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[emacs.git] / lisp / progmodes / grep.el
1 ;;; grep.el --- run `grep' and display the results
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1985-1987, 1993-1999, 2001-2014 Free Software
4 ;; Foundation, Inc.
6 ;; Author: Roland McGrath <roland@gnu.org>
7 ;; Maintainer: FSF
8 ;; Keywords: tools, processes
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; This package provides the grep facilities documented in the Emacs
28 ;; user's manual.
30 ;;; Code:
32 (require 'compile)
35 (defgroup grep nil
36 "Run `grep' and display the results."
37 :group 'tools
38 :group 'processes)
40 (defvar grep-host-defaults-alist nil
41 "Default values depending on target host.
42 `grep-compute-defaults' returns default values for every local or
43 remote host `grep' runs. These values can differ from host to
44 host. Once computed, the default values are kept here in order
45 to avoid computing them again.")
47 (defun grep-apply-setting (symbol value)
48 "Set SYMBOL to VALUE, and update `grep-host-defaults-alist'.
49 SYMBOL should be one of `grep-command', `grep-template',
50 `grep-use-null-device', `grep-find-command',
51 `grep-find-template', `grep-find-use-xargs', or
52 `grep-highlight-matches'."
53 (when grep-host-defaults-alist
54 (let* ((host-id
55 (intern (or (file-remote-p default-directory) "localhost")))
56 (host-defaults (assq host-id grep-host-defaults-alist))
57 (defaults (assq nil grep-host-defaults-alist)))
58 (setcar (cdr (assq symbol host-defaults)) value)
59 (setcar (cdr (assq symbol defaults)) value)))
60 (set-default symbol value))
62 ;;;###autoload
63 (defcustom grep-window-height nil
64 "Number of lines in a grep window. If nil, use `compilation-window-height'."
65 :type '(choice (const :tag "Default" nil)
66 integer)
67 :version "22.1"
68 :group 'grep)
70 (defcustom grep-highlight-matches 'auto-detect
71 "Use special markers to highlight grep matches.
73 Some grep programs are able to surround matches with special
74 markers in grep output. Such markers can be used to highlight
75 matches in grep mode. This requires `font-lock-mode' to be active
76 in grep buffers, so if you have globally disabled font-lock-mode,
77 you will not get highlighting.
79 This option sets the environment variable GREP_COLORS to specify
80 markers for highlighting and GREP_OPTIONS to add the --color
81 option in front of any explicit grep options before starting
82 the grep.
84 When this option is `auto', grep uses `--color=auto' to highlight
85 matches only when it outputs to a terminal (when `grep' is the last
86 command in the pipe), thus avoiding the use of any potentially-harmful
87 escape sequences when standard output goes to a file or pipe.
89 To make grep highlight matches even into a pipe, you need the option
90 `always' that forces grep to use `--color=always' to unconditionally
91 output escape sequences.
93 In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
94 by `grep-compute-defaults' when the default value is `auto-detect'.
95 To change the default value, use Customize or call the function
96 `grep-apply-setting'."
97 :type '(choice (const :tag "Do not highlight matches with grep markers" nil)
98 (const :tag "Highlight matches with grep markers" t)
99 (const :tag "Use --color=always" always)
100 (const :tag "Use --color=auto" auto)
101 (other :tag "Not Set" auto-detect))
102 :set 'grep-apply-setting
103 :version "22.1"
104 :group 'grep)
106 (defcustom grep-scroll-output nil
107 "Non-nil to scroll the *grep* buffer window as output appears.
109 Setting it causes the grep commands to put point at the end of their
110 output window so that the end of the output is always visible rather
111 than the beginning."
112 :type 'boolean
113 :version "22.1"
114 :group 'grep)
116 ;;;###autoload
117 (defcustom grep-command nil
118 "The default grep command for \\[grep].
119 If the grep program used supports an option to always include file names
120 in its output (such as the `-H' option to GNU grep), it's a good idea to
121 include it when specifying `grep-command'.
123 In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
124 by `grep-compute-defaults'; to change the default value, use
125 Customize or call the function `grep-apply-setting'."
126 :type '(choice string
127 (const :tag "Not Set" nil))
128 :set 'grep-apply-setting
129 :group 'grep)
131 (defcustom grep-template nil
132 "The default command to run for \\[lgrep].
133 The following place holders should be present in the string:
134 <C> - place to put -i if case insensitive grep.
135 <F> - file names and wildcards to search.
136 <X> - file names and wildcards to exclude.
137 <R> - the regular expression searched for.
138 <N> - place to insert null-device.
140 In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
141 by `grep-compute-defaults'; to change the default value, use
142 Customize or call the function `grep-apply-setting'."
143 :type '(choice string
144 (const :tag "Not Set" nil))
145 :set 'grep-apply-setting
146 :version "22.1"
147 :group 'grep)
149 (defcustom grep-use-null-device 'auto-detect
150 "If t, append the value of `null-device' to `grep' commands.
151 This is done to ensure that the output of grep includes the filename of
152 any match in the case where only a single file is searched, and is not
153 necessary if the grep program used supports the `-H' option.
155 In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
156 by `grep-compute-defaults'; to change the default value, use
157 Customize or call the function `grep-apply-setting'."
158 :type '(choice (const :tag "Do Not Append Null Device" nil)
159 (const :tag "Append Null Device" t)
160 (other :tag "Not Set" auto-detect))
161 :set 'grep-apply-setting
162 :group 'grep)
164 ;;;###autoload
165 (defcustom grep-find-command nil
166 "The default find command for \\[grep-find].
