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[emacs.git] / lisp / isearch.el
1 ;;; isearch.el --- incremental search minor mode
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1992-1997, 1999-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Daniel LaLiberte <liberte@cs.uiuc.edu>
6 ;; Maintainer: FSF
7 ;; Keywords: matching
8 ;; Package: emacs
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; Instructions
29 ;; For programmed use of isearch-mode, e.g. calling (isearch-forward),
30 ;; isearch-mode behaves modally and does not return until the search
31 ;; is completed. It uses a recursive-edit to behave this way.
33 ;; The key bindings active within isearch-mode are defined below in
34 ;; `isearch-mode-map' which is given bindings close to the default
35 ;; characters of the original isearch.el. With `isearch-mode',
36 ;; however, you can bind multi-character keys and it should be easier
37 ;; to add new commands. One bug though: keys with meta-prefix cannot
38 ;; be longer than two chars. Also see minibuffer-local-isearch-map
39 ;; for bindings active during `isearch-edit-string'.
41 ;; isearch-mode should work even if you switch windows with the mouse,
42 ;; in which case isearch-mode is terminated automatically before the
43 ;; switch.
45 ;; The search ring and completion commands automatically put you in
46 ;; the minibuffer to edit the string. This gives you a chance to
47 ;; modify the search string before executing the search. There are
48 ;; three commands to terminate the editing: C-s and C-r exit the
49 ;; minibuffer and search forward and reverse respectively, while C-m
50 ;; exits and searches in the last search direction.
52 ;; Exiting immediately from isearch uses isearch-edit-string instead
53 ;; of nonincremental-search, if search-nonincremental-instead is non-nil.
54 ;; The name of this option should probably be changed if we decide to
55 ;; keep the behavior. No point in forcing nonincremental search until
56 ;; the last possible moment.
58 ;;; Code:
60 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
62 ;; Some additional options and constants.
64 (defgroup isearch nil
65 "Incremental search minor mode."
66 :link '(emacs-commentary-link "isearch")
67 :link '(custom-manual "(emacs)Incremental Search")
68 :prefix "isearch-"
69 :prefix "search-"
70 :group 'matching)
73 (defcustom search-exit-option t
74 "Non-nil means random control characters terminate incremental search."
75 :type 'boolean
76 :group 'isearch)
78 (defcustom search-slow-window-lines 1
79 "Number of lines in slow search display windows.
80 These are the short windows used during incremental search on slow terminals.
81 Negative means put the slow search window at the top (normally it's at bottom)
82 and the value is minus the number of lines."
83 :type 'integer
84 :group 'isearch)
86 (defcustom search-slow-speed 1200
87 "Highest terminal speed at which to use \"slow\" style incremental search.
88 This is the style where a one-line window is created to show the line
89 that the search has reached."
90 :type 'integer
91 :group 'isearch)
93 (defcustom search-upper-case 'not-yanks
94 "If non-nil, upper case chars disable case fold searching.
95 That is, upper and lower case chars must match exactly.
96 This applies no matter where the chars come from, but does not
97 apply to chars in regexps that are prefixed with `\\'.
98 If this value is `not-yanks', text yanked into the search string
99 in Isearch mode is always downcased."
100 :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil)
101 (const not-yanks)
102 (other :tag "on" t))
103 :group 'isearch)
105 (defcustom search-nonincremental-instead t
106 "If non-nil, do a nonincremental search instead of exiting immediately.
107 Actually, `isearch-edit-string' is called to let you enter the search
108 string, and RET terminates editing and does a nonincremental search."
109 :type 'boolean
110 :group 'isearch)
112 (defcustom search-whitespace-regexp (purecopy "\\s-+")
113 "If non-nil, regular expression to match a sequence of whitespace chars.
114 When you enter a space or spaces in the incremental search, it
115 will match any sequence matched by this regexp. As an exception,
116 spaces are treated normally in regexp incremental search if they
117 occur in a regexp construct like [...] or *, + or ?.
119 If the value is a string, it applies to both ordinary and
120 regexp incremental search. If the value is nil, or
121 `isearch-lax-whitespace' is nil for ordinary incremental search, or
122 `isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace' is nil for regexp incremental search,
123 then each space you type matches literally, against one space.
125 You might want to use something like \"[ \\t\\r\\n]+\" instead.
126 In the Customization buffer, that is `[' followed by a space,
127 a tab, a carriage return (control-M), a newline, and `]+'."
128 :type '(choice (const :tag "Match Spaces Literally" nil)
129 regexp)
130 :group 'isearch
131 :version "24.3")
133 (defcustom search-invisible 'open
134 "If t incremental search can match hidden text.
135 A nil value means don't match invisible text.
136 When the value is `open', if the text matched is made invisible by
137 an overlay having an `invisible' property and that overlay has a property
138 `isearch-open-invisible', then incremental search will show the contents.
139 \(This applies when using `outline.el' and `hideshow.el'.)
140 See also `reveal-mode' if you want overlays to automatically be opened
141 whenever point is in one of them."
142 :type '(choice (const :tag "Match hidden text" t)
143 (const :tag "Open overlays" open)
144 (const :tag "Don't match hidden text" nil))
145 :group 'isearch)
147 (defcustom isearch-hide-immediately t
148 "If non-nil, re-hide an invisible match right away.
149 This variable makes a difference when `search-invisible' is set to `open'.
150 It means that after search makes some invisible text visible
151 to show the match, it makes the text invisible again when the match moves.
152 Ordinarily the text becomes invisible again at the end of the search."
153 :type 'boolean
154 :group 'isearch)
156 (defcustom isearch-resume-in-command-history nil
157 "If non-nil, `isearch-resume' commands are added to the command history.
158 This allows you to resume earlier Isearch sessions through the
159 command history."
160 :type 'boolean
161 :group 'isearch)
163 (defvar isearch-mode-hook nil
164 "Function(s) to call after starting up an incremental search.")
166 (defvar isearch-update-post-hook nil
167 "Function(s) to call after isearch has found matches in the buffer.")
169 (defvar isearch-mode-end-hook nil
170 "Function(s) to call after terminating an incremental search.
171 When these functions are called, `isearch-mode-end-hook-quit'
172 is non-nil if the user quits the search.")
174 (defvar isearch-mode-end-hook-quit nil
175 "Non-nil while running `isearch-mode-end-hook' if the user quits the search.")
177 (defvar isearch-message-function nil
178 "Function to call to display the search prompt.
179 If nil, use function `isearch-message'.")
181 (defvar isearch-wrap-function nil
182 "Function to call to wrap the search when search is failed.
183 If nil, move point to the beginning of the buffer for a forward search,
184 or to the end of the buffer for a backward search.")
186 (defvar isearch-push-state-function nil
187 "Function to save a function restoring the mode-specific Isearch state
188 to the search status stack.")
190 (defvar isearch-filter-predicate #'isearch-filter-visible
191 "Predicate that filter the search hits that would normally be available.
192 Search hits that dissatisfy the predicate are skipped. The function
193 has two arguments: the positions of start and end of text matched by
194 the search. If this function returns nil, continue searching without
195 stopping at this match.
196 If you use `add-function' to modify this variable, you can use the
197 `isearch-message-prefix' advice property to specify the prefix string
198 displayed in the search message.")
200 ;; Search ring.
202 (defvar search-ring nil
203 "List of search string sequences.")
204 (defvar regexp-search-ring nil
205 "List of regular expression search string sequences.")
207 (defcustom search-ring-max 16
208 "Maximum length of search ring before oldest elements are thrown away."
209 :type 'integer
210 :group 'isearch)
211 (defcustom regexp-search-ring-max 16
212 "Maximum length of regexp search ring before oldest elements are thrown away."
213 :type 'integer
214 :group 'isearch)
216 (defvar search-ring-yank-pointer nil
217 "Index in `search-ring' of last string reused.
218 It is nil if none yet.")
219 (defvar regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer nil
220 "Index in `regexp-search-ring' of last string reused.
221 It is nil if none yet.")
223 (defcustom search-ring-update nil
224 "Non-nil if advancing or retreating in the search ring should cause search.
225 Default value, nil, means edit the string instead."
226 :type 'boolean
227 :group 'isearch)
229 ;;; isearch highlight customization.
231 (defcustom search-highlight t
232 "Non-nil means incremental search highlights the current match."
233 :type 'boolean
234 :group 'isearch)
236 (defface isearch
237 '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
238 ;; The background must not be too dark, for that means
239 ;; the character is hard to see when the cursor is there.
240 (:background "magenta3" :foreground "lightskyblue1"))
241 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
242 (:background "palevioletred2" :foreground "brown4"))
243 (((class color) (min-colors 16))
244 (:background "magenta4" :foreground "cyan1"))
245 (((class color) (min-colors 8))
246 (:background "magenta4" :foreground "cyan1"))
247 (t (:inverse-video t)))
248 "Face for highlighting Isearch matches."
249 :group 'isearch
250 :group 'basic-faces)
251 (defvar isearch-face 'isearch)
253 (defface isearch-fail
254 '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
255 (:background "RosyBrown1"))
256 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
257 (:background "red4"))
258 (((class color) (min-colors 16))
259 (:background "red"))
260 (((class color) (min-colors 8))
261 (:background "red"))
262 (((class color grayscale))
263 :foreground "grey")
264 (t (:inverse-video t)))
265 "Face for highlighting failed part in Isearch echo-area message."
266 :version "23.1"
267 :group 'isearch)
269 (defcustom isearch-lazy-highlight t
270 "Controls the lazy-highlighting during incremental search.
271 When non-nil, all text in the buffer matching the current search
272 string is highlighted lazily (see `lazy-highlight-initial-delay'
273 and `lazy-highlight-interval')."
274 :type 'boolean
275 :group 'lazy-highlight
276 :group 'isearch)
278 ;;; Lazy highlight customization.
280 (defgroup lazy-highlight nil
281 "Lazy highlighting feature for matching strings."
282 :prefix "lazy-highlight-"
283 :version "21.1"
284 :group 'isearch
285 :group 'matching)
287 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'isearch-lazy-highlight-cleanup
288 'lazy-highlight-cleanup
289 "22.1")
291 (defcustom lazy-highlight-cleanup t
292 "Controls whether to remove extra highlighting after a search.
293 If this is nil, extra highlighting can be \"manually\" removed with
294 \\[lazy-highlight-cleanup]."
295 :type 'boolean
296 :group 'lazy-highlight)
298 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'isearch-lazy-highlight-initial-delay
299 'lazy-highlight-initial-delay
300 "22.1")
302 (defcustom lazy-highlight-initial-delay 0.25
303 "Seconds to wait before beginning to lazily highlight all matches."
304 :type 'number
305 :group 'lazy-highlight)
307 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'isearch-lazy-highlight-interval
308 'lazy-highlight-interval
309 "22.1")
311 (defcustom lazy-highlight-interval 0 ; 0.0625
312 "Seconds between lazily highlighting successive matches."
313 :type 'number
314 :group 'lazy-highlight)
316 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'isearch-lazy-highlight-max-at-a-time
317 'lazy-highlight-max-at-a-time
318 "22.1")
320 (defcustom lazy-highlight-max-at-a-time 20
321 "Maximum matches to highlight at a time (for `lazy-highlight').
322 Larger values may reduce Isearch's responsiveness to user input;
323 smaller values make matches highlight slowly.
324 A value of nil means highlight all matches."
325 :type '(choice (const :tag "All" nil)
326 (integer :tag "Some"))
327 :group 'lazy-highlight)
329 (defface lazy-highlight
330 '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
331 (:background "paleturquoise"))
332 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
333 (:background "paleturquoise4"))
334 (((class color) (min-colors 16))
335 (:background "turquoise3"))
336 (((class color) (min-colors 8))
337 (:background "turquoise3"))
338 (t (:underline t)))
339 "Face for lazy highlighting of matches other than the current one."
340 :group 'lazy-highlight
341 :group 'basic-faces)
342 (define-obsolete-face-alias 'isearch-lazy-highlight-face 'lazy-highlight "22.1")
343 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'isearch-lazy-highlight-face
344 'lazy-highlight-face
345 "22.1")
346 (defvar lazy-highlight-face 'lazy-highlight)
348 ;; Define isearch help map.
350 (defvar isearch-help-map
351 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
352 (define-key map (char-to-string help-char) 'isearch-help-for-help)
353 (define-key map [help] 'isearch-help-for-help)
354 (define-key map [f1] 'isearch-help-for-help)
355 (define-key map "?" 'isearch-help-for-help)
356 (define-key map "b" 'isearch-describe-bindings)
357 (define-key map "k" 'isearch-describe-key)
358 (define-key map "m" 'isearch-describe-mode)
359 (define-key map "q" 'help-quit)
360 map)
361 "Keymap for characters following the Help key for Isearch mode.")
363 (eval-when-compile (require 'help-macro))
365 (make-help-screen isearch-help-for-help-internal
366 (purecopy "Type a help option: [bkm] or ?")
367 "You have typed %THIS-KEY%, the help character. Type a Help option:
368 \(Type \\<help-map>\\[help-quit] to exit the Help command.)
370 b Display all Isearch key bindings.
371 k KEYS Display full documentation of Isearch key sequence.
372 m Display documentation of Isearch mode.
374 You can't type here other help keys available in the global help map,
375 but outside of this help window when you type them in Isearch mode,
376 they exit Isearch mode before displaying global help."
377 isearch-help-map)
379 (defvar isearch--display-help-action '(nil (inhibit-same-window . t)))
381 (defun isearch-help-for-help ()
382 "Display Isearch help menu."
383 (interactive)
384 (let ((display-buffer-overriding-action isearch--display-help-action))
385 (isearch-help-for-help-internal))
386 (isearch-update))
388 (defun isearch-describe-bindings ()
389 "Show a list of all keys defined in Isearch mode, and their definitions.
390 This is like `describe-bindings', but displays only Isearch keys."
391 (interactive)
392 (let ((display-buffer-overriding-action isearch--display-help-action))
393 (with-help-window "*Help*"
394 (with-current-buffer standard-output
395 (princ "Isearch Mode Bindings:\n")
396 (princ (substitute-command-keys "\\{isearch-mode-map}"))))))
398 (defun isearch-describe-key ()
399 "Display documentation of the function invoked by isearch key."
400 (interactive)
401 (let ((display-buffer-overriding-action isearch--display-help-action))
402 (call-interactively 'describe-key))
403 (isearch-update))
405 (defun isearch-describe-mode ()
406 "Display documentation of Isearch mode."
407 (interactive)
408 (let ((display-buffer-overriding-action isearch--display-help-action))
409 (describe-function 'isearch-forward))
410 (isearch-update))
412 (defalias 'isearch-mode-help 'isearch-describe-mode)
415 ;; Define isearch-mode keymap.
417 (defvar isearch-mode-map
418 (let ((i 0)
419 (map (make-keymap)))
420 (or (char-table-p (nth 1 map))
421 (error "The initialization of isearch-mode-map must be updated"))
422 ;; Make all multibyte characters search for themselves.
423 (set-char-table-range (nth 1 map) (cons #x100 (max-char))
424 'isearch-printing-char)
426 ;; Single-byte printing chars extend the search string by default.
427 (setq i ?\s)
428 (while (< i 256)
429 (define-key map (vector i) 'isearch-printing-char)
430 (setq i (1+ i)))
432 ;; To handle local bindings with meta char prefix keys, define
433 ;; another full keymap. This must be done for any other prefix
434 ;; keys as well, one full keymap per char of the prefix key. It
435 ;; would be simpler to disable the global keymap, and/or have a
436 ;; default local key binding for any key not otherwise bound.
437 (let ((meta-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
438 (define-key map (char-to-string meta-prefix-char) meta-map))
440 ;; Several non-printing chars change the searching behavior.
441 (define-key map "\C-s" 'isearch-repeat-forward)
442 (define-key map "\C-r" 'isearch-repeat-backward)
443 ;; Define M-C-s and M-C-r like C-s and C-r so that the same key
444 ;; combinations can be used to repeat regexp isearches that can
445 ;; be used to start these searches.
446 (define-key map "\M-\C-s" 'isearch-repeat-forward)
447 (define-key map "\M-\C-r" 'isearch-repeat-backward)
448 (define-key map "\177" 'isearch-delete-char)
449 (define-key map "\C-g" 'isearch-abort)
451 ;; This assumes \e is the meta-prefix-char.
