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[emacs.git] / lisp / emacs-lisp / eldoc.el
1 ;;; eldoc.el --- show function arglist or variable docstring in echo area
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1996-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Noah Friedman <friedman@splode.com>
6 ;; Maintainer: friedman@splode.com
7 ;; Keywords: extensions
8 ;; Created: 1995-10-06
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; This program was inspired by the behavior of the "mouse documentation
28 ;; window" on many Lisp Machine systems; as you type a function's symbol
29 ;; name as part of a sexp, it will print the argument list for that
30 ;; function. Behavior is not identical; for example, you need not actually
31 ;; type the function name, you need only move point around in a sexp that
32 ;; calls it. Also, if point is over a documented variable, it will print
33 ;; the one-line documentation for that variable instead, to remind you of
34 ;; that variable's meaning.
36 ;; One useful way to enable this minor mode is to put the following in your
37 ;; .emacs:
39 ;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
40 ;; (add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
41 ;; (add-hook 'ielm-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
43 ;; Major modes for other languages may use ElDoc by defining an
44 ;; appropriate function as the buffer-local value of
45 ;; `eldoc-documentation-function'.
47 ;;; Code:
49 (require 'help-fns) ;For fundoc-usage handling functions.
51 (defgroup eldoc nil
52 "Show function arglist or variable docstring in echo area."
53 :group 'lisp
54 :group 'extensions)
56 (defcustom eldoc-idle-delay 0.50
57 "Number of seconds of idle time to wait before printing.
58 If user input arrives before this interval of time has elapsed after the
59 last input, no documentation will be printed.
61 If this variable is set to 0, no idle time is required."
62 :type 'number
63 :group 'eldoc)
65 ;;;###autoload
66 (defcustom eldoc-minor-mode-string (purecopy " ElDoc")
67 "String to display in mode line when ElDoc Mode is enabled; nil for none."
68 :type '(choice string (const :tag "None" nil))
69 :group 'eldoc)
71 (defcustom eldoc-argument-case 'upcase
72 "Case to display argument names of functions, as a symbol.
73 This has two preferred values: `upcase' or `downcase'.
74 Actually, any name of a function which takes a string as an argument and
75 returns another string is acceptable.
77 Note that if `eldoc-documentation-function' is non-nil, this variable
78 has no effect, unless the function handles it explicitly."
79 :type '(radio (function-item upcase)
80 (function-item downcase)
81 function)
82 :group 'eldoc)
84 (defcustom eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p 'truncate-sym-name-if-fit
85 "Allow long ElDoc messages to resize echo area display.
86 If value is t, never attempt to truncate messages; complete symbol name
87 and function arglist or 1-line variable documentation will be displayed
88 even if echo area must be resized to fit.
90 If value is any non-nil value other than t, symbol name may be truncated
91 if it will enable the function arglist or documentation string to fit on a
92 single line without resizing window. Otherwise, behavior is just like
93 former case.
95 If value is nil, messages are always truncated to fit in a single line of
96 display in the echo area. Function or variable symbol name may be
97 truncated to make more of the arglist or documentation string visible.
99 Note that if `eldoc-documentation-function' is non-nil, this variable
100 has no effect, unless the function handles it explicitly."
101 :type '(radio (const :tag "Always" t)
102 (const :tag "Never" nil)
103 (const :tag "Yes, but truncate symbol names if it will\
104 enable argument list to fit on one line" truncate-sym-name-if-fit))
105 :group 'eldoc)
107 (defface eldoc-highlight-function-argument
108 '((t (:inherit bold)))
109 "Face used for the argument at point in a function's argument list.
110 Note that if `eldoc-documentation-function' is non-nil, this face
111 has no effect, unless the function handles it explicitly."
112 :group 'eldoc)
114 ;;; No user options below here.
116 (defvar eldoc-message-commands-table-size 31
117 "Used by `eldoc-add-command' to initialize `eldoc-message-commands' obarray.
