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[emacs.git] / lisp / emacs-lisp / package-x.el
1 ;;; package-x.el --- Package extras
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Tom Tromey <tromey@redhat.com>
6 ;; Created: 10 Mar 2007
7 ;; Keywords: tools
8 ;; Package: package
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; This file currently contains parts of the package system that many
28 ;; won't need, such as package uploading.
30 ;; To upload to an archive, first set `package-archive-upload-base' to
31 ;; some desired directory. For testing purposes, you can specify any
32 ;; directory you want, but if you want the archive to be accessible to
33 ;; others via http, this is typically a directory in the /var/www tree
34 ;; (possibly one on a remote machine, accessed via Tramp).
36 ;; Then call M-x package-upload-file, which prompts for a file to
37 ;; upload. Alternatively, M-x package-upload-buffer uploads the
38 ;; current buffer, if it's visiting a package file.
40 ;; Once a package is uploaded, users can access it via the Package
41 ;; Menu, by adding the archive to `package-archives'.
43 ;;; Code:
45 (require 'package)
46 (defvar gnus-article-buffer)
48 (defcustom package-archive-upload-base "/path/to/archive"
49 "The base location of the archive to which packages are uploaded.
50 This should be an absolute directory name. If the archive is on
51 another machine, you may specify a remote name in the usual way,
52 e.g. \"/ssh:foo@example.com:/var/www/packages/\".
53 See Info node `(emacs)Remote Files'.
55 Unlike `package-archives', you can't specify a HTTP URL."
56 :type 'directory
57 :group 'package
58 :version "24.1")
60 (defvar package-update-news-on-upload nil
61 "Whether uploading a package should also update NEWS and RSS feeds.")
63 (defun package--encode (string)
64 "Encode a string by replacing some characters with XML entities."
65 ;; We need a special case for translating "&" to "&amp;".
66 (let ((index))
67 (while (setq index (string-match "[&]" string index))
68 (setq string (replace-match "&amp;" t nil string))
69 (setq index (1+ index))))
70 (while (string-match "[<]" string)
71 (setq string (replace-match "&lt;" t nil string)))
72 (while (string-match "[>]" string)
73 (setq string (replace-match "&gt;" t nil string)))
74 (while (string-match "[']" string)
75 (setq string (replace-match "&apos;" t nil string)))
76 (while (string-match "[\"]" string)
77 (setq string (replace-match "&quot;" t nil string)))
78 string)
80 (defun package--make-rss-entry (title text archive-url)
81 (let ((date-string (format-time-string "%a, %d %B %Y %T %z")))
82 (concat "<item>\n"
83 "<title>" (package--encode title) "</title>\n"
84 ;; FIXME: should have a link in the web page.
85 "<link>" archive-url "news.html</link>\n"
86 "<description>" (package--encode text) "</description>\n"
87 "<pubDate>" date-string "</pubDate>\n"
88 "</item>\n")))
90 (defun package--make-html-entry (title text)
91 (concat "<li> " (format-time-string "%B %e") " - "
92 title " - " (package--encode text)
93 " </li>\n"))
95 (defun package--update-file (file tag text)
96 "Update the package archive file named FILE.
97 FILE should be relative to `package-archive-upload-base'.
98 TAG is a string that can be found within the file; TEXT is
99 inserted after its first occurrence in the file."
100 (setq file (expand-file-name file package-archive-upload-base))
101 (save-excursion
102 (let ((old-buffer (find-buffer-visiting file)))
103 (with-current-buffer (let ((find-file-visit-truename t))
104 (or old-buffer (find-file-noselect file)))
105 (goto-char (point-min))
106 (search-forward tag)
107 (forward-line)
108 (insert text)
109 (let ((file-precious-flag t))
110 (save-buffer))
111 (unless old-buffer
112 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
114 (defun package--archive-contents-from-url (archive-url)
115 "Parse archive-contents file at ARCHIVE-URL.