452 (or (= ?\e meta-prefix-char)
453 (error "Inconsistency in isearch.el"))
454 (define-key map "\e\e\e" 'isearch-cancel)
456 (define-key map "\C-q" 'isearch-quote-char)
458 (define-key map "\r" 'isearch-exit)
459 (define-key map "\C-j" 'isearch-printing-char)
460 (define-key map "\t" 'isearch-printing-char)
461 (define-key map [?\S-\ ] 'isearch-printing-char)
463 (define-key map "\C-w" 'isearch-yank-word-or-char)
464 (define-key map "\M-\C-w" 'isearch-del-char)
465 (define-key map "\M-\C-y" 'isearch-yank-char)
466 (define-key map "\C-y" 'isearch-yank-kill)
467 (define-key map "\M-s\C-e" 'isearch-yank-line)
469 (define-key map (char-to-string help-char) isearch-help-map)
470 (define-key map [help] isearch-help-map)
471 (define-key map [f1] isearch-help-map)
473 (define-key map "\M-n" 'isearch-ring-advance)
474 (define-key map "\M-p" 'isearch-ring-retreat)
475 (define-key map "\M-y" 'isearch-yank-pop)
477 (define-key map "\M-\t" 'isearch-complete)
479 ;; Pass frame events transparently so they won't exit the search.
480 ;; In particular, if we have more than one display open, then a
481 ;; switch-frame might be generated by someone typing at another keyboard.
482 (define-key map [switch-frame] nil)
483 (define-key map [delete-frame] nil)
484 (define-key map [iconify-frame] nil)
485 (define-key map [make-frame-visible] nil)
486 (define-key map [mouse-movement] nil)
487 (define-key map [language-change] nil)
489 ;; For searching multilingual text.
490 (define-key map "\C-\\" 'isearch-toggle-input-method)
491 (define-key map "\C-^" 'isearch-toggle-specified-input-method)
493 ;; People expect to be able to paste with the mouse.
494 (define-key map [mouse-2] #'isearch-mouse-2)
495 (define-key map [down-mouse-2] nil)
497 ;; Some bindings you may want to put in your isearch-mode-hook.
498 ;; Suggest some alternates...
499 (define-key map "\M-c" 'isearch-toggle-case-fold)
500 (define-key map "\M-r" 'isearch-toggle-regexp)
501 (define-key map "\M-e" 'isearch-edit-string)
503 (put 'isearch-toggle-case-fold :advertised-binding "\M-sc")
504 (put 'isearch-toggle-regexp :advertised-binding "\M-sr")
505 (put 'isearch-edit-string :advertised-binding "\M-se")
507 (define-key map "\M-se" 'isearch-edit-string)
508 (define-key map "\M-sc" 'isearch-toggle-case-fold)
509 (define-key map "\M-si" 'isearch-toggle-invisible)
510 (define-key map "\M-sr" 'isearch-toggle-regexp)
511 (define-key map "\M-sw" 'isearch-toggle-word)
512 (define-key map "\M-s_" 'isearch-toggle-symbol)
513 (define-key map "\M-s " 'isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace)
515 (define-key map [?\M-%] 'isearch-query-replace)
516 (define-key map [?\C-\M-%] 'isearch-query-replace-regexp)
517 (define-key map "\M-so" 'isearch-occur)
518 (define-key map "\M-shr" 'isearch-highlight-regexp)
520 ;; The key translations defined in the C-x 8 prefix should add
521 ;; characters to the search string. See iso-transl.el.
522 (define-key map "\C-x8\r" 'isearch-char-by-name)
524 map)
525 "Keymap for `isearch-mode'.")
527 (defvar minibuffer-local-isearch-map
528 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
529 (set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-map)
530 (define-key map "\r" 'exit-minibuffer)
531 (define-key map "\M-\t" 'isearch-complete-edit)
532 (define-key map "\C-s" 'isearch-forward-exit-minibuffer)
533 (define-key map "\C-r" 'isearch-reverse-exit-minibuffer)
534 (define-key map "\C-f" 'isearch-yank-char-in-minibuffer)
535 (define-key map [right] 'isearch-yank-char-in-minibuffer)
536 map)
537 "Keymap for editing Isearch strings in the minibuffer.")
539 ;; Internal variables declared globally for byte-compiler.
540 ;; These are all set with setq while isearching
541 ;; and bound locally while editing the search string.
543 (defvar isearch-forward nil) ; Searching in the forward direction.
544 (defvar isearch-regexp nil) ; Searching for a regexp.
545 (defvar isearch-word nil
546 "Regexp-based search mode for words/symbols.
547 If t, do incremental search for a sequence of words, ignoring punctuation.
548 If the value is a function (e.g. `isearch-symbol-regexp'), it is called to
549 convert the search string to a regexp used by regexp search functions.
550 The property `isearch-message-prefix' put on this function specifies the
551 prefix string displayed in the search message.")
553 (defvar isearch-lax-whitespace t
554 "If non-nil, a space will match a sequence of whitespace chars.
555 When you enter a space or spaces in ordinary incremental search, it
556 will match any sequence matched by the regexp defined by the variable
557 `search-whitespace-regexp'. If the value is nil, each space you type
558 matches literally, against one space. You can toggle the value of this
559 variable by the command `isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace'.")
561 (defvar isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace nil
562 "If non-nil, a space will match a sequence of whitespace chars.
563 When you enter a space or spaces in regexp incremental search, it
564 will match any sequence matched by the regexp defined by the variable
565 `search-whitespace-regexp'. If the value is nil, each space you type
566 matches literally, against one space. You can toggle the value of this
567 variable by the command `isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace'.")
569 (defvar isearch-cmds nil
570 "Stack of search status sets.
571 Each set is a vector of the form:
575 (defvar isearch-string "") ; The current search string.
576 (defvar isearch-message "") ; text-char-description version of isearch-string
578 (defvar isearch-message-prefix-add nil) ; Additional text for the message prefix
579 (defvar isearch-message-suffix-add nil) ; Additional text for the message suffix
581 (defvar isearch-success t) ; Searching is currently successful.
582 (defvar isearch-error nil) ; Error message for failed search.
583 (defvar isearch-other-end nil) ; Start (end) of match if forward (backward).
584 (defvar isearch-wrapped nil) ; Searching restarted from the top (bottom).
585 (defvar isearch-barrier 0
586 "Recorded minimum/maximal point for the current search.")
587 (defvar isearch-just-started nil)
588 (defvar isearch-start-hscroll 0) ; hscroll when starting the search.
590 ;; case-fold-search while searching.
591 ;; either nil, t, or 'yes. 'yes means the same as t except that mixed
592 ;; case in the search string is ignored.
593 (defvar isearch-case-fold-search nil)
595 ;; search-invisible while searching.
596 ;; either nil, t, or 'open. 'open means the same as t except that
597 ;; opens hidden overlays.
598 (defvar isearch-invisible search-invisible)
600 (defvar isearch-last-case-fold-search nil)
602 ;; Used to save default value while isearch is active
603 (defvar isearch-original-minibuffer-message-timeout nil)
605 (defvar isearch-adjusted nil)
606 (defvar isearch-slow-terminal-mode nil)
607 ;; If t, using a small window.
608 (defvar isearch-small-window nil)
609 (defvar isearch-opoint 0)
610 ;; The window configuration active at the beginning of the search.
611 (defvar isearch-window-configuration nil)
613 ;; Flag to indicate a yank occurred, so don't move the cursor.
614 (defvar isearch-yank-flag nil)
616 ;; A function to be called after each input character is processed.
617 ;; (It is not called after characters that exit the search.)
618 ;; It is only set from an optional argument to `isearch-mode'.
619 (defvar isearch-op-fun nil)
621 ;; Is isearch-mode in a recursive edit for modal searching.
622 (defvar isearch-recursive-edit nil)
624 ;; Should isearch be terminated after doing one search?
625 (defvar isearch-nonincremental nil)
627 ;; New value of isearch-forward after isearch-edit-string.
628 (defvar isearch-new-forward nil)
630 ;; Accumulate here the overlays opened during searching.
631 (defvar isearch-opened-overlays nil)
633 ;; Non-nil if the string exists but is invisible.
634 (defvar isearch-hidden nil)
636 ;; The value of input-method-function when isearch is invoked.
637 (defvar isearch-input-method-function nil)
639 ;; A flag to tell if input-method-function is locally bound when
640 ;; isearch is invoked.
641 (defvar isearch-input-method-local-p nil)
643 (defvar isearch--saved-overriding-local-map nil)
645 ;; Minor-mode-alist changes - kind of redundant with the
646 ;; echo area, but if isearching in multiple windows, it can be useful.
648 (or (assq 'isearch-mode minor-mode-alist)
649 (nconc minor-mode-alist
650 (list '(isearch-mode isearch-mode))))
652 (defvar isearch-mode nil) ;; Name of the minor mode, if non-nil.
653 (make-variable-buffer-local 'isearch-mode)
655 (define-key global-map "\C-s" 'isearch-forward)
656 (define-key esc-map "\C-s" 'isearch-forward-regexp)
657 (define-key global-map "\C-r" 'isearch-backward)
658 (define-key esc-map "\C-r" 'isearch-backward-regexp)
659 (define-key search-map "w" 'isearch-forward-word)
660 (define-key search-map "_" 'isearch-forward-symbol)
661 (define-key search-map "." 'isearch-forward-symbol-at-point)
663 ;; Entry points to isearch-mode.
665 (defun isearch-forward (&optional regexp-p no-recursive-edit)
667 Do incremental search forward.
668 With a prefix argument, do an incremental regular expression search instead.
669 \\<isearch-mode-map>
670 As you type characters, they add to the search string and are found.
671 The following non-printing keys are bound in `isearch-mode-map'.
673 Type \\[isearch-delete-char] to cancel last input item from end of search string.
674 Type \\[isearch-exit] to exit, leaving point at location found.
675 Type LFD (C-j) to match end of line.
676 Type \\[isearch-repeat-forward] to search again forward,\
677 \\[isearch-repeat-backward] to search again backward.
678 Type \\[isearch-yank-word-or-char] to yank next word or character in buffer
679 onto the end of the search string, and search for it.
680 Type \\[isearch-del-char] to delete character from end of search string.
681 Type \\[isearch-yank-char] to yank char from buffer onto end of search\
682 string and search for it.
683 Type \\[isearch-yank-line] to yank rest of line onto end of search string\
684 and search for it.
685 Type \\[isearch-yank-kill] to yank the last string of killed text.
686 Type \\[isearch-yank-pop] to replace string just yanked into search prompt
687 with string killed before it.
688 Type \\[isearch-quote-char] to quote control character to search for it.
689 Type \\[isearch-char-by-name] to add a character to search by Unicode name,\
690 with completion.
691 \\[isearch-abort] while searching or when search has failed cancels input\
692 back to what has
693 been found successfully.
694 \\[isearch-abort] when search is successful aborts and moves point to\
695 starting point.
697 If you try to exit with the search string still empty, it invokes
698 nonincremental search.
700 Type \\[isearch-toggle-case-fold] to toggle search case-sensitivity.
701 Type \\[isearch-toggle-invisible] to toggle search in invisible text.
702 Type \\[isearch-toggle-regexp] to toggle regular-expression mode.
703 Type \\[isearch-toggle-word] to toggle word mode.
704 Type \\[isearch-toggle-symbol] to toggle symbol mode.
706 Type \\[isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace] to toggle whitespace matching.
707 In incremental searches, a space or spaces normally matches any whitespace
708 defined by the variable `search-whitespace-regexp'; see also the variables
709 `isearch-lax-whitespace' and `isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace'.
711 Type \\[isearch-edit-string] to edit the search string in the minibuffer.
713 Also supported is a search ring of the previous 16 search strings.
714 Type \\[isearch-ring-advance] to search for the next item in the search ring.
715 Type \\[isearch-ring-retreat] to search for the previous item in the search\
716 ring.
717 Type \\[isearch-complete] to complete the search string using the search ring.
719 Type \\[isearch-query-replace] to run `query-replace' with string to\
720 replace from last search string.
721 Type \\[isearch-query-replace-regexp] to run `query-replace-regexp'\
722 with the last search string.
723 Type \\[isearch-occur] to run `occur' that shows\
724 the last search string.
725 Type \\[isearch-highlight-regexp] to run `highlight-regexp'\
726 that highlights the last search string.
728 Type \\[isearch-describe-bindings] to display all Isearch key bindings.
729 Type \\[isearch-describe-key] to display documentation of Isearch key.
730 Type \\[isearch-describe-mode] to display documentation of Isearch mode.
732 If an input method is turned on in the current buffer, that input
733 method is also active while you are typing characters to search.
734 To toggle the input method, type \\[isearch-toggle-input-method]. \
735 It also toggles the input
736 method in the current buffer.
738 To use a different input method for searching, type \
739 \\[isearch-toggle-specified-input-method],
740 and specify an input method you want to use.
742 The above keys, bound in `isearch-mode-map', are often controlled by
743 options; do \\[apropos] on search-.* to find them.
744 Other control and meta characters terminate the search
745 and are then executed normally (depending on `search-exit-option').
746 Likewise for function keys and mouse button events.
748 If this function is called non-interactively with a nil NO-RECURSIVE-EDIT,
749 it does not return to the calling function until the search is done.
750 See the function `isearch-mode' for more information."
752 (interactive "P\np")
753 (isearch-mode t (not (null regexp-p)) nil (not no-recursive-edit)))
755 (defun isearch-forward-regexp (&optional not-regexp no-recursive-edit)
756 "Do incremental search forward for regular expression.
757 With a prefix argument, do a regular string search instead.
758 Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
759 as a regexp. See the command `isearch-forward' for more information.
761 In incremental searches, a space or spaces normally matches any
762 whitespace defined by the variable `search-whitespace-regexp'.
763 To search for a literal space and nothing else, enter C-q SPC.
764 To toggle whitespace matching, use `isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace'."
765 (interactive "P\np")
766 (isearch-mode t (null not-regexp) nil (not no-recursive-edit)))
768 (defun isearch-forward-word (&optional not-word no-recursive-edit)
769 "Do incremental search forward for a sequence of words.
770 With a prefix argument, do a regular string search instead.
771 Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
772 as a sequence of words without regard to how the words are separated.
773 See the command `isearch-forward' for more information."
774 (interactive "P\np")
775 (isearch-mode t nil nil (not no-recursive-edit) (null not-word)))
777 (defun isearch-forward-symbol (&optional _not-symbol no-recursive-edit)
778 "Do incremental search forward for a symbol.
779 The prefix argument is currently unused.
780 Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
781 as a symbol surrounded by symbol boundary constructs \\_< and \\_>.
782 See the command `isearch-forward' for more information."
783 (interactive "P\np")
784 (isearch-mode t nil nil (not no-recursive-edit) 'isearch-symbol-regexp))
786 (defun isearch-backward (&optional regexp-p no-recursive-edit)
787 "Do incremental search backward.
788 With a prefix argument, do a regular expression search instead.
789 See the command `isearch-forward' for more information."
790 (interactive "P\np")
791 (isearch-mode nil (not (null regexp-p)) nil (not no-recursive-edit)))
793 (defun isearch-backward-regexp (&optional not-regexp no-recursive-edit)
794 "Do incremental search backward for regular expression.
795 With a prefix argument, do a regular string search instead.
796 Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
797 as a regexp. See the command `isearch-forward' for more information."
798 (interactive "P\np")
799 (isearch-mode nil (null not-regexp) nil (not no-recursive-edit)))
801 (defun isearch-forward-symbol-at-point ()
802 "Do incremental search forward for a symbol found near point.
803 Like ordinary incremental search except that the symbol found at point
804 is added to the search string initially as a regexp surrounded
805 by symbol boundary constructs \\_< and \\_>.
806 See the command `isearch-forward-symbol' for more information."
807 (interactive)
808 (isearch-forward-symbol nil 1)
809 (let ((bounds (find-tag-default-bounds)))
810 (cond
811 (bounds
812 (when (< (car bounds) (point))
813 (goto-char (car bounds)))
814 (isearch-yank-string
815 (buffer-substring-no-properties (car bounds) (cdr bounds))))
817 (setq isearch-error "No symbol at point")
818 (isearch-update)))))
821 ;; isearch-mode only sets up incremental search for the minor mode.
