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[emacs.git] / lisp / emacs-lisp / edebug.el
1 ;;; edebug.el --- a source-level debugger for Emacs Lisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1988-1995, 1997, 1999-2014 Free Software Foundation,
4 ;; Inc.
6 ;; Author: Daniel LaLiberte <liberte@holonexus.org>
7 ;; Maintainer: FSF
8 ;; Keywords: lisp, tools, maint
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; This minor mode allows programmers to step through Emacs Lisp
28 ;; source code while executing functions. You can also set
29 ;; breakpoints, trace (stopping at each expression), evaluate
30 ;; expressions as if outside Edebug, reevaluate and display a list of
31 ;; expressions, trap errors normally caught by debug, and display a
32 ;; debug style backtrace.
34 ;;; Minimal Instructions
35 ;; =====================
37 ;; First evaluate a defun with C-M-x, then run the function. Step
38 ;; through the code with SPC, mark breakpoints with b, go until a
39 ;; breakpoint is reached with g, and quit execution with q. Use the
40 ;; "?" command in edebug to describe other commands.
41 ;; See the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual for more details.
43 ;; If you wish to change the default edebug global command prefix, change:
44 ;; (setq edebug-global-prefix "\C-xX")
46 ;; Edebug was written by
47 ;; Daniel LaLiberte
48 ;; GTE Labs
49 ;; 40 Sylvan Rd
50 ;; Waltham, MA 02254
51 ;; liberte@holonexus.org
53 ;;; Code:
55 (require 'macroexp)
56 (require 'cl-lib)
57 (eval-when-compile (require 'pcase))
59 ;;; Options
61 (defgroup edebug nil
62 "A source-level debugger for Emacs Lisp."
63 :group 'lisp)
66 (defcustom edebug-setup-hook nil
67 "Functions to call before edebug is used.
68 Each time it is set to a new value, Edebug will call those functions
69 once and then reset `edebug-setup-hook' to nil. You could use this
70 to load up Edebug specifications associated with a package you are
71 using, but only when you also use Edebug."
72 :type 'hook
73 :group 'edebug)
75 ;; edebug-all-defs and edebug-all-forms need to be autoloaded
76 ;; because the byte compiler binds them; as a result, if edebug
77 ;; is first loaded for a require in a compilation, they will be left unbound.
79 ;;;###autoload
80 (defcustom edebug-all-defs nil
81 "If non-nil, evaluating defining forms instruments for Edebug.
82 This applies to `eval-defun', `eval-region', `eval-buffer', and
83 `eval-current-buffer'. `eval-region' is also called by
84 `eval-last-sexp', and `eval-print-last-sexp'.
86 You can use the command `edebug-all-defs' to toggle the value of this
87 variable. You may wish to make it local to each buffer with
88 \(make-local-variable 'edebug-all-defs) in your
89 `emacs-lisp-mode-hook'."
90 :type 'boolean
91 :group 'edebug)
93 ;; edebug-all-defs and edebug-all-forms need to be autoloaded
94 ;; because the byte compiler binds them; as a result, if edebug
95 ;; is first loaded for a require in a compilation, they will be left unbound.
97 ;;;###autoload
98 (defcustom edebug-all-forms nil
99 "Non-nil means evaluation of all forms will instrument for Edebug.
100 This doesn't apply to loading or evaluations in the minibuffer.
101 Use the command `edebug-all-forms' to toggle the value of this option."
102 :type 'boolean
103 :group 'edebug)
105 (defcustom edebug-eval-macro-args nil
106 "Non-nil means all macro call arguments may be evaluated.
107 If this variable is nil, the default, Edebug will *not* wrap
108 macro call arguments as if they will be evaluated.
109 For each macro, an `edebug-form-spec' overrides this option.
110 So to specify exceptions for macros that have some arguments evaluated
111 and some not, use `def-edebug-spec' to specify an `edebug-form-spec'."
112 :type 'boolean
113 :group 'edebug)
115 (defcustom edebug-save-windows t
116 "If non-nil, Edebug saves and restores the window configuration.
117 That takes some time, so if your program does not care what happens to
118 the window configurations, it is better to set this variable to nil.
120 If the value is a list, only the listed windows are saved and
121 restored.
123 `edebug-toggle-save-windows' may be used to change this variable."
124 :type '(choice boolean (repeat string))
125 :group 'edebug)
127 (defcustom edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points nil
128 "If non-nil, save and restore point in all displayed buffers.
130 Saving and restoring point in other buffers is necessary if you are
131 debugging code that changes the point of a buffer that is displayed
132 in a non-selected window. If Edebug or the user then selects the
133 window, the buffer's point will be changed to the window's point.
135 Saving and restoring point in all buffers is expensive, since it
136 requires selecting each window twice, so enable this only if you
137 need it."
138 :type 'boolean
139 :group 'edebug)
141 (defcustom edebug-initial-mode 'step
142 "Initial execution mode for Edebug, if non-nil.
143 If this variable is non-nil, it specifies the initial execution mode
144 for Edebug when it is first activated. Possible values are step, next,
145 go, Go-nonstop, trace, Trace-fast, continue, and Continue-fast."
146 :type '(choice (const step) (const next) (const go)
147 (const Go-nonstop) (const trace)
148 (const Trace-fast) (const continue)
149 (const Continue-fast))
150 :group 'edebug)
152 (defcustom edebug-trace nil
153 "Non-nil means display a trace of function entry and exit.
154 Tracing output is displayed in a buffer named `*edebug-trace*', one
155 function entry or exit per line, indented by the recursion level.
157 You can customize by replacing functions `edebug-print-trace-before'
158 and `edebug-print-trace-after'."
159 :type 'boolean
160 :group 'edebug)
162 (defcustom edebug-test-coverage nil
163 "If non-nil, Edebug tests coverage of all expressions debugged.
164 This is done by comparing the result of each expression with the
165 previous result. Coverage is considered OK if two different
166 results are found.
168 Use `edebug-display-freq-count' to display the frequency count and
169 coverage information for a definition."
170 :type 'boolean
171 :group 'edebug)
173 (defcustom edebug-continue-kbd-macro nil
174 "If non-nil, continue defining or executing any keyboard macro.
175 Use this with caution since it is not debugged."
176 :type 'boolean
177 :group 'edebug)
180 (defcustom edebug-print-length 50
181 "If non-nil, default value of `print-length' for printing results in Edebug."
182 :type 'integer
183 :group 'edebug)
184 (defcustom edebug-print-level 50
185 "If non-nil, default value of `print-level' for printing results in Edebug."
186 :type 'integer
187 :group 'edebug)
188 (defcustom edebug-print-circle t
189 "If non-nil, default value of `print-circle' for printing results in Edebug."
190 :type 'boolean
191 :group 'edebug)
193 (defcustom edebug-unwrap-results nil
194 "Non-nil if Edebug should unwrap results of expressions.
195 That is, Edebug will try to remove its own instrumentation from the result.
196 This is useful when debugging macros where the results of expressions
197 are instrumented expressions. But don't do this when results might be
198 circular or an infinite loop will result."
199 :type 'boolean
200 :group 'edebug)
202 (defcustom edebug-on-error t
203 "Value bound to `debug-on-error' while Edebug is active.
205 If `debug-on-error' is non-nil, that value is still used.
207 If the value is a list of signal names, Edebug will stop when any of
208 these errors are signaled from Lisp code whether or not the signal is
209 handled by a `condition-case'. This option is useful for debugging
210 signals that *are* handled since they would otherwise be missed.
211 After execution is resumed, the error is signaled again."
212 :type '(choice (const :tag "off")
213 (repeat :menu-tag "When"
214 :value (nil)
215 (symbol :format "%v"))
216 (const :tag "always" t))
217 :group 'edebug)
219 (defcustom edebug-on-quit t
220 "Value bound to `debug-on-quit' while Edebug is active."
221 :type 'boolean
222 :group 'edebug)
224 (defcustom edebug-global-break-condition nil
225 "If non-nil, an expression to test for at every stop point.
226 If the result is non-nil, then break. Errors are ignored."
227 :type 'sexp
228 :group 'edebug)
230 (defcustom edebug-sit-for-seconds 1
231 "Number of seconds to pause when execution mode is `trace' or `continue'."
232 :type 'number
233 :group 'edebug)
235 ;;; Form spec utilities.
237 (defun get-edebug-spec (symbol)
238 ;; Get the spec of symbol resolving all indirection.
239 (let ((spec nil)
240 (indirect symbol))
241 (while
242 (progn
243 (and (symbolp indirect)
244 (setq indirect
245 (function-get indirect 'edebug-form-spec 'macro))))
246 ;; (edebug-trace "indirection: %s" edebug-form-spec)
247 (setq spec indirect))
248 spec))
250 ;;;###autoload
251 (defun edebug-basic-spec (spec)
252 "Return t if SPEC uses only extant spec symbols.
253 An extant spec symbol is a symbol that is not a function and has a
254 `edebug-form-spec' property."
255 (cond ((listp spec)
256 (catch 'basic
257 (while spec
258 (unless (edebug-basic-spec (car spec)) (throw 'basic nil))
259 (setq spec (cdr spec)))
261 ((symbolp spec)
262 (unless (functionp spec) (function-get spec 'edebug-form-spec)))))
264 ;;; Utilities
266 (defun edebug-lambda-list-keywordp (object)
267 "Return t if OBJECT is a lambda list keyword.
268 A lambda list keyword is a symbol that starts with `&'."
269 (and (symbolp object)
270 (= ?& (aref (symbol-name object) 0))))
273 (defun edebug-last-sexp ()
274 ;; Return the last sexp before point in current buffer.
275 ;; Assumes Emacs Lisp syntax is active.
276 (car
277 (read-from-string
278 (buffer-substring
279 (save-excursion
280 (forward-sexp -1)
281 (point))
282 (point)))))
284 (defun edebug-window-list ()
285 "Return a list of windows, in order of `next-window'."
286 ;; This doesn't work for epoch.
287 (let (window-list)
288 (walk-windows (lambda (w) (push w window-list)))
289 (nreverse window-list)))
291 ;; Not used.
292 '(defun edebug-two-window-p ()
293 "Return t if there are two windows."
294 (and (not (one-window-p))
295 (eq (selected-window)
296 (next-window (next-window)))))
298 (defun edebug-sort-alist (alist function)
299 ;; Return the ALIST sorted with comparison function FUNCTION.
300 ;; This uses 'sort so the sorting is destructive.
301 (sort alist (function
302 (lambda (e1 e2)
303 (funcall function (car e1) (car e2))))))
305 ;; Not used.
306 '(defmacro edebug-save-restriction (&rest body)
307 "Evaluate BODY while saving the current buffers restriction.
308 BODY may change buffer outside of current restriction, unlike
309 save-restriction. BODY may change the current buffer,
310 and the restriction will be restored to the original buffer,
311 and the current buffer remains current.
312 Return the result of the last expression in BODY."
313 (declare (debug t))
314 `(let ((edebug:s-r-beg (point-min-marker))
315 (edebug:s-r-end (point-max-marker)))
316 (unwind-protect
317 (progn ,@body)
318 (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer edebug:s-r-beg)
319 (narrow-to-region edebug:s-r-beg edebug:s-r-end)))))
321 ;;; Display
323 (defconst edebug-trace-buffer "*edebug-trace*"
324 "Name of the buffer to put trace info in.")
326 (defun edebug-pop-to-buffer (buffer &optional window)
327 ;; Like pop-to-buffer, but select window where BUFFER was last shown.
328 ;; Select WINDOW if it is provided and still exists. Otherwise,
329 ;; if buffer is currently shown in several windows, choose one.
330 ;; Otherwise, find a new window, possibly splitting one.
331 ;; FIXME: We should probably just be using `pop-to-buffer'.
332 (setq window
333 (cond
334 ((and (edebug-window-live-p window)
335 (eq (window-buffer window) buffer))
336 window)
337 ((eq (window-buffer) buffer)
338 ;; Selected window already displays BUFFER.
339 (selected-window))
340 ((get-buffer-window buffer 0))
341 ((one-window-p 'nomini)
342 ;; When there's one window only, split it.
343 (split-window (minibuffer-selected-window)))
344 ((let ((trace-window (get-buffer-window edebug-trace-buffer)))
345 (catch 'found
346 (dolist (elt (window-list nil 'nomini))
347 (unless (or (eq elt (selected-window)) (eq elt trace-window)
348 (window-dedicated-p elt))
349 ;; Found a non-dedicated window not showing
350 ;; `edebug-trace-buffer', use it.
351 (throw 'found elt))))))
352 ;; All windows are dedicated or show `edebug-trace-buffer', split
353 ;; selected one.
354 (t (split-window (minibuffer-selected-window)))))
355 (set-window-buffer window buffer)
356 (select-window window)
357 (set-window-hscroll window 0)) ;; should this be??
359 (defun edebug-get-displayed-buffer-points ()
360 ;; Return a list of buffer point pairs, for all displayed buffers.
361 (let (list)
362 (walk-windows (lambda (w)
363 (unless (eq w (selected-window))
364 (push (cons (window-buffer w)
365 (window-point w))
366 list))))
367 list))
370 (defun edebug-set-buffer-points (buffer-points)
371 ;; Restore the buffer-points created by edebug-get-displayed-buffer-points.
372 (save-current-buffer
373 (mapcar (lambda (buf-point)
374 (when (buffer-live-p (car buf-point))
375 (set-buffer (car buf-point))
376 (goto-char (cdr buf-point))))
377 buffer-points)))
379 (defun edebug-current-windows (which-windows)
380 ;; Get either a full window configuration or some window information.
381 (if (listp which-windows)
382 (mapcar (function (lambda (window)
383 (if (edebug-window-live-p window)
384 (list window
385 (window-buffer window)
386 (window-point window)
387 (window-start window)
388 (window-hscroll window)))))
389 which-windows)
390 (current-window-configuration)))
392 (defun edebug-set-windows (window-info)
393 ;; Set either a full window configuration or some window information.
394 (if (listp window-info)
395 (mapcar (function
396 (lambda (one-window-info)
397 (if one-window-info
398 (apply (function
399 (lambda (window buffer point start hscroll)
400 (if (edebug-window-live-p window)
401 (progn
402 (set-window-buffer window buffer)
403 (set-window-point window point)
404 (set-window-start window start)
405 (set-window-hscroll window hscroll)))))
406 one-window-info))))
407 window-info)
408 (set-window-configuration window-info)))
410 ;;; Redefine read and eval functions
411 ;; read is redefined to maybe instrument forms.
412 ;; eval-defun is redefined to check edebug-all-forms and edebug-all-defs.
414 ;; Save the original read function
415 (defalias 'edebug-original-read
416 (symbol-function (if (fboundp 'edebug-original-read)
417 'edebug-original-read 'read)))
419 (defun edebug-read (&optional stream)
420 "Read one Lisp expression as text from STREAM, return as Lisp object.
421 If STREAM is nil, use the value of `standard-input' (which see).
422 STREAM or the value of `standard-input' may be:
423 a buffer (read from point and advance it)
424 a marker (read from where it points and advance it)
425 a function (call it with no arguments for each character,
426 call it with a char as argument to push a char back)
427 a string (takes text from string, starting at the beginning)
428 t (read text line using minibuffer and use it).
430 This version, from Edebug, maybe instruments the expression. But the
431 STREAM must be the current buffer to do so. Whether it instruments is
432 also dependent on the values of the option `edebug-all-defs' and
433 the option `edebug-all-forms'."
434 (or stream (setq stream standard-input))
435 (if (eq stream (current-buffer))
436 (edebug-read-and-maybe-wrap-form)
437 (edebug-original-read stream)))
439 (or (fboundp 'edebug-original-eval-defun)
440 (defalias 'edebug-original-eval-defun (symbol-function 'eval-defun)))
442 (defvar edebug-result) ; The result of the function call returned by body.
444 ;; We should somehow arrange to be able to do this
445 ;; without actually replacing the eval-defun command.
446 (defun edebug-eval-defun (edebug-it)
447 "Evaluate the top-level form containing point, or after point.
449 If the current defun is actually a call to `defvar', then reset the
450 variable using its initial value expression even if the variable
451 already has some other value. (Normally `defvar' does not change the
452 variable's value if it already has a value.) Treat `defcustom'
453 similarly. Reinitialize the face according to `defface' specification.
455 With a prefix argument, instrument the code for Edebug.
457 Setting option `edebug-all-defs' to a non-nil value reverses the meaning
458 of the prefix argument. Code is then instrumented when this function is
459 invoked without a prefix argument.
461 If acting on a `defun' for FUNCTION, and the function was instrumented,
462 `Edebug: FUNCTION' is printed in the minibuffer. If not instrumented,
463 just FUNCTION is printed.
465 If not acting on a `defun', the result of evaluation is displayed in
466 the minibuffer."
467 (interactive "P")
468 (let* ((edebugging (not (eq (not edebug-it) (not edebug-all-defs))))
469 (edebug-result)
470 (form
471 (let ((edebug-all-forms edebugging)
472 (edebug-all-defs (eq edebug-all-defs (not edebug-it))))
473 (edebug-read-top-level-form))))
474 ;; This should be consistent with `eval-defun-1', but not the
475 ;; same, since that gets a macroexpanded form.
476 (cond ((and (eq (car form) 'defvar)
477 (cdr-safe (cdr-safe form)))
478 ;; Force variable to be bound.
479 (makunbound (nth 1 form)))
480 ((and (eq (car form) 'defcustom)
481 (default-boundp (nth 1 form)))
482 ;; Force variable to be bound.
483 ;; FIXME: Shouldn't this use the :setter or :initializer?
484 (set-default (nth 1 form) (eval (nth 2 form) lexical-binding)))
485 ((eq (car form) 'defface)
486 ;; Reset the face.
487 (setq face-new-frame-defaults
488 (assq-delete-all (nth 1 form) face-new-frame-defaults))
489 (put (nth 1 form) 'face-defface-spec nil)
490 (put (nth 1 form) 'face-documentation (nth 3 form))
491 ;; See comments in `eval-defun-1' for purpose of code below
492 (setq form (prog1 `(prog1 ,form
493 (put ',(nth 1 form) 'saved-face
494 ',(get (nth 1 form) 'saved-face))
495 (put ',(nth 1 form) 'customized-face
496 ,(nth 2 form)))
497 (put (nth 1 form) 'saved-face nil)))))
498 (setq edebug-result (eval (eval-sexp-add-defvars form) lexical-binding))
499 (if (not edebugging)
500 (prog1
501 (princ edebug-result)
502 (let ((str (eval-expression-print-format edebug-result)))
503 (if str (princ str))))
504 edebug-result)))
507 ;;;###autoload
508 (defalias 'edebug-defun 'edebug-eval-top-level-form)
510 ;;;###autoload
511 (defun edebug-eval-top-level-form ()
512 "Evaluate the top level form point is in, stepping through with Edebug.
513 This is like `eval-defun' except that it steps the code for Edebug
514 before evaluating it. It displays the value in the echo area
515 using `eval-expression' (which see).
517 If you do this on a function definition such as a defun or defmacro,
518 it defines the function and instruments its definition for Edebug,
519 so it will do Edebug stepping when called later. It displays
520 `Edebug: FUNCTION' in the echo area to indicate that FUNCTION is now
521 instrumented for Edebug.
523 If the current defun is actually a call to `defvar' or `defcustom',
524 evaluating it this way resets the variable using its initial value
525 expression even if the variable already has some other value.
526 \(Normally `defvar' and `defcustom' do not alter the value if there
527 already is one.)"
528 (interactive)
529 (eval-expression
530 ;; Bind edebug-all-forms only while reading, not while evalling
531 ;; but this causes problems while edebugging edebug.
532 (let ((edebug-all-forms t)
533 (edebug-all-defs t))
534 (eval-sexp-add-defvars
535 (edebug-read-top-level-form)))))
538 (defun edebug-read-top-level-form ()
539 (let ((starting-point (point)))
540 (end-of-defun)
541 (beginning-of-defun)
542 (prog1
543 (edebug-read-and-maybe-wrap-form)
544 ;; Recover point, but only if no error occurred.
545 (goto-char starting-point))))
548 ;; Compatibility with old versions.
549 (defalias 'edebug-all-defuns 'edebug-all-defs)
551 ;;;###autoload
552 (defun edebug-all-defs ()
553 "Toggle edebugging of all definitions."
554 (interactive)
555 (setq edebug-all-defs (not edebug-all-defs))
556 (message "Edebugging all definitions is %s."
