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[emacs.git] / lisp / progmodes / hideif.el
1 ;;; hideif.el --- hides selected code within ifdef
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1988, 1994, 2001-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Brian Marick
6 ;; Daniel LaLiberte <liberte@holonexus.org>
7 ;; Maintainer: FSF
8 ;; Keywords: c, outlines
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; To initialize, toggle the hide-ifdef minor mode with
29 ;; M-x hide-ifdef-mode
31 ;; This will set up key bindings and call hide-ifdef-mode-hook if it
32 ;; has a value. To explicitly hide ifdefs using a buffer-local
33 ;; define list (default empty), type
35 ;; M-x hide-ifdefs or C-c @ h
37 ;; Hide-ifdef suppresses the display of code that the preprocessor wouldn't
38 ;; pass through. The support of constant expressions in #if lines is
39 ;; limited to identifiers, parens, and the operators: &&, ||, !, and
40 ;; "defined". Please extend this.
42 ;; The hidden code is marked by ellipses (...). Be
43 ;; cautious when editing near ellipses, since the hidden text is
44 ;; still in the buffer, and you can move the point into it and modify
45 ;; text unawares.
46 ;; You can make your buffer read-only while hide-ifdef-hiding by setting
47 ;; hide-ifdef-read-only to a non-nil value. You can toggle this
48 ;; variable with hide-ifdef-toggle-read-only (C-c @ C-q).
50 ;; You can undo the effect of hide-ifdefs by typing
52 ;; M-x show-ifdefs or C-c @ s
54 ;; Use M-x hide-ifdef-define (C-c @ d) to define a symbol.
55 ;; Use M-x hide-ifdef-undef (C-c @ u) to undefine a symbol.
57 ;; If you define or undefine a symbol while hide-ifdef-mode is in effect,
58 ;; the display will be updated. Only the define list for the current
59 ;; buffer will be affected. You can save changes to the local define
60 ;; list with hide-ifdef-set-define-alist. This adds entries
61 ;; to hide-ifdef-define-alist.
63 ;; If you have defined a hide-ifdef-mode-hook, you can set
64 ;; up a list of symbols that may be used by hide-ifdefs as in the
65 ;; following example:
67 ;; (add-hook 'hide-ifdef-mode-hook
68 ;; (lambda ()
69 ;; (unless hide-ifdef-define-alist
70 ;; (setq hide-ifdef-define-alist
71 ;; '((list1 ONE TWO)
72 ;; (list2 TWO THREE))))
73 ;; (hide-ifdef-use-define-alist 'list2))) ; use list2 by default
75 ;; You can call hide-ifdef-use-define-alist (C-c @ U) at any time to specify
76 ;; another list to use.
78 ;; To cause ifdefs to be hidden as soon as hide-ifdef-mode is called,
79 ;; set hide-ifdef-initially to non-nil.
81 ;; If you set hide-ifdef-lines to t, hide-ifdefs hides all the #ifdef lines.
82 ;; In the absence of highlighting, that might be a bad idea. If you set
83 ;; hide-ifdef-lines to nil (the default), the surrounding preprocessor
84 ;; lines will be displayed. That can be confusing in its own
85 ;; right. Other variations on display are possible, but not much
86 ;; better.
88 ;; You can explicitly hide or show individual ifdef blocks irrespective
89 ;; of the define list by using hide-ifdef-block and show-ifdef-block.
91 ;; You can move the point between ifdefs with forward-ifdef, backward-ifdef,
92 ;; up-ifdef, down-ifdef, next-ifdef, and previous-ifdef.
94 ;; If you have minor-mode-alist in your mode line (the default) two labels
95 ;; may appear. "Ifdef" will appear when hide-ifdef-mode is active. "Hiding"
96 ;; will appear when text may be hidden ("hide-ifdef-hiding" is non-nil).
98 ;; Written by Brian Marick, at Gould, Computer Systems Division, Urbana IL.
99 ;; Extensively modified by Daniel LaLiberte (while at Gould).
101 ;;; Code:
103 (require 'cc-mode)
105 (defgroup hide-ifdef nil
106 "Hide selected code within `ifdef'."
107 :group 'c)
109 (defcustom hide-ifdef-initially nil
110 "Non-nil means call `hide-ifdefs' when Hide-Ifdef mode is first activated."
111 :type 'boolean
112 :group 'hide-ifdef)
114 (defcustom hide-ifdef-read-only nil
115 "Set to non-nil if you want buffer to be read-only while hiding text."
116 :type 'boolean
117 :group 'hide-ifdef)
119 (defcustom hide-ifdef-lines nil
120 "Non-nil means hide the #ifX, #else, and #endif lines."
121 :type 'boolean
122 :group 'hide-ifdef)
124 (defcustom hide-ifdef-shadow nil
125 "Non-nil means shadow text instead of hiding it."
126 :type 'boolean
127 :group 'hide-ifdef
128 :version "23.1")
130 (defface hide-ifdef-shadow '((t (:inherit shadow)))
131 "Face for shadowing ifdef blocks."
132 :group 'hide-ifdef
133 :version "23.1")
136 (defvar hide-ifdef-mode-submap
137 ;; Set up the submap that goes after the prefix key.
