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[emacs.git] / lisp / progmodes / cc-cmds.el
1 ;;; cc-cmds.el --- user level commands for CC Mode
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1987, 1992-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Authors: 2003- Alan Mackenzie
6 ;; 1998- Martin Stjernholm
7 ;; 1992-1999 Barry A. Warsaw
8 ;; 1987 Dave Detlefs
9 ;; 1987 Stewart Clamen
10 ;; 1985 Richard M. Stallman
11 ;; Maintainer: bug-cc-mode@gnu.org
12 ;; Created: 22-Apr-1997 (split from cc-mode.el)
13 ;; Keywords: c languages
14 ;; Package: cc-mode
16 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
18 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
19 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
20 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
21 ;; (at your option) any later version.
23 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
28 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
31 ;;; Commentary:
33 ;;; Code:
35 (eval-when-compile
36 (let ((load-path
37 (if (and (boundp 'byte-compile-dest-file)
38 (stringp byte-compile-dest-file))
39 (cons (file-name-directory byte-compile-dest-file) load-path)
40 load-path)))
41 (load "cc-bytecomp" nil t)))
43 (cc-require 'cc-defs)
44 (cc-require 'cc-vars)
45 (cc-require 'cc-engine)
47 ;; Silence the compiler.
48 (cc-bytecomp-defvar filladapt-mode) ; c-fill-paragraph contains a kludge
49 ; which looks at this.
51 ;; Indentation / Display syntax functions
52 (defvar c-fix-backslashes t)
54 (defun c-indent-line (&optional syntax quiet ignore-point-pos)
55 "Indent the current line according to the syntactic context,
56 if `c-syntactic-indentation' is non-nil. Optional SYNTAX is the
57 syntactic information for the current line. Be silent about syntactic
58 errors if the optional argument QUIET is non-nil, even if
59 `c-report-syntactic-errors' is non-nil. Normally the position of
60 point is used to decide where the old indentation is on a lines that
61 is otherwise empty \(ignoring any line continuation backslash), but
62 that's not done if IGNORE-POINT-POS is non-nil. Returns the amount of
63 indentation change \(in columns)."
65 (let ((line-cont-backslash (save-excursion
66 (end-of-line)
67 (eq (char-before) ?\\)))
68 (c-fix-backslashes c-fix-backslashes)
69 bs-col
70 shift-amt)
71 (when (and (not ignore-point-pos)
72 (save-excursion
73 (beginning-of-line)
74 (looking-at (if line-cont-backslash
75 ;; Don't use "\\s " - ^L doesn't count as WS
76 ;; here
77 "\\([ \t]*\\)\\\\$"
78 "\\([ \t]*\\)$")))
79 (<= (point) (match-end 1)))
80 ;; Delete all whitespace after point if there's only whitespace
81 ;; on the line, so that any code that does back-to-indentation
82 ;; or similar gets the current column in this case. If this
83 ;; removes a line continuation backslash it'll be restored
84 ;; at the end.
85 (unless c-auto-align-backslashes
86 ;; Should try to keep the backslash alignment
87 ;; in this case.
88 (save-excursion
89 (goto-char (match-end 0))
90 (setq bs-col (1- (current-column)))))
91 (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
92 (setq c-fix-backslashes t))
93 (if c-syntactic-indentation
94 (setq c-parsing-error
95 (or (let ((c-parsing-error nil)
96 (c-syntactic-context
97 (or syntax
98 (and (boundp 'c-syntactic-context)
99 c-syntactic-context))))
100 (c-save-buffer-state (indent)
101 (unless c-syntactic-context
102 (setq c-syntactic-context (c-guess-basic-syntax)))
103 (setq indent (c-get-syntactic-indentation
104 c-syntactic-context))
105 (and (not (c-echo-parsing-error quiet))
106 c-echo-syntactic-information-p
107 (message "syntax: %s, indent: %d"
108 c-syntactic-context indent))
109 (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-indentation))))
110 (c-shift-line-indentation shift-amt)
111 (run-hooks 'c-special-indent-hook)
112 c-parsing-error)
113 c-parsing-error))
114 (let ((indent 0))
115 (save-excursion
116 (while (and (= (forward-line -1) 0)
117 (if (looking-at "\\s *\\\\?$")
119 (setq indent (current-indentation))
120 nil))))
121 (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-indentation)))
122 (c-shift-line-indentation shift-amt)))
123 (when (and c-fix-backslashes line-cont-backslash)
124 (if bs-col
125 (save-excursion
126 (indent-to bs-col)
127 (insert ?\\))
128 (when c-auto-align-backslashes
129 ;; Realign the line continuation backslash.
130 (c-backslash-region (point) (point) nil t))))
131 shift-amt))
133 (defun c-newline-and-indent (&optional newline-arg)
134 "Insert a newline and indent the new line.
135 This function fixes line continuation backslashes if inside a macro,
136 and takes care to set the indentation before calling
137 `indent-according-to-mode', so that lineup functions like
138 `c-lineup-dont-change' works better."
140 ;; TODO: Backslashes before eol in comments and literals aren't
141 ;; kept intact.
142 (let ((c-macro-start (c-query-macro-start))
143 ;; Avoid calling c-backslash-region from c-indent-line if it's
144 ;; called during the newline call, which can happen due to
145 ;; c-electric-continued-statement, for example. We also don't
146 ;; want any backslash alignment from indent-according-to-mode.
147 (c-fix-backslashes nil)
148 has-backslash insert-backslash
149 start col)
150 (save-excursion
151 (beginning-of-line)
152 (setq start (point))
153 (while (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$")
154 (= (forward-line -1) 0)))
155 (setq col (current-indentation)))
156 (when c-macro-start
157 (if (and (eolp) (eq (char-before) ?\\))
158 (setq insert-backslash t
159 has-backslash t)
160 (setq has-backslash (eq (char-before (c-point 'eol)) ?\\))))
161 (newline newline-arg)
162 (indent-to col)
163 (when c-macro-start
164 (if insert-backslash
165 (progn
166 ;; The backslash stayed on the previous line. Insert one
167 ;; before calling c-backslash-region, so that
168 ;; bs-col-after-end in it works better. Fixup the
169 ;; backslashes on the newly inserted line.
170 (insert ?\\)
171 (backward-char)
172 (c-backslash-region (point) (point) nil t))
173 ;; The backslash moved to the new line, if there was any. Let
174 ;; c-backslash-region fix a backslash on the previous line,
175 ;; and the one that might be on the new line.
176 ;; c-auto-align-backslashes is intentionally ignored here;
177 ;; maybe the moved backslash should be left alone if it's set,
178 ;; but we fix both lines on the grounds that the old backslash
179 ;; has been moved anyway and is now in a different context.
180 (c-backslash-region start (if has-backslash (point) start) nil t)))
181 (when c-syntactic-indentation
182 ;; Reindent syntactically. The indentation done above is not
183 ;; wasted, since c-indent-line might look at the current
184 ;; indentation.
185 (let ((c-syntactic-context (c-save-buffer-state nil
186 (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
187 ;; We temporarily insert another line break, so that the
188 ;; lineup functions will see the line as empty. That makes
189 ;; e.g. c-lineup-cpp-define more intuitive since it then
190 ;; proceeds to the preceding line in this case.
191 (insert ?\n)
192 (delete-horizontal-space)
193 (setq start (- (point-max) (point)))
194 (unwind-protect
195 (progn
196 (backward-char)
197 (indent-according-to-mode))
198 (goto-char (- (point-max) start))
199 (delete-char -1)))
200 (when has-backslash
201 ;; Must align the backslash again after reindentation. The
202 ;; c-backslash-region call above can't be optimized to ignore
203 ;; this line, since it then won't align correctly with the
204 ;; lines below if the first line in the macro is broken.
205 (c-backslash-region (point) (point) nil t)))))
207 (defun c-show-syntactic-information (arg)
208 "Show syntactic information for current line.
209 With universal argument, inserts the analysis as a comment on that line."
210 (interactive "P")
211 (let* ((c-parsing-error nil)
212 (syntax (if (boundp 'c-syntactic-context)
213 ;; Use `c-syntactic-context' in the same way as
214 ;; `c-indent-line', to be consistent.
215 c-syntactic-context
216 (c-save-buffer-state nil
217 (c-guess-basic-syntax)))))
218 (if (not (consp arg))
219 (let (elem pos ols)
220 (message "Syntactic analysis: %s" syntax)
221 (unwind-protect
222 (progn
223 (while syntax
224 (setq elem (pop syntax))
225 (when (setq pos (c-langelem-pos elem))
226 (push (c-put-overlay pos (1+ pos)
227 'face 'highlight)
228 ols))
229 (when (setq pos (c-langelem-2nd-pos elem))
230 (push (c-put-overlay pos (1+ pos)
231 'face 'secondary-selection)
232 ols)))
233 (sit-for 10))
234 (while ols
235 (c-delete-overlay (pop ols)))))
236 (indent-for-comment)
237 (insert-and-inherit (format "%s" syntax))
239 (c-keep-region-active))
241 (defun c-syntactic-information-on-region (from to)
242 "Insert a comment with the syntactic analysis on every line in the region."
243 (interactive "*r")
244 (save-excursion
245 (save-restriction
246 (narrow-to-region from to)
247 (goto-char (point-min))
248 (while (not (eobp))
249 (c-show-syntactic-information '(0))
250 (forward-line)))))
253 ;; Minor mode functions.
254 (defun c-update-modeline ()
255 (let ((fmt (format "/%s%s%s%s"
256 (if c-electric-flag "l" "")
257 (if (and c-electric-flag c-auto-newline)
258 "a" "")
259 (if c-hungry-delete-key "h" "")
260 (if (and
261 ;; subword might not be loaded.
262 (boundp 'subword-mode)
263 (symbol-value 'subword-mode))
265 "")))
266 ;; FIXME: Derived modes might want to use something else
267 ;; than a string for `mode-name'.
268 (bare-mode-name (if (string-match "\\(^[^/]*\\)/" mode-name)
269 (match-string 1 mode-name)
270 mode-name)))
271 ;; (setq c-submode-indicators
272 ;; (if (> (length fmt) 1)
273 ;; fmt))
274 (setq mode-name
275 (if (> (length fmt) 1)
276 (concat bare-mode-name fmt)
277 bare-mode-name))
278 (force-mode-line-update)))
280 (defun c-toggle-syntactic-indentation (&optional arg)
281 "Toggle syntactic indentation.
282 Optional numeric ARG, if supplied, turns on syntactic indentation when
283 positive, turns it off when negative, and just toggles it when zero or
284 left out.
286 When syntactic indentation is turned on (the default), the indentation
287 functions and the electric keys indent according to the syntactic
288 context keys, when applicable.
290 When it's turned off, the electric keys don't reindent, the indentation
291 functions indents every new line to the same level as the previous
292 nonempty line, and \\[c-indent-command] adjusts the indentation in steps
293 specified by `c-basic-offset'. The indentation style has no effect in
294 this mode, nor any of the indentation associated variables,
295 e.g. `c-special-indent-hook'.
297 This command sets the variable `c-syntactic-indentation'."
298 (interactive "P")
299 (setq c-syntactic-indentation
300 (c-calculate-state arg c-syntactic-indentation))
301 (c-keep-region-active))
303 (defun c-toggle-auto-newline (&optional arg)
304 "Toggle auto-newline feature.
305 Optional numeric ARG, if supplied, turns on auto-newline when
306 positive, turns it off when negative, and just toggles it when zero or
307 left out.
309 Turning on auto-newline automatically enables electric indentation.
311 When the auto-newline feature is enabled (indicated by \"/la\" on the
312 mode line after the mode name) newlines are automatically inserted
313 after special characters such as brace, comma, semi-colon, and colon."
314 (interactive "P")
315 (setq c-auto-newline
316 (c-calculate-state arg (and c-auto-newline c-electric-flag)))
317 (if c-auto-newline (setq c-electric-flag t))
318 (c-update-modeline)
319 (c-keep-region-active))
321 (defalias 'c-toggle-auto-state 'c-toggle-auto-newline)
322 (make-obsolete 'c-toggle-auto-state 'c-toggle-auto-newline "22.1")
324 (defun c-toggle-hungry-state (&optional arg)
325 "Toggle hungry-delete-key feature.
326 Optional numeric ARG, if supplied, turns on hungry-delete when
327 positive, turns it off when negative, and just toggles it when zero or
328 left out.
330 When the hungry-delete-key feature is enabled (indicated by \"/h\" on
331 the mode line after the mode name) the delete key gobbles all preceding
332 whitespace in one fell swoop."
333 (interactive "P")
334 (setq c-hungry-delete-key (c-calculate-state arg c-hungry-delete-key))
335 (c-update-modeline)
336 (c-keep-region-active))
338 (defun c-toggle-auto-hungry-state (&optional arg)
339 "Toggle auto-newline and hungry-delete-key features.
340 Optional numeric ARG, if supplied, turns on auto-newline and
341 hungry-delete when positive, turns them off when negative, and just
342 toggles them when zero or left out.
344 See `c-toggle-auto-newline' and `c-toggle-hungry-state' for details."
345 (interactive "P")
346 (setq c-auto-newline (c-calculate-state arg c-auto-newline))
347 (setq c-hungry-delete-key (c-calculate-state arg c-hungry-delete-key))
348 (c-update-modeline)
349 (c-keep-region-active))
351 (defun c-toggle-electric-state (&optional arg)
352 "Toggle the electric indentation feature.
353 Optional numeric ARG, if supplied, turns on electric indentation when
354 positive, turns it off when negative, and just toggles it when zero or
355 left out."
356 (interactive "P")
357 (setq c-electric-flag (c-calculate-state arg c-electric-flag))
358 (c-update-modeline)
359 (c-keep-region-active))
362 ;; Electric keys
364 (defun c-electric-backspace (arg)
365 "Delete the preceding character or whitespace.
366 If `c-hungry-delete-key' is non-nil (indicated by \"/h\" on the mode
367 line) then all preceding whitespace is consumed. If however a prefix
368 argument is supplied, or `c-hungry-delete-key' is nil, or point is
369 inside a literal then the function in the variable
370 `c-backspace-function' is called."
371 (interactive "*P")
372 (if (c-save-buffer-state ()
373 (or (not c-hungry-delete-key)
375 (c-in-literal)))
376 (funcall c-backspace-function (prefix-numeric-value arg))
377 (c-hungry-delete-backwards)))
379 (defun c-hungry-delete-backwards ()
380 "Delete the preceding character or all preceding whitespace
381 back to the previous non-whitespace character.
382 See also \\[c-hungry-delete-forward]."
383 (interactive)
384 (let ((here (point)))
385 (c-skip-ws-backward)
386 (if (/= (point) here)
387 (delete-region (point) here)
388 (funcall c-backspace-function 1))))
390 (defalias 'c-hungry-backspace 'c-hungry-delete-backwards)
392 (defun c-electric-delete-forward (arg)
393 "Delete the following character or whitespace.
394 If `c-hungry-delete-key' is non-nil (indicated by \"/h\" on the mode
395 line) then all following whitespace is consumed. If however a prefix
396 argument is supplied, or `c-hungry-delete-key' is nil, or point is
397 inside a literal then the function in the variable `c-delete-function'
398 is called."
399 (interactive "*P")
400 (if (c-save-buffer-state ()
401 (or (not c-hungry-delete-key)
403 (c-in-literal)))
404 (funcall c-delete-function (prefix-numeric-value arg))
405 (c-hungry-delete-forward)))
407 (defun c-hungry-delete-forward ()
408 "Delete the following character or all following whitespace
409 up to the next non-whitespace character.
410 See also \\[c-hungry-delete-backwards]."
411 (interactive)
412 (let ((here (point)))
413 (c-skip-ws-forward)
414 (if (/= (point) here)
415 (delete-region (point) here)
416 (funcall c-delete-function 1))))
418 ;; This function is only used in XEmacs.
419 (defun c-electric-delete (arg)
420 "Deletes preceding or following character or whitespace.
421 This function either deletes forward as `c-electric-delete-forward' or
422 backward as `c-electric-backspace', depending on the configuration: If
423 the function `delete-forward-p' is defined and returns non-nil, it
424 deletes forward. Otherwise it deletes backward.
426 Note: This is the way in XEmacs to choose the correct action for the
427 \[delete] key, whichever key that means. Other flavors don't use this
428 function to control that."
429 (interactive "*P")
430 (if (and (fboundp 'delete-forward-p)
431 (delete-forward-p))
432 (c-electric-delete-forward arg)
433 (c-electric-backspace arg)))
435 ;; This function is only used in XEmacs.
436 (defun c-hungry-delete ()
437 "Delete a non-whitespace char, or all whitespace up to the next non-whitespace char.
438 The direction of deletion depends on the configuration: If the
439 function `delete-forward-p' is defined and returns non-nil, it deletes
440 forward using `c-hungry-delete-forward'. Otherwise it deletes
441 backward using `c-hungry-backspace'.
443 Note: This is the way in XEmacs to choose the correct action for the
444 \[delete] key, whichever key that means. Other flavors don't use this
445 function to control that."
446 (interactive)
447 (if (and (fboundp 'delete-forward-p)
448 (delete-forward-p))
449 (c-hungry-delete-forward)
450 (c-hungry-delete-backwards)))
452 (defun c-electric-pound (arg)
453 "Insert a \"#\".
454 If `c-electric-flag' is set, handle it specially according to the variable
455 `c-electric-pound-behavior'. If a numeric ARG is supplied, or if point is
456 inside a literal or a macro, nothing special happens."
457 (interactive "*P")
458 (if (c-save-buffer-state ()
459 (or arg
460 (not c-electric-flag)
461 (not (memq 'alignleft c-electric-pound-behavior))
462 (save-excursion
463 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
464 (not (bolp)))
465 (save-excursion
466 (and (= (forward-line -1) 0)
467 (progn (end-of-line)
468 (eq (char-before) ?\\))))
469 (c-in-literal)))
470 ;; do nothing special
471 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
472 ;; place the pound character at the left edge
473 (let ((pos (- (point-max) (point)))
474 (bolp (bolp)))
475 (beginning-of-line)
476 (delete-horizontal-space)
477 (insert (c-last-command-char))
478 (and (not bolp)
479 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
482 (defun c-point-syntax ()
483 ;; Return the syntactic context of the construct at point. (This is NOT
484 ;; nec. the same as the s.c. of the line point is on). N.B. This won't work
485 ;; between the `#' of a cpp thing and what follows (see c-opt-cpp-prefix).
486 (c-save-buffer-state (;; shut this up too
487 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil)
488 syntax)
489 (c-tentative-buffer-changes
490 ;; insert a newline to isolate the construct at point for syntactic
491 ;; analysis.
492 (insert-char ?\n 1)
493 ;; In AWK (etc.) or in a macro, make sure this CR hasn't changed
494 ;; the syntax. (There might already be an escaped NL there.)
495 (when (or
496 (save-excursion
497 (c-skip-ws-backward (c-point 'bopl))
498 (c-at-vsemi-p))
499 (let ((pt (point)))
500 (save-excursion
501 (backward-char)
502 (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
503 (progn (c-end-of-macro)
504 (< (point) pt))))))
505 (backward-char)
506 (insert-char ?\\ 1)
507 (forward-char))
508 (let ((c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros t)
509 (c-auto-newline-analysis t))
510 ;; Turn on syntactic macro analysis to help with auto
511 ;; newlines only.
512 (setq syntax (c-guess-basic-syntax))
513 nil))
514 syntax))
516 (defun c-brace-newlines (syntax)
517 ;; A brace stands at point. SYNTAX is the syntactic context of this brace
518 ;; (not necessarily the same as the S.C. of the line it is on). Return
519 ;; NEWLINES, the list containing some combination of the symbols `before'
520 ;; and `after' saying where newlines should be inserted.
521 (c-save-buffer-state
522 ((syms
523 ;; This is the list of brace syntactic symbols that can hang.
524 ;; If any new ones are added to c-offsets-alist, they should be
525 ;; added here as well.
527 ;; The order of this list is important; if SYNTAX has several
528 ;; elements, the element that "wins" is the earliest in SYMS.
529 '(arglist-cont-nonempty ; e.g. an array literal.
530 class-open class-close defun-open defun-close
531 inline-open inline-close
532 brace-list-open brace-list-close
533 brace-list-intro brace-entry-open
534 block-open block-close
535 substatement-open statement-case-open
536 extern-lang-open extern-lang-close
537 namespace-open namespace-close
538 module-open module-close
539 composition-open composition-close
540 inexpr-class-open inexpr-class-close
541 ;; `statement-cont' is here for the case with a brace
542 ;; list opener inside a statement. C.f. CASE B.2 in
543 ;; `c-guess-continued-construct'.
544 statement-cont))
545 ;; shut this up too
546 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil)
547 symb-newlines) ; e.g. (substatement-open . (after))
549 (setq symb-newlines
550 ;; Do not try to insert newlines around a special
551 ;; (Pike-style) brace list.
552 (if (and c-special-brace-lists
553 (save-excursion
554 (c-safe (if (= (char-before) ?{)
555 (forward-char -1)
556 (c-forward-sexp -1))
557 (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))))
559 ;; Seek the matching entry in c-hanging-braces-alist.
560 (or (c-lookup-lists
561 syms
562 ;; Substitute inexpr-class and class-open or
563 ;; class-close with inexpr-class-open or
564 ;; inexpr-class-close.
565 (if (assq 'inexpr-class syntax)
566 (cond ((assq 'class-open syntax)
567 '((inexpr-class-open)))
568 ((assq 'class-close syntax)
569 '((inexpr-class-close)))
570 (t syntax))
571 syntax)
572 c-hanging-braces-alist)
573 '(ignore before after)))) ; Default, when not in c-h-b-l.
575 ;; If syntax is a function symbol, then call it using the
576 ;; defined semantics.
577 (if (and (not (consp (cdr symb-newlines)))
578 (functionp (cdr symb-newlines)))
579 (let ((c-syntactic-context syntax))
580 (funcall (cdr symb-newlines)
581 (car symb-newlines)
582 (point)))
583 (cdr symb-newlines))))
585 (defun c-try-one-liner ()
586 ;; Point is just after a newly inserted }. If the non-whitespace
587 ;; content of the braces is a single line of code, compact the whole
588 ;; construct to a single line, if this line isn't too long. The Right
589 ;; Thing is done with comments.
591 ;; Point will be left after the }, regardless of whether the clean-up is
592 ;; done. Return NON-NIL if the clean-up happened, NIL if it didn't.
594 (let ((here (point))
595 (pos (- (point-max) (point)))
596 mbeg1 mend1 mbeg4 mend4
597 eol-col cmnt-pos cmnt-col cmnt-gap)
599 (when
600 (save-excursion
601 (save-restriction
602 ;; Avoid backtracking over a very large block. The one we
603 ;; deal with here can never be more than three lines.