557 (if edebug-all-defs "on" "off")))
560 ;;;###autoload
561 (defun edebug-all-forms ()
562 "Toggle edebugging of all forms."
563 (interactive)
564 (setq edebug-all-forms (not edebug-all-forms))
565 (message "Edebugging all forms is %s."
566 (if edebug-all-forms "on" "off")))
569 (defun edebug-install-read-eval-functions ()
570 (interactive)
571 ;; Don't install if already installed.
572 (unless load-read-function
573 (setq load-read-function 'edebug-read)
574 (defalias 'eval-defun 'edebug-eval-defun)))
576 (defun edebug-uninstall-read-eval-functions ()
577 (interactive)
578 (setq load-read-function nil)
579 (defalias 'eval-defun (symbol-function 'edebug-original-eval-defun)))
582 ;;; Edebug internal data
584 ;; The internal data that is needed for edebugging is kept in the
585 ;; buffer-local variable `edebug-form-data'.
587 (defvar-local edebug-form-data nil
588 "A list of entries associating symbols with buffer regions.
589 Each entry is an `edebug--form-data' struct with fields:
591 are at the beginning and end of an entry level form and SYMBOL is
592 a symbol that holds all edebug related information for the form on its
593 property list.
595 In the future (haha!), the symbol will be irrelevant and edebug data will
596 be stored in the definitions themselves rather than in the property
597 list of a symbol.")
599 (cl-defstruct (edebug--form-data
600 ;; Some callers expect accessors to return nil when passed nil.
601 (:type list)
602 (:constructor edebug--make-form-data-entry (name begin end))
603 (:predicate nil) (:constructor nil) (:copier nil))
604 name begin end)
606 (defsubst edebug-set-form-data-entry (entry name begin end)
607 (setf (edebug--form-data-name entry) name) ;; In case name is changed.
608 (set-marker (edebug--form-data-begin entry) begin)
609 (set-marker (edebug--form-data-end entry) end))
611 (defun edebug-get-form-data-entry (pnt &optional end-point)
612 ;; Find the edebug form data entry which is closest to PNT.
613 ;; If END-POINT is supplied, match must be exact.
614 ;; Return `nil' if none found.
615 (let ((rest edebug-form-data)
616 closest-entry
617 (closest-dist 999999)) ;; Need maxint here.
618 (while (and rest (< 0 closest-dist))
619 (let* ((entry (car rest))
620 (begin (edebug--form-data-begin entry))
621 (dist (- pnt begin)))
622 (setq rest (cdr rest))
623 (if (and (<= 0 dist)
624 (< dist closest-dist)
625 (or (not end-point)
626 (= end-point (edebug--form-data-end entry)))
627 (<= pnt (edebug--form-data-end entry)))
628 (setq closest-dist dist
629 closest-entry entry))))
630 closest-entry))
632 ;; Also need to find all contained entries,
633 ;; and find an entry given a symbol, which should be just assq.
635 (defun edebug-form-data-symbol ()
636 "Return the edebug data symbol of the form where point is in.
637 If point is not inside a edebuggable form, cause error."
638 (or (edebug--form-data-name (edebug-get-form-data-entry (point)))
639 (error "Not inside instrumented form")))
641 (defun edebug-make-top-form-data-entry (new-entry)
642 ;; Make NEW-ENTRY the first element in the `edebug-form-data' list.
643 (edebug-clear-form-data-entry new-entry)
644 (push new-entry edebug-form-data))
646 (defun edebug-clear-form-data-entry (entry)
647 "If non-nil, clear ENTRY out of the form data.
648 Maybe clear the markers and delete the symbol's edebug property?"
649 (if entry
650 (progn
651 ;; Instead of this, we could just find all contained forms.
652 ;; (put (car entry) 'edebug nil) ;
653 ;; (mapcar 'edebug-clear-form-data-entry ; dangerous
654 ;; (get (car entry) 'edebug-dependents))
655 ;; (set-marker (nth 1 entry) nil)
656 ;; (set-marker (nth 2 entry) nil)
657 (setq edebug-form-data (delq entry edebug-form-data)))))
659 ;;; Parser utilities
661 (defun edebug-syntax-error (&rest args)
662 ;; Signal an invalid-read-syntax with ARGS.
663 (signal 'invalid-read-syntax args))
666 (defconst edebug-read-syntax-table
667 ;; Lookup table for significant characters indicating the class of the
668 ;; token that follows. This is not a \"real\" syntax table.
669 (let ((table (make-char-table 'syntax-table 'symbol))
670 (i 0))
671 (while (< i ?!)
672 (aset table i 'space)
673 (setq i (1+ i)))
674 (aset table ?\( 'lparen)
675 (aset table ?\) 'rparen)
676 (aset table ?\' 'quote)
677 (aset table ?\` 'backquote)
678 (aset table ?\, 'comma)
679 (aset table ?\" 'string)
680 (aset table ?\? 'char)
681 (aset table ?\[ 'lbracket)
682 (aset table ?\] 'rbracket)
683 (aset table ?\. 'dot)
684 (aset table ?\# 'hash)
685 ;; We treat numbers as symbols, because of confusion with -, -1, and 1-.
686 ;; We don't care about any other chars since they won't be seen.
687 table))
689 (defun edebug-next-token-class ()
690 ;; Move to the next token and return its class. We only care about
691 ;; lparen, rparen, dot, quote, backquote, comma, string, char, vector,
692 ;; or symbol.
693 (edebug-skip-whitespace)
694 (if (and (eq (following-char) ?.)
695 (save-excursion
696 (forward-char 1)
697 (or (and (eq (aref edebug-read-syntax-table (following-char))
698 'symbol)
699 (not (= (following-char) ?\;)))
700 (memq (following-char) '(?\, ?\.)))))
701 'symbol
702 (aref edebug-read-syntax-table (following-char))))
705 (defun edebug-skip-whitespace ()
706 ;; Leave point before the next token, skipping white space and comments.
707 (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\n\f")
708 (while (= (following-char) ?\;)
709 (skip-chars-forward "^\n") ; skip the comment
710 (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\n\f")))
713 ;; Mostly obsolete reader; still used in one case.
715 (defun edebug-read-sexp ()
716 ;; Read one sexp from the current buffer starting at point.
717 ;; Leave point immediately after it. A sexp can be a list or atom.
718 ;; An atom is a symbol (or number), character, string, or vector.
719 ;; This works for reading anything legitimate, but it
720 ;; is gummed up by parser inconsistencies (bugs?)
721 (let ((class (edebug-next-token-class)))
722 (cond
723 ;; read goes one too far if a (possibly quoted) string or symbol
724 ;; is immediately followed by non-whitespace.
725 ((eq class 'symbol) (edebug-original-read (current-buffer)))
726 ((eq class 'string) (edebug-original-read (current-buffer)))
727 ((eq class 'quote) (forward-char 1)
728 (list 'quote (edebug-read-sexp)))
729 ((eq class 'backquote)
730 (list '\` (edebug-read-sexp)))
731 ((eq class 'comma)
732 (list '\, (edebug-read-sexp)))
733 (t ; anything else, just read it.
734 (edebug-original-read (current-buffer))))))
736 ;;; Offsets for reader
738 ;; Define a structure to represent offset positions of expressions.
739 ;; Each offset structure looks like: (before . after) for constituents,
740 ;; or for structures that have elements: (before <subexpressions> . after)
741 ;; where the <subexpressions> are the offset structures for subexpressions
742 ;; including the head of a list.
743 (defvar edebug-offsets nil)
745 ;; Stack of offset structures in reverse order of the nesting.
746 ;; This is used to get back to previous levels.
747 (defvar edebug-offsets-stack nil)
748 (defvar edebug-current-offset nil) ; Top of the stack, for convenience.
750 ;; We must store whether we just read a list with a dotted form that
751 ;; is itself a list. This structure will be condensed, so the offsets
752 ;; must also be condensed.
753 (defvar edebug-read-dotted-list nil)
755 (defsubst edebug-initialize-offsets ()
756 ;; Reinitialize offset recording.
757 (setq edebug-current-offset nil))
759 (defun edebug-store-before-offset (point)
760 ;; Add a new offset pair with POINT as the before offset.
761 (let ((new-offset (list point)))
762 (if edebug-current-offset
763 (setcdr edebug-current-offset
764 (cons new-offset (cdr edebug-current-offset)))
765 ;; Otherwise, we are at the top level, so initialize.
766 (setq edebug-offsets new-offset
767 edebug-offsets-stack nil
768 edebug-read-dotted-list nil))
769 ;; Cons the new offset to the front of the stack.
770 (setq edebug-offsets-stack (cons new-offset edebug-offsets-stack)
771 edebug-current-offset new-offset)
774 (defun edebug-store-after-offset (point)
775 ;; Finalize the current offset struct by reversing it and
776 ;; store POINT as the after offset.
777 (if (not edebug-read-dotted-list)
778 ;; Just reverse the offsets of all subexpressions.
779 (setcdr edebug-current-offset (nreverse (cdr edebug-current-offset)))
781 ;; We just read a list after a dot, which will be abbreviated out.
782 (setq edebug-read-dotted-list nil)
783 ;; Drop the corresponding offset pair.
784 ;; That is, nconc the reverse of the rest of the offsets
785 ;; with the cdr of last offset.
786 (setcdr edebug-current-offset
787 (nconc (nreverse (cdr (cdr edebug-current-offset)))
788 (cdr (car (cdr edebug-current-offset))))))
790 ;; Now append the point using nconc.
791 (setq edebug-current-offset (nconc edebug-current-offset point))
792 ;; Pop the stack.
793 (setq edebug-offsets-stack (cdr edebug-offsets-stack)
794 edebug-current-offset (car edebug-offsets-stack)))
796 (defun edebug-ignore-offset ()
797 ;; Ignore the last created offset pair.
798 (setcdr edebug-current-offset (cdr (cdr edebug-current-offset))))
800 (defmacro edebug-storing-offsets (point &rest body)
801 (declare (debug (form body)) (indent 1))
802 `(unwind-protect
803 (progn
804 (edebug-store-before-offset ,point)
805 ,@body)
806 (edebug-store-after-offset (point))))
809 ;;; Reader for Emacs Lisp.
811 ;; Uses edebug-next-token-class (and edebug-skip-whitespace) above.
813 (defconst edebug-read-alist
814 '((symbol . edebug-read-symbol)
815 (lparen . edebug-read-list)
816 (string . edebug-read-string)
817 (quote . edebug-read-quote)
818 (backquote . edebug-read-backquote)
819 (comma . edebug-read-comma)
820 (lbracket . edebug-read-vector)
821 (hash . edebug-read-function)
824 (defun edebug-read-storing-offsets (stream)
825 (let (edebug-read-dotted-list) ; see edebug-store-after-offset
826 (edebug-storing-offsets (point)
827 (funcall
828 (or (cdr (assq (edebug-next-token-class) edebug-read-alist))
829 ;; anything else, just read it.
830 'edebug-original-read)
831 stream))))
833 (defun edebug-read-symbol (stream)
834 (edebug-original-read stream))
836 (defun edebug-read-string (stream)
837 (edebug-original-read stream))
839 (defun edebug-read-quote (stream)
840 ;; Turn 'thing into (quote thing)
841 (forward-char 1)
842 (list
843 (edebug-storing-offsets (1- (point)) 'quote)
844 (edebug-read-storing-offsets stream)))
846 (defun edebug-read-backquote (stream)
847 ;; Turn `thing into (\` thing)
848 (forward-char 1)
849 (list
850 (edebug-storing-offsets (1- (point)) '\`)
851 (edebug-read-storing-offsets stream)))
853 (defun edebug-read-comma (stream)
854 ;; Turn ,thing into (\, thing). Handle ,@ and ,. also.
855 (let ((opoint (point)))
856 (forward-char 1)
857 (let ((symbol '\,))
858 (cond ((eq (following-char) ?\.)
859 (setq symbol '\,\.)
860 (forward-char 1))
861 ((eq (following-char) ?\@)
862 (setq symbol '\,@)
863 (forward-char 1)))
864 ;; Generate the same structure of offsets we would have
865 ;; if the resulting list appeared verbatim in the input text.
866 (list
867 (edebug-storing-offsets opoint symbol)
868 (edebug-read-storing-offsets stream)))))
870 (defun edebug-read-function (stream)
871 ;; Turn #'thing into (function thing)
872 (forward-char 1)
873 (cond ((eq ?\' (following-char))
874 (forward-char 1)
875 (list
876 (edebug-storing-offsets (- (point) 2) 'function)
877 (edebug-read-storing-offsets stream)))
878 ((memq (following-char) '(?: ?B ?O ?X ?b ?o ?x ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6
879 ?7 ?8 ?9 ?0))
880 (backward-char 1)
881 (edebug-original-read stream))
882 (t (edebug-syntax-error "Bad char after #"))))
884 (defun edebug-read-list (stream)
885 (forward-char 1) ; skip \(
886 (prog1
887 (let ((elements))
888 (while (not (memq (edebug-next-token-class) '(rparen dot)))
889 (push (edebug-read-storing-offsets stream) elements))
890 (setq elements (nreverse elements))
891 (if (eq 'dot (edebug-next-token-class))
892 (let (dotted-form)
893 (forward-char 1) ; skip \.
894 (setq dotted-form (edebug-read-storing-offsets stream))
895 elements (nconc elements dotted-form)
896 (if (not (eq (edebug-next-token-class) 'rparen))
897 (edebug-syntax-error "Expected `)'"))
898 (setq edebug-read-dotted-list (listp dotted-form))
900 elements)
901 (forward-char 1) ; skip \)
904 (defun edebug-read-vector (stream)
905 (forward-char 1) ; skip \[
906 (prog1
907 (let ((elements))
908 (while (not (eq 'rbracket (edebug-next-token-class)))
909 (push (edebug-read-storing-offsets stream) elements))
910 (apply 'vector (nreverse elements)))
911 (forward-char 1) ; skip \]
914 ;;; Cursors for traversal of list and vector elements with offsets.
916 (defvar edebug-dotted-spec nil)
918 (defun edebug-new-cursor (expressions offsets)
919 ;; Return a new cursor for EXPRESSIONS with OFFSETS.
920 (if (vectorp expressions)
921 (setq expressions (append expressions nil)))
922 (cons expressions offsets))
924 (defsubst edebug-set-cursor (cursor expressions offsets)
925 ;; Set the CURSOR's EXPRESSIONS and OFFSETS to the given.
926 ;; Return the cursor.
927 (setcar cursor expressions)
928 (setcdr cursor offsets)
929 cursor)
931 (defun edebug-copy-cursor (cursor)
932 ;; Copy the cursor using the same object and offsets.
933 (cons (car cursor) (cdr cursor)))
935 (defsubst edebug-cursor-expressions (cursor)
936 (car cursor))
937 (defsubst edebug-cursor-offsets (cursor)
938 (cdr cursor))
940 (defsubst edebug-empty-cursor (cursor)
941 ;; Return non-nil if CURSOR is empty - meaning no more elements.
942 (null (car cursor)))
944 (defsubst edebug-top-element (cursor)
945 ;; Return the top element at the cursor.
946 ;; Assumes not empty.
947 (car (car cursor)))
949 (defun edebug-top-element-required (cursor &rest error)
950 ;; Check if a dotted form is required.
951 (if edebug-dotted-spec (edebug-no-match cursor "Dot expected."))
952 ;; Check if there is at least one more argument.
953 (if (edebug-empty-cursor cursor) (apply 'edebug-no-match cursor error))
954 ;; Return that top element.
955 (edebug-top-element cursor))
957 (defsubst edebug-top-offset (cursor)
958 ;; Return the top offset pair corresponding to the top element.
959 (car (cdr cursor)))
961 (defun edebug-move-cursor (cursor)
962 ;; Advance and return the cursor to the next element and offset.
963 ;; throw no-match if empty before moving.
964 ;; This is a violation of the cursor encapsulation, but
965 ;; there is plenty of that going on while matching.
966 ;; The following test should always fail.
967 (if (edebug-empty-cursor cursor)
968 (edebug-no-match cursor "Not enough arguments."))
969 (setcar cursor (cdr (car cursor)))
970 (setcdr cursor (cdr (cdr cursor)))
971 cursor)
974 (defun edebug-before-offset (cursor)
975 ;; Return the before offset of the cursor.
976 ;; If there is nothing left in the offsets,
977 ;; return one less than the offset itself,
978 ;; which is the after offset for a list.
979 (let ((offset (edebug-cursor-offsets cursor)))
980 (if (consp offset)
981 (car (car offset))
982 (1- offset))))
984 (defun edebug-after-offset (cursor)
985 ;; Return the after offset of the cursor object.
986 (let ((offset (edebug-top-offset cursor)))
987 (while (consp offset)
988 (setq offset (cdr offset)))
989 offset))
991 ;;; The Parser
993 ;; The top level function for parsing forms is
994 ;; edebug-read-and-maybe-wrap-form; it calls all the rest. It checks the
995 ;; syntax a bit and leaves point at any error it finds, but otherwise
996 ;; should appear to work like eval-defun.
998 ;; The basic plan is to surround each expression with a call to
999 ;; the edebug debugger together with indexes into a table of positions of
1000 ;; all expressions. Thus an expression "exp" becomes:
1002 ;; (edebug-after (edebug-before 1) 2 exp)
1004 ;; When this is evaluated, first point is moved to the beginning of
1005 ;; exp at offset 1 of the current function. The expression is
1006 ;; evaluated, which may cause more edebug calls, and then point is
1007 ;; moved to offset 2 after the end of exp.
1009 ;; The highest level expressions of the function are wrapped in a call to
1010 ;; edebug-enter, which supplies the function name and the actual
1011 ;; arguments to the function. See functions edebug-enter, edebug-before,
1012 ;; and edebug-after for more details.
1014 ;; Dynamically bound vars, left unbound, but globally declared.
1015 ;; This is to quiet the byte compiler.
1017 ;; Window data of the highest definition being wrapped.
1018 ;; This data is shared by all embedded definitions.
1019 (defvar edebug-top-window-data)
1021 (defvar edebug-&optional)
1022 (defvar edebug-&rest)
1023 (defvar edebug-gate nil) ;; whether no-match forces an error.
1025 (defvar edebug-def-name nil) ; name of definition, used by interactive-form
1026 (defvar edebug-old-def-name nil) ; previous name of containing definition.
1028 (defvar edebug-error-point nil)
1029 (defvar edebug-best-error nil)
1032 (defun edebug-read-and-maybe-wrap-form ()
1033 ;; Read a form and wrap it with edebug calls, if the conditions are right.
1034 ;; Here we just catch any no-match not caught below and signal an error.
1036 ;; Run the setup hook.
1037 ;; If it gets an error, make it nil.
1038 (let ((temp-hook edebug-setup-hook))
1039 (setq edebug-setup-hook nil)
1040 (if (functionp temp-hook) (funcall temp-hook)
1041 (mapc #'funcall temp-hook)))
1043 (let (result
1044 edebug-top-window-data
1045 edebug-def-name;; make sure it is locally nil
1046 ;; I don't like these here!!
1047 edebug-&optional
1048 edebug-&rest
1049 edebug-gate
1050 edebug-best-error
1051 edebug-error-point
1052 no-match
1053 ;; Do this once here instead of several times.
1054 (max-lisp-eval-depth (+ 800 max-lisp-eval-depth))
1055 (max-specpdl-size (+ 2000 max-specpdl-size)))
1056 (setq no-match
1057 (catch 'no-match
1058 (setq result (edebug-read-and-maybe-wrap-form1))
1059 nil))
1060 (if no-match
1061 (apply 'edebug-syntax-error no-match))
1062 result))
1065 (defun edebug-read-and-maybe-wrap-form1 ()
1066 (let (spec
1067 def-kind
1068 defining-form-p
1069 def-name
1070 ;; These offset things don't belong here, but to support recursive
1071 ;; calls to edebug-read, they need to be here.
1072 edebug-offsets
1073 edebug-offsets-stack
1074 edebug-current-offset ; reset to nil
1076 (save-excursion
1077 (if (and (eq 'lparen (edebug-next-token-class))
1078 (eq 'symbol (progn (forward-char 1) (edebug-next-token-class))))
1079 ;; Find out if this is a defining form from first symbol
1080 (setq def-kind (edebug-original-read (current-buffer))
1081 spec (and (symbolp def-kind) (get-edebug-spec def-kind))
1082 defining-form-p (and (listp spec)
1083 (eq '&define (car spec)))
1084 ;; This is incorrect in general!! But OK most of the time.
