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[emacs.git] / lisp / cedet / semantic / bovine / grammar.el
1 ;;; semantic/bovine/grammar.el --- Bovine's input grammar mode
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 ;;
5 ;; Author: David Ponce <david@dponce.com>
6 ;; Maintainer: David Ponce <david@dponce.com>
7 ;; Created: 26 Aug 2002
8 ;; Keywords: syntax
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
15 ;; (at your option) any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; Major mode for editing Bovine's input grammar (.by) files.
29 ;;; History:
31 ;;; Code:
32 (require 'semantic)
33 (require 'semantic/grammar)
34 (require 'semantic/find)
35 (require 'semantic/lex)
36 (require 'semantic/wisent)
37 (require 'semantic/bovine)
39 (defun bovine-grammar-EXPAND (bounds nonterm)
40 "Expand call to EXPAND grammar macro.
41 Return the form to parse from within a nonterminal between BOUNDS.
42 NONTERM is the nonterminal symbol to start with."
43 `(semantic-bovinate-from-nonterminal
44 (car ,bounds) (cdr ,bounds) ',nonterm))
46 (defun bovine-grammar-EXPANDFULL (bounds nonterm)
47 "Expand call to EXPANDFULL grammar macro.
48 Return the form to recursively parse the area between BOUNDS.
49 NONTERM is the nonterminal symbol to start with."
50 `(semantic-parse-region
51 (car ,bounds) (cdr ,bounds) ',nonterm 1))
53 (defun bovine-grammar-TAG (name class &rest attributes)
54 "Expand call to TAG grammar macro.
55 Return the form to create a generic semantic tag.
56 See the function `semantic-tag' for the meaning of arguments NAME,
58 `(semantic-tag ,name ,class ,@attributes))
60 (defun bovine-grammar-VARIABLE-TAG (name type default-value &rest attributes)
61 "Expand call to VARIABLE-TAG grammar macro.
62 Return the form to create a semantic tag of class variable.
63 See the function `semantic-tag-new-variable' for the meaning of
65 `(semantic-tag-new-variable ,name ,type ,default-value ,@attributes))
67 (defun bovine-grammar-FUNCTION-TAG (name type arg-list &rest attributes)
68 "Expand call to FUNCTION-TAG grammar macro.
69 Return the form to create a semantic tag of class function.
70 See the function `semantic-tag-new-function' for the meaning of
71 arguments NAME, TYPE, ARG-LIST and ATTRIBUTES."
72 `(semantic-tag-new-function ,name ,type ,arg-list ,@attributes))
74 (defun bovine-grammar-TYPE-TAG (name type members parents &rest attributes)
75 "Expand call to TYPE-TAG grammar macro.
76 Return the form to create a semantic tag of class type.
77 See the function `semantic-tag-new-type' for the meaning of arguments
79 `(semantic-tag-new-type ,name ,type ,members ,parents ,@attributes))
81 (defun bovine-grammar-INCLUDE-TAG (name system-flag &rest attributes)
82 "Expand call to INCLUDE-TAG grammar macro.
83 Return the form to create a semantic tag of class include.
84 See the function `semantic-tag-new-include' for the meaning of
86 `(semantic-tag-new-include ,name ,system-flag ,@attributes))
88 (defun bovine-grammar-PACKAGE-TAG (name detail &rest attributes)
89 "Expand call to PACKAGE-TAG grammar macro.
90 Return the form to create a semantic tag of class package.
91 See the function `semantic-tag-new-package' for the meaning of
92 arguments NAME, DETAIL and ATTRIBUTES."
93 `(semantic-tag-new-package ,name ,detail ,@attributes))
95 (defun bovine-grammar-CODE-TAG (name detail &rest attributes)
96 "Expand call to CODE-TAG grammar macro.
97 Return the form to create a semantic tag of class code.
98 See the function `semantic-tag-new-code' for the meaning of arguments
100 `(semantic-tag-new-code ,name ,detail ,@attributes))
102 (defun bovine-grammar-ALIAS-TAG (name aliasclass definition &rest attributes)
103 "Expand call to ALIAS-TAG grammar macro.