167 In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
168 by `grep-compute-defaults'; to change the default value, use
169 Customize or call the function `grep-apply-setting'."
170 :type '(choice string
171 (const :tag "Not Set" nil))
172 :set 'grep-apply-setting
173 :group 'grep)
175 (defcustom grep-find-template nil
176 "The default command to run for \\[rgrep].
177 The following place holders should be present in the string:
178 <D> - base directory for find
179 <X> - find options to restrict or expand the directory list
180 <F> - find options to limit the files matched
181 <C> - place to put -i if case insensitive grep
182 <R> - the regular expression searched for.
183 In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
184 by `grep-compute-defaults'; to change the default value, use
185 Customize or call the function `grep-apply-setting'."
186 :type '(choice string
187 (const :tag "Not Set" nil))
188 :set 'grep-apply-setting
189 :version "22.1"
190 :group 'grep)
192 (defcustom grep-files-aliases
193 '(("all" . "* .*")
194 ("el" . "*.el")
195 ("ch" . "*.[ch]")
196 ("c" . "*.c")
197 ("cc" . "*.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.C *.CC *.c++")
198 ("cchh" . "*.cc *.[ch]xx *.[ch]pp *.[CHh] *.CC *.HH *.[ch]++")
199 ("hh" . "*.hxx *.hpp *.[Hh] *.HH *.h++")
200 ("h" . "*.h")
201 ("l" . "[Cc]hange[Ll]og*")
202 ("m" . "[Mm]akefile*")
203 ("tex" . "*.tex")
204 ("texi" . "*.texi")
205 ("asm" . "*.[sS]"))
206 "Alist of aliases for the FILES argument to `lgrep' and `rgrep'."
207 :type 'alist
208 :group 'grep)
210 (defcustom grep-find-ignored-directories
211 vc-directory-exclusion-list
212 "List of names of sub-directories which `rgrep' shall not recurse into.
213 If an element is a cons cell, the car is called on the search directory
214 to determine whether cdr should not be recursed into."
215 :type '(choice (repeat :tag "Ignored directories" string)
216 (const :tag "No ignored directories" nil))
217 :group 'grep)
219 (defcustom grep-find-ignored-files
220 (cons ".#*" (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (s)
221 (unless (string-match-p "/\\'" s)
222 (concat "*" s)))
223 completion-ignored-extensions)))
224 "List of file names which `rgrep' and `lgrep' shall exclude.
225 If an element is a cons cell, the car is called on the search directory
226 to determine whether cdr should not be excluded."
227 :type '(choice (repeat :tag "Ignored file" string)
228 (const :tag "No ignored files" nil))
229 :group 'grep)
231 (defcustom grep-error-screen-columns nil
232 "If non-nil, column numbers in grep hits are screen columns.
233 See `compilation-error-screen-columns'"
234 :type '(choice (const :tag "Default" nil)
235 integer)
236 :version "22.1"
237 :group 'grep)
239 ;;;###autoload
240 (defcustom grep-setup-hook nil
241 "List of hook functions run by `grep-process-setup' (see `run-hooks')."
242 :type 'hook
243 :group 'grep)
245 (defvar grep-mode-map
246 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
247 (set-keymap-parent map compilation-minor-mode-map)
248 (define-key map " " 'scroll-up-command)
249 (define-key map [?\S-\ ] 'scroll-down-command)
250 (define-key map "\^?" 'scroll-down-command)
251 (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'next-error-follow-minor-mode)
253 (define-key map "\r" 'compile-goto-error) ;; ?
254 (define-key map "n" 'next-error-no-select)
255 (define-key map "p" 'previous-error-no-select)
256 (define-key map "{" 'compilation-previous-file)
257 (define-key map "}" 'compilation-next-file)
258 (define-key map "\t" 'compilation-next-error)
259 (define-key map [backtab] 'compilation-previous-error)
261 ;; Set up the menu-bar
262 (define-key map [menu-bar grep]
263 (cons "Grep" (make-sparse-keymap "Grep")))
265 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-kill-compilation]
266 '(menu-item "Kill Grep" kill-compilation
267 :help "Kill the currently running grep process"))
268 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-separator2] '("----"))
269 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-compile]
270 '(menu-item "Compile..." compile
271 :help "Compile the program including the current buffer. Default: run `make'"))
272 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-rgrep]
273 '(menu-item "Recursive grep..." rgrep
274 :help "User-friendly recursive grep in directory tree"))
275 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-lgrep]
276 '(menu-item "Local grep..." lgrep
277 :help "User-friendly grep in a directory"))
278 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-grep-find]
279 '(menu-item "Grep via Find..." grep-find
280 :help "Run grep via find, with user-specified args"))
281 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-grep]
282 '(menu-item "Another grep..." grep
283 :help "Run grep, with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer."))
284 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-recompile]
285 '(menu-item "Repeat grep" recompile
286 :help "Run grep again"))
287 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-separator2] '("----"))
288 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-first-error]
289 '(menu-item "First Match" first-error
290 :help "Restart at the first match, visit corresponding location"))
291 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-previous-error]
292 '(menu-item "Previous Match" previous-error
293 :help "Visit the previous match and corresponding location"))
294 (define-key map [menu-bar grep compilation-next-error]
295 '(menu-item "Next Match" next-error
296 :help "Visit the next match and corresponding location"))
297 map)
298 "Keymap for grep buffers.