1085 def-name (if (and defining-form-p
1086 (eq 'name (car (cdr spec)))
1087 (eq 'symbol (edebug-next-token-class)))
1088 (edebug-original-read (current-buffer))))))
1089 ;;;(message "all defs: %s all forms: %s" edebug-all-defs edebug-all-forms)
1090 (cond
1091 (defining-form-p
1092 (if (or edebug-all-defs edebug-all-forms)
1093 ;; If it is a defining form and we are edebugging defs,
1094 ;; then let edebug-list-form start it.
1095 (let ((cursor (edebug-new-cursor
1096 (list (edebug-read-storing-offsets (current-buffer)))
1097 (list edebug-offsets))))
1098 (car
1099 (edebug-make-form-wrapper
1100 cursor
1101 (edebug-before-offset cursor)
1102 (1- (edebug-after-offset cursor))
1103 (list (cons (symbol-name def-kind) (cdr spec))))))
1105 ;; Not edebugging this form, so reset the symbol's edebug
1106 ;; property to be just a marker at the definition's source code.
1107 ;; This only works for defs with simple names.
1108 (put def-name 'edebug (point-marker))
1109 ;; Also nil out dependent defs.
1110 '(mapcar (function
1111 (lambda (def)
1112 (put def-name 'edebug nil)))
1113 (get def-name 'edebug-dependents))
1114 (edebug-read-sexp)))
1116 ;; If all forms are being edebugged, explicitly wrap it.
1117 (edebug-all-forms
1118 (let ((cursor (edebug-new-cursor
1119 (list (edebug-read-storing-offsets (current-buffer)))
1120 (list edebug-offsets))))
1121 (edebug-make-form-wrapper
1122 cursor
1123 (edebug-before-offset cursor)
1124 (edebug-after-offset cursor)
1125 nil)))
1127 ;; Not a defining form, and not edebugging.
1128 (t (edebug-read-sexp)))
1132 (defvar edebug-def-args) ; args of defining form.
1133 (defvar edebug-def-interactive) ; is it an emacs interactive function?
1134 (defvar edebug-inside-func) ;; whether code is inside function context.
1135 ;; Currently def-form sets this to nil; def-body sets it to t.
1137 (defun edebug-interactive-p-name ()
1138 ;; Return a unique symbol for the variable used to store the
1139 ;; status of interactive-p for this function.
1140 (intern (format "edebug-%s-interactive-p" edebug-def-name)))
1143 (defun edebug-wrap-def-body (forms)
1144 "Wrap the FORMS of a definition body."
1145 (if edebug-def-interactive
1146 `(let ((,(edebug-interactive-p-name)
1147 (interactive-p)))
1148 ,(edebug-make-enter-wrapper forms))
1149 (edebug-make-enter-wrapper forms)))
1152 (defun edebug-make-enter-wrapper (forms)
1153 ;; Generate the enter wrapper for some forms of a definition.
1154 ;; This is not to be used for the body of other forms, e.g. `while',
1155 ;; since it wraps the list of forms with a call to `edebug-enter'.
1156 ;; Uses the dynamically bound vars edebug-def-name and edebug-def-args.
1157 ;; Do this after parsing since that may find a name.
1158 (setq edebug-def-name
1159 (or edebug-def-name edebug-old-def-name (cl-gensym "edebug-anon")))
1160 `(edebug-enter
1161 (quote ,edebug-def-name)
1162 ,(if edebug-inside-func
1163 `(list
1164 ;; Doesn't work with more than one def-body!!
1165 ;; But the list will just be reversed.
1166 ,@(nreverse edebug-def-args))
1167 'nil)
1168 (function (lambda () ,@forms))
1172 (defvar edebug-form-begin-marker) ; the mark for def being instrumented
1174 (defvar edebug-offset-index) ; the next available offset index.
1175 (defvar edebug-offset-list) ; the list of offset positions.
1177 (defun edebug-inc-offset (offset)
1178 ;; Modifies edebug-offset-index and edebug-offset-list
1179 ;; accesses edebug-func-marc and buffer point.
1180 (prog1
1181 edebug-offset-index
1182 (setq edebug-offset-list (cons (- offset edebug-form-begin-marker)
1183 edebug-offset-list)
1184 edebug-offset-index (1+ edebug-offset-index))))
1187 (defun edebug-make-before-and-after-form (before-index form after-index)
1188 ;; Return the edebug form for the current function at offset BEFORE-INDEX
1189 ;; given FORM. Looks like:
1190 ;; (edebug-after (edebug-before BEFORE-INDEX) AFTER-INDEX FORM)
1191 ;; Also increment the offset index for subsequent use.
1192 `(edebug-after (edebug-before ,before-index) ,after-index ,form))
1194 (defun edebug-make-after-form (form after-index)
1195 ;; Like edebug-make-before-and-after-form, but only after.
1196 `(edebug-after 0 ,after-index ,form))
1199 (defun edebug-unwrap (sexp)
1200 "Return the unwrapped SEXP or return it as is if it is not wrapped.
1201 The SEXP might be the result of wrapping a body, which is a list of
1202 expressions; a `progn' form will be returned enclosing these forms."
1203 (if (consp sexp)
1204 (cond
1205 ((eq 'edebug-after (car sexp))
1206 (nth 3 sexp))
1207 ((eq 'edebug-enter (car sexp))
1208 (macroexp-progn (nthcdr 2 (nth 1 (nth 3 sexp)))))
1209 (t sexp);; otherwise it is not wrapped, so just return it.
1211 sexp))
1213 (defun edebug-unwrap* (sexp)
1214 "Return the SEXP recursively unwrapped."
1215 (let ((new-sexp (edebug-unwrap sexp)))
1216 (while (not (eq sexp new-sexp))
1217 (setq sexp new-sexp
1218 new-sexp (edebug-unwrap sexp)))
1219 (if (consp new-sexp)
1220 (mapcar 'edebug-unwrap* new-sexp)
1221 new-sexp)))
1224 (defun edebug-defining-form (cursor form-begin form-end speclist)
1225 ;; Process the defining form, starting outside the form.
1226 ;; The speclist is a generated list spec that looks like:
1227 ;; (("def-symbol" defining-form-spec-sans-&define))
1228 ;; Skip the first offset.
1229 (edebug-set-cursor cursor (edebug-cursor-expressions cursor)
1230 (cdr (edebug-cursor-offsets cursor)))
1231 (edebug-make-form-wrapper
1232 cursor
1233 form-begin (1- form-end)
1234 speclist))
1236 (defun edebug-make-form-wrapper (cursor form-begin form-end
1237 &optional speclist)
1238 ;; Wrap a form, usually a defining form, but any evaluated one.
1239 ;; If speclist is non-nil, this is being called by edebug-defining-form.
1240 ;; Otherwise it is being called from edebug-read-and-maybe-wrap-form1.
1241 ;; This is a hack, but I haven't figured out a simpler way yet.
1242 (let* ((form-data-entry (edebug-get-form-data-entry form-begin form-end))
1243 ;; Set this marker before parsing.
1244 (edebug-form-begin-marker
1245 (if form-data-entry
1246 (edebug--form-data-begin form-data-entry)
1247 ;; Buffer must be current-buffer for this to work:
1248 (set-marker (make-marker) form-begin))))
1250 (let (edebug-offset-list
1251 (edebug-offset-index 0)
1252 result
1253 ;; For definitions.
1254 ;; (edebug-containing-def-name edebug-def-name)
1255 ;; Get name from form-data, if any.
1256 (edebug-old-def-name (edebug--form-data-name form-data-entry))
1257 edebug-def-name
1258 edebug-def-args
1259 edebug-def-interactive
1260 edebug-inside-func;; whether wrapped code executes inside a function.
1263 (setq result
1264 (if speclist
1265 (edebug-match cursor speclist)
1267 ;; else wrap as an enter-form.
1268 (edebug-make-enter-wrapper (list (edebug-form cursor)))))
1270 ;; Set the name here if it was not set by edebug-make-enter-wrapper.
1271 (setq edebug-def-name
1272 (or edebug-def-name edebug-old-def-name (cl-gensym "edebug-anon")))
1274 ;; Add this def as a dependent of containing def. Buggy.
1275 '(if (and edebug-containing-def-name
1276 (not (get edebug-containing-def-name 'edebug-dependents)))
1277 (put edebug-containing-def-name 'edebug-dependents
1278 (cons edebug-def-name
1279 (get edebug-containing-def-name
1280 'edebug-dependents))))
1282 ;; Create a form-data-entry or modify existing entry's markers.
1283 ;; In the latter case, pointers to the entry remain eq.
1284 (if (not form-data-entry)
1285 (setq form-data-entry
1286 (edebug--make-form-data-entry
1287 edebug-def-name
1288 edebug-form-begin-marker
1289 ;; Buffer must be current-buffer.
1290 (set-marker (make-marker) form-end)
1292 (edebug-set-form-data-entry
1293 form-data-entry edebug-def-name ;; in case name is changed
1294 form-begin form-end))
1296 ;; (message "defining: %s" edebug-def-name) (sit-for 2)
1297 (edebug-make-top-form-data-entry form-data-entry)
1298 (message "Edebug: %s" edebug-def-name)
1299 ;;(debug edebug-def-name)
1301 ;; Destructively reverse edebug-offset-list and make vector from it.
1302 (setq edebug-offset-list (vconcat (nreverse edebug-offset-list)))
1304 ;; Side effects on the property list of edebug-def-name.
1305 (edebug-clear-frequency-count edebug-def-name)
1306 (edebug-clear-coverage edebug-def-name)
1308 ;; Set up the initial window data.
1309 (if (not edebug-top-window-data) ;; if not already set, do it now.
1310 (let ((window ;; Find the best window for this buffer.
1311 (or (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
1312 (selected-window))))
1313 (setq edebug-top-window-data
1314 (cons window (window-start window)))))
1316 ;; Store the edebug data in symbol's property list.
1317 (put edebug-def-name 'edebug
1318 ;; A struct or vector would be better here!!
1319 (list edebug-form-begin-marker
1320 nil ; clear breakpoints
1321 edebug-offset-list
1322 edebug-top-window-data
1324 result
1328 (defun edebug-clear-frequency-count (name)
1329 ;; Create initial frequency count vector.
1330 ;; For each stop point, the counter is incremented each time it is visited.
1331 (put name 'edebug-freq-count
1332 (make-vector (length edebug-offset-list) 0)))
1335 (defun edebug-clear-coverage (name)
1336 ;; Create initial coverage vector.
1337 ;; Only need one per expression, but it is simpler to use stop points.
1338 (put name 'edebug-coverage
1339 (make-vector (length edebug-offset-list) 'unknown)))
1342 (defun edebug-form (cursor)
1343 ;; Return the instrumented form for the following form.
1344 ;; Add the point offsets to the edebug-offset-list for the form.
1345 (let* ((form (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected form"))
1346 (offset (edebug-top-offset cursor)))
1347 (prog1
1348 (cond
1349 ((consp form)
1350 ;; The first offset for a list form is for the list form itself.
1351 (if (eq 'quote (car form))
1352 form
1353 (let* ((head (car form))
1354 (spec (and (symbolp head) (get-edebug-spec head)))
1355 (new-cursor (edebug-new-cursor form offset)))
1356 ;; Find out if this is a defining form from first symbol.
1357 ;; An indirect spec would not work here, yet.
1358 (if (and (consp spec) (eq '&define (car spec)))
1359 (edebug-defining-form
1360 new-cursor
1361 (car offset);; before the form
1362 (edebug-after-offset cursor)
1363 (cons (symbol-name head) (cdr spec)))
1364 ;; Wrap a regular form.
1365 (edebug-make-before-and-after-form
1366 (edebug-inc-offset (car offset))
1367 (edebug-list-form new-cursor)
1368 ;; After processing the list form, the new-cursor is left
1369 ;; with the offset after the form.
1370 (edebug-inc-offset (edebug-cursor-offsets new-cursor))))
1373 ((symbolp form)
1374 (cond
1375 ;; Check for constant symbols that don't get wrapped.
1376 ((or (memq form '(t nil))
1377 (keywordp form))
1378 form)
1380 (t ;; just a variable
1381 (edebug-make-after-form form (edebug-inc-offset (cdr offset))))))
1383 ;; Anything else is self-evaluating.
1384 (t form))
1385 (edebug-move-cursor cursor))))
1388 (defsubst edebug-forms (cursor) (edebug-match cursor '(&rest form)))
1389 (defsubst edebug-sexps (cursor) (edebug-match cursor '(&rest sexp)))
1391 (defsubst edebug-list-form-args (head cursor)
1392 ;; Process the arguments of a list form given that head of form is a symbol.
1393 ;; Helper for edebug-list-form
1394 (let ((spec (get-edebug-spec head)))
1395 (cond
1396 (spec
1397 (cond
1398 ((consp spec)
1399 ;; It is a speclist.
1400 (let (edebug-best-error
1401 edebug-error-point);; This may not be needed.
1402 (edebug-match-sublist cursor spec)))
1403 ((eq t spec) (edebug-forms cursor))
1404 ((eq 0 spec) (edebug-sexps cursor))
1405 ((symbolp spec) (funcall spec cursor));; Not used by edebug,
1406 ; but leave it in for compatibility.
1408 ;; No edebug-form-spec provided.
1409 ((macrop head)
1410 (if edebug-eval-macro-args
1411 (edebug-forms cursor)
1412 (edebug-sexps cursor)))
1413 (t ;; Otherwise it is a function call.
1414 (edebug-forms cursor)))))
1417 (defun edebug-list-form (cursor)
1418 ;; Return an instrumented form built from the list form.
1419 ;; The after offset will be left in the cursor after processing the form.
1420 (let ((head (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected elements"))
1421 ;; Prevent backtracking whenever instrumenting.
1422 (edebug-gate t)
1423 ;; A list form is never optional because it matches anything.
1424 (edebug-&optional nil)
1425 (edebug-&rest nil))
1426 ;; Skip the first offset.
1427 (edebug-set-cursor cursor (edebug-cursor-expressions cursor)
1428 (cdr (edebug-cursor-offsets cursor)))
1429 (cond
1430 ((symbolp head)
1431 (cond
1432 ((null head) nil) ; () is valid.
1433 ((eq head 'interactive-p)
1434 ;; Special case: replace (interactive-p) with variable
1435 (setq edebug-def-interactive 'check-it)
1436 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)
1437 (edebug-interactive-p-name))
1439 (cons head (edebug-list-form-args
1440 head (edebug-move-cursor cursor))))))
1442 ((consp head)
1443 (if (eq (car head) '\,)
1444 ;; The head of a form should normally be a symbol or a lambda
1445 ;; expression but it can also be an unquote form to be filled
1446 ;; before evaluation. We evaluate the arguments anyway, on the
1447 ;; assumption that the unquote form will place a proper function
1448 ;; name (rather than a macro name).
1449 (edebug-match cursor '(("," def-form) body))
1450 ;; Process anonymous function and args.
1451 ;; This assumes no anonymous macros.
1452 (edebug-match-specs cursor '(lambda-expr body) 'edebug-match-specs)))
1454 (t (edebug-syntax-error
1455 "Head of list form must be a symbol or lambda expression")))
1458 ;;; Matching of specs.
1460 (defvar edebug-after-dotted-spec nil)
1462 (defvar edebug-matching-depth 0) ;; initial value
1463 (defconst edebug-max-depth 150) ;; maximum number of matching recursions.
1466 ;;; Failure to match
1468 ;; This throws to no-match, if there are higher alternatives.
1469 ;; Otherwise it signals an error. The place of the error is found
1470 ;; with the two before- and after-offset functions.
1472 (defun edebug-no-match (cursor &rest args)
1473 ;; Throw a no-match, or signal an error immediately if gate is active.
1474 ;; Remember this point in case we need to report this error.
1475 (setq edebug-error-point (or edebug-error-point
1476 (edebug-before-offset cursor))
1477 edebug-best-error (or edebug-best-error args))
1478 (if (and edebug-gate (not edebug-&optional))
1479 (progn
1480 (if edebug-error-point
1481 (goto-char edebug-error-point))
1482 (apply 'edebug-syntax-error args))
1483 (throw 'no-match args)))
1486 (defun edebug-match (cursor specs)
1487 ;; Top level spec matching function.
1488 ;; Used also at each lower level of specs.
1489 (let (edebug-&optional
1490 edebug-&rest
1491 edebug-best-error
1492 edebug-error-point
1493 (edebug-gate edebug-gate) ;; locally bound to limit effect
1495 (edebug-match-specs cursor specs 'edebug-match-specs)))
1498 (defun edebug-match-one-spec (cursor spec)
1499 ;; Match one spec, which is not a keyword &-spec.
1500 (cond
1501 ((symbolp spec) (edebug-match-symbol cursor spec))
1502 ((vectorp spec) (edebug-match cursor (append spec nil)))
1503 ((stringp spec) (edebug-match-string cursor spec))
1504 ((listp spec) (edebug-match-list cursor spec))
1508 (defun edebug-match-specs (cursor specs remainder-handler)
1509 ;; Append results of matching the list of specs.
1510 ;; The first spec is handled and the remainder-handler handles the rest.
1511 (let ((edebug-matching-depth
1512 (if (> edebug-matching-depth edebug-max-depth)
1513 (error "Too deep - perhaps infinite loop in spec?")
1514 (1+ edebug-matching-depth))))
1515 (cond
1516 ((null specs) nil)
1518 ;; Is the spec dotted?
1519 ((atom specs)
1520 (let ((edebug-dotted-spec t));; Containing spec list was dotted.
1521 (edebug-match-specs cursor (list specs) remainder-handler)))
1523 ;; Is the form dotted?
1524 ((not (listp (edebug-cursor-expressions cursor)));; allow nil
1525 (if (not edebug-dotted-spec)
1526 (edebug-no-match cursor "Dotted spec required."))
1527 ;; Cancel dotted spec and dotted form.
1528 (let ((edebug-dotted-spec)
1529 (this-form (edebug-cursor-expressions cursor))
1530 (this-offset (edebug-cursor-offsets cursor)))
1531 ;; Wrap the form in a list, (by changing the cursor??)...
1532 (edebug-set-cursor cursor (list this-form) this-offset)
1533 ;; and process normally, then unwrap the result.
1534 (car (edebug-match-specs cursor specs remainder-handler))))
1536 (t;; Process normally.
1537 (let* ((spec (car specs))
1538 (rest)
1539 (first-char (and (symbolp spec) (aref (symbol-name spec) 0))))
1540 ;;(message "spec = %s first char = %s" spec first-char) (sit-for 1)
1541 (nconc
1542 (cond
1543 ((eq ?& first-char);; "&" symbols take all following specs.
1544 (funcall (get-edebug-spec spec) cursor (cdr specs)))
1545 ((eq ?: first-char);; ":" symbols take one following spec.
1546 (setq rest (cdr (cdr specs)))
1547 (funcall (get-edebug-spec spec) cursor (car (cdr specs))))
1548 (t;; Any other normal spec.
1549 (setq rest (cdr specs))
1550 (edebug-match-one-spec cursor spec)))
1551 (funcall remainder-handler cursor rest remainder-handler)))))))
1554 ;; Define specs for all the symbol specs with functions used to process them.
1555 ;; Perhaps we shouldn't be doing this with edebug-form-specs since the
1556 ;; user may want to define macros or functions with the same names.
1557 ;; We could use an internal obarray for these primitive specs.
1559 (dolist (pair '((&optional . edebug-match-&optional)
1560 (&rest . edebug-match-&rest)
1561 (&or . edebug-match-&or)
1562 (form . edebug-match-form)
1563 (sexp . edebug-match-sexp)
1564 (body . edebug-match-body)
1565 (&define . edebug-match-&define)
1566 (name . edebug-match-name)
1567 (:name . edebug-match-colon-name)
1568 (arg . edebug-match-arg)
1569 (def-body . edebug-match-def-body)
1570 (def-form . edebug-match-def-form)
1571 ;; Less frequently used:
1572 ;; (function . edebug-match-function)
1573 (lambda-expr . edebug-match-lambda-expr)
1574 (&not . edebug-match-&not)
1575 (&key . edebug-match-&key)
1576 (place . edebug-match-place)
1577 (gate . edebug-match-gate)
1578 ;; (nil . edebug-match-nil) not this one - special case it.