138 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
139 (define-key map "d" 'hide-ifdef-define)
140 (define-key map "u" 'hide-ifdef-undef)
141 (define-key map "D" 'hide-ifdef-set-define-alist)
142 (define-key map "U" 'hide-ifdef-use-define-alist)
144 (define-key map "h" 'hide-ifdefs)
145 (define-key map "s" 'show-ifdefs)
146 (define-key map "\C-d" 'hide-ifdef-block)
147 (define-key map "\C-s" 'show-ifdef-block)
149 (define-key map "\C-q" 'hide-ifdef-toggle-read-only)
150 (define-key map "\C-w" 'hide-ifdef-toggle-shadowing)
151 (substitute-key-definition
152 'toggle-read-only 'hide-ifdef-toggle-outside-read-only map)
153 map)
154 "Keymap used by `hide-ifdef-mode' under `hide-ifdef-mode-prefix-key'.")
156 (defconst hide-ifdef-mode-prefix-key "\C-c@"
157 "Prefix key for all Hide-Ifdef mode commands.")
159 (defvar hide-ifdef-mode-map
160 ;; Set up the mode's main map, which leads via the prefix key to the submap.
161 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
162 (define-key map hide-ifdef-mode-prefix-key hide-ifdef-mode-submap)
163 map)
164 "Keymap used with `hide-ifdef-mode'.")
166 (easy-menu-define hide-ifdef-mode-menu hide-ifdef-mode-map
167 "Menu for `hide-ifdef-mode'."
168 '("Hide-Ifdef"
169 ["Hide some ifdefs" hide-ifdefs
170 :help "Hide the contents of some #ifdefs"]
171 ["Show all ifdefs" show-ifdefs
172 :help "Cancel the effects of `hide-ifdef': show the contents of all #ifdefs"]
173 ["Hide ifdef block" hide-ifdef-block
174 :help "Hide the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor"]
175 ["Show ifdef block" show-ifdef-block
176 :help "Show the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor"]
177 ["Define a variable..." hide-ifdef-define
178 :help "Define a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would be included"]
179 ["Undefine a variable..." hide-ifdef-undef
180 :help "Undefine a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would not be included"]
181 ["Define an alist..." hide-ifdef-set-define-alist
182 :help "Set the association for NAME to `hide-ifdef-env'"]
183 ["Use an alist..." hide-ifdef-use-define-alist
184 :help "Set `hide-ifdef-env' to the define list specified by NAME"]
185 ["Toggle read only" hide-ifdef-toggle-read-only
186 :style toggle :selected hide-ifdef-read-only
187 :help "Buffer should be read-only while hiding text"]
188 ["Toggle shadowing" hide-ifdef-toggle-shadowing
189 :style toggle :selected hide-ifdef-shadow
190 :help "Text should be shadowed instead of hidden"]))
192 (defvar hide-ifdef-hiding nil
193 "Non-nil when text may be hidden.")
195 (or (assq 'hide-ifdef-hiding minor-mode-alist)
196 (setq minor-mode-alist
197 (cons '(hide-ifdef-hiding " Hiding")
198 minor-mode-alist)))
200 ;; fix c-mode syntax table so we can recognize whole symbols.
201 (defvar hide-ifdef-syntax-table
202 (let ((st (copy-syntax-table c-mode-syntax-table)))
203 (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" st)
204 (modify-syntax-entry ?& "." st)
205 (modify-syntax-entry ?\| "." st)
207 "Syntax table used for tokenizing #if expressions.")
209 (defvar hide-ifdef-env nil
210 "An alist of defined symbols and their values.")
212 (defvar hif-outside-read-only nil
213 "Internal variable. Saves the value of `buffer-read-only' while hiding.")
215 ;;;###autoload
216 (define-minor-mode hide-ifdef-mode
217 "Toggle features to hide/show #ifdef blocks (Hide-Ifdef mode).
218 With a prefix argument ARG, enable Hide-Ifdef mode if ARG is
219 positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
220 the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.
222 Hide-Ifdef mode is a buffer-local minor mode for use with C and
223 C-like major modes. When enabled, code within #ifdef constructs
224 that the C preprocessor would eliminate may be hidden from view.
225 Several variables affect how the hiding is done:
227 `hide-ifdef-env'
228 An association list of defined and undefined symbols for the
229 current buffer. Initially, the global value of `hide-ifdef-env'
230 is used.
232 `hide-ifdef-define-alist'
233 An association list of defined symbol lists.
234 Use `hide-ifdef-set-define-alist' to save the current `hide-ifdef-env'
235 and `hide-ifdef-use-define-alist' to set the current `hide-ifdef-env'
236 from one of the lists in `hide-ifdef-define-alist'.
238 `hide-ifdef-lines'
239 Set to non-nil to not show #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, and
240 #endif lines when hiding.
242 `hide-ifdef-initially'
243 Indicates whether `hide-ifdefs' should be called when Hide-Ifdef mode
244 is activated.