822 ;; All the work is done by the isearch-mode commands.
824 ;; Not used yet:
825 ;;(defvar isearch-commands '(isearch-forward isearch-backward
826 ;; isearch-forward-regexp isearch-backward-regexp)
827 ;; "List of commands for which isearch-mode does not recursive-edit.")
830 (defun isearch-mode (forward &optional regexp op-fun recursive-edit word)
831 "Start Isearch minor mode.
832 It is called by the function `isearch-forward' and other related functions.
834 The non-nil arg FORWARD means searching in the forward direction.
836 The non-nil arg REGEXP does an incremental regular expression search.
838 The arg OP-FUN is a function to be called after each input character
839 is processed. (It is not called after characters that exit the search.)
841 When the arg RECURSIVE-EDIT is non-nil, this function behaves modally and
842 does not return to the calling function until the search is completed.
843 To behave this way it enters a recursive-edit and exits it when done
844 isearching.
846 The arg WORD, if t, does incremental search for a sequence of words,
847 ignoring punctuation. If the value is a function, it is called to
848 convert the search string to a regexp used by regexp search functions."
850 ;; Initialize global vars.
851 (setq isearch-forward forward
852 isearch-regexp regexp
853 isearch-word word
854 isearch-op-fun op-fun
855 isearch-last-case-fold-search isearch-case-fold-search
856 isearch-case-fold-search case-fold-search
857 isearch-invisible search-invisible
858 isearch-string ""
859 isearch-message ""
860 isearch-cmds nil
861 isearch-success t
862 isearch-wrapped nil
863 isearch-barrier (point)
864 isearch-adjusted nil
865 isearch-yank-flag nil
866 isearch-error nil
867 isearch-slow-terminal-mode (and (<= baud-rate search-slow-speed)
868 (> (window-height)
869 (* 4
870 (abs search-slow-window-lines))))
871 isearch-other-end nil
872 isearch-small-window nil
873 isearch-just-started t
874 isearch-start-hscroll (window-hscroll)
876 isearch-opoint (point)
877 search-ring-yank-pointer nil
878 isearch-opened-overlays nil
879 isearch-input-method-function input-method-function
880 isearch-input-method-local-p (local-variable-p 'input-method-function)
881 regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer nil
883 ;; Save the original value of `minibuffer-message-timeout', and
884 ;; set it to nil so that isearch's messages don't get timed out.
885 isearch-original-minibuffer-message-timeout minibuffer-message-timeout
886 minibuffer-message-timeout nil)
888 ;; We must bypass input method while reading key. When a user type
889 ;; printable character, appropriate input method is turned on in
890 ;; minibuffer to read multibyte characters.
891 (or isearch-input-method-local-p
892 (make-local-variable 'input-method-function))
893 (setq input-method-function nil)
895 (looking-at "")
896 (setq isearch-window-configuration
897 (if isearch-slow-terminal-mode (current-window-configuration) nil))
899 ;; Maybe make minibuffer frame visible and/or raise it.
900 (let ((frame (window-frame (minibuffer-window))))
901 (unless (memq (frame-live-p frame) '(nil t))
902 (unless (frame-visible-p frame)
903 (make-frame-visible frame))
904 (if minibuffer-auto-raise
905 (raise-frame frame))))
907 (setq isearch-mode " Isearch") ;; forward? regexp?
908 (force-mode-line-update)
910 (setq overriding-terminal-local-map isearch-mode-map)
911 (run-hooks 'isearch-mode-hook)
912 ;; Remember the initial map possibly modified
913 ;; by external packages in isearch-mode-hook. (Bug#16035)
914 (setq isearch--saved-overriding-local-map overriding-terminal-local-map)
916 ;; Pushing the initial state used to be before running isearch-mode-hook,
917 ;; but a hook might set `isearch-push-state-function' used in
918 ;; `isearch-push-state' to save mode-specific initial state. (Bug#4994)
919 (isearch-push-state)
921 (isearch-update)
923 (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'isearch-pre-command-hook)
924 (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'isearch-post-command-hook)
925 (add-hook 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook 'isearch-done)
926 (add-hook 'kbd-macro-termination-hook 'isearch-done)
928 ;; isearch-mode can be made modal (in the sense of not returning to
929 ;; the calling function until searching is completed) by entering
930 ;; a recursive-edit and exiting it when done isearching.
931 (if recursive-edit
932 (let ((isearch-recursive-edit t))
933 (recursive-edit)))
934 isearch-success)
937 ;; Some high level utilities. Others below.
939 (defun isearch-update ()
940 "This is called after every isearch command to update the display.
941 The last thing it does is to run `isearch-update-post-hook'."
942 (if (and (null unread-command-events)
943 (null executing-kbd-macro))
944 (progn
945 (if (not (input-pending-p))
946 (if isearch-message-function
947 (funcall isearch-message-function)
948 (isearch-message)))
949 (if (and isearch-slow-terminal-mode
950 (not (or isearch-small-window
951 (pos-visible-in-window-p))))
952 (let ((found-point (point)))
953 (setq isearch-small-window t)
954 (move-to-window-line 0)
955 (let ((window-min-height 1))
956 (split-window nil (if (< search-slow-window-lines 0)
957 (1+ (- search-slow-window-lines))
958 (- (window-height)
959 (1+ search-slow-window-lines)))))
960 (if (< search-slow-window-lines 0)
961 (progn (vertical-motion (- 1 search-slow-window-lines))
962 (set-window-start (next-window) (point))
963 (set-window-hscroll (next-window)
964 (window-hscroll))
965 (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) 0))
966 (other-window 1))
967 (goto-char found-point))
968 ;; Keep same hscrolling as at the start of the search when possible
969 (let ((current-scroll (window-hscroll)))
970 (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) isearch-start-hscroll)
971 (unless (pos-visible-in-window-p)
972 (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) current-scroll))))
973 (if isearch-other-end
974 (if (< isearch-other-end (point)) ; isearch-forward?
975 (isearch-highlight isearch-other-end (point))
976 (isearch-highlight (point) isearch-other-end))
977 (isearch-dehighlight))))
978 (setq ;; quit-flag nil not for isearch-mode
979 isearch-adjusted nil
980 isearch-yank-flag nil)
981 (when isearch-lazy-highlight
982 (isearch-lazy-highlight-new-loop))
983 ;; We must prevent the point moving to the end of composition when a
984 ;; part of the composition has just been searched.
985 (setq disable-point-adjustment t)
986 (run-hooks 'isearch-update-post-hook))
988 (defun isearch-done (&optional nopush edit)
989 "Exit Isearch mode.
990 For successful search, pass no args.
991 For a failing search, NOPUSH is t.
992 For going to the minibuffer to edit the search string,
993 NOPUSH is t and EDIT is t."
995 (if isearch-resume-in-command-history
996 (let ((command `(isearch-resume ,isearch-string ,isearch-regexp
997 ,isearch-word ,isearch-forward
998 ,isearch-message
999 ',isearch-case-fold-search)))
1000 (unless (equal (car command-history) command)
1001 (setq command-history (cons command command-history)))))
1003 (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'isearch-pre-command-hook)
1004 (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'isearch-post-command-hook)
1005 (remove-hook 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook 'isearch-done)
1006 (remove-hook 'kbd-macro-termination-hook 'isearch-done)
1007 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-start nil)
1009 ;; Called by all commands that terminate isearch-mode.
1010 ;; If NOPUSH is non-nil, we don't push the string on the search ring.
1011 (setq overriding-terminal-local-map nil)
1012 ;; (setq pre-command-hook isearch-old-pre-command-hook) ; for lemacs
1013 (setq minibuffer-message-timeout isearch-original-minibuffer-message-timeout)
1014 (isearch-dehighlight)
1015 (lazy-highlight-cleanup lazy-highlight-cleanup)
1016 (let ((found-start (window-start))
1017 (found-point (point)))
1018 (when isearch-window-configuration
1019 (set-window-configuration isearch-window-configuration)
1020 (if isearch-small-window
1021 (goto-char found-point)
1022 ;; set-window-configuration clobbers window-start; restore it.
1023 ;; This has an annoying side effect of clearing the last_modiff
1024 ;; field of the window, which can cause unwanted scrolling,
1025 ;; so don't do it unless truly necessary.
1026 (set-window-start (selected-window) found-start t))))
1028 (setq isearch-mode nil)
1029 (if isearch-input-method-local-p
1030 (setq input-method-function isearch-input-method-function)
1031 (kill-local-variable 'input-method-function))
1033 (force-mode-line-update)
1035 ;; If we ended in the middle of some intangible text,
1036 ;; move to the further end of that intangible text.
1037 (let ((after (if (eobp) nil
1038 (get-text-property (point) 'intangible)))
1039 (before (if (bobp) nil
1040 (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'intangible))))
1041 (when (and before after (eq before after))
1042 (goto-char
1043 (if isearch-forward
1044 (next-single-property-change (point) 'intangible)
1045 (previous-single-property-change (point) 'intangible)))))
1047 (if (and (> (length isearch-string) 0) (not nopush))
1048 ;; Update the ring data.
1049 (isearch-update-ring isearch-string isearch-regexp))
1051 (let ((isearch-mode-end-hook-quit (and nopush (not edit))))
1052 (run-hooks 'isearch-mode-end-hook))
1054 ;; If there was movement, mark the starting position.
1055 ;; Maybe should test difference between and set mark only if > threshold.
1056 (if (/= (point) isearch-opoint)
1057 (or (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
1058 (progn
1059 (push-mark isearch-opoint t)
1060 (or executing-kbd-macro (> (minibuffer-depth) 0) edit
1061 (message "Mark saved where search started")))))
1063 (and (not edit) isearch-recursive-edit (exit-recursive-edit)))
1065 (defun isearch-update-ring (string &optional regexp)
1066 "Add STRING to the beginning of the search ring.
1067 REGEXP if non-nil says use the regexp search ring."
1068 (add-to-history
1069 (if regexp 'regexp-search-ring 'search-ring)
1070 string
1071 (if regexp regexp-search-ring-max search-ring-max)))
1073 ;; Switching buffers should first terminate isearch-mode.
1074 ;; ;; For Emacs 19, the frame switch event is handled.
1075 ;; (defun isearch-switch-frame-handler ()
1076 ;; (interactive) ;; Is this necessary?
1077 ;; ;; First terminate isearch-mode.
1078 ;; (isearch-done)
1079 ;; (isearch-clean-overlays)
1080 ;; (handle-switch-frame (car (cdr last-command-event))))
1083 ;; The search status structure and stack.
1085 (cl-defstruct (isearch--state
1086 (:constructor nil)
1087 (:copier nil)
1088 (:constructor isearch--get-state
1089 (&aux
1090 (string isearch-string)
1091 (message isearch-message)
1092 (point (point))
1093 (success isearch-success)
1094 (forward isearch-forward)
1095 (other-end isearch-other-end)
1096 (word isearch-word)
1097 (error isearch-error)
1098 (wrapped isearch-wrapped)
1099 (barrier isearch-barrier)
1100 (case-fold-search isearch-case-fold-search)
1101 (pop-fun (if isearch-push-state-function
1102 (funcall isearch-push-state-function))))))
1103 (string :read-only t)
1104 (message :read-only t)
1105 (point :read-only t)
1106 (success :read-only t)
1107 (forward :read-only t)
1108 (other-end :read-only t)
1109 (word :read-only t)
1110 (error :read-only t)
1111 (wrapped :read-only t)
1112 (barrier :read-only t)
1113 (case-fold-search :read-only t)
1114 (pop-fun :read-only t))
1116 (defun isearch--set-state (cmd)
1117 (setq isearch-string (isearch--state-string cmd)
1118 isearch-message (isearch--state-message cmd)
1119 isearch-success (isearch--state-success cmd)
1120 isearch-forward (isearch--state-forward cmd)
1121 isearch-other-end (isearch--state-other-end cmd)
1122 isearch-word (isearch--state-word cmd)
1123 isearch-error (isearch--state-error cmd)
1124 isearch-wrapped (isearch--state-wrapped cmd)
1125 isearch-barrier (isearch--state-barrier cmd)
1126 isearch-case-fold-search (isearch--state-case-fold-search cmd))
1127 (if (functionp (isearch--state-pop-fun cmd))
1128 (funcall (isearch--state-pop-fun cmd) cmd))
1129 (goto-char (isearch--state-point cmd)))
1131 (defun isearch-pop-state ()
1132 (setq isearch-cmds (cdr isearch-cmds))
1133 (isearch--set-state (car isearch-cmds)))
1135 (defun isearch-push-state ()
1136 (push (isearch--get-state) isearch-cmds))
1139 ;; Commands active while inside of the isearch minor mode.
1141 (defun isearch-exit ()
1142 "Exit search normally.
1143 However, if this is the first command after starting incremental
1144 search and `search-nonincremental-instead' is non-nil, do a
1145 nonincremental search instead via `isearch-edit-string'."
1146 (interactive)
1147 (if (and search-nonincremental-instead
1148 (= 0 (length isearch-string)))
1149 (let ((isearch-nonincremental t))
1150 (isearch-edit-string)))
1151 (isearch-done)
1152 (isearch-clean-overlays))
1154 (defun isearch-fail-pos (&optional msg)
1155 "Return position of first mismatch in search string, or nil if none.
1156 If MSG is non-nil, use variable `isearch-message', otherwise `isearch-string'."
1157 (let ((cmds isearch-cmds)
1158 (curr-msg (if msg isearch-message isearch-string))
1159 succ-msg)
1160 (when (or (not isearch-success) isearch-error)
1161 (while (and cmds
1162 (or (not (isearch--state-success (car cmds)))
1163 (isearch--state-error (car cmds))))
1164 (pop cmds))
1165 (setq succ-msg (and cmds (if msg (isearch--state-message (car cmds))
1166 (isearch--state-string (car cmds)))))
1167 (if (and (stringp succ-msg)
1168 (< (length succ-msg) (length curr-msg))
1169 (equal succ-msg
1170 (substring curr-msg 0 (length succ-msg))))
1171 (length succ-msg)
1172 0))))
1174 (defmacro with-isearch-suspended (&rest body)
1175 "Exit Isearch mode, run BODY, and reinvoke the pending search.
1176 You can update the global isearch variables by setting new values to
1177 `isearch-new-string', `isearch-new-message', `isearch-new-forward',
1178 `isearch-new-word', `isearch-new-case-fold'."
1179 ;; This code is very hairy for several reasons, explained in the code.
1180 ;; Mainly, isearch-mode must be terminated while editing and then restarted.
1181 ;; If there were a way to catch any change of buffer from the minibuffer,
1182 ;; this could be simplified greatly.
1183 ;; Editing doesn't back up the search point. Should it?
1184 `(condition-case nil
1185 (progn
1186 (let ((isearch-nonincremental isearch-nonincremental)
1188 ;; Locally bind all isearch global variables to protect them
1189 ;; from recursive isearching.
1190 ;; isearch-string -message and -forward are not bound
1191 ;; so they may be changed. Instead, save the values.
1192 (isearch-new-string isearch-string)
1193 (isearch-new-message isearch-message)
1194 (isearch-new-forward isearch-forward)
1195 (isearch-new-word isearch-word)
1196 (isearch-new-case-fold isearch-case-fold-search)
1198 (isearch-regexp isearch-regexp)
1199 (isearch-op-fun isearch-op-fun)
1200 (isearch-cmds isearch-cmds)
1201 (isearch-success isearch-success)
1202 (isearch-wrapped isearch-wrapped)
1203 (isearch-barrier isearch-barrier)
1204 (isearch-adjusted isearch-adjusted)
1205 (isearch-yank-flag isearch-yank-flag)
1206 (isearch-error isearch-error)
1207 ;;; Don't bind this. We want isearch-search, below, to set it.
1208 ;;; And the old value won't matter after that.
1209 ;;; (isearch-other-end isearch-other-end)
1210 ;;; Perhaps some of these other variables should be bound for a
1211 ;;; shorter period, ending before the next isearch-search.
1212 ;;; But there doesn't seem to be a real bug, so let's not risk it now.
1213 (isearch-opoint isearch-opoint)
1214 (isearch-slow-terminal-mode isearch-slow-terminal-mode)
1215 (isearch-small-window isearch-small-window)
1216 (isearch-recursive-edit isearch-recursive-edit)
1217 ;; Save current configuration so we can restore it here.