1580 (put (car pair) 'edebug-form-spec (cdr pair)))
1582 (defun edebug-match-symbol (cursor symbol)
1583 ;; Match a symbol spec.
1584 (let* ((spec (get-edebug-spec symbol)))
1585 (cond
1586 (spec
1587 (if (consp spec)
1588 ;; It is an indirect spec.
1589 (edebug-match cursor spec)
1590 ;; Otherwise it should be the symbol name of a function.
1591 ;; There could be a bug here - maybe need to do edebug-match bindings.
1592 (funcall spec cursor)))
1594 ((null symbol) ;; special case this.
1595 (edebug-match-nil cursor))
1597 ((fboundp symbol) ; is it a predicate?
1598 (let ((sexp (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected" symbol)))
1599 ;; Special case for edebug-`.
1600 (if (and (listp sexp) (eq (car sexp) '\,))
1601 (edebug-match cursor '(("," def-form)))
1602 (if (not (funcall symbol sexp))
1603 (edebug-no-match cursor symbol "failed"))
1604 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)
1605 (list sexp))))
1606 (t (error "%s is not a form-spec or function" symbol))
1610 (defun edebug-match-sexp (cursor)
1611 (list (prog1 (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected sexp")
1612 (edebug-move-cursor cursor))))
1614 (defun edebug-match-form (cursor)
1615 (list (edebug-form cursor)))
1617 (defalias 'edebug-match-place 'edebug-match-form)
1618 ;; Currently identical to edebug-match-form.
1619 ;; This is for common lisp setf-style place arguments.
1621 (defsubst edebug-match-body (cursor) (edebug-forms cursor))
1623 (defun edebug-match-&optional (cursor specs)
1624 ;; Keep matching until one spec fails.
1625 (edebug-&optional-wrapper cursor specs 'edebug-&optional-wrapper))
1627 (defun edebug-&optional-wrapper (cursor specs remainder-handler)
1628 (let (result
1629 (edebug-&optional specs)
1630 (edebug-gate nil)
1631 (this-form (edebug-cursor-expressions cursor))
1632 (this-offset (edebug-cursor-offsets cursor)))
1633 (if (null (catch 'no-match
1634 (setq result
1635 (edebug-match-specs cursor specs remainder-handler))
1636 ;; Returning nil means no no-match was thrown.
1637 nil))
1638 result
1639 ;; no-match, but don't fail; just reset cursor and return nil.
1640 (edebug-set-cursor cursor this-form this-offset)
1641 nil)))
1644 (defun edebug-&rest-wrapper (cursor specs remainder-handler)
1645 (if (null specs) (setq specs edebug-&rest))
1646 ;; Reuse the &optional handler with this as the remainder handler.
1647 (edebug-&optional-wrapper cursor specs remainder-handler))
1649 (defun edebug-match-&rest (cursor specs)
1650 ;; Repeatedly use specs until failure.
1651 (let ((edebug-&rest specs) ;; remember these
1652 edebug-best-error
1653 edebug-error-point)
1654 (edebug-&rest-wrapper cursor specs 'edebug-&rest-wrapper)))
1657 (defun edebug-match-&or (cursor specs)
1658 ;; Keep matching until one spec succeeds, and return its results.
1659 ;; If none match, fail.
1660 ;; This needs to be optimized since most specs spend time here.
1661 (let ((original-specs specs)
1662 (this-form (edebug-cursor-expressions cursor))
1663 (this-offset (edebug-cursor-offsets cursor)))
1664 (catch 'matched
1665 (while specs
1666 (catch 'no-match
1667 (throw 'matched
1668 (let (edebug-gate ;; only while matching each spec
1669 edebug-best-error
1670 edebug-error-point)
1671 ;; Doesn't support e.g. &or symbolp &rest form
1672 (edebug-match-one-spec cursor (car specs)))))
1673 ;; Match failed, so reset and try again.
1674 (setq specs (cdr specs))
1675 ;; Reset the cursor for the next match.
1676 (edebug-set-cursor cursor this-form this-offset))
1677 ;; All failed.
1678 (apply 'edebug-no-match cursor "Expected one of" original-specs))
1682 (defun edebug-match-&not (cursor specs)
1683 ;; If any specs match, then fail
1684 (if (null (catch 'no-match
1685 (let ((edebug-gate nil))
1686 (save-excursion
1687 (edebug-match-&or cursor specs)))
1688 nil))
1689 ;; This means something matched, so it is a no match.
1690 (edebug-no-match cursor "Unexpected"))
1691 ;; This means nothing matched, so it is OK.
1692 nil) ;; So, return nothing
1695 (def-edebug-spec &key edebug-match-&key)
1697 (defun edebug-match-&key (cursor specs)
1698 ;; Following specs must look like (<name> <spec>) ...
1699 ;; where <name> is the name of a keyword, and spec is its spec.
1700 ;; This really doesn't save much over the expanded form and takes time.
1701 (edebug-match-&rest
1702 cursor
1703 (cons '&or
1704 (mapcar (function (lambda (pair)
1705 (vector (format ":%s" (car pair))
1706 (car (cdr pair)))))
1707 specs))))
1710 (defun edebug-match-gate (_cursor)
1711 ;; Simply set the gate to prevent backtracking at this level.
1712 (setq edebug-gate t)
1713 nil)
1716 (defun edebug-match-list (cursor specs)
1717 ;; The spec is a list, but what kind of list, and what context?
1718 (if edebug-dotted-spec
1719 ;; After dotted spec but form did not contain dot,
1720 ;; so match list spec elements as if spliced in.
1721 (prog1
1722 (let ((edebug-dotted-spec))
1723 (edebug-match-specs cursor specs 'edebug-match-specs))
1724 ;; If it matched, really clear the dotted-spec flag.
1725 (setq edebug-dotted-spec nil))
1726 (let ((spec (car specs))
1727 (form (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected" specs)))
1728 (cond
1729 ((eq 'quote spec)
1730 (let ((spec (car (cdr specs))))
1731 (cond
1732 ((symbolp spec)
1733 ;; Special case: spec quotes a symbol to match.
1734 ;; Change in future. Use "..." instead.
1735 (if (not (eq spec form))
1736 (edebug-no-match cursor "Expected" spec))
1737 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)
1738 (setq edebug-gate t)
1739 form)
1741 (error "Bad spec: %s" specs)))))
1743 ((listp form)
1744 (prog1
1745 (list (edebug-match-sublist
1746 ;; First offset is for the list form itself.
1747 ;; Treat nil as empty list.
1748 (edebug-new-cursor form (cdr (edebug-top-offset cursor)))
1749 specs))
1750 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)))
1752 ((and (eq 'vector spec) (vectorp form))
1753 ;; Special case: match a vector with the specs.
1754 (let ((result (edebug-match-sublist
1755 (edebug-new-cursor
1756 form (cdr (edebug-top-offset cursor)))
1757 (cdr specs))))
1758 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)
1759 (list (apply 'vector result))))
1761 (t (edebug-no-match cursor "Expected" specs)))
1765 (defun edebug-match-sublist (cursor specs)
1766 ;; Match a sublist of specs.
1767 (let (edebug-&optional
1768 ;;edebug-best-error
1769 ;;edebug-error-point
1771 (prog1
1772 ;; match with edebug-match-specs so edebug-best-error is not bound.
1773 (edebug-match-specs cursor specs 'edebug-match-specs)
1774 (if (not (edebug-empty-cursor cursor))
1775 (if edebug-best-error
1776 (apply 'edebug-no-match cursor edebug-best-error)
1777 ;; A failed &rest or &optional spec may leave some args.
1778 (edebug-no-match cursor "Failed matching" specs)
1779 )))))
1782 (defun edebug-match-string (cursor spec)
1783 (let ((sexp (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected" spec)))
1784 (if (not (eq (intern spec) sexp))
1785 (edebug-no-match cursor "Expected" spec)
1786 ;; Since it matched, failure means immediate error, unless &optional.
1787 (setq edebug-gate t)
1788 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)
1789 (list sexp)
1792 (defun edebug-match-nil (cursor)
1793 ;; There must be nothing left to match a nil.
1794 (if (not (edebug-empty-cursor cursor))
1795 (edebug-no-match cursor "Unmatched argument(s)")
1796 nil))
1799 (defun edebug-match-function (_cursor)
1800 (error "Use function-form instead of function in edebug spec"))
1802 (defun edebug-match-&define (cursor specs)
1803 ;; Match a defining form.
1804 ;; Normally, &define is interpreted specially other places.
1805 ;; This should only be called inside of a spec list to match the remainder
1806 ;; of the current list. e.g. ("lambda" &define args def-body)
1807 (edebug-make-form-wrapper
1808 cursor
1809 (edebug-before-offset cursor)
1810 ;; Find the last offset in the list.
1811 (let ((offsets (edebug-cursor-offsets cursor)))
1812 (while (consp offsets) (setq offsets (cdr offsets)))
1813 offsets)
1814 specs))
1816 (defun edebug-match-lambda-expr (cursor)
1817 ;; The expression must be a function.
1818 ;; This will match any list form that begins with a symbol
1819 ;; that has an edebug-form-spec beginning with &define. In
1820 ;; practice, only lambda expressions should be used.
1821 ;; I could add a &lambda specification to avoid confusion.
1822 (let* ((sexp (edebug-top-element-required
1823 cursor "Expected lambda expression"))
1824 (offset (edebug-top-offset cursor))
1825 (head (and (consp sexp) (car sexp)))
1826 (spec (and (symbolp head) (get-edebug-spec head)))
1827 (edebug-inside-func nil))
1828 ;; Find out if this is a defining form from first symbol.
1829 (if (and (consp spec) (eq '&define (car spec)))
1830 (prog1
1831 (list
1832 (edebug-defining-form
1833 (edebug-new-cursor sexp offset)
1834 (car offset);; before the sexp
1835 (edebug-after-offset cursor)
1836 (cons (symbol-name head) (cdr spec))))
1837 (edebug-move-cursor cursor))
1838 (edebug-no-match cursor "Expected lambda expression")
1842 (defun edebug-match-name (cursor)
1843 ;; Set the edebug-def-name bound in edebug-defining-form.
1844 (let ((name (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected name")))
1845 ;; Maybe strings and numbers could be used.
1846 (if (not (symbolp name))
1847 (edebug-no-match cursor "Symbol expected for name of definition"))
1848 (setq edebug-def-name
1849 (if edebug-def-name
1850 ;; Construct a new name by appending to previous name.
1851 (intern (format "%s@%s" edebug-def-name name))
1852 name))
1853 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)
1854 (list name)))
1856 (defun edebug-match-colon-name (_cursor spec)
1857 ;; Set the edebug-def-name to the spec.
1858 (setq edebug-def-name
1859 (if edebug-def-name
1860 ;; Construct a new name by appending to previous name.
1861 (intern (format "%s@%s" edebug-def-name spec))
1862 spec))
1863 nil)
1865 (defun edebug-match-arg (cursor)
1866 ;; set the def-args bound in edebug-defining-form
1867 (let ((edebug-arg (edebug-top-element-required cursor "Expected arg")))
1868 (if (or (not (symbolp edebug-arg))
1869 (edebug-lambda-list-keywordp edebug-arg))
1870 (edebug-no-match cursor "Bad argument:" edebug-arg))
1871 (edebug-move-cursor cursor)
1872 (setq edebug-def-args (cons edebug-arg edebug-def-args))
1873 (list edebug-arg)))
1875 (defun edebug-match-def-form (cursor)
1876 ;; Like form but the form is wrapped in edebug-enter form.
1877 ;; The form is assumed to be executing outside of the function context.
1878 ;; This is a hack for now, since a def-form might execute inside as well.
1879 ;; Not to be used otherwise.
1880 (let ((edebug-inside-func nil))
1881 (list (edebug-make-enter-wrapper (list (edebug-form cursor))))))
1883 (defun edebug-match-def-body (cursor)
1884 ;; Like body but body is wrapped in edebug-enter form.
1885 ;; The body is assumed to be executing inside of the function context.
1886 ;; Not to be used otherwise.
1887 (let ((edebug-inside-func t))
1888 (list (edebug-wrap-def-body (edebug-forms cursor)))))
1891 ;;;; Edebug Form Specs
1892 ;;; ==========================================================
1894 ;;;;* Spec for def-edebug-spec
1895 ;;; Out of date.
1897 (defun edebug-spec-p (object)
1898 "Return non-nil if OBJECT is a symbol with an edebug-form-spec property."
1899 (and (symbolp object)
1900 (get object 'edebug-form-spec)))
1902 (def-edebug-spec def-edebug-spec
1903 ;; Top level is different from lower levels.
1904 (&define :name edebug-spec name
1905 &or "nil" edebug-spec-p "t" "0" (&rest edebug-spec)))
1907 (def-edebug-spec edebug-spec-list
1908 ;; A list must have something in it, or it is nil, a symbolp
1909 ((edebug-spec . [&or nil edebug-spec])))
1911 (def-edebug-spec edebug-spec
1912 (&or
1913 (vector &rest edebug-spec) ; matches a vector
1914 ("vector" &rest edebug-spec) ; matches a vector spec
1915 ("quote" symbolp)
1916 edebug-spec-list
1917 stringp
1918 [edebug-lambda-list-keywordp &rest edebug-spec]
1919 [keywordp gate edebug-spec]
1920 edebug-spec-p ;; Including all the special ones e.g. form.
1921 symbolp;; a predicate
1925 ;;;* Emacs special forms and some functions.
1927 ;; quote expects only one argument, although it allows any number.
1928 (def-edebug-spec quote sexp)
1930 ;; The standard defining forms.
1931 (def-edebug-spec defconst defvar)
1932 (def-edebug-spec defvar (symbolp &optional form stringp))
1934 (def-edebug-spec defun
1935 (&define name lambda-list
1936 [&optional stringp]
1937 [&optional ("interactive" interactive)]
1938 def-body))
1939 ;; FIXME? Isn't this missing the doc-string? Cf defun.
1940 (def-edebug-spec defmacro
1941 ;; FIXME: Improve `declare' so we can Edebug gv-expander and
1942 ;; gv-setter declarations.
1943 (&define name lambda-list [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] def-body))
1945 (def-edebug-spec arglist lambda-list) ;; deprecated - use lambda-list.
1947 (def-edebug-spec lambda-list
1948 (([&rest arg]
1949 [&optional ["&optional" arg &rest arg]]
1950 &optional ["&rest" arg]
1953 (def-edebug-spec interactive
1954 (&optional &or stringp def-form))
1956 ;; A function-form is for an argument that may be a function or a form.
1957 ;; This specially recognizes anonymous functions quoted with quote.
1958 (def-edebug-spec function-form
1959 ;; form at the end could also handle "function",
1960 ;; but recognize it specially to avoid wrapping function forms.
1961 (&or ([&or "quote" "function"] &or symbolp lambda-expr) form))
1963 ;; function expects a symbol or a lambda or macro expression
1964 ;; A macro is allowed by Emacs.
1965 (def-edebug-spec function (&or symbolp lambda-expr))
1967 ;; A macro expression is a lambda expression with "macro" prepended.
1968 (def-edebug-spec macro (&define "lambda" lambda-list def-body))
1970 ;; (def-edebug-spec anonymous-form ((&or ["lambda" lambda] ["macro" macro])))
1972 ;; Standard functions that take function-forms arguments.
1974 ;; FIXME? The manual uses this form (maybe that's just for illustration?):
1975 ;; (def-edebug-spec let
1976 ;; ((&rest &or symbolp (gate symbolp &optional form))
1977 ;; body))
1978 (def-edebug-spec let
1979 ((&rest &or (symbolp &optional form) symbolp)
1980 body))
1982 (def-edebug-spec let* let)
1984 (def-edebug-spec setq (&rest symbolp form))
1985 (def-edebug-spec setq-default setq)
1987 (def-edebug-spec cond (&rest (&rest form)))
1989 (def-edebug-spec condition-case
1990 (symbolp
1991 form
1992 &rest ([&or symbolp (&rest symbolp)] body)))
1995 (def-edebug-spec \` (backquote-form))
1997 ;; Supports quotes inside backquotes,
1998 ;; but only at the top level inside unquotes.
1999 (def-edebug-spec backquote-form
2000 (&or
2001 ([&or "," ",@"] &or ("quote" backquote-form) form)
2002 ;; The simple version:
2003 ;; (backquote-form &rest backquote-form)
2004 ;; doesn't handle (a . ,b). The straightforward fix:
2005 ;; (backquote-form . [&or nil backquote-form])
2006 ;; uses up too much stack space.
2007 ;; Note that `(foo . ,@bar) is not valid, so we don't need to handle it.
2008 (backquote-form [&rest [&not ","] backquote-form]
2009 . [&or nil backquote-form])
2010 ;; If you use dotted forms in backquotes, replace the previous line
2011 ;; with the following. This takes quite a bit more stack space, however.
2012 ;; (backquote-form . [&or nil backquote-form])
2013 (vector &rest backquote-form)
2014 sexp))
2016 ;; Special version of backquote that instruments backquoted forms
2017 ;; destined to be evaluated, usually as the result of a
2018 ;; macroexpansion. Backquoted code can only have unquotes (, and ,@)
2019 ;; in places where list forms are allowed, and predicates. If the
2020 ;; backquote is used in a macro, unquoted code that come from
2021 ;; arguments must be instrumented, if at all, with def-form not def-body.
2023 ;; We could assume that all forms (not nested in other forms)
2024 ;; in arguments of macros should be def-forms, whether or not the macros
2025 ;; are defined with edebug-` but this would be expensive.
2027 ;; ,@ might have some problems.
2029 (defalias 'edebug-\` '\`) ;; same macro as regular backquote.
2030 (def-edebug-spec edebug-\` (def-form))
2032 ;; Assume immediate quote in unquotes mean backquote at next higher level.
2033 (def-edebug-spec \, (&or ("quote" edebug-\`) def-form))
2034 (def-edebug-spec \,@ (&define ;; so (,@ form) is never wrapped.
2035 &or ("quote" edebug-\`) def-form))
2037 ;; New byte compiler.
2039 (def-edebug-spec save-selected-window t)
2040 (def-edebug-spec save-current-buffer t)
2042 ;; Anything else?
2044 ;;; The debugger itself
2046 (defvar edebug-active nil) ;; Non-nil when edebug is active
2048 (defvar edebug-stack nil)
2049 ;; Stack of active functions evaluated via edebug.
2050 ;; Should be nil at the top level.
2052 (defvar edebug-stack-depth -1)
2053 ;; Index of last edebug-stack item.
2055 (defvar edebug-offset-indices nil)
2056 ;; Stack of offset indices of visited edebug sexps.
2057 ;; Should be nil at the top level.
2058 ;; Each function adds one cons. Top is modified with setcar.
2061 (defvar edebug-entered nil
2062 ;; Non-nil if edebug has already been entered at this recursive edit level.
2063 ;; This should stay nil at the top level.
2066 ;; Should these be options?
2067 (defconst edebug-debugger 'edebug
2068 ;; Name of function to use for debugging when error or quit occurs.
2069 ;; Set this to 'debug if you want to debug edebug.
2073 ;; Dynamically bound variables, declared globally but left unbound.
2074 (defvar edebug-function) ; the function being executed. change name!!
2075 (defvar edebug-data) ; the edebug data for the function
2076 (defvar edebug-def-mark) ; the mark for the definition
2077 (defvar edebug-freq-count) ; the count of expression visits.
2078 (defvar edebug-coverage) ; the coverage results of each expression of function.
2080 (defvar edebug-buffer) ; which buffer the function is in.
2082 (defvar edebug-execution-mode 'step) ; Current edebug mode set by user.
2083 (defvar edebug-next-execution-mode nil) ; Use once instead of initial mode.
2085 (defvar edebug-outside-debug-on-error) ; the value of debug-on-error outside
2086 (defvar edebug-outside-debug-on-quit) ; the value of debug-on-quit outside
2088 ;;; Handling signals
2090 (defun edebug-signal (signal-name signal-data)
2091 "Signal an error. Args are SIGNAL-NAME, and associated DATA.
2092 A signal name is a symbol with an `error-conditions' property
2093 that is a list of condition names.