118 It should probably never be necessary to do so, but if you
119 choose to increase the number of buckets, you must do so before loading
120 this file since the obarray is initialized at load time.
121 Remember to keep it a prime number to improve hash performance.")
123 (defconst eldoc-message-commands
124 (make-vector eldoc-message-commands-table-size 0)
125 "Commands after which it is appropriate to print in the echo area.
126 ElDoc does not try to print function arglists, etc., after just any command,
127 because some commands print their own messages in the echo area and these
128 functions would instantly overwrite them. But `self-insert-command' as well
129 as most motion commands are good candidates.
130 This variable contains an obarray of symbols; do not manipulate it
131 directly. Instead, use `eldoc-add-command' and `eldoc-remove-command'.")
133 ;; Not a constant.
134 (defconst eldoc-last-data (make-vector 3 nil)
135 "Bookkeeping; elements are as follows:
136 0 - contains the last symbol read from the buffer.
137 1 - contains the string last displayed in the echo area for variables,
138 or argument string for functions.
139 2 - 'function if function args, 'variable if variable documentation.")
141 (defvar eldoc-last-message nil)
143 (defvar eldoc-timer nil "ElDoc's timer object.")
145 (defvar eldoc-current-idle-delay eldoc-idle-delay
146 "Idle time delay currently in use by timer.
147 This is used to determine if `eldoc-idle-delay' is changed by the user.")
149 (defvar eldoc-message-function 'eldoc-minibuffer-message
150 "The function used by `eldoc-message' to display messages.
151 It should receive the same arguments as `message'.")
154 ;;;###autoload
155 (define-minor-mode eldoc-mode
156 "Toggle echo area display of Lisp objects at point (ElDoc mode).
157 With a prefix argument ARG, enable ElDoc mode if ARG is positive,
158 and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable ElDoc mode
159 if ARG is omitted or nil.
161 ElDoc mode is a buffer-local minor mode. When enabled, the echo
162 area displays information about a function or variable in the
163 text where point is. If point is on a documented variable, it
164 displays the first line of that variable's doc string. Otherwise
165 it displays the argument list of the function called in the
166 expression point is on."
167 :group 'eldoc :lighter eldoc-minor-mode-string
168 (setq eldoc-last-message nil)
169 (if eldoc-mode
170 (progn
171 (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'eldoc-schedule-timer nil t)
172 (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'eldoc-pre-command-refresh-echo-area t))
173 (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'eldoc-schedule-timer)
174 (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'eldoc-pre-command-refresh-echo-area)))
176 ;;;###autoload
177 (define-minor-mode eldoc-post-insert-mode nil
178 :group 'eldoc :lighter (:eval (if eldoc-mode ""
179 (concat eldoc-minor-mode-string "|i")))
180 (setq eldoc-last-message nil)
181 (let ((prn-info (lambda ()
182 (unless eldoc-mode
183 (eldoc-print-current-symbol-info)))))
184 (if eldoc-post-insert-mode
185 (add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook prn-info nil t)
186 (remove-hook 'post-self-insert-hook prn-info t))))
188 ;; FIXME: This changes Emacs's behavior when the file is loaded!
189 (add-hook 'eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook 'eldoc-post-insert-mode)
191 ;;;###autoload
192 (defun turn-on-eldoc-mode ()
193 "Unequivocally turn on ElDoc mode (see command `eldoc-mode')."
194 (interactive)
195 (eldoc-mode 1))
198 (defun eldoc-schedule-timer ()
199 (or (and eldoc-timer
200 (memq eldoc-timer timer-idle-list))
201 (setq eldoc-timer
202 (run-with-idle-timer
203 eldoc-idle-delay t
204 (lambda () (and eldoc-mode (eldoc-print-current-symbol-info))))))
206 ;; If user has changed the idle delay, update the timer.
