns-last-selected-text text)))))
761 (defun ns-copy-including-secondary ()
762 (interactive)
763 (call-interactively 'kill-ring-save)
764 (ns-store-selection-internal 'SECONDARY
765 (buffer-substring (point) (mark t))))
766 (defun ns-paste-secondary ()
767 (interactive)
768 (insert (ns-get-selection-internal 'SECONDARY)))
771 ;;;; Scrollbar handling.
773 (global-set-key [vertical-scroll-bar down-mouse-1] 'ns-handle-scroll-bar-event)
774 (global-unset-key [vertical-scroll-bar mouse-1])
775 (global-unset-key [vertical-scroll-bar drag-mouse-1])
777 (declare-function scroll-bar-scale "scroll-bar" (num-denom whole))
779 (defun ns-scroll-bar-move (event)
780 "Scroll the frame according to a Nextstep scroller event."
781 (interactive "e")
782 (let* ((pos (event-end event))
783 (window (nth 0 pos))
784 (scale (nth 2 pos)))
785 (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
786 (cond
787 ((eq (car scale) (cdr scale))
788 (goto-char (point-max)))
789 ((= (car scale) 0)
790 (goto-char (point-min)))
792 (goto-char (+ (point-min) 1
793 (scroll-bar-scale scale (- (point-max) (point-min)))))))
794 (beginning-of-line)
795 (set-window-start window (point))
796 (vertical-motion (/ (window-height window) 2) window))))
798 (defun ns-handle-scroll-bar-event (event)
799 "Handle scroll bar EVENT to emulate Nextstep style scrolling."
800 (interactive "e")
801 (let* ((position (event-start event))
802 (bar-part (nth 4 position))
803 (window (nth 0 position))
804 (old-window (selected-window)))
805 (cond
806 ((eq bar-part 'ratio)
807 (ns-scroll-bar-move event))
808 ((eq bar-part 'handle)
809 (if (eq window (selected-window))
810 (track-mouse (ns-scroll-bar-move event))
811 ;; track-mouse faster for selected window, slower for unselected.
812 (ns-scroll-bar-move event)))
814 (select-window window)
815 (cond
816 ((eq bar-part 'up)
817 (goto-char (window-start window))
818 (scroll-down 1))
819 ((eq bar-part 'above-handle)
820 (scroll-down))
821 ((eq bar-part 'below-handle)
822 (scroll-up))
823 ((eq bar-part 'down)
824 (goto-char (window-start window))
825 (scroll-up 1)))
826 (select-window old-window)))))
829 ;;;; Color support.
831 ;; Functions for color panel + drag
832 (defun ns-face-at-pos (pos)
833 (let* ((frame (car pos))
834 (frame-pos (cons (cadr pos) (cddr pos)))
835 (window (window-at (car frame-pos) (cdr frame-pos) frame))
836 (window-pos (coordinates-in-window-p frame-pos window))
837 (buffer (window-buffer window))
838 (edges (window-edges window)))
839 (cond
840 ((not window-pos)
841 nil)
842 ((eq window-pos 'mode-line)
843 'mode-line)
844 ((eq window-pos 'vertical-line)
845 'default)
846 ((consp window-pos)
847 (with-current-buffer buffer
848 (let ((p (car (compute-motion (window-start window)
849 (cons (nth 0 edges) (nth 1 edges))
850 (window-end window)
851 frame-pos
852 (- (window-width window) 1)
854 window))))
855 (cond
856 ((eq p (window-point window))
857 'cursor)
858 ((and mark-active (< (region-beginning) p) (< p (region-end)))
859 'region)
861 (let ((faces (get-char-property p 'face window)))
862 (if (consp faces) (car faces) faces)))))))
864 nil))))
866 ;; Set some options to be as Nextstep-like as possible.
867 (setq frame-title-format t
868 icon-title-format t)
871 (defvar ns-initialized nil
872 "Non-nil if Nextstep windowing has been initialized.")
874 (declare-function x-handle-args "common-win" (args))
875 (declare-function ns-list-services "nsfns.m" ())
876 (declare-function x-open-connection "nsfns.m"
877 (display &optional xrm-string must-succeed))
878 (declare-function ns-set-resource "nsfns.m" (owner name value))
880 ;; Do the actual Nextstep Windows setup here; the above code just
881 ;; defines functions and variables that we use now.
882 (defun ns-initialize-window-system (&optional _display)
883 "Initialize Emacs for Nextstep (Cocoa / GNUstep) windowing."
884 (cl-assert (not ns-initialized))
886 ;; PENDING: not needed?
887 (setq command-line-args (x-handle-args command-line-args))
889 ;; Setup the default fontset.
890 (create-default-fontset)
891 ;; Create the standard fontset.
892 (condition-case err
893 (create-fontset-from-fontset-spec ns-standard-fontset-spec t)
894 (error (display-warning
895 'initialization
896 (format "Creation of the standard fontset failed: %s" err)
897 :error)))
899 (x-open-connection (system-name) nil t)
901 ;; Add GNUStep menu items Services, Hide and Quit. Rename Help to Info
902 ;; and put it first (i.e. omit from menu-bar-final-items.
903 (if (featurep 'gnustep)
904 (progn
905 (setq menu-bar-final-items '(buffer services hide-app quit))
907 ;; If running under GNUstep, "Help" is moved and renamed "Info".
908 (bindings--define-key global-map [menu-bar help-menu]
909 (cons "Info" menu-bar-help-menu))
910 (bindings--define-key global-map [menu-bar quit]
911 '(menu-item "Quit" save-buffers-kill-emacs
912 :help "Save unsaved buffers, then exit"))
913 (bindings--define-key global-map [menu-bar hide-app]
914 '(menu-item "Hide" ns-do-hide-emacs
915 :help "Hide Emacs"))
916 (bindings--define-key global-map [menu-bar services]
917 (cons "Services" (make-sparse-keymap "Services")))))
920 (dolist (service (ns-list-services))
921 (if (eq (car service) 'undefined)
922 (ns-define-service (cdr service))
923 (define-key global-map (vector (car service))
924 (ns-define-service (cdr service)))))
926 (if (and (eq (get-lisp-resource nil "NXAutoLaunch") t)
927 (eq (get-lisp-resource nil "HideOnAutoLaunch") t))
928 (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'ns-do-hide-emacs))
930 ;; FIXME: This will surely lead to "MODIFIED OUTSIDE CUSTOM" warnings.
931 (menu-bar-mode (if (get-lisp-resource nil "Menus") 1 -1))
933 ;; For Darwin nothing except UTF-8 makes sense.
934 (when (eq system-type 'darwin)
935 (add-hook 'before-init-hook
936 #'(lambda ()
937 (setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
938 (setq default-process-coding-system
939 '(utf-8-unix . utf-8-unix)))))
941 ;; OS X Lion introduces PressAndHold, which is unsupported by this port.
942 ;; See this thread for more details:
943 ;; http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2011-06/msg00505.html
944 (ns-set-resource nil "ApplePressAndHoldEnabled" "NO")
946 (x-apply-session-resources)
947 (setq ns-initialized t))
949 ;; Any display name is OK.
950 (add-to-list 'display-format-alist '(".*" . ns))
951 (add-to-list 'handle-args-function-alist '(ns . x-handle-args))
952 (add-to-list 'frame-creation-function-alist '(ns . x-create-frame-with-faces))
953 (add-to-list 'window-system-initialization-alist '(ns . ns-initialize-window-system))
956 (provide 'ns-win)
958 ;;; ns-win.el ends here