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[emacs.git] / lisp / cedet / ede / autoconf-edit.el
1 ;;; ede/autoconf-edit.el --- Keymap for autoconf
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1998-2000, 2009-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <zappo@gnu.org>
6 ;; Keywords: project
8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
10 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;; Autoconf editing and modification support, and compatibility layer
26 ;; for Emacses w/out autoconf mode built in.
28 ;;; Code:
29 (require 'autoconf)
30 (declare-function ede-srecode-setup "ede/srecode")
31 (declare-function ede-srecode-insert "ede/srecode")
33 (defun autoconf-new-program (rootdir program testfile)
34 "Initialize a new configure.ac in ROOTDIR for PROGRAM using TESTFILE.
35 ROOTDIR is the root directory of a given autoconf controlled project.
36 PROGRAM is the program to be configured.
37 TESTFILE is the file used with AC_INIT.
38 configure the initial configure script using `autoconf-new-automake-string'"
39 (interactive "DRoot Dir: \nsProgram: \nsTest File: ")
40 (require 'ede/srecode)
41 (if (bufferp rootdir)
42 (set-buffer rootdir)
43 (let ((cf1 (expand-file-name "configure.in" rootdir))
44 (cf2 (expand-file-name "configure.ac" rootdir)))
45 (if (and (or (file-exists-p cf1) (file-exists-p cf2))
46 (not (y-or-n-p (format "File %s exists. Start Over? "
47 (if (file-exists-p cf1)
48 cf1 cf2)
49 ))))
50 (error "Quit"))
51 (find-file cf2)))
52 ;; Note, we only ask about overwrite if a string/path is specified.
53 (erase-buffer)
54 (ede-srecode-setup)
55 (ede-srecode-insert
56 "file:ede-empty"
57 "TEST_FILE" testfile
58 "PROGRAM" program)
61 (defvar autoconf-preferred-macro-order
62 '("AC_INIT"
65 ;; Arg parsing
68 ;; Programs
77 "AC_PROG_F77"
87 ;; Libraries
90 ;; Headers
95 ;; Typedefs, structures
100 ;; Compiler characteristics
102 "AC_C_CONST"
103 ;; Library functions
106 ;; System Services
107 ;; Other
110 ;; AC_OUTPUT is always last
113 "List of macros in the order that they prefer to occur in.
114 This helps when inserting a macro which doesn't yet exist
115 by positioning it near other macros which may exist.
116 From the autoconf manual:
118 checks for programs
119 checks for libraries
120 checks for header files
121 checks for typedefs
122 checks for structures
123 checks for compiler characteristics
124 checks for library functions
125 checks for system services
126 `AC_OUTPUT([FILE...])'")
128 (defvar autoconf-multiple-macros
136 "Macros which appear multiple times.")
138 (defvar autoconf-multiple-multiple-macros
140 "Macros which appear multiple times, and perform multiple queries.")
142 (defun autoconf-in-macro (macro)
143 "Non-nil if point is in a macro of type MACRO."
144 (save-excursion
145 (beginning-of-line)
146 (looking-at (concat "\\(A[CM]_" macro "\\|" macro "\\)"))))
148 (defun autoconf-find-last-macro (macro &optional ignore-bol)
149 "Move to the last occurrence of MACRO in FILE, and return that point.
150 The last macro is usually the one in which we would like to insert more
151 items such as CHECK_HEADERS."
152 (let ((op (point)) (atbol (if ignore-bol "" "^")))
153 (goto-char (point-max))
154 (if (re-search-backward (concat atbol (regexp-quote macro) "\\s-*\\((\\|$\\)") nil t)
155 (progn
156 (unless ignore-bol (beginning-of-line))
157 (point))
158 (goto-char op)
159 nil)))
161 (defun autoconf-parameter-strip (param)
162 "Strip the parameter PARAM of whitespace and miscellaneous characters."
163 ;; force greedy match for \n.
164 (when (string-match "\\`\n*\\s-*\\[?\\s-*" param)
165 (setq param (substring param (match-end 0))))
166 (when (string-match "\\s-*\\]?\\s-*\\'" param)
167 (setq param (substring param 0 (match-beginning 0))))
168 ;; Look for occurrences of backslash newline
169 (while (string-match "\\s-*\\\\\\s-*\n\\s-*" param)
170 (setq param (replace-match " " t t param)))
171 param)
173 (defun autoconf-parameters-for-macro (macro &optional ignore-bol ignore-case)
174 "Retrieve the parameters to MACRO.
175 Returns a list of the arguments passed into MACRO as strings."
176 (let ((case-fold-search ignore-case))
177 (save-excursion
178 (when (autoconf-find-last-macro macro ignore-bol)
179 (forward-sexp 1)
180 (mapcar
181 #'autoconf-parameter-strip
182 (when (looking-at "(")
183 (let* ((start (+ (point) 1))
184 (end (save-excursion
185 (forward-sexp 1)
186 (- (point) 1)))
187 (ans (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
188 (split-string ans "," t))))))))
190 (defun autoconf-position-for-macro (macro)
191 "Position the cursor where a new MACRO could be inserted.
192 This will appear at the BEGINNING of the macro MACRO should appear AFTER.
193 This is to make it compatible with `autoconf-find-last-macro'.
194 Assume that MACRO doesn't appear in the buffer yet, so search
195 the ordering list `autoconf-preferred-macro-order'."
196 ;; Search this list backwards.. heh heh heh
197 ;; This lets us do a reverse search easily.