246 `hide-ifdef-read-only'
247 Set to non-nil if you want to make buffers read only while hiding.
248 After `show-ifdefs', read-only status is restored to previous value.
250 \\{hide-ifdef-mode-map}"
251 :group 'hide-ifdef :lighter " Ifdef"
252 (if hide-ifdef-mode
253 (progn
254 ;; inherit global values
255 (set (make-local-variable 'hide-ifdef-env)
256 (default-value 'hide-ifdef-env))
257 (set (make-local-variable 'hide-ifdef-hiding)
258 (default-value 'hide-ifdef-hiding))
259 (set (make-local-variable 'hif-outside-read-only) buffer-read-only)
260 (set (make-local-variable 'line-move-ignore-invisible) t)
261 (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook
262 (lambda () (hide-ifdef-mode -1)) nil t)
264 (add-to-invisibility-spec '(hide-ifdef . t))
266 (if hide-ifdef-initially
267 (hide-ifdefs)
268 (show-ifdefs)))
269 ;; else end hide-ifdef-mode
270 (kill-local-variable 'line-move-ignore-invisible)
271 (remove-from-invisibility-spec '(hide-ifdef . t))
272 (when hide-ifdef-hiding
273 (show-ifdefs))))
276 (defun hif-show-all ()
277 "Show all of the text in the current buffer."
278 (interactive)
279 (hif-show-ifdef-region (point-min) (point-max)))
281 ;; By putting this on after-revert-hook, we arrange that it only
282 ;; does anything when revert-buffer avoids turning off the mode.
283 ;; (That can happen in VC.)
284 (defun hif-after-revert-function ()
285 (and hide-ifdef-mode hide-ifdef-hiding
286 (hide-ifdefs t)))
287 (add-hook 'after-revert-hook 'hif-after-revert-function)
289 (defun hif-end-of-line ()
290 (end-of-line)
291 (while (= (logand 1 (skip-chars-backward "\\\\")) 1)
292 (end-of-line 2)))
294 (defun hide-ifdef-region-internal (start end)
295 (remove-overlays start end 'hide-ifdef t)
296 (let ((o (make-overlay start end)))
297 (overlay-put o 'hide-ifdef t)
298 (if hide-ifdef-shadow
299 (overlay-put o 'face 'hide-ifdef-shadow)
300 (overlay-put o 'invisible 'hide-ifdef))))
302 (defun hide-ifdef-region (start end)
303 "START is the start of a #if or #else form. END is the ending part.
304 Everything including these lines is made invisible."
305 (save-excursion
306 (goto-char start) (hif-end-of-line) (setq start (point))
307 (goto-char end) (hif-end-of-line) (setq end (point))
308 (hide-ifdef-region-internal start end)))
310 (defun hif-show-ifdef-region (start end)
311 "Everything between START and END is made visible."
312 (remove-overlays start end 'hide-ifdef t))
315 ;;===%%SF%% evaluation (Start) ===
317 ;; It is not useful to set this to anything but `eval'.
318 ;; In fact, the variable might as well be eliminated.
319 (defvar hide-ifdef-evaluator 'eval
320 "The function to use to evaluate a form.
321 The evaluator is given a canonical form and returns t if text under
322 that form should be displayed.")
324 (defvar hif-undefined-symbol nil
325 "...is by default considered to be false.")
328 (defun hif-set-var (var value)
329 "Prepend (var value) pair to hide-ifdef-env."
330 (setq hide-ifdef-env (cons (cons var value) hide-ifdef-env)))
332 (declare-function semantic-c-hideif-lookup "semantic/bovine/c" (var))
333 (declare-function semantic-c-hideif-defined "semantic/bovine/c" (var))
335 (defun hif-lookup (var)
336 (or (when (bound-and-true-p semantic-c-takeover-hideif)
337 (semantic-c-hideif-lookup var))
338 (let ((val (assoc var hide-ifdef-env)))
339 (if val
340 (cdr val)
341 hif-undefined-symbol))))
343 (defun hif-defined (var)
344 (cond
345 ((bound-and-true-p semantic-c-takeover-hideif)
346 (semantic-c-hideif-defined var))
347 ((assoc var hide-ifdef-env) 1)
348 (t 0)))
350 ;;===%%SF%% evaluation (End) ===
354 ;;===%%SF%% parsing (Start) ===
355 ;;; The code that understands what ifs and ifdef in files look like.
357 (defconst hif-cpp-prefix "\\(^\\|\r\\)[ \t]*#[ \t]*")
358 (defconst hif-ifndef-regexp (concat hif-cpp-prefix "ifndef"))
359 (defconst hif-ifx-regexp (concat hif-cpp-prefix "if\\(n?def\\)?[ \t]+"))
360 (defconst hif-else-regexp (concat hif-cpp-prefix "else"))
361 (defconst hif-endif-regexp (concat hif-cpp-prefix "endif"))
362 (defconst hif-ifx-else-endif-regexp
363 (concat hif-ifx-regexp "\\|" hif-else-regexp "\\|" hif-endif-regexp))
365 ;; Used to store the current token and the whole token list during parsing.
366 ;; Only bound dynamically.
367 (defvar hif-token)
368 (defvar hif-token-list)
370 (defconst hif-token-alist
371 '(("||" . or)
372 ("&&" . and)
373 ("|" . hif-logior)
374 ("&" . hif-logand)
375 ("==" . equal)
376 ("!=" . hif-notequal)
377 ("!" . not)
378 ("(" . lparen)
379 (")" . rparen)
380 (">" . hif-greater)
381 ("<" . hif-less)
382 (">=" . hif-greater-equal)
383 ("<=" . hif-less-equal)
384 ("+" . hif-plus)
385 ("-" . hif-minus)
386 ("?" . hif-conditional)
387 (":" . hif-colon)))
389 (defconst hif-token-regexp
390 (concat (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car hif-token-alist)) "\\|\\w+"))
392 (defun hif-tokenize (start end)
393 "Separate string between START and END into a list of tokens."