104 Return the form to create a semantic tag of class alias.
105 See the function `semantic-tag-new-alias' for the meaning of arguments
107 `(semantic-tag-new-alias ,name ,aliasclass ,definition ,@attributes))
109 ;; Cache of macro definitions currently in use.
110 (defvar bovine--grammar-macros nil)
112 (defun bovine-grammar-expand-form (form quotemode &optional inplace)
113 "Expand FORM into a new one suitable to the bovine parser.
114 FORM is a list in which we are substituting.
115 Argument QUOTEMODE is non-nil if we are in backquote mode.
116 When non-nil, optional argument INPLACE indicates that FORM is being
117 expanded from elsewhere."
118 (when (eq (car form) 'quote)
119 (setq form (cdr form))
120 (cond
121 ((and (= (length form) 1) (listp (car form)))
122 (insert "\n(append")
123 (bovine-grammar-expand-form (car form) quotemode nil)
124 (insert ")")
125 (setq form nil inplace nil)
127 ((and (= (length form) 1) (symbolp (car form)))
128 (insert "\n'" (symbol-name (car form)))
129 (setq form nil inplace nil)
132 (insert "\n(list")
133 (setq inplace t)
135 (let ((macro (assq (car form) bovine--grammar-macros))
136 inlist first n q x)
137 (if macro
138 (bovine-grammar-expand-form
139 (apply (cdr macro) (cdr form))
140 quotemode t)
141 (if inplace (insert "\n("))
142 (while form
143 (setq first (car form)
144 form (cdr form))
145 ;; Hack for dealing with new reading of unquotes outside of
146 ;; backquote (introduced in 2010-12-06T16:37:26Z!monnier@iro.umontreal.ca).
147 (when (and (>= emacs-major-version 24)
148 (listp first)
149 (or (equal (car first) '\,)
150 (equal (car first) '\,@)))
151 (if (listp (cadr first))
152 (setq form (append (cdr first) form)
153 first (car first))
154 (setq first (intern (concat (symbol-name (car first))
155 (symbol-name (cadr first)))))))
156 (cond
157 ((eq first nil)
158 (when (and (not inlist) (not inplace))
159 (insert "\n(list")
160 (setq inlist t))
161 (insert " nil")
163 ((listp first)
164 ;;(let ((fn (and (symbolp (caar form)) (fboundp (caar form)))))
165 (when (and (not inlist) (not inplace))
166 (insert "\n(list")
167 (setq inlist t))
168 ;;(if (and inplace (not fn) (not (eq (caar form) 'EXPAND)))
169 ;; (insert " (append"))
170 (bovine-grammar-expand-form
171 first quotemode t) ;;(and fn (not (eq fn 'quote))))
172 ;;(if (and inplace (not fn) (not (eq (caar form) 'EXPAND)))
173 ;; (insert ")"))
176 ((symbolp first)
177 (setq n (symbol-name first) ;the name
178 q quotemode ;implied quote flag
179 x nil) ;expand flag
180 (if (eq (aref n 0) ?,)
181 (if quotemode
182 ;; backquote mode needs the @
183 (if (eq (aref n 1) ?@)
184 (setq n (substring n 2)
185 q nil
186 x t)
187 ;; non backquote mode behaves normally.
188 (setq n (substring n 1)
189 q nil))
190 (setq n (substring n 1)
191 x t)))
192 (if (string= n "")
193 (progn
194 ;; We expand only the next item in place (a list?)
195 ;; A regular inline-list...
196 (bovine-grammar-expand-form (car form) quotemode t)
197 (setq form (cdr form)))
198 (if (and (eq (aref n 0) ?$)
199 ;; Don't expand $ tokens in implied quote mode.
200 ;; This acts like quoting in other symbols.