2094 A handler for any of those names will get to handle this signal.
2095 The symbol `error' should always be one of them.
2097 DATA should be a list. Its elements are printed as part of the error message.
2098 If the signal is handled, DATA is made available to the handler.
2099 See `condition-case'.
2101 This is the Edebug replacement for the standard `signal'. It should
2102 only be active while Edebug is. It checks `debug-on-error' to see
2103 whether it should call the debugger. When execution is resumed, the
2104 error is signaled again."
2105 (if (and (listp debug-on-error) (memq signal-name debug-on-error))
2106 (edebug 'error (cons signal-name signal-data)))
2107 ;; If we reach here without another non-local exit, then send signal again.
2108 ;; i.e. the signal is not continuable, yet.
2109 ;; Avoid infinite recursion.
2110 (let ((signal-hook-function nil))
2111 (signal signal-name signal-data)))
2113 ;;; Entering Edebug
2115 (defun edebug-enter (function args body)
2116 ;; Entering FUNC. The arguments are ARGS, and the body is BODY.
2117 ;; Setup edebug variables and evaluate BODY. This function is called
2118 ;; when a function evaluated with edebug-eval-top-level-form is entered.
2119 ;; Return the result of BODY.
2121 ;; Is this the first time we are entering edebug since
2122 ;; lower-level recursive-edit command?
2123 ;; More precisely, this tests whether Edebug is currently active.
2124 (let ((edebug-function function))
2125 (if (not edebug-entered)
2126 (let ((edebug-entered t)
2127 ;; Binding max-lisp-eval-depth here is OK,
2128 ;; but not inside an unwind-protect.
2129 ;; Doing it here also keeps it from growing too large.
2130 (max-lisp-eval-depth (+ 100 max-lisp-eval-depth)) ; too much??
2131 (max-specpdl-size (+ 200 max-specpdl-size))
2133 (debugger edebug-debugger) ; only while edebug is active.
2134 (edebug-outside-debug-on-error debug-on-error)
2135 (edebug-outside-debug-on-quit debug-on-quit)
2136 ;; Binding these may not be the right thing to do.
2137 ;; We want to allow the global values to be changed.
2138 (debug-on-error (or debug-on-error edebug-on-error))
2139 (debug-on-quit edebug-on-quit))
2140 (unwind-protect
2141 (let ((signal-hook-function 'edebug-signal))
2142 (setq edebug-execution-mode (or edebug-next-execution-mode
2143 edebug-initial-mode
2144 edebug-execution-mode)
2145 edebug-next-execution-mode nil)
2146 (edebug-enter function args body))))
2148 (let* ((edebug-data (get function 'edebug))
2149 (edebug-def-mark (car edebug-data)) ; mark at def start
2150 (edebug-freq-count (get function 'edebug-freq-count))
2151 (edebug-coverage (get function 'edebug-coverage))
2152 (edebug-buffer (marker-buffer edebug-def-mark))
2154 (edebug-stack (cons function edebug-stack))
2155 (edebug-offset-indices (cons 0 edebug-offset-indices))
2157 (if (get function 'edebug-on-entry)
2158 (progn
2159 (setq edebug-execution-mode 'step)
2160 (if (eq (get function 'edebug-on-entry) 'temp)
2161 (put function 'edebug-on-entry nil))))
2162 (if edebug-trace
2163 (edebug--enter-trace function args body)
2164 (funcall body))
2165 ))))
2167 (defun edebug-var-status (var)
2168 "Return a cons cell describing the status of VAR's current binding.
2169 The purpose of this function is so you can properly undo
2170 subsequent changes to the same binding, by passing the status
2171 cons cell to `edebug-restore-status'. The status cons cell
2172 has the form (LOCUS . VALUE), where LOCUS can be a buffer
2173 \(for a buffer-local binding), a frame (for a frame-local binding),
2174 or nil (if the default binding is current)."
2175 (cons (variable-binding-locus var)
2176 (symbol-value var)))
2178 (defun edebug-restore-status (var status)
2179 "Reset VAR based on STATUS.
2180 STATUS should be a list returned by `edebug-var-status'."
2181 (let ((locus (car status))
2182 (value (cdr status)))
2183 (cond ((bufferp locus)
2184 (if (buffer-live-p locus)
2185 (with-current-buffer locus
2186 (set var value))))
2187 ((framep locus)
2188 (modify-frame-parameters locus (list (cons var value))))
2190 (set var value)))))
2192 (defun edebug--enter-trace (function args body)
2193 (let ((edebug-stack-depth (1+ edebug-stack-depth))
2194 edebug-result)
2195 (edebug-print-trace-before
2196 (format "%s args: %s" function args))
2197 (prog1 (setq edebug-result (funcall body))
2198 (edebug-print-trace-after
2199 (format "%s result: %s" function edebug-result)))))
2201 (def-edebug-spec edebug-tracing (form body))
2203 (defmacro edebug-tracing (msg &rest body)
2204 "Print MSG in *edebug-trace* before and after evaluating BODY.
2205 The result of BODY is also printed."
2206 `(let ((edebug-stack-depth (1+ edebug-stack-depth))
2207 edebug-result)
2208 (edebug-print-trace-before ,msg)
2209 (prog1 (setq edebug-result (progn ,@body))
2210 (edebug-print-trace-after
2211 (format "%s result: %s" ,msg edebug-result)))))
2213 (defun edebug-print-trace-before (msg)
2214 "Function called to print trace info before expression evaluation.
2215 MSG is printed after `::::{ '."
2216 (edebug-trace-display
2217 edebug-trace-buffer "%s{ %s" (make-string edebug-stack-depth ?\:) msg))
2219 (defun edebug-print-trace-after (msg)
2220 "Function called to print trace info after expression evaluation.
2221 MSG is printed after `::::} '."
2222 (edebug-trace-display
2223 edebug-trace-buffer "%s} %s" (make-string edebug-stack-depth ?\:) msg))
2227 (defun edebug-slow-before (before-index)
2228 (unless edebug-active
2229 ;; Debug current function given BEFORE position.
2230 ;; Called from functions compiled with edebug-eval-top-level-form.
2231 ;; Return the before index.
2232 (setcar edebug-offset-indices before-index)
2234 ;; Increment frequency count
2235 (aset edebug-freq-count before-index
2236 (1+ (aref edebug-freq-count before-index)))
2238 (if (or (not (memq edebug-execution-mode '(Go-nonstop next)))
2239 (input-pending-p))
2240 (edebug-debugger before-index 'before nil)))
2241 before-index)
2243 (defun edebug-fast-before (_before-index)
2244 ;; Do nothing.
2247 (defun edebug-slow-after (_before-index after-index value)
2248 (if edebug-active
2249 value
2250 ;; Debug current function given AFTER position and VALUE.
2251 ;; Called from functions compiled with edebug-eval-top-level-form.
2252 ;; Return VALUE.
2253 (setcar edebug-offset-indices after-index)
2255 ;; Increment frequency count
2256 (aset edebug-freq-count after-index
2257 (1+ (aref edebug-freq-count after-index)))
2258 (if edebug-test-coverage (edebug--update-coverage after-index value))
2260 (if (and (eq edebug-execution-mode 'Go-nonstop)
2261 (not (input-pending-p)))
2262 ;; Just return result.
2263 value
2264 (edebug-debugger after-index 'after value)
2267 (defun edebug-fast-after (_before-index _after-index value)
2268 ;; Do nothing but return the value.
2269 value)
2271 (defun edebug-run-slow ()
2272 (defalias 'edebug-before 'edebug-slow-before)
2273 (defalias 'edebug-after 'edebug-slow-after))
2275 ;; This is not used, yet.
2276 (defun edebug-run-fast ()
2277 (defalias 'edebug-before 'edebug-fast-before)
2278 (defalias 'edebug-after 'edebug-fast-after))
2280 (edebug-run-slow)
2283 (defun edebug--update-coverage (after-index value)
2284 (let ((old-result (aref edebug-coverage after-index)))
2285 (cond
2286 ((eq 'ok-coverage old-result))
2287 ((eq 'unknown old-result)
2288 (aset edebug-coverage after-index value))
2289 ;; Test if a different result.
2290 ((not (eq value old-result))
2291 (aset edebug-coverage after-index 'ok-coverage)))))
2294 ;; Dynamically declared unbound variables.
2295 (defvar edebug-breakpoints)
2296 (defvar edebug-break-data) ; break data for current function.
2297 (defvar edebug-break) ; whether a break occurred.
2298 (defvar edebug-global-break) ; whether a global break occurred.
2299 (defvar edebug-break-condition) ; whether the breakpoint is conditional.
2301 (defvar edebug-break-result nil)
2302 (defvar edebug-global-break-result nil)
2305 (defun edebug-debugger (offset-index arg-mode value)
2306 (if inhibit-redisplay
2307 ;; Don't really try to enter edebug within an eval from redisplay.
2308 value
2309 ;; Check breakpoints and pending input.
2310 ;; If edebug display should be updated, call edebug--display.
2311 ;; Return value.
2312 (let* ( ;; This needs to be here since breakpoints may be changed.
2313 (edebug-breakpoints (car (cdr edebug-data))) ; list of breakpoints
2314 (edebug-break-data (assq offset-index edebug-breakpoints))
2315 (edebug-break-condition (car (cdr edebug-break-data)))
2316 (edebug-global-break
2317 (if edebug-global-break-condition
2318 (condition-case nil
2319 (setq edebug-global-break-result
2320 (edebug-eval edebug-global-break-condition))
2321 (error nil))))
2322 (edebug-break))
2324 ;;(edebug-trace "exp: %s" value)
2325 ;; Test whether we should break.
2326 (setq edebug-break
2327 (or edebug-global-break
2328 (and edebug-break-data
2329 (or (not edebug-break-condition)
2330 (setq edebug-break-result
2331 (edebug-eval edebug-break-condition))))))
2332 (if (and edebug-break
2333 (nth 2 edebug-break-data)) ; is it temporary?
2334 ;; Delete the breakpoint.
2335 (setcdr edebug-data
2336 (cons (delq edebug-break-data edebug-breakpoints)
2337 (cdr (cdr edebug-data)))))
2339 ;; Display if mode is not go, continue, or Continue-fast
2340 ;; or break, or input is pending,
2341 (if (or (not (memq edebug-execution-mode '(go continue Continue-fast)))
2342 edebug-break
2343 (input-pending-p))
2344 (edebug--display value offset-index arg-mode)) ; <---------- display
2346 value)))
2349 ;; window-start now stored with each function.
2350 ;;(defvar edebug-window-start nil)
2351 ;; Remember where each buffers' window starts between edebug calls.
2352 ;; This is to avoid spurious recentering.
2353 ;; Does this still need to be buffer-local??
2354 ;;(setq-default edebug-window-start nil)
2355 ;;(make-variable-buffer-local 'edebug-window-start)
2358 ;; Dynamically declared unbound vars
2359 (defvar edebug-point) ; the point in edebug buffer
2360 (defvar edebug-outside-buffer) ; the current-buffer outside of edebug
2361 (defvar edebug-outside-point) ; the point outside of edebug
2362 (defvar edebug-outside-mark) ; the mark outside of edebug
2363 (defvar edebug-window-data) ; window and window-start for current function
2364 (defvar edebug-outside-windows) ; outside window configuration
2365 (defvar edebug-eval-buffer) ; for the evaluation list.
2366 (defvar edebug-outside-d-c-i-n-s-w) ; outside default-cursor-in-non-selected-windows
2368 (defvar edebug-eval-list nil) ;; List of expressions to evaluate.
2370 (defvar edebug-previous-result nil) ;; Last result returned.
2372 ;; Emacs 19 adds an arg to mark and mark-marker.
2373 (defalias 'edebug-mark-marker 'mark-marker)
2375 (defun edebug--display (value offset-index arg-mode)
2376 (unless (marker-position edebug-def-mark)
2377 ;; The buffer holding the source has been killed.
2378 ;; Let's at least show a backtrace so the user can figure out
2379 ;; which function we're talking about.
2380 (debug))
2381 ;; Setup windows for edebug, determine mode, maybe enter recursive-edit.
2382 ;; Uses local variables of edebug-enter, edebug-before, edebug-after
2383 ;; and edebug-debugger.
2384 (let ((edebug-active t) ; For minor mode alist.
2385 (edebug-with-timeout-suspend (with-timeout-suspend))
2386 edebug-stop ; Should we enter recursive-edit?
2387 (edebug-point (+ edebug-def-mark
2388 (aref (nth 2 edebug-data) offset-index)))
2389 edebug-buffer-outside-point ; current point in edebug-buffer
2390 ;; window displaying edebug-buffer
2391 (edebug-window-data (nth 3 edebug-data))
2392 (edebug-outside-window (selected-window))
2393 (edebug-outside-buffer (current-buffer))
2394 (edebug-outside-point (point))
2395 (edebug-outside-mark (edebug-mark))
2396 edebug-outside-windows ; Window or screen configuration.
2397 edebug-buffer-points
2399 edebug-eval-buffer ; Declared here so we can kill it below.
2400 (eval-result-list (and edebug-eval-list
2401 (edebug-eval-result-list)))
2402 edebug-trace-window
2403 edebug-trace-window-start
2405 (edebug-outside-d-c-i-n-s-w
2406 (default-value 'cursor-in-non-selected-windows)))
2407 (unwind-protect
2408 (let ((overlay-arrow-position overlay-arrow-position)
2409 (overlay-arrow-string overlay-arrow-string)
2410 (cursor-in-echo-area nil)
2411 (unread-command-events nil)
2412 ;; any others??
2414 (setq-default cursor-in-non-selected-windows t)
2415 (if (not (buffer-name edebug-buffer))
2416 (user-error "Buffer defining %s not found" edebug-function))
2418 (if (eq 'after arg-mode)
2419 ;; Compute result string now before windows are modified.
2420 (edebug-compute-previous-result value))
2422 (if edebug-save-windows
2423 ;; Save windows now before we modify them.
2424 (setq edebug-outside-windows
2425 (edebug-current-windows edebug-save-windows)))
2427 (if edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points
2428 (setq edebug-buffer-points (edebug-get-displayed-buffer-points)))
2430 ;; First move the edebug buffer point to edebug-point
2431 ;; so that window start doesn't get changed when we display it.
2432 ;; I don't know if this is going to help.
2433 ;;(set-buffer edebug-buffer)
2434 ;;(goto-char edebug-point)
2436 ;; If edebug-buffer is not currently displayed,
2437 ;; first find a window for it.
2438 (edebug-pop-to-buffer edebug-buffer (car edebug-window-data))
2439 (setcar edebug-window-data (selected-window))
2441 ;; Now display eval list, if any.
2442 ;; This is done after the pop to edebug-buffer
2443 ;; so that buffer-window correspondence is correct after quitting.
2444 (edebug-eval-display eval-result-list)
2445 ;; The evaluation list better not have deleted edebug-window-data.
2446 (select-window (car edebug-window-data))
2447 (set-buffer edebug-buffer)
2449 (setq edebug-buffer-outside-point (point))
2450 (goto-char edebug-point)
2452 (if (eq 'before arg-mode)
2453 ;; Check whether positions are up-to-date.
2454 ;; This assumes point is never before symbol.
2455 (if (not (memq (following-char) '(?\( ?\# ?\` )))
2456 (user-error "Source has changed - reevaluate definition of %s"
2457 edebug-function)
2460 (setcdr edebug-window-data
2461 (edebug-adjust-window (cdr edebug-window-data)))
2463 ;; Test if there is input, not including keyboard macros.
2464 (if (input-pending-p)
2465 (progn
2466 (setq edebug-execution-mode 'step
2467 edebug-stop t)
2468 (edebug-stop)
2469 ;; (discard-input) ; is this unfriendly??
2471 ;; Now display arrow based on mode.
2472 (edebug-overlay-arrow)
2474 (cond
2475 ((eq 'error arg-mode)
2476 ;; Display error message
2477 (setq edebug-execution-mode 'step)
2478 (edebug-overlay-arrow)
2479 (beep)
2480 (if (eq 'quit (car value))
2481 (message "Quit")
2482 (edebug-report-error value)))
2483 (edebug-break
2484 (cond
2485 (edebug-global-break
2486 (message "Global Break: %s => %s"
2487 edebug-global-break-condition
2488 edebug-global-break-result))
2489 (edebug-break-condition
2490 (message "Break: %s => %s"
2491 edebug-break-condition
2492 edebug-break-result))
2493 ((not (eq edebug-execution-mode 'Continue-fast))
2494 (message "Break"))
2495 (t)))
2497 (t (message "")))
2499 (if (eq 'after arg-mode)
2500 (progn
2501 ;; Display result of previous evaluation.
2502 (if (and edebug-break
2503 (not (eq edebug-execution-mode 'Continue-fast)))
2504 (sit-for edebug-sit-for-seconds)) ; Show message.
2505 (edebug-previous-result)))
2507 (cond
2508 (edebug-break
2509 (cond
2510 ((eq edebug-execution-mode 'continue)
2511 (sit-for edebug-sit-for-seconds))
2512 ((eq edebug-execution-mode 'Continue-fast) (sit-for 0))
2513 (t (setq edebug-stop t))))
2514 ;; not edebug-break
2515 ((eq edebug-execution-mode 'trace)
2516 (sit-for edebug-sit-for-seconds)) ; Force update and pause.
2517 ((eq edebug-execution-mode 'Trace-fast)
2518 (sit-for 0))) ; Force update and continue.
2520 (unwind-protect
2521 (if (or edebug-stop
2522 (memq edebug-execution-mode '(step next))
2523 (eq arg-mode 'error))
2524 (progn
2525 ;; (setq edebug-execution-mode 'step)
2526 ;; (edebug-overlay-arrow) ; This doesn't always show up.
2527 (edebug--recursive-edit arg-mode))) ; <----- Recursive edit
2529 ;; Reset the edebug-window-data to whatever it is now.
2530 (let ((window (if (eq (window-buffer) edebug-buffer)
2531 (selected-window)
2532 (get-buffer-window edebug-buffer))))
2533 ;; Remember window-start for edebug-buffer, if still displayed.
2534 (if window
2535 (progn
2536 (setcar edebug-window-data window)
2537 (setcdr edebug-window-data (window-start window)))))
2539 ;; Save trace window point before restoring outside windows.
2540 ;; Could generalize this for other buffers.
2541 (setq edebug-trace-window (get-buffer-window edebug-trace-buffer))
2542 (if edebug-trace-window
2543 (setq edebug-trace-window-start
2544 (and edebug-trace-window
2545 (window-start edebug-trace-window))))
2547 ;; Restore windows before continuing.
2548 (if edebug-save-windows
2549 (progn
2550 (edebug-set-windows edebug-outside-windows)
2552 ;; Restore displayed buffer points.
2553 ;; Needed even if restoring windows because
2554 ;; window-points are not restored. (should they be??)
2555 (if edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points
2556 (edebug-set-buffer-points edebug-buffer-points))
2558 ;; Unrestore trace window's window-point.
2559 (if edebug-trace-window
2560 (set-window-start edebug-trace-window
2561 edebug-trace-window-start))
2563 ;; Unrestore edebug-buffer's window-start, if displayed.
2564 (let ((window (car edebug-window-data)))
2565 (if (and (edebug-window-live-p window)
2566 (eq (window-buffer) edebug-buffer))
2567 (progn
2568 (set-window-start window (cdr edebug-window-data)
2569 'no-force)
2570 ;; Unrestore edebug-buffer's window-point.
2571 ;; Needed in addition to setting the buffer point
2572 ;; - otherwise quitting doesn't leave point as is.
2573 ;; But this causes point to not be restored at times.
2574 ;; Also, it may not be a visible window.
2575 ;; (set-window-point window edebug-point)
2578 ;; Unrestore edebug-buffer's point. Rerestored below.
2579 ;; (goto-char edebug-point) ;; in edebug-buffer
2581 ;; Since we may be in a save-excursion, in case of quit,
2582 ;; reselect the outside window only.
2583 ;; Only needed if we are not recovering windows??
2584 (if (edebug-window-live-p edebug-outside-window)
2585 (select-window edebug-outside-window))
2586 ) ; if edebug-save-windows
2588 ;; Restore current buffer always, in case application needs it.
2589 (if (buffer-name edebug-outside-buffer)
2590 (set-buffer edebug-outside-buffer))
2591 ;; Restore point, and mark.
2592 ;; Needed even if restoring windows because
2593 ;; that doesn't restore point and mark in the current buffer.
2594 ;; But don't restore point if edebug-buffer is current buffer.