299 `compilation-minor-mode-map' is a cdr of this.")
301 (defvar grep-mode-tool-bar-map
302 ;; When bootstrapping, tool-bar-map is not properly initialized yet,
303 ;; so don't do anything.
304 (when (keymapp (butlast tool-bar-map))
305 (let ((map (butlast (copy-keymap tool-bar-map)))
306 (help (last tool-bar-map))) ;; Keep Help last in tool bar
307 (tool-bar-local-item
308 "left-arrow" 'previous-error-no-select 'previous-error-no-select map
309 :rtl "right-arrow"
310 :help "Goto previous match")
311 (tool-bar-local-item
312 "right-arrow" 'next-error-no-select 'next-error-no-select map
313 :rtl "left-arrow"
314 :help "Goto next match")
315 (tool-bar-local-item
316 "cancel" 'kill-compilation 'kill-compilation map
317 :enable '(let ((buffer (compilation-find-buffer)))
318 (get-buffer-process buffer))
319 :help "Stop grep")
320 (tool-bar-local-item
321 "refresh" 'recompile 'recompile map
322 :help "Restart grep")
323 (append map help))))
325 (defalias 'kill-grep 'kill-compilation)
327 ;;;; TODO --- refine this!!
329 ;; (defcustom grep-use-compilation-buffer t
330 ;; "When non-nil, grep specific commands update `compilation-last-buffer'.
331 ;; This means that standard compile commands like \\[next-error] and \\[compile-goto-error]
332 ;; can be used to navigate between grep matches (the default).
333 ;; Otherwise, the grep specific commands like \\[grep-next-match] must
334 ;; be used to navigate between grep matches."
335 ;; :type 'boolean
336 ;; :group 'grep)
338 ;; override compilation-last-buffer
339 (defvar grep-last-buffer nil
340 "The most recent grep buffer.
341 A grep buffer becomes most recent when you select Grep mode in it.
342 Notice that using \\[next-error] or \\[compile-goto-error] modifies
343 `compilation-last-buffer' rather than `grep-last-buffer'.")
345 ;;;###autoload
346 (defconst grep-regexp-alist
348 ;; Rule to match column numbers is commented out since no known grep
349 ;; produces them
350 ;; ("^\\(.+?\\)\\(:[ \t]*\\)\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)\\2\\(?:\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)\\(?:-\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)\\)?\\2\\)?"
351 ;; 1 3 (4 . 5))
352 ;; Note that we want to use as tight a regexp as we can to try and
353 ;; handle weird file names (with colons in them) as well as possible.
354 ;; E.g. we use [1-9][0-9]* rather than [0-9]+ so as to accept ":034:"
355 ;; in file names.
356 ("^\\(.+?\\)\\(:[ \t]*\\)\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)\\2"
358 ;; Calculate column positions (col . end-col) of first grep match on a line
359 ((lambda ()
360 (when grep-highlight-matches
361 (let* ((beg (match-end 0))
362 (end (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-end-position)))
363 (mbeg (text-property-any beg end 'font-lock-face grep-match-face)))
364 (when mbeg
365 (- mbeg beg)))))
367 (lambda ()
368 (when grep-highlight-matches
369 (let* ((beg (match-end 0))
370 (end (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-end-position)))
371 (mbeg (text-property-any beg end 'font-lock-face grep-match-face))
372 (mend (and mbeg (next-single-property-change mbeg 'font-lock-face nil end))))
373 (when mend
374 (- mend beg)))))))
375 ("^Binary file \\(.+\\) matches$" 1 nil nil 0 1))
376 "Regexp used to match grep hits. See `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.")
378 (defvar grep-first-column 0 ; bug#10594
379 "Value to use for `compilation-first-column' in grep buffers.")
381 (defvar grep-error "grep hit"
382 "Message to print when no matches are found.")
384 ;; Reverse the colors because grep hits are not errors (though we jump there
385 ;; with `next-error'), and unreadable files can't be gone to.
386 (defvar grep-hit-face compilation-info-face
387 "Face name to use for grep hits.")
389 (defvar grep-error-face 'compilation-error
390 "Face name to use for grep error messages.")
392 (defvar grep-match-face 'match
393 "Face name to use for grep matches.")
395 (defvar grep-context-face 'shadow
396 "Face name to use for grep context lines.")
398 (defvar grep-mode-font-lock-keywords
399 '(;; Command output lines.
400 (": \\(.+\\): \\(?:Permission denied\\|No such \\(?:file or directory\\|device or address\\)\\)$"
401 1 grep-error-face)
402 ;; remove match from grep-regexp-alist before fontifying
403 ("^Grep[/a-zA-z]* started.*"
404 (0 '(face nil compilation-message nil help-echo nil mouse-face nil) t))
405 ("^Grep[/a-zA-z]* finished \\(?:(\\(matches found\\))\\|with \\(no matches found\\)\\).*"
406 (0 '(face nil compilation-message nil help-echo nil mouse-face nil) t)
407 (1 compilation-info-face nil t)
408 (2 compilation-warning-face nil t))
409 ("^Grep[/a-zA-z]* \\(exited abnormally\\|interrupt\\|killed\\|terminated\\)\\(?:.*with code \\([0-9]+\\)\\)?.*"
410 (0 '(face nil compilation-message nil help-echo nil mouse-face nil) t)
411 (1 grep-error-face)
412 (2 grep-error-face nil t))
413 ;; "filename-linenumber-" format is used for context lines in GNU grep,
414 ;; "filename=linenumber=" for lines with function names in "git grep -p".