604 (narrow-to-region (save-excursion
605 (forward-line -2)
606 (point))
607 (point))
608 (and (c-safe (c-backward-sexp))
609 (progn
610 (forward-char)
611 (narrow-to-region (point) (1- here)) ; innards of {.}
612 (looking-at
613 (cc-eval-when-compile
614 (concat
615 "\\(" ; (match-beginning 1)
616 "[ \t]*\\([\r\n][ \t]*\\)?" ; WS with opt. NL
617 "\\)" ; (match-end 1)
618 "[^ \t\r\n]+\\([ \t]+[^ \t\r\n]+\\)*" ; non-WS
619 "\\(" ; (match-beginning 4)
620 "[ \t]*\\([\r\n][ \t]*\\)?" ; WS with opt. NL
621 "\\)\\'"))))))) ; (match-end 4) at EOB.
623 (if (c-tentative-buffer-changes
624 (setq mbeg1 (match-beginning 1) mend1 (match-end 1)
625 mbeg4 (match-beginning 4) mend4 (match-end 4))
626 (backward-char) ; back over the `}'
627 (save-excursion
628 (setq cmnt-pos (and (c-backward-single-comment)
629 (- (point) (- mend1 mbeg1)))))
630 (delete-region mbeg4 mend4)
631 (delete-region mbeg1 mend1)
632 (setq eol-col (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column)))
634 ;; Necessary to put the closing brace before any line
635 ;; oriented comment to keep it syntactically significant.
636 ;; This isn't necessary for block comments, but the result
637 ;; looks nicer anyway.
638 (when cmnt-pos
639 (delete-char 1) ; the `}' has blundered into a comment
640 (goto-char cmnt-pos)
641 (setq cmnt-col (1+ (current-column)))
642 (setq cmnt-pos (1+ cmnt-pos)) ; we're inserting a `}'
643 (c-skip-ws-backward)
644 (insert-char ?\} 1) ; reinsert the `}' before the comment.
645 (setq cmnt-gap (- cmnt-col (current-column)))
646 (when (zerop cmnt-gap)
647 (insert-char ?\ 1) ; Put a space before a bare comment.
648 (setq cmnt-gap 1)))
650 (or (null c-max-one-liner-length)
651 (zerop c-max-one-liner-length)
652 (<= eol-col c-max-one-liner-length)
653 ;; Can we trim space before comment to make the line fit?
654 (and cmnt-gap
655 (< (- eol-col cmnt-gap) c-max-one-liner-length)
656 (progn (goto-char cmnt-pos)
657 (backward-delete-char-untabify
658 (- eol-col c-max-one-liner-length))
659 t))))
660 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))))
662 (defun c-electric-brace (arg)
663 "Insert a brace.
665 If `c-electric-flag' is non-nil, the brace is not inside a literal and a
666 numeric ARG hasn't been supplied, the command performs several electric
667 actions:
669 \(a) If the auto-newline feature is turned on (indicated by \"/la\" on
670 the mode line) newlines are inserted before and after the brace as
671 directed by the settings in `c-hanging-braces-alist'.
673 \(b) Any auto-newlines are indented. The original line is also
674 reindented unless `c-syntactic-indentation' is nil.
676 \(c) If auto-newline is turned on, various newline cleanups based on the
677 settings of `c-cleanup-list' are done."
679 (interactive "*P")
680 (let (safepos literal
681 ;; We want to inhibit blinking the paren since this would be
682 ;; most disruptive. We'll blink it ourselves later on.
683 (old-blink-paren blink-paren-function)
684 blink-paren-function case-fold-search)
686 (c-save-buffer-state ()
687 (setq safepos (c-safe-position (point) (c-parse-state))
688 literal (c-in-literal safepos)))
690 ;; Insert the brace. Note that expand-abbrev might reindent
691 ;; the line here if there's a preceding "else" or something.
692 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
694 (when (and c-electric-flag (not literal) (not arg))
695 (if (not (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$"))
696 (if c-syntactic-indentation
697 (indent-according-to-mode))
699 (let ( ;; shut this up too
700 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil)
701 newlines
702 ln-syntax br-syntax syntax) ; Syntactic context of the original line,
703 ; of the brace itself, of the line the brace ends up on.
704 (c-save-buffer-state ((c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros t)
705 (c-auto-newline-analysis t))
706 (setq ln-syntax (c-guess-basic-syntax)))
707 (if c-syntactic-indentation
708 (c-indent-line ln-syntax))
710 (when c-auto-newline
711 (backward-char)
712 (setq br-syntax (c-point-syntax)
713 newlines (c-brace-newlines br-syntax))
715 ;; Insert the BEFORE newline, if wanted, and reindent the newline.
716 (if (and (memq 'before newlines)
717 (> (current-column) (current-indentation)))
718 (if c-syntactic-indentation
719 ;; Only a plain newline for now - it's indented
720 ;; after the cleanups when the line has its final
721 ;; appearance.
722 (newline)
723 (c-newline-and-indent)))
724 (forward-char)
726 ;; `syntax' is the syntactic context of the line which ends up
727 ;; with the brace on it.
728 (setq syntax (if (memq 'before newlines) br-syntax ln-syntax))
730 ;; Do all appropriate clean ups
731 (let ((here (point))
732 (pos (- (point-max) (point)))
733 mbeg mend
736 ;; `}': clean up empty defun braces
737 (when (c-save-buffer-state ()
738 (and (memq 'empty-defun-braces c-cleanup-list)
739 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\})
740 (c-intersect-lists '(defun-close class-close inline-close)
741 syntax)
742 (progn
743 (forward-char -1)
744 (c-skip-ws-backward)
745 (eq (char-before) ?\{))
746 ;; make sure matching open brace isn't in a comment
747 (not (c-in-literal))))
748 (delete-region (point) (1- here))
749 (setq here (- (point-max) pos)))
750 (goto-char here)
752 ;; `}': compact to a one-liner defun?
753 (save-match-data
754 (when
755 (and (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\})
756 (memq 'one-liner-defun c-cleanup-list)
757 (c-intersect-lists '(defun-close) syntax)
758 (c-try-one-liner))
759 (setq here (- (point-max) pos))))
761 ;; `{': clean up brace-else-brace and brace-elseif-brace
762 (when (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\{)
763 (cond
764 ((and (memq 'brace-else-brace c-cleanup-list)
765 (re-search-backward
766 (concat "}"
767 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
768 "else"
769 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
771 "\\=")
772 nil t))
773 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
774 (insert-and-inherit "} else {"))
775 ((and (memq 'brace-elseif-brace c-cleanup-list)
776 (progn
777 (goto-char (1- here))
778 (setq mend (point))
779 (c-skip-ws-backward)
780 (setq mbeg (point))
781 (eq (char-before) ?\)))
782 (zerop (c-save-buffer-state nil (c-backward-token-2 1 t)))
783 (eq (char-after) ?\()
784 ; (progn
785 ; (setq tmp (point))
786 (re-search-backward
787 (concat "}"
788 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
789 "else"
790 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)+"
791 "if"
792 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
793 "\\=")
794 nil t);)
795 ;(eq (match-end 0) tmp);
797 (delete-region mbeg mend)
798 (goto-char mbeg)
799 (insert ?\ ))))
801 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))
803 ;; Indent the line after the cleanups since it might
804 ;; very well indent differently due to them, e.g. if
805 ;; c-indent-one-line-block is used together with the
806 ;; one-liner-defun cleanup.
807 (when c-syntactic-indentation
808 (c-indent-line)))
810 ;; does a newline go after the brace?
811 (if (memq 'after newlines)
812 (c-newline-and-indent))
813 ))))
815 ;; blink the paren
816 (and (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\})
817 (not executing-kbd-macro)
818 old-blink-paren
819 (save-excursion
820 (c-save-buffer-state nil
821 (c-backward-syntactic-ws safepos))
822 (funcall old-blink-paren)))))
824 (defun c-electric-slash (arg)
825 "Insert a slash character.
827 If the slash is inserted immediately after the comment prefix in a c-style
828 comment, the comment might get closed by removing whitespace and possibly
829 inserting a \"*\". See the variable `c-cleanup-list'.
831 Indent the line as a comment, if:
833 1. The slash is second of a \"//\" line oriented comment introducing
834 token and we are on a comment-only-line, or
836 2. The slash is part of a \"*/\" token that closes a block oriented
837 comment.
839 If a numeric ARG is supplied, point is inside a literal, or
840 `c-syntactic-indentation' is nil or `c-electric-flag' is nil, indentation
841 is inhibited."
842 (interactive "*P")
843 (let ((literal (c-save-buffer-state () (c-in-literal)))
844 indentp
845 ;; shut this up
846 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil))
848 ;; comment-close-slash cleanup? This DOESN'T need `c-electric-flag' or
849 ;; `c-syntactic-indentation' set.
850 (when (and (not arg)
851 (eq literal 'c)
852 (memq 'comment-close-slash c-cleanup-list)
853 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?/)
854 (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*\\("
855 (regexp-quote comment-end) "\\)?$"))
856 ; (eq c-block-comment-ender "*/") ; C-style comments ALWAYS end in */
857 (save-excursion
858 (save-restriction
859 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
860 (back-to-indentation)
861 (looking-at (concat c-current-comment-prefix "[ \t]*$")))))
862 (delete-region (progn (forward-line 0) (point))
863 (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
864 (insert-char ?* 1)) ; the / comes later. ; Do I need a t (retain sticky properties) here?
866 (setq indentp (and (not arg)
867 c-syntactic-indentation
868 c-electric-flag
869 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?/)
870 (eq (char-before) (if literal ?* ?/))))
871 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
872 (if indentp
873 (indent-according-to-mode))))
875 (defun c-electric-star (arg)
876 "Insert a star character.
877 If `c-electric-flag' and `c-syntactic-indentation' are both non-nil, and
878 the star is the second character of a C style comment starter on a
879 comment-only-line, indent the line as a comment. If a numeric ARG is
880 supplied, point is inside a literal, or `c-syntactic-indentation' is nil,
881 this indentation is inhibited."
883 (interactive "*P")
884 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
885 ;; if we are in a literal, or if arg is given do not reindent the
886 ;; current line, unless this star introduces a comment-only line.
887 (if (c-save-buffer-state ()
888 (and c-syntactic-indentation
889 c-electric-flag
890 (not arg)
891 (eq (c-in-literal) 'c)
892 (eq (char-before) ?*)
893 (save-excursion
894 (forward-char -1)
895 (skip-chars-backward "*")
896 (if (eq (char-before) ?/)
897 (forward-char -1))
898 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
899 (bolp))))
900 (let (c-echo-syntactic-information-p) ; shut this up
901 (indent-according-to-mode))
904 (defun c-electric-semi&comma (arg)
905 "Insert a comma or semicolon.
907 If `c-electric-flag' is non-nil, point isn't inside a literal and a
908 numeric ARG hasn't been supplied, the command performs several electric
909 actions:
911 \(a) When the auto-newline feature is turned on (indicated by \"/la\" on
912 the mode line) a newline might be inserted. See the variable
913 `c-hanging-semi&comma-criteria' for how newline insertion is determined.
915 \(b) Any auto-newlines are indented. The original line is also
916 reindented unless `c-syntactic-indentation' is nil.
918 \(c) If auto-newline is turned on, a comma following a brace list or a
919 semicolon following a defun might be cleaned up, depending on the
920 settings of `c-cleanup-list'."
921 (interactive "*P")
922 (let* (lim literal c-syntactic-context
923 (here (point))
924 ;; shut this up
925 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil))
927 (c-save-buffer-state ()
928 (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace (c-parse-state))
929 literal (c-in-literal lim)))
931 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
933 (if (and c-electric-flag (not literal) (not arg))
934 ;; do all cleanups and newline insertions if c-auto-newline is on.
935 (if (or (not c-auto-newline)
936 (not (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$")))
937 (if c-syntactic-indentation
938 (c-indent-line))
939 ;; clean ups: list-close-comma or defun-close-semi
940 (let ((pos (- (point-max) (point))))
941 (if (c-save-buffer-state ()
942 (and (or (and
943 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?,)
944 (memq 'list-close-comma c-cleanup-list))
945 (and
946 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\;)
947 (memq 'defun-close-semi c-cleanup-list)))
948 (progn
949 (forward-char -1)
950 (c-skip-ws-backward)
951 (eq (char-before) ?}))
952 ;; make sure matching open brace isn't in a comment
953 (not (c-in-literal lim))))
954 (delete-region (point) here))
955 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
956 ;; reindent line
957 (when c-syntactic-indentation
958 (setq c-syntactic-context (c-guess-basic-syntax))
959 (c-indent-line c-syntactic-context))
960 ;; check to see if a newline should be added
961 (let ((criteria c-hanging-semi&comma-criteria)
962 answer add-newline-p)
963 (while criteria
964 (setq answer (funcall (car criteria)))
965 ;; only nil value means continue checking
966 (if (not answer)
967 (setq criteria (cdr criteria))
968 (setq criteria nil)
969 ;; only 'stop specifically says do not add a newline
970 (setq add-newline-p (not (eq answer 'stop)))
972 (if add-newline-p
973 (c-newline-and-indent))
974 )))))
976 (defun c-electric-colon (arg)
977 "Insert a colon.
979 If `c-electric-flag' is non-nil, the colon is not inside a literal and a
980 numeric ARG hasn't been supplied, the command performs several electric
981 actions:
983 \(a) If the auto-newline feature is turned on (indicated by \"/la\" on
984 the mode line) newlines are inserted before and after the colon based on
985 the settings in `c-hanging-colons-alist'.
987 \(b) Any auto-newlines are indented. The original line is also
988 reindented unless `c-syntactic-indentation' is nil.
990 \(c) If auto-newline is turned on, whitespace between two colons will be
991 \"cleaned up\" leaving a scope operator, if this action is set in
992 `c-cleanup-list'."
994 (interactive "*P")
995 (let* ((bod (c-point 'bod))
996 (literal (c-save-buffer-state () (c-in-literal bod)))
997 newlines is-scope-op
998 ;; shut this up
999 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil))
1000 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1001 ;; Any electric action?
1002 (if (and c-electric-flag (not literal) (not arg))
1003 ;; Unless we're at EOL, only re-indentation happens.
1004 (if (not (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$"))
1005 (if c-syntactic-indentation
1006 (indent-according-to-mode))
1008 ;; scope-operator clean-up?
1009 (let ((pos (- (point-max) (point)))
1010 (here (point)))
1011 (if (c-save-buffer-state () ; Why do we need this? [ACM, 2003-03-12]
1012 (and c-auto-newline
1013 (memq 'scope-operator c-cleanup-list)
1014 (eq (char-before) ?:)
1015 (progn
1016 (forward-char -1)
1017 (c-skip-ws-backward)
1018 (eq (char-before) ?:))
1019 (not (c-in-literal))
1020 (not (eq (char-after (- (point) 2)) ?:))))
1021 (progn
1022 (delete-region (point) (1- here))
1023 (setq is-scope-op t)))
1024 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
1026 ;; indent the current line if it's done syntactically.
1027 (if c-syntactic-indentation
1028 ;; Cannot use the same syntax analysis as we find below,
1029 ;; since that's made with c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros
1030 ;; always set to t.
1031 (indent-according-to-mode))
1033 ;; Calculate where, if anywhere, we want newlines.
1034 (c-save-buffer-state
1035 ((c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros t)
1036 (c-auto-newline-analysis t)
1037 ;; Turn on syntactic macro analysis to help with auto newlines
1038 ;; only.
1039 (syntax (c-guess-basic-syntax))
1040 (elem syntax))
1041 ;; Translate substatement-label to label for this operation.
1042 (while elem
1043 (if (eq (car (car elem)) 'substatement-label)
1044 (setcar (car elem) 'label))
1045 (setq elem (cdr elem)))
1046 ;; some language elements can only be determined by checking
1047 ;; the following line. Let's first look for ones that can be
1048 ;; found when looking on the line with the colon
1049 (setq newlines
1050 (and c-auto-newline
1051 (or (c-lookup-lists '(case-label label access-label)
1052 syntax c-hanging-colons-alist)
1053 (c-lookup-lists '(member-init-intro inher-intro)
1054 (progn
1055 (insert ?\n)
1056 (unwind-protect
1057 (c-guess-basic-syntax)
1058 (delete-char -1)))
1059 c-hanging-colons-alist)))))
1060 ;; does a newline go before the colon? Watch out for already
1061 ;; non-hung colons. However, we don't unhang them because that
1062 ;; would be a cleanup (and anti-social).
1063 (if (and (memq 'before newlines)
1064 (not is-scope-op)
1065 (save-excursion
1066 (skip-chars-backward ": \t")
1067 (not (bolp))))
1068 (let ((pos (- (point-max) (point))))
1069 (forward-char -1)
1070 (c-newline-and-indent)
1071 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))
1072 ;; does a newline go after the colon?
1073 (if (and (memq 'after (cdr-safe newlines))
1074 (not is-scope-op))
1075 (c-newline-and-indent))
1076 ))))
1078 (defun c-electric-lt-gt (arg)
1079 "Insert a \"<\" or \">\" character.
1080 If the current language uses angle bracket parens (e.g. template
1081 arguments in C++), try to find out if the inserted character is a
1082 paren and give it paren syntax if appropriate.
1084 If `c-electric-flag' and `c-syntactic-indentation' are both non-nil, the
1085 line will be reindented if the inserted character is a paren or if it
1086 finishes a C++ style stream operator in C++ mode. Exceptions are when a
1087 numeric argument is supplied, or the point is inside a literal."
1089 (interactive "*P")
1090 (let ((c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil)
1091 final-pos close-paren-inserted found-delim case-fold-search)
1093 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1094 (setq final-pos (point))
1096 ;;;; 2010-01-31: There used to be code here to put a syntax-table text
1097 ;;;; property on the new < or > and its mate (if any) when they are template
1098 ;;;; parens. This is now done in an after-change function.
1100 ;; Indent the line if appropriate.
1101 (when (and c-electric-flag c-syntactic-indentation c-recognize-<>-arglists)
1102 (setq found-delim
1103 (if (eq (c-last-command-char) ?<)
1104 ;; If a <, basically see if it's got "template" before it .....
1105 (or (and (progn
1106 (backward-char)
1107 (= (point)
1108 (progn (c-beginning-of-current-token) (point))))
1109 (progn
1110 (c-backward-token-2)
1111 (looking-at c-opt-<>-sexp-key)))
1112 ;; ..... or is a C++ << operator.
1113 (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
1114 (progn
1115 (goto-char (1- final-pos))
1116 (c-beginning-of-current-token)
1117 (looking-at "<<"))
1118 (>= (match-end 0) final-pos)))
1120 ;; It's a >. Either a C++ >> operator. ......
1121 (or (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
1122 (progn
1123 (goto-char (1- final-pos))
1124 (c-beginning-of-current-token)
1125 (looking-at ">>"))
1126 (>= (match-end 0) final-pos))
1127 ;; ...., or search back for a < which isn't already marked as an
1128 ;; opening template delimiter.
1129 (save-restriction
1130 (widen)
1131 ;; Narrow to avoid `c-forward-<>-arglist' below searching past
1132 ;; our position.
1133 (narrow-to-region (point-min) final-pos)
1134 (goto-char final-pos)
1135 (while
1136 (and
1137 (progn
1138 (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^<;}" nil t)
1139 (eq (char-before) ?<))
1140 (progn
1141 (backward-char)
1142 (looking-at "\\s\("))))
1143 (and (eq (char-after) ?<)
1144 (not (looking-at "\\s\("))
1145 (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
1146 (c-simple-skip-symbol-backward))
1147 (or (looking-at c-opt-<>-sexp-key)
1148 (not (looking-at c-keywords-regexp)))))))))
1150 (goto-char final-pos)
1151 (when found-delim
1152 (indent-according-to-mode)
1153 (when (and (eq (char-before) ?>)
1154 (not executing-kbd-macro)
1155 blink-paren-function)
1156 ;; Note: Most paren blink functions, such as the standard
1157 ;; `blink-matching-open', currently doesn't handle paren chars
1158 ;; marked with text properties very well. Maybe we should avoid
1159 ;; this call for the time being?
1160 (funcall blink-paren-function)))))
1162 (defun c-electric-paren (arg)
1163 "Insert a parenthesis.
1165 If `c-syntactic-indentation' and `c-electric-flag' are both non-nil, the
1166 line is reindented unless a numeric ARG is supplied, or the parenthesis
1167 is inserted inside a literal.
1169 Whitespace between a function name and the parenthesis may get added or
1170 removed; see the variable `c-cleanup-list'.
1172 Also, if `c-electric-flag' and `c-auto-newline' are both non-nil, some
1173 newline cleanups are done if appropriate; see the variable `c-cleanup-list'."
1174 (interactive "*P")
1175 (let ((literal (c-save-buffer-state () (c-in-literal)))
1176 ;; shut this up
1177 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil)
1178 case-fold-search)
1179 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1181 (if (and (not arg) (not literal))
1182 (let* ( ;; We want to inhibit blinking the paren since this will
1183 ;; be most disruptive. We'll blink it ourselves
1184 ;; afterwards.
1185 (old-blink-paren blink-paren-function)
1186 blink-paren-function)
1187 (if (and c-syntactic-indentation c-electric-flag)
1188 (indent-according-to-mode))
1190 ;; If we're at EOL, check for new-line clean-ups.
1191 (when (and c-electric-flag c-auto-newline
1192 (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$"))
1194 ;; clean up brace-elseif-brace
1195 (when
1196 (and (memq 'brace-elseif-brace c-cleanup-list)
1197 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\()
1198 (re-search-backward
1199 (concat "}"
1200 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
1201 "else"
1202 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)+"
1203 "if"
1204 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
1206 "\\=")
1207 nil t)
1208 (not (c-save-buffer-state () (c-in-literal))))
1209 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
1210 (insert-and-inherit "} else if ("))
1212 ;; clean up brace-catch-brace
1213 (when
1214 (and (memq 'brace-catch-brace c-cleanup-list)
1215 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\()
1216 (re-search-backward
1217 (concat "}"
1218 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
1219 "catch"
1220 "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"
1222 "\\=")
1223 nil t)
1224 (not (c-save-buffer-state () (c-in-literal))))
1225 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
1226 (insert-and-inherit "} catch (")))
1228 ;; Check for clean-ups at function calls. These two DON'T need
1229 ;; `c-electric-flag' or `c-syntactic-indentation' set.
1230 ;; Point is currently just after the inserted paren.
1231 (let (beg (end (1- (point))))
1232 (cond
1234 ;; space-before-funcall clean-up?
1235 ((and (memq 'space-before-funcall c-cleanup-list)
1236 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\()
1237 (save-excursion
1238 (backward-char)
1239 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
1240 (setq beg (point))
1241 (and (c-save-buffer-state () (c-on-identifier))
1242 ;; Don't add a space into #define FOO()....
1243 (not (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
1244 (c-forward-over-cpp-define-id)
1245 (eq (point) beg))))))
1246 (save-excursion
1247 (delete-region beg end)
1248 (goto-char beg)
1249 (insert ?\ )))
1251 ;; compact-empty-funcall clean-up?
1252 ((c-save-buffer-state ()
1253 (and (memq 'compact-empty-funcall c-cleanup-list)
1254 (eq (c-last-command-char) ?\))
1255 (save-excursion
1256 (c-safe (backward-char 2))
1257 (when (looking-at "()")
1258 (setq end (point))
1259 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
1260 (setq beg (point))
1261 (c-on-identifier)))))
1262 (delete-region beg end))))
1263 (and (eq last-input-event ?\))
1264 (not executing-kbd-macro)
1265 old-blink-paren
1266 (funcall old-blink-paren))))))
1268 (defun c-electric-continued-statement ()
1269 "Reindent the current line if appropriate.