116 Return the file contents, as a string, or nil if unsuccessful."
117 (ignore-errors
118 (when archive-url
119 (let* ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
120 (concat archive-url "archive-contents"))))
121 (set-buffer buffer)
122 (package-handle-response)
123 (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move)
124 (forward-char)
125 (delete-region (point-min) (point))
126 (prog1 (package-read-from-string
127 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
128 (kill-buffer buffer))))))
130 (defun package--archive-contents-from-file ()
131 "Parse the archive-contents at `package-archive-upload-base'"
132 (let ((file (expand-file-name "archive-contents"
133 package-archive-upload-base)))
134 (if (not (file-exists-p file))
135 ;; No existing archive-contents means a new archive.
136 (list package-archive-version)
137 (let ((dont-kill (find-buffer-visiting file)))
138 (with-current-buffer (let ((find-file-visit-truename t))
139 (find-file-noselect file))
140 (prog1
141 (package-read-from-string
142 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
143 (unless dont-kill
144 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))))
146 (defun package-maint-add-news-item (title description archive-url)
147 "Add a news item to the webpages associated with the package archive.
148 TITLE is the title of the news item.
149 DESCRIPTION is the text of the news item."
150 (interactive "sTitle: \nsText: ")
151 (package--update-file "elpa.rss"
152 "<description>"
153 (package--make-rss-entry title description archive-url))
154 (package--update-file "news.html"
155 "New entries go here"
156 (package--make-html-entry title description)))
158 (defun package--update-news (package version description archive-url)
159 "Update the ELPA web pages when a package is uploaded."
160 (package-maint-add-news-item (concat package " version " version)
161 description
162 archive-url))
164 (declare-function lm-commentary "lisp-mnt" (&optional file))
166 (defun package-upload-buffer-internal (pkg-desc extension &optional archive-url)
167 "Upload a package whose contents are in the current buffer.
168 PKG-DESC is the `package-desc'.
169 EXTENSION is the file extension, a string. It can be either
170 \"el\" or \"tar\".
172 The upload destination is given by `package-archive-upload-base'.
173 If its value is invalid, prompt for a directory.
175 Optional arg ARCHIVE-URL is the URL of the destination archive.
176 If it is non-nil, compute the new \"archive-contents\" file
177 starting from the existing \"archive-contents\" at that URL. In
178 addition, if `package-update-news-on-upload' is non-nil, call
179 `package--update-news' to add a news item at that URL.
181 If ARCHIVE-URL is nil, compute the new \"archive-contents\" file
182 from the \"archive-contents\" at `package-archive-upload-base',
183 if it exists."
184 (let ((package-archive-upload-base package-archive-upload-base))
185 ;; Check if `package-archive-upload-base' is valid.
186 (when (or (not (stringp package-archive-upload-base))
187 (equal package-archive-upload-base
188 (car-safe
189 (get 'package-archive-upload-base 'standard-value))))
190 (setq package-archive-upload-base
191 (read-directory-name
192 "Base directory for package archive: ")))
193 (unless (file-directory-p package-archive-upload-base)
194 (if (y-or-n-p (format "%s does not exist; create it? "
195 package-archive-upload-base))
196 (make-directory package-archive-upload-base t)
197 (error "Aborted")))
198 (save-excursion
199 (save-restriction
200 (let* ((file-type (package-desc-kind pkg-desc))
201 (pkg-name (package-desc-name pkg-desc))
202 (requires (package-desc-reqs pkg-desc))
203 (desc (if (eq (package-desc-summary pkg-desc)
204 package--default-summary)
205 (read-string "Description of package: ")
206 (package-desc-summary pkg-desc)))
207 (split-version (package-desc-version pkg-desc))
208 (commentary
209 (pcase file-type
210 (`single (lm-commentary))
211 (`tar nil))) ;; FIXME: Get it from the README file.