415 ("^.+?[-=][0-9]+[-=].*\n" (0 grep-context-face)))
416 "Additional things to highlight in grep output.
417 This gets tacked on the end of the generated expressions.")
419 ;;;###autoload
420 (defvar grep-program (purecopy "grep")
421 "The default grep program for `grep-command' and `grep-find-command'.
422 This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.")
424 ;;;###autoload
425 (defvar find-program (purecopy "find")
426 "The default find program for `grep-find-command'.
427 This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.")
429 ;;;###autoload
430 (defvar xargs-program (purecopy "xargs")
431 "The default xargs program for `grep-find-command'.
432 See `grep-find-use-xargs'.
433 This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.")
435 ;;;###autoload
436 (defvar grep-find-use-xargs nil
437 "How to invoke find and grep.
438 If `exec', use `find -exec {} ;'.
439 If `exec-plus' use `find -exec {} +'.
440 If `gnu', use `find -print0' and `xargs -0'.
441 Any other value means to use `find -print' and `xargs'.
443 This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.")
445 ;; History of grep commands.
446 ;;;###autoload
447 (defvar grep-history nil "History list for grep.")
448 ;;;###autoload
449 (defvar grep-find-history nil "History list for grep-find.")
451 ;; History of lgrep and rgrep regexp and files args.
452 (defvar grep-regexp-history nil)
453 (defvar grep-files-history nil)
455 ;;;###autoload
456 (defun grep-process-setup ()
457 "Setup compilation variables and buffer for `grep'.
458 Set up `compilation-exit-message-function' and run `grep-setup-hook'."
459 (when (eq grep-highlight-matches 'auto-detect)
460 (grep-compute-defaults))
461 (unless (or (eq grep-highlight-matches 'auto-detect)
462 (null grep-highlight-matches)
463 ;; Don't output color escapes if they can't be
464 ;; highlighted with `font-lock-face' by `grep-filter'.
465 (null font-lock-mode))
466 ;; `setenv' modifies `process-environment' let-bound in `compilation-start'
467 ;; Any TERM except "dumb" allows GNU grep to use `--color=auto'
468 (setenv "TERM" "emacs-grep")
469 (setenv "GREP_OPTIONS"
470 (concat (getenv "GREP_OPTIONS")
471 " --color=" (if (eq grep-highlight-matches 'always)
472 "always" "auto")))
473 ;; GREP_COLOR is used in GNU grep 2.5.1, but deprecated in later versions
474 (setenv "GREP_COLOR" "01;31")
475 ;; GREP_COLORS is used in GNU grep 2.5.2 and later versions
476 (setenv "GREP_COLORS" "mt=01;31:fn=:ln=:bn=:se=:sl=:cx=:ne"))
477 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-exit-message-function)
478 (lambda (status code msg)
479 (if (eq status 'exit)
480 ;; This relies on the fact that `compilation-start'
481 ;; sets buffer-modified to nil before running the command,
482 ;; so the buffer is still unmodified if there is no output.
483 (cond ((and (zerop code) (buffer-modified-p))
484 '("finished (matches found)\n" . "matched"))
485 ((not (buffer-modified-p))
486 '("finished with no matches found\n" . "no match"))
488 (cons msg code)))
489 (cons msg code))))
490 (run-hooks 'grep-setup-hook))
492 (defun grep-filter ()
493 "Handle match highlighting escape sequences inserted by the grep process.
494 This function is called from `compilation-filter-hook'."
495 (save-excursion
496 (forward-line 0)
497 (let ((end (point)) beg)
498 (goto-char compilation-filter-start)
499 (forward-line 0)
500 (setq beg (point))
501 ;; Only operate on whole lines so we don't get caught with part of an
502 ;; escape sequence in one chunk and the rest in another.
503 (when (< (point) end)
504 (setq end (copy-marker end))
505 ;; Highlight grep matches and delete marking sequences.
506 (while (re-search-forward "\033\\[0?1;31m\\(.*?\\)\033\\[[0-9]*m" end 1)
507 (replace-match (propertize (match-string 1)
508 'face nil 'font-lock-face grep-match-face)
509 t t))
510 ;; Delete all remaining escape sequences
511 (goto-char beg)
512 (while (re-search-forward "\033\\[[0-9;]*[mK]" end 1)
513 (replace-match "" t t))))))
515 (defun grep-probe (command args &optional func result)
516 (let (process-file-side-effects)
517 (equal (condition-case nil
518 (apply (or func 'process-file) command args)
519 (error nil))
520 (or result 0))))
522 ;;;###autoload
523 (defun grep-compute-defaults ()
524 ;; Keep default values.
525 (unless grep-host-defaults-alist
526 (add-to-list
527 'grep-host-defaults-alist
528 (cons nil
529 `((grep-command ,grep-command)
530 (grep-template ,grep-template)
531 (grep-use-null-device ,grep-use-null-device)
532 (grep-find-command ,grep-find-command)
533 (grep-find-template ,grep-find-template)
534 (grep-find-use-xargs ,grep-find-use-xargs)
535 (grep-highlight-matches ,grep-highlight-matches)))))
536 (let* ((host-id
537 (intern (or (file-remote-p default-directory) "localhost")))
538 (host-defaults (assq host-id grep-host-defaults-alist))
539 (defaults (assq nil grep-host-defaults-alist)))
540 ;; There are different defaults on different hosts. They must be
541 ;; computed for every host once.