1271 This function is used to reindent the line after a keyword which
1272 continues an earlier statement is typed, e.g. an \"else\" or the
1273 \"while\" in a do-while block.
1275 The line is reindented if there is nothing but whitespace before the
1276 keyword on the line, the keyword is not inserted inside a literal, and
1277 `c-electric-flag' and `c-syntactic-indentation' are both non-nil."
1278 (let (;; shut this up
1279 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil))
1280 (when (c-save-buffer-state ()
1281 (and c-electric-flag
1282 c-syntactic-indentation
1283 (not (eq (c-last-command-char) ?_))
1284 (= (save-excursion
1285 (skip-syntax-backward "w")
1286 (point))
1287 (c-point 'boi))
1288 (not (c-in-literal (c-point 'bod)))))
1289 ;; Have to temporarily insert a space so that
1290 ;; c-guess-basic-syntax recognizes the keyword. Follow the
1291 ;; space with a nonspace to avoid messing up any whitespace
1292 ;; sensitive meddling that might be done, e.g. by
1293 ;; `c-backslash-region'.
1294 (insert-and-inherit " x")
1295 (unwind-protect
1296 (indent-according-to-mode)
1297 (delete-char -2)))))
1301 (declare-function subword-forward "subword" (&optional arg))
1302 (declare-function subword-backward "subword" (&optional arg))
1304 ;; "nomenclature" functions + c-scope-operator.
1305 (defun c-forward-into-nomenclature (&optional arg)
1306 "Compatibility alias for `c-forward-subword'."
1307 (interactive "p")
1308 (require 'subword)
1309 (subword-forward arg))
1310 (make-obsolete 'c-forward-into-nomenclature 'subword-forward "23.2")
1312 (defun c-backward-into-nomenclature (&optional arg)
1313 "Compatibility alias for `c-backward-subword'."
1314 (interactive "p")
1315 (require 'subword)
1316 (subword-backward arg))
1317 (make-obsolete 'c-backward-into-nomenclature 'subword-backward "23.2")
1319 (defun c-scope-operator ()
1320 "Insert a double colon scope operator at point.
1321 No indentation or other \"electric\" behavior is performed."
1322 (interactive "*")
1323 (insert-and-inherit "::"))
1326 ;; Movement (etc.) by defuns.
1327 (defun c-in-function-trailer-p (&optional lim)
1328 ;; Return non-nil if point is between the closing brace and the semicolon of
1329 ;; a brace construct which needs a semicolon, e.g. within the "variables"
1330 ;; portion of a declaration like "struct foo {...} bar ;".
1332 ;; Return the position of the main declaration. Otherwise, return nil.
1333 ;; Point is assumed to be at the top level and outside of any macro or
1334 ;; literal.
1336 ;; If LIM is non-nil, it is the bound on a the backward search for the
1337 ;; beginning of the declaration.
1339 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
1340 (and c-opt-block-decls-with-vars-key
1341 (save-excursion
1342 (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^;}" lim)
1343 (let ((eo-block (point))
1344 bod)
1345 (and (eq (char-before) ?\})
1346 (eq (car (c-beginning-of-decl-1 lim)) 'previous)
1347 (setq bod (point))
1348 ;; Look for struct or union or ... If we find one, it might
1349 ;; be the return type of a function, or the like. Exclude
1350 ;; this case.
1351 (c-syntactic-re-search-forward
1352 (concat "[;=\(\[{]\\|\\("
1353 c-opt-block-decls-with-vars-key
1354 "\\)")
1355 eo-block t t t)
1356 (match-beginning 1) ; Is there a "struct" etc., somewhere?
1357 (not (eq (char-before) ?_))
1358 (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[;=\(\[{]" eo-block t t t)
1359 (eq (char-before) ?\{)
1360 bod)))))
1362 (defun c-where-wrt-brace-construct ()
1363 ;; Determine where we are with respect to functions (or other brace
1364 ;; constructs, included in the term "function" in the rest of this comment).
1365 ;; Point is assumed to be outside any macro or literal.
1366 ;; This is used by c-\(beginning\|end\)-of-defun.
1368 ;; Return one of these symbols:
1369 ;; at-header : we're at the start of a function's header.
1370 ;; in-header : we're inside a function's header, this extending right
1371 ;; up to the brace. This bit includes any k&r declarations.
1372 ;; in-block : we're inside a function's brace block.
1373 ;; in-trailer : we're in the area between the "}" and ";" of something
1374 ;; like "struct foo {...} bar, baz;".
1375 ;; at-function-end : we're just after the closing brace (or semicolon) that
1376 ;; terminates the function.
1377 ;; outwith-function: we're not at or in any function. Being inside a
1378 ;; non-brace construct also counts as 'outwith-function'.
1380 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
1381 (save-excursion
1382 (let* (kluge-start
1383 decl-result brace-decl-p
1384 (start (point))
1385 (paren-state (c-parse-state))
1386 (least-enclosing (c-least-enclosing-brace paren-state)))
1388 (cond
1389 ((and least-enclosing
1390 (eq (char-after least-enclosing) ?\{))
1391 'in-block)
1392 ((c-in-function-trailer-p)
1393 'in-trailer)
1394 ((and (not least-enclosing)
1395 (consp paren-state)
1396 (consp (car paren-state))
1397 (eq start (cdar paren-state)))
1398 'at-function-end)
1400 ;; Find the start of the current declaration. NOTE: If we're in the
1401 ;; variables after a "struct/eval" type block, we don't get to the
1402 ;; real declaration here - we detect and correct for this later.
1404 ;;If we're in the parameters' parens, move back out of them.
1405 (if least-enclosing (goto-char least-enclosing))
1406 ;; Kluge so that c-beginning-of-decl-1 won't go back if we're already
1407 ;; at a declaration.
1408 (if (or (and (eolp) (not (eobp))) ; EOL is matched by "\\s>"
1409 (not (looking-at
1410 "\\([;#]\\|\\'\\|\\s(\\|\\s)\\|\\s\"\\|\\s\\\\|\\s$\\|\\s<\\|\\s>\\|\\s!\\)")))
1411 (forward-char))
1412 (setq kluge-start (point))
1413 (setq decl-result
1414 (car (c-beginning-of-decl-1
1415 ;; NOTE: If we're in a K&R region, this might be the start
1416 ;; of a parameter declaration, not the actual function.
1417 (and least-enclosing ; LIMIT for c-b-of-decl-1
1418 (c-safe-position least-enclosing paren-state)))))
1420 ;; Has the declaration we've gone back to got braces?
1421 (setq brace-decl-p
1422 (save-excursion
1423 (and (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[;{]" nil t t)
1424 (or (eq (char-before) ?\{)
1425 (and c-recognize-knr-p
1426 ;; Might have stopped on the
1427 ;; ';' in a K&R argdecl. In
1428 ;; that case the declaration
1429 ;; should contain a block.
1430 (c-in-knr-argdecl))))))
1432 (cond
1433 ((= (point) kluge-start) ; might be BOB or unbalanced parens.
1434 'outwith-function)
1435 ((eq decl-result 'same)
1436 (if brace-decl-p
1437 (if (eq (point) start)
1438 'at-header
1439 'in-header)
1440 'outwith-function))
1441 ((eq decl-result 'previous)
1442 (if (and (not brace-decl-p)
1443 (c-in-function-trailer-p))
1444 'at-function-end
1445 'outwith-function))
1446 (t (error
1447 "c-where-wrt-brace-construct: c-beginning-of-decl-1 returned %s"
1448 decl-result))))))))
1450 (defun c-backward-to-nth-BOF-{ (n where)
1451 ;; Skip to the opening brace of the Nth function before point. If
1452 ;; point is inside a function, this counts as the first. Point must be
1453 ;; outside any comment/string or macro.
1455 ;; N must be strictly positive.
1456 ;; WHERE describes the position of point, one of the symbols `at-header',
1457 ;; `in-header', `in-block', `in-trailer', `at-function-end',
1458 ;; `outwith-function' as returned by c-where-wrt-brace-construct.
1460 ;; If we run out of functions, leave point at BOB. Return zero on success,
1461 ;; otherwise the number of {s still to go.
1463 ;; This function may do hidden buffer changes
1464 (cond
1465 ;; What we do to go back the first defun depends on where we start.
1466 ((bobp))
1467 ((eq where 'in-block)
1468 (goto-char (c-least-enclosing-brace (c-parse-state)))
1469 (setq n (1- n)))
1470 ((eq where 'in-header)
1471 (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "{")
1472 (backward-char)
1473 (setq n (1- n)))
1474 ((memq where '(at-header outwith-function at-function-end in-trailer))
1475 (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^}")
1476 (when (eq (char-before) ?\})
1477 (backward-sexp)
1478 (setq n (1- n))))
1479 (t (error "Unknown `where' %s in c-backward-to-nth-EOF-{" where)))
1481 ;; Each time round the loop, go back to a "{" at the outermost level.
1482 (while (and (> n 0) (not (bobp)))
1483 (c-parse-state) ; This call speeds up the following one
1484 ; by a factor of ~6. Hmmm. 2006/4/5.
1485 (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^}")
1486 (when (eq (char-before) ?\})
1487 (backward-sexp)
1488 (setq n (1- n))))
1491 (defun c-narrow-to-most-enclosing-decl-block (&optional inclusive)
1492 ;; If we are inside a decl-block (in the sense of c-looking-at-decl-block),
1493 ;; i.e. something like namespace{} or extern{}, narrow to the insides of
1494 ;; that block (NOT including the enclosing braces) if INCLUSIVE is nil,
1495 ;; otherwise include the braces. If the closing brace is missing,
1496 ;; (point-max) is used instead.
1497 (let ((paren-state (c-parse-state))
1498 encl-decl)
1499 (setq encl-decl (and paren-state (c-most-enclosing-decl-block paren-state)))
1500 (if encl-decl
1501 (save-excursion
1502 (narrow-to-region
1503 (if inclusive
1504 (progn (goto-char encl-decl)
1505 (c-beginning-of-decl-1)
1506 (point))
1507 (1+ encl-decl))
1508 (progn
1509 (goto-char encl-decl)
1510 (or (c-safe (forward-list)
1511 (if inclusive
1512 (point)
1513 (1- (point))))
1514 (point-max))))))))
1516 (defun c-widen-to-enclosing-decl-scope (paren-state orig-point-min orig-point-max)
1517 ;; Narrow the buffer to the innermost declaration scope (e.g. a class, a
1518 ;; namespace or the "whole buffer") recorded in PAREN-STATE, the bounding
1519 ;; braces NOT being included in the resulting region. On no account may the
1520 ;; final region exceed that bounded by ORIG-POINT-MIN, ORIG-POINT-MAX.
1521 ;; PAREN-STATE is a list of buffer positions in the style of
1522 ;; (c-parse-state), one of which will be that of the desired opening brace,
1523 ;; if there is one.
1525 ;; Return the position of the enclosing opening brace, or nil
1526 (let (encl-decl) ; putative position of decl-scope's opening brace.
1527 (save-restriction
1528 (narrow-to-region orig-point-min orig-point-max)
1529 (setq encl-decl (and paren-state
1530 (c-most-enclosing-decl-block paren-state))))
1531 (if encl-decl
1532 (progn
1533 (widen)
1534 (narrow-to-region (1+ encl-decl)
1535 (save-excursion
1536 (goto-char encl-decl)
1537 (or (c-safe (forward-list)
1538 (1- (point)))
1539 orig-point-max)))
1540 encl-decl)
1541 (narrow-to-region orig-point-min orig-point-max)
1542 nil)))
1544 (eval-and-compile
1545 (defmacro c-while-widening-to-decl-block (condition)
1546 ;; Repeatedly evaluate CONDITION until it returns nil. After each
1547 ;; evaluation, if `c-defun-tactic' is set appropriately, widen to innards
1548 ;; of the next enclosing declaration block (e.g. namespace, class), or the
1549 ;; buffer's original restriction.
1551 ;; This is a very special purpose macro, which assumes the existence of
1552 ;; several variables. It is for use only in c-beginning-of-defun and
1553 ;; c-end-of-defun.
1554 `(while
1555 (and ,condition
1556 (eq c-defun-tactic 'go-outward)
1557 lim)
1558 (setq paren-state (c-whack-state-after lim paren-state))
1559 (setq lim (c-widen-to-enclosing-decl-scope
1560 paren-state orig-point-min orig-point-max))
1561 (setq where 'in-block))))
1563 (defun c-beginning-of-defun (&optional arg)
1564 "Move backward to the beginning of a defun.
1565 Every top level declaration that contains a brace paren block is
1566 considered to be a defun.
1568 With a positive argument, move backward that many defuns. A negative
1569 argument -N means move forward to the Nth following beginning. Return
1570 t unless search stops due to beginning or end of buffer.
1572 Unlike the built-in `beginning-of-defun' this tries to be smarter
1573 about finding the char with open-parenthesis syntax that starts the
1574 defun."
1576 (interactive "p")
1577 (or arg (setq arg 1))
1579 (or (not (eq this-command 'c-beginning-of-defun))
1580 (eq last-command 'c-beginning-of-defun)
1581 (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
1582 (push-mark))
1584 (c-save-buffer-state
1585 (beginning-of-defun-function end-of-defun-function
1586 (start (point))
1587 (paren-state (copy-tree (c-parse-state))) ; This must not share list
1588 ; structure with other users of c-state-cache.
1589 (orig-point-min (point-min)) (orig-point-max (point-max))
1590 lim ; Position of { which has been widened to.
1591 where pos case-fold-search)
1593 (save-restriction
1594 (if (eq c-defun-tactic 'go-outward)
1595 (setq lim (c-widen-to-enclosing-decl-scope ; e.g. class, namespace.
1596 paren-state orig-point-min orig-point-max)))
1598 ;; Move back out of any macro/comment/string we happen to be in.
1599 (c-beginning-of-macro)
1600 (setq pos (c-literal-limits))
1601 (if pos (goto-char (car pos)))
1603 (setq where (c-where-wrt-brace-construct))
1605 (if (< arg 0)
1606 ;; Move forward to the closing brace of a function.
1607 (progn
1608 (if (memq where '(at-function-end outwith-function))
1609 (setq arg (1+ arg)))
1610 (if (< arg 0)
1611 (c-while-widening-to-decl-block
1612 (< (setq arg (- (c-forward-to-nth-EOF-} (- arg) where))) 0)))
1613 ;; Move forward to the next opening brace....
1614 (when (and (= arg 0)
1615 (progn
1616 (c-while-widening-to-decl-block
1617 (not (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "{" nil 'eob)))
1618 (eq (char-before) ?{)))
1619 (backward-char)
1620 ;; ... and backward to the function header.
1621 (c-beginning-of-decl-1)
1624 ;; Move backward to the opening brace of a function, making successively
1625 ;; larger portions of the buffer visible as necessary.
1626 (when (> arg 0)
1627 (c-while-widening-to-decl-block
1628 (> (setq arg (c-backward-to-nth-BOF-{ arg where)) 0)))
1630 (when (eq arg 0)
1631 ;; Go backward to this function's header.
1632 (c-beginning-of-decl-1)
1634 (setq pos (point))
1635 ;; We're now there, modulo comments and whitespace.
1636 ;; Try to be line oriented; position point at the closest
1637 ;; preceding boi that isn't inside a comment, but if we hit
1638 ;; the previous declaration then we use the current point
1639 ;; instead.
1640 (while (and (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1641 (c-backward-single-comment)))
1642 (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1643 (goto-char pos)))
1645 (c-keep-region-active)
1646 (= arg 0)))))
1648 (defun c-forward-to-nth-EOF-} (n where)
1649 ;; Skip to the closing brace of the Nth function after point. If
1650 ;; point is inside a function, this counts as the first. Point must be
1651 ;; outside any comment/string or macro.
1653 ;; N must be strictly positive.
1654 ;; WHERE describes the position of point, one of the symbols `at-header',
1655 ;; `in-header', `in-block', `in-trailer', `at-function-end',
1656 ;; `outwith-function' as returned by c-where-wrt-brace-construct.
1658 ;; If we run out of functions, leave point at EOB. Return zero on success,
1659 ;; otherwise the number of }s still to go.
1661 ;; This function may do hidden buffer changes.
1663 (cond
1664 ;; What we do to go forward over the first defun depends on where we
1665 ;; start. We go to the closing brace of that defun, even when we go
1666 ;; backwards to it (in a "struct foo {...} bar ;").
1667 ((eobp))
1668 ((eq where 'in-block)
1669 (goto-char (c-least-enclosing-brace (c-parse-state)))
1670 (forward-sexp)
1671 (setq n (1- n)))
1672 ((eq where 'in-trailer)
1673 (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^}")
1674 (setq n (1- n)))
1675 ((memq where '(at-function-end outwith-function at-header in-header))
1676 (when (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "{" nil 'eob)
1677 (backward-char)
1678 (forward-sexp)
1679 (setq n (1- n))))
1680 (t (error "c-forward-to-nth-EOF-}: `where' is %s" where)))
1682 ;; Each time round the loop, go forward to a "}" at the outermost level.
1683 (while (and (> n 0) (not (eobp)))
1684 ;(c-parse-state) ; This call speeds up the following one by a factor
1685 ; of ~6. Hmmm. 2006/4/5.
1686 (when (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "{" nil 'eob)
1687 (backward-char)
1688 (forward-sexp))
1689 (setq n (1- n)))
1692 (defun c-end-of-defun (&optional arg)
1693 "Move forward to the end of a top level declaration.
1694 With argument, do it that many times. Negative argument -N means move
1695 back to Nth preceding end. Returns t unless search stops due to
1696 beginning or end of buffer.
1698 An end of a defun occurs right after the close-parenthesis that matches
1699 the open-parenthesis that starts a defun; see `beginning-of-defun'."
1700 (interactive "p")
1701 (or arg (setq arg 1))
1703 (or (not (eq this-command 'c-end-of-defun))
1704 (eq last-command 'c-end-of-defun)
1705 (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
1706 (push-mark))
1708 (c-save-buffer-state
1709 (beginning-of-defun-function end-of-defun-function
1710 (start (point))
1711 (paren-state (copy-tree (c-parse-state))) ; This must not share list
1712 ; structure with other users of c-state-cache.
1713 (orig-point-min (point-min)) (orig-point-max (point-max))
1715 where pos case-fold-search)
1717 (save-restriction
1718 (if (eq c-defun-tactic 'go-outward)
1719 (setq lim (c-widen-to-enclosing-decl-scope ; e.g. class, namespace
1720 paren-state orig-point-min orig-point-max)))
1722 ;; Move back out of any macro/comment/string we happen to be in.
1723 (c-beginning-of-macro)
1724 (setq pos (c-literal-limits))
1725 (if pos (goto-char (car pos)))
1727 (setq where (c-where-wrt-brace-construct))
1729 (if (< arg 0)
1730 ;; Move backwards to the } of a function
1731 (progn
1732 (if (memq where '(at-header outwith-function))
1733 (setq arg (1+ arg)))
1734 (if (< arg 0)
1735 (c-while-widening-to-decl-block
1736 (< (setq arg (- (c-backward-to-nth-BOF-{ (- arg) where))) 0)))
1737 (if (= arg 0)
1738 (c-while-widening-to-decl-block
1739 (progn (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^}")
1740 (not (eq (char-before) ?}))))))
1742 ;; Move forward to the } of a function
1743 (if (> arg 0)
1744 (c-while-widening-to-decl-block
1745 (> (setq arg (c-forward-to-nth-EOF-} arg where)) 0))))
1747 ;; Do we need to move forward from the brace to the semicolon?
1748 (when (eq arg 0)
1749 (if (c-in-function-trailer-p) ; after "}" of struct/enum, etc.
1750 (c-syntactic-re-search-forward ";"))
1752 (setq pos (point))
1753 ;; We're there now, modulo comments and whitespace.
1754 ;; Try to be line oriented; position point after the next
1755 ;; newline that isn't inside a comment, but if we hit the
1756 ;; next declaration then we use the current point instead.
1757 (while (and (not (bolp))
1758 (not (looking-at "\\s *$"))
1759 (c-forward-single-comment)))
1760 (cond ((bolp))
1761 ((looking-at "\\s *$")
1762 (forward-line 1))
1764 (goto-char pos))))
1766 (c-keep-region-active)
1767 (= arg 0))))
1769 (defun c-defun-name ()
1770 "Return the name of the current defun, or NIL if there isn't one.
1771 \"Defun\" here means a function, or other top level construct
1772 with a brace block."
1773 (interactive)
1774 (c-save-buffer-state
1775 (beginning-of-defun-function end-of-defun-function
1776 where pos name-end case-fold-search)
1778 (save-restriction
1779 (widen)
1780 (save-excursion
1781 ;; Move back out of any macro/comment/string we happen to be in.
1782 (c-beginning-of-macro)
1783 (setq pos (c-literal-limits))
1784 (if pos (goto-char (car pos)))
1786 (setq where (c-where-wrt-brace-construct))
1788 ;; Move to the beginning of the current defun, if any, if we're not
1789 ;; already there.
1790 (if (eq where 'outwith-function)
1792 (unless (eq where 'at-header)
1793 (c-backward-to-nth-BOF-{ 1 where)
1794 (c-beginning-of-decl-1))
1796 ;; Pick out the defun name, according to the type of defun.
1797 (cond
1798 ;; struct, union, enum, or similar:
1799 ((and (looking-at c-type-prefix-key)
1800 (progn (c-forward-token-2 2) ; over "struct foo "
1801 (or (eq (char-after) ?\{)
1802 (looking-at c-symbol-key)))) ; "struct foo bar ..."
1803 (save-match-data (c-forward-token-2))
1804 (when (eq (char-after) ?\{)
1805 (c-backward-token-2)
1806 (looking-at c-symbol-key))
1807 (match-string-no-properties 0))
1809 ((looking-at "DEFUN\\_>")
1810 ;; DEFUN ("file-name-directory", Ffile_name_directory, Sfile_name_directory, ...) ==> Ffile_name_directory
1812 (down-list 1)
1813 (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
1814 (when (eq (char-after) ?\")
1815 (forward-sexp 1)
1816 (c-forward-token-2)) ; over the comma and following WS.
1817 (buffer-substring-no-properties
1818 (point)
1819 (progn
1820 (c-forward-token-2)
1821 (when (looking-at ":") ; CLISP: DEFUN(PACKAGE:LISP-SYMBOL,...)
1822 (skip-chars-forward "^,"))
1823 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
1824 (point))))
1826 ((looking-at "DEF[a-zA-Z0-9_]* *( *\\([^, ]*\\) *,")
1827 ;; DEFCHECKER(sysconf_arg,prefix=_SC,default=, ...) ==> sysconf_arg
1828 ;; DEFFLAGSET(syslog_opt_flags,LOG_PID ...) ==> syslog_opt_flags
1829 (match-string-no-properties 1))
1831 ;; Objc selectors.