394 (let ((token-list nil))
395 (with-syntax-table hide-ifdef-syntax-table
396 (save-excursion
397 (goto-char start)
398 (while (progn (forward-comment (point-max)) (< (point) end))
399 ;; (message "expr-start = %d" expr-start) (sit-for 1)
400 (cond
401 ((looking-at "\\\\\n")
402 (forward-char 2))
404 ((looking-at hif-token-regexp)
405 (let ((token (buffer-substring (point) (match-end 0))))
406 (goto-char (match-end 0))
407 ;; (message "token: %s" token) (sit-for 1)
408 (push (or (cdr (assoc token hif-token-alist))
409 (if (string-equal token "defined") 'hif-defined)
410 (if (string-match "\\`[0-9]*\\'" token)
411 (string-to-number token))
412 (intern token))
413 token-list)))
414 (t (error "Bad #if expression: %s" (buffer-string)))))))
415 (nreverse token-list)))
417 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------
418 ;;; Translate C preprocessor #if expressions using recursive descent.
419 ;;; This parser is limited to the operators &&, ||, !, and "defined".
420 ;;; Added ==, !=, +, and -. Gary Oberbrunner, garyo@avs.com, 8/9/94
422 (defsubst hif-nexttoken ()
423 "Pop the next token from token-list into the let variable \"hif-token\"."
424 (setq hif-token (pop hif-token-list)))
426 (defun hif-parse-if-exp (token-list)
427 "Parse the TOKEN-LIST. Return translated list in prefix form."
428 (let ((hif-token-list token-list))
429 (hif-nexttoken)
430 (prog1
431 (hif-expr)
432 (if hif-token ; is there still a token?
433 (error "Error: unexpected token: %s" hif-token)))))
435 (defun hif-expr ()
436 "Parse an expression as found in #if.
437 expr : or-expr | or-expr '?' expr ':' expr."
438 (let ((result (hif-or-expr))
439 middle)
440 (while (eq hif-token 'hif-conditional)
441 (hif-nexttoken)
442 (setq middle (hif-expr))
443 (if (eq hif-token 'hif-colon)
444 (progn
445 (hif-nexttoken)
446 (setq result (list 'hif-conditional result middle (hif-expr))))
447 (error "Error: unexpected token: %s" hif-token)))
448 result))
450 (defun hif-or-expr ()
451 "Parse n or-expr : and-expr | or-expr '||' and-expr."
452 (let ((result (hif-and-expr)))
453 (while (eq hif-token 'or)
454 (hif-nexttoken)
455 (setq result (list 'hif-or result (hif-and-expr))))
456 result))
458 (defun hif-and-expr ()
459 "Parse an and-expr : eq-expr | and-expr '&&' eq-expr."
460 (let ((result (hif-eq-expr)))
461 (while (eq hif-token 'and)
462 (hif-nexttoken)
463 (setq result (list 'hif-and result (hif-eq-expr))))
464 result))
466 (defun hif-eq-expr ()
467 "Parse an eq-expr : math | eq-expr `=='|`!='|`<'|`>'|`>='|`<=' math."
468 (let ((result (hif-math))
469 (eq-token nil))
470 (while (memq hif-token '(equal hif-notequal hif-greater hif-less
471 hif-greater-equal hif-less-equal))
472 (setq eq-token hif-token)
473 (hif-nexttoken)
474 (setq result (list eq-token result (hif-math))))
475 result))
477 (defun hif-math ()
478 "Parse an expression with + or - and simpler things.
479 math : factor | math '+|-' factor."
480 (let ((result (hif-factor))
481 (math-op nil))
482 (while (memq hif-token '(hif-plus hif-minus hif-logior hif-logand))
483 (setq math-op hif-token)
484 (hif-nexttoken)
485 (setq result (list math-op result (hif-factor))))
486 result))
488 (defun hif-factor ()
489 "Parse a factor: '!' factor | '(' expr ')' | 'defined(' id ')' | id."
490 (cond
491 ((eq hif-token 'not)
492 (hif-nexttoken)
493 (list 'hif-not (hif-factor)))
495 ((eq hif-token 'lparen)
496 (hif-nexttoken)
497 (let ((result (hif-expr)))
498 (if (not (eq hif-token 'rparen))
499 (error "Bad token in parenthesized expression: %s" hif-token)
500 (hif-nexttoken)
501 result)))
503 ((eq hif-token 'hif-defined)
504 (hif-nexttoken)
505 (let ((paren (when (eq hif-token 'lparen) (hif-nexttoken) t))
506 (ident hif-token))
507 (if (memq hif-token '(or and not hif-defined lparen rparen))
508 (error "Error: unexpected token: %s" hif-token))
509 (when paren
510 (hif-nexttoken)
511 (unless (eq hif-token 'rparen)
512 (error "Error: expected \")\" after identifier")))
513 (hif-nexttoken)
514 `(hif-defined (quote ,ident))))
516 ((numberp hif-token)
517 (prog1 hif-token (hif-nexttoken)))
519 ;; Unary plus/minus.