542 (dolist (setting '(grep-command grep-template
543 grep-use-null-device grep-find-command
544 grep-find-template grep-find-use-xargs
545 grep-highlight-matches))
546 (set setting
547 (cadr (or (assq setting host-defaults)
548 (assq setting defaults)))))
550 (unless (or (not grep-use-null-device) (eq grep-use-null-device t))
551 (setq grep-use-null-device
552 (with-temp-buffer
553 (let ((hello-file (expand-file-name "HELLO" data-directory)))
554 (not
555 (and (if grep-command
556 ;; `grep-command' is already set, so
557 ;; use that for testing.
558 (grep-probe grep-command
559 `(nil t nil "^English" ,hello-file)
560 #'call-process-shell-command)
561 ;; otherwise use `grep-program'
562 (grep-probe grep-program
563 `(nil t nil "-nH" "^English" ,hello-file)))
564 (progn
565 (goto-char (point-min))
566 (looking-at
567 (concat (regexp-quote hello-file)
568 ":[0-9]+:English")))))))))
569 (unless (and grep-command grep-find-command
570 grep-template grep-find-template)
571 (let ((grep-options
572 (concat (if grep-use-null-device "-n" "-nH")
573 (if (grep-probe grep-program
574 `(nil nil nil "-e" "foo" ,null-device)
575 nil 1)
576 " -e"))))
577 (unless grep-command
578 (setq grep-command
579 (format "%s %s " grep-program grep-options)))
580 (unless grep-template
581 (setq grep-template
582 (format "%s <X> <C> %s <R> <F>" grep-program grep-options)))
583 (unless grep-find-use-xargs
584 (setq grep-find-use-xargs
585 (cond
586 ((grep-probe find-program
587 `(nil nil nil ,null-device "-exec" "echo"
588 "{}" "+"))
589 'exec-plus)
590 ((and
591 (grep-probe find-program `(nil nil nil ,null-device "-print0"))
592 (grep-probe xargs-program `(nil nil nil "-0" "echo")))
593 'gnu)
595 'exec))))
596 (unless grep-find-command
597 (setq grep-find-command
598 (cond ((eq grep-find-use-xargs 'gnu)
599 ;; Windows shells need the program file name
600 ;; after the pipe symbol be quoted if they use
601 ;; forward slashes as directory separators.
602 (format "%s . -type f -print0 | \"%s\" -0 %s"
603 find-program xargs-program grep-command))
604 ((memq grep-find-use-xargs '(exec exec-plus))
605 (let ((cmd0 (format "%s . -type f -exec %s"
606 find-program grep-command))
607 (null (if grep-use-null-device
608 (format "%s " null-device)
609 "")))
610 (cons
611 (if (eq grep-find-use-xargs 'exec-plus)
612 (format "%s %s{} +" cmd0 null)
613 (format "%s {} %s%s" cmd0 null
614 (shell-quote-argument ";")))
615 (1+ (length cmd0)))))
617 (format "%s . -type f -print | \"%s\" %s"
618 find-program xargs-program grep-command)))))
619 (unless grep-find-template
620 (setq grep-find-template
621 (let ((gcmd (format "%s <C> %s <R>"
622 grep-program grep-options))
623 (null (if grep-use-null-device
624 (format "%s " null-device)
625 "")))
626 (cond ((eq grep-find-use-xargs 'gnu)
627 (format "%s . <X> -type f <F> -print0 | \"%s\" -0 %s"
628 find-program xargs-program gcmd))
629 ((eq grep-find-use-xargs 'exec)
630 (format "%s . <X> -type f <F> -exec %s {} %s%s"
631 find-program gcmd null
632 (shell-quote-argument ";")))
633 ((eq grep-find-use-xargs 'exec-plus)
634 (format "%s . <X> -type f <F> -exec %s %s{} +"
635 find-program gcmd null))
637 (format "%s . <X> -type f <F> -print | \"%s\" %s"
638 find-program xargs-program gcmd))))))))
639 (when (eq grep-highlight-matches 'auto-detect)
640 (setq grep-highlight-matches
641 (with-temp-buffer
642 (and (grep-probe grep-program '(nil t nil "--help"))
643 (progn
644 (goto-char (point-min))
645 (search-forward "--color" nil t))
646 ;; Windows and DOS pipes fail `isatty' detection in Grep.
647 (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
648 'always 'auto)))))
650 ;; Save defaults for this host.
651 (setq grep-host-defaults-alist
652 (delete (assq host-id grep-host-defaults-alist)
653 grep-host-defaults-alist))
654 (add-to-list
655 'grep-host-defaults-alist
656 (cons host-id
657 `((grep-command ,grep-command)
658 (grep-template ,grep-template)
659 (grep-use-null-device ,grep-use-null-device)
660 (grep-find-command ,grep-find-command)
661 (grep-find-template ,grep-find-template)
662 (grep-find-use-xargs ,grep-find-use-xargs)
663 (grep-highlight-matches ,grep-highlight-matches))))))
665 (defun grep-tag-default ()
666 (or (and transient-mark-mode mark-active
667 (/= (point) (mark))
668 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mark)))
669 (funcall (or find-tag-default-function
670 (get major-mode 'find-tag-default-function)
671 'find-tag-default))
672 ""))
674 (defun grep-default-command ()
675 "Compute the default grep command for \\[universal-argument] \\[grep] to offer."