1832 ((assq 'objc-method-intro (c-guess-basic-syntax))
1833 (let ((bound (save-excursion (c-end-of-statement) (point)))
1834 (kw-re (concat "\\(?:" c-symbol-key "\\)?:"))
1835 (stretches))
1836 (when (c-syntactic-re-search-forward c-symbol-key bound t t t)
1837 (push (match-string-no-properties 0) stretches)
1838 (while (c-syntactic-re-search-forward kw-re bound t t t)
1839 (push (match-string-no-properties 0) stretches)))
1840 (apply 'concat (nreverse stretches))))
1843 ;; Normal function or initializer.
1844 (when (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[{(]" nil t)
1845 (backward-char)
1846 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
1847 (when (eq (char-before) ?\=) ; struct foo bar = {0, 0} ;
1848 (c-backward-token-2)
1849 (c-backward-syntactic-ws))
1850 (setq name-end (point))
1851 (c-backward-token-2)
1852 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) name-end)))))))))
1854 (defun c-declaration-limits (near)
1855 ;; Return a cons of the beginning and end positions of the current
1856 ;; top level declaration or macro. If point is not inside any then
1857 ;; nil is returned, unless NEAR is non-nil in which case the closest
1858 ;; following one is chosen instead (if there is any). The end
1859 ;; position is at the next line, providing there is one before the
1860 ;; declaration.
1862 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
1863 (save-excursion
1864 (save-restriction
1865 (when (eq c-defun-tactic 'go-outward)
1866 (c-narrow-to-most-enclosing-decl-block t) ; e.g. class, namespace
1867 (or (save-restriction
1868 (c-narrow-to-most-enclosing-decl-block nil)
1870 ;; Note: Some code duplication in `c-beginning-of-defun' and
1871 ;; `c-end-of-defun'.
1872 (catch 'exit
1873 (let ((start (point))
1874 (paren-state (c-parse-state))
1875 lim pos end-pos)
1876 (unless (c-safe
1877 (goto-char (c-least-enclosing-brace paren-state))
1878 ;; If we moved to the outermost enclosing paren
1879 ;; then we can use c-safe-position to set the
1880 ;; limit. Can't do that otherwise since the
1881 ;; earlier paren pair on paren-state might very
1882 ;; well be part of the declaration we should go
1883 ;; to.
1884 (setq lim (c-safe-position (point) paren-state))
1886 ;; At top level. Make sure we aren't inside a literal.
1887 (setq pos (c-literal-limits
1888 (c-safe-position (point) paren-state)))
1889 (if pos (goto-char (car pos))))
1891 (when (c-beginning-of-macro)
1892 (throw 'exit
1893 (cons (point)
1894 (save-excursion
1895 (c-end-of-macro)
1896 (forward-line 1)
1897 (point)))))
1899 (setq pos (point))
1900 (when (or (eq (car (c-beginning-of-decl-1 lim)) 'previous)
1901 (= pos (point)))
1902 ;; We moved back over the previous defun. Skip to the next
1903 ;; one. Not using c-forward-syntactic-ws here since we
1904 ;; should not skip a macro. We can also be directly after
1905 ;; the block in a `c-opt-block-decls-with-vars-key'
1906 ;; declaration, but then we won't move significantly far
1907 ;; here.
1908 (goto-char pos)
1909 (c-forward-comments)
1911 (when (and near (c-beginning-of-macro))
1912 (throw 'exit
1913 (cons (point)
1914 (save-excursion
1915 (c-end-of-macro)
1916 (forward-line 1)
1917 (point))))))
1919 (if (eobp) (throw 'exit nil))
1921 ;; Check if `c-beginning-of-decl-1' put us after the block in a
1922 ;; declaration that doesn't end there. We're searching back and
1923 ;; forth over the block here, which can be expensive.
1924 (setq pos (point))
1925 (if (and c-opt-block-decls-with-vars-key
1926 (progn
1927 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
1928 (eq (char-before) ?}))
1929 (eq (car (c-beginning-of-decl-1))
1930 'previous)
1931 (save-excursion
1932 (c-end-of-decl-1)
1933 (and (> (point) pos)
1934 (setq end-pos (point)))))
1936 (goto-char pos))
1938 (if (and (not near) (> (point) start))
1941 ;; Try to be line oriented; position the limits at the
1942 ;; closest preceding boi, and after the next newline, that
1943 ;; isn't inside a comment, but if we hit a neighboring
1944 ;; declaration then we instead use the exact declaration
1945 ;; limit in that direction.
1946 (cons (progn
1947 (setq pos (point))
1948 (while (and (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1949 (c-backward-single-comment)))
1950 (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
1952 (point)))
1953 (progn
1954 (if end-pos
1955 (goto-char end-pos)
1956 (c-end-of-decl-1))
1957 (setq pos (point))
1958 (while (and (not (bolp))
1959 (not (looking-at "\\s *$"))
1960 (c-forward-single-comment)))
1961 (cond ((bolp)
1962 (point))
1963 ((looking-at "\\s *$")
1964 (forward-line 1)
1965 (point))
1967 pos))))))))
1968 (and (not near)
1969 (goto-char (point-min))
1970 (c-forward-decl-or-cast-1 -1 nil nil)
1971 (eq (char-after) ?\{)
1972 (cons (point-min) (point-max))))))))
1974 (defun c-mark-function ()
1975 "Put mark at end of the current top-level declaration or macro, point at beginning.
1976 If point is not inside any then the closest following one is
1977 chosen. Each successive call of this command extends the marked
1978 region by one function.
1980 A mark is left where the command started, unless the region is already active
1981 \(in Transient Mark mode).
1983 As opposed to \\[c-beginning-of-defun] and \\[c-end-of-defun], this
1984 function does not require the declaration to contain a brace block."
1985 (interactive)
1987 (let (decl-limits case-fold-search)
1988 (c-save-buffer-state nil
1989 ;; We try to be line oriented, unless there are several
1990 ;; declarations on the same line.
1991 (if (looking-at c-syntactic-eol)
1992 (c-backward-token-2 1 nil (c-point 'bol)))
1993 (setq decl-limits (c-declaration-limits t)))
1995 (if (not decl-limits)
1996 (error "Cannot find any declaration")
1997 (let* ((extend-region-p
1998 (and (eq this-command 'c-mark-function)
1999 (eq last-command 'c-mark-function)))
2000 (push-mark-p (and (eq this-command 'c-mark-function)
2001 (not extend-region-p)
2002 (not (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)))))
2003 (if push-mark-p (push-mark (point)))
2004 (if extend-region-p
2005 (progn
2006 (exchange-point-and-mark)
2007 (setq decl-limits (c-declaration-limits t))
2008 (when (not decl-limits)
2009 (exchange-point-and-mark)
2010 (error "Cannot find any declaration"))
2011 (goto-char (cdr decl-limits))
2012 (exchange-point-and-mark))
2013 (goto-char (car decl-limits))
2014 (push-mark (cdr decl-limits) nil t))))))
2016 (defun c-cpp-define-name ()
2017 "Return the name of the current CPP macro, or NIL if we're not in one."
2018 (interactive)
2019 (let (case-fold-search)
2020 (save-excursion
2021 (and c-opt-cpp-macro-define-start
2022 (c-beginning-of-macro)
2023 (looking-at c-opt-cpp-macro-define-start)
2024 (match-string-no-properties 1)))))
2027 ;; Movement by statements.
2028 (defun c-in-comment-line-prefix-p ()
2029 ;; Point is within a comment. Is it also within a comment-prefix?
2030 ;; Space at BOL which precedes a comment-prefix counts as part of it.
2032 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2033 (let ((here (point)))
2034 (save-excursion
2035 (beginning-of-line)
2036 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
2037 (and (looking-at c-current-comment-prefix)
2038 (/= (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
2039 (< here (match-end 0))))))
2041 (defun c-narrow-to-comment-innards (range)
2042 ;; Narrow to the "inside" of the comment (block) defined by range, as
2043 ;; follows:
2045 ;; A c-style block comment has its opening "/*" and its closing "*/" (if
2046 ;; present) removed. A c++-style line comment retains its opening "//" but
2047 ;; has any final NL removed. If POINT is currently outwith these innards,
2048 ;; move it to the appropriate boundary.
2050 ;; This narrowing simplifies the sentence movement functions, since it
2051 ;; eliminates awkward things at the boundaries of the comment (block).
2053 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2054 (let* ((lit-type (c-literal-type range))
2055 (beg (if (eq lit-type 'c) (+ (car range) 2) (car range)))
2056 (end (if (eq lit-type 'c)
2057 (if (and (eq (char-before (cdr range)) ?/)
2058 (eq (char-before (1- (cdr range))) ?*))
2059 (- (cdr range) 2)
2060 (point-max))
2061 (if (eq (cdr range) (point-max))
2062 (point-max)
2063 (- (cdr range) 1)))))
2064 (if (> (point) end)
2065 (goto-char end)) ; This would be done automatically by ...
2066 (if (< (point) beg)
2067 (goto-char beg)) ; ... narrow-to-region but is not documented.
2068 (narrow-to-region beg end)))
2070 (defun c-beginning-of-sentence-in-comment (range)
2071 ;; Move backwards to the "beginning of a sentence" within the comment
2072 ;; defined by RANGE, a cons of its starting and ending positions. If we
2073 ;; find a BOS, return NIL. Otherwise, move point to just before the start
2074 ;; of the comment and return T.
2076 ;; The BOS is either text which follows a regexp match of sentence-end,
2077 ;; or text which is a beginning of "paragraph".
2078 ;; Comment-prefixes are treated like WS when calculating BOSes or BOPs.
2080 ;; This code was adapted from GNU Emacs's forward-sentence in paragraphs.el.
2081 ;; It is not a general function, but is intended only for calling from
2082 ;; c-move-over-sentence. Not all preconditions have been explicitly stated.
2084 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2085 (save-match-data
2086 (let ((start-point (point)))
2087 (save-restriction
2088 (c-narrow-to-comment-innards range) ; This may move point back.
2089 (let* ((here (point))
2090 last
2091 (here-filler ; matches WS and comment-prefixes at point.
2092 (concat "\\=\\(^[ \t]*\\(" c-current-comment-prefix "\\)"
2093 "\\|[ \t\n\r\f]\\)*"))
2094 (prefix-at-bol-here ; matches WS and prefix at BOL, just before point
2095 (concat "^[ \t]*\\(" c-current-comment-prefix "\\)[ \t\n\r\f]*\\="))
2096 ;; First, find the previous paragraph start, if any.
2097 (par-beg ; point where non-WS/non-prefix text of paragraph starts.
2098 (save-excursion
2099 (forward-paragraph -1) ; uses cc-mode values of
2100 ; paragraph-\(start\|separate\)
2101 (if (> (re-search-forward here-filler nil t) here)
2102 (goto-char here))
2103 (when (>= (point) here)
2104 (forward-paragraph -2)
2105 (if (> (re-search-forward here-filler nil t) here)
2106 (goto-char here)))
2107 (point))))
2109 ;; Now seek successively earlier sentence ends between PAR-BEG and
2110 ;; HERE, until the "start of sentence" following it is earlier than
2111 ;; HERE, or we hit PAR-BEG. Beware of comment prefixes!
2112 (while (and (re-search-backward (c-sentence-end) par-beg 'limit)
2113 (setq last (point))
2114 (goto-char (match-end 0)) ; tentative beginning of sentence
2115 (or (>= (point) here)
2116 (and (not (bolp)) ; Found a non-blank comment-prefix?
2117 (save-excursion
2118 (if (re-search-backward prefix-at-bol-here nil t)
2119 (/= (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
2120 (progn ; Skip the crud to find a real b-o-s.
2121 (if (c-in-comment-line-prefix-p)
2122 (beginning-of-line))
2123 (re-search-forward here-filler) ; always succeeds.
2124 (>= (point) here))))
2125 (goto-char last))
2126 (re-search-forward here-filler)))
2128 (if (< (point) start-point)
2130 (goto-char (car range))
2131 t))))
2133 (defun c-end-of-sentence-in-comment (range)
2134 ;; Move forward to the "end of a sentence" within the comment defined by
2135 ;; RANGE, a cons of its starting and ending positions (enclosing the opening
2136 ;; comment delimiter and the terminating */ or newline). If we find an EOS,
2137 ;; return NIL. Otherwise, move point to just after the end of the comment
2138 ;; and return T.
2140 ;; The EOS is just after the non-WS part of the next match of the regexp
2141 ;; sentence-end. Typically, this is just after one of [.!?]. If there is
2142 ;; no sentence-end match following point, any WS before the end of the
2143 ;; comment will count as EOS, providing we're not already in it.
2145 ;; This code was adapted from GNU Emacs's forward-sentence in paragraphs.el.
2146 ;; It is not a general function, but is intended only for calling from
2147 ;; c-move-over-sentence.
2149 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2150 (save-match-data
2151 (let ((start-point (point))
2152 ;; (lit-type (c-literal-type range)) ; Commented out, 2005/11/23, ACM
2154 (save-restriction
2155 (c-narrow-to-comment-innards range) ; This might move point forwards.
2156 (let* ((here (point))
2157 (par-end ; EOL position of last text in current/next paragraph.
2158 (save-excursion
2159 ;; The cc-mode values of paragraph-\(start\|separate\), set
2160 ;; in c-setup-paragraph-variables, are used in the
2161 ;; following.
2162 (forward-paragraph 1)
2163 (if (eq (preceding-char) ?\n) (forward-char -1))
2164 (when (<= (point) here) ; can happen, e.g., when HERE is at EOL.
2165 (goto-char here)
2166 (forward-paragraph 2)
2167 (if (eq (preceding-char) ?\n) (forward-char -1)))
2168 (point)))
2170 last
2171 (prefix-at-bol-here
2172 (concat "^[ \t]*\\(" c-current-comment-prefix "\\)\\=")))
2173 ;; Go forward one "comment-prefix which looks like sentence-end"
2174 ;; each time round the following:
2175 (while (and (re-search-forward (c-sentence-end) par-end 'limit)
2176 (progn
2177 (setq last (point))
2178 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
2179 (or (and (not (bolp))
2180 (re-search-backward prefix-at-bol-here nil t)
2181 (/= (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
2182 (<= (point) here))))
2183 (goto-char last))
2185 ;; Take special action if we're up against the end of a comment (of
2186 ;; either sort): Leave point just after the last non-ws text.
2187 (if (eq (point) (point-max))
2188 (while (or (/= (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") 0)
2189 (and (re-search-backward prefix-at-bol-here nil t)
2190 (/= (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))))))
2192 (if (> (point) start-point)
2194 (goto-char (cdr range))
2195 t))))
2197 (defun c-beginning-of-sentence-in-string (range)
2198 ;; Move backwards to the "beginning of a sentence" within the string defined
2199 ;; by RANGE, a cons of its starting and ending positions (enclosing the
2200 ;; string quotes). If we find a BOS, return NIL. Otherwise, move point to
2201 ;; just before the start of the string and return T.
2203 ;; The BOS is either the text which follows a regexp match of sentence-end
2204 ;; or text which is a beginning of "paragraph". For the purposes of
2205 ;; determining paragraph boundaries, escaped newlines are treated as
2206 ;; ordinary newlines.
2208 ;; This code was adapted from GNU Emacs's forward-sentence in paragraphs.el.
2209 ;; It is not a general function, but is intended only for calling from
2210 ;; c-move-over-sentence.
2212 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2213 (save-match-data
2214 (let* ((here (point)) last
2215 (end (1- (cdr range)))
2216 (here-filler ; matches WS and escaped newlines at point.
2217 "\\=\\([ \t\n\r\f]\\|\\\\[\n\r]\\)*")
2218 ;; Enhance paragraph-start and paragraph-separate also to recognize
2219 ;; blank lines terminated by escaped EOLs. IT MAY WELL BE that
2220 ;; these values should be customizable user options, or something.
2221 (paragraph-start c-string-par-start)
2222 (paragraph-separate c-string-par-separate)
2224 (par-beg ; beginning of current (or previous) paragraph.
2225 (save-excursion
2226 (save-restriction
2227 (narrow-to-region (1+ (car range)) end)
2228 (forward-paragraph -1) ; uses above values of
2229 ; paragraph-\(start\|separate\)
2230 (if (> (re-search-forward here-filler nil t) here)
2231 (goto-char here))
2232 (when (>= (point) here)
2233 (forward-paragraph -2)
2234 (if (> (re-search-forward here-filler nil t) here)
2235 (goto-char here)))
2236 (point)))))
2237 ;; Now see if we can find a sentence end after PAR-BEG.
2238 (while (and (re-search-backward c-sentence-end-with-esc-eol par-beg 'limit)
2239 (setq last (point))
2240 (goto-char (match-end 0))
2241 (or (> (point) end)
2242 (progn
2243 (re-search-forward
2244 here-filler end t) ; always succeeds. Use end rather
2245 ; than here, in case point starts
2246 ; beyond the closing quote.
2247 (>= (point) here))))
2248 (goto-char last))
2249 (re-search-forward here-filler here t)
2250 (if (< (point) here)
2252 (goto-char (car range))
2253 t))))
2255 (defun c-end-of-sentence-in-string (range)
2256 ;; Move forward to the "end of a sentence" within the string defined by
2257 ;; RANGE, a cons of its starting and ending positions. If we find an EOS,
2258 ;; return NIL. Otherwise, move point to just after the end of the string
2259 ;; and return T.
2261 ;; The EOS is just after the non-WS part of the next match of the regexp
2262 ;; sentence-end. Typically, this is just after one of [.!?]. If there is
2263 ;; no sentence-end match following point, any WS before the end of the
2264 ;; string will count as EOS, providing we're not already in it.
2266 ;; This code was adapted from GNU Emacs's forward-sentence in paragraphs.el.
2267 ;; It is not a general function, but is intended only for calling from
2268 ;; c-move-over-sentence.
2270 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2271 (save-match-data
2272 (let* ((here (point))
2273 last
2274 ;; Enhance paragraph-start and paragraph-separate to recognize
2275 ;; blank lines terminated by escaped EOLs.
2276 (paragraph-start c-string-par-start)
2277 (paragraph-separate c-string-par-separate)
2279 (par-end ; EOL position of last text in current/next paragraph.
2280 (save-excursion
2281 (save-restriction
2282 (narrow-to-region (car range) (1- (cdr range)))
2283 ;; The above values of paragraph-\(start\|separate\) are used
2284 ;; in the following.
2285 (forward-paragraph 1)
2286 (setq last (point))
2287 ;; (re-search-backward filler-here nil t) would find an empty
2288 ;; string. Therefore we simulate it by the following:
2289 (while (or (/= (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f") 0)
2290 (re-search-backward "\\\\\\($\\)\\=" nil t)))
2291 (unless (> (point) here)
2292 (goto-char last)
2293 (forward-paragraph 1)
2294 (while (or (/= (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f") 0)
2295 (re-search-backward "\\\\\\($\\)\\=" nil t))))
2296 (point)))))
2297 ;; Try to go forward a sentence.
2298 (when (re-search-forward c-sentence-end-with-esc-eol par-end 'limit)
2299 (setq last (point))
2300 (while (or (/= (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") 0)
2301 (re-search-backward "\\\\\\($\\)\\=" nil t))))
2302 ;; Did we move a sentence, or did we hit the end of the string?
2303 (if (> (point) here)
2305 (goto-char (cdr range))
2306 t))))
2308 (defun c-ascertain-preceding-literal ()
2309 ;; Point is not in a literal (i.e. comment or string (include AWK regexp)).
2310 ;; If a literal is the next thing (aside from whitespace) to be found before
2311 ;; point, return a cons of its start.end positions (enclosing the
2312 ;; delimiters). Otherwise return NIL.
2314 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2315 (save-excursion
2316 (c-collect-line-comments
2317 (let ((here (point))
2318 pos)
2319 (if (c-backward-single-comment)
2320 (cons (point) (progn (c-forward-single-comment) (point)))
2321 (save-restriction
2322 ;; to prevent `looking-at' seeing a " at point.
2323 (narrow-to-region (point-min) here)
2324 (when
2326 ;; An EOL can act as an "open string" terminator in AWK.
2327 (looking-at c-ws*-string-limit-regexp)
2328 (and (not (bobp))
2329 (progn (backward-char)
2330 (looking-at c-string-limit-regexp))))
2331 (goto-char (match-end 0)) ; just after the string terminator.
2332 (setq pos (point))
2333 (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 1) ; move back over the string.
2334 (cons (point) pos)))))))))
2336 (defun c-ascertain-following-literal ()
2337 ;; Point is not in a literal (i.e. comment or string (include AWK regexp)).
2338 ;; If a literal is the next thing (aside from whitespace) following point,
2339 ;; return a cons of its start.end positions (enclosing the delimiters).
2340 ;; Otherwise return NIL.
2342 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2343 (save-excursion
2344 (c-collect-line-comments
2345 (let (pos)
2346 (c-skip-ws-forward)
2347 (if (looking-at c-string-limit-regexp) ; string-delimiter.
2348 (cons (point) (or (c-safe (progn (c-forward-sexp 1) (point)))
2349 (point-max)))
2350 (setq pos (point))
2351 (if (c-forward-single-comment)
2352 (cons pos (point))))))))
2354 (defun c-after-statement-terminator-p () ; Should we pass in LIM here?
2355 ;; Does point immediately follow a statement "terminator"? A virtual
2356 ;; semicolon is regarded here as such. So is an opening brace ;-)
2358 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2359 (or (save-excursion
2360 (backward-char)
2361 (and (looking-at "[;{}]")
2362 (not (and c-special-brace-lists ; Pike special brace lists.
2363 (eq (char-after) ?{)
2364 (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))))
2365 (c-at-vsemi-p)
2366 ;; The following (for macros) is not strict about exactly where we are
2367 ;; wrt white space at the end of the macro. Doesn't seem to matter too
2368 ;; much. ACM 2004/3/29.
2369 (let (eom)
2370 (save-excursion
2371 (if (c-beginning-of-macro)
2372 (setq eom (progn (c-end-of-macro)
2373 (point)))))
2374 (when eom
2375 (save-excursion
2376 (c-forward-comments)
2377 (>= (point) eom))))))
2379 (defun c-back-over-illiterals (macro-start)
2380 ;; Move backwards over code which isn't a literal (i.e. comment or string),
2381 ;; stopping before reaching BOB or a literal or the boundary of a
2382 ;; preprocessor statement or the "beginning of a statement". MACRO-START is
2383 ;; the position of the '#' beginning the current preprocessor directive, or
2384 ;; NIL if we're not in such.
2386 ;; Return a cons (A.B), where
2387 ;; A is NIL if we moved back to a BOS (and know it), T otherwise (we
2388 ;; didn't move, or we hit a literal, or we're not sure about BOS).
2389 ;; B is MACRO-BOUNDARY if we are about to cross the boundary out of or
2390 ;; into a macro, otherwise LITERAL if we've hit a literal, otherwise NIL
2392 ;; The total collection of returned values is as follows:
2393 ;; (nil . nil): Found a BOS whilst remaining inside the illiterals.
2394 ;; (t . literal): No BOS found: only a comment/string. We _might_ be at
2395 ;; a BOS - the caller must check this.