207 (cond ((not (= eldoc-idle-delay eldoc-current-idle-delay))
208 (setq eldoc-current-idle-delay eldoc-idle-delay)
209 (timer-set-idle-time eldoc-timer eldoc-idle-delay t))))
211 (defvar eldoc-mode-line-string nil)
212 (put 'eldoc-mode-line-string 'risky-local-variable t)
214 (defun eldoc-minibuffer-message (format-string &rest args)
215 "Display messages in the mode-line when in the minibuffer.
216 Otherwise work like `message'."
217 (if (minibufferp)
218 (progn
219 (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook
220 (lambda () (setq eldoc-mode-line-string nil))
221 nil t)
222 (with-current-buffer
223 (window-buffer
224 (or (window-in-direction 'above (minibuffer-window))
225 (minibuffer-selected-window)
226 (get-largest-window)))
227 (unless (and (listp mode-line-format)
228 (assq 'eldoc-mode-line-string mode-line-format))
229 (setq mode-line-format
230 (list "" '(eldoc-mode-line-string
231 (" " eldoc-mode-line-string " "))
232 mode-line-format)))
233 (setq eldoc-mode-line-string
234 (when (stringp format-string)
235 (apply 'format format-string args)))
236 (force-mode-line-update)))
237 (apply 'message format-string args)))
239 (defun eldoc-message (&rest args)
240 (let ((omessage eldoc-last-message))
241 (setq eldoc-last-message
242 (cond ((eq (car args) eldoc-last-message) eldoc-last-message)
243 ((null (car args)) nil)
244 ;; If only one arg, no formatting to do, so put it in
245 ;; eldoc-last-message so eq test above might succeed on
246 ;; subsequent calls.
247 ((null (cdr args)) (car args))
248 (t (apply 'format args))))
249 ;; In emacs 19.29 and later, and XEmacs 19.13 and later, all messages
250 ;; are recorded in a log. Do not put eldoc messages in that log since
251 ;; they are Legion.
252 ;; Emacs way of preventing log messages.
253 (let ((message-log-max nil))
254 (cond (eldoc-last-message
255 (funcall eldoc-message-function "%s" eldoc-last-message))
256 (omessage (funcall eldoc-message-function nil)))))
257 eldoc-last-message)
259 ;; This function goes on pre-command-hook for XEmacs or when using idle
260 ;; timers in Emacs. Motion commands clear the echo area for some reason,
261 ;; which make eldoc messages flicker or disappear just before motion
262 ;; begins. This function reprints the last eldoc message immediately
263 ;; before the next command executes, which does away with the flicker.
264 ;; This doesn't seem to be required for Emacs 19.28 and earlier.
265 (defun eldoc-pre-command-refresh-echo-area ()
266 (and eldoc-last-message
267 (if (eldoc-display-message-no-interference-p)
268 (eldoc-message eldoc-last-message)
269 (setq eldoc-last-message nil))))
271 ;; Decide whether now is a good time to display a message.
272 (defun eldoc-display-message-p ()
273 (and (eldoc-display-message-no-interference-p)
274 ;; If this-command is non-nil while running via an idle
275 ;; timer, we're still in the middle of executing a command,
276 ;; e.g. a query-replace where it would be annoying to
277 ;; overwrite the echo area.
278 (and (not this-command)
279 (symbolp last-command)
280 (intern-soft (symbol-name last-command)
281 eldoc-message-commands))))
283 ;; Check various conditions about the current environment that might make
284 ;; it undesirable to print eldoc messages right this instant.
285 (defun eldoc-display-message-no-interference-p ()
286 (and eldoc-mode
287 (not executing-kbd-macro)
288 (not (and (boundp 'edebug-active) edebug-active))))
291 ;;;###autoload
292 (defvar eldoc-documentation-function nil
293 "If non-nil, function to call to return doc string.
294 The function of no args should return a one-line string for displaying
295 doc about a function etc. appropriate to the context around point.
296 It should return nil if there's no doc appropriate for the context.
297 Typically doc is returned if point is on a function-like name or in its
298 arg list.
300 The result is used as is, so the function must explicitly handle
301 the variables `eldoc-argument-case' and `eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p',
302 and the face `eldoc-highlight-function-argument', if they are to have any
303 effect.