520 ((memq hif-token '(hif-minus hif-plus))
521 (list (prog1 hif-token (hif-nexttoken)) 0 (hif-factor)))
523 (t ; identifier
524 (let ((ident hif-token))
525 (if (memq ident '(or and))
526 (error "Error: missing identifier"))
527 (hif-nexttoken)
528 `(hif-lookup (quote ,ident))))))
530 (defun hif-mathify (val)
531 "Treat VAL as a number: if it's t or nil, use 1 or 0."
532 (cond ((eq val t) 1)
533 ((null val) 0)
534 (t val)))
536 (defun hif-conditional (a b c)
537 (if (not (zerop (hif-mathify a))) (hif-mathify b) (hif-mathify c)))
538 (defun hif-and (a b)
539 (and (not (zerop (hif-mathify a))) (not (zerop (hif-mathify b)))))
540 (defun hif-or (a b)
541 (or (not (zerop (hif-mathify a))) (not (zerop (hif-mathify b)))))
542 (defun hif-not (a)
543 (zerop (hif-mathify a)))
545 (defmacro hif-mathify-binop (fun)
546 `(lambda (a b)
547 ,(format "Like `%s' but treat t and nil as 1 and 0." fun)
548 (,fun (hif-mathify a) (hif-mathify b))))
550 (defalias 'hif-plus (hif-mathify-binop +))
551 (defalias 'hif-minus (hif-mathify-binop -))
552 (defalias 'hif-notequal (hif-mathify-binop /=))
553 (defalias 'hif-greater (hif-mathify-binop >))
554 (defalias 'hif-less (hif-mathify-binop <))
555 (defalias 'hif-greater-equal (hif-mathify-binop >=))
556 (defalias 'hif-less-equal (hif-mathify-binop <=))
557 (defalias 'hif-logior (hif-mathify-binop logior))
558 (defalias 'hif-logand (hif-mathify-binop logand))
560 ;;;----------- end of parser -----------------------
563 (defun hif-canonicalize ()
564 "When at beginning of #ifX, return a Lisp expression for its condition."
565 (save-excursion
566 (let ((negate (looking-at hif-ifndef-regexp)))
567 (re-search-forward hif-ifx-regexp)
568 (let* ((tokens (hif-tokenize (point)
569 (progn (hif-end-of-line) (point))))
570 (expr (hif-parse-if-exp tokens)))
571 ;; (message "hif-canonicalized: %s" expr)
572 (if negate
573 (list 'hif-not expr)
574 expr)))))
577 (defun hif-find-any-ifX ()
578 "Move to next #if..., or #ifndef, at point or after."
579 ;; (message "find ifX at %d" (point))
580 (prog1
581 (re-search-forward hif-ifx-regexp (point-max) t)
582 (beginning-of-line)))
585 (defun hif-find-next-relevant ()
586 "Move to next #if..., #else, or #endif, after the current line."
587 ;; (message "hif-find-next-relevant at %d" (point))
588 (end-of-line)
589 ;; avoid infinite recursion by only going to beginning of line if match found
590 (if (re-search-forward hif-ifx-else-endif-regexp (point-max) t)
591 (beginning-of-line)))
593 (defun hif-find-previous-relevant ()
594 "Move to previous #if..., #else, or #endif, before the current line."
595 ;; (message "hif-find-previous-relevant at %d" (point))
596 (beginning-of-line)
597 ;; avoid infinite recursion by only going to beginning of line if match found
598 (if (re-search-backward hif-ifx-else-endif-regexp (point-min) t)
599 (beginning-of-line)))
602 (defun hif-looking-at-ifX () ;; Should eventually see #if
603 (looking-at hif-ifx-regexp))
604 (defun hif-looking-at-endif ()
605 (looking-at hif-endif-regexp))
606 (defun hif-looking-at-else ()
607 (looking-at hif-else-regexp))
611 (defun hif-ifdef-to-endif ()
612 "If positioned at #ifX or #else form, skip to corresponding #endif."
613 ;; (message "hif-ifdef-to-endif at %d" (point)) (sit-for 1)
614 (hif-find-next-relevant)
615 (cond ((hif-looking-at-ifX)
616 (hif-ifdef-to-endif) ; find endif of nested if
617 (hif-ifdef-to-endif)) ; find outer endif or else
618 ((hif-looking-at-else)
619 (hif-ifdef-to-endif)) ; find endif following else
620 ((hif-looking-at-endif)
621 'done)
623 (error "Mismatched #ifdef #endif pair"))))
626 (defun hif-endif-to-ifdef ()
627 "If positioned at #endif form, skip backward to corresponding #ifX."
628 ;; (message "hif-endif-to-ifdef at %d" (point))
629 (let ((start (point)))
630 (hif-find-previous-relevant)
631 (if (= start (point))
632 (error "Mismatched #ifdef #endif pair")))
633 (cond ((hif-looking-at-endif)
634 (hif-endif-to-ifdef) ; find beginning of nested if
635 (hif-endif-to-ifdef)) ; find beginning of outer if or else
636 ((hif-looking-at-else)
637 (hif-endif-to-ifdef))
638 ((hif-looking-at-ifX)
639 'done)
640 (t))) ; never gets here
643 (defun forward-ifdef (&optional arg)
644 "Move point to beginning of line of the next ifdef-endif.