212 (extras (package-desc-extras pkg-desc))
213 (pkg-version (package-version-join split-version))
214 (pkg-buffer (current-buffer)))
216 ;; Get archive-contents from ARCHIVE-URL if it's non-nil, or
217 ;; from `package-archive-upload-base' otherwise.
218 (let ((contents (or (package--archive-contents-from-url archive-url)
219 (package--archive-contents-from-file)))
220 (new-desc (package-make-ac-desc
221 split-version requires desc file-type extras)))
222 (if (> (car contents) package-archive-version)
223 (error "Unrecognized archive version %d" (car contents)))
224 (let ((elt (assq pkg-name (cdr contents))))
225 (if elt
226 (if (version-list-<= split-version
227 (package--ac-desc-version (cdr elt)))
228 (error "New package has smaller version: %s" pkg-version)
229 (setcdr elt new-desc))
230 (setq contents (cons (car contents)
231 (cons (cons pkg-name new-desc)
232 (cdr contents))))))
234 ;; Now CONTENTS is the updated archive contents. Upload
235 ;; this and the package itself. For now we assume ELPA is
236 ;; writable via file primitives.
237 (let ((print-level nil)
238 (print-quoted t)
239 (print-length nil))
240 (write-region (concat (pp-to-string contents) "\n")
242 (expand-file-name "archive-contents"
243 package-archive-upload-base)))
245 ;; If there is a commentary section, write it.
246 (when commentary
247 (write-region commentary nil
248 (expand-file-name
249 (concat (symbol-name pkg-name) "-readme.txt")
250 package-archive-upload-base)))
252 (set-buffer pkg-buffer)
253 (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
254 (expand-file-name
255 (format "%s-%s.%s" pkg-name pkg-version extension)
256 package-archive-upload-base)
257 nil nil nil 'excl)
259 ;; Write a news entry.
260 (and package-update-news-on-upload
261 archive-url
262 (package--update-news (format "%s.%s" pkg-name extension)
263 pkg-version desc archive-url))
265 ;; special-case "package": write a second copy so that the
266 ;; installer can easily find the latest version.
267 (if (eq pkg-name 'package)
268 (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
269 (expand-file-name
270 (format "%s.%s" pkg-name extension)
271 package-archive-upload-base)
272 nil nil nil 'ask))))))))
274 (defun package-upload-buffer ()
275 "Upload the current buffer as a single-file Emacs Lisp package.
276 If `package-archive-upload-base' does not specify a valid upload
277 destination, prompt for one."
278 (interactive)
279 (save-excursion
280 (save-restriction
281 ;; Find the package in this buffer.
282 (let ((pkg-desc (package-buffer-info)))
283 (package-upload-buffer-internal pkg-desc "el")))))
285 (defun package-upload-file (file)
286 "Upload the Emacs Lisp package FILE to the package archive.
287 Interactively, prompt for FILE. The package is considered a
288 single-file package if FILE ends in \".el\", and a multi-file
289 package if FILE ends in \".tar\".
290 If `package-archive-upload-base' does not specify a valid upload
291 destination, prompt for one."
292 (interactive "fPackage file name: ")
293 (with-temp-buffer
294 (insert-file-contents file)
295 (let ((pkg-desc
296 (cond
297 ((string-match "\\.tar\\'" file)
298 (tar-mode) (package-tar-file-info))
299 ((string-match "\\.el\\'" file) (package-buffer-info))
300 (t (error "Unrecognized extension `%s'"
301 (file-name-extension file))))))
302 (package-upload-buffer-internal pkg-desc (file-name-extension file)))))
304 (defun package-gnus-summary-upload ()
305 "Upload a package contained in the current *Article* buffer.
306 This should be invoked from the gnus *Summary* buffer."
307 (interactive)
308 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-buffer
309 (package-upload-buffer)))
311 (provide 'package-x)
313 ;;; package-x.el ends here