2396 ;; (nil . macro-boundary): only happens with non-nil macro-start. We've
2397 ;; moved and reached the opening # of the macro.
2398 ;; (t . macro-boundary): Every other circumstance in which we're at a
2399 ;; macro-boundary. We might be at a BOS.
2401 ;; Point is left either at the beginning-of-statement, or at the last non-ws
2402 ;; code before encountering the literal/BOB or macro-boundary.
2404 ;; Note that this function moves within either preprocessor commands
2405 ;; (macros) or normal code, but will not cross a boundary between the two,
2406 ;; or between two distinct preprocessor commands.
2408 ;; Stop before `{' and after `;', `{', `}' and `};' when not followed by `}'
2409 ;; or `)', but on the other side of the syntactic ws. Move by sexps and
2410 ;; move into parens. Also stop before `#' when it's at boi on a line.
2412 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2413 (save-match-data
2414 (let ((here (point))
2415 last) ; marks the position of non-ws code, what'll be BOS if, say, a
2416 ; semicolon precedes it.
2417 (catch 'done
2418 (while t ;; We go back one "token" each iteration of the loop.
2419 (setq last (point))
2420 (cond
2421 ;; Stop at the token after a comment.
2422 ((c-backward-single-comment) ; Also functions as backwards-ws.
2423 (goto-char last)
2424 (throw 'done '(t . literal)))
2426 ;; If we've gone back over a LF, we might have moved into or out of
2427 ;; a preprocessor line.
2428 ((and (save-excursion
2429 (beginning-of-line)
2430 (re-search-forward "\\(^\\|[^\\]\\)[\n\r]" last t))
2431 (if macro-start
2432 (< (point) macro-start)
2433 (c-beginning-of-macro)))
2434 (goto-char last)
2435 ;; Return a car of NIL ONLY if we've hit the opening # of a macro.
2436 (throw 'done (cons (or (eq (point) here)
2437 (not macro-start))
2438 'macro-boundary)))
2440 ;; Have we found a virtual semicolon? If so, stop, unless the next
2441 ;; statement is where we started from.
2442 ((and (c-at-vsemi-p)
2443 (< last here)
2444 (not (memq (char-after last) '(?\) ?})))) ; we've moved back from ) or }
2445 (goto-char last)
2446 (throw 'done '(nil . nil)))
2448 ;; Hit the beginning of the buffer/region?
2449 ((bobp)
2450 (if (/= here last)
2451 (goto-char last))
2452 (throw 'done '(nil . nil)))
2454 ;; Move back a character.
2455 ((progn (backward-char) nil))
2457 ;; Stop at "{" (unless it's a PIKE special brace list.)
2458 ((eq (char-after) ?\{)
2459 (if (and c-special-brace-lists
2460 (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
2461 (skip-syntax-backward "w_") ; Speedup only.
2462 (if (/= here last)
2463 (goto-char last))
2464 (throw 'done '(nil . nil))))
2466 ;; Have we reached the start of a macro? This always counts as
2467 ;; BOS. (N.B. I don't think (eq (point) here) can ever be true
2468 ;; here. FIXME!!! ACM 2004/3/29)
2469 ((and macro-start (eq (point) macro-start))
2470 (throw 'done (cons (eq (point) here) 'macro-boundary)))
2472 ;; Stop at token just after "}" or ";".
2473 ((looking-at "[;}]")
2474 ;; If we've gone back over ;, {, or }, we're done.
2475 (if (or (= here last)
2476 (memq (char-after last) '(?\) ?}))) ; we've moved back from ) or }
2477 (if (and (eq (char-before) ?}) ; If };, treat them as a unit.
2478 (eq (char-after) ?\;))
2479 (backward-char))
2480 (goto-char last) ; To the statement starting after the ; or }.
2481 (throw 'done '(nil . nil))))
2483 ;; Stop at the token after a string.
2484 ((looking-at c-string-limit-regexp) ; Just gone back over a string terminator?
2485 (goto-char last)
2486 (throw 'done '(t . literal)))
2488 ;; Nothing special: go back word characters.
2489 (t (skip-syntax-backward "w_")) ; Speedup only.
2490 ))))))
2492 (defun c-forward-over-illiterals (macro-end allow-early-stop)
2493 ;; Move forwards over code, stopping before reaching EOB or a literal
2494 ;; (i.e. a comment/string) or the boundary of a preprocessor statement or
2495 ;; the "end of a statement". MACRO-END is the position of the EOL/EOB which
2496 ;; terminates the current preprocessor directive, or NIL if we're not in
2497 ;; such.
2499 ;; ALLOW-EARLY-STOP is non-nil if it is permissible to return without moving
2500 ;; forward at all, should we encounter a `{'. This is an ugly kludge, but
2501 ;; seems unavoidable. Depending on the context this function is called
2502 ;; from, we _sometimes_ need to stop there. Currently (2004/4/3),
2503 ;; ALLOW-EARLY-STOP is applied only to open braces, not to virtual
2504 ;; semicolons, or anything else.
2506 ;; Return a cons (A.B), where
2507 ;; A is NIL if we moved forward to an EOS, or stay at one (when
2508 ;; ALLOW-EARLY-STOP is set), T otherwise (we hit a literal).
2509 ;; B is 'MACRO-BOUNDARY if we are about to cross the boundary out of or
2510 ;; into a macro, otherwise 'LITERAL if we've hit a literal, otherwise NIL
2512 ;; Point is left either after the end-of-statement, or at the last non-ws
2513 ;; code before encountering the literal, or the # of the preprocessor
2514 ;; statement, or at EOB [or just after last non-WS stuff??].
2516 ;; As a clarification of "after the end-of-statement", if a comment or
2517 ;; whitespace follows a completed AWK statement, that statement is treated
2518 ;; as ending just after the last non-ws character before the comment.
2520 ;; Note that this function moves within either preprocessor commands
2521 ;; (macros) or normal code, but not both within the same invocation.
2523 ;; Stop before `{', `}', and `#' when it's at boi on a line, but on the
2524 ;; other side of the syntactic ws, and after `;', `}' and `};'. Only
2525 ;; stop before `{' if at top level or inside braces, though. Move by
2526 ;; sexps and move into parens. Also stop at eol of lines with `#' at
2527 ;; the boi.
2529 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2530 (let ((here (point))
2531 last)
2532 (catch 'done
2533 (while t ;; We go one "token" forward each time round this loop.
2534 (setq last (point))
2536 ;; If we've moved forward to a virtual semicolon, we're done.
2537 (if (and (> last here) ; Should we check ALLOW-EARLY-STOP, here? 2004/4/3
2538 (c-at-vsemi-p))
2539 (throw 'done '(nil . nil)))
2541 (c-skip-ws-forward)
2542 (cond
2543 ;; Gone past the end of a macro?
2544 ((and macro-end (> (point) macro-end))
2545 (goto-char last)
2546 (throw 'done (cons (eq (point) here) 'macro-boundary)))
2548 ;; About to hit a comment?
2549 ((save-excursion (c-forward-single-comment))
2550 (goto-char last)
2551 (throw 'done '(t . literal)))
2553 ;; End of buffer?
2554 ((eobp)
2555 (if (/= here last)
2556 (goto-char last))
2557 (throw 'done '(nil . nil)))
2559 ;; If we encounter a '{', stop just after the previous token.
2560 ((and (eq (char-after) ?{)
2561 (not (and c-special-brace-lists
2562 (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
2563 (or allow-early-stop (/= here last))
2564 (save-excursion ; Is this a check that we're NOT at top level?
2565 ;;;; NO! This seems to check that (i) EITHER we're at the top level; OR (ii) The next enclosing
2566 ;;;; level of bracketing is a '{'. HMM. Doesn't seem to make sense.
2567 ;;;; 2003/8/8 This might have something to do with the GCC extension "Statement Expressions", e.g.
2568 ;;;; while ({stmt1 ; stmt2 ; exp ;}). This form excludes such Statement Expressions.
2569 (or (not (c-safe (up-list -1) t))
2570 (= (char-after) ?{))))
2571 (goto-char last)
2572 (throw 'done '(nil . nil)))
2574 ;; End of a PIKE special brace list? If so, step over it and continue.
2575 ((and c-special-brace-lists
2576 (eq (char-after) ?})
2577 (save-excursion
2578 (and (c-safe (up-list -1) t)
2579 (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))))
2580 (forward-char)
2581 (skip-syntax-forward "w_")) ; Speedup only.
2583 ;; Have we got a '}' after having moved? If so, stop after the
2584 ;; previous token.
2585 ((and (eq (char-after) ?})
2586 (/= here last))
2587 (goto-char last)
2588 (throw 'done '(nil . nil)))
2590 ;; Stop if we encounter a preprocessor line. Continue if we
2591 ;; hit a naked #
2592 ((and c-opt-cpp-prefix
2593 (not macro-end)
2594 (eq (char-after) ?#)
2595 (= (point) (c-point 'boi)))
2596 (if (= (point) here) ; Not a macro, therefore naked #.
2597 (forward-char)
2598 (throw 'done '(t . macro-boundary))))
2600 ;; Stop after a ';', '}', or "};"
2601 ((looking-at ";\\|};?")
2602 (goto-char (match-end 0))
2603 (throw 'done '(nil . nil)))
2605 ;; Found a string (this subsumes AWK regexps)?
2606 ((looking-at c-string-limit-regexp)
2607 (goto-char last)
2608 (throw 'done '(t . literal)))
2611 (forward-char) ; Can't fail - we checked (eobp) earlier on.
2612 (skip-syntax-forward "w_") ; Speedup only.
2613 (when (and macro-end (> (point) macro-end))
2614 (goto-char last)
2615 (throw 'done (cons (eq (point) here) 'macro-boundary))))
2616 )))))
2618 (defun c-one-line-string-p (range)
2619 ;; Is the literal defined by RANGE a string contained in a single line?
2621 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2622 (save-excursion
2623 (goto-char (car range))
2624 (and (looking-at c-string-limit-regexp)
2625 (progn (skip-chars-forward "^\n" (cdr range))
2626 (eq (point) (cdr range))))))
2628 (defun c-beginning-of-statement (&optional count lim sentence-flag)
2629 "Go to the beginning of the innermost C statement.
2630 With prefix arg, go back N - 1 statements. If already at the
2631 beginning of a statement then go to the beginning of the closest
2632 preceding one, moving into nested blocks if necessary (use
2633 \\[backward-sexp] to skip over a block). If within or next to a
2634 comment or multiline string, move by sentences instead of statements.
2636 When called from a program, this function takes 3 optional args: the
2637 repetition count, a buffer position limit which is the farthest back
2638 to search for the syntactic context, and a flag saying whether to do
2639 sentence motion in or near comments and multiline strings.
2641 Note that for use in programs, `c-beginning-of-statement-1' is
2642 usually better. It has much better defined semantics than this one,
2643 which is intended for interactive use, and might therefore change to
2644 be more \"DWIM:ey\"."
2645 (interactive (list (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)
2646 nil t))
2647 (if (< count 0)
2648 (c-end-of-statement (- count) lim sentence-flag)
2649 (c-save-buffer-state
2650 ((count (or count 1))
2651 last ; start point for going back ONE chunk. Updated each chunk movement.
2652 (macro-fence
2653 (save-excursion (and (not (bobp)) (c-beginning-of-macro) (point))))
2654 res ; result from sub-function call
2655 not-bos ; "not beginning-of-statement"
2656 (range (c-collect-line-comments (c-literal-limits lim)))) ; (start.end) of current literal or NIL
2658 ;; Go back one statement at each iteration of the following loop.
2659 (while (and (/= count 0)
2660 (or (not lim) (> (point) lim)))
2661 ;; Go back one "chunk" each time round the following loop, stopping
2662 ;; when we reach a statement boundary, etc.
2663 (setq last (point))
2664 (while
2665 (cond ; Each arm of this cond returns NIL on reaching a desired
2666 ; statement boundary, non-NIL otherwise.
2667 ((bobp)
2668 (setq count 0)
2669 nil)
2671 (range ; point is within or approaching a literal.
2672 (cond
2673 ;; Single line string or sentence-flag is null => skip the
2674 ;; entire literal.
2675 ((or (null sentence-flag)
2676 (c-one-line-string-p range))
2677 (goto-char (car range))
2678 (setq range (c-ascertain-preceding-literal))
2679 ;; N.B. The following is essentially testing for an AWK regexp
2680 ;; at BOS:
2681 ;; Was the previous non-ws thing an end of statement?
2682 (save-excursion
2683 (if macro-fence
2684 (c-backward-comments)
2685 (c-backward-syntactic-ws))
2686 (not (or (bobp) (c-after-statement-terminator-p)))))
2688 ;; Comment inside a statement or a multi-line string.
2689 (t (when (setq res ; returns non-nil when we go out of the literal
2690 (if (eq (c-literal-type range) 'string)
2691 (c-beginning-of-sentence-in-string range)
2692 (c-beginning-of-sentence-in-comment range)))
2693 (setq range (c-ascertain-preceding-literal)))
2694 res)))
2696 ;; Non-literal code.
2697 (t (setq res (c-back-over-illiterals macro-fence))
2698 (setq not-bos ; "not reached beginning-of-statement".
2699 (or (= (point) last)
2700 (memq (char-after) '(?\) ?\}))
2701 (and
2702 (car res)
2703 ;; We're at a tentative BOS. The next form goes
2704 ;; back over WS looking for an end of previous
2705 ;; statement.
2706 (not (save-excursion
2707 (if macro-fence
2708 (c-backward-comments)
2709 (c-backward-syntactic-ws))
2710 (or (bobp) (c-after-statement-terminator-p)))))))
2711 ;; Are we about to move backwards into or out of a
2712 ;; preprocessor command? If so, locate its beginning.
2713 (when (eq (cdr res) 'macro-boundary)
2714 (save-excursion
2715 (beginning-of-line)
2716 (setq macro-fence
2717 (and (not (bobp))
2718 (progn (c-skip-ws-backward) (c-beginning-of-macro))
2719 (point)))))
2720 ;; Are we about to move backwards into a literal?
2721 (when (memq (cdr res) '(macro-boundary literal))
2722 (setq range (c-ascertain-preceding-literal)))
2723 not-bos))
2724 (setq last (point)))
2726 (if (/= count 0) (setq count (1- count))))
2727 (c-keep-region-active))))
2729 (defun c-end-of-statement (&optional count lim sentence-flag)
2730 "Go to the end of the innermost C statement.
2731 With prefix arg, go forward N - 1 statements. Move forward to the end
2732 of the next statement if already at end, and move into nested blocks
2733 \(use \\[forward-sexp] to skip over a block). If within or next to a
2734 comment or multiline string, move by sentences instead of statements.
2736 When called from a program, this function takes 3 optional args: the
2737 repetition count, a buffer position limit which is the farthest back
2738 to search for the syntactic context, and a flag saying whether to do
2739 sentence motion in or near comments and multiline strings."
2740 (interactive (list (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)
2741 nil t))
2742 (setq count (or count 1))
2743 (if (< count 0) (c-beginning-of-statement (- count) lim sentence-flag)
2745 (c-save-buffer-state
2746 (here ; start point for going forward ONE statement. Updated each statement.
2747 (macro-fence
2748 (save-excursion
2749 (and (not (eobp)) (c-beginning-of-macro)
2750 (progn (c-end-of-macro) (point)))))
2752 (range (c-collect-line-comments (c-literal-limits lim)))) ; (start.end) of current literal or NIL
2754 ;; Go back/forward one statement at each iteration of the following loop.
2755 (while (and (/= count 0)
2756 (or (not lim) (< (point) lim)))
2757 (setq here (point)) ; ONLY HERE is HERE updated
2759 ;; Go forward one "chunk" each time round the following loop, stopping
2760 ;; when we reach a statement boundary, etc.
2761 (while
2762 (cond ; Each arm of this cond returns NIL on reaching a desired
2763 ; statement boundary, non-NIL otherwise.
2764 ((eobp)
2765 (setq count 0)
2766 nil)
2768 (range ; point is within a literal.
2769 (cond
2770 ;; sentence-flag is null => skip the entire literal.
2771 ;; or a Single line string.
2772 ((or (null sentence-flag)
2773 (c-one-line-string-p range))
2774 (goto-char (cdr range))
2775 (setq range (c-ascertain-following-literal))
2776 ;; Is there a virtual semicolon here (e.g. for AWK)?
2777 (not (c-at-vsemi-p)))
2779 ;; Comment or multi-line string.
2780 (t (when (setq res ; gets non-nil when we go out of the literal
2781 (if (eq (c-literal-type range) 'string)
2782 (c-end-of-sentence-in-string range)
2783 (c-end-of-sentence-in-comment range)))
2784 (setq range (c-ascertain-following-literal)))
2785 ;; If we've just come forward out of a literal, check for
2786 ;; vsemi. (N.B. AWK can't have a vsemi after a comment, but
2787 ;; some other language may do in the future)
2788 (and res
2789 (not (c-at-vsemi-p))))))
2791 ;; Non-literal code.
2792 (t (setq res (c-forward-over-illiterals macro-fence
2793 (> (point) here)))
2794 ;; Are we about to move forward into or out of a
2795 ;; preprocessor command?
2796 (when (eq (cdr res) 'macro-boundary)
2797 (setq macro-fence
2798 (save-excursion
2799 (if macro-fence
2800 (progn
2801 (end-of-line)
2802 (and (not (eobp))
2803 (progn (c-skip-ws-forward)
2804 (c-beginning-of-macro))
2805 (progn (c-end-of-macro)
2806 (point))))
2807 (and (not (eobp))
2808 (c-beginning-of-macro)
2809 (progn (c-end-of-macro) (point)))))))
2810 ;; Are we about to move forward into a literal?
2811 (when (memq (cdr res) '(macro-boundary literal))
2812 (setq range (c-ascertain-following-literal)))
2813 (car res))))
2815 (if (/= count 0) (setq count (1- count))))
2816 (c-keep-region-active))))
2819 ;; set up electric character functions to work with pending-del,
2820 ;; (a.k.a. delsel) mode. All symbols get the t value except
2821 ;; the functions which delete, which gets 'supersede.
2822 (mapc
2823 (function
2824 (lambda (sym)
2825 (put sym 'delete-selection t) ; for delsel (Emacs)
2826 (put sym 'pending-delete t))) ; for pending-del (XEmacs)
2827 '(c-electric-pound
2828 c-electric-brace
2829 c-electric-slash
2830 c-electric-star
2831 c-electric-semi&comma
2832 c-electric-lt-gt
2833 c-electric-colon
2834 c-electric-paren))
2835 (put 'c-electric-delete 'delete-selection 'supersede) ; delsel
2836 (put 'c-electric-delete 'pending-delete 'supersede) ; pending-del
2837 (put 'c-electric-backspace 'delete-selection 'supersede) ; delsel
2838 (put 'c-electric-backspace 'pending-delete 'supersede) ; pending-del
2839 (put 'c-electric-delete-forward 'delete-selection 'supersede) ; delsel
2840 (put 'c-electric-delete-forward 'pending-delete 'supersede) ; pending-del
2843 ;; Inserting/indenting comments
2844 (defun c-calc-comment-indent (entry)
2845 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
2846 (if (symbolp entry)
2847 (setq entry (or (assq entry c-indent-comment-alist)
2848 (assq 'other c-indent-comment-alist)
2849 '(default . (column . nil)))))
2850 (let ((action (car (cdr entry)))
2851 (value (cdr (cdr entry)))
2852 (col (current-column)))
2853 (cond ((eq action 'space)
2854 (+ col value))
2855 ((eq action 'column)
2856 (unless value (setq value comment-column))
2857 (if (bolp)
2858 ;; Do not pad with one space if we're at bol.
2859 value
2860 (max (1+ col) value)))
2861 ((eq action 'align)
2862 (or (save-excursion
2863 (beginning-of-line)
2864 (unless (bobp)
2865 (backward-char)
2866 (let ((lim (c-literal-limits (c-point 'bol) t)))
2867 (when (consp lim)
2868 (goto-char (car lim))
2869 (when (looking-at "/[/*]") ; FIXME!!! Adapt for AWK! (ACM, 2005/11/18)
2870 ;; Found comment to align with.
2871 (if (bolp)
2872 ;; Do not pad with one space if we're at bol.
2874 (max (1+ col) (current-column))))))))
2875 ;; Recurse to handle value as a new spec.
2876 (c-calc-comment-indent (cdr entry)))))))
2878 (defun c-comment-indent ()
2879 "Used by `indent-for-comment' to create and indent comments.
2880 See `c-indent-comment-alist' for a description."
2881 (save-excursion
2882 (end-of-line)
2883 (c-save-buffer-state
2884 ((eot (let ((lim (c-literal-limits (c-point 'bol) t)))
2885 (or (when (consp lim)
2886 (goto-char (car lim))
2887 (when (looking-at "/[/*]")
2888 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
2889 (point)))
2890 (progn
2891 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
2892 (point)))))
2893 (line-type
2894 (cond ((looking-at "^/[/*]")
2895 'anchored-comment)
2896 ((progn (beginning-of-line)
2897 (eq (point) eot))
2898 'empty-line)
2899 ((progn (back-to-indentation)
2900 (and (eq (char-after) ?})
2901 (eq (point) (1- eot))))
2902 'end-block)
2903 ((and (looking-at "#[ \t]*\\(endif\\|else\\)")
2904 (eq (match-end 0) eot))
2905 'cpp-end-block)
2907 'other)))
2908 case-fold-search)
2909 (if (and (memq line-type '(anchored-comment empty-line))
2910 c-indent-comments-syntactically-p)
2911 (let ((c-syntactic-context (c-guess-basic-syntax)))
2912 ;; BOGOSITY ALERT: if we're looking at the eol, its
2913 ;; because indent-for-comment hasn't put the comment-start
2914 ;; in the buffer yet. this will screw up the syntactic
2915 ;; analysis so we kludge in the necessary info. Another
2916 ;; kludge is that if we're at the bol, then we really want
2917 ;; to ignore any anchoring as specified by
2918 ;; c-comment-only-line-offset since it doesn't apply here.
2919 (if (eolp)
2920 (c-add-syntax 'comment-intro))
2921 (let ((c-comment-only-line-offset
2922 (if (consp c-comment-only-line-offset)
2923 c-comment-only-line-offset
2924 (cons c-comment-only-line-offset
2925 c-comment-only-line-offset))))
2926 (c-get-syntactic-indentation c-syntactic-context)))
2927 (goto-char eot)
2928 (c-calc-comment-indent line-type)))))
2931 ;; used by outline-minor-mode
2932 (defun c-outline-level ()
2933 (let (buffer-invisibility-spec);; This so that `current-column' DTRT
2934 ;; in otherwise-hidden text.
2935 (save-excursion
2936 (skip-chars-forward "\t ")
2937 (current-column))))
2940 ;; Movement by CPP conditionals.
2941 (defun c-up-conditional (count)
2942 "Move back to the containing preprocessor conditional, leaving mark behind.
2943 A prefix argument acts as a repeat count. With a negative argument,
2944 move forward to the end of the containing preprocessor conditional.
2946 \"#elif\" is treated like \"#else\" followed by \"#if\", so the
2947 function stops at them when going backward, but not when going
2948 forward."