305 This variable is expected to be made buffer-local by modes (other than
306 Emacs Lisp mode) that support ElDoc.")
308 (defun eldoc-print-current-symbol-info ()
309 ;; This is run from post-command-hook or some idle timer thing,
310 ;; so we need to be careful that errors aren't ignored.
311 (with-demoted-errors "eldoc error: %s"
312 (and (or (eldoc-display-message-p) eldoc-post-insert-mode)
313 (if eldoc-documentation-function
314 (eldoc-message (funcall eldoc-documentation-function))
315 (let* ((current-symbol (eldoc-current-symbol))
316 (current-fnsym (eldoc-fnsym-in-current-sexp))
317 (doc (cond
318 ((null current-fnsym)
319 nil)
320 ((eq current-symbol (car current-fnsym))
321 (or (apply 'eldoc-get-fnsym-args-string
322 current-fnsym)
323 (eldoc-get-var-docstring current-symbol)))
325 (or (eldoc-get-var-docstring current-symbol)
326 (apply 'eldoc-get-fnsym-args-string
327 current-fnsym))))))
328 (eldoc-message doc))))))
330 (defun eldoc-get-fnsym-args-string (sym &optional index)
331 "Return a string containing the parameter list of the function SYM.
332 If SYM is a subr and no arglist is obtainable from the docstring
333 or elsewhere, return a 1-line docstring. Calls the functions
334 `eldoc-function-argstring-format' and
335 `eldoc-highlight-function-argument' to format the result. The
336 former calls `eldoc-argument-case'; the latter gives the
337 function name `font-lock-function-name-face', and optionally
338 highlights argument number INDEX."
339 (let (args doc advertised)
340 (cond ((not (and sym (symbolp sym) (fboundp sym))))
341 ((and (eq sym (aref eldoc-last-data 0))
342 (eq 'function (aref eldoc-last-data 2)))
343 (setq doc (aref eldoc-last-data 1)))
344 ((listp (setq advertised (gethash (indirect-function sym)
345 advertised-signature-table t)))
346 (setq args advertised))
347 ((setq doc (help-split-fundoc (documentation sym t) sym))
348 (setq args (car doc))
349 ;; Remove any enclosing (), since e-function-argstring adds them.
350 (string-match "\\`[^ )]* ?" args)
351 (setq args (substring args (match-end 0)))
352 (if (string-match-p ")\\'" args)
353 (setq args (substring args 0 -1))))
355 (setq args (help-function-arglist sym))))
356 (if args
357 ;; Stringify, and store before highlighting, downcasing, etc.
358 ;; FIXME should truncate before storing.
359 (eldoc-last-data-store sym (setq args (eldoc-function-argstring args))
360 'function)
361 (setq args doc)) ; use stored value
362 ;; Change case, highlight, truncate.
363 (if args
364 (eldoc-highlight-function-argument
365 sym (eldoc-function-argstring-format args) index))))
367 (defun eldoc-highlight-function-argument (sym args index)
368 "Highlight argument INDEX in ARGS list for function SYM.
369 In the absence of INDEX, just call `eldoc-docstring-format-sym-doc'."
370 (let ((start nil)
371 (end 0)
372 (argument-face 'eldoc-highlight-function-argument))
373 ;; Find the current argument in the argument string. We need to
374 ;; handle `&rest' and informal `...' properly.
376 ;; FIXME: What to do with optional arguments, like in
377 ;; (defun NAME ARGLIST [DOCSTRING] BODY...) case?
378 ;; The problem is there is no robust way to determine if
379 ;; the current argument is indeed a docstring.
380 (while (and index (>= index 1))
381 (if (string-match "[^ ()]+" args end)
382 (progn
383 (setq start (match-beginning 0)
384 end (match-end 0))
385 (let ((argument (match-string 0 args)))
386 (cond ((string= argument "&rest")
387 ;; All the rest arguments are the same.