1218 (isearch-window-configuration (current-window-configuration))
1220 ;; This could protect the index of the search rings,
1221 ;; but we can't reliably count the number of typed M-p
1222 ;; in `read-from-minibuffer' to adjust the index accordingly.
1223 ;; So when the following is commented out, `isearch-mode'
1224 ;; below resets the index to the predictable value nil.
1225 ;; (search-ring-yank-pointer search-ring-yank-pointer)
1226 ;; (regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer)
1228 ;; Temporarily restore `minibuffer-message-timeout'.
1229 (minibuffer-message-timeout
1230 isearch-original-minibuffer-message-timeout)
1231 (isearch-original-minibuffer-message-timeout
1232 isearch-original-minibuffer-message-timeout)
1233 old-point old-other-end)
1235 ;; Actually terminate isearching until editing is done.
1236 ;; This is so that the user can do anything without failure,
1237 ;; like switch buffers and start another isearch, and return.
1238 (condition-case nil
1239 (isearch-done t t)
1240 (exit nil)) ; was recursive editing
1242 ;; Save old point and isearch-other-end before reading from minibuffer
1243 ;; that can change their values.
1244 (setq old-point (point) old-other-end isearch-other-end)
1246 (unwind-protect
1247 (progn ,@body)
1249 ;; Set point at the start (end) of old match if forward (backward),
1250 ;; so after exiting minibuffer isearch resumes at the start (end)
1251 ;; of this match and can find it again.
1252 (if (and old-other-end (eq old-point (point))
1253 (eq isearch-forward isearch-new-forward))
1254 (goto-char old-other-end))
1256 ;; Always resume isearching by restarting it.
1257 (isearch-mode isearch-forward
1258 isearch-regexp
1259 isearch-op-fun
1261 isearch-word)
1263 ;; Copy new local values to isearch globals
1264 (setq isearch-string isearch-new-string
1265 isearch-message isearch-new-message
1266 isearch-forward isearch-new-forward
1267 isearch-word isearch-new-word
1268 isearch-case-fold-search isearch-new-case-fold))
1270 ;; Empty isearch-string means use default.
1271 (when (= 0 (length isearch-string))
1272 (setq isearch-string (or (car (if isearch-regexp
1273 regexp-search-ring
1274 search-ring))
1277 isearch-message
1278 (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description
1279 isearch-string ""))
1280 ;; After taking the last element, adjust ring to previous one.
1281 (isearch-ring-adjust1 nil)))
1283 ;; This used to push the state as of before this C-s, but it adds
1284 ;; an inconsistent state where part of variables are from the
1285 ;; previous search (e.g. `isearch-success'), and part of variables
1286 ;; are just entered from the minibuffer (e.g. `isearch-string').
1287 ;; (isearch-push-state)
1289 ;; Reinvoke the pending search.
1290 (isearch-search)
1291 (isearch-push-state) ; this pushes the correct state
1292 (isearch-update)
1293 (if isearch-nonincremental
1294 (progn
1295 ;; (sit-for 1) ;; needed if isearch-done does: (message "")
1296 (isearch-done)
1297 ;; The search done message is confusing when the string
1298 ;; is empty, so erase it.
1299 (if (equal isearch-string "")
1300 (message "")))))
1302 (quit ; handle abort-recursive-edit
1303 (isearch-abort) ;; outside of let to restore outside global values
1306 (defvar minibuffer-history-symbol) ;; from external package gmhist.el
1308 (defun isearch-edit-string ()
1309 "Edit the search string in the minibuffer.
1310 The following additional command keys are active while editing.
1311 \\<minibuffer-local-isearch-map>
1312 \\[exit-minibuffer] to resume incremental searching with the edited string.
1313 \\[isearch-forward-exit-minibuffer] to resume isearching forward.
1314 \\[isearch-reverse-exit-minibuffer] to resume isearching backward.
1315 \\[isearch-complete-edit] to complete the search string using the search ring."
1316 (interactive)
1317 (with-isearch-suspended
1318 (let* ((message-log-max nil)
1319 ;; Don't add a new search string to the search ring here
1320 ;; in `read-from-minibuffer'. It should be added only
1321 ;; by `isearch-update-ring' called from `isearch-done'.
1322 (history-add-new-input nil)
1323 ;; Binding minibuffer-history-symbol to nil is a work-around
1324 ;; for some incompatibility with gmhist.
1325 (minibuffer-history-symbol))
1326 (setq isearch-new-string
1327 (read-from-minibuffer
1328 (isearch-message-prefix nil isearch-nonincremental)
1329 (cons isearch-string (1+ (or (isearch-fail-pos)
1330 (length isearch-string))))
1331 minibuffer-local-isearch-map nil
1332 (if isearch-regexp
1333 (cons 'regexp-search-ring
1334 (1+ (or regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer -1)))
1335 (cons 'search-ring
1336 (1+ (or search-ring-yank-pointer -1))))
1337 nil t)
1338 isearch-new-message
1339 (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description
1340 isearch-new-string "")))))
1342 (defun isearch-nonincremental-exit-minibuffer ()
1343 (interactive)
1344 (setq isearch-nonincremental t)
1345 (exit-minibuffer))
1346 ;; Changing the value of `isearch-nonincremental' has no effect here,
1347 ;; because `isearch-edit-string' ignores this change. Thus marked as obsolete.
1348 (make-obsolete 'isearch-nonincremental-exit-minibuffer 'exit-minibuffer "24.4")
1350 (defun isearch-forward-exit-minibuffer ()
1351 "Resume isearching forward from the minibuffer that edits the search string."
1352 (interactive)
1353 (setq isearch-new-forward t)
1354 (exit-minibuffer))
1356 (defun isearch-reverse-exit-minibuffer ()
1357 "Resume isearching backward from the minibuffer that edits the search string."
1358 (interactive)
1359 (setq isearch-new-forward nil)
1360 (exit-minibuffer))
1362 (defun isearch-cancel ()
1363 "Terminate the search and go back to the starting point."
1364 (interactive)
1365 (if (and isearch-push-state-function isearch-cmds)
1366 ;; For defined push-state function, restore the first state.
1367 ;; This calls pop-state function and restores original point.
1368 (let ((isearch-cmds (last isearch-cmds)))
1369 (isearch--set-state (car isearch-cmds)))
1370 (goto-char isearch-opoint))
1371 (isearch-done t) ; Exit isearch..
1372 (isearch-clean-overlays)
1373 (signal 'quit nil)) ; ..and pass on quit signal.
1375 (defun isearch-abort ()
1376 "Abort incremental search mode if searching is successful, signaling quit.
1377 Otherwise, revert to previous successful search and continue searching.
1378 Use `isearch-exit' to quit without signaling."
1379 (interactive)
1380 ;; (ding) signal instead below, if quitting
1381 (discard-input)
1382 (if (and isearch-success (not isearch-error))
1383 ;; If search is successful and has no incomplete regexp,
1384 ;; move back to starting point and really do quit.
1385 (progn
1386 (setq isearch-success nil)
1387 (isearch-cancel))
1388 ;; If search is failing, or has an incomplete regexp,
1389 ;; rub out until it is once more successful.
1390 (while (or (not isearch-success) isearch-error)
1391 (isearch-pop-state))
1392 (isearch-update)))
1394 (defun isearch-repeat (direction)
1395 ;; Utility for isearch-repeat-forward and -backward.
1396 (if (eq isearch-forward (eq direction 'forward))
1397 ;; C-s in forward or C-r in reverse.
1398 (if (equal isearch-string "")
1399 ;; If search string is empty, use last one.
1400 (if (null (if isearch-regexp regexp-search-ring search-ring))
1401 (setq isearch-error "No previous search string")
1402 (setq isearch-string
1403 (car (if isearch-regexp regexp-search-ring search-ring))
1404 isearch-message
1405 (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description
1406 isearch-string "")
1407 isearch-case-fold-search isearch-last-case-fold-search)
1408 ;; After taking the last element, adjust ring to previous one.
1409 (isearch-ring-adjust1 nil))
1410 ;; If already have what to search for, repeat it.
1411 (or isearch-success
1412 (progn
1413 ;; Set isearch-wrapped before calling isearch-wrap-function
1414 (setq isearch-wrapped t)
1415 (if isearch-wrap-function
1416 (funcall isearch-wrap-function)
1417 (goto-char (if isearch-forward (point-min) (point-max)))))))
1418 ;; C-s in reverse or C-r in forward, change direction.
1419 (setq isearch-forward (not isearch-forward)
1420 isearch-success t))
1422 (setq isearch-barrier (point)) ; For subsequent \| if regexp.
1424 (if (equal isearch-string "")
1425 (setq isearch-success t)
1426 (if (and isearch-success
1427 (equal (point) isearch-other-end)
1428 (not isearch-just-started))
1429 ;; If repeating a search that found
1430 ;; an empty string, ensure we advance.
1431 (if (if isearch-forward (eobp) (bobp))
1432 ;; If there's nowhere to advance to, fail (and wrap next time).
1433 (progn
1434 (setq isearch-success nil)
1435 (ding))
1436 (forward-char (if isearch-forward 1 -1))
1437 (isearch-search))
1438 (isearch-search)))
1440 (isearch-push-state)
1441 (isearch-update))
1443 (defun isearch-repeat-forward ()
1444 "Repeat incremental search forwards."
1445 (interactive)
1446 (isearch-repeat 'forward))
1448 (defun isearch-repeat-backward ()
1449 "Repeat incremental search backwards."
1450 (interactive)
1451 (isearch-repeat 'backward))
1453 (defun isearch-toggle-regexp ()
1454 "Toggle regexp searching on or off."
1455 ;; The status stack is left unchanged.
1456 (interactive)
1457 (setq isearch-regexp (not isearch-regexp))
1458 (if isearch-regexp (setq isearch-word nil))
1459 (setq isearch-success t isearch-adjusted t)
1460 (isearch-update))
1462 (defun isearch-toggle-word ()
1463 "Toggle word searching on or off."
1464 ;; The status stack is left unchanged.
1465 (interactive)
1466 (setq isearch-word (not isearch-word))
1467 (if isearch-word (setq isearch-regexp nil))
1468 (setq isearch-success t isearch-adjusted t)
1469 (isearch-update))
1471 (defun isearch-toggle-symbol ()
1472 "Toggle symbol searching on or off."
1473 (interactive)
1474 (setq isearch-word (unless (eq isearch-word 'isearch-symbol-regexp)
1475 'isearch-symbol-regexp))
1476 (if isearch-word (setq isearch-regexp nil))
1477 (setq isearch-success t isearch-adjusted t)
1478 (isearch-update))
1480 (defun isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace ()
1481 "Toggle whitespace matching in searching on or off.
1482 In ordinary search, toggles the value of the variable
1483 `isearch-lax-whitespace'. In regexp search, toggles the
1484 value of the variable `isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace'."
1485 (interactive)
1486 (if isearch-regexp
1487 (setq isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace (not isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace))
1488 (setq isearch-lax-whitespace (not isearch-lax-whitespace)))
1489 (let ((message-log-max nil))
1490 (message "%s%s [%s]"
1491 (isearch-message-prefix nil isearch-nonincremental)
1492 isearch-message
1493 (if (if isearch-regexp
1494 isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace
1495 isearch-lax-whitespace)
1496 "match spaces loosely"
1497 "match spaces literally")))
1498 (setq isearch-success t isearch-adjusted t)
1499 (sit-for 1)
1500 (isearch-update))
1502 (defun isearch-toggle-case-fold ()
1503 "Toggle case folding in searching on or off.
1504 Toggles the value of the variable `isearch-case-fold-search'."
1505 (interactive)
1506 (setq isearch-case-fold-search
1507 (if isearch-case-fold-search nil 'yes))
1508 (let ((message-log-max nil))
1509 (message "%s%s [case %ssensitive]"
1510 (isearch-message-prefix nil isearch-nonincremental)
1511 isearch-message
1512 (if isearch-case-fold-search "in" "")))
1513 (setq isearch-success t isearch-adjusted t)
1514 (sit-for 1)
1515 (isearch-update))
1517 (defun isearch-toggle-invisible ()
1518 "Toggle searching in invisible text on or off.
1519 Toggles the variable `isearch-invisible' between values
1520 nil and a non-nil value of the option `search-invisible'
1521 \(or `open' if `search-invisible' is nil)."
1522 (interactive)
1523 (setq isearch-invisible
1524 (if isearch-invisible nil (or search-invisible 'open)))
1525 (let ((message-log-max nil))
1526 (message "%s%s [match %svisible text]"
1527 (isearch-message-prefix nil isearch-nonincremental)
1528 isearch-message
1529 (if isearch-invisible "in" "")))
1530 (setq isearch-success t isearch-adjusted t)
1531 (sit-for 1)
1532 (isearch-update))
1535 ;; Word search
1537 (defun word-search-regexp (string &optional lax)
1538 "Return a regexp which matches words, ignoring punctuation.
1539 Given STRING, a string of words separated by word delimiters,
1540 compute a regexp that matches those exact words separated by
1541 arbitrary punctuation. If the string begins or ends in whitespace,
1542 the beginning or the end of the string matches arbitrary whitespace.
1543 Otherwise if LAX is non-nil, the beginning or the end of the string
1544 need not match a word boundary.
1546 Used in `word-search-forward', `word-search-backward',
1547 `word-search-forward-lax', `word-search-backward-lax'."
1548 (cond
1549 ((equal string "") "")
1550 ((string-match-p "\\`\\W+\\'" string) "\\W+")
1551 (t (concat
1552 (if (string-match-p "\\`\\W" string) "\\W+"
1553 (unless lax "\\<"))
1554 (mapconcat 'regexp-quote (split-string string "\\W+" t) "\\W+")
1555 (if (string-match-p "\\W\\'" string) "\\W+"
1556 (unless lax "\\>"))))))
1558 (defun word-search-backward (string &optional bound noerror count)
1559 "Search backward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
1560 Set point to the beginning of the occurrence found, and return point.
1561 An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
1562 The match found must not extend before that position.
1563 Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
1564 If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
1565 Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.
1567 Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
1568 of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard
1569 to punctuation."
1570 (interactive "sWord search backward: ")
1571 (re-search-backward (word-search-regexp string nil) bound noerror count))
1573 (defun word-search-forward (string &optional bound noerror count)
1574 "Search forward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
1575 Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.
1576 An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
1577 The match found must not extend after that position.
1578 Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
1579 If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
1580 Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.
1582 Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
1583 of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard
1584 to punctuation."
1585 (interactive "sWord search: ")
1586 (re-search-forward (word-search-regexp string nil) bound noerror count))
1588 (defun word-search-backward-lax (string &optional bound noerror count)
1589 "Search backward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
1590 Set point to the beginning of the occurrence found, and return point.
1592 Unlike `word-search-backward', the end of STRING need not match a word
1593 boundary, unless STRING ends in whitespace.
1595 An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
1596 The match found must not extend before that position.
1597 Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
1598 If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
1599 Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.
1601 Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
1602 of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard
1603 to punctuation."
1604 (interactive "sWord search backward: ")
1605 (re-search-backward (word-search-regexp string t) bound noerror count))
1607 (defun word-search-forward-lax (string &optional bound noerror count)
1608 "Search forward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
1609 Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.
1611 Unlike `word-search-forward', the end of STRING need not match a word
1612 boundary, unless STRING ends in whitespace.
1614 An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
1615 The match found must not extend after that position.
1616 Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
1617 If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
1618 Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.
1620 Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
1621 of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard
1622 to punctuation."
1623 (interactive "sWord search: ")
1624 (re-search-forward (word-search-regexp string t) bound noerror count))
1626 ;; Symbol search
1628 (defun isearch-symbol-regexp (string &optional lax)
1629 "Return a regexp which matches STRING as a symbol.
1630 Creates a regexp where STRING is surrounded by symbol delimiters \\_< and \\_>.
1631 If there are more than one symbol, then compute a regexp that matches
1632 those exact symbols separated by non-symbol characters. If the string
1633 begins or ends in whitespace, the beginning or the end of the string
1634 matches arbitrary non-symbol whitespace. Otherwise if LAX is non-nil,
1635 the beginning or the end of the string need not match a symbol boundary."
1636 (let ((not-word-symbol-re
1637 ;; This regexp matches all syntaxes except word and symbol syntax.