676 (let ((tag-default (shell-quote-argument (grep-tag-default)))
677 ;; This a regexp to match single shell arguments.
678 ;; Could someone please add comments explaining it?
679 (sh-arg-re "\\(\\(?:\"\\(?:[^\"]\\|\\\\\"\\)+\"\\|'[^']+'\\|[^\"' \t\n]\\)+\\)")
680 (grep-default (or (car grep-history) grep-command)))
681 ;; In the default command, find the arg that specifies the pattern.
682 (when (or (string-match
683 (concat "[^ ]+\\s +\\(?:-[^ ]+\\s +\\)*"
684 sh-arg-re "\\(\\s +\\(\\S +\\)\\)?")
685 grep-default)
686 ;; If the string is not yet complete.
687 (string-match "\\(\\)\\'" grep-default))
688 ;; Maybe we will replace the pattern with the default tag.
689 ;; But first, maybe replace the file name pattern.
690 (condition-case nil
691 (unless (or (not (stringp buffer-file-name))
692 (when (match-beginning 2)
693 (save-match-data
694 (string-match
695 (wildcard-to-regexp
696 (file-name-nondirectory
697 (match-string 3 grep-default)))
698 (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))))
699 (setq grep-default (concat (substring grep-default
700 0 (match-beginning 2))
701 " *."
702 (file-name-extension buffer-file-name))))
703 ;; In case wildcard-to-regexp gets an error
704 ;; from invalid data.
705 (error nil))
706 ;; Now replace the pattern with the default tag.
707 (replace-match tag-default t t grep-default 1))))
710 ;;;###autoload
711 (define-compilation-mode grep-mode "Grep"
712 "Sets `grep-last-buffer' and `compilation-window-height'."
713 (setq grep-last-buffer (current-buffer))
714 (set (make-local-variable 'tool-bar-map) grep-mode-tool-bar-map)
715 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-face)
716 grep-hit-face)
717 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist)
718 grep-regexp-alist)
719 ;; compilation-directory-matcher can't be nil, so we set it to a regexp that
720 ;; can never match.
721 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-directory-matcher) '("\\`a\\`"))
722 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-process-setup-function)
723 'grep-process-setup)
724 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-disable-input) t)
725 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-screen-columns)
726 grep-error-screen-columns)
727 (add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook 'grep-filter nil t))
730 ;;;###autoload
731 (defun grep (command-args)
732 "Run grep, with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer.
733 While grep runs asynchronously, you can use \\[next-error] (M-x next-error),
734 or \\<grep-mode-map>\\[compile-goto-error] in the *grep* \
735 buffer, to go to the lines where grep found
736 matches. To kill the grep job before it finishes, type \\[kill-compilation].
738 For doing a recursive `grep', see the `rgrep' command. For running
739 `grep' in a specific directory, see `lgrep'.
741 This command uses a special history list for its COMMAND-ARGS, so you
742 can easily repeat a grep command.
744 A prefix argument says to default the argument based upon the current
745 tag the cursor is over, substituting it into the last grep command
746 in the grep command history (or into `grep-command' if that history
747 list is empty)."
748 (interactive
749 (progn
750 (grep-compute-defaults)
751 (let ((default (grep-default-command)))
752 (list (read-shell-command "Run grep (like this): "
753 (if current-prefix-arg default grep-command)
754 'grep-history
755 (if current-prefix-arg nil default))))))
757 ;; Setting process-setup-function makes exit-message-function work
758 ;; even when async processes aren't supported.
759 (compilation-start (if (and grep-use-null-device null-device)
760 (concat command-args " " null-device)
761 command-args)
762 'grep-mode))
765 ;;;###autoload
766 (defun grep-find (command-args)
767 "Run grep via find, with user-specified args COMMAND-ARGS.
768 Collect output in a buffer.
769 While find runs asynchronously, you can use the \\[next-error] command
770 to find the text that grep hits refer to.
772 This command uses a special history list for its arguments, so you can
773 easily repeat a find command."
774 (interactive
775 (progn
776 (grep-compute-defaults)
777 (if grep-find-command
778 (list (read-shell-command "Run find (like this): "
779 grep-find-command 'grep-find-history))
780 ;; No default was set
781 (read-string
782 "compile.el: No `grep-find-command' command available. Press RET.")
783 (list nil))))
784 (when command-args
785 (let ((null-device nil)) ; see grep
786 (grep command-args))))
788 ;;;###autoload
789 (defalias 'find-grep 'grep-find)
792 ;; User-friendly interactive API.
794 (defconst grep-expand-keywords
795 '(("<C>" . (and cf (isearch-no-upper-case-p regexp t) "-i"))
796 ("<D>" . dir)
797 ("<F>" . files)
798 ("<N>" . null-device)
799 ("<X>" . excl)
800 ("<R>" . (shell-quote-argument (or regexp ""))))
801 "List of substitutions performed by `grep-expand-template'.
802 If car of an element matches, the cdr is evalled in to get the
803 substitution string. Note dynamic scoping of variables.")
805 (defun grep-expand-template (template &optional regexp files dir excl)
806 "Patch grep COMMAND string replacing <C>, <D>, <F>, <R>, and <X>."