201 (not q))
202 (progn
203 (cond
204 ((and (not x) (not inlist) (not inplace))
205 (insert "\n(list"))
206 ((and x inlist (not inplace))
207 (insert ")")
208 (setq inlist nil)))
209 (insert "\n(nth " (int-to-string
210 (1- (string-to-number
211 (substring n 1))))
212 " vals)")
213 (and (not x) (not inplace)
214 (setq inlist t)))
216 (when (and (not inlist) (not inplace))
217 (insert "\n(list")
218 (setq inlist t))
219 (or (char-equal (char-before) ?\()
220 (insert " "))
221 (insert (if (or inplace (eq first t))
222 "" "'")
223 n))) ;; " "
226 (when (and (not inlist) (not inplace))
227 (insert "\n(list")
228 (setq inlist t))
229 (insert (format "\n%S" first))
232 (if inlist (insert ")"))
233 (if inplace (insert ")")))
236 (defun bovine-grammar-expand-action (textform quotemode)
237 "Expand semantic action string TEXTFORM into Lisp code.
238 QUOTEMODE is the mode in which quoted symbols are slurred."
239 (if (string= "" textform)
241 (let ((sexp (read textform)))
242 ;; We converted the lambda string into a list. Now write it
243 ;; out as the bovine lambda expression, and do macro-like
244 ;; conversion upon it.
245 (insert "\n")
246 (cond
247 ((eq (car sexp) 'EXPAND)
248 (insert ",(lambda (vals start end)")
249 ;; The EXPAND macro definition is mandatory
250 (bovine-grammar-expand-form
251 (apply (cdr (assq 'EXPAND bovine--grammar-macros)) (cdr sexp))
252 quotemode t)
254 ((and (listp (car sexp)) (eq (caar sexp) 'EVAL))
255 ;; The user wants to evaluate the following args.
256 ;; Use a simpler expander
259 (insert ",(semantic-lambda")
260 (bovine-grammar-expand-form sexp quotemode)
262 (insert ")\n")))
265 (defun bovine-grammar-parsetable-builder ()
266 "Return the parser table expression as a string value.
267 The format of a bovine parser table is:
274 Where each NONTERMINAL-SYMBOL is an artificial symbol which can appear
275 in any child state. As a starting place, one of the NONTERMINAL-SYMBOLS
276 must be `bovine-toplevel'.
278 A MATCH-LIST is a list of possible matches of the form:
285 where STATE-LIST is of the form:
286 ( TYPE1 [ \"VALUE1\" ] TYPE2 [ \"VALUE2\" ] ... LAMBDA )
288 where TYPE is one of the returned types of the token stream.
289 VALUE is a value, or range of values to match against. For
290 example, a SYMBOL might need to match \"foo\". Some TYPES will not
291 have matching criteria.
293 LAMBDA is a lambda expression which is evalled with the text of the
294 type when it is found. It is passed the list of all buffer text
295 elements found since the last lambda expression. It should return a
296 semantic element (see below.)
298 For consistency between languages, try to use common return values
299 from your parser. Please reference the chapter \"Writing Parsers\" in
300 the \"Language Support Developer's Guide -\" in the semantic texinfo
301 manual."
302 (let* ((start (semantic-grammar-start))
303 (scopestart (semantic-grammar-scopestart))
304 (quotemode (semantic-grammar-quotemode))
305 (tags (semantic-find-tags-by-class
306 'token (current-buffer)))
307 (nterms (semantic-find-tags-by-class
308 'nonterminal (current-buffer)))
309 ;; Setup the cache of macro definitions.
310 (bovine--grammar-macros (semantic-grammar-macros))
311 nterm rules items item actn prec tag type regex)
313 ;; Check some trivial things
314 (cond
315 ((null nterms)
316 (error "Bad input grammar"))
317 (start
318 (if (cdr start)
319 (message "Extra start symbols %S ignored" (cdr start)))
320 (setq start (symbol-name (car start)))
321 (unless (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name start nterms)
322 (error "start symbol `%s' has no rule" start)))
324 ;; Default to the first grammar rule.
325 (setq start (semantic-tag-name (car nterms)))))
326 (when scopestart
327 (setq scopestart (symbol-name scopestart))
328 (unless (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name scopestart nterms)
329 (error "scopestart symbol `%s' has no rule" scopestart)))
331 ;; Generate the grammar Lisp form.
332 (with-temp-buffer
333 (erase-buffer)
334 (insert "`(")
335 ;; Insert the start/scopestart rules
336 (insert "\n(bovine-toplevel \n("
337 start
338 ")\n) ;; end bovine-toplevel\n")
339 (when scopestart
340 (insert "\n(bovine-inner-scope \n("
341 scopestart
342 ")\n) ;; end bovine-inner-scope\n"))
343 ;; Process each nonterminal
344 (while nterms
345 (setq nterm (car nterms)
346 ;; We can't use the override form because the current buffer
347 ;; is not the originator of the tag.