645 With argument, do this that many times."
646 (interactive "p")
647 (or arg (setq arg 1))
648 (if (< arg 0) (backward-ifdef (- arg))
649 (while (< 0 arg)
650 (setq arg (- arg))
651 (let ((start (point)))
652 (unless (hif-looking-at-ifX)
653 (hif-find-next-relevant))
654 (if (hif-looking-at-ifX)
655 (hif-ifdef-to-endif)
656 (goto-char start)
657 (error "No following #ifdef"))))))
660 (defun backward-ifdef (&optional arg)
661 "Move point to beginning of the previous ifdef-endif.
662 With argument, do this that many times."
663 (interactive "p")
664 (or arg (setq arg 1))
665 (if (< arg 0) (forward-ifdef (- arg))
666 (while (< 0 arg)
667 (setq arg (1- arg))
668 (beginning-of-line)
669 (let ((start (point)))
670 (unless (hif-looking-at-endif)
671 (hif-find-previous-relevant))
672 (if (hif-looking-at-endif)
673 (hif-endif-to-ifdef)
674 (goto-char start)
675 (error "No previous #ifdef"))))))
678 (defun down-ifdef ()
679 "Move point to beginning of nested ifdef or else-part."
680 (interactive)
681 (let ((start (point)))
682 (hif-find-next-relevant)
683 (if (or (hif-looking-at-ifX) (hif-looking-at-else))
685 (goto-char start)
686 (error "No following #ifdef"))))
689 (defun up-ifdef ()
690 "Move point to beginning of enclosing ifdef or else-part."
691 (interactive)
692 (beginning-of-line)
693 (let ((start (point)))
694 (unless (hif-looking-at-endif)
695 (hif-find-previous-relevant))
696 (if (hif-looking-at-endif)
697 (hif-endif-to-ifdef))
698 (if (= start (point))
699 (error "No previous #ifdef"))))
701 (defun next-ifdef (&optional arg)
702 "Move to the beginning of the next #ifX, #else, or #endif.
703 With argument, do this that many times."
704 (interactive "p")
705 (or arg (setq arg 1))
706 (if (< arg 0) (previous-ifdef (- arg))
707 (while (< 0 arg)
708 (setq arg (1- arg))
709 (hif-find-next-relevant)
710 (when (eolp)
711 (beginning-of-line)
712 (error "No following #ifdefs, #elses, or #endifs")))))
714 (defun previous-ifdef (&optional arg)
715 "Move to the beginning of the previous #ifX, #else, or #endif.
716 With argument, do this that many times."
717 (interactive "p")
718 (or arg (setq arg 1))
719 (if (< arg 0) (next-ifdef (- arg))
720 (while (< 0 arg)
721 (setq arg (1- arg))
722 (let ((start (point)))
723 (hif-find-previous-relevant)
724 (if (= start (point))
725 (error "No previous #ifdefs, #elses, or #endifs"))))))
728 ;;===%%SF%% parsing (End) ===
731 ;;===%%SF%% hide-ifdef-hiding (Start) ===
734 ;;; A range is a structure with four components:
735 ;;; ELSE-P True if there was an else clause for the ifdef.
736 ;;; START The start of the range. (beginning of line)
737 ;;; ELSE The else marker (beginning of line)
738 ;;; Only valid if ELSE-P is true.
739 ;;; END The end of the range. (beginning of line)
741 (defsubst hif-make-range (start end &optional else)
742 (list start else end))
744 (defsubst hif-range-start (range) (elt range 0))
745 (defsubst hif-range-else (range) (elt range 1))
746 (defsubst hif-range-end (range) (elt range 2))
750 ;;; Find-Range
751 ;;; The workhorse, it delimits the #if region. Reasonably simple:
752 ;;; Skip until an #else or #endif is found, remembering positions. If
753 ;;; an #else was found, skip some more, looking for the true #endif.
755 (defun hif-find-range ()
756 "Return a Range structure describing the current #if region.
757 Point is left unchanged."
758 ;; (message "hif-find-range at %d" (point))
759 (save-excursion
760 (beginning-of-line)
761 (let ((start (point))
762 (else nil)
763 (end nil))
764 ;; Part one. Look for either #endif or #else.
765 ;; This loop-and-a-half dedicated to E. Dijkstra.
766 (while (progn
767 (hif-find-next-relevant)
768 (hif-looking-at-ifX)) ; Skip nested ifdef
769 (hif-ifdef-to-endif))
770 ;; Found either a #else or an #endif.
771 (cond ((hif-looking-at-else)
772 (setq else (point)))
774 (setq end (point)))) ; (line-end-position)
775 ;; If found #else, look for #endif.
776 (when else
777 (while (progn
778 (hif-find-next-relevant)
779 (hif-looking-at-ifX)) ; Skip nested ifdef
780 (hif-ifdef-to-endif))
781 (if (hif-looking-at-else)
782 (error "Found two elses in a row? Broken!"))