1638 ;; FIXME: Replace it with something shorter if possible (bug#14602).
1639 "\\(?:\\s-\\|\\s.\\|\\s(\\|\\s)\\|\\s\"\\|\\s\\\\|\\s/\\|\\s$\\|\\s'\\|\\s<\\|\\s>\\|\\s@\\|\\s!\\|\\s|\\)+"))
1640 (cond
1641 ((equal string "") "")
1642 ((string-match-p (format "\\`%s\\'" not-word-symbol-re) string) not-word-symbol-re)
1643 (t (concat
1644 (if (string-match-p (format "\\`%s" not-word-symbol-re) string) not-word-symbol-re
1645 (unless lax "\\_<"))
1646 (mapconcat 'regexp-quote (split-string string not-word-symbol-re t) not-word-symbol-re)
1647 (if (string-match-p (format "%s\\'" not-word-symbol-re) string) not-word-symbol-re
1648 (unless lax "\\_>")))))))
1650 (put 'isearch-symbol-regexp 'isearch-message-prefix "symbol ")
1652 ;; Search with lax whitespace
1654 (defun search-forward-lax-whitespace (string &optional bound noerror count)
1655 "Search forward for STRING, matching a sequence of whitespace chars."
1656 (let ((search-spaces-regexp search-whitespace-regexp))
1657 (re-search-forward (regexp-quote string) bound noerror count)))
1659 (defun search-backward-lax-whitespace (string &optional bound noerror count)
1660 "Search backward for STRING, matching a sequence of whitespace chars."
1661 (let ((search-spaces-regexp search-whitespace-regexp))
1662 (re-search-backward (regexp-quote string) bound noerror count)))
1664 (defun re-search-forward-lax-whitespace (regexp &optional bound noerror count)
1665 "Search forward for REGEXP, matching a sequence of whitespace chars."
1666 (let ((search-spaces-regexp search-whitespace-regexp))
1667 (re-search-forward regexp bound noerror count)))
1669 (defun re-search-backward-lax-whitespace (regexp &optional bound noerror count)
1670 "Search backward for REGEXP, matching a sequence of whitespace chars."
1671 (let ((search-spaces-regexp search-whitespace-regexp))
1672 (re-search-backward regexp bound noerror count)))
1675 (defun isearch-query-replace (&optional arg regexp-flag)
1676 "Start `query-replace' with string to replace from last search string.
1677 The ARG (prefix arg if interactive), if non-nil, means replace
1678 only matches surrounded by word boundaries. A negative prefix
1679 arg means replace backward. Note that using the prefix arg
1680 is possible only when `isearch-allow-scroll' is non-nil or
1681 `isearch-allow-prefix' is non-nil, and it doesn't always provide the
1682 correct matches for `query-replace', so the preferred way to run word
1683 replacements from Isearch is `M-s w ... M-%'."
1684 (interactive
1685 (list current-prefix-arg))
1686 (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
1687 (if regexp-flag (setq isearch-regexp t))
1688 (let ((case-fold-search isearch-case-fold-search)
1689 ;; set `search-upper-case' to nil to not call
1690 ;; `isearch-no-upper-case-p' in `perform-replace'
1691 (search-upper-case nil)
1692 (search-invisible isearch-invisible)
1693 (replace-lax-whitespace
1694 isearch-lax-whitespace)
1695 (replace-regexp-lax-whitespace
1696 isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace)
1697 (delimited (and arg (not (eq arg '-))))
1698 (backward (and arg (eq arg '-)))
1699 ;; Set `isearch-recursive-edit' to nil to prevent calling
1700 ;; `exit-recursive-edit' in `isearch-done' that terminates
1701 ;; the execution of this command when it is non-nil.
1702 ;; We call `exit-recursive-edit' explicitly at the end below.
1703 (isearch-recursive-edit nil))
1704 (isearch-done nil t)
1705 (isearch-clean-overlays)
1706 (if (and isearch-other-end
1707 (if backward
1708 (> isearch-other-end (point))
1709 (< isearch-other-end (point)))
1710 (not (and transient-mark-mode mark-active
1711 (if backward
1712 (> (mark) (point))
1713 (< (mark) (point))))))
1714 (goto-char isearch-other-end))
1715 (set query-replace-from-history-variable
1716 (cons isearch-string
1717 (symbol-value query-replace-from-history-variable)))
1718 (perform-replace
1719 isearch-string
1720 (query-replace-read-to
1721 isearch-string
1722 (concat "Query replace"
1723 (if (or delimited isearch-word)
1724 (let* ((symbol (or delimited isearch-word))
1725 (string (and symbol (symbolp symbol)
1726 (get symbol 'isearch-message-prefix))))
1727 (if (stringp string)
1728 ;; Move space from the end to the beginning.
1729 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(.*\\) \\'" " \\1" string)
1730 " word"))
1732 (if isearch-regexp " regexp" "")
1733 (if backward " backward" "")
1734 (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) " in region" ""))
1735 isearch-regexp)
1736 t isearch-regexp (or delimited isearch-word) nil nil
1737 (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-beginning))
1738 (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active) (region-end))
1739 backward))
1740 (and isearch-recursive-edit (exit-recursive-edit)))
1742 (defun isearch-query-replace-regexp (&optional arg)
1743 "Start `query-replace-regexp' with string to replace from last search string.
1744 See `isearch-query-replace' for more information."
1745 (interactive
1746 (list current-prefix-arg))
1747 (isearch-query-replace arg t))
1749 (defun isearch-occur (regexp &optional nlines)
1750 "Run `occur' using the last search string as the regexp.
1751 Interactively, REGEXP is constructed using the search string from the
1752 last search command. NLINES has the same meaning as in `occur'.
1754 If the last search command was a word search, REGEXP is computed from
1755 the search words, ignoring punctuation. If the last search
1756 command was a regular expression search, REGEXP is the regular
1757 expression used in that search. If the last search command searched
1758 for a literal string, REGEXP is constructed by quoting all the special
1759 characters in that string."
1760 (interactive
1761 (let* ((perform-collect (consp current-prefix-arg))
1762 (regexp (cond
1763 ((functionp isearch-word)
1764 (funcall isearch-word isearch-string))
1765 (isearch-word (word-search-regexp isearch-string))
1766 (isearch-regexp isearch-string)
1767 (t (regexp-quote isearch-string)))))
1768 (list regexp
1769 (if perform-collect
1770 ;; Perform collect operation
1771 (if (zerop (regexp-opt-depth regexp))
1772 ;; No subexpression so collect the entire match.
1773 "\\&"
1774 ;; Get the regexp for collection pattern.
1775 (let ((default (car occur-collect-regexp-history))
1776 regexp-collect)
1777 (with-isearch-suspended
1778 (setq regexp-collect
1779 (read-regexp
1780 (format "Regexp to collect (default %s): " default)
1781 default 'occur-collect-regexp-history)))
1782 regexp-collect))
1783 ;; Otherwise normal occur takes numerical prefix argument.
1784 (when current-prefix-arg
1785 (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))))))
1786 (let ((case-fold-search isearch-case-fold-search)
1787 ;; Set `search-upper-case' to nil to not call
1788 ;; `isearch-no-upper-case-p' in `occur-1'.
1789 (search-upper-case nil)
1790 (search-spaces-regexp
1791 (if (if isearch-regexp
1792 isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace
1793 isearch-lax-whitespace)
1794 search-whitespace-regexp)))
1795 (occur regexp nlines)))
1797 (declare-function hi-lock-read-face-name "hi-lock" ())
1799 (defun isearch-highlight-regexp ()
1800 "Run `highlight-regexp' with regexp from the current search string.
1801 It exits Isearch mode and calls `hi-lock-face-buffer' with its regexp
1802 argument from the last search regexp or a quoted search string,
1803 and reads its face argument using `hi-lock-read-face-name'."
1804 (interactive)
1805 (let (
1806 ;; Set `isearch-recursive-edit' to nil to prevent calling
1807 ;; `exit-recursive-edit' in `isearch-done' that terminates
1808 ;; the execution of this command when it is non-nil.
1809 ;; We call `exit-recursive-edit' explicitly at the end below.
1810 (isearch-recursive-edit nil))
1811 (isearch-done nil t)
1812 (isearch-clean-overlays))
1813 (require 'hi-lock nil t)
1814 (let ((regexp (cond ((functionp isearch-word)
1815 (funcall isearch-word isearch-string))
1816 (isearch-word (word-search-regexp isearch-string))
1817 (isearch-regexp isearch-string)
1818 ((if (and (eq isearch-case-fold-search t)
1819 search-upper-case)
1820 (isearch-no-upper-case-p
1821 isearch-string isearch-regexp)
1822 isearch-case-fold-search)
1823 ;; Turn isearch-string into a case-insensitive
1824 ;; regexp.
1825 (mapconcat
1826 (lambda (c)
1827 (let ((s (string c)))
1828 (if (string-match "[[:alpha:]]" s)
1829 (format "[%s%s]" (upcase s) (downcase s))
1830 (regexp-quote s))))
1831 isearch-string ""))
1832 (t (regexp-quote isearch-string)))))
1833 (hi-lock-face-buffer regexp (hi-lock-read-face-name)))
1834 (and isearch-recursive-edit (exit-recursive-edit)))
1837 (defun isearch-delete-char ()
1838 "Discard last input item and move point back.
1839 Last input means the last character or the last isearch command
1840 that added or deleted characters from the search string,
1841 moved point, toggled regexp mode or case-sensitivity, etc.
1842 If no previous match was done, just beep."
1843 (interactive)
1844 (if (null (cdr isearch-cmds))
1845 (ding)
1846 (isearch-pop-state))
1847 (isearch-update))
1849 (defun isearch-del-char (&optional arg)
1850 "Delete character from end of search string and search again.
1851 Unlike `isearch-delete-char', it only deletes the last character,
1852 but doesn't cancel the effect of other isearch command.
1853 If search string is empty, just beep."
1854 (interactive "p")
1855 (if (= 0 (length isearch-string))
1856 (ding)
1857 (setq isearch-string (substring isearch-string 0
1858 (- (min (or arg 1)
1859 (length isearch-string))))
1860 isearch-message (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description
1861 isearch-string "")))
1862 ;; Use the isearch-other-end as new starting point to be able
1863 ;; to find the remaining part of the search string again.
1864 ;; This is like what `isearch-search-and-update' does,
1865 ;; but currently it doesn't support deletion of characters
1866 ;; for the case where unsuccessful search may become successful
1867 ;; by deletion of characters.
1868 (if isearch-other-end (goto-char isearch-other-end))
1869 (isearch-search)
1870 (isearch-push-state)
1871 (isearch-update))
1873 (defun isearch-yank-string (string)
1874 "Pull STRING into search string."
1875 ;; Downcase the string if not supposed to case-fold yanked strings.
1876 (if (and isearch-case-fold-search
1877 (eq 'not-yanks search-upper-case))
1878 (setq string (downcase string)))
1879 (if isearch-regexp (setq string (regexp-quote string)))
1880 ;; Don't move cursor in reverse search.
1881 (setq isearch-yank-flag t)
1882 (isearch-process-search-string
1883 string (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description string "")))
1885 (defun isearch-yank-kill ()
1886 "Pull string from kill ring into search string."
1887 (interactive)
1888 (isearch-yank-string (current-kill 0)))
1890 (defun isearch-yank-pop ()
1891 "Replace just-yanked search string with previously killed string."
1892 (interactive)
1893 (if (not (memq last-command '(isearch-yank-kill isearch-yank-pop)))
1894 ;; Fall back on `isearch-yank-kill' for the benefits of people
1895 ;; who are used to the old behavior of `M-y' in isearch mode. In
1896 ;; future, this fallback may be changed if we ever change
1897 ;; `yank-pop' to do something like the kill-ring-browser.
1898 (isearch-yank-kill)
1899 (isearch-pop-state)
1900 (isearch-yank-string (current-kill 1))))
1902 (defun isearch-yank-x-selection ()
1903 "Pull current X selection into search string."
1904 (interactive)
1905 (isearch-yank-string (x-get-selection))
1906 ;; If `x-get-selection' returned the text from the active region,
1907 ;; then it "used" the mark which we should hence deactivate.
1908 (when select-active-regions (deactivate-mark)))
1911 (defun isearch-mouse-2 (click)
1912 "Handle mouse-2 in Isearch mode.
1913 For a click in the echo area, invoke `isearch-yank-x-selection'.
1914 Otherwise invoke whatever the calling mouse-2 command sequence
1915 is bound to outside of Isearch."
1916 (interactive "e")
1917 (let* ((w (posn-window (event-start click)))
1918 (overriding-terminal-local-map nil)
1919 (binding (key-binding (this-command-keys-vector) t)))
1920 (if (and (window-minibuffer-p w)
1921 (not (minibuffer-window-active-p w))) ; in echo area
1922 (isearch-yank-x-selection)
1923 (when (functionp binding)
1924 (call-interactively binding)))))
1926 (defun isearch-yank-internal (jumpform)
1927 "Pull the text from point to the point reached by JUMPFORM.
1928 JUMPFORM is a lambda expression that takes no arguments and returns
1929 a buffer position, possibly having moved point to that position.
1930 For example, it might move point forward by a word and return point,
1931 or it might return the position of the end of the line."
1932 (isearch-yank-string
1933 (save-excursion
1934 (and (not isearch-forward) isearch-other-end
1935 (goto-char isearch-other-end))
1936 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (funcall jumpform)))))
1938 (defun isearch-yank-char-in-minibuffer (&optional arg)
1939 "Pull next character from buffer into end of search string in minibuffer."
1940 (interactive "p")
1941 (if (eobp)
1942 (insert
1943 (with-current-buffer (cadr (buffer-list))
1944 (buffer-substring-no-properties
1945 (point) (progn (forward-char arg) (point)))))
1946 (forward-char arg)))
1948 (defun isearch-yank-char (&optional arg)
1949 "Pull next character from buffer into search string."
1950 (interactive "p")
1951 (isearch-yank-internal (lambda () (forward-char arg) (point))))
1953 (declare-function subword-forward "subword" (&optional arg))
1954 (defun isearch-yank-word-or-char ()
1955 "Pull next character, subword or word from buffer into search string.
1956 Subword is used when `subword-mode' is activated. "
1957 (interactive)
1958 (isearch-yank-internal
1959 (lambda ()
1960 (if (or (= (char-syntax (or (char-after) 0)) ?w)
1961 (= (char-syntax (or (char-after (1+ (point))) 0)) ?w))
1962 (if (and (boundp 'subword-mode) subword-mode)
1963 (subword-forward 1)
1964 (forward-word 1))
1965 (forward-char 1)) (point))))
1967 (defun isearch-yank-word (&optional arg)
1968 "Pull next word from buffer into search string."
1969 (interactive "p")
1970 (isearch-yank-internal (lambda () (forward-word arg) (point))))
1972 (defun isearch-yank-line (&optional arg)
1973 "Pull rest of line from buffer into search string."
1974 (interactive "p")
1975 (isearch-yank-internal
1976 (lambda () (let ((inhibit-field-text-motion t))
1977 (line-end-position (if (eolp) (1+ arg) arg))))))
1979 (defun isearch-char-by-name (&optional count)
1980 "Read a character by its Unicode name and add it to the search string.
1981 Completion is available like in `read-char-by-name' used by `insert-char'.
1982 With argument, add COUNT copies of the character."
1983 (interactive "p")
1984 (with-isearch-suspended
1985 (let ((char (read-char-by-name "Add character to search (Unicode name or hex): ")))
1986 (when char
1987 (let ((string (if (and (integerp count) (> count 1))
1988 (make-string count char)
1989 (char-to-string char))))
1990 (setq isearch-new-string (concat isearch-string string)
1991 isearch-new-message (concat isearch-message
1992 (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description
1993 string ""))))))))
1995 (defun isearch-search-and-update ()
1996 ;; Do the search and update the display.
1997 (when (or isearch-success
1998 ;; Unsuccessful regexp search may become successful by
1999 ;; addition of characters which make isearch-string valid
2000 isearch-regexp
2001 ;; If the string was found but was completely invisible,
2002 ;; it might now be partly visible, so try again.
2003 (prog1 isearch-hidden (setq isearch-hidden nil)))
2004 ;; In reverse search, adding stuff at
2005 ;; the end may cause zero or many more chars to be
2006 ;; matched, in the string following point.