388 (setq index 1))
389 ((string= argument "&optional"))
390 ((string-match-p "\\.\\.\\.$" argument)
391 (setq index 0))
393 (setq index (1- index))))))
394 (setq end (length args)
395 start (1- end)
396 argument-face 'font-lock-warning-face
397 index 0)))
398 (let ((doc args))
399 (when start
400 (setq doc (copy-sequence args))
401 (add-text-properties start end (list 'face argument-face) doc))
402 (setq doc (eldoc-docstring-format-sym-doc
403 sym doc (if (functionp sym) 'font-lock-function-name-face
404 'font-lock-keyword-face)))
405 doc)))
407 ;; Return a string containing a brief (one-line) documentation string for
408 ;; the variable.
409 (defun eldoc-get-var-docstring (sym)
410 (when sym
411 (cond ((and (eq sym (aref eldoc-last-data 0))
412 (eq 'variable (aref eldoc-last-data 2)))
413 (aref eldoc-last-data 1))
415 (let ((doc (documentation-property sym 'variable-documentation t)))
416 (cond (doc
417 (setq doc (eldoc-docstring-format-sym-doc
418 sym (eldoc-docstring-first-line doc)
419 'font-lock-variable-name-face))
420 (eldoc-last-data-store sym doc 'variable)))
421 doc)))))
423 (defun eldoc-last-data-store (symbol doc type)
424 (aset eldoc-last-data 0 symbol)
425 (aset eldoc-last-data 1 doc)
426 (aset eldoc-last-data 2 type))
428 ;; Note that any leading `*' in the docstring (which indicates the variable
429 ;; is a user option) is removed.
430 (defun eldoc-docstring-first-line (doc)
431 (and (stringp doc)
432 (substitute-command-keys
433 (save-match-data
434 ;; Don't use "^" in the regexp below since it may match
435 ;; anywhere in the doc-string.
436 (let ((start (if (string-match "\\`\\*" doc) (match-end 0) 0)))
437 (cond ((string-match "\n" doc)
438 (substring doc start (match-beginning 0)))
439 ((zerop start) doc)
440 (t (substring doc start))))))))
442 ;; If the entire line cannot fit in the echo area, the symbol name may be
443 ;; truncated or eliminated entirely from the output to make room for the
444 ;; description.
445 (defun eldoc-docstring-format-sym-doc (sym doc face)
446 (save-match-data
447 (let* ((name (symbol-name sym))
448 (ea-multi eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p)
449 ;; Subtract 1 from window width since emacs will not write
450 ;; any chars to the last column, or in later versions, will
451 ;; cause a wraparound and resize of the echo area.
452 (ea-width (1- (window-width (minibuffer-window))))
453 (strip (- (+ (length name) (length ": ") (length doc)) ea-width)))
454 (cond ((or (<= strip 0)
455 (eq ea-multi t)
456 (and ea-multi (> (length doc) ea-width)))
457 (format "%s: %s" (propertize name 'face face) doc))
458 ((> (length doc) ea-width)
459 (substring (format "%s" doc) 0 ea-width))
460 ((>= strip (length name))
461 (format "%s" doc))
463 ;; Show the end of the partial symbol name, rather
464 ;; than the beginning, since the former is more likely
465 ;; to be unique given package namespace conventions.
466 (setq name (substring name strip))
467 (format "%s: %s" (propertize name 'face face) doc))))))
470 ;; Return a list of current function name and argument index.
471 (defun eldoc-fnsym-in-current-sexp ()
472 (save-excursion
473 (let ((argument-index (1- (eldoc-beginning-of-sexp))))
474 ;; If we are at the beginning of function name, this will be -1.
475 (when (< argument-index 0)
476 (setq argument-index 0))
477 ;; Don't do anything if current word is inside a string.
478 (if (= (or (char-after (1- (point))) 0) ?\")
480 (list (eldoc-current-symbol) argument-index)))))
482 ;; Move to the beginning of current sexp. Return the number of nested
483 ;; sexp the point was over or after.