2949 (interactive "p")
2950 (let ((new-point (c-scan-conditionals (- count) -1)))
2951 (push-mark)
2952 (goto-char new-point))
2953 (c-keep-region-active))
2955 (defun c-up-conditional-with-else (count)
2956 "Move back to the containing preprocessor conditional, including \"#else\".
2957 Just like `c-up-conditional', except it also stops at \"#else\"
2958 directives."
2959 (interactive "p")
2960 (let ((new-point (c-scan-conditionals (- count) -1 t)))
2961 (push-mark)
2962 (goto-char new-point))
2963 (c-keep-region-active))
2965 (defun c-down-conditional (count)
2966 "Move forward into the next preprocessor conditional, leaving mark behind.
2967 A prefix argument acts as a repeat count. With a negative argument,
2968 move backward into the previous preprocessor conditional.
2970 \"#elif\" is treated like \"#else\" followed by \"#if\", so the
2971 function stops at them when going forward, but not when going
2972 backward."
2973 (interactive "p")
2974 (let ((new-point (c-scan-conditionals count 1)))
2975 (push-mark)
2976 (goto-char new-point))
2977 (c-keep-region-active))
2979 (defun c-down-conditional-with-else (count)
2980 "Move forward into the next preprocessor conditional, including \"#else\".
2981 Just like `c-down-conditional', except it also stops at \"#else\"
2982 directives."
2983 (interactive "p")
2984 (let ((new-point (c-scan-conditionals count 1 t)))
2985 (push-mark)
2986 (goto-char new-point))
2987 (c-keep-region-active))
2989 (defun c-backward-conditional (count &optional target-depth with-else)
2990 "Move back across a preprocessor conditional, leaving mark behind.
2991 A prefix argument acts as a repeat count. With a negative argument,
2992 move forward across a preprocessor conditional.
2994 The optional arguments TARGET-DEPTH and WITH-ELSE are historical,
2995 and have the same meanings as in `c-scan-conditionals'. If you
2996 are calling c-forward-conditional from a program, you might want
2997 to call `c-scan-conditionals' directly instead."
2998 (interactive "p")
2999 (let ((new-point (c-scan-conditionals (- count) target-depth with-else)))
3000 (push-mark)
3001 (goto-char new-point))
3002 (c-keep-region-active))
3004 (defun c-forward-conditional (count &optional target-depth with-else)
3005 "Move forward across a preprocessor conditional, leaving mark behind.
3006 A prefix argument acts as a repeat count. With a negative argument,
3007 move backward across a preprocessor conditional.
3009 If there aren't enough conditionals after \(or before) point, an
3010 error is signaled.
3012 \"#elif\" is treated like \"#else\" followed by \"#if\", except that
3013 the nesting level isn't changed when tracking subconditionals.
3015 The optional arguments TARGET-DEPTH and WITH-ELSE are historical,
3016 and have the same meanings as in `c-scan-conditionals'. If you
3017 are calling c-forward-conditional from a program, you might want
3018 to call `c-scan-conditionals' directly instead."
3019 (interactive "p")
3020 (let ((new-point (c-scan-conditionals count target-depth with-else)))
3021 (push-mark)
3022 (goto-char new-point)))
3024 (defun c-scan-conditionals (count &optional target-depth with-else)
3025 "Scan forward across COUNT preprocessor conditionals.
3026 With a negative argument, scan backward across preprocessor
3027 conditionals. Return the end position. Point is not moved.
3029 If there aren't enough preprocessor conditionals, throw an error.
3031 \"#elif\" is treated like \"#else\" followed by \"#if\", except that
3032 the nesting level isn't changed when tracking subconditionals.
3034 The optional argument TARGET-DEPTH specifies the wanted nesting depth
3035 after each scan. E.g. if TARGET-DEPTH is -1, the end position will be
3036 outside the enclosing conditional. A non-integer non-nil TARGET-DEPTH
3037 counts as -1.
3039 If the optional argument WITH-ELSE is non-nil, \"#else\" directives
3040 are treated as conditional clause limits. Normally they are ignored."
3041 (let* ((forward (> count 0))
3042 (increment (if forward -1 1))
3043 (search-function (if forward 're-search-forward 're-search-backward))
3044 new case-fold-search)
3045 (unless (integerp target-depth)
3046 (setq target-depth (if target-depth -1 0)))
3047 (save-excursion
3048 (while (/= count 0)
3049 (let ((depth 0)
3050 ;; subdepth is the depth in "uninteresting" subtrees,
3051 ;; i.e. those that takes us farther from the target
3052 ;; depth instead of closer.
3053 (subdepth 0)
3054 found)
3055 (save-excursion
3056 ;; Find the "next" significant line in the proper direction.
3057 (while (and (not found)
3058 ;; Rather than searching for a # sign that
3059 ;; comes at the beginning of a line aside from
3060 ;; whitespace, search first for a string
3061 ;; starting with # sign. Then verify what
3062 ;; precedes it. This is faster on account of
3063 ;; the fastmap feature of the regexp matcher.
3064 (funcall search-function
3065 "#[ \t]*\\(if\\|elif\\|endif\\|else\\)"
3066 nil t))
3067 (beginning-of-line)
3068 ;; Now verify it is really a preproc line.
3069 (if (looking-at "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\\(if\\|elif\\|endif\\|else\\)")
3070 (let (dchange (directive (match-string 1)))
3071 (cond ((string= directive "if")
3072 (setq dchange (- increment)))
3073 ((string= directive "endif")
3074 (setq dchange increment))
3075 ((= subdepth 0)
3076 ;; When we're not in an "uninteresting"
3077 ;; subtree, we might want to act on "elif"
3078 ;; and "else" too.
3079 (if (cond (with-else
3080 ;; Always move toward the target depth.
3081 (setq dchange
3082 (if (> target-depth 0) 1 -1)))
3083 ((string= directive "elif")
3084 (setq dchange (- increment))))
3085 ;; Ignore the change if it'd take us
3086 ;; into an "uninteresting" subtree.
3087 (if (eq (> dchange 0) (<= target-depth 0))
3088 (setq dchange nil)))))
3089 (when dchange
3090 (when (or (/= subdepth 0)
3091 (eq (> dchange 0) (<= target-depth 0)))
3092 (setq subdepth (+ subdepth dchange)))
3093 (setq depth (+ depth dchange))
3094 ;; If we are trying to move across, and we find an
3095 ;; end before we find a beginning, get an error.
3096 (if (and (< depth target-depth) (< dchange 0))
3097 (error (if forward
3098 "No following conditional at this level"
3099 "No previous conditional at this level"))))
3100 ;; When searching forward, start from next line so
3101 ;; that we don't find the same line again.
3102 (if forward (forward-line 1))
3103 ;; We found something if we've arrived at the
3104 ;; target depth.
3105 (if (and dchange (= depth target-depth))
3106 (setq found (point))))
3107 ;; else
3108 (if forward (forward-line 1)))))
3109 (or found
3110 (error "No containing preprocessor conditional"))
3111 (goto-char (setq new found)))
3112 (setq count (+ count increment))))
3113 (c-keep-region-active)
3114 new))
3117 ;; commands to indent lines, regions, defuns, and expressions
3118 (defun c-indent-command (&optional arg)
3119 "Indent current line as C code, and/or insert some whitespace.
3121 If `c-tab-always-indent' is t, always just indent the current line.
3122 If nil, indent the current line only if point is at the left margin or
3123 in the line's indentation; otherwise insert some whitespace[*]. If
3124 other than nil or t, then some whitespace[*] is inserted only within
3125 literals (comments and strings), but the line is always reindented.
3127 If `c-syntactic-indentation' is t, indentation is done according to
3128 the syntactic context. A numeric argument, regardless of its value,
3129 means indent rigidly all the lines of the expression starting after
3130 point so that this line becomes properly indented. The relative
3131 indentation among the lines of the expression is preserved.
3133 If `c-syntactic-indentation' is nil, the line is just indented one
3134 step according to `c-basic-offset'. In this mode, a numeric argument
3135 indents a number of such steps, positive or negative, and an empty
3136 prefix argument is equivalent to -1.
3138 [*] The amount and kind of whitespace inserted is controlled by the
3139 variable `c-insert-tab-function', which is called to do the actual
3140 insertion of whitespace. Normally the function in this variable
3141 just inserts a tab character, or the equivalent number of spaces,
3142 depending on the variable `indent-tabs-mode'."
3144 (interactive "P")
3145 (let ((indent-function
3146 (if c-syntactic-indentation
3147 (symbol-function 'indent-according-to-mode)
3148 (lambda ()
3149 (let ((c-macro-start c-macro-start)
3150 (steps (if (equal arg '(4))
3152 (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
3153 (c-shift-line-indentation (* steps c-basic-offset))
3154 (when (and c-auto-align-backslashes
3155 (save-excursion
3156 (end-of-line)
3157 (eq (char-before) ?\\))
3158 (c-query-and-set-macro-start))
3159 ;; Realign the line continuation backslash if inside a macro.
3160 (c-backslash-region (point) (point) nil t)))
3161 ))))
3162 (if (and c-syntactic-indentation arg)
3163 ;; If c-syntactic-indentation and got arg, always indent this
3164 ;; line as C and shift remaining lines of expression the same
3165 ;; amount.
3166 (let ((shift-amt (save-excursion
3167 (back-to-indentation)
3168 (current-column)))
3169 beg end)
3170 (c-indent-line)
3171 (setq shift-amt (- (save-excursion
3172 (back-to-indentation)
3173 (current-column))
3174 shift-amt))
3175 (save-excursion
3176 (if (eq c-tab-always-indent t)
3177 (beginning-of-line)) ; FIXME!!! What is this here for? ACM 2005/10/31
3178 (setq beg (point))
3179 (c-forward-sexp 1)
3180 (setq end (point))
3181 (goto-char beg)
3182 (forward-line 1)
3183 (setq beg (point)))
3184 (if (> end beg)
3185 (indent-code-rigidly beg end shift-amt "#")))
3186 ;; Else use c-tab-always-indent to determine behavior.
3187 (cond
3188 ;; CASE 1: indent when at column zero or in line's indentation,
3189 ;; otherwise insert a tab
3190 ((not c-tab-always-indent)
3191 (if (save-excursion
3192 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
3193 (not (bolp)))
3194 (funcall c-insert-tab-function)
3195 (funcall indent-function)))
3196 ;; CASE 2: just indent the line
3197 ((eq c-tab-always-indent t)
3198 (funcall indent-function))
3199 ;; CASE 3: if in a literal, insert a tab, but always indent the
3200 ;; line
3202 (if (c-save-buffer-state () (c-in-literal))
3203 (funcall c-insert-tab-function))
3204 (funcall indent-function)
3205 )))))
3207 (defun c-indent-exp (&optional shutup-p)
3208 "Indent each line in the balanced expression following point syntactically.
3209 If optional SHUTUP-P is non-nil, no errors are signaled if no
3210 balanced expression is found."
3211 (interactive "*P")
3212 (let ((here (point-marker))
3213 end)
3214 (set-marker-insertion-type here t)
3215 (unwind-protect
3216 (let ((start (save-restriction
3217 ;; Find the closest following open paren that
3218 ;; ends on another line.
3219 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (c-point 'eol))
3220 (let (beg (end (point)))
3221 (while (and (setq beg (c-down-list-forward end))
3222 (setq end (c-up-list-forward beg))))
3223 (and beg
3224 (eq (char-syntax (char-before beg)) ?\()
3225 (1- beg))))))
3226 ;; sanity check
3227 (if (not start)
3228 (unless shutup-p
3229 (error "Cannot find start of balanced expression to indent"))
3230 (goto-char start)
3231 (setq end (c-safe (scan-sexps (point) 1)))
3232 (if (not end)
3233 (unless shutup-p
3234 (error "Cannot find end of balanced expression to indent"))
3235 (forward-line)
3236 (if (< (point) end)
3237 (c-indent-region (point) end)))))
3238 (goto-char here)
3239 (set-marker here nil))))
3241 (defun c-indent-defun ()
3242 "Indent the current top-level declaration or macro syntactically.
3243 In the macro case this also has the effect of realigning any line
3244 continuation backslashes, unless `c-auto-align-backslashes' is nil."
3245 (interactive "*")
3246 (let ((here (point-marker)) decl-limits case-fold-search)
3247 (unwind-protect
3248 (progn
3249 (c-save-buffer-state nil
3250 ;; We try to be line oriented, unless there are several
3251 ;; declarations on the same line.
3252 (if (looking-at c-syntactic-eol)
3253 (c-backward-token-2 1 nil (c-point 'bol))
3254 (c-forward-token-2 0 nil (c-point 'eol)))
3255 (setq decl-limits (c-declaration-limits nil)))
3256 (if decl-limits
3257 (c-indent-region (car decl-limits)
3258 (cdr decl-limits))))
3259 (goto-char here)
3260 (set-marker here nil))))
3262 (defun c-indent-region (start end &optional quiet)
3263 "Indent syntactically every line whose first char is between START
3264 and END inclusive. If the optional argument QUIET is non-nil then no
3265 syntactic errors are reported, even if `c-report-syntactic-errors' is
3266 non-nil."
3267 (save-excursion
3268 (goto-char end)
3269 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f\v")
3270 (setq end (point))
3271 (goto-char start)
3272 ;; Advance to first nonblank line.
3273 (beginning-of-line)
3274 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r\f\v")
3275 (setq start (point))
3276 (beginning-of-line)
3277 (setq c-parsing-error
3278 (or (let ((endmark (copy-marker end))
3279 (c-parsing-error nil)
3280 ;; shut up any echo msgs on indiv lines
3281 (c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil)
3282 (ml-macro-start ; Start pos of multi-line macro.
3283 (and (c-save-buffer-state ()
3284 (save-excursion (c-beginning-of-macro)))
3285 (eq (char-before (c-point 'eol)) ?\\)
3286 start))
3287 (c-fix-backslashes nil)
3288 syntax)
3289 (unwind-protect
3290 (progn
3291 (c-progress-init start end 'c-indent-region)
3293 (while (and (bolp) ;; One line each time round the loop.
3294 (not (eobp))
3295 (< (point) endmark))
3296 ;; update progress
3297 (c-progress-update)
3298 ;; skip empty lines
3299 (unless (or (looking-at "\\s *$")
3300 (and ml-macro-start (looking-at "\\s *\\\\$")))
3301 ;; Get syntax and indent.
3302 (c-save-buffer-state nil
3303 (setq syntax (c-guess-basic-syntax)))
3304 (c-indent-line syntax t t))
3306 (if ml-macro-start
3307 ;; End of current multi-line macro?
3308 (when (and c-auto-align-backslashes
3309 (not (eq (char-before (c-point 'eol)) ?\\)))
3310 ;; Fixup macro backslashes.
3311 (c-backslash-region ml-macro-start (c-point 'bonl) nil)
3312 (setq ml-macro-start nil))
3313 ;; New multi-line macro?
3314 (if (and (assq 'cpp-macro syntax)
3315 (eq (char-before (c-point 'eol)) ?\\))
3316 (setq ml-macro-start (point))))
3318 (forward-line))
3320 (if (and ml-macro-start c-auto-align-backslashes)
3321 (c-backslash-region ml-macro-start (c-point 'bopl) nil t)))
3322 (set-marker endmark nil)
3323 (c-progress-fini 'c-indent-region))
3324 (c-echo-parsing-error quiet))
3325 c-parsing-error))))
3327 (defun c-fn-region-is-active-p ()
3328 ;; Function version of the macro for use in places that aren't
3329 ;; compiled, e.g. in the menus.
3330 (c-region-is-active-p))
3332 (defun c-indent-line-or-region (&optional arg region)
3333 "Indent active region, current line, or block starting on this line.
3334 In Transient Mark mode, when the region is active, reindent the region.
3335 Otherwise, with a prefix argument, rigidly reindent the expression
3336 starting on the current line.
3337 Otherwise reindent just the current line."
3338 (interactive
3339 (list current-prefix-arg (use-region-p)))
3340 (if region
3341 (c-indent-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
3342 (c-indent-command arg)))
3344 ;; for progress reporting
3345 (defvar c-progress-info nil)
3347 (defun c-progress-init (start end context)
3348 (cond
3349 ;; Be silent
3350 ((not c-progress-interval))
3351 ;; Start the progress update messages. If this Emacs doesn't have
3352 ;; a built-in timer, just be dumb about it.
3353 ((not (fboundp 'current-time))
3354 (message "Indenting region... (this may take a while)"))
3355 ;; If progress has already been initialized, do nothing. otherwise
3356 ;; initialize the counter with a vector of:
3357 ;; [start end lastsec context]
3358 (c-progress-info)
3359 (t (setq c-progress-info (vector start
3360 (save-excursion
3361 (goto-char end)
3362 (point-marker))
3363 (nth 1 (current-time))
3364 context))
3365 (message "Indenting region..."))
3368 (defun c-progress-update ()
3369 (if (not (and c-progress-info c-progress-interval))
3371 (let ((now (nth 1 (current-time)))
3372 (start (aref c-progress-info 0))
3373 (end (aref c-progress-info 1))
3374 (lastsecs (aref c-progress-info 2)))
3375 ;; should we update? currently, update happens every 2 seconds,
3376 ;; what's the right value?
3377 (if (< c-progress-interval (- now lastsecs))
3378 (progn
3379 (message "Indenting region... (%d%% complete)"
3380 (/ (* 100 (- (point) start)) (- end start)))
3381 (aset c-progress-info 2 now)))
3384 (defun c-progress-fini (context)
3385 (if (not c-progress-interval)
3387 (if (or (eq context (aref c-progress-info 3))
3388 (eq context t))
3389 (progn
3390 (set-marker (aref c-progress-info 1) nil)
3391 (setq c-progress-info nil)
3392 (message "Indenting region... done")))))
3396 ;;; This page handles insertion and removal of backslashes for C macros.
3398 (defun c-backslash-region (from to delete-flag &optional line-mode)
3399 "Insert, align, or delete end-of-line backslashes on the lines in the region.
3400 With no argument, inserts backslashes and aligns existing backslashes.
3401 With an argument, deletes the backslashes. The backslash alignment is
3402 done according to the settings in `c-backslash-column',
3403 `c-backslash-max-column' and `c-auto-align-backslashes'.
3405 This function does not modify blank lines at the start of the region.
3406 If the region ends at the start of a line and the macro doesn't
3407 continue below it, the backslash (if any) at the end of the previous
3408 line is deleted.
3410 You can put the region around an entire macro definition and use this
3411 command to conveniently insert and align the necessary backslashes."
3412 (interactive "*r\nP")
3413 (let ((endmark (make-marker))
3414 ;; Keep the backslash trimming functions from changing the
3415 ;; whitespace around point, since in this case it's only the
3416 ;; position of point that tells the indentation of the line.
3417 (point-pos (if (save-excursion
3418 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
3419 (and (bolp) (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$")))
3420 (point-marker)
3421 (point-min)))
3422 column longest-line-col bs-col-after-end)
3423 (save-excursion
3424 (goto-char to)
3425 (if (and (not line-mode) (bobp))
3426 ;; Nothing to do if to is at bob, since we should back up
3427 ;; and there's no line to back up to.
3429 (when (and (not line-mode) (bolp))
3430 ;; Do not back up the to line if line-mode is set, to make
3431 ;; e.g. c-newline-and-indent consistent regardless whether
3432 ;; the (newline) call leaves point at bol or not.
3433 (backward-char)
3434 (setq to (point)))
3435 (if delete-flag
3436 (progn
3437 (set-marker endmark (point))
3438 (goto-char from)
3439 (c-delete-backslashes-forward endmark point-pos))
3440 ;; Set bs-col-after-end to the column of any backslash
3441 ;; following the region, or nil if there is none.
3442 (setq bs-col-after-end
3443 (and (progn (end-of-line)
3444 (eq (char-before) ?\\))
3445 (= (forward-line 1) 0)
3446 (progn (end-of-line)
3447 (eq (char-before) ?\\))
3448 (1- (current-column))))
3449 (when line-mode
3450 ;; Back up the to line if line-mode is set, since the line
3451 ;; after the newly inserted line break should not be
3452 ;; touched in c-newline-and-indent.
3453 (setq to (max from (or (c-safe (c-point 'eopl)) from)))
3454 (unless bs-col-after-end
3455 ;; Set bs-col-after-end to non-nil in any case, since we
3456 ;; do not want to delete the backslash at the last line.
3457 (setq bs-col-after-end t)))
3458 (if (and line-mode
3459 (not c-auto-align-backslashes))
3460 (goto-char from)
3461 ;; Compute the smallest column number past the ends of all
3462 ;; the lines.
3463 (setq longest-line-col 0)
3464 (goto-char to)
3465 (if bs-col-after-end
3466 ;; Include one more line in the max column
3467 ;; calculation, since the to line will be backslashed
3468 ;; too.
3469 (forward-line 1))
3470 (end-of-line)
3471 (while (and (>= (point) from)
3472 (progn
3473 (if (eq (char-before) ?\\)
3474 (forward-char -1))
3475 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
3476 (setq longest-line-col (max longest-line-col
3477 (1+ (current-column))))
3478 (beginning-of-line)
3479 (not (bobp))))
3480 (backward-char))
3481 ;; Try to align with surrounding backslashes.
3482 (goto-char from)
3483 (beginning-of-line)
3484 (if (and (not (bobp))
3485 (progn (backward-char)
3486 (eq (char-before) ?\\)))
3487 (progn
3488 (setq column (1- (current-column)))
3489 (if (numberp bs-col-after-end)
3490 ;; Both a preceding and a following backslash.
3491 ;; Choose the greatest of them.
3492 (setq column (max column bs-col-after-end)))
3493 (goto-char from))
3494 ;; No preceding backslash. Try to align with one
3495 ;; following the region. Disregard the backslash at the
3496 ;; to line since it's likely to be bogus (e.g. when
3497 ;; called from c-newline-and-indent).
3498 (if (numberp bs-col-after-end)
3499 (setq column bs-col-after-end))
3500 ;; Don't modify blank lines at start of region.
3501 (goto-char from)
3502 (while (and (< (point) to) (bolp) (eolp))
3503 (forward-line 1)))
3504 (if (and column (< column longest-line-col))
3505 ;; Don't try to align with surrounding backslashes if
3506 ;; any line is too long.
3507 (setq column nil))
3508 (unless column
3509 ;; Impose minimum limit and tab width alignment only if
3510 ;; we can't align with surrounding backslashes.
3511 (if (> (% longest-line-col tab-width) 0)
3512 (setq longest-line-col
3513 (* (/ (+ longest-line-col tab-width -1)
3514 tab-width)
3515 tab-width)))
3516 (setq column (max c-backslash-column
3517 longest-line-col)))
3518 ;; Always impose maximum limit.
3519 (setq column (min column c-backslash-max-column)))
3520 (if bs-col-after-end
3521 ;; Add backslashes on all lines if the macro continues
3522 ;; after the to line.
3523 (progn
3524 (set-marker endmark to)
3525 (c-append-backslashes-forward endmark column point-pos))
3526 ;; Add backslashes on all lines except the last, and
3527 ;; remove any on the last line.