2595 (if (not (eq edebug-buffer edebug-outside-buffer))
2596 (goto-char edebug-outside-point))
2597 (if (marker-buffer (edebug-mark-marker))
2598 ;; Does zmacs-regions need to be nil while doing set-marker?
2599 (set-marker (edebug-mark-marker) edebug-outside-mark))
2600 ) ; unwind-protect
2601 ;; None of the following is done if quit or signal occurs.
2603 ;; Restore edebug-buffer's outside point.
2604 ;; (edebug-trace "restore edebug-buffer point: %s"
2605 ;; edebug-buffer-outside-point)
2606 (with-current-buffer edebug-buffer
2607 (goto-char edebug-buffer-outside-point))
2608 ;; ... nothing more.
2610 ;; Could be an option to keep eval display up.
2611 (if edebug-eval-buffer (kill-buffer edebug-eval-buffer))
2612 (with-timeout-unsuspend edebug-with-timeout-suspend)
2613 ;; Reset global variables to outside values in case they were changed.
2614 (setq-default cursor-in-non-selected-windows edebug-outside-d-c-i-n-s-w)
2618 (defvar edebug-number-of-recursions 0)
2619 ;; Number of recursive edits started by edebug.
2620 ;; Should be 0 at the top level.
2622 (defvar edebug-recursion-depth 0)
2623 ;; Value of recursion-depth when edebug was called.
2625 ;; Dynamically declared unbound vars
2626 (defvar edebug-outside-match-data) ; match data outside of edebug
2627 (defvar edebug-backtrace-buffer) ; each recursive edit gets its own
2628 (defvar edebug-inside-windows)
2629 (defvar edebug-interactive-p)
2631 (defun edebug--recursive-edit (arg-mode)
2632 ;; Start up a recursive edit inside of edebug.
2633 ;; The current buffer is the edebug-buffer, which is put into edebug-mode.
2634 ;; Assume that none of the variables below are buffer-local.
2635 (let (;; match-data must be done in the outside buffer
2636 (edebug-outside-match-data
2637 (with-current-buffer edebug-outside-buffer ; in case match buffer different
2638 (match-data)))
2640 ;;(edebug-number-of-recursions (1+ edebug-number-of-recursions))
2641 (edebug-recursion-depth (recursion-depth))
2642 edebug-entered ; bind locally to nil
2643 (edebug-interactive-p nil) ; again non-interactive
2644 edebug-backtrace-buffer ; each recursive edit gets its own
2645 ;; The window configuration may be saved and restored
2646 ;; during a recursive-edit
2647 edebug-inside-windows
2650 (unwind-protect
2651 (let (
2652 ;; Declare global values local but using the same global value.
2653 ;; We could set these to the values for previous edebug call.
2654 (last-command last-command)
2655 (this-command this-command)
2656 (current-prefix-arg nil)
2658 ;; More for Emacs 19
2659 (last-input-event nil)
2660 (last-command-event nil)
2661 (last-event-frame nil)
2662 (last-nonmenu-event nil)
2663 (track-mouse nil)
2665 (standard-output t)
2666 (standard-input t)
2668 ;; Don't keep reading from an executing kbd macro
2669 ;; within edebug unless edebug-continue-kbd-macro is
2670 ;; non-nil. Again, local binding may not be best.
2671 (executing-kbd-macro
2672 (if edebug-continue-kbd-macro executing-kbd-macro))
2674 ;; Don't get confused by the user's keymap changes.
2675 (overriding-local-map nil)
2676 (overriding-terminal-local-map nil)
2678 ;; Bind again to outside values.
2679 (debug-on-error edebug-outside-debug-on-error)
2680 (debug-on-quit edebug-outside-debug-on-quit)
2682 ;; Don't keep defining a kbd macro.
2683 (defining-kbd-macro
2684 (if edebug-continue-kbd-macro defining-kbd-macro))
2686 ;; Disable command hooks. This is essential when
2687 ;; a hook function is instrumented - to avoid infinite loop.
2688 ;; This may be more than we need, however.
2689 (pre-command-hook nil)
2690 (post-command-hook nil)
2692 ;; others??
2695 (if (and (eq edebug-execution-mode 'go)
2696 (not (memq arg-mode '(after error))))
2697 (message "Break"))
2699 (setq signal-hook-function nil)
2701 (edebug-mode 1)
2702 (unwind-protect
2703 (recursive-edit) ; <<<<<<<<<< Recursive edit
2705 ;; Do the following, even if quit occurs.
2706 (setq signal-hook-function 'edebug-signal)
2707 (if edebug-backtrace-buffer
2708 (kill-buffer edebug-backtrace-buffer))
2710 ;; Remember selected-window after recursive-edit.
2711 ;; (setq edebug-inside-window (selected-window))
2713 (set-match-data edebug-outside-match-data)
2715 ;; Recursive edit may have changed buffers,
2716 ;; so set it back before exiting let.
2717 (if (buffer-name edebug-buffer) ; if it still exists
2718 (progn
2719 (set-buffer edebug-buffer)
2720 (if (memq edebug-execution-mode '(go Go-nonstop))
2721 (edebug-overlay-arrow))
2722 (edebug-mode -1))
2723 ;; gotta have a buffer to let its buffer local variables be set
2724 (get-buffer-create " bogus edebug buffer"))
2725 ));; inner let
2729 ;;; Display related functions
2731 (defun edebug-adjust-window (old-start)
2732 ;; If pos is not visible, adjust current window to fit following context.
2733 ;; (message "window: %s old-start: %s window-start: %s pos: %s"
2734 ;; (selected-window) old-start (window-start) (point)) (sit-for 5)
2735 (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p))
2736 (progn
2737 ;; First try old-start
2738 (if old-start
2739 (set-window-start (selected-window) old-start))
2740 (if (not (pos-visible-in-window-p))
2741 (progn
2742 ;; (message "resetting window start") (sit-for 2)
2743 (set-window-start
2744 (selected-window)
2745 (save-excursion
2746 (forward-line
2747 (if (< (point) (window-start)) -1 ; one line before if in back
2748 (- (/ (window-height) 2)) ; center the line moving forward
2750 (beginning-of-line)
2751 (point)))))))
2752 (window-start))
2756 (defconst edebug-arrow-alist
2757 '((Continue-fast . "=")
2758 (Trace-fast . "-")
2759 (continue . ">")
2760 (trace . "->")
2761 (step . "=>")
2762 (next . "=>")
2763 (go . "<>")
2764 (Go-nonstop . "..") ; not used
2766 "Association list of arrows for each edebug mode.")
2768 (defun edebug-overlay-arrow ()
2769 ;; Set up the overlay arrow at beginning-of-line in current buffer.
2770 ;; The arrow string is derived from edebug-arrow-alist and
2771 ;; edebug-execution-mode.
2772 (let ((pos (line-beginning-position)))
2773 (setq overlay-arrow-string
2774 (cdr (assq edebug-execution-mode edebug-arrow-alist)))
2775 (setq overlay-arrow-position (make-marker))
2776 (set-marker overlay-arrow-position pos (current-buffer))))
2779 (defun edebug-toggle-save-all-windows ()
2780 "Toggle the saving and restoring of all windows.
2781 Also, each time you toggle it on, the inside and outside window
2782 configurations become the same as the current configuration."
2783 (interactive)
2784 (setq edebug-save-windows (not edebug-save-windows))
2785 (if edebug-save-windows
2786 (setq edebug-inside-windows
2787 (setq edebug-outside-windows
2788 (edebug-current-windows
2789 edebug-save-windows))))
2790 (message "Window saving is %s for all windows."
2791 (if edebug-save-windows "on" "off")))
2793 (defmacro edebug-changing-windows (&rest body)
2794 `(let ((window (selected-window)))
2795 (setq edebug-inside-windows (edebug-current-windows t))
2796 (edebug-set-windows edebug-outside-windows)
2797 ,@body;; Code to change edebug-save-windows
2798 (setq edebug-outside-windows (edebug-current-windows
2799 edebug-save-windows))
2800 ;; Problem: what about outside windows that are deleted inside?
2801 (edebug-set-windows edebug-inside-windows)))
2803 (defun edebug-toggle-save-selected-window ()
2804 "Toggle the saving and restoring of the selected window.
2805 Also, each time you toggle it on, the inside and outside window
2806 configurations become the same as the current configuration."
2807 (interactive)
2808 (cond
2809 ((eq t edebug-save-windows)
2810 ;; Save all outside windows except the selected one.
2811 ;; Remove (selected-window) from outside-windows.
2812 (edebug-changing-windows
2813 (setq edebug-save-windows (delq window (edebug-window-list)))))
2815 ((memq (selected-window) edebug-save-windows)
2816 (setq edebug-outside-windows
2817 (delq (assq (selected-window) edebug-outside-windows)
2818 edebug-outside-windows))
2819 (setq edebug-save-windows
2820 (delq (selected-window) edebug-save-windows)))
2821 (t ; Save a new window.
2822 (edebug-changing-windows
2823 (setq edebug-save-windows (cons window edebug-save-windows)))))
2825 (message "Window saving is %s for %s."
2826 (if (memq (selected-window) edebug-save-windows)
2827 "on" "off")
2828 (selected-window)))
2830 (defun edebug-toggle-save-windows (arg)
2831 "Toggle the saving and restoring of windows.
2832 With prefix, toggle for just the selected window.
2833 Otherwise, toggle for all windows."
2834 (interactive "P")
2835 (if arg
2836 (edebug-toggle-save-selected-window)
2837 (edebug-toggle-save-all-windows)))
2839 (defun edebug-where ()
2840 "Show the debug windows and where we stopped in the program."
2841 (interactive)
2842 (if (not edebug-active)
2843 (error "Edebug is not active"))
2844 ;; Restore the window configuration to what it last was inside.
2845 ;; But it is not always set. - experiment
2846 ;;(if edebug-inside-windows
2847 ;; (edebug-set-windows edebug-inside-windows))
2848 (edebug-pop-to-buffer edebug-buffer)
2849 (goto-char edebug-point))
2851 (defun edebug-view-outside ()
2852 "Change to the outside window configuration.
2853 Use `edebug-where' to return."
2854 (interactive)
2855 (if (not edebug-active)
2856 (error "Edebug is not active"))
2857 (setq edebug-inside-windows
2858 (edebug-current-windows edebug-save-windows))
2859 (edebug-set-windows edebug-outside-windows)
2860 (goto-char edebug-outside-point)
2861 (message "Window configuration outside of Edebug. Return with %s"
2862 (substitute-command-keys "\\<global-map>\\[edebug-where]")))
2865 (defun edebug-bounce-point (arg)
2866 "Bounce the point in the outside current buffer.
2867 If prefix argument ARG is supplied, sit for that many seconds
2868 before returning. The default is one second."
2869 (interactive "p")
2870 (if (not edebug-active)
2871 (error "Edebug is not active"))
2872 (save-excursion
2873 ;; If the buffer's currently displayed, avoid set-window-configuration.
2874 (save-window-excursion
2875 (edebug-pop-to-buffer edebug-outside-buffer)
2876 (goto-char edebug-outside-point)
2877 (message "Current buffer: %s Point: %s Mark: %s"
2878 (current-buffer) (point)
2879 (if (marker-buffer (edebug-mark-marker))
2880 (marker-position (edebug-mark-marker)) "<not set>"))
2881 (sit-for arg)
2882 (edebug-pop-to-buffer edebug-buffer (car edebug-window-data)))))
2885 ;; Joe Wells, here is a start at your idea of adding a buffer to the internal
2886 ;; display list. Still need to use this list in edebug--display.
2888 '(defvar edebug-display-buffer-list nil
2889 "List of buffers that edebug will display when it is active.")
2891 '(defun edebug-display-buffer (buffer)
2892 "Toggle display of a buffer inside of edebug."
2893 (interactive "bBuffer: ")
2894 (let ((already-displaying (memq buffer edebug-display-buffer-list)))
2895 (setq edebug-display-buffer-list
2896 (if already-displaying
2897 (delq buffer edebug-display-buffer-list)
2898 (cons buffer edebug-display-buffer-list)))
2899 (message "Displaying %s %s" buffer
2900 (if already-displaying "off" "on"))))
2902 ;;; Breakpoint related functions
2904 (defun edebug-find-stop-point ()
2905 ;; Return (function . index) of the nearest edebug stop point.
2906 (let* ((edebug-def-name (edebug-form-data-symbol))
2907 (edebug-data
2908 (let ((data (get edebug-def-name 'edebug)))
2909 (if (or (null data) (markerp data))
2910 (error "%s is not instrumented for Edebug" edebug-def-name))
2911 data)) ; we could do it automatically, if data is a marker.
2912 ;; pull out parts of edebug-data.
2913 (edebug-def-mark (car edebug-data))
2914 ;; (edebug-breakpoints (car (cdr edebug-data)))
2916 (offset-vector (nth 2 edebug-data))
2917 (offset (- (save-excursion
2918 (if (looking-at "[ \t]")
2919 ;; skip backwards until non-whitespace, or bol
2920 (skip-chars-backward " \t"))
2921 (point))
2922 edebug-def-mark))
2923 len i)
2924 ;; the offsets are in order so we can do a linear search
2925 (setq len (length offset-vector))
2926 (setq i 0)
2927 (while (and (< i len) (> offset (aref offset-vector i)))
2928 (setq i (1+ i)))
2929 (if (and (< i len)
2930 (<= offset (aref offset-vector i)))
2931 ;; return the relevant info
2932 (cons edebug-def-name i)
2933 (message "Point is not on an expression in %s."
2934 edebug-def-name)
2938 (defun edebug-next-breakpoint ()
2939 "Move point to the next breakpoint, or first if none past point."
2940 (interactive)
2941 (let ((edebug-stop-point (edebug-find-stop-point)))
2942 (if edebug-stop-point
2943 (let* ((edebug-def-name (car edebug-stop-point))
2944 (index (cdr edebug-stop-point))
2945 (edebug-data (get edebug-def-name 'edebug))
2947 ;; pull out parts of edebug-data
2948 (edebug-def-mark (car edebug-data))
2949 (edebug-breakpoints (car (cdr edebug-data)))
2950 (offset-vector (nth 2 edebug-data))
2951 breakpoint)
2952 (if (not edebug-breakpoints)
2953 (message "No breakpoints in this function.")
2954 (let ((breaks edebug-breakpoints))
2955 (while (and breaks
2956 (<= (car (car breaks)) index))
2957 (setq breaks (cdr breaks)))
2958 (setq breakpoint
2959 (if breaks
2960 (car breaks)
2961 ;; goto the first breakpoint
2962 (car edebug-breakpoints)))
2963 (goto-char (+ edebug-def-mark
2964 (aref offset-vector (car breakpoint))))
2966 (message "%s"
2967 (concat (if (nth 2 breakpoint)
2968 "Temporary " "")
2969 (if (car (cdr breakpoint))
2970 (format "Condition: %s"
2971 (edebug-safe-prin1-to-string
2972 (car (cdr breakpoint))))
2973 "")))
2974 ))))))
2977 (defun edebug-modify-breakpoint (flag &optional condition temporary)
2978 "Modify the breakpoint for the form at point or after it.
2979 Set it if FLAG is non-nil, clear it otherwise. Then move to that point.
2980 If CONDITION or TEMPORARY are non-nil, add those attributes to
2981 the breakpoint."
2982 (let ((edebug-stop-point (edebug-find-stop-point)))
2983 (if edebug-stop-point
2984 (let* ((edebug-def-name (car edebug-stop-point))
2985 (index (cdr edebug-stop-point))
2986 (edebug-data (get edebug-def-name 'edebug))
2988 ;; pull out parts of edebug-data
2989 (edebug-def-mark (car edebug-data))
2990 (edebug-breakpoints (car (cdr edebug-data)))
2991 (offset-vector (nth 2 edebug-data))
2992 present)
2993 ;; delete it either way
2994 (setq present (assq index edebug-breakpoints))
2995 (setq edebug-breakpoints (delq present edebug-breakpoints))
2996 (if flag
2997 (progn
2998 ;; add it to the list and resort
2999 (setq edebug-breakpoints
3000 (edebug-sort-alist
3001 (cons
3002 (list index condition temporary)
3003 edebug-breakpoints) '<))
3004 (if condition
3005 (message "Breakpoint set in %s with condition: %s"
3006 edebug-def-name condition)
3007 (message "Breakpoint set in %s" edebug-def-name)))
3008 (if present
3009 (message "Breakpoint unset in %s" edebug-def-name)
3010 (message "No breakpoint here")))
3012 (setcar (cdr edebug-data) edebug-breakpoints)
3013 (goto-char (+ edebug-def-mark (aref offset-vector index)))
3014 ))))
3016 (defun edebug-set-breakpoint (arg)
3017 "Set the breakpoint of nearest sexp.
3018 With prefix argument, make it a temporary breakpoint."
3019 (interactive "P")
3020 (edebug-modify-breakpoint t nil arg))
3022 (defun edebug-unset-breakpoint ()
3023 "Clear the breakpoint of nearest sexp."
3024 (interactive)
3025 (edebug-modify-breakpoint nil))
3028 (defun edebug-set-global-break-condition (expression)
3029 "Set `edebug-global-break-condition' to EXPRESSION."
3030 (interactive
3031 (list
3032 (let ((initial (and edebug-global-break-condition
3033 (format "%s" edebug-global-break-condition))))
3034 (read-from-minibuffer
3035 "Global Condition: " initial read-expression-map t
3036 (if (equal (car read-expression-history) initial)
3037 '(read-expression-history . 1)
3038 'read-expression-history)))))
3039 (setq edebug-global-break-condition expression))
3042 ;;; Mode switching functions
3044 (defun edebug-set-mode (mode shortmsg msg)
3045 ;; Set the edebug mode to MODE.
3046 ;; Display SHORTMSG, or MSG if not within edebug.
3047 (if (eq (1+ edebug-recursion-depth) (recursion-depth))
3048 (progn
3049 (setq edebug-execution-mode mode)
3050 (message "%s" shortmsg)
3051 ;; Continue execution
3052 (exit-recursive-edit))
3053 ;; This is not terribly useful!!
3054 (setq edebug-next-execution-mode mode)
3055 (message "%s" msg)))
3058 (defalias 'edebug-step-through-mode 'edebug-step-mode)
3060 (defun edebug-step-mode ()
3061 "Proceed to next stop point."
3062 (interactive)
3063 (edebug-set-mode 'step "" "Edebug will stop at next stop point."))
3065 (defun edebug-next-mode ()
3066 "Proceed to next `after' stop point."
3067 (interactive)
3068 (edebug-set-mode 'next "" "Edebug will stop after next eval."))
3070 (defun edebug-go-mode (arg)
3071 "Go, evaluating until break.
3072 With prefix ARG, set temporary break at current point and go."
3073 (interactive "P")
3074 (if arg
3075 (edebug-set-breakpoint t))
3076 (edebug-set-mode 'go "Go..." "Edebug will go until break."))
3078 (defun edebug-Go-nonstop-mode ()
3079 "Go, evaluating without debugging.
3080 You can use `edebug-stop', or any editing command, to stop."
3081 (interactive)
3082 (edebug-set-mode 'Go-nonstop "Go-Nonstop..."
3083 "Edebug will not stop at breaks."))
3086 (defun edebug-trace-mode ()
3087 "Begin trace mode.
3088 Pauses for `edebug-sit-for-seconds' at each stop point."
3089 (interactive)
3090 (edebug-set-mode 'trace "Tracing..." "Edebug will trace with pause."))
3092 (defun edebug-Trace-fast-mode ()
3093 "Trace with no wait at each step.
3094 Updates the display at each stop point, but does not pause."
3095 (interactive)
3096 (edebug-set-mode 'Trace-fast
3097 "Trace fast..." "Edebug will trace without pause."))
3099 (defun edebug-continue-mode ()
3100 "Begin continue mode.
3101 Pauses for `edebug-sit-for-seconds' at each break point."
3102 (interactive)
3103 (edebug-set-mode 'continue "Continue..."
3104 "Edebug will pause at breakpoints."))
3106 (defun edebug-Continue-fast-mode ()
3107 "Trace with no wait at each step.
3108 Updates the display at each break point, but does not pause."
3109 (interactive)
3110 (edebug-set-mode 'Continue-fast "Continue fast..."
3111 "Edebug will stop and go at breakpoints."))
3113 ;; ------------------------------------------------------------
3114 ;; The following use the mode changing commands and breakpoints.
3117 (defun edebug-goto-here ()
3118 "Proceed to first stop-point at or after current position of point."