2007 ;; Allow all those possibilities without moving point as
2008 ;; long as the match does not extend past search origin.
2009 (if (and (not isearch-forward) (not isearch-adjusted)
2010 (condition-case ()
2011 (let ((case-fold-search isearch-case-fold-search))
2012 (if (and (eq case-fold-search t) search-upper-case)
2013 (setq case-fold-search
2014 (isearch-no-upper-case-p isearch-string isearch-regexp)))
2015 (looking-at (cond
2016 ((functionp isearch-word)
2017 (funcall isearch-word isearch-string t))
2018 (isearch-word (word-search-regexp isearch-string t))
2019 (isearch-regexp isearch-string)
2020 (t (regexp-quote isearch-string)))))
2021 (error nil))
2022 (or isearch-yank-flag
2023 (<= (match-end 0)
2024 (min isearch-opoint isearch-barrier))))
2025 (progn
2026 (setq isearch-success t
2027 isearch-error nil
2028 isearch-other-end (match-end 0))
2029 (if (and (eq isearch-case-fold-search t) search-upper-case)
2030 (setq isearch-case-fold-search
2031 (isearch-no-upper-case-p isearch-string isearch-regexp))))
2032 ;; Not regexp, not reverse, or no match at point.
2033 (if (and isearch-other-end (not isearch-adjusted))
2034 (goto-char (if isearch-forward isearch-other-end
2035 (min isearch-opoint
2036 isearch-barrier
2037 (1+ isearch-other-end)))))
2038 (isearch-search)
2040 (isearch-push-state)
2041 (if isearch-op-fun (funcall isearch-op-fun))
2042 (isearch-update))
2045 ;; *, ?, }, and | chars can make a regexp more liberal.
2046 ;; They can make a regexp match sooner or make it succeed instead of failing.
2047 ;; So go back to place last successful search started
2048 ;; or to the last ^S/^R (barrier), whichever is nearer.
2049 ;; + needs no special handling because the string must match at least once.
2051 (defun isearch-backslash (str)
2052 "Return t if STR ends in an odd number of backslashes."
2053 (= (mod (- (length str) (string-match "\\\\*\\'" str)) 2) 1))
2055 (defun isearch-fallback (want-backslash &optional allow-invalid to-barrier)
2056 "Return point to previous successful match to allow regexp liberalization.
2057 \\<isearch-mode-map>
2058 Respects \\[isearch-repeat-forward] and \\[isearch-repeat-backward] by \
2059 stopping at `isearch-barrier' as needed.
2061 Do nothing if a backslash is escaping the liberalizing character.
2062 If WANT-BACKSLASH is non-nil, invert this behavior (for \\} and \\|).
2064 Do nothing if regexp has recently been invalid unless optional
2065 ALLOW-INVALID non-nil.
2067 If optional TO-BARRIER non-nil, ignore previous matches and go exactly
2068 to the barrier."
2069 ;; (eq (not a) (not b)) makes all non-nil values equivalent
2070 (when (and isearch-regexp (eq (not (isearch-backslash isearch-string))
2071 (not want-backslash))
2072 ;; We have to check 2 stack frames because the last might be
2073 ;; invalid just because of a backslash.
2074 (or (not isearch-error)
2075 (not (isearch--state-error (cadr isearch-cmds)))
2076 allow-invalid))
2077 (if to-barrier
2078 (progn (goto-char isearch-barrier)
2079 (setq isearch-adjusted t))
2080 (let* ((stack isearch-cmds)
2081 (previous (cdr stack)) ; lookbelow in the stack
2082 (frame (car stack)))
2083 ;; Walk down the stack looking for a valid regexp (as of course only
2084 ;; they can be the previous successful match); this conveniently
2085 ;; removes all bracket-sets and groups that might be in the way, as
2086 ;; well as partial \{\} constructs that the code below leaves behind.
2087 ;; Also skip over postfix operators -- though horrid,
2088 ;; 'ab?\{5,6\}+\{1,2\}*' is perfectly valid.
2089 (while (and previous
2090 (or (isearch--state-error frame)
2091 (let* ((string (isearch--state-string frame))
2092 (lchar (aref string (1- (length string)))))
2093 ;; The operators aren't always operators; check
2094 ;; backslashes. This doesn't handle the case of
2095 ;; operators at the beginning of the regexp not
2096 ;; being special, but then we should fall back to
2097 ;; the barrier anyway because it's all optional.
2098 (if (isearch-backslash
2099 (isearch--state-string (car previous)))
2100 (eq lchar ?\})
2101 (memq lchar '(?* ?? ?+))))))
2102 (setq stack previous previous (cdr previous) frame (car stack)))
2103 (when stack
2104 ;; `stack' now refers the most recent valid regexp that is not at
2105 ;; all optional in its last term. Now dig one level deeper and find
2106 ;; what matched before that.
2107 (let ((last-other-end
2108 (or (and (car previous)
2109 (isearch--state-other-end (car previous)))
2110 isearch-barrier)))
2111 (goto-char (if isearch-forward
2112 (max last-other-end isearch-barrier)
2113 (min last-other-end isearch-barrier)))
2114 (setq isearch-adjusted t)))))))
2116 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2117 ;; scrolling within Isearch mode. Alan Mackenzie (acm@muc.de), 2003/2/24
2119 ;; The idea here is that certain vertical scrolling commands (like C-l
2120 ;; `recenter') should be usable WITHIN Isearch mode. For a command to be
2121 ;; suitable, it must NOT alter the buffer, swap to another buffer or frame,
2122 ;; tamper with isearch's state, or move point. It is unacceptable for the
2123 ;; search string to be scrolled out of the current window. If a command
2124 ;; attempts this, we scroll the text back again.
2126 ;; We implement this feature with a property called `isearch-scroll'.
2127 ;; If a command's symbol has the value t for this property or for the
2128 ;; `scroll-command' property, it is a scrolling command. The feature
2129 ;; needs to be enabled by setting the customizable variable
2130 ;; `isearch-allow-scroll' to a non-nil value.
2132 ;; The universal argument commands (e.g. C-u) in simple.el are marked
2133 ;; as scrolling commands, and isearch.el has been amended to allow
2134 ;; prefix arguments to be passed through to scrolling commands. Thus
2135 ;; M-0 C-l will scroll point to the top of the window.
2137 ;; Horizontal scrolling commands are currently not catered for.
2138 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2140 ;; Set the isearch-scroll property on some standard functions:
2141 ;; Scroll-bar functions:
2142 (if (fboundp 'scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll)
2143 (put 'scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll 'isearch-scroll t))
2144 (if (fboundp 'w32-handle-scroll-bar-event)
2145 (put 'w32-handle-scroll-bar-event 'isearch-scroll t))
2147 ;; Commands which scroll the window (some scroll commands
2148 ;; already have the `scroll-command' property on them):
2149 (put 'recenter 'isearch-scroll t)
2150 (put 'recenter-top-bottom 'isearch-scroll t)
2151 (put 'reposition-window 'isearch-scroll t)
2153 ;; Commands which act on the other window
2154 (put 'list-buffers 'isearch-scroll t)
2155 (put 'scroll-other-window 'isearch-scroll t)
2156 (put 'scroll-other-window-down 'isearch-scroll t)
2157 (put 'beginning-of-buffer-other-window 'isearch-scroll t)
2158 (put 'end-of-buffer-other-window 'isearch-scroll t)
2160 ;; Commands which change the window layout
2161 (put 'delete-other-windows 'isearch-scroll t)
2162 (put 'balance-windows 'isearch-scroll t)
2163 (put 'split-window-right 'isearch-scroll t)
2164 (put 'split-window-below 'isearch-scroll t)
2165 (put 'enlarge-window 'isearch-scroll t)
2167 ;; Aliases for split-window-*
2168 (put 'split-window-vertically 'isearch-scroll t)
2169 (put 'split-window-horizontally 'isearch-scroll t)
2171 ;; Universal argument commands
2172 (put 'universal-argument 'isearch-scroll t)
2173 (put 'negative-argument 'isearch-scroll t)
2174 (put 'digit-argument 'isearch-scroll t)
2176 (defcustom isearch-allow-scroll nil
2177 "Whether scrolling is allowed during incremental search.
2178 If non-nil, scrolling commands can be used in Isearch mode.
2179 However, the current match will never scroll offscreen.
2180 If nil, scrolling commands will first cancel Isearch mode."
2181 :type 'boolean
2182 :group 'isearch)
2184 (defcustom isearch-allow-prefix t
2185 "Whether prefix arguments are allowed during incremental search.
2186 If non-nil, entering a prefix argument will not terminate the
2187 search. This option is ignored \(presumed t) when
2188 `isearch-allow-scroll' is set."
2189 :version "24.4"
2190 :type 'boolean
2191 :group 'isearch)
2193 (defun isearch-string-out-of-window (isearch-point)
2194 "Test whether the search string is currently outside of the window.
2195 Return nil if it's completely visible, or if point is visible,
2196 together with as much of the search string as will fit; the symbol
2197 `above' if we need to scroll the text downwards; the symbol `below',
2198 if upwards."
2199 (let ((w-start (window-start))
2200 (w-end (window-end nil t))
2201 (w-L1 (save-excursion (move-to-window-line 1) (point)))
2202 (w-L-1 (save-excursion (move-to-window-line -1) (point)))
2203 start end) ; start and end of search string in buffer
2204 (if isearch-forward
2205 (setq end isearch-point start (or isearch-other-end isearch-point))
2206 (setq start isearch-point end (or isearch-other-end isearch-point)))
2207 (cond ((or (and (>= start w-start) (<= end w-end))
2208 (if isearch-forward
2209 (and (>= isearch-point w-L-1) (< isearch-point w-end)) ; point on Line -1
2210 (and (>= isearch-point w-start) (< isearch-point w-L1)))) ; point on Line 0
2211 nil)
2212 ((and (< start w-start)
2213 (< isearch-point w-L-1))
2214 'above)
2215 (t 'below))))
2217 (defun isearch-back-into-window (above isearch-point)
2218 "Scroll the window to bring the search string back into view.
2219 Restore point to ISEARCH-POINT in the process. ABOVE is t when the
2220 search string is above the top of the window, nil when it is beneath
2221 the bottom."
2222 (let (start end)
2223 (if isearch-forward
2224 (setq end isearch-point start (or isearch-other-end isearch-point))
2225 (setq start isearch-point end (or isearch-other-end isearch-point)))
2226 (if above
2227 (progn
2228 (goto-char start)
2229 (recenter 0)
2230 (when (>= isearch-point (window-end nil t))
2231 (goto-char isearch-point)
2232 (recenter -1)))
2233 (goto-char end)
2234 (recenter -1)
2235 (when (< isearch-point (window-start))
2236 (goto-char isearch-point)
2237 (recenter 0))))
2238 (goto-char isearch-point))
2240 (defvar isearch-pre-scroll-point nil)
2242 (defun isearch-pre-command-hook ()
2243 "Decide whether to exit Isearch mode before executing the command.
2244 Don't exit Isearch if the key sequence that invoked this command
2245 is bound in `isearch-mode-map', or if the invoked command is
2246 a prefix argument command (when `isearch-allow-prefix' is non-nil),
2247 or it is a scrolling command (when `isearch-allow-scroll' is non-nil).
2248 Otherwise, exit Isearch (when `search-exit-option' is non-nil)
2249 before the command is executed globally with terminated Isearch."
2250 (let* ((key (this-single-command-keys))
2251 (main-event (aref key 0)))
2252 (cond
2253 ;; Don't exit Isearch if we're in the middle of some
2254 ;; `set-transient-map' thingy like `universal-argument--mode'.
2255 ((not (eq overriding-terminal-local-map isearch--saved-overriding-local-map)))
2256 ;; Don't exit Isearch for isearch key bindings.
2257 ((commandp (lookup-key isearch-mode-map key nil)))
2258 ;; Optionally edit the search string instead of exiting.
2259 ((eq search-exit-option 'edit)
2260 (setq this-command 'isearch-edit-string))
2261 ;; Handle a scrolling function or prefix argument.
2262 ((or (and isearch-allow-prefix
2263 (memq this-command '(universal-argument
2264 digit-argument negative-argument)))
2265 (and isearch-allow-scroll
2266 (symbolp this-command)
2267 (or (eq (get this-command 'isearch-scroll) t)
2268 (eq (get this-command 'scroll-command) t))))
2269 (when isearch-allow-scroll
2270 (setq isearch-pre-scroll-point (point))))
2271 ;; A mouse click on the isearch message starts editing the search string.
2272 ((and (eq (car-safe main-event) 'down-mouse-1)
2273 (window-minibuffer-p (posn-window (event-start main-event))))
2274 ;; Swallow the up-event.
2275 (read-event)
2276 (setq this-command 'isearch-edit-string))
2277 ;; Other characters terminate the search and are then executed normally.
2278 (search-exit-option
2279 (isearch-done)
2280 (isearch-clean-overlays))
2281 ;; If search-exit-option is nil, run the command without exiting Isearch.
2283 (isearch-process-search-string key key)))))
2285 (defun isearch-post-command-hook ()
2286 (when isearch-pre-scroll-point
2287 (let ((ab-bel (isearch-string-out-of-window isearch-pre-scroll-point)))
2288 (if ab-bel
2289 (isearch-back-into-window (eq ab-bel 'above) isearch-pre-scroll-point)
2290 (goto-char isearch-pre-scroll-point)))
2291 (setq isearch-pre-scroll-point nil)
2292 (isearch-update)))
2294 (defun isearch-quote-char (&optional count)
2295 "Quote special characters for incremental search.
2296 With argument, add COUNT copies of the character."
2297 (interactive "p")
2298 (let ((char (read-quoted-char (isearch-message t))))
2299 ;; Assume character codes 0200 - 0377 stand for characters in some
2300 ;; single-byte character set, and convert them to Emacs
2301 ;; characters.
2302 (if (and isearch-regexp isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace (= char ?\s))
2303 (if (subregexp-context-p isearch-string (length isearch-string))
2304 (isearch-process-search-string "[ ]" " ")
2305 (isearch-process-search-char char count))
2306 ;; This used to assume character codes 0240 - 0377 stand for
2307 ;; characters in some single-byte character set, and converted them
2308 ;; to Emacs characters. But in 23.1 this feature is deprecated
2309 ;; in favor of inserting the corresponding Unicode characters.
2310 ;; (and enable-multibyte-characters
2311 ;; (>= char ?\200)
2312 ;; (<= char ?\377)
2313 ;; (setq char (unibyte-char-to-multibyte char)))
2314 (isearch-process-search-char char count))))
2316 (defun isearch-printing-char (&optional char count)
2317 "Add this ordinary printing CHAR to the search string and search.
2318 With argument, add COUNT copies of the character."
2319 (interactive (list last-command-event
2320 (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
2321 (let ((char (or char last-command-event)))
2322 (if (= char ?\S-\ )
2323 (setq char ?\s))
2324 (if current-input-method
2325 (isearch-process-search-multibyte-characters char count)
2326 (isearch-process-search-char char count))))
2328 (defun isearch-process-search-char (char &optional count)
2329 ;; * and ? are special in regexps when not preceded by \.
2330 ;; } and | are special in regexps when preceded by \.
2331 ;; Nothing special for + because it matches at least once.
2332 (cond
2333 ((memq char '(?* ??)) (isearch-fallback nil))
2334 ((eq char ?\}) (isearch-fallback t t))
2335 ((eq char ?|) (isearch-fallback t nil t)))
2337 ;; Append the char(s) to the search string,
2338 ;; update the message and re-search.