348 rules (semantic-tag-components-semantic-grammar-mode nterm)
349 nterm (semantic-tag-name nterm)
350 nterms (cdr nterms))
351 (when (member nterm '("bovine-toplevel" "bovine-inner-scope"))
352 (error "`%s' is a reserved internal name" nterm))
353 (insert "\n(" nterm)
354 ;; Process each rule
355 (while rules
356 (setq items (semantic-tag-get-attribute (car rules) :value)
357 prec (semantic-tag-get-attribute (car rules) :prec)
358 actn (semantic-tag-get-attribute (car rules) :expr)
359 rules (cdr rules))
360 ;; Process each item
361 (insert "\n(")
362 (if (null items)
363 ;; EMPTY rule
364 (insert ";;EMPTY" (if actn "" "\n"))
365 ;; Expand items
366 (while items
367 (setq item (car items)
368 items (cdr items))
369 (if (consp item) ;; mid-rule action
370 (message "Mid-rule action %S ignored" item)
371 (or (char-equal (char-before) ?\()
372 (insert "\n"))
373 (cond
374 ((member item '("bovine-toplevel" "bovine-inner-scope"))
375 (error "`%s' is a reserved internal name" item))
376 ;; Replace ITEM by its %token definition.
377 ;; If a '%token TYPE ITEM [REGEX]' definition exists
378 ;; in the grammar, ITEM is replaced by TYPE [REGEX].
379 ((setq tag (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name
380 item tags)
381 type (semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :type))
382 (insert type)
383 (if (setq regex (semantic-tag-get-attribute tag :value))
384 (insert (format "\n%S" regex))))
385 ;; Don't change ITEM
387 (insert (semantic-grammar-item-text item)))
388 ))))
389 (if prec
390 (message "%%prec %S ignored" prec))
391 (if actn
392 (bovine-grammar-expand-action actn quotemode))
393 (insert ")"))
394 (insert "\n) ;; end " nterm "\n"))
395 (insert ")\n")
396 (buffer-string))))
398 (defun bovine-grammar-setupcode-builder ()
399 "Return the text of the setup code."
400 (format
401 "(setq semantic--parse-table %s\n\
402 semantic-debug-parser-source %S\n\
403 semantic-debug-parser-class 'semantic-bovine-debug-parser
404 semantic-flex-keywords-obarray %s\n\
405 %s)"
406 (semantic-grammar-parsetable)
407 (buffer-name)
408 (semantic-grammar-keywordtable)
409 (let ((mode (semantic-grammar-languagemode)))
410 ;; Is there more than one major mode?
411 (if (and (listp mode) (> (length mode) 1))
412 (format "semantic-equivalent-major-modes '%S\n" mode)
413 ""))))
415 (defvar bovine-grammar-menu
416 '("BY Grammar")
417 "BY mode specific grammar menu.
418 Menu items are appended to the common grammar menu.")
420 ;;;###autoload
421 (define-derived-mode bovine-grammar-mode semantic-grammar-mode "BY"
422 "Major mode for editing Bovine grammars."
423 (semantic-grammar-setup-menu bovine-grammar-menu)
424 (semantic-install-function-overrides
425 '((grammar-parsetable-builder . bovine-grammar-parsetable-builder)
426 (grammar-setupcode-builder . bovine-grammar-setupcode-builder))))
428 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.by\\'" . bovine-grammar-mode))
430 (defvar-mode-local bovine-grammar-mode semantic-grammar-macros
432 (ASSOC . semantic-grammar-ASSOC)
433 (EXPAND . bovine-grammar-EXPAND)
434 (EXPANDFULL . bovine-grammar-EXPANDFULL)
435 (TAG . bovine-grammar-TAG)
436 (VARIABLE-TAG . bovine-grammar-VARIABLE-TAG)
437 (FUNCTION-TAG . bovine-grammar-FUNCTION-TAG)
438 (TYPE-TAG . bovine-grammar-TYPE-TAG)
439 (INCLUDE-TAG . bovine-grammar-INCLUDE-TAG)
440 (PACKAGE-TAG . bovine-grammar-PACKAGE-TAG)
441 (CODE-TAG . bovine-grammar-CODE-TAG)
442 (ALIAS-TAG . bovine-grammar-ALIAS-TAG)
444 "Semantic grammar macros used in bovine grammars.")