783 (setq end (point))) ; (line-end-position)
784 (hif-make-range start end else))))
787 ;;; A bit slimy.
789 (defun hif-hide-line (point)
790 "Hide the line containing point. Does nothing if `hide-ifdef-lines' is nil."
791 (when hide-ifdef-lines
792 (save-excursion
793 (goto-char point)
794 (hide-ifdef-region-internal
795 (line-beginning-position) (progn (hif-end-of-line) (point))))))
798 ;;; Hif-Possibly-Hide
799 ;;; There are four cases. The #ifX expression is "taken" if it
800 ;;; the hide-ifdef-evaluator returns T. Presumably, this means the code
801 ;;; inside the #ifdef would be included when the program was
802 ;;; compiled.
804 ;;; Case 1: #ifX taken, and there's an #else.
805 ;;; The #else part must be hidden. The #if (then) part must be
806 ;;; processed for nested #ifX's.
807 ;;; Case 2: #ifX taken, and there's no #else.
808 ;;; The #if part must be processed for nested #ifX's.
809 ;;; Case 3: #ifX not taken, and there's an #else.
810 ;;; The #if part must be hidden. The #else part must be processed
811 ;;; for nested #ifs.
812 ;;; Case 4: #ifX not taken, and there's no #else.
813 ;;; The #ifX part must be hidden.
815 ;;; Further processing is done by narrowing to the relevant region
816 ;;; and just recursively calling hide-ifdef-guts.
818 ;;; When hif-possibly-hide returns, point is at the end of the
819 ;;; possibly-hidden range.
821 (defun hif-recurse-on (start end)
822 "Call `hide-ifdef-guts' after narrowing to end of START line and END line."
823 (save-excursion
824 (save-restriction
825 (goto-char start)
826 (end-of-line)
827 (narrow-to-region (point) end)
828 (hide-ifdef-guts))))
830 (defun hif-possibly-hide ()
831 "Called at #ifX expression, this hides those parts that should be hidden.
832 It uses the judgment of `hide-ifdef-evaluator'."
833 ;; (message "hif-possibly-hide") (sit-for 1)
834 (let ((test (hif-canonicalize))
835 (range (hif-find-range)))
836 ;; (message "test = %s" test) (sit-for 1)
838 (hif-hide-line (hif-range-end range))
839 (if (not (hif-not (funcall hide-ifdef-evaluator test)))
840 (cond ((hif-range-else range) ; case 1
841 (hif-hide-line (hif-range-else range))
842 (hide-ifdef-region (hif-range-else range)
843 (1- (hif-range-end range)))
844 (hif-recurse-on (hif-range-start range)
845 (hif-range-else range)))
846 (t ; case 2
847 (hif-recurse-on (hif-range-start range)
848 (hif-range-end range))))
849 (cond ((hif-range-else range) ; case 3
850 (hif-hide-line (hif-range-else range))
851 (hide-ifdef-region (hif-range-start range)
852 (1- (hif-range-else range)))
853 (hif-recurse-on (hif-range-else range)
854 (hif-range-end range)))
855 (t ; case 4
856 (hide-ifdef-region (point)
857 (1- (hif-range-end range))))))
858 (hif-hide-line (hif-range-start range)) ; Always hide start.
859 (goto-char (hif-range-end range))
860 (end-of-line)))
864 (defun hide-ifdef-guts ()
865 "Does most of the work of `hide-ifdefs'.
866 It does not do the work that's pointless to redo on a recursive entry."
867 ;; (message "hide-ifdef-guts")
868 (save-excursion
869 (goto-char (point-min))
870 (while (hif-find-any-ifX)
871 (hif-possibly-hide))))
873 ;;===%%SF%% hide-ifdef-hiding (End) ===
876 ;;===%%SF%% exports (Start) ===
878 (defun hide-ifdef-toggle-read-only ()
879 "Toggle `hide-ifdef-read-only'."
880 (interactive)
881 (setq hide-ifdef-read-only (not hide-ifdef-read-only))
882 (message "Hide-Read-Only %s"
883 (if hide-ifdef-read-only "ON" "OFF"))
884 (if hide-ifdef-hiding
885 (setq buffer-read-only (or hide-ifdef-read-only hif-outside-read-only)))
886 (force-mode-line-update))
888 (defun hide-ifdef-toggle-outside-read-only ()
889 "Replacement for `toggle-read-only' within Hide-Ifdef mode."
890 (interactive)
891 (setq hif-outside-read-only (not hif-outside-read-only))
892 (message "Read only %s"
893 (if hif-outside-read-only "ON" "OFF"))
894 (setq buffer-read-only
895 (or (and hide-ifdef-hiding hide-ifdef-read-only)
896 hif-outside-read-only))
897 (force-mode-line-update))
899 (defun hide-ifdef-toggle-shadowing ()
900 "Toggle shadowing."
901 (interactive)
902 (set (make-local-variable 'hide-ifdef-shadow) (not hide-ifdef-shadow))
903 (message "Shadowing %s" (if hide-ifdef-shadow "ON" "OFF"))
904 (save-restriction
905 (widen)
906 (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
907 (when (overlay-get overlay 'hide-ifdef)
908 (if hide-ifdef-shadow
909 (progn
910 (overlay-put overlay 'invisible nil)
911 (overlay-put overlay 'face 'hide-ifdef-shadow))
912 (overlay-put overlay 'face nil)
913 (overlay-put overlay 'invisible 'hide-ifdef))))))
915 (defun hide-ifdef-define (var)
916 "Define a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would be included."