3119 (interactive)
3120 (edebug-go-mode t))
3123 (defun edebug-stop ()
3124 "Stop execution and do not continue.
3125 Useful for exiting from trace or continue loop."
3126 (interactive)
3127 (message "Stop"))
3130 '(defun edebug-forward ()
3131 "Proceed to the exit of the next expression to be evaluated."
3132 (interactive)
3133 (edebug-set-mode
3134 'forward "Forward"
3135 "Edebug will stop after exiting the next expression."))
3138 (defun edebug-forward-sexp (arg)
3139 "Proceed from the current point to the end of the ARGth sexp ahead.
3140 If there are not ARG sexps ahead, then do `edebug-step-out'."
3141 (interactive "p")
3142 (condition-case nil
3143 (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments t))
3144 ;; Call forward-sexp repeatedly until done or failure.
3145 (forward-sexp arg)
3146 (edebug-go-mode t))
3147 (error
3148 (edebug-step-out)
3151 (defun edebug-step-out ()
3152 "Proceed from the current point to the end of the containing sexp.
3153 If there is no containing sexp that is not the top level defun,
3154 go to the end of the last sexp, or if that is the same point, then step."
3155 (interactive)
3156 (condition-case nil
3157 (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments t))
3158 (up-list 1)
3159 (save-excursion
3160 ;; Is there still a containing expression?
3161 (up-list 1))
3162 (edebug-go-mode t))
3163 (error
3164 ;; At top level - 1, so first check if there are more sexps at this level.
3165 (let ((start-point (point)))
3166 ;; (up-list 1)
3167 (down-list -1)
3168 (if (= (point) start-point)
3169 (edebug-step-mode) ; No more at this level, so step.
3170 (edebug-go-mode t)
3171 )))))
3173 (defun edebug-instrument-function (func)
3174 ;; Func should be a function symbol.
3175 ;; Return the function symbol, or nil if not instrumented.
3176 (let ((func-marker (get func 'edebug)))
3177 (cond
3178 ((and (markerp func-marker) (marker-buffer func-marker))
3179 ;; It is uninstrumented, so instrument it.
3180 (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer func-marker)
3181 (goto-char func-marker)
3182 (edebug-eval-top-level-form)
3183 func))
3184 ((consp func-marker)
3185 (message "%s is already instrumented." func)
3186 func)
3188 (let ((loc (find-function-noselect func t)))
3189 (unless (cdr loc)
3190 (error "Could not find the definition in its file"))
3191 (with-current-buffer (car loc)
3192 (goto-char (cdr loc))
3193 (edebug-eval-top-level-form)
3194 func))))))
3196 (defun edebug-instrument-callee ()
3197 "Instrument the definition of the function or macro about to be called.
3198 Do this when stopped before the form or it will be too late.
3199 One side effect of using this command is that the next time the
3200 function or macro is called, Edebug will be called there as well."
3201 (interactive)
3202 (if (not (looking-at "\("))
3203 (error "You must be before a list form")
3204 (let ((func
3205 (save-excursion
3206 (down-list 1)
3207 (if (looking-at "\(")
3208 (edebug--form-data-name
3209 (edebug-get-form-data-entry (point)))
3210 (edebug-original-read (current-buffer))))))
3211 (edebug-instrument-function func))))
3214 (defun edebug-step-in ()
3215 "Step into the definition of the function or macro about to be called.
3216 This first does `edebug-instrument-callee' to ensure that it is
3217 instrumented. Then it does `edebug-on-entry' and switches to `go' mode."
3218 (interactive)
3219 (let ((func (edebug-instrument-callee)))
3220 (if func
3221 (progn
3222 (edebug-on-entry func 'temp)
3223 (edebug-go-mode nil)))))
3225 (defun edebug-on-entry (function &optional flag)
3226 "Cause Edebug to stop when FUNCTION is called.
3227 With prefix argument, make this temporary so it is automatically
3228 canceled the first time the function is entered."
3229 (interactive "aEdebug on entry to: \nP")
3230 ;; Could store this in the edebug data instead.
3231 (put function 'edebug-on-entry (if flag 'temp t)))
3233 (defun cancel-edebug-on-entry (function)
3234 (interactive "aEdebug on entry to: ")
3235 (put function 'edebug-on-entry nil))
3238 (if (not (fboundp 'edebug-original-debug-on-entry))
3239 (fset 'edebug-original-debug-on-entry (symbol-function 'debug-on-entry)))
3240 '(fset 'debug-on-entry 'edebug-debug-on-entry) ;; Should we do this?
3241 ;; Also need edebug-cancel-debug-on-entry
3243 '(defun edebug-debug-on-entry (function)
3244 "Request FUNCTION to invoke debugger each time it is called.
3245 If the user continues, FUNCTION's execution proceeds.
3246 Works by modifying the definition of FUNCTION,
3247 which must be written in Lisp, not predefined.
3248 Use `cancel-debug-on-entry' to cancel the effect of this command.
3249 Redefining FUNCTION also does that.
3251 This version is from Edebug. If the function is instrumented for
3252 Edebug, it calls `edebug-on-entry'."
3253 (interactive "aDebug on entry (to function): ")
3254 (let ((func-data (get function 'edebug)))
3255 (if (or (null func-data) (markerp func-data))
3256 (edebug-original-debug-on-entry function)
3257 (edebug-on-entry function))))
3260 (defun edebug-top-level-nonstop ()
3261 "Set mode to Go-nonstop, and exit to top-level.
3262 This is useful for exiting even if `unwind-protect' code may be executed."
3263 (interactive)
3264 (setq edebug-execution-mode 'Go-nonstop)
3265 (top-level))
3268 ;;(defun edebug-exit-out ()
3269 ;; "Go until the current function exits."
3270 ;; (interactive)
3271 ;; (edebug-set-mode 'exiting "Exit..."))
3274 ;;; The following initial mode setting definitions are not used yet.
3276 '(defconst edebug-initial-mode-alist
3277 '((edebug-Continue-fast . Continue-fast)
3278 (edebug-Trace-fast . Trace-fast)
3279 (edebug-continue . continue)
3280 (edebug-trace . trace)
3281 (edebug-go . go)
3282 (edebug-step-through . step)
3283 (edebug-Go-nonstop . Go-nonstop)
3285 "Association list between commands and the modes they set.")
3288 '(defun edebug-set-initial-mode ()
3289 "Ask for the initial mode of the enclosing function.
3290 The mode is requested via the key that would be used to set the mode in
3291 edebug-mode."
3292 (interactive)
3293 (let* ((this-function (edebug-which-function))
3294 (keymap (if (eq edebug-mode-map (current-local-map))
3295 edebug-mode-map))
3296 (old-mode (or (get this-function 'edebug-initial-mode)
3297 edebug-initial-mode))
3298 (key (read-key-sequence
3299 (format
3300 "Change initial edebug mode for %s from %s (%s) to (enter key): "
3301 this-function
3302 old-mode
3303 (where-is-internal
3304 (car (rassq old-mode edebug-initial-mode-alist))
3305 keymap 'firstonly
3306 ))))
3307 (mode (cdr (assq (key-binding key) edebug-initial-mode-alist)))
3309 (if (and mode
3310 (or (get this-function 'edebug-initial-mode)
3311 (not (eq mode edebug-initial-mode))))
3312 (progn
3313 (put this-function 'edebug-initial-mode mode)
3314 (message "Initial mode for %s is now: %s"
3315 this-function mode))
3316 (error "Key must map to one of the mode changing commands")
3319 ;;; Evaluation of expressions
3321 (defmacro edebug-outside-excursion (&rest body)
3322 "Evaluate an expression list in the outside context.
3323 Return the result of the last expression."
3324 ;; Only restores the non-variables context since all the variables let-bound
3325 ;; by Edebug will be properly reset to the appropriate context's value by
3326 ;; backtrace-eval.
3327 (declare (debug t))
3328 `(save-excursion ; of current-buffer
3329 (if edebug-save-windows
3330 (progn
3331 ;; After excursion, we will
3332 ;; restore to current window configuration.
3333 (setq edebug-inside-windows
3334 (edebug-current-windows edebug-save-windows))
3335 ;; Restore outside windows.
3336 (edebug-set-windows edebug-outside-windows)))
3338 (set-buffer edebug-buffer) ; why?
3339 (set-match-data edebug-outside-match-data)
3340 ;; Restore outside context.
3341 (setq-default cursor-in-non-selected-windows edebug-outside-d-c-i-n-s-w)
3342 (unwind-protect
3343 (with-current-buffer edebug-outside-buffer ; of edebug-buffer
3344 (goto-char edebug-outside-point)
3345 (if (marker-buffer (edebug-mark-marker))
3346 (set-marker (edebug-mark-marker) edebug-outside-mark))
3347 ,@body)
3349 ;; Back to edebug-buffer. Restore rest of inside context.
3350 ;; (use-local-map edebug-inside-map)
3351 (if edebug-save-windows
3352 ;; Restore inside windows.
3353 (edebug-set-windows edebug-inside-windows))
3355 ;; Save values that may have been changed.
3356 (setq edebug-outside-d-c-i-n-s-w
3357 (default-value 'cursor-in-non-selected-windows))
3359 ;; Restore the outside saved values; don't alter
3360 ;; the outside binding loci.
3361 (setq-default cursor-in-non-selected-windows t))))
3363 (defun edebug-eval (expr)
3364 (backtrace-eval expr 0 'edebug-after))
3366 (defun edebug-safe-eval (expr)
3367 ;; Evaluate EXPR safely.
3368 ;; If there is an error, a string is returned describing the error.
3369 (condition-case edebug-err
3370 (edebug-eval expr)
3371 (error (edebug-format "%s: %s" ;; could
3372 (get (car edebug-err) 'error-message)
3373 (car (cdr edebug-err))))))
3375 ;;; Printing
3378 (defun edebug-report-error (value)
3379 ;; Print an error message like command level does.
3380 ;; This also prints the error name if it has no error-message.
3381 (message "%s: %s"
3382 (or (get (car value) 'error-message)
3383 (format "peculiar error (%s)" (car value)))
3384 (mapconcat (function (lambda (edebug-arg)
3385 ;; continuing after an error may
3386 ;; complain about edebug-arg. why??
3387 (prin1-to-string edebug-arg)))
3388 (cdr value) ", ")))
3390 (defvar print-readably) ; defined by lemacs
3391 ;; Alternatively, we could change the definition of
3392 ;; edebug-safe-prin1-to-string to only use these if defined.
3394 (defun edebug-safe-prin1-to-string (value)
3395 (let ((print-escape-newlines t)
3396 (print-length (or edebug-print-length print-length))
3397 (print-level (or edebug-print-level print-level))
3398 (print-circle (or edebug-print-circle print-circle))
3399 (print-readably nil)) ; lemacs uses this.
3400 (condition-case nil
3401 (edebug-prin1-to-string value)
3402 (error "#Apparently circular structure#"))))
3404 (defun edebug-compute-previous-result (previous-value)
3405 (if edebug-unwrap-results
3406 (setq previous-value
3407 (edebug-unwrap* previous-value)))
3408 (setq edebug-previous-result
3409 (concat "Result: "
3410 (edebug-safe-prin1-to-string previous-value)
3411 (eval-expression-print-format previous-value))))
3413 (defun edebug-previous-result ()
3414 "Print the previous result."
3415 (interactive)
3416 (message "%s" edebug-previous-result))
3418 ;;; Read, Eval and Print
3420 (defalias 'edebug-prin1 'prin1)
3421 (defalias 'edebug-print 'print)
3422 (defalias 'edebug-prin1-to-string 'prin1-to-string)
3423 (defalias 'edebug-format 'format)
3424 (defalias 'edebug-message 'message)
3426 (defun edebug-eval-expression (expr)
3427 "Evaluate an expression in the outside environment.
3428 If interactive, prompt for the expression.
3429 Print result in minibuffer."
3430 (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer
3431 "Eval: " nil read-expression-map t
3432 'read-expression-history)))
3433 (princ
3434 (edebug-outside-excursion
3435 (setq values (cons (edebug-eval expr) values))
3436 (concat (edebug-safe-prin1-to-string (car values))
3437 (eval-expression-print-format (car values))))))
3439 (defun edebug-eval-last-sexp ()
3440 "Evaluate sexp before point in the outside environment.
3441 Print value in minibuffer."
3442 (interactive)
3443 (edebug-eval-expression (edebug-last-sexp)))
3445 (defun edebug-eval-print-last-sexp ()
3446 "Evaluate sexp before point in outside environment; insert value.
3447 This prints the value into current buffer."
3448 (interactive)
3449 (let* ((form (edebug-last-sexp))
3450 (result-string
3451 (edebug-outside-excursion
3452 (edebug-safe-prin1-to-string (edebug-safe-eval form))))
3453 (standard-output (current-buffer)))
3454 (princ "\n")
3455 ;; princ the string to get rid of quotes.
3456 (princ result-string)
3457 (princ "\n")
3460 ;;; Edebug Minor Mode
3462 (defvar edebug-inhibit-emacs-lisp-mode-bindings nil
3463 "If non-nil, inhibit Edebug bindings on the C-x C-a key.
3464 By default, loading the `edebug' library causes these bindings to
3465 be installed in `emacs-lisp-mode-map'.")
3467 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'gud-inhibit-global-bindings
3468 'edebug-inhibit-emacs-lisp-mode-bindings "24.3")
3470 ;; Global GUD bindings for all emacs-lisp-mode buffers.
3471 (unless edebug-inhibit-emacs-lisp-mode-bindings
3472 (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\C-x\C-a\C-s" 'edebug-step-mode)
3473 (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\C-x\C-a\C-n" 'edebug-next-mode)
3474 (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\C-x\C-a\C-c" 'edebug-go-mode)
3475 (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\C-x\C-a\C-l" 'edebug-where))
3477 (defvar edebug-mode-map
3478 (let ((map (copy-keymap emacs-lisp-mode-map)))
3479 ;; control
3480 (define-key map " " 'edebug-step-mode)
3481 (define-key map "n" 'edebug-next-mode)
3482 (define-key map "g" 'edebug-go-mode)
3483 (define-key map "G" 'edebug-Go-nonstop-mode)
3484 (define-key map "t" 'edebug-trace-mode)
3485 (define-key map "T" 'edebug-Trace-fast-mode)
3486 (define-key map "c" 'edebug-continue-mode)
3487 (define-key map "C" 'edebug-Continue-fast-mode)
3489 ;;(define-key map "f" 'edebug-forward) not implemented
3490 (define-key map "f" 'edebug-forward-sexp)
3491 (define-key map "h" 'edebug-goto-here)
3493 (define-key map "I" 'edebug-instrument-callee)
3494 (define-key map "i" 'edebug-step-in)
3495 (define-key map "o" 'edebug-step-out)
3497 ;; quitting and stopping
3498 (define-key map "q" 'top-level)
3499 (define-key map "Q" 'edebug-top-level-nonstop)
3500 (define-key map "a" 'abort-recursive-edit)
3501 (define-key map "S" 'edebug-stop)
3503 ;; breakpoints
3504 (define-key map "b" 'edebug-set-breakpoint)
3505 (define-key map "u" 'edebug-unset-breakpoint)
3506 (define-key map "B" 'edebug-next-breakpoint)
3507 (define-key map "x" 'edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint)
3508 (define-key map "X" 'edebug-set-global-break-condition)
3510 ;; evaluation
3511 (define-key map "r" 'edebug-previous-result)
3512 (define-key map "e" 'edebug-eval-expression)
3513 (define-key map "\C-x\C-e" 'edebug-eval-last-sexp)
3514 (define-key map "E" 'edebug-visit-eval-list)
3516 ;; views
3517 (define-key map "w" 'edebug-where)
3518 (define-key map "v" 'edebug-view-outside) ;; maybe obsolete??
3519 (define-key map "p" 'edebug-bounce-point)
3520 (define-key map "P" 'edebug-view-outside) ;; same as v
3521 (define-key map "W" 'edebug-toggle-save-windows)
3523 ;; misc
3524 (define-key map "?" 'edebug-help)
3525 (define-key map "d" 'edebug-backtrace)
3527 (define-key map "-" 'negative-argument)
3529 ;; statistics
3530 (define-key map "=" 'edebug-temp-display-freq-count)
3532 ;; GUD bindings
3533 (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'edebug-step-mode)
3534 (define-key map "\C-c\C-n" 'edebug-next-mode)
3535 (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'edebug-go-mode)
3537 (define-key map "\C-x " 'edebug-set-breakpoint)
3538 (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 'edebug-unset-breakpoint)
3539 (define-key map "\C-c\C-t"
3540 (lambda () (interactive) (edebug-set-breakpoint t)))
3541 (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'edebug-where)
3542 map))
3544 ;; Autoloading these global bindings doesn't make sense because
3545 ;; they cannot be used anyway unless Edebug is already loaded and active.
3547 (defvar global-edebug-prefix "\^XX"
3548 "Prefix key for global edebug commands, available from any buffer.")
3550 (defvar global-edebug-map
3551 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
3553 (define-key map " " 'edebug-step-mode)
3554 (define-key map "g" 'edebug-go-mode)
3555 (define-key map "G" 'edebug-Go-nonstop-mode)
3556 (define-key map "t" 'edebug-trace-mode)
3557 (define-key map "T" 'edebug-Trace-fast-mode)
3558 (define-key map "c" 'edebug-continue-mode)
3559 (define-key map "C" 'edebug-Continue-fast-mode)
3561 ;; breakpoints
3562 (define-key map "b" 'edebug-set-breakpoint)
3563 (define-key map "u" 'edebug-unset-breakpoint)
3564 (define-key map "x" 'edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint)
3565 (define-key map "X" 'edebug-set-global-break-condition)
3567 ;; views
3568 (define-key map "w" 'edebug-where)
3569 (define-key map "W" 'edebug-toggle-save-windows)
3571 ;; quitting
3572 (define-key map "q" 'top-level)
3573 (define-key map "Q" 'edebug-top-level-nonstop)
3574 (define-key map "a" 'abort-recursive-edit)
3576 ;; statistics
3577 (define-key map "=" 'edebug-display-freq-count)
3578 map)
3579 "Global map of edebug commands, available from any buffer.")
3581 (global-unset-key global-edebug-prefix)
3582 (global-set-key global-edebug-prefix global-edebug-map)
3585 (defun edebug-help ()
3586 "Describe `edebug-mode'."
3587 (interactive)
3588 (describe-function 'edebug-mode))
3590 (defvar edebug--mode-saved-vars nil)
3592 (define-minor-mode edebug-mode
3593 "Mode for Emacs Lisp buffers while in Edebug.
3595 In addition to all Emacs Lisp commands (except those that modify the
3596 buffer) there are local and global key bindings to several Edebug
3597 specific commands. E.g. `edebug-step-mode' is bound to \\[edebug-step-mode]
3598 in the Edebug buffer and \\<global-map>\\[edebug-step-mode] in any buffer.
3600 Also see bindings for the eval list buffer *edebug* in `edebug-eval-mode'.
3602 The edebug buffer commands:
3603 \\{edebug-mode-map}
3605 Global commands prefixed by `global-edebug-prefix':
3606 \\{global-edebug-map}
3608 Options:
3609 `edebug-setup-hook'
3610 `edebug-all-defs'
3611 `edebug-all-forms'
3612 `edebug-save-windows'
3613 `edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points'
3614 `edebug-initial-mode'
3615 `edebug-trace'
3616 `edebug-test-coverage'
3617 `edebug-continue-kbd-macro'
3618 `edebug-print-length'
3619 `edebug-print-level'
3620 `edebug-print-circle'
3621 `edebug-on-error'
3622 `edebug-on-quit'
3623 `edebug-on-signal'
3624 `edebug-unwrap-results'
3625 `edebug-global-break-condition'"
3626 :lighter " *Debugging*"
3627 :keymap edebug-mode-map
3628 ;; If the user kills the buffer in which edebug is currently active,
3629 ;; exit to top level, because the edebug command loop can't usefully
3630 ;; continue running in such a case.