807 (let ((command template)
808 (cf case-fold-search)
809 (case-fold-search nil))
810 (dolist (kw grep-expand-keywords command)
811 (if (string-match (car kw) command)
812 (setq command
813 (replace-match
814 (or (if (symbolp (cdr kw))
815 (symbol-value (cdr kw))
816 (save-match-data (eval (cdr kw))))
818 t t command))))))
820 (defun grep-read-regexp ()
821 "Read regexp arg for interactive grep."
822 (read-regexp "Search for" 'grep-tag-default 'grep-regexp-history))
824 (defun grep-read-files (regexp)
825 "Read files arg for interactive grep."
826 (let* ((bn (or (buffer-file-name)
827 (replace-regexp-in-string "<[0-9]+>\\'" "" (buffer-name))))
828 (fn (and bn
829 (stringp bn)
830 (file-name-nondirectory bn)))
831 (default-alias
832 (and fn
833 (let ((aliases (remove (assoc "all" grep-files-aliases)
834 grep-files-aliases))
835 alias)
836 (while aliases
837 (setq alias (car aliases)
838 aliases (cdr aliases))
839 (if (string-match (mapconcat
840 'wildcard-to-regexp
841 (split-string (cdr alias) nil t)
842 "\\|")
844 (setq aliases nil)
845 (setq alias nil)))
846 (cdr alias))))
847 (default-extension
848 (and fn
849 (let ((ext (file-name-extension fn)))
850 (and ext (concat "*." ext)))))
851 (default
852 (or default-alias
853 default-extension
854 (car grep-files-history)
855 (car (car grep-files-aliases))))
856 (files (completing-read
857 (concat "Search for \"" regexp
858 "\" in files"
859 (if default (concat " (default " default ")"))
860 ": ")
861 'read-file-name-internal
862 nil nil nil 'grep-files-history
863 (delete-dups
864 (delq nil (append (list default default-alias default-extension)
865 (mapcar 'car grep-files-aliases)))))))
866 (and files
867 (or (cdr (assoc files grep-files-aliases))
868 files))))
870 ;;;###autoload
871 (defun lgrep (regexp &optional files dir confirm)
872 "Run grep, searching for REGEXP in FILES in directory DIR.
873 The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES.
874 FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g.
875 entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.
877 With \\[universal-argument] prefix, you can edit the constructed shell command line
878 before it is executed.
879 With two \\[universal-argument] prefixes, directly edit and run `grep-command'.
881 Collect output in a buffer. While grep runs asynchronously, you
882 can use \\[next-error] (M-x next-error), or \\<grep-mode-map>\\[compile-goto-error] \
883 in the grep output buffer,
884 to go to the lines where grep found matches.
886 This command shares argument histories with \\[rgrep] and \\[grep]."
887 (interactive
888 (progn
889 (grep-compute-defaults)
890 (cond
891 ((and grep-command (equal current-prefix-arg '(16)))
892 (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run: " grep-command
893 nil nil 'grep-history)))
894 ((not grep-template)
895 (error "grep.el: No `grep-template' available"))
896 (t (let* ((regexp (grep-read-regexp))
897 (files (grep-read-files regexp))
898 (dir (read-directory-name "In directory: "
899 nil default-directory t))
900 (confirm (equal current-prefix-arg '(4))))
901 (list regexp files dir confirm))))))
902 (when (and (stringp regexp) (> (length regexp) 0))
903 (unless (and dir (file-directory-p dir) (file-readable-p dir))
904 (setq dir default-directory))
905 (let ((command regexp))
906 (if (null files)
907 (if (string= command grep-command)
908 (setq command nil))
909 (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir)))
910 (setq command (grep-expand-template
911 grep-template
912 regexp
913 files
915 (and grep-find-ignored-files
916 (concat " --exclude="
917 (mapconcat
918 #'(lambda (ignore)
919 (cond ((stringp ignore)
920 (shell-quote-argument ignore))
921 ((consp ignore)
922 (and (funcall (car ignore) dir)
923 (shell-quote-argument
924 (cdr ignore))))))
925 grep-find-ignored-files
926 " --exclude=")))))
927 (when command
928 (if confirm
929 (setq command
930 (read-from-minibuffer "Confirm: "
931 command nil nil 'grep-history))
932 (add-to-history 'grep-history command))))
933 (when command
934 (let ((default-directory dir))
935 ;; Setting process-setup-function makes exit-message-function work
936 ;; even when async processes aren't supported.
937 (compilation-start (if (and grep-use-null-device null-device)
938 (concat command " " null-device)
939 command)
940 'grep-mode))
941 (if (eq next-error-last-buffer (current-buffer))
942 (setq default-directory dir))))))
945 (defvar find-name-arg) ; not autoloaded but defined in find-dired
947 ;;;###autoload
948 (defun rgrep (regexp &optional files dir confirm)
949 "Recursively grep for REGEXP in FILES in directory tree rooted at DIR.
950 The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES.
951 FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g.
952 entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.
954 With \\[universal-argument] prefix, you can edit the constructed shell command line
955 before it is executed.
956 With two \\[universal-argument] prefixes, directly edit and run `grep-find-command'.
958 Collect output in a buffer. While the recursive grep is running,
959 you can use \\[next-error] (M-x next-error), or \\<grep-mode-map>\\[compile-goto-error] \
960 in the grep output buffer,
961 to visit the lines where matches were found. To kill the job
962 before it finishes, type \\[kill-compilation].
964 This command shares argument histories with \\[lgrep] and \\[grep-find].
966 When called programmatically and FILES is nil, REGEXP is expected
967 to specify a command to run."