917 (interactive "SDefine what? ")
918 (hif-set-var var 1)
919 (if hide-ifdef-hiding (hide-ifdefs)))
921 (defun hide-ifdef-undef (var)
922 "Undefine a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would not be included."
923 (interactive "SUndefine what? ")
924 (hif-set-var var nil)
925 (if hide-ifdef-hiding (hide-ifdefs)))
928 (defun hide-ifdefs (&optional nomsg)
929 "Hide the contents of some #ifdefs.
930 Assume that defined symbols have been added to `hide-ifdef-env'.
931 The text hidden is the text that would not be included by the C
932 preprocessor if it were given the file with those symbols defined.
934 Turn off hiding by calling `show-ifdefs'."
936 (interactive)
937 (message "Hiding...")
938 (setq hif-outside-read-only buffer-read-only)
939 (unless hide-ifdef-mode (hide-ifdef-mode 1)) ; turn on hide-ifdef-mode
940 (if hide-ifdef-hiding
941 (show-ifdefs)) ; Otherwise, deep confusion.
942 (setq hide-ifdef-hiding t)
943 (hide-ifdef-guts)
944 (setq buffer-read-only (or hide-ifdef-read-only hif-outside-read-only))
945 (or nomsg
946 (message "Hiding done")))
949 (defun show-ifdefs ()
950 "Cancel the effects of `hide-ifdef': show the contents of all #ifdefs."
951 (interactive)
952 (setq buffer-read-only hif-outside-read-only)
953 (hif-show-all)
954 (setq hide-ifdef-hiding nil))
957 (defun hif-find-ifdef-block ()
958 "Utility for hide and show `ifdef-block'.
959 Return as (TOP . BOTTOM) the extent of ifdef block."
960 (let (max-bottom)
961 (cons (save-excursion
962 (beginning-of-line)
963 (unless (or (hif-looking-at-else) (hif-looking-at-ifX))
964 (up-ifdef))
965 (prog1 (point)
966 (hif-ifdef-to-endif)
967 (setq max-bottom (1- (point)))))
968 (save-excursion
969 (beginning-of-line)
970 (unless (hif-looking-at-endif)
971 (hif-find-next-relevant))
972 (while (hif-looking-at-ifX)
973 (hif-ifdef-to-endif)
974 (hif-find-next-relevant))
975 (min max-bottom (1- (point)))))))
978 (defun hide-ifdef-block ()
979 "Hide the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor."
980 (interactive)
981 (unless hide-ifdef-mode (hide-ifdef-mode 1))
982 (let ((top-bottom (hif-find-ifdef-block)))
983 (hide-ifdef-region (car top-bottom) (cdr top-bottom))
984 (when hide-ifdef-lines
985 (hif-hide-line (car top-bottom))
986 (hif-hide-line (1+ (cdr top-bottom))))
987 (setq hide-ifdef-hiding t))
988 (setq buffer-read-only (or hide-ifdef-read-only hif-outside-read-only)))
990 (defun show-ifdef-block ()
991 "Show the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor."
992 (interactive)
993 (let ((top-bottom (hif-find-ifdef-block)))
994 (if hide-ifdef-lines
995 (hif-show-ifdef-region
996 (save-excursion
997 (goto-char (car top-bottom)) (line-beginning-position))
998 (save-excursion
999 (goto-char (1+ (cdr top-bottom)))
1000 (hif-end-of-line) (point)))
1001 (hif-show-ifdef-region (1- (car top-bottom)) (cdr top-bottom)))))
1004 ;;; definition alist support
1006 (defvar hide-ifdef-define-alist nil
1007 "A global assoc list of pre-defined symbol lists.")
1009 (defun hif-compress-define-list (env)
1010 "Compress the define list ENV into a list of defined symbols only."
1011 (let ((new-defs nil))
1012 (dolist (def env new-defs)
1013 (if (hif-lookup (car def)) (push (car def) new-defs)))))
1015 (defun hide-ifdef-set-define-alist (name)
1016 "Set the association for NAME to `hide-ifdef-env'."
1017 (interactive "SSet define list: ")
1018 (push (cons name (hif-compress-define-list hide-ifdef-env))
1019 hide-ifdef-define-alist))
1021 (defun hide-ifdef-use-define-alist (name)
1022 "Set `hide-ifdef-env' to the define list specified by NAME."
1023 (interactive
1024 (list (completing-read "Use define list: "
1025 (mapcar (lambda (x) (symbol-name (car x)))
1026 hide-ifdef-define-alist)
1027 nil t)))
1028 (if (stringp name) (setq name (intern name)))
1029 (let ((define-list (assoc name hide-ifdef-define-alist)))
1030 (if define-list
1031 (setq hide-ifdef-env
1032 (mapcar (lambda (arg) (cons arg t))
1033 (cdr define-list)))
1034 (error "No define list for %s" name))
1035 (if hide-ifdef-hiding (hide-ifdefs))))
1037 (provide 'hideif)
1039 ;;; hideif.el ends here