2339 (let* ((string (if (and (integerp count) (> count 1))
2340 (make-string count char)
2341 (char-to-string char)))
2342 (message (if (>= char ?\200)
2343 string
2344 (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description string ""))))
2345 (isearch-process-search-string string message)))
2347 (defun isearch-process-search-string (string message)
2348 (setq isearch-string (concat isearch-string string)
2349 isearch-message (concat isearch-message message))
2350 (isearch-search-and-update))
2353 ;; Search Ring
2355 (defun isearch-ring-adjust1 (advance)
2356 ;; Helper for isearch-ring-adjust
2357 (let* ((ring (if isearch-regexp regexp-search-ring search-ring))
2358 (length (length ring))
2359 (yank-pointer-name (if isearch-regexp
2360 'regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer
2361 'search-ring-yank-pointer))
2362 (yank-pointer (eval yank-pointer-name)))
2363 (if (zerop length)
2365 (set yank-pointer-name
2366 (setq yank-pointer
2367 (mod (+ (or yank-pointer (if advance 0 -1))
2368 (if advance -1 1))
2369 length)))
2370 (setq isearch-string (nth yank-pointer ring)
2371 isearch-message (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description
2372 isearch-string "")))))
2374 (defun isearch-ring-adjust (advance)
2375 ;; Helper for isearch-ring-advance and isearch-ring-retreat
2376 (isearch-ring-adjust1 advance)
2377 (if search-ring-update
2378 (progn
2379 (isearch-search)
2380 (isearch-push-state)
2381 (isearch-update))
2382 ;; Otherwise, edit the search string instead. Note that there is
2383 ;; no need to push the search state after isearch-edit-string here
2384 ;; since isearch-edit-string already pushes its state
2385 (isearch-edit-string)))
2387 (defun isearch-ring-advance ()
2388 "Advance to the next search string in the ring."
2389 ;; This could be more general to handle a prefix arg, but who would use it.
2390 (interactive)
2391 (isearch-ring-adjust 'advance))
2393 (defun isearch-ring-retreat ()
2394 "Retreat to the previous search string in the ring."
2395 (interactive)
2396 (isearch-ring-adjust nil))
2398 (defun isearch-complete1 ()
2399 ;; Helper for isearch-complete and isearch-complete-edit
2400 ;; Return t if completion OK, nil if no completion exists.
2401 (let* ((ring (if isearch-regexp regexp-search-ring search-ring))
2402 (completion-ignore-case case-fold-search)
2403 (completion (try-completion isearch-string ring)))
2404 (cond
2405 ((eq completion t)
2406 ;; isearch-string stays the same
2408 ((or completion ; not nil, must be a string
2409 (= 0 (length isearch-string))) ; shouldn't have to say this
2410 (if (equal completion isearch-string) ;; no extension?
2411 (progn
2412 (if completion-auto-help
2413 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Isearch completions*"
2414 (display-completion-list
2415 (all-completions isearch-string ring))))
2417 (and completion
2418 (setq isearch-string completion))))
2420 (message "No completion") ; waits a second if in minibuffer
2421 nil))))
2423 (defun isearch-complete ()
2424 "Complete the search string from the strings on the search ring.
2425 The completed string is then editable in the minibuffer.
2426 If there is no completion possible, say so and continue searching."
2427 (interactive)
2428 (if (isearch-complete1)
2429 (progn (setq isearch-message
2430 (mapconcat 'isearch-text-char-description
2431 isearch-string ""))
2432 (isearch-edit-string))
2433 ;; else
2434 (sit-for 1)
2435 (isearch-update)))
2437 (defun isearch-complete-edit ()
2438 "Same as `isearch-complete' except in the minibuffer."
2439 (interactive)
2440 (setq isearch-string (field-string))
2441 (if (isearch-complete1)
2442 (progn
2443 (delete-field)
2444 (insert isearch-string))))
2447 ;; Message string
2449 (defun isearch-message (&optional c-q-hack ellipsis)
2450 ;; Generate and print the message string.
2451 (let ((cursor-in-echo-area ellipsis)
2452 (m isearch-message)
2453 (fail-pos (isearch-fail-pos t)))
2454 ;; Highlight failed part
2455 (when fail-pos
2456 (setq m (copy-sequence m))
2457 (add-text-properties fail-pos (length m) '(face isearch-fail) m)
2458 ;; Highlight failed trailing whitespace
2459 (when (string-match " +$" m)
2460 (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
2461 '(face trailing-whitespace) m)))
2462 (setq m (concat
2463 (isearch-message-prefix ellipsis isearch-nonincremental)
2465 (isearch-message-suffix c-q-hack)))
2466 (if c-q-hack m (let ((message-log-max nil)) (message "%s" m)))))
2468 (defun isearch-message-prefix (&optional ellipsis nonincremental)
2469 ;; If about to search, and previous search regexp was invalid,
2470 ;; check that it still is. If it is valid now,
2471 ;; let the message we display while searching say that it is valid.
2472 (and isearch-error ellipsis
2473 (condition-case ()
2474 (progn (re-search-forward isearch-string (point) t)
2475 (setq isearch-error nil))
2476 (error nil)))
2477 ;; If currently failing, display no ellipsis.
2478 (or isearch-success (setq ellipsis nil))
2479 (let ((m (concat (if isearch-success "" "failing ")
2480 (if isearch-adjusted "pending " "")
2481 (if (and isearch-wrapped
2482 (not isearch-wrap-function)
2483 (if isearch-forward
2484 (> (point) isearch-opoint)
2485 (< (point) isearch-opoint)))
2486 "over")
2487 (if isearch-wrapped "wrapped ")
2488 (let ((prefix ""))
2489 (advice-function-mapc
2490 (lambda (_ props)
2491 (let ((np (cdr (assq 'isearch-message-prefix props))))
2492 (if np (setq prefix (concat np prefix)))))
2493 isearch-filter-predicate)
2494 prefix)
2495 (if isearch-word
2496 (or (and (symbolp isearch-word)
2497 (get isearch-word 'isearch-message-prefix))
2498 "word ")
2500 (if isearch-regexp "regexp " "")
2501 (if multi-isearch-next-buffer-current-function "multi " "")
2502 (or isearch-message-prefix-add "")
2503 (if nonincremental "search" "I-search")
2504 (if isearch-forward "" " backward")
2505 (if current-input-method
2506 ;; Input methods for RTL languages use RTL
2507 ;; characters for their title, and that messes
2508 ;; up the display of search text after the prompt.
2509 (bidi-string-mark-left-to-right
2510 (concat " [" current-input-method-title "]: "))
2511 ": ")
2513 (propertize (concat (upcase (substring m 0 1)) (substring m 1))
2514 'face 'minibuffer-prompt)))
2516 (defun isearch-message-suffix (&optional c-q-hack)
2517 (concat (if c-q-hack "^Q" "")
2518 (if isearch-error
2519 (concat " [" isearch-error "]")
2521 (or isearch-message-suffix-add "")))
2524 ;; Searching
2526 (defvar isearch-search-fun-function 'isearch-search-fun-default
2527 "Non-default value overrides the behavior of `isearch-search-fun-default'.
2528 This variable's value should be a function, which will be called
2529 with no arguments, and should return a function that takes three
2530 arguments: STRING, BOUND, and NOERROR.
2532 This returned function will be used by `isearch-search-string' to
2533 search for the first occurrence of STRING or its translation.")
2535 (defun isearch-search-fun ()
2536 "Return the function to use for the search.
2537 Can be changed via `isearch-search-fun-function' for special needs."
2538 (funcall (or isearch-search-fun-function 'isearch-search-fun-default)))
2540 (defun isearch-search-fun-default ()
2541 "Return default functions to use for the search."
2542 (cond
2543 (isearch-word
2544 (lambda (string &optional bound noerror count)
2545 ;; Use lax versions to not fail at the end of the word while
2546 ;; the user adds and removes characters in the search string
2547 ;; (or when using nonincremental word isearch)
2548 (let ((lax (not (or isearch-nonincremental
2549 (null (car isearch-cmds))
2550 (eq (length isearch-string)
2551 (length (isearch--state-string
2552 (car isearch-cmds))))))))
2553 (funcall
2554 (if isearch-forward #'re-search-forward #'re-search-backward)
2555 (if (functionp isearch-word)
2556 (funcall isearch-word string lax)
2557 (word-search-regexp string lax))
2558 bound noerror count))))
2559 ((and isearch-regexp isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace
2560 search-whitespace-regexp)
2561 (if isearch-forward
2562 're-search-forward-lax-whitespace
2563 're-search-backward-lax-whitespace))
2564 (isearch-regexp
2565 (if isearch-forward 're-search-forward 're-search-backward))
2566 ((and isearch-lax-whitespace search-whitespace-regexp)
2567 (if isearch-forward
2568 'search-forward-lax-whitespace
2569 'search-backward-lax-whitespace))
2571 (if isearch-forward 'search-forward 'search-backward))))
2573 (defun isearch-search-string (string bound noerror)
2574 "Search for the first occurrence of STRING or its translation.
2575 If found, move point to the end of the occurrence,
2576 update the match data, and return point."
2577 (let* ((func (isearch-search-fun))
2578 (pos1 (save-excursion (funcall func string bound noerror)))
2579 pos2)
2580 (when (and
2581 ;; Avoid "obsolete" warnings for translation-table-for-input.
2582 (with-no-warnings
2583 (char-table-p translation-table-for-input))
2584 (multibyte-string-p string)
2585 ;; Minor optimization.
2586 (string-match-p "[^[:ascii:]]" string))
2587 (let ((translated
2588 (apply 'string
2589 (mapcar (lambda (c)
2591 ;; Avoid "obsolete" warnings for
2592 ;; translation-table-for-input.
2593 (with-no-warnings
2594 (aref translation-table-for-input c))
2596 string)))
2597 match-data)
2598 (when translated
2599 (save-match-data
2600 (save-excursion
2601 (if (setq pos2 (funcall func translated bound noerror))
2602 (setq match-data (match-data t)))))
2603 (when (and pos2
2604 (or (not pos1)
2605 (if isearch-forward (< pos2 pos1) (> pos2 pos1))))
2606 (setq pos1 pos2)
2607 (set-match-data match-data)))))
2608 (when pos1
2609 ;; When using multiple buffers isearch, switch to the new buffer here,
2610 ;; because `save-excursion' above doesn't allow doing it inside funcall.
2611 (if (and multi-isearch-next-buffer-current-function
2612 (buffer-live-p multi-isearch-current-buffer))
2613 (switch-to-buffer multi-isearch-current-buffer))
2614 (goto-char pos1)
2615 pos1)))
2617 (defun isearch-search ()
2618 ;; Do the search with the current search string.
2619 (if isearch-message-function
2620 (funcall isearch-message-function nil t)
2621 (isearch-message nil t))
2622 (if (and (eq isearch-case-fold-search t) search-upper-case)
2623 (setq isearch-case-fold-search
2624 (isearch-no-upper-case-p isearch-string isearch-regexp)))
2625 (condition-case lossage
2626 (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks isearch-invisible)
2627 (inhibit-quit nil)
2628 (case-fold-search isearch-case-fold-search)
2629 (search-invisible isearch-invisible)
2630 (retry t))
2631 (setq isearch-error nil)
2632 (while retry
2633 (setq isearch-success
2634 (isearch-search-string isearch-string nil t))
2635 ;; Clear RETRY unless the search predicate says
2636 ;; to skip this search hit.
2637 (if (or (not isearch-success)
2638 (bobp) (eobp)
2639 (= (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
2640 (funcall isearch-filter-predicate
2641 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
2642 (setq retry nil)))
2643 (setq isearch-just-started nil)
2644 (if isearch-success
2645 (setq isearch-other-end
2646 (if isearch-forward (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
2648 (quit (isearch-unread ?\C-g)
2649 (setq isearch-success nil))
2651 (invalid-regexp
2652 (setq isearch-error (car (cdr lossage)))
2653 (cond
2654 ((string-match
2655 "\\`Premature \\|\\`Unmatched \\|\\`Invalid "
2656 isearch-error)
2657 (setq isearch-error "incomplete input"))
2658 ((and (not isearch-regexp)
2659 (string-match "\\`Regular expression too big" isearch-error))
2660 (cond
2661 (isearch-word
2662 (setq isearch-error "Too many words"))
2663 ((and isearch-lax-whitespace search-whitespace-regexp)
2664 (setq isearch-error "Too many spaces for whitespace matching"))))))
2666 (search-failed
2667 (setq isearch-success nil)
2668 (setq isearch-error (nth 2 lossage)))
2670 (error
2671 ;; stack overflow in regexp search.
2672 (setq isearch-error (format "%s" lossage))))
2674 (if isearch-success
2676 ;; Ding if failed this time after succeeding last time.
2677 (and (isearch--state-success (car isearch-cmds))
2678 (ding))
2679 (if (functionp (isearch--state-pop-fun (car isearch-cmds)))
2680 (funcall (isearch--state-pop-fun (car isearch-cmds))
2681 (car isearch-cmds)))
2682 (goto-char (isearch--state-point (car isearch-cmds)))))
2685 ;; Called when opening an overlay, and we are still in isearch.
2686 (defun isearch-open-overlay-temporary (ov)
2687 (if (not (null (overlay-get ov 'isearch-open-invisible-temporary)))
2688 ;; Some modes would want to open the overlays temporary during
2689 ;; isearch in their own way, they should set the
2690 ;; `isearch-open-invisible-temporary' to a function doing this.
2691 (funcall (overlay-get ov 'isearch-open-invisible-temporary) ov nil)
2692 ;; Store the values for the `invisible' and `intangible'
2693 ;; properties, and then set them to nil. This way the text hidden
2694 ;; by this overlay becomes visible.
2696 ;; Do we really need to set the `intangible' property to t? Can we
2697 ;; have the point inside an overlay with an `intangible' property?
2698 ;; In 19.34 this does not exist so I cannot test it.
2699 (overlay-put ov 'isearch-invisible (overlay-get ov 'invisible))
2700 (overlay-put ov 'isearch-intangible (overlay-get ov 'intangible))
2701 (overlay-put ov 'invisible nil)
2702 (overlay-put ov 'intangible nil)))
2705 ;; This is called at the end of isearch. It will open the overlays
2706 ;; that contain the latest match. Obviously in case of a C-g the
2707 ;; point returns to the original location which surely is not contain
2708 ;; in any of these overlays, se we are safe in this case too.
2709 (defun isearch-open-necessary-overlays (ov)
2710 (let ((inside-overlay (and (> (point) (overlay-start ov))
2711 (< (point) (overlay-end ov))))
2712 ;; If this exists it means that the overlay was opened using
2713 ;; this function, not by us tweaking the overlay properties.
2714 (fct-temp (overlay-get ov 'isearch-open-invisible-temporary)))
2715 (when (or inside-overlay (not fct-temp))
2716 ;; restore the values for the `invisible' and `intangible'
2717 ;; properties
2718 (overlay-put ov 'invisible (overlay-get ov 'isearch-invisible))
2719 (overlay-put ov 'intangible (overlay-get ov 'isearch-intangible))
2720 (overlay-put ov 'isearch-invisible nil)
2721 (overlay-put ov 'isearch-intangible nil))
2722 (if inside-overlay
2723 (funcall (overlay-get ov 'isearch-open-invisible) ov)
2724 (if fct-temp
2725 (funcall fct-temp ov t)))))
2727 ;; This is called when exiting isearch. It closes the temporary
2728 ;; opened overlays, except the ones that contain the latest match.
2729 (defun isearch-clean-overlays ()
2730 (when isearch-opened-overlays
2731 (mapc 'isearch-open-necessary-overlays isearch-opened-overlays)
2732 (setq isearch-opened-overlays nil)))
2735 (defun isearch-intersects-p (start0 end0 start1 end1)
2736 "Return t if regions START0..END0 and START1..END1 intersect."
2737 (or (and (>= start0 start1) (< start0 end1))
2738 (and (> end0 start1) (<= end0 end1))
2739 (and (>= start1 start0) (< start1 end0))
2740 (and (> end1 start0) (<= end1 end0))))
2743 ;; Verify if the current match is outside of each element of
2744 ;; `isearch-opened-overlays', if so close that overlay.
2746 (defun isearch-close-unnecessary-overlays (begin end)
2747 (let ((overlays isearch-opened-overlays))
2748 (setq isearch-opened-overlays nil)
2749 (dolist (ov overlays)
2750 (if (isearch-intersects-p begin end (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov))
2751 (push ov isearch-opened-overlays)
2752 (let ((fct-temp (overlay-get ov 'isearch-open-invisible-temporary)))
2753 (if fct-temp
2754 ;; If this exists it means that the overlay was opened
2755 ;; using this function, not by us tweaking the overlay
2756 ;; properties.