446 (defun bovine--make-parser-1 (infile &optional outdir)
447 (if outdir (setq outdir (file-name-directory (expand-file-name outdir))))
448 ;; It would be nicer to use a temp-buffer rather than find-file-noselect.
449 ;; The only thing stopping us is bovine-grammar-setupcode-builder's
450 ;; use of (buffer-name). Perhaps that could be changed to
451 ;; (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)) ?
452 ;; (with-temp-buffer
453 ;; (insert-file-contents infile)
454 ;; (bovine-grammar-mode)
455 ;; (setq buffer-file-name (expand-file-name infile))
456 ;; (if outdir (setq default-directory outdir))
457 (let ((packagename
458 ;; This is with-demoted-errors.
459 (condition-case err
460 (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect infile)
461 (if outdir (setq default-directory outdir))
462 (semantic-grammar-create-package nil t))
463 (error (message "%s" (error-message-string err)) nil)))
464 lang filename copyright-end)
465 (when (and packagename
466 (string-match "^.*/\\(.*\\)-by\\.el\\'" packagename))
467 (setq lang (match-string 1 packagename))
468 (setq filename (expand-file-name (concat lang "-by.el") outdir))
469 (with-temp-file filename
470 (insert-file-contents filename)
471 ;; Fix copyright header:
472 (goto-char (point-min))
473 (re-search-forward "^;; Author:")
474 (setq copyright-end (match-beginning 0))
475 (re-search-forward "^;;; Code:\n")
476 (delete-region copyright-end (match-end 0))
477 (goto-char copyright-end)
478 (insert ";; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
480 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
481 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
482 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
483 ;; (at your option) any later version.
485 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
486 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
488 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
490 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
491 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
493 ;;; Commentary:
495 ;; This file was generated from admin/grammars/"
496 lang ".by.
498 ;;; Code:
500 (goto-char (point-min))
501 (delete-region (point-min) (line-end-position))
502 (insert ";;; " packagename
503 " --- Generated parser support file")
504 (delete-trailing-whitespace)
505 (re-search-forward ";;; \\(.*\\) ends here")
506 (replace-match packagename nil nil nil 1)))))
508 (defun bovine-make-parsers ()
509 "Generate Emacs's built-in Bovine-based parser files."
510 (interactive)
511 (semantic-mode 1)
512 ;; Loop through each .by file in current directory, and run
513 ;; `semantic-grammar-batch-build-one-package' to build the grammar.
514 (dolist (f (directory-files default-directory nil "\\.by\\'"))
515 (bovine--make-parser-1 f)))
518 (defun bovine-batch-make-parser (&optional infile outdir)
519 "Generate a Bovine parser from input INFILE, writing to OUTDIR.
520 This is mainly intended for use in batch mode:
522 emacs -batch -l semantic/bovine/grammar -f bovine-make-parser-batch \\
523 [-dir output-dir | -o output-file] file.by
525 If -o is supplied, only the directory part is used."
526 (semantic-mode 1)
527 (when (and noninteractive (not infile))
528 (let (arg)
529 (while command-line-args-left
530 (setq arg (pop command-line-args-left))
531 (cond ((string-equal arg "-dir")
532 (setq outdir (pop command-line-args-left)))
533 ((string-equal arg "-o")
534 (setq outdir (file-name-directory (pop command-line-args-left))))
535 (t (setq infile arg))))))
536 (or infile (error "No input file specified"))
537 (or (file-readable-p infile)
538 (error "Input file `%s' not readable" infile))
539 (bovine--make-parser-1 infile outdir))
541 (provide 'semantic/bovine/grammar)
543 ;; Local variables:
544 ;; generated-autoload-load-name: "semantic/bovine/grammar"
545 ;; End:
547 ;;; semantic/bovine/grammar.el ends here