3528 (if (save-excursion
3529 (goto-char to)
3530 (beginning-of-line)
3531 (if (not (bobp))
3532 (set-marker endmark (1- (point)))))
3533 (progn
3534 (c-append-backslashes-forward endmark column point-pos)
3535 ;; The function above leaves point on the line
3536 ;; following endmark.
3537 (set-marker endmark (point)))
3538 (set-marker endmark to))
3539 (c-delete-backslashes-forward endmark point-pos)))))
3540 (set-marker endmark nil)
3541 (if (markerp point-pos)
3542 (set-marker point-pos nil))))
3544 (defun c-append-backslashes-forward (to-mark column point-pos)
3545 (let ((state (parse-partial-sexp (c-point 'bol) (point))))
3546 (if column
3547 (while
3548 (and
3549 (<= (point) to-mark)
3551 (let ((start (point)) (inserted nil) end col)
3552 (end-of-line)
3553 (unless (eq (char-before) ?\\)
3554 (insert ?\\)
3555 (setq inserted t))
3556 (setq state (parse-partial-sexp
3557 start (point) nil nil state))
3558 (backward-char)
3559 (setq col (current-column))
3561 ;; Avoid unnecessary changes of the buffer.
3562 (cond ((and (not inserted) (nth 3 state))
3563 ;; Don't realign backslashes in string literals
3564 ;; since that would change them.
3567 ((< col column)
3568 (delete-region
3569 (point)
3570 (progn
3571 (skip-chars-backward
3572 " \t" (if (>= (point) point-pos) point-pos))
3573 (point)))
3574 (indent-to column))
3576 ((and (= col column)
3577 (memq (char-before) '(?\ ?\t))))
3579 ((progn
3580 (setq end (point))
3581 (or (/= (skip-chars-backward
3582 " \t" (if (>= (point) point-pos) point-pos))
3584 (/= (char-after) ?\ )))
3585 (delete-region (point) end)
3586 (indent-to column 1)))
3588 (zerop (forward-line 1)))
3589 (bolp))) ; forward-line has funny behavior at eob.
3591 ;; Make sure there are backslashes with at least one space in
3592 ;; front of them.
3593 (while
3594 (and
3595 (<= (point) to-mark)
3597 (let ((start (point)))
3598 (end-of-line)
3599 (setq state (parse-partial-sexp
3600 start (point) nil nil state))
3602 (if (eq (char-before) ?\\)
3603 (unless (nth 3 state)
3604 (backward-char)
3605 (unless (and (memq (char-before) '(?\ ?\t))
3606 (/= (point) point-pos))
3607 (insert ?\ )))
3609 (if (and (memq (char-before) '(?\ ?\t))
3610 (/= (point) point-pos))
3611 (insert ?\\)
3612 (insert ?\ ?\\)))
3614 (zerop (forward-line 1)))
3615 (bolp)))))) ; forward-line has funny behavior at eob.
3617 (defun c-delete-backslashes-forward (to-mark point-pos)
3618 (while
3619 (and (<= (point) to-mark)
3620 (progn
3621 (end-of-line)
3622 (if (eq (char-before) ?\\)
3623 (delete-region
3624 (point)
3625 (progn (backward-char)
3626 (skip-chars-backward " \t" (if (>= (point) point-pos)
3627 point-pos))
3628 (point))))
3629 (zerop (forward-line 1)))
3630 (bolp)))) ; forward-line has funny behavior at eob.
3634 ;;; Line breaking and paragraph filling.
3636 (defvar c-auto-fill-prefix t)
3637 (defvar c-lit-limits nil)
3638 (defvar c-lit-type nil)
3640 ;; The filling code is based on a simple theory; leave the intricacies
3641 ;; of the text handling to the currently active mode for that
3642 ;; (e.g. adaptive-fill-mode or filladapt-mode) and do as little as
3643 ;; possible to make them work correctly wrt the comment and string
3644 ;; separators, one-line paragraphs etc. Unfortunately, when it comes
3645 ;; to it, there's quite a lot of special cases to handle which makes
3646 ;; the code anything but simple. The intention is that it will work
3647 ;; with any well-written text filling package that preserves a fill
3648 ;; prefix.
3650 ;; We temporarily mask comment starters and enders as necessary for
3651 ;; the filling code to do its job on a seemingly normal text block.
3652 ;; We do _not_ mask the fill prefix, so it's up to the filling code to
3653 ;; preserve it correctly (especially important when filling C++ style
3654 ;; line comments). By default, we set up and use adaptive-fill-mode,
3655 ;; which is standard in all supported Emacs flavors.
3657 (defun c-guess-fill-prefix (lit-limits lit-type)
3658 ;; Determine the appropriate comment fill prefix for a block or line
3659 ;; comment. Return a cons of the prefix string and the column where
3660 ;; it ends. If fill-prefix is set, it'll override. Note that this
3661 ;; function also uses the value of point in some heuristics.
3663 ;; This function might do hidden buffer changes.
3665 (let* ((here (point))
3666 (prefix-regexp (concat "[ \t]*\\("
3667 c-current-comment-prefix
3668 "\\)[ \t]*"))
3669 (comment-start-regexp (if (eq lit-type 'c++)
3670 prefix-regexp
3671 comment-start-skip))
3672 prefix-line comment-prefix res comment-text-end)
3674 (cond
3675 (fill-prefix
3676 (setq res (cons fill-prefix
3677 ;; Ugly way of getting the column after the fill
3678 ;; prefix; it'd be nice with a current-column
3679 ;; that works on strings..
3680 (let ((start (point)))
3681 (unwind-protect
3682 (progn
3683 (insert-and-inherit "\n" fill-prefix)
3684 (current-column))
3685 (delete-region start (point)))))))
3687 ((eq lit-type 'c++)
3688 (save-excursion
3689 ;; Set fallback for comment-prefix if none is found.
3690 (setq comment-prefix "// "
3691 comment-text-end (cdr lit-limits))
3693 (beginning-of-line)
3694 (if (> (point) (car lit-limits))
3695 ;; The current line is not the comment starter, so the
3696 ;; comment has more than one line, and it can therefore be
3697 ;; used to find the comment fill prefix.
3698 (setq prefix-line (point))
3700 (goto-char (car lit-limits))
3701 (if (and (= (forward-line 1) 0)
3702 (< (point) (cdr lit-limits)))
3703 ;; The line after the comment starter is inside the
3704 ;; comment, so we can use it.
3705 (setq prefix-line (point))
3707 ;; The comment is only one line. Take the comment prefix
3708 ;; from it and keep the indentation.
3709 (goto-char (car lit-limits))
3710 (if (looking-at prefix-regexp)
3711 (goto-char (match-end 0))
3712 (forward-char 2)
3713 (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
3715 (let (str col)
3716 (if (eq (c-point 'boi) (car lit-limits))
3717 ;; There is only whitespace before the comment
3718 ;; starter; take the prefix straight from this line.
3719 (setq str (buffer-substring-no-properties
3720 (c-point 'bol) (point))
3721 col (current-column))
3723 ;; There is code before the comment starter, so we
3724 ;; have to temporarily insert and indent a new line to
3725 ;; get the right space/tab mix in the indentation.
3726 (let ((prefix-len (- (point) (car lit-limits)))
3727 tmp)
3728 (unwind-protect
3729 (progn
3730 (goto-char (car lit-limits))
3731 (indent-to (prog1 (current-column)
3732 (insert ?\n)))
3733 (setq tmp (point))
3734 (forward-char prefix-len)
3735 (setq str (buffer-substring-no-properties
3736 (c-point 'bol) (point))
3737 col (current-column)))
3738 (delete-region (car lit-limits) tmp))))
3740 (setq res
3741 (if (or (string-match "\\s \\'" str) (not (eolp)))
3742 (cons str col)
3743 ;; The prefix ends the line with no whitespace
3744 ;; after it. Default to a single space.
3745 (cons (concat str " ") (1+ col))))
3746 )))))
3749 (setq comment-text-end
3750 (save-excursion
3751 (goto-char (- (cdr lit-limits) 2))
3752 (if (looking-at "\\*/") (point) (cdr lit-limits))))
3754 (save-excursion
3755 (beginning-of-line)
3756 (if (and (> (point) (car lit-limits))
3757 (not (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\\*/")
3758 (eq (cdr lit-limits) (match-end 0)))))
3759 ;; The current line is not the comment starter and
3760 ;; contains more than just the ender, so it's good enough
3761 ;; to be used for the comment fill prefix.
3762 (setq prefix-line (point))
3763 (goto-char (car lit-limits))
3765 (cond ((or (/= (forward-line 1) 0)
3766 (>= (point) (cdr lit-limits))
3767 (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\\*/")
3768 (eq (cdr lit-limits) (match-end 0)))
3769 (and (looking-at prefix-regexp)
3770 (<= (1- (cdr lit-limits)) (match-end 0))))
3771 ;; The comment is either one line or the next line contains
3772 ;; just the comment ender. In this case we have no
3773 ;; information about a suitable comment prefix, so we resort
3774 ;; to c-block-comment-prefix.
3775 (setq comment-prefix (or c-block-comment-prefix "")))
3777 ((< here (point))
3778 ;; The point was on the comment opener line, so we might want
3779 ;; to treat this as a not yet closed comment.
3781 (if (and (match-beginning 1)
3782 (/= (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
3783 ;; Above `prefix-regexp' matched a nonempty prefix on the
3784 ;; second line, so let's use it. Normally it should do
3785 ;; to set `prefix-line' and let the code below pick up
3786 ;; the whole prefix, but if there's no text after the
3787 ;; match then it will probably fall back to no prefix at
3788 ;; all if the comment isn't closed yet, so in that case
3789 ;; it's better to force use of the prefix matched now.
3790 (if (= (match-end 0) (c-point 'eol))
3791 (setq comment-prefix (match-string 1))
3792 (setq prefix-line (point)))
3794 ;; There's no nonempty prefix on the line after the
3795 ;; comment opener. If the line is empty, or if the
3796 ;; text on it has less or equal indentation than the
3797 ;; comment starter we assume it's an unclosed
3798 ;; comment starter, i.e. that
3799 ;; `c-block-comment-prefix' should be used.
3800 ;; Otherwise we assume it's a closed comment where
3801 ;; the prefix really is the empty string.
3802 ;; E.g. this is an unclosed comment:
3804 ;; /*
3805 ;; foo
3807 ;; But this is not:
3809 ;; /*
3810 ;; foo
3811 ;; */
3813 ;; (Looking for the presence of the comment closer
3814 ;; rarely works since it's probably the closer of
3815 ;; some comment further down when the comment
3816 ;; really is unclosed.)
3817 (if (<= (save-excursion (back-to-indentation)
3818 (current-column))
3819 (save-excursion (goto-char (car lit-limits))
3820 (current-column)))
3821 (setq comment-prefix (or c-block-comment-prefix ""))
3822 (setq prefix-line (point)))))
3825 ;; Otherwise the line after the comment starter is good
3826 ;; enough to find the prefix in.
3827 (setq prefix-line (point))))
3829 (when comment-prefix
3830 ;; Haven't got the comment prefix on any real line that we
3831 ;; can take it from, so we have to temporarily insert
3832 ;; `comment-prefix' on a line and indent it to find the
3833 ;; correct column and the correct mix of tabs and spaces.
3834 (setq res
3835 (let (tmp-pre tmp-post)
3836 (unwind-protect
3837 (progn
3839 (goto-char (car lit-limits))
3840 (if (looking-at comment-start-regexp)
3841 (goto-char (min (match-end 0)
3842 comment-text-end))
3843 (forward-char 2)
3844 (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
3846 (when (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?\ )
3847 ;; If there's ws on the current line, we'll use it
3848 ;; instead of what's ending comment-prefix.
3849 (setq comment-prefix
3850 (concat (substring comment-prefix
3851 0 (string-match
3852 "\\s *\\'"
3853 comment-prefix))
3854 (buffer-substring-no-properties
3855 (save-excursion
3856 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
3857 (point))
3858 (point)))))
3860 (setq tmp-pre (point-marker))
3862 ;; We insert an extra non-whitespace character
3863 ;; before the line break and after comment-prefix in
3864 ;; case it's "" or ends with whitespace.
3865 (insert-and-inherit "x\n" comment-prefix "x")
3866 (setq tmp-post (point-marker))
3868 (indent-according-to-mode)
3870 (goto-char (1- tmp-post))
3871 (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties
3872 (c-point 'bol) (point))
3873 (current-column)))
3875 (when tmp-post
3876 (delete-region tmp-pre tmp-post)
3877 (set-marker tmp-pre nil)
3878 (set-marker tmp-post nil))))))))))
3880 (or res ; Found a good prefix above.
3882 (save-excursion
3883 ;; prefix-line is the bol of a line on which we should try
3884 ;; to find the prefix.
3885 (let* (fb-string fb-endpos ; Contains any fallback prefix found.
3886 (test-line
3887 (lambda ()
3888 (when (and (looking-at prefix-regexp)
3889 (<= (match-end 0) comment-text-end))
3890 (unless (eq (match-end 0) (c-point 'eol))
3891 ;; The match is fine if there's text after it.
3892 (throw 'found (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties
3893 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
3894 (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
3895 (current-column)))))
3896 (unless fb-string
3897 ;; This match is better than nothing, so let's
3898 ;; remember it in case nothing better is found
3899 ;; on another line.
3900 (setq fb-string (buffer-substring-no-properties
3901 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
3902 fb-endpos (match-end 0)))
3903 t))))
3905 (or (catch 'found
3906 ;; Search for a line which has text after the prefix
3907 ;; so that we get the proper amount of whitespace
3908 ;; after it. We start with the current line, then
3909 ;; search backwards, then forwards.
3911 (goto-char prefix-line)
3912 (when (and (funcall test-line)
3913 (or (/= (match-end 1) (match-end 0))
3914 ;; The whitespace is sucked up by the
3915 ;; first [ \t]* glob if the prefix is empty.
3916 (and (= (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
3917 (/= (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
3918 ;; If the current line doesn't have text but do
3919 ;; have whitespace after the prefix, we'll use it.
3920 (throw 'found (cons fb-string
3921 (progn (goto-char fb-endpos)
3922 (current-column)))))
3924 (if (eq lit-type 'c++)
3925 ;; For line comments we can search up to and
3926 ;; including the first line.
3927 (while (and (zerop (forward-line -1))
3928 (>= (point) (car lit-limits)))
3929 (funcall test-line))
3930 ;; For block comments we must stop before the
3931 ;; block starter.
3932 (while (and (zerop (forward-line -1))
3933 (> (point) (car lit-limits)))
3934 (funcall test-line)))
3936 (goto-char prefix-line)
3937 (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
3938 (< (point) (cdr lit-limits)))
3939 (funcall test-line))
3941 (goto-char prefix-line)
3942 nil)
3944 (when fb-string
3945 ;; A good line wasn't found, but at least we have a
3946 ;; fallback that matches the comment prefix regexp.
3947 (cond ((or (string-match "\\s \\'" fb-string)
3948 (progn
3949 (goto-char fb-endpos)
3950 (not (eolp))))
3951 ;; There are ws or text after the prefix, so
3952 ;; let's use it.
3953 (cons fb-string (current-column)))
3955 ((progn
3956 ;; Check if there's any whitespace padding
3957 ;; on the comment start line that we can
3958 ;; use after the prefix.
3959 (goto-char (car lit-limits))
3960 (if (looking-at comment-start-regexp)
3961 (goto-char (match-end 0))
3962 (forward-char 2)
3963 (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
3964 (or (not (eolp))
3965 (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?\ )))
3967 (setq fb-string (buffer-substring-no-properties
3968 (save-excursion
3969 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
3970 (point))
3971 (point)))
3972 (goto-char fb-endpos)
3973 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
3975 (let ((tmp (point)))
3976 ;; Got to mess in the buffer once again to
3977 ;; ensure the column gets correct. :P
3978 (unwind-protect
3979 (progn
3980 (insert-and-inherit fb-string)
3981 (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties
3982 (c-point 'bol)
3983 (point))
3984 (current-column)))
3985 (delete-region tmp (point)))))
3988 ;; Last resort: Just add a single space after
3989 ;; the prefix.
3990 (cons (concat fb-string " ")
3991 (progn (goto-char fb-endpos)
3992 (1+ (current-column)))))))
3994 ;; The line doesn't match the comment prefix regexp.
3995 (if comment-prefix
3996 ;; We have a fallback for line comments that we must use.
3997 (cons (concat (buffer-substring-no-properties
3998 prefix-line (c-point 'boi))
3999 comment-prefix)
4000 (progn (back-to-indentation)
4001 (+ (current-column) (length comment-prefix))))
4003 ;; Assume we are dealing with a "free text" block
4004 ;; comment where the lines doesn't have any comment
4005 ;; prefix at all and we should just fill it as
4006 ;; normal text.
4007 '("" . 0))))))
4010 (defun c-mask-paragraph (fill-paragraph apply-outside-literal fun &rest args)
4011 ;; Calls FUN with ARGS ar arguments while the current paragraph is
4012 ;; masked to allow adaptive filling to work correctly. That
4013 ;; includes narrowing the buffer and, if point is inside a comment,
4014 ;; masking the comment starter and ender appropriately.
4016 ;; FILL-PARAGRAPH is non-nil if called for whole paragraph filling.
4017 ;; The position of point is then less significant when doing masking
4018 ;; and narrowing.
4020 ;; If APPLY-OUTSIDE-LITERAL is nil then the function will be called
4021 ;; only if the point turns out to be inside a comment or a string.
4023 ;; Note that this function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
4025 (let (fill
4026 ;; beg and end limit the region to narrow. end is a marker.
4027 beg end
4028 ;; tmp-pre and tmp-post mark strings that are temporarily
4029 ;; inserted at the start and end of the region. tmp-pre is a
4030 ;; cons of the positions of the prepended string. tmp-post is
4031 ;; a marker pointing to the single character of the appended
4032 ;; string.
4033 tmp-pre tmp-post
4034 ;; If hang-ender-stuck isn't nil, the comment ender is
4035 ;; hanging. In that case it's set to the number of spaces
4036 ;; that should be between the text and the ender.
4037 hang-ender-stuck
4038 ;; auto-fill-spaces is the exact sequence of whitespace between a
4039 ;; comment's last word and the comment ender, temporarily replaced
4040 ;; with 'x's before calling FUN when FILL-PARAGRAPH is nil.
4041 auto-fill-spaces
4042 (here (point))
4043 (c-lit-limits c-lit-limits)
4044 (c-lit-type c-lit-type))
4046 ;; Restore point on undo. It's necessary since we do a lot of
4047 ;; hidden inserts and deletes below that should be as transparent
4048 ;; as possible.
4049 (if (and buffer-undo-list (not (eq buffer-undo-list t)))
4050 (setq buffer-undo-list (cons (point) buffer-undo-list)))
4052 ;; Determine the limits and type of the containing literal (if any):
4053 ;; C-LIT-LIMITS, C-LIT-TYPE; and the limits of the current paragraph:
4054 ;; BEG and END.
4055 (c-save-buffer-state ()
4056 (save-restriction
4057 ;; Widen to catch comment limits correctly.
4058 (widen)
4059 (unless c-lit-limits
4060 (setq c-lit-limits (c-literal-limits nil fill-paragraph)))
4061 (setq c-lit-limits (c-collect-line-comments c-lit-limits))
4062 (unless c-lit-type
4063 (setq c-lit-type (c-literal-type c-lit-limits))))
4065 (save-excursion
4066 (unless (c-safe (backward-char)
4067 (forward-paragraph)
4068 (>= (point) here))
4069 (goto-char here)
4070 (forward-paragraph))
4071 (setq end (point-marker)))
4072 (save-excursion
4073 (unless (c-safe (forward-char)
4074 (backward-paragraph)
4075 (<= (point) here))
4076 (goto-char here)
4077 (backward-paragraph))
4078 (setq beg (point))))
4080 (unwind-protect
4081 (progn
4082 ;; For each of the possible types of text (string, C comment ...)
4083 ;; determine BEG and END, the region we will narrow to. If we're in
4084 ;; a literal, constrain BEG and END to the limits of this literal.
4086 ;; For some of these text types, particularly a block comment, we
4087 ;; may need to massage whitespace near literal delimiters, so that
4088 ;; these don't get filled inappropriately.
4089 (cond
4091 ((eq c-lit-type 'c++) ; Line comment.
4092 (save-excursion
4093 ;; Limit to the comment or paragraph end, whichever
4094 ;; comes first.
4095 (set-marker end (min end (cdr c-lit-limits)))
4097 (when (<= beg (car c-lit-limits))
4098 ;; The region includes the comment starter, so we must
4099 ;; check it.
4100 (goto-char (car c-lit-limits))
4101 (back-to-indentation)
4102 (if (eq (point) (car c-lit-limits))
4103 ;; Include the first line in the region.
4104 (setq beg (c-point 'bol))
4105 ;; The first line contains code before the
4106 ;; comment. We must fake a line that doesn't.
4107 (setq tmp-pre t))))
4109 (setq apply-outside-literal t))
4111 ((eq c-lit-type 'c) ; Block comment.
4112 (when
4113 (or (> end (cdr c-lit-limits))
4114 (and (= end (cdr c-lit-limits))
4115 (eq (char-before end) ?/)
4116 (eq (char-before (1- end)) ?*)
4117 ;; disallow "/*/"
4118 (> (- (cdr c-lit-limits) (car c-lit-limits)) 3)))
4119 ;; There is a comment ender, and the region includes it. If
4120 ;; it's on its own line, it stays on its own line. If it's got
4121 ;; company on the line, it keeps (at least one word of) it.
4122 ;; "=====*/" counts as a comment ender here, but "===== */"
4123 ;; doesn't and "foo*/" doesn't.
4124 (unless
4125 (save-excursion
4126 (goto-char (cdr c-lit-limits))
4127 (beginning-of-line)
4128 ;; The following conjunct was added to avoid an
4129 ;; "Invalid search bound (wrong side of point)"
4130 ;; error in the subsequent re-search. Maybe
4131 ;; another fix would be needed (2007-12-08).
4132 ; (or (<= (- (cdr c-lit-limits) 2) (point))
4133 ; 2010-10-17 Construct removed.
4134 ; (or (< (- (cdr c-lit-limits) 2) (point))
4135 (and
4136 (search-forward-regexp
4137 (concat "\\=[ \t]*\\(" c-current-comment-prefix "\\)")
4138 (- (cdr c-lit-limits) 2) t)
4139 (not (search-forward-regexp
4140 "\\(\\s \\|\\sw\\)"
4141 (- (cdr c-lit-limits) 2) 'limit))
4142 ;; The comment ender IS on its own line. Exclude this
4143 ;; line from the filling.
4144 (set-marker end (c-point 'bol))));)
4146 ;; The comment ender is hanging. Replace all space between it
4147 ;; and the last word either by one or two 'x's (when
4148 ;; FILL-PARAGRAPH is non-nil), or a row of x's the same width
4149 ;; as the whitespace (when auto filling), and include it in
4150 ;; the region. We'll change them back to whitespace
4151 ;; afterwards. The effect of this is to glue the comment
4152 ;; ender to the last word in the comment during filling.