2757 (funcall fct-temp ov t)
2758 (overlay-put ov 'invisible (overlay-get ov 'isearch-invisible))
2759 (overlay-put ov 'intangible (overlay-get ov 'isearch-intangible))
2760 (overlay-put ov 'isearch-invisible nil)
2761 (overlay-put ov 'isearch-intangible nil)))))))
2764 (defun isearch-range-invisible (beg end)
2765 "Return t if all the text from BEG to END is invisible."
2766 (when (/= beg end)
2767 ;; Check that invisibility runs up to END.
2768 (save-excursion
2769 (goto-char beg)
2770 (let (;; can-be-opened keeps track if we can open some overlays.
2771 (can-be-opened (eq search-invisible 'open))
2772 ;; the list of overlays that could be opened
2773 (crt-overlays nil))
2774 (when (and can-be-opened isearch-hide-immediately)
2775 (isearch-close-unnecessary-overlays beg end))
2776 ;; If the following character is currently invisible,
2777 ;; skip all characters with that same `invisible' property value.
2778 ;; Do that over and over.
2779 (while (and (< (point) end) (invisible-p (point)))
2780 (if (invisible-p (get-text-property (point) 'invisible))
2781 (progn
2782 (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'invisible
2783 nil end))
2784 ;; if text is hidden by an `invisible' text property
2785 ;; we cannot open it at all.
2786 (setq can-be-opened nil))
2787 (when can-be-opened
2788 (let ((overlays (overlays-at (point)))
2789 ov-list
2791 invis-prop)
2792 (while overlays
2793 (setq o (car overlays)
2794 invis-prop (overlay-get o 'invisible))
2795 (if (invisible-p invis-prop)
2796 (if (overlay-get o 'isearch-open-invisible)
2797 (setq ov-list (cons o ov-list))
2798 ;; We found one overlay that cannot be
2799 ;; opened, that means the whole chunk
2800 ;; cannot be opened.
2801 (setq can-be-opened nil)))
2802 (setq overlays (cdr overlays)))
2803 (if can-be-opened
2804 ;; It makes sense to append to the open
2805 ;; overlays list only if we know that this is
2806 ;; t.
2807 (setq crt-overlays (append ov-list crt-overlays)))))
2808 (goto-char (next-overlay-change (point)))))
2809 ;; See if invisibility reaches up thru END.
2810 (if (>= (point) end)
2811 (if (and can-be-opened (consp crt-overlays))
2812 (progn
2813 (setq isearch-opened-overlays
2814 (append isearch-opened-overlays crt-overlays))
2815 (mapc 'isearch-open-overlay-temporary crt-overlays)
2816 nil)
2817 (setq isearch-hidden t)))))))
2819 (defun isearch-filter-visible (beg end)
2820 "Test whether the current search hit is visible at least partially.
2821 Return non-nil if the text from BEG to END is visible to Isearch as
2822 determined by `isearch-range-invisible' unless invisible text can be
2823 searched too when `search-invisible' is t."
2824 (or (eq search-invisible t)
2825 (not (isearch-range-invisible beg end))))
2828 ;; General utilities
2830 (defun isearch-no-upper-case-p (string regexp-flag)
2831 "Return t if there are no upper case chars in STRING.
2832 If REGEXP-FLAG is non-nil, disregard letters preceded by `\\' (but not `\\\\')
2833 since they have special meaning in a regexp."
2834 (let (quote-flag (i 0) (len (length string)) found)
2835 (while (and (not found) (< i len))
2836 (let ((char (aref string i)))
2837 (if (and regexp-flag (eq char ?\\))
2838 (setq quote-flag (not quote-flag))
2839 (if (and (not quote-flag) (not (eq char (downcase char))))
2840 (setq found t))
2841 (setq quote-flag nil)))
2842 (setq i (1+ i)))
2843 (not (or found
2844 ;; Even if there's no uppercase char, we want to detect the use
2845 ;; of [:upper:] or [:lower:] char-class, which indicates
2846 ;; clearly that the user cares about case distinction.
2847 (and regexp-flag (string-match "\\[:\\(upp\\|low\\)er:]" string)
2848 (condition-case err
2849 (progn
2850 (string-match (substring string 0 (match-beginning 0))
2852 nil)
2853 (invalid-regexp
2854 (equal "Unmatched [ or [^" (cadr err)))))))))
2856 ;; Portability functions to support various Emacs versions.
2858 (defun isearch-text-char-description (c)
2859 (cond
2860 ((< c ?\s) (propertize (format "^%c" (+ c 64)) 'face 'escape-glyph))
2861 ((= c ?\^?) (propertize "^?" 'face 'escape-glyph))
2862 (t (char-to-string c))))
2864 ;; General function to unread characters or events.
2865 ;; Also insert them in a keyboard macro being defined.
2866 (defun isearch-unread (&rest char-or-events)
2867 (mapc 'store-kbd-macro-event char-or-events)
2868 (setq unread-command-events
2869 (append char-or-events unread-command-events)))
2872 ;; Highlighting
2874 (defvar isearch-overlay nil)
2876 (defun isearch-highlight (beg end)
2877 (if search-highlight
2878 (if isearch-overlay
2879 ;; Overlay already exists, just move it.
2880 (move-overlay isearch-overlay beg end (current-buffer))
2881 ;; Overlay doesn't exist, create it.
2882 (setq isearch-overlay (make-overlay beg end))
2883 ;; 1001 is higher than lazy's 1000 and ediff's 100+
2884 (overlay-put isearch-overlay 'priority 1001)
2885 (overlay-put isearch-overlay 'face isearch-face))))
2887 (defun isearch-dehighlight ()
2888 (when isearch-overlay
2889 (delete-overlay isearch-overlay)))
2891 ;; isearch-lazy-highlight feature
2892 ;; by Bob Glickstein <http://www.zanshin.com/~bobg/>
2894 ;; When active, *every* match for the current search string is
2895 ;; highlighted: the current one using the normal isearch match color
2896 ;; and all the others using `isearch-lazy-highlight'. The extra
2897 ;; highlighting makes it easier to anticipate where the cursor will
2898 ;; land each time you press C-s or C-r to repeat a pending search.
2899 ;; Highlighting of these additional matches happens in a deferred
2900 ;; fashion using "idle timers," so the cycles needed do not rob
2901 ;; isearch of its usual snappy response.
2903 ;; IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This depends on some isearch internals.
2904 ;; Specifically:
2905 ;; - `isearch-update' is expected to be called (at least) every time
2906 ;; the search string or window-start changes;
2907 ;; - `isearch-string' is expected to contain the current search
2908 ;; string as entered by the user;
2909 ;; - the type of the current search is expected to be given by
2910 ;; `isearch-word' and `isearch-regexp';
2911 ;; - the direction of the current search is expected to be given by
2912 ;; `isearch-forward';
2913 ;; - the variable `isearch-error' is expected to be true
2914 ;; only if `isearch-string' is an invalid regexp.
2916 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-overlays nil)
2917 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped nil)
2918 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-start-limit nil)
2919 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-end-limit nil)
2920 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-start nil)
2921 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-end nil)
2922 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-timer nil)
2923 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-last-string nil)
2924 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-window nil)
2925 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-window-start nil)
2926 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-window-end nil)
2927 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-case-fold-search nil)
2928 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp nil)
2929 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-lax-whitespace nil)
2930 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp-lax-whitespace nil)
2931 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-word nil)
2932 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-forward nil)
2933 (defvar isearch-lazy-highlight-error nil)
2935 (defun lazy-highlight-cleanup (&optional force)
2936 "Stop lazy highlighting and remove extra highlighting from current buffer.
2937 FORCE non-nil means do it whether or not `lazy-highlight-cleanup'
2938 is nil. This function is called when exiting an incremental search if
2939 `lazy-highlight-cleanup' is non-nil."
2940 (interactive '(t))
2941 (if (or force lazy-highlight-cleanup)
2942 (while isearch-lazy-highlight-overlays
2943 (delete-overlay (car isearch-lazy-highlight-overlays))
2944 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-overlays
2945 (cdr isearch-lazy-highlight-overlays))))
2946 (when isearch-lazy-highlight-timer
2947 (cancel-timer isearch-lazy-highlight-timer)
2948 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-timer nil)))
2950 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'isearch-lazy-highlight-cleanup
2951 'lazy-highlight-cleanup
2952 "22.1")
2954 (defun isearch-lazy-highlight-new-loop (&optional beg end)
2955 "Cleanup any previous `lazy-highlight' loop and begin a new one.
2956 BEG and END specify the bounds within which highlighting should occur.
2957 This is called when `isearch-update' is invoked (which can cause the
2958 search string to change or the window to scroll). It is also used
2959 by other Emacs features."
2960 (when (and (null executing-kbd-macro)
2961 (sit-for 0) ;make sure (window-start) is credible
2962 (or (not (equal isearch-string
2963 isearch-lazy-highlight-last-string))
2964 (not (eq (selected-window)
2965 isearch-lazy-highlight-window))
2966 (not (eq isearch-lazy-highlight-case-fold-search
2967 isearch-case-fold-search))
2968 (not (eq isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp
2969 isearch-regexp))
2970 (not (eq isearch-lazy-highlight-word
2971 isearch-word))
2972 (not (eq isearch-lazy-highlight-lax-whitespace
2973 isearch-lax-whitespace))
2974 (not (eq isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp-lax-whitespace
2975 isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace))
2976 (not (= (window-start)
2977 isearch-lazy-highlight-window-start))
2978 (not (= (window-end) ; Window may have been split/joined.
2979 isearch-lazy-highlight-window-end))
2980 (not (eq isearch-forward
2981 isearch-lazy-highlight-forward))
2982 ;; In case we are recovering from an error.
2983 (not (equal isearch-error
2984 isearch-lazy-highlight-error))))
2985 ;; something important did indeed change
2986 (lazy-highlight-cleanup t) ;kill old loop & remove overlays
2987 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-error isearch-error)
2988 ;; It used to check for `(not isearch-error)' here, but actually
2989 ;; lazy-highlighting might find matches to highlight even when
2990 ;; `isearch-error' is non-nil. (Bug#9918)
2991 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-start-limit beg
2992 isearch-lazy-highlight-end-limit end)
2993 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-window (selected-window)
2994 isearch-lazy-highlight-window-start (window-start)
2995 isearch-lazy-highlight-window-end (window-end)
2996 ;; Start lazy-highlighting at the beginning of the found
2997 ;; match (`isearch-other-end'). If no match, use point.
2998 ;; One of the next two variables (depending on search direction)
2999 ;; is used to define the starting position of lazy-highlighting
3000 ;; and also to remember the current position of point between
3001 ;; calls of `isearch-lazy-highlight-update', and another variable
3002 ;; is used to define where the wrapped search must stop.
3003 isearch-lazy-highlight-start (or isearch-other-end (point))
3004 isearch-lazy-highlight-end (or isearch-other-end (point))
3005 isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped nil
3006 isearch-lazy-highlight-last-string isearch-string
3007 isearch-lazy-highlight-case-fold-search isearch-case-fold-search
3008 isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp isearch-regexp
3009 isearch-lazy-highlight-lax-whitespace isearch-lax-whitespace
3010 isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp-lax-whitespace isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace
3011 isearch-lazy-highlight-word isearch-word
3012 isearch-lazy-highlight-forward isearch-forward)
3013 (unless (equal isearch-string "")
3014 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-timer
3015 (run-with-idle-timer lazy-highlight-initial-delay nil
3016 'isearch-lazy-highlight-update)))))
3018 (defun isearch-lazy-highlight-search ()
3019 "Search ahead for the next or previous match, for lazy highlighting.
3020 Attempt to do the search exactly the way the pending Isearch would."
3021 (condition-case nil
3022 (let ((case-fold-search isearch-lazy-highlight-case-fold-search)
3023 (isearch-regexp isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp)
3024 (isearch-word isearch-lazy-highlight-word)
3025 (isearch-lax-whitespace
3026 isearch-lazy-highlight-lax-whitespace)
3027 (isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace
3028 isearch-lazy-highlight-regexp-lax-whitespace)
3029 (isearch-forward isearch-lazy-highlight-forward)
3030 (search-invisible nil) ; don't match invisible text
3031 (retry t)
3032 (success nil)
3033 (bound (if isearch-lazy-highlight-forward
3034 (min (or isearch-lazy-highlight-end-limit (point-max))
3035 (if isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped
3036 isearch-lazy-highlight-start
3037 (window-end)))
3038 (max (or isearch-lazy-highlight-start-limit (point-min))
3039 (if isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped
3040 isearch-lazy-highlight-end
3041 (window-start))))))
3042 ;; Use a loop like in `isearch-search'.
3043 (while retry
3044 (setq success (isearch-search-string
3045 isearch-lazy-highlight-last-string bound t))
3046 ;; Clear RETRY unless the search predicate says
3047 ;; to skip this search hit.
3048 (if (or (not success)
3049 (= (point) bound) ; like (bobp) (eobp) in `isearch-search'.
3050 (= (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
3051 (funcall isearch-filter-predicate
3052 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
3053 (setq retry nil)))
3054 success)
3055 (error nil)))
3057 (defun isearch-lazy-highlight-update ()
3058 "Update highlighting of other matches for current search."
3059 (let ((max lazy-highlight-max-at-a-time)
3060 (looping t)
3061 nomore)
3062 (with-local-quit
3063 (save-selected-window
3064 (if (and (window-live-p isearch-lazy-highlight-window)
3065 (not (eq (selected-window) isearch-lazy-highlight-window)))
3066 (select-window isearch-lazy-highlight-window))
3067 (save-excursion
3068 (save-match-data
3069 (goto-char (if isearch-lazy-highlight-forward
3070 isearch-lazy-highlight-end
3071 isearch-lazy-highlight-start))
3072 (while looping
3073 (let ((found (isearch-lazy-highlight-search)))
3074 (when max
3075 (setq max (1- max))
3076 (if (<= max 0)
3077 (setq looping nil)))
3078 (if found
3079 (let ((mb (match-beginning 0))
3080 (me (match-end 0)))
3081 (if (= mb me) ;zero-length match
3082 (if isearch-lazy-highlight-forward
3083 (if (= mb (if isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped
3084 isearch-lazy-highlight-start
3085 (window-end)))
3086 (setq found nil)
3087 (forward-char 1))
3088 (if (= mb (if isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped
3089 isearch-lazy-highlight-end
3090 (window-start)))
3091 (setq found nil)
3092 (forward-char -1)))
3094 ;; non-zero-length match
3095 (let ((ov (make-overlay mb me)))
3096 (push ov isearch-lazy-highlight-overlays)
3097 ;; 1000 is higher than ediff's 100+,
3098 ;; but lower than isearch main overlay's 1001
3099 (overlay-put ov 'priority 1000)
3100 (overlay-put ov 'face lazy-highlight-face)
3101 (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))))
3102 ;; Remember the current position of point for
3103 ;; the next call of `isearch-lazy-highlight-update'
3104 ;; when `lazy-highlight-max-at-a-time' is too small.
3105 (if isearch-lazy-highlight-forward
3106 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-end (point))
3107 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-start (point)))))
3109 ;; not found or zero-length match at the search bound
3110 (if (not found)
3111 (if isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped
3112 (setq looping nil
3113 nomore t)
3114 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-wrapped t)
3115 (if isearch-lazy-highlight-forward
3116 (progn
3117 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-end (window-start))
3118 (goto-char (max (or isearch-lazy-highlight-start-limit (point-min))
3119 (window-start))))
3120 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-start (window-end))
3121 (goto-char (min (or isearch-lazy-highlight-end-limit (point-max))
3122 (window-end))))))))
3123 (unless nomore
3124 (setq isearch-lazy-highlight-timer
3125 (run-at-time lazy-highlight-interval nil
3126 'isearch-lazy-highlight-update)))))))))
3128 (defun isearch-resume (string regexp word forward message case-fold)
3129 "Resume an incremental search.
3130 STRING is the string or regexp searched for.
3131 REGEXP non-nil means the resumed search was a regexp search.
3132 WORD non-nil means resume a word search.
3133 FORWARD non-nil means resume a forward search.
3134 MESSAGE is the echo-area message recorded for the search resumed.
3135 CASE-FOLD non-nil means the search was case-insensitive."
3136 (isearch-mode forward regexp nil nil word)
3137 (setq isearch-string string
3138 isearch-message message
3139 isearch-case-fold-search case-fold)
3140 (isearch-search)
3141 (isearch-update))
3143 ;;; isearch.el ends here