484 (defun eldoc-beginning-of-sexp ()
485 (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
486 (num-skipped-sexps 0))
487 (condition-case _
488 (progn
489 ;; First account for the case the point is directly over a
490 ;; beginning of a nested sexp.
491 (condition-case _
492 (let ((p (point)))
493 (forward-sexp -1)
494 (forward-sexp 1)
495 (when (< (point) p)
496 (setq num-skipped-sexps 1)))
497 (error))
498 (while
499 (let ((p (point)))
500 (forward-sexp -1)
501 (when (< (point) p)
502 (setq num-skipped-sexps (1+ num-skipped-sexps))))))
503 (error))
504 num-skipped-sexps))
506 ;; returns nil unless current word is an interned symbol.
507 (defun eldoc-current-symbol ()
508 (let ((c (char-after (point))))
509 (and c
510 (memq (char-syntax c) '(?w ?_))
511 (intern-soft (current-word)))))
513 ;; Do indirect function resolution if possible.
514 (defun eldoc-symbol-function (fsym)
515 (let ((defn (and (fboundp fsym)
516 (symbol-function fsym))))
517 (and (symbolp defn)
518 (condition-case _
519 (setq defn (indirect-function fsym))
520 (error (setq defn nil))))
521 defn))
523 (defun eldoc-function-argstring (arglist)
524 "Return ARGLIST as a string enclosed by ().
525 ARGLIST is either a string, or a list of strings or symbols."
526 (cond ((stringp arglist))
527 ((not (listp arglist))
528 (setq arglist nil))
529 ((symbolp (car arglist))
530 (setq arglist
531 (mapconcat (lambda (s) (symbol-name s))
532 arglist " ")))
533 ((stringp (car arglist))
534 (setq arglist
535 (mapconcat (lambda (s) s)
536 arglist " "))))
537 (if arglist
538 (format "(%s)" arglist)))
540 (defun eldoc-function-argstring-format (argstring)
541 "Apply `eldoc-argument-case' to each word in ARGSTRING.
542 The words \"&rest\", \"&optional\" are returned unchanged."
543 (mapconcat (lambda (s)
544 (if (string-match-p "\\`(?&\\(?:optional\\|rest\\))?\\'" s)
546 (funcall eldoc-argument-case s)))
547 (split-string argstring) " "))
550 ;; When point is in a sexp, the function args are not reprinted in the echo
551 ;; area after every possible interactive command because some of them print
552 ;; their own messages in the echo area; the eldoc functions would instantly
553 ;; overwrite them unless it is more restrained.
554 ;; These functions do display-command table management.
556 (defun eldoc-add-command (&rest cmds)
557 (dolist (name cmds)
558 (and (symbolp name)
559 (setq name (symbol-name name)))
560 (set (intern name eldoc-message-commands) t)))
562 (defun eldoc-add-command-completions (&rest names)
563 (dolist (name names)
564 (apply 'eldoc-add-command (all-completions name obarray 'commandp))))
566 (defun eldoc-remove-command (&rest cmds)
567 (dolist (name cmds)
568 (and (symbolp name)
569 (setq name (symbol-name name)))
570 (unintern name eldoc-message-commands)))
572 (defun eldoc-remove-command-completions (&rest names)
573 (dolist (name names)
574 (apply 'eldoc-remove-command
575 (all-completions name eldoc-message-commands))))
578 ;; Prime the command list.
579 (eldoc-add-command-completions
580 "backward-" "beginning-of-" "delete-other-windows" "delete-window"
581 "down-list" "end-of-" "exchange-point-and-mark" "forward-" "goto-"
582 "handle-select-window" "indent-for-tab-command" "left-" "mark-page"
583 "mark-paragraph" "mouse-set-point" "move-" "move-beginning-of-"
584 "move-end-of-" "next-" "other-window" "pop-global-mark" "previous-"
585 "recenter" "right-" "scroll-" "self-insert-command" "split-window-"
586 "up-list")
588 (provide 'eldoc)
590 ;;; eldoc.el ends here