4153 (let* ((ender-start (save-excursion
4154 (goto-char (cdr c-lit-limits))
4155 (skip-syntax-backward "^w ")
4156 (point)))
4157 (ender-column (save-excursion
4158 (goto-char ender-start)
4159 (current-column)))
4160 (point-rel (- ender-start here))
4161 (sentence-ends-comment
4162 (save-excursion
4163 (goto-char ender-start)
4164 (and (search-backward-regexp
4165 (c-sentence-end) (c-point 'bol) t)
4166 (goto-char (match-end 0))
4167 (looking-at "[ \t]*")
4168 (= (match-end 0) ender-start))))
4169 spaces)
4171 (save-excursion
4172 ;; Insert a CR after the "*/", adjust END
4173 (goto-char (cdr c-lit-limits))
4174 (setq tmp-post (point-marker))
4175 (insert ?\n)
4176 (set-marker end (point))
4178 (forward-line -1) ; last line of the comment
4179 (if (and (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*\\(\\("
4180 c-current-comment-prefix
4181 "\\)[ \t]*\\)"))
4182 (eq ender-start (match-end 0)))
4183 ;; The comment ender is prefixed by nothing but a
4184 ;; comment line prefix. IS THIS POSSIBLE? (ACM,
4185 ;; 2006/4/28). Remove it along with surrounding ws.
4186 (setq spaces (- (match-end 1) (match-end 2)))
4187 (goto-char ender-start))
4188 (skip-chars-backward " \t\r\n") ; Surely this can be
4189 ; " \t"? "*/" is NOT alone on the line (ACM, 2005/8/18)
4191 ;; What's being tested here? 2006/4/20. FIXME!!!
4192 (if (/= (point) ender-start)
4193 (progn
4194 (if (<= here (point))
4195 ;; Don't adjust point below if it's
4196 ;; before the string we replace.
4197 (setq point-rel -1))
4198 ;; Keep one or two spaces between the
4199 ;; text and the ender, depending on how
4200 ;; many there are now.
4201 (unless spaces
4202 (setq spaces (- ender-column (current-column))))
4203 (setq auto-fill-spaces (c-delete-and-extract-region
4204 (point) ender-start))
4205 ;; paragraph filling condenses multiple spaces to
4206 ;; single or double spaces. auto-fill doesn't.
4207 (if fill-paragraph
4208 (setq spaces
4209 (max
4210 (min spaces
4211 (if (and sentence-ends-comment
4212 sentence-end-double-space)
4213 2 1))
4214 1)))
4215 ;; Insert the filler first to keep marks right.
4216 (insert-char ?x spaces t)
4217 (setq hang-ender-stuck spaces)
4218 (setq point-rel
4219 (and (>= point-rel 0)
4220 (- (point) (min point-rel spaces)))))
4221 (setq point-rel nil)))
4223 (if point-rel
4224 ;; Point was in the middle of the string we
4225 ;; replaced above, so put it back in the same
4226 ;; relative position, counting from the end.
4227 (goto-char point-rel)))
4230 (when (<= beg (car c-lit-limits))
4231 ;; The region includes the comment starter.
4232 (save-excursion
4233 (goto-char (car c-lit-limits))
4234 (if (looking-at (concat "\\(" comment-start-skip "\\)$"))
4235 ;; Begin with the next line.
4236 (setq beg (c-point 'bonl))
4237 ;; Fake the fill prefix in the first line.
4238 (setq tmp-pre t))))
4240 (setq apply-outside-literal t))
4242 ((eq c-lit-type 'string) ; String.
4243 (save-excursion
4244 (when (>= end (cdr c-lit-limits))
4245 (goto-char (1- (cdr c-lit-limits)))
4246 (setq tmp-post (point-marker))
4247 (insert ?\n)
4248 (set-marker end (point)))
4249 (when (<= beg (car c-lit-limits))
4250 (goto-char (1+ (car c-lit-limits)))
4251 (setq beg (if (looking-at "\\\\$")
4252 ;; Leave the start line if it's
4253 ;; nothing but an escaped newline.
4254 (1+ (match-end 0))
4255 (point)))))
4256 (setq apply-outside-literal t))
4258 ((eq c-lit-type 'pound) ; Macro
4259 ;; Narrow to the macro limits if they are nearer than the
4260 ;; paragraph limits. Don't know if this is necessary but
4261 ;; do it for completeness sake (doing auto filling at all
4262 ;; inside macros is bogus to begin with since the line
4263 ;; continuation backslashes aren't handled).
4264 (save-excursion
4265 (c-save-buffer-state ()
4266 (c-beginning-of-macro)
4267 (beginning-of-line)
4268 (if (> (point) beg)
4269 (setq beg (point)))
4270 (c-end-of-macro)
4271 (forward-line)
4272 (if (< (point) end)
4273 (set-marker end (point))))))
4275 (t ; Other code.
4276 ;; Try to avoid comments and macros in the paragraph to
4277 ;; avoid that the adaptive fill mode gets the prefix from
4278 ;; them.
4279 (c-save-buffer-state nil
4280 (save-excursion
4281 (goto-char beg)
4282 (c-forward-syntactic-ws end)
4283 (beginning-of-line)
4284 (setq beg (point))
4285 (goto-char end)
4286 (c-backward-syntactic-ws beg)
4287 (forward-line)
4288 (set-marker end (point))))))
4290 (when tmp-pre
4291 ;; Temporarily insert the fill prefix after the comment
4292 ;; starter so that the first line looks like any other
4293 ;; comment line in the narrowed region.
4294 (setq fill (c-save-buffer-state nil
4295 (c-guess-fill-prefix c-lit-limits c-lit-type)))
4296 (unless (string-match (concat "\\`[ \t]*\\("
4297 c-current-comment-prefix
4298 "\\)[ \t]*\\'")
4299 (car fill))
4300 ;; Oops, the prefix doesn't match the comment prefix
4301 ;; regexp. This could produce very confusing
4302 ;; results with adaptive fill packages together with
4303 ;; the insert prefix magic below, since the prefix
4304 ;; often doesn't appear at all. So let's warn about
4305 ;; it.
4306 (message "\
4307 Warning: Regexp from `c-comment-prefix-regexp' doesn't match the comment prefix %S"
4308 (car fill)))
4309 ;; Find the right spot on the line, break it, insert
4310 ;; the fill prefix and make sure we're back in the
4311 ;; same column by temporarily prefixing the first word
4312 ;; with a number of 'x'.
4313 (save-excursion
4314 (goto-char (car c-lit-limits))
4315 (if (looking-at (if (eq c-lit-type 'c++)
4316 c-current-comment-prefix
4317 comment-start-skip))
4318 (goto-char (match-end 0))
4319 (forward-char 2)
4320 (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
4321 (while (and (< (current-column) (cdr fill))
4322 (not (eolp)))
4323 (forward-char 1))
4324 (let ((col (current-column)))
4325 (setq beg (1+ (point))
4326 tmp-pre (list (point)))
4327 (unwind-protect
4328 (progn
4329 (insert-and-inherit "\n" (car fill))
4330 (insert-char ?x (- col (current-column)) t))
4331 (setcdr tmp-pre (point))))))
4333 (when apply-outside-literal
4334 ;; `apply-outside-literal' is always set to t here if
4335 ;; we're inside a literal.
4337 (let ((fill-prefix
4338 (or fill-prefix
4339 ;; Kludge: If the function that adapts the fill prefix
4340 ;; doesn't produce the required comment starter for
4341 ;; line comments, then force it by setting fill-prefix.
4342 (when (and (eq c-lit-type 'c++)
4343 ;; Kludge the kludge: filladapt-mode doesn't
4344 ;; have this problem, but it currently
4345 ;; doesn't override fill-context-prefix
4346 ;; (version 2.12).
4347 (not (and (boundp 'filladapt-mode)
4348 filladapt-mode))
4349 (not (string-match
4350 "\\`[ \t]*//"
4351 (or (fill-context-prefix beg end)
4352 ""))))
4353 (c-save-buffer-state nil
4354 (car (or fill (c-guess-fill-prefix
4355 c-lit-limits c-lit-type)))))))
4357 ;; Save the relative position of point if it's outside the
4358 ;; region we're going to narrow. Want to restore it in that
4359 ;; case, but otherwise it should be moved according to the
4360 ;; called function.
4361 (point-rel (cond ((< (point) beg) (- (point) beg))
4362 ((> (point) end) (- (point) end)))))
4364 ;; Preparations finally done! Now we can call the
4365 ;; actual function.
4366 (prog1
4367 (save-restriction
4368 (narrow-to-region beg end)
4369 (apply fun args))
4370 (if point-rel
4371 ;; Restore point if it was outside the region.
4372 (if (< point-rel 0)
4373 (goto-char (+ beg point-rel))
4374 (goto-char (+ end point-rel))))))))
4376 (when (consp tmp-pre)
4377 (delete-region (car tmp-pre) (cdr tmp-pre)))
4379 (when tmp-post
4380 (save-excursion
4381 (goto-char tmp-post)
4382 (delete-char 1))
4383 (when hang-ender-stuck
4384 ;; Preserve point even if it's in the middle of the string
4385 ;; we replace; save-excursion doesn't work in that case.
4386 (setq here (point))
4387 (goto-char tmp-post)
4388 (skip-syntax-backward "^w ")
4389 (forward-char (- hang-ender-stuck))
4390 (if (or fill-paragraph (not auto-fill-spaces))
4391 (insert-char ?\ hang-ender-stuck t)
4392 (insert auto-fill-spaces))
4393 (delete-char hang-ender-stuck)
4394 (goto-char here))
4395 (set-marker tmp-post nil))
4397 (set-marker end nil))))
4399 (defun c-fill-paragraph (&optional arg)
4400 "Like \\[fill-paragraph] but handles C and C++ style comments.
4401 If any of the current line is a comment or within a comment, fill the
4402 comment or the paragraph of it that point is in, preserving the
4403 comment indentation or line-starting decorations (see the
4404 `c-comment-prefix-regexp' and `c-block-comment-prefix' variables for
4405 details).
4407 If point is inside multiline string literal, fill it. This currently
4408 does not respect escaped newlines, except for the special case when it
4409 is the very first thing in the string. The intended use for this rule
4410 is in situations like the following:
4412 char description[] = \"\\
4413 A very long description of something that you want to fill to make
4414 nicely formatted output.\"\;
4416 If point is in any other situation, i.e. in normal code, do nothing.
4418 Optional prefix ARG means justify paragraph as well."
4419 (interactive "*P")
4420 (let ((fill-paragraph-function
4421 ;; Avoid infinite recursion.
4422 (if (not (eq fill-paragraph-function 'c-fill-paragraph))
4423 fill-paragraph-function)))
4424 (c-mask-paragraph t nil 'fill-paragraph arg))
4425 ;; Always return t. This has the effect that if filling isn't done
4426 ;; above, it isn't done at all, and it's therefore effectively
4427 ;; disabled in normal code.
4430 (defun c-do-auto-fill ()
4431 ;; Do automatic filling if not inside a context where it should be
4432 ;; ignored.
4433 (let ((c-auto-fill-prefix
4434 ;; The decision whether the line should be broken is actually
4435 ;; done in c-indent-new-comment-line, which do-auto-fill
4436 ;; calls to break lines. We just set this special variable
4437 ;; so that we'll know when we're called from there. It's
4438 ;; also used to detect whether fill-prefix is user set or
4439 ;; generated automatically by do-auto-fill.
4440 fill-prefix))
4441 (c-mask-paragraph nil t 'do-auto-fill)))
4443 (defun c-indent-new-comment-line (&optional soft allow-auto-fill)
4444 "Break line at point and indent, continuing comment or macro if within one.
4445 If inside a comment and `comment-multi-line' is non-nil, the
4446 indentation and line prefix are preserved (see the
4447 `c-comment-prefix-regexp' and `c-block-comment-prefix' variables for
4448 details). If inside a single line comment and `comment-multi-line' is
4449 nil, a new comment of the same type is started on the next line and
4450 indented as appropriate for comments. If inside a macro, a line
4451 continuation backslash is inserted and aligned as appropriate, and the
4452 new line is indented according to `c-syntactic-indentation'.
4454 If a fill prefix is specified, it overrides all the above."
4455 ;; allow-auto-fill is used from c-context-line-break to allow auto
4456 ;; filling to break the line more than once. Since this function is
4457 ;; used from auto-fill itself, that's normally disabled to avoid
4458 ;; unnecessary recursion.
4459 (interactive)
4460 (let ((fill-prefix fill-prefix)
4461 (do-line-break
4462 (lambda ()
4463 (delete-horizontal-space)
4464 (if soft
4465 (insert-and-inherit ?\n)
4466 (newline (if allow-auto-fill nil 1)))))
4467 ;; Already know the literal type and limits when called from
4468 ;; c-context-line-break.
4469 (c-lit-limits c-lit-limits)
4470 (c-lit-type c-lit-type)
4471 (c-macro-start c-macro-start))
4473 (c-save-buffer-state ()
4474 (when (not (eq c-auto-fill-prefix t))
4475 ;; Called from do-auto-fill.
4476 (unless c-lit-limits
4477 (setq c-lit-limits (c-literal-limits nil nil t)))
4478 (unless c-lit-type
4479 (setq c-lit-type (c-literal-type c-lit-limits)))
4480 (if (memq (cond ((c-query-and-set-macro-start) 'cpp)
4481 ((null c-lit-type) 'code)
4482 (t c-lit-type))
4483 c-ignore-auto-fill)
4484 (setq fill-prefix t) ; Used as flag in the cond.
4485 (if (and (null c-auto-fill-prefix)
4486 (eq c-lit-type 'c)
4487 (<= (c-point 'bol) (car c-lit-limits)))
4488 ;; The adaptive fill function has generated a prefix, but
4489 ;; we're on the first line in a block comment so it'll be
4490 ;; wrong. Ignore it to guess a better one below.
4491 (setq fill-prefix nil)
4492 (when (and (eq c-lit-type 'c++)
4493 (not (string-match (concat "\\`[ \t]*"
4494 c-line-comment-starter)
4495 (or fill-prefix ""))))
4496 ;; Kludge: If the function that adapted the fill prefix
4497 ;; doesn't produce the required comment starter for line
4498 ;; comments, then we ignore it.
4499 (setq fill-prefix nil)))
4502 (cond ((eq fill-prefix t)
4503 ;; A call from do-auto-fill which should be ignored.
4505 (fill-prefix
4506 ;; A fill-prefix overrides anything.
4507 (funcall do-line-break)
4508 (insert-and-inherit fill-prefix))
4509 ((c-save-buffer-state ()
4510 (unless c-lit-limits
4511 (setq c-lit-limits (c-literal-limits)))
4512 (unless c-lit-type
4513 (setq c-lit-type (c-literal-type c-lit-limits)))
4514 (memq c-lit-type '(c c++)))
4515 ;; Some sort of comment.
4516 (if (or comment-multi-line
4517 (save-excursion
4518 (goto-char (car c-lit-limits))
4519 (end-of-line)
4520 (< (point) (cdr c-lit-limits))))
4521 ;; Inside a comment that should be continued.
4522 (let ((fill (c-save-buffer-state nil
4523 (c-guess-fill-prefix
4524 (setq c-lit-limits
4525 (c-collect-line-comments c-lit-limits))
4526 c-lit-type)))
4527 (pos (point))
4528 (start-col (current-column))
4529 (comment-text-end
4530 (or (and (eq c-lit-type 'c)
4531 (save-excursion
4532 (goto-char (- (cdr c-lit-limits) 2))
4533 (if (looking-at "\\*/") (point))))
4534 (cdr c-lit-limits))))
4535 ;; Skip forward past the fill prefix in case
4536 ;; we're standing in it.
4538 ;; FIXME: This doesn't work well in cases like
4540 ;; /* Bla bla bla bla bla
4541 ;; bla bla
4543 ;; If point is on the 'B' then the line will be
4544 ;; broken after "Bla b".
4546 ;; If we have an empty comment, /* */, the next
4547 ;; lot of code pushes point to the */. We fix
4548 ;; this by never allowing point to end up to the
4549 ;; right of where it started.
4550 (while (and (< (current-column) (cdr fill))
4551 (not (eolp)))
4552 (forward-char 1))
4553 (if (and (> (point) comment-text-end)
4554 (> (c-point 'bol) (car c-lit-limits)))
4555 (progn
4556 ;; The skip takes us out of the (block)
4557 ;; comment; insert the fill prefix at bol
4558 ;; instead and keep the position.
4559 (setq pos (copy-marker pos t))
4560 (beginning-of-line)
4561 (insert-and-inherit (car fill))
4562 (if soft (insert-and-inherit ?\n) (newline 1))
4563 (goto-char pos)
4564 (set-marker pos nil))
4565 ;; Don't break in the middle of a comment starter
4566 ;; or ender.
4567 (cond ((> (point) comment-text-end)
4568 (goto-char comment-text-end))
4569 ((< (point) (+ (car c-lit-limits) 2))
4570 (goto-char (+ (car c-lit-limits) 2))))
4571 (funcall do-line-break)
4572 (insert-and-inherit (car fill))
4573 (if (> (current-column) start-col)
4574 (move-to-column start-col)))) ; can this hit the
4575 ; middle of a TAB?
4576 ;; Inside a comment that should be broken.
4577 (let ((comment-start comment-start)
4578 (comment-end comment-end)
4579 col)
4580 (if (eq c-lit-type 'c)
4581 (unless (string-match "[ \t]*/\\*" comment-start)
4582 (setq comment-start "/* " comment-end " */"))
4583 (unless (string-match "[ \t]*//" comment-start)
4584 (setq comment-start "// " comment-end "")))
4585 (setq col (save-excursion
4586 (back-to-indentation)
4587 (current-column)))
4588 (funcall do-line-break)
4589 (when (and comment-end (not (equal comment-end "")))
4590 (forward-char -1)
4591 (insert-and-inherit comment-end)
4592 (forward-char 1))
4593 ;; c-comment-indent may look at the current
4594 ;; indentation, so let's start out with the same
4595 ;; indentation as the previous one.
4596 (indent-to col)
4597 (insert-and-inherit comment-start)
4598 (indent-for-comment))))
4599 ((c-query-and-set-macro-start)
4600 ;; In a macro.
4601 (unless (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\$")
4602 ;; Do not clobber the alignment of the line continuation
4603 ;; slash; c-backslash-region might look at it.
4604 (delete-horizontal-space))
4605 ;; Got an asymmetry here: In normal code this command
4606 ;; doesn't indent the next line syntactically, and otoh a
4607 ;; normal syntactically indenting newline doesn't continue
4608 ;; the macro.
4609 (c-newline-and-indent (if allow-auto-fill nil 1)))
4611 ;; Somewhere else in the code.
4612 (let ((col (save-excursion
4613 (beginning-of-line)
4614 (while (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$")
4615 (= (forward-line -1) 0)))
4616 (current-indentation))))
4617 (funcall do-line-break)
4618 (indent-to col))))))
4620 (defalias 'c-comment-line-break-function 'c-indent-new-comment-line)
4621 (make-obsolete 'c-comment-line-break-function 'c-indent-new-comment-line "21.1")
4623 ;; advice for indent-new-comment-line for older Emacsen
4624 (unless (boundp 'comment-line-break-function)
4625 (defvar c-inside-line-break-advice nil)
4626 (defadvice indent-new-comment-line (around c-line-break-advice
4627 activate preactivate)
4628 "Call `c-indent-new-comment-line' if in CC Mode."
4629 (if (or c-inside-line-break-advice
4630 (not c-buffer-is-cc-mode))
4631 ad-do-it
4632 (let ((c-inside-line-break-advice t))
4633 (c-indent-new-comment-line (ad-get-arg 0))))))
4635 (defun c-context-line-break ()
4636 "Do a line break suitable to the context.
4638 When point is outside a comment or macro, insert a newline and indent
4639 according to the syntactic context, unless `c-syntactic-indentation'
4640 is nil, in which case the new line is indented as the previous
4641 non-empty line instead.
4643 When point is inside the content of a preprocessor directive, a line
4644 continuation backslash is inserted before the line break and aligned
4645 appropriately. The end of the cpp directive doesn't count as inside
4648 When point is inside a comment, continue it with the appropriate
4649 comment prefix (see the `c-comment-prefix-regexp' and
4650 `c-block-comment-prefix' variables for details). The end of a
4651 C++-style line comment doesn't count as inside it.
4653 When point is inside a string, only insert a backslash when it is also
4654 inside a preprocessor directive."
4656 (interactive "*")
4657 (let* (c-lit-limits c-lit-type
4658 (c-macro-start c-macro-start)
4659 case-fold-search)
4661 (c-save-buffer-state ()
4662 (setq c-lit-limits (c-literal-limits nil nil t)
4663 c-lit-type (c-literal-type c-lit-limits))
4664 (when (eq c-lit-type 'c++)
4665 (setq c-lit-limits (c-collect-line-comments c-lit-limits)))
4666 (c-query-and-set-macro-start))
4668 (cond
4669 ((or (eq c-lit-type 'c)
4670 (and (eq c-lit-type 'c++) ; C++ comment, but not at the very end of it.
4671 (< (save-excursion
4672 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
4673 (point))
4674 (1- (cdr c-lit-limits))))
4675 (and (numberp c-macro-start) ; Macro, but not at the very end of
4676 ; it, not in a string, and not in the
4677 ; cpp keyword.
4678 (not (eq c-lit-type 'string))
4679 (or (not (looking-at "\\s *$"))
4680 (eq (char-before) ?\\))
4681 (<= (save-excursion
4682 (goto-char c-macro-start)
4683 (if (looking-at c-opt-cpp-start)
4684 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
4685 (point))
4686 (point))))
4687 (let ((comment-multi-line t)
4688 (fill-prefix nil))
4689 (c-indent-new-comment-line nil t)))
4691 ((eq c-lit-type 'string)
4692 (if (and (numberp c-macro-start)
4693 (not (eq (char-before) ?\\)))
4694 (insert ?\\))
4695 (newline))
4697 (t (delete-horizontal-space)
4698 (newline)
4699 ;; c-indent-line may look at the current indentation, so let's
4700 ;; start out with the same indentation as the previous line.
4701 (let ((col (save-excursion
4702 (backward-char)
4703 (forward-line 0)
4704 (while (and (looking-at "[ \t]*\\\\?$")
4705 (= (forward-line -1) 0)))
4706 (current-indentation))))
4707 (indent-to col))
4708 (indent-according-to-mode)))))
4710 (defun c-context-open-line ()
4711 "Insert a line break suitable to the context and leave point before it.
4712 This is the `c-context-line-break' equivalent to `open-line', which is
4713 normally bound to C-o. See `c-context-line-break' for the details."
4714 (interactive "*")
4715 (let ((here (point)))
4716 (unwind-protect
4717 (progn
4718 ;; Temporarily insert a non-whitespace char to keep any
4719 ;; preceding whitespace intact.
4720 (insert ?x)
4721 (c-context-line-break))
4722 (goto-char here)
4723 (delete-char 1))))
4726 (cc-provide 'cc-cmds)
4728 ;;; cc-cmds.el ends here