968 (interactive
969 (progn
970 (grep-compute-defaults)
971 (cond
972 ((and grep-find-command (equal current-prefix-arg '(16)))
973 (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run: " grep-find-command
974 nil nil 'grep-find-history)))
975 ((not grep-find-template)
976 (error "grep.el: No `grep-find-template' available"))
977 (t (let* ((regexp (grep-read-regexp))
978 (files (grep-read-files regexp))
979 (dir (read-directory-name "Base directory: "
980 nil default-directory t))
981 (confirm (equal current-prefix-arg '(4))))
982 (list regexp files dir confirm))))))
983 (when (and (stringp regexp) (> (length regexp) 0))
984 (unless (and dir (file-directory-p dir) (file-readable-p dir))
985 (setq dir default-directory))
986 (if (null files)
987 (if (not (string= regexp (if (consp grep-find-command)
988 (car grep-find-command)
989 grep-find-command)))
990 (compilation-start regexp 'grep-mode))
991 (setq dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir)))
992 (require 'find-dired) ; for `find-name-arg'
993 (let ((command (grep-expand-template
994 grep-find-template
995 regexp
996 (concat (shell-quote-argument "(")
997 " " find-name-arg " "
998 (mapconcat
999 #'shell-quote-argument
1000 (split-string files)
1001 (concat " -o " find-name-arg " "))
1003 (shell-quote-argument ")"))
1005 (concat
1006 (and grep-find-ignored-directories
1007 (concat "-type d "
1008 (shell-quote-argument "(")
1009 ;; we should use shell-quote-argument here
1010 " -path "
1011 (mapconcat
1012 #'(lambda (ignore)
1013 (cond ((stringp ignore)
1014 (shell-quote-argument
1015 (concat "*/" ignore)))
1016 ((consp ignore)
1017 (and (funcall (car ignore) dir)
1018 (shell-quote-argument
1019 (concat "*/"
1020 (cdr ignore)))))))
1021 grep-find-ignored-directories
1022 " -o -path ")
1024 (shell-quote-argument ")")
1025 " -prune -o "))
1026 (and grep-find-ignored-files
1027 (concat (shell-quote-argument "!") " -type d "
1028 (shell-quote-argument "(")
1029 ;; we should use shell-quote-argument here
1030 " -name "
1031 (mapconcat
1032 #'(lambda (ignore)
1033 (cond ((stringp ignore)
1034 (shell-quote-argument ignore))
1035 ((consp ignore)
1036 (and (funcall (car ignore) dir)
1037 (shell-quote-argument
1038 (cdr ignore))))))
1039 grep-find-ignored-files
1040 " -o -name ")
1042 (shell-quote-argument ")")
1043 " -prune -o "))))))
1044 (when command
1045 (if confirm
1046 (setq command
1047 (read-from-minibuffer "Confirm: "
1048 command nil nil 'grep-find-history))
1049 (add-to-history 'grep-find-history command))
1050 (let ((default-directory dir))
1051 (compilation-start command 'grep-mode))
1052 ;; Set default-directory if we started rgrep in the *grep* buffer.
1053 (if (eq next-error-last-buffer (current-buffer))
1054 (setq default-directory dir)))))))
1056 ;;;###autoload
1057 (defun zrgrep (regexp &optional files dir confirm grep-find-template)
1058 "Recursively grep for REGEXP in gzipped FILES in tree rooted at DIR.
1059 Like `rgrep' but uses `zgrep' for `grep-program', sets the default
1060 file name to `*.gz', and sets `grep-highlight-matches' to `always'."
1061 (interactive
1062 (progn
1063 ;; Compute standard default values.
1064 (grep-compute-defaults)
1065 ;; Compute the default zrgrep command by running `grep-compute-defaults'
1066 ;; for grep program "zgrep", but not changing global values.
1067 (let ((grep-program "zgrep")
1068 ;; Don't change global values for variables computed
1069 ;; by `grep-compute-defaults'.
1070 (grep-find-template nil)
1071 (grep-find-command nil)
1072 (grep-host-defaults-alist nil)
1073 ;; Use for `grep-read-files'
1074 (grep-files-aliases '(("all" . "* .*")
1075 ("gz" . "*.gz"))))
1076 ;; Recompute defaults using let-bound values above.
1077 (grep-compute-defaults)
1078 (cond
1079 ((and grep-find-command (equal current-prefix-arg '(16)))
1080 (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run: " grep-find-command
1081 nil nil 'grep-find-history)))
1082 ((not grep-find-template)
1083 (error "grep.el: No `grep-find-template' available"))
1084 (t (let* ((regexp (grep-read-regexp))
1085 (files (grep-read-files regexp))
1086 (dir (read-directory-name "Base directory: "
1087 nil default-directory t))
1088 (confirm (equal current-prefix-arg '(4))))
1089 (list regexp files dir confirm grep-find-template)))))))
1090 ;; Set `grep-highlight-matches' to `always'
1091 ;; since `zgrep' puts filters in the grep output.
1092 (let ((grep-highlight-matches 'always))
1093 ;; `rgrep' uses the dynamically bound value `grep-find-template'
1094 ;; from the argument `grep-find-template' whose value is computed
1095 ;; in the `interactive' spec.
1096 (rgrep regexp files dir confirm)))
1098 ;;;###autoload
1099 (defalias 'rzgrep 'zrgrep)
1101 (provide 'grep)
1103 ;;; grep.el ends here