3632 (if (not edebug-mode)
3633 (progn
3634 (while edebug--mode-saved-vars
3635 (let ((setting (pop edebug--mode-saved-vars)))
3636 (if (consp setting)
3637 (set (car setting) (cdr setting))
3638 (kill-local-variable setting))))
3639 (remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'edebug-kill-buffer t))
3640 (pcase-dolist (`(,var . ,val) '((buffer-read-only . t)))
3641 (push
3642 (if (local-variable-p var) (cons var (symbol-value var)) var)
3643 edebug--mode-saved-vars)
3644 (set (make-local-variable var) val))
3645 ;; Append `edebug-kill-buffer' to the hook to avoid interfering with
3646 ;; other entries that are unguarded against deleted buffer.
3647 (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'edebug-kill-buffer t t)))
3649 (defun edebug-kill-buffer ()
3650 "Used on `kill-buffer-hook' when Edebug is operating in a buffer of Lisp code."
3651 (run-with-timer 0 nil #'top-level))
3653 ;;; edebug eval list mode
3655 ;; A list of expressions and their evaluations is displayed in *edebug*.
3657 (defun edebug-eval-result-list ()
3658 "Return a list of evaluations of `edebug-eval-list'."
3659 ;; Assumes in outside environment.
3660 ;; Don't do any edebug things now.
3661 (let ((edebug-execution-mode 'Go-nonstop)
3662 (edebug-trace nil))
3663 (mapcar 'edebug-safe-eval edebug-eval-list)))
3665 (defun edebug-eval-display-list (eval-result-list)
3666 ;; Assumes edebug-eval-buffer exists.
3667 (let ((standard-output edebug-eval-buffer)
3668 (edebug-comment-line
3669 (format ";%s\n" (make-string (- (window-width) 2) ?-))))
3670 (set-buffer edebug-eval-buffer)
3671 (erase-buffer)
3672 (dolist (exp edebug-eval-list)
3673 (prin1 exp) (terpri)
3674 (prin1 (pop eval-result-list)) (terpri)
3675 (princ edebug-comment-line))
3676 (edebug-pop-to-buffer edebug-eval-buffer)
3679 (defun edebug-create-eval-buffer ()
3680 (unless (and edebug-eval-buffer (buffer-name edebug-eval-buffer))
3681 (set-buffer (setq edebug-eval-buffer (get-buffer-create "*edebug*")))
3682 (edebug-eval-mode)))
3684 ;; Should generalize this to be callable outside of edebug
3685 ;; with calls in user functions, e.g. (edebug-eval-display)
3687 (defun edebug-eval-display (eval-result-list)
3688 "Display expressions and evaluations in EVAL-RESULT-LIST.
3689 It modifies the context by popping up the eval display."
3690 (when eval-result-list
3691 (edebug-create-eval-buffer)
3692 (edebug-eval-display-list eval-result-list)))
3694 (defun edebug-eval-redisplay ()
3695 "Redisplay eval list in outside environment.
3696 May only be called from within `edebug--recursive-edit'."
3697 (edebug-create-eval-buffer)
3698 (edebug-outside-excursion
3699 (edebug-eval-display-list (edebug-eval-result-list))
3702 (defun edebug-visit-eval-list ()
3703 "Switch to the evaluation list buffer \"*edebug*\"."
3704 (interactive)
3705 (edebug-eval-redisplay)
3706 (edebug-pop-to-buffer edebug-eval-buffer))
3709 (defun edebug-update-eval-list ()
3710 "Replace the evaluation list with the sexps now in the eval buffer."
3711 (interactive)
3712 (let ((starting-point (point))
3713 new-list)
3714 (goto-char (point-min))
3715 ;; get the first expression
3716 (edebug-skip-whitespace)
3717 (if (not (eobp))
3718 (progn
3719 (forward-sexp 1)
3720 (push (edebug-last-sexp) new-list)))
3722 (while (re-search-forward "^;" nil t)
3723 (forward-line 1)
3724 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r")
3725 (if (and (/= ?\; (following-char))
3726 (not (eobp)))
3727 (progn
3728 (forward-sexp 1)
3729 (push (edebug-last-sexp) new-list))))
3731 (setq edebug-eval-list (nreverse new-list))
3732 (edebug-eval-redisplay)
3733 (goto-char starting-point)))
3736 (defun edebug-delete-eval-item ()
3737 "Delete the item under point and redisplay."
3738 ;; could add arg to do repeatedly
3739 (interactive)
3740 (if (re-search-backward "^;" nil 'nofail)
3741 (forward-line 1))
3742 (delete-region
3743 (point) (progn (re-search-forward "^;" nil 'nofail)
3744 (beginning-of-line)
3745 (point)))
3746 (edebug-update-eval-list))
3750 (defvar edebug-eval-mode-map
3751 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
3752 (set-keymap-parent map lisp-interaction-mode-map)
3753 (define-key map "\C-c\C-w" 'edebug-where)
3754 (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 'edebug-delete-eval-item)
3755 (define-key map "\C-c\C-u" 'edebug-update-eval-list)
3756 (define-key map "\C-x\C-e" 'edebug-eval-last-sexp)
3757 (define-key map "\C-j" 'edebug-eval-print-last-sexp)
3758 map)
3759 "Keymap for Edebug Eval mode. Superset of Lisp Interaction mode.")
3761 (put 'edebug-eval-mode 'mode-class 'special)
3763 (define-derived-mode edebug-eval-mode lisp-interaction-mode "Edebug Eval"
3764 "Mode for evaluation list buffer while in Edebug.
3766 In addition to all Interactive Emacs Lisp commands there are local and
3767 global key bindings to several Edebug specific commands. E.g.
3768 `edebug-step-mode' is bound to \\[edebug-step-mode] in the Edebug
3769 buffer and \\<global-map>\\[edebug-step-mode] in any buffer.
3771 Eval list buffer commands:
3772 \\{edebug-eval-mode-map}
3774 Global commands prefixed by `global-edebug-prefix':
3775 \\{global-edebug-map}")
3777 ;;; Interface with standard debugger.
3779 ;; (setq debugger 'edebug) ; to use the edebug debugger
3780 ;; (setq debugger 'debug) ; use the standard debugger
3782 ;; Note that debug and its utilities must be byte-compiled to work,
3783 ;; since they depend on the backtrace looking a certain way. But
3784 ;; edebug is not dependent on this, yet.
3786 (defun edebug (&optional arg-mode &rest args)
3787 "Replacement for `debug'.
3788 If we are running an edebugged function, show where we last were.
3789 Otherwise call `debug' normally."
3790 ;;(message "entered: %s depth: %s edebug-recursion-depth: %s"
3791 ;; edebug-entered (recursion-depth) edebug-recursion-depth) (sit-for 1)
3792 (if (and edebug-entered ; anything active?
3793 (eq (recursion-depth) edebug-recursion-depth))
3794 (let (;; Where were we before the error occurred?
3795 (offset-index (car edebug-offset-indices))
3796 (value (car args))
3797 ;; Bind variables required by edebug--display.
3798 edebug-breakpoints
3799 edebug-break-data
3800 edebug-break-condition
3801 edebug-global-break
3802 (edebug-break (null arg-mode)) ;; If called explicitly.
3804 (edebug--display value offset-index arg-mode)
3805 (if (eq arg-mode 'error)
3807 value))
3809 ;; Otherwise call debug normally.
3810 ;; Still need to remove extraneous edebug calls from stack.
3811 (apply 'debug arg-mode args)
3815 (defun edebug-backtrace ()
3816 "Display a non-working backtrace. Better than nothing..."
3817 (interactive)
3818 (if (or (not edebug-backtrace-buffer)
3819 (null (buffer-name edebug-backtrace-buffer)))
3820 (setq edebug-backtrace-buffer
3821 (generate-new-buffer "*Backtrace*"))
3822 ;; Else, could just display edebug-backtrace-buffer.
3824 (with-output-to-temp-buffer (buffer-name edebug-backtrace-buffer)
3825 (setq edebug-backtrace-buffer standard-output)
3826 (let ((print-escape-newlines t)
3827 (print-length 50) ; FIXME cf edebug-safe-prin1-to-string
3828 last-ok-point)
3829 (backtrace)
3831 ;; Clean up the backtrace.
3832 ;; Not quite right for current edebug scheme.
3833 (set-buffer edebug-backtrace-buffer)
3834 (setq truncate-lines t)
3835 (goto-char (point-min))
3836 (setq last-ok-point (point))
3837 (if t (progn
3839 ;; Delete interspersed edebug internals.
3840 (while (re-search-forward "^ \(?edebug" nil t)
3841 (beginning-of-line)
3842 (cond
3843 ((looking-at "^ \(edebug-after")
3844 ;; Previous lines may contain code, so just delete this line.
3845 (setq last-ok-point (point))
3846 (forward-line 1)
3847 (delete-region last-ok-point (point)))
3849 ((looking-at "^ edebug")
3850 (forward-line 1)
3851 (delete-region last-ok-point (point))
3853 )))))
3856 ;;; Trace display
3858 (defun edebug-trace-display (buf-name fmt &rest args)
3859 "In buffer BUF-NAME, display FMT and ARGS at the end and make it visible.
3860 The buffer is created if it does not exist.
3861 You must include newlines in FMT to break lines, but one newline is appended."
3862 ;; e.g.
3863 ;; (edebug-trace-display "*trace-point*"
3864 ;; "saving: point = %s window-start = %s"
3865 ;; (point) (window-start))
3866 (let* ((oldbuf (current-buffer))
3867 (selected-window (selected-window))
3868 (buffer (get-buffer-create buf-name))
3869 buf-window)
3870 ;; (message "before pop-to-buffer") (sit-for 1)
3871 (edebug-pop-to-buffer buffer)
3872 (setq truncate-lines t)
3873 (setq buf-window (selected-window))
3874 (goto-char (point-max))
3875 (insert (apply 'edebug-format fmt args) "\n")
3876 ;; Make it visible.
3877 (vertical-motion (- 1 (window-height)))
3878 (set-window-start buf-window (point))
3879 (goto-char (point-max))
3880 ;; (set-window-point buf-window (point))
3881 ;; (sit-for 0)
3882 (bury-buffer buffer)
3883 (select-window selected-window)
3884 (set-buffer oldbuf))
3885 buf-name)
3888 (defun edebug-trace (fmt &rest args)
3889 "Convenience call to `edebug-trace-display' using `edebug-trace-buffer'."
3890 (apply 'edebug-trace-display edebug-trace-buffer fmt args))
3893 ;;; Frequency count and coverage
3895 ;; FIXME should this use overlays instead?
3896 ;; Definitely, IMO. The current business with undo in
3897 ;; edebug-temp-display-freq-count is horrid.
3898 (defun edebug-display-freq-count ()
3899 "Display the frequency count data for each line of the current definition.
3900 The frequency counts are inserted as comment lines after each line,
3901 and you can undo all insertions with one `undo' command.
3903 The counts are inserted starting under the `(' before an expression
3904 or the `)' after an expression, or on the last char of a symbol.
3905 The counts are only displayed when they differ from previous counts on
3906 the same line.
3908 If coverage is being tested, whenever all known results of an expression
3909 are `eq', the char `=' will be appended after the count
3910 for that expression. Note that this is always the case for an
3911 expression only evaluated once.
3913 To clear the frequency count and coverage data for a definition,
3914 reinstrument it."
3915 (interactive)
3916 (let* ((function (edebug-form-data-symbol))
3917 (counts (get function 'edebug-freq-count))
3918 (coverages (get function 'edebug-coverage))
3919 (data (get function 'edebug))
3920 (def-mark (car data)) ; mark at def start
3921 (edebug-points (nth 2 data))
3922 (i (1- (length edebug-points)))
3923 (last-index)
3924 (first-index)
3925 (start-of-line)
3926 (start-of-count-line)
3927 (last-count)
3929 (save-excursion
3930 ;; Traverse in reverse order so offsets are correct.
3931 (while (<= 0 i)
3932 ;; Start at last expression in line.
3933 (goto-char (+ def-mark (aref edebug-points i)))
3934 (beginning-of-line)
3935 (setq start-of-line (- (point) def-mark)
3936 last-index i)
3938 ;; Find all indexes on same line.
3939 (while (and (<= 0 (setq i (1- i)))
3940 (<= start-of-line (aref edebug-points i))))
3941 ;; Insert all the indices for this line.
3942 (forward-line 1)
3943 (setq start-of-count-line (point)
3944 first-index i ; Really, last index for line above this one.
3945 last-count -1) ; Cause first count to always appear.
3946 (insert ";#")
3947 ;; i == first-index still
3948 (while (<= (setq i (1+ i)) last-index)
3949 (let ((count (aref counts i))
3950 (coverage (aref coverages i))
3951 (col (save-excursion
3952 (goto-char (+ (aref edebug-points i) def-mark))
3953 (- (current-column)
3954 (if (= ?\( (following-char)) 0 1)))))
3955 (insert (make-string
3956 (max 0 (- col (- (point) start-of-count-line))) ?\s)
3957 (if (and (< 0 count)
3958 (not (memq coverage
3959 '(unknown ok-coverage))))
3960 "=" "")
3961 (if (= count last-count) "" (int-to-string count))
3962 " ")
3963 (setq last-count count)))
3964 (insert "\n")
3965 (setq i first-index)))))
3967 ;; FIXME this does not work very well. Eg if you press an arrow key,
3968 ;; or make a mouse-click, it fails with "Non-character input-event".
3969 (defun edebug-temp-display-freq-count ()
3970 "Temporarily display the frequency count data for the current definition.
3971 It is removed when you hit any char."
3972 ;; This seems not to work with Emacs 18.59. It undoes too far.
3973 (interactive)
3974 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
3975 (undo-boundary)
3976 (edebug-display-freq-count)
3977 (setq unread-command-events
3978 (append unread-command-events (list (read-event))))
3979 ;; Yuck! This doesn't seem to work at all for me.
3980 (undo)))
3983 ;;; Menus
3985 (defun edebug-toggle (variable)
3986 (set variable (not (symbol-value variable)))
3987 (message "%s: %s" variable (symbol-value variable)))
3989 ;; We have to require easymenu (even for Emacs 18) just so
3990 ;; the easy-menu-define macro call is compiled correctly.
3991 (require 'easymenu)
3993 (defconst edebug-mode-menus
3994 '("Edebug"
3995 ["Stop" edebug-stop t]
3996 ["Step" edebug-step-mode t]
3997 ["Next" edebug-next-mode t]
3998 ["Trace" edebug-trace-mode t]
3999 ["Trace Fast" edebug-Trace-fast-mode t]
4000 ["Continue" edebug-continue-mode t]
4001 ["Continue Fast" edebug-Continue-fast-mode t]
4002 ["Go" edebug-go-mode t]
4003 ["Go Nonstop" edebug-Go-nonstop-mode t]
4004 "----"
4005 ["Help" edebug-help t]
4006 ["Abort" abort-recursive-edit t]
4007 ["Quit to Top Level" top-level t]
4008 ["Quit Nonstop" edebug-top-level-nonstop t]
4009 "----"
4010 ("Jumps"
4011 ["Forward Sexp" edebug-forward-sexp t]
4012 ["Step In" edebug-step-in t]
4013 ["Step Out" edebug-step-out t]
4014 ["Goto Here" edebug-goto-here t])
4016 ("Breaks"
4017 ["Set Breakpoint" edebug-set-breakpoint t]
4018 ["Unset Breakpoint" edebug-unset-breakpoint t]
4019 ["Set Conditional Breakpoint" edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint t]
4020 ["Set Global Break Condition" edebug-set-global-break-condition t]
4021 ["Show Next Breakpoint" edebug-next-breakpoint t])
4023 ("Views"
4024 ["Where am I?" edebug-where t]
4025 ["Bounce to Current Point" edebug-bounce-point t]
4026 ["View Outside Windows" edebug-view-outside t]
4027 ["Previous Result" edebug-previous-result t]
4028 ["Show Backtrace" edebug-backtrace t]
4029 ["Display Freq Count" edebug-display-freq-count t])
4031 ("Eval"
4032 ["Expression" edebug-eval-expression t]
4033 ["Last Sexp" edebug-eval-last-sexp t]
4034 ["Visit Eval List" edebug-visit-eval-list t])
4036 ("Options"
4037 ["Edebug All Defs" edebug-all-defs
4038 :style toggle :selected edebug-all-defs]
4039 ["Edebug All Forms" edebug-all-forms
4040 :style toggle :selected edebug-all-forms]
4041 "----"
4042 ["Tracing" (edebug-toggle 'edebug-trace)
4043 :style toggle :selected edebug-trace]
4044 ["Test Coverage" (edebug-toggle 'edebug-test-coverage)
4045 :style toggle :selected edebug-test-coverage]
4046 ["Save Windows" edebug-toggle-save-windows
4047 :style toggle :selected edebug-save-windows]
4048 ["Save Point"
4049 (edebug-toggle 'edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points)
4050 :style toggle :selected edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points]
4052 "Menus for Edebug.")
4055 ;;; Emacs version specific code
4057 (defalias 'edebug-window-live-p 'window-live-p)
4059 (defun edebug-mark ()
4060 (mark t))
4062 (defun edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint (arg condition)
4063 "Set a conditional breakpoint at nearest sexp.
4064 The condition is evaluated in the outside context.
4065 With prefix argument, make it a temporary breakpoint."
4066 ;; (interactive "P\nxCondition: ")
4067 (interactive
4068 (list
4069 current-prefix-arg
4070 ;; Read condition as follows; getting previous condition is cumbersome:
4071 (let ((edebug-stop-point (edebug-find-stop-point)))
4072 (if edebug-stop-point
4073 (let* ((edebug-def-name (car edebug-stop-point))
4074 (index (cdr edebug-stop-point))
4075 (edebug-data (get edebug-def-name 'edebug))
4076 (edebug-breakpoints (car (cdr edebug-data)))
4077 (edebug-break-data (assq index edebug-breakpoints))
4078 (edebug-break-condition (car (cdr edebug-break-data)))
4079 (initial (and edebug-break-condition
4080 (format "%s" edebug-break-condition))))
4081 (read-from-minibuffer
4082 "Condition: " initial read-expression-map t
4083 (if (equal (car read-expression-history) initial)
4084 '(read-expression-history . 1)
4085 'read-expression-history)))))))
4086 (edebug-modify-breakpoint t condition arg))
4088 (easy-menu-define edebug-menu edebug-mode-map "Edebug menus" edebug-mode-menus)
4090 ;;; Autoloading of Edebug accessories
4092 ;; edebug-cl-read and cl-read are available from liberte@cs.uiuc.edu
4093 (defun edebug--require-cl-read ()
4094 (require 'edebug-cl-read))
4096 (if (featurep 'cl-read)
4097 (add-hook 'edebug-setup-hook #'edebug--require-cl-read)
4098 ;; The following causes edebug-cl-read to be loaded when you load cl-read.el.
4099 (add-hook 'cl-read-load-hooks #'edebug--require-cl-read))
4102 ;;; Finalize Loading
4104 ;; When edebugging a function, some of the sub-expressions are
4105 ;; wrapped in (edebug-enter (lambda () ..)), so we need to teach
4106 ;; called-interactively-p that calls within the inner lambda should refer to
4107 ;; the outside function.
4108 (add-hook 'called-interactively-p-functions
4109 #'edebug--called-interactively-skip)
4110 (defun edebug--called-interactively-skip (i frame1 frame2)
4111 (when (and (eq (car-safe (nth 1 frame1)) 'lambda)
4112 (eq (nth 1 (nth 1 frame1)) '())
4113 (eq (nth 1 frame2) 'edebug-enter))
4114 ;; `edebug-enter' calls itself on its first invocation.
4115 (if (eq (nth 1 (backtrace-frame i 'called-interactively-p))
4116 'edebug-enter)
4117 2 1)))
4119 ;; Finally, hook edebug into the rest of Emacs.
4120 ;; There are probably some other things that could go here.
4122 ;; Install edebug read and eval functions.
4123 (edebug-install-read-eval-functions)
4125 (defun edebug-unload-function ()
4126 "Unload the Edebug source level debugger."
4127 (when edebug-active
4128 (setq edebug-active nil)
4129 (unwind-protect
4130 (abort-recursive-edit)
4131 ;; We still want to run unload-feature to completion
4132 (run-with-idle-timer 0 nil #'(lambda () (unload-feature 'edebug)))))
4133 (remove-hook 'called-interactively-p-functions
4134 'edebug--called-interactively-skip)
4135 (remove-hook 'cl-read-load-hooks 'edebug--require-cl-read)
4136 (edebug-uninstall-read-eval-functions)
4137 ;; continue standard unloading
4138 nil)
4140 (provide 'edebug)
4142 ;;; edebug.el ends here