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[emacs.git] / lisp / cedet / semantic / symref / filter.el
1 ;;; semantic/symref/filter.el --- Filter symbol reference hits for accuracy.
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <eric@siege-engine.com>
7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
9 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 ;;; Commentary:
24 ;; Filter symbol reference hits for accuracy.
26 ;; Most symbol referencing tools, such as find/grep only find matching
27 ;; strings, but cannot determine the difference between an actual use,
28 ;; and something else with a similar name, or even a string in a comment.
30 ;; This file provides utilities for filtering down to accurate matches
31 ;; starting at a basic filter level that doesn't use symref, up to filters
32 ;; across symref results.
34 ;;; Code:
36 (require 'semantic)
37 (require 'semantic/analyze)
38 (declare-function srecode-active-template-region "srecode/fields")
39 (declare-function srecode-delete "srecode/fields")
40 (declare-function srecode-field "srecode/fields")
41 (declare-function srecode-template-inserted-region "srecode/fields")
42 (declare-function srecode-overlaid-activate "srecode/fields")
43 (declare-function semantic-idle-summary-useful-context-p "semantic/idle")
45 ;;; FILTERS
47 (defun semantic-symref-filter-hit (target &optional position)
48 "Determine if the tag TARGET is used at POSITION in the current buffer.
49 Return non-nil for a match."
50 (semantic-analyze-current-symbol
51 (lambda (start end prefix)
52 (let ((tag (car (nreverse prefix))))
53 (and (semantic-tag-p tag)
54 (semantic-equivalent-tag-p target tag))))
55 position))
59 ;; The following does filtering in-buffer only, and not against
60 ;; a symref results object.
62 (defun semantic-symref-hits-in-region (target hookfcn start end)
63 "Find all occurrences of the symbol TARGET that match TARGET the tag.
64 For each match, call HOOKFCN.
65 HOOKFCN takes three arguments that match
66 `semantic-analyze-current-symbol's use of HOOKFCN.
69 Search occurs in the current buffer between START and END."
70 (require 'semantic/idle)
71 (save-excursion
72 (goto-char start)
73 (let* ((str (semantic-tag-name target))
74 (case-fold-search semantic-case-fold)
75 (regexp (concat "\\<" (regexp-quote str) "\\>")))
76 (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
77 (when (semantic-idle-summary-useful-context-p)
78 (semantic-analyze-current-symbol
79 (lambda (start end prefix)
80 (let ((tag (car (nreverse prefix))))
81 ;; check for semantic match on the text match.
82 (when (and (semantic-tag-p tag)
83 (semantic-equivalent-tag-p target tag))
84 (save-excursion
85 (funcall hookfcn start end prefix)))))
86 (point)))))))
88 (defun semantic-symref-test-count-hits-in-tag ()
89 "Lookup in the current tag the symbol under point.
90 the count all the other references to the same symbol within the
91 tag that contains point, and return that."
92 (interactive)
93 (let* ((ctxt (semantic-analyze-current-context))
94 (target (car (reverse (oref ctxt prefix))))
95 (tag (semantic-current-tag))
96 (start (current-time))
97 (Lcount 0))
98 (when (semantic-tag-p target)
99 (semantic-symref-hits-in-region
100 target (lambda (start end prefix) (setq Lcount (1+ Lcount)))
101 (semantic-tag-start tag)
102 (semantic-tag-end tag))
103 (when (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
104 (message "Found %d occurrences of %s in %.2f seconds"
105 Lcount (semantic-tag-name target)
106 (semantic-elapsed-time start (current-time))))
107 Lcount)))
109 (defun semantic-symref-rename-local-variable ()
110 "Fancy way to rename the local variable under point.
111 Depends on the SRecode Field editing API."
112 (interactive)
113 ;; Do the replacement as needed.
114 (let* ((ctxt (semantic-analyze-current-context))
115 (target (car (reverse (oref ctxt prefix))))
116 (tag (semantic-current-tag))
119 (when (or (not target)
120 (not (semantic-tag-with-position-p target)))
121 (error "Cannot identify symbol under point"))
123 (when (not (semantic-tag-of-class-p target 'variable))
124 (error "Can only rename variables"))
126 (when (or (< (semantic-tag-start target) (semantic-tag-start tag))
127 (> (semantic-tag-end target) (semantic-tag-end tag)))
128 (error "Can only rename variables declared in %s"
129 (semantic-tag-name tag)))
131 ;; I think we're good for this example. Give it a go through
132 ;; our fancy interface from SRecode.
133 (require 'srecode/fields)
135 ;; Make sure there is nothing active.
136 (let ((ar (srecode-active-template-region)))
137 (when ar (srecode-delete ar)))
139 (let ((srecode-field-archive nil)
140 (region nil)
142 (semantic-symref-hits-in-region
143 target (lambda (start end prefix)
144 ;; For every valid hit, create one field.
145 (srecode-field "LOCAL" :name "LOCAL" :start start :end end))
146 (semantic-tag-start tag) (semantic-tag-end tag))
148 ;; Now that the fields are setup, create the region.
149 (setq region (srecode-template-inserted-region
150 "REGION" :start (semantic-tag-start tag)
151 :end (semantic-tag-end tag)))
153 ;; Activate the region.
154 (srecode-overlaid-activate region)
159 (provide 'semantic/symref/filter)
161 ;;; semantic/symref/filter.el ends here