198 (let ((ml (member macro (reverse autoconf-preferred-macro-order))))
199 (if (not ml) (error "Don't know how to position for %s yet" macro))
200 (setq ml (cdr ml))
201 (goto-char (point-max))
202 (while (and ml (not (autoconf-find-last-macro (car ml))))
203 (setq ml (cdr ml)))
204 (if (not ml) (error "Could not find context for positioning %s" macro))))
206 (defun autoconf-insert-macro-at-point (macro &optional param)
207 "Add MACRO at the current point with PARAM."
208 (insert macro)
209 (if param
210 (progn
211 (insert "(" param ")")
212 (if (< (current-column) 3) (insert " dnl")))))
214 (defun autoconf-insert-new-macro (macro &optional param)
215 "Add a call to MACRO in the current autoconf file.
216 Deals with macro order. See `autoconf-preferred-macro-order' and
217 `autoconf-multi-macros'.
218 Optional argument PARAM is the parameter to pass to the macro as one string."
219 (cond ((member macro autoconf-multiple-macros)
220 ;; This occurs multiple times
221 (or (autoconf-find-last-macro macro)
222 (autoconf-position-for-macro macro))
223 (forward-sexp 2)
224 (end-of-line)
225 (insert "\n")
226 (autoconf-insert-macro-at-point macro param))
227 ((member macro autoconf-multiple-multiple-macros)
228 (if (not param)
229 (error "You must have a parameter for %s" macro))
230 (if (not (autoconf-find-last-macro macro))
231 (progn
232 ;; Doesn't exist yet....
233 (autoconf-position-for-macro macro)
234 (forward-sexp 2)
235 (end-of-line)
236 (insert "\n")
237 (autoconf-insert-macro-at-point macro param))
238 ;; Does exist, can we fit onto the current line?
239 (forward-sexp 2)
240 (down-list -1)
241 (if (> (+ (current-column) (length param)) fill-column)
242 (insert " " param)
243 (up-list 1)
244 (end-of-line)
245 (insert "\n")
246 (autoconf-insert-macro-at-point macro param))))
247 ((autoconf-find-last-macro macro)
248 ;; If it isn't one of the multi's, it's a singleton.
249 ;; If it exists, ignore it.
250 nil)
252 (autoconf-position-for-macro macro)
253 (forward-sexp 1)
254 (if (looking-at "\\s-*(")
255 (forward-sexp 1))
256 (end-of-line)
257 (insert "\n")
258 (autoconf-insert-macro-at-point macro param))))
260 (defun autoconf-find-query-for-header (header)
261 "Position the cursor where HEADER is queried."
262 (interactive "sHeader: ")
263 (let ((op (point))
264 (found t))
265 (goto-char (point-min))
266 (condition-case nil
267 (while (not
268 (progn
269 (re-search-forward
270 (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote header) "\\b"))
271 (save-excursion
272 (beginning-of-line)
273 (looking-at "AC_CHECK_HEADERS")))))
274 ;; We depend on the search failing to exit our loop on failure.
275 (error (setq found nil)))
276 (if (not found) (goto-char op))
277 found))
279 (defun autoconf-add-query-for-header (header)
280 "Add in HEADER to be queried for in our autoconf file."
281 (interactive "sHeader: ")
282 (or (autoconf-find-query-for-header header)
283 (autoconf-insert-new-macro "AC_CHECK_HEADERS" header)))
286 (defun autoconf-find-query-for-func (func)
287 "Position the cursor where FUNC is queried."
288 (interactive "sFunction: ")
289 (let ((op (point))
290 (found t))
291 (goto-char (point-min))
292 (condition-case nil
293 (while (not
294 (progn
295 (re-search-forward
296 (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote func) "\\b"))
297 (save-excursion
298 (beginning-of-line)
299 (looking-at "AC_CHECK_FUNCS")))))
300 ;; We depend on the search failing to exit our loop on failure.
301 (error (setq found nil)))
302 (if (not found) (goto-char op))
303 found))
305 (defun autoconf-add-query-for-func (func)
306 "Add in FUNC to be queried for in our autoconf file."
307 (interactive "sFunction: ")
308 (or (autoconf-find-query-for-func func)
309 (autoconf-insert-new-macro "AC_CHECK_FUNCS" func)))
311 (defvar autoconf-program-builtin
312 '(("AWK" . "AC_PROG_AWK")
313 ("CC" . "AC_PROG_CC")
314 ("CPP" . "AC_PROG_CPP")
315 ("CXX" . "AC_PROG_CXX")
317 ("F77" . "AC_PROG_F77")
320 ("LEX" . "AC_PROG_LEX")
321 ("LN_S" . "AC_PROG_LN_S")
323 ("YACC" . "AC_PROG_YACC")
325 "Association list of PROGRAM variables and their built-in MACRO.")
327 (defun autoconf-find-query-for-program (prog)
328 "Position the cursor where PROG is queried.
329 PROG is the VARIABLE to use in autoconf to identify the program.
330 PROG excludes the _PROG suffix. Thus if PROG were EMACS, then the
331 variable in configure.ac would be EMACS_PROG."
332 (let ((op (point))
333 (found t)
334 (builtin (assoc prog autoconf-program-builtin)))
335 (goto-char (point-min))
336 (condition-case nil
337 (re-search-forward
338 (concat "^"
339 (or (cdr-safe builtin)
340 (concat "AC_CHECK_PROG\\s-*(\\s-*" prog "_PROG"))
341 "\\>"))
342 (error (setq found nil)))
343 (if (not found) (goto-char op))
344 found))
346 (defun autoconf-add-query-for-program (prog &optional names)
347 "Add in PROG to be queried for in our autoconf file.
348 Optional NAMES is for non-built-in programs, and is the list
349 of possible names."
350 (interactive "sProgram: ")
351 (if (autoconf-find-query-for-program prog)
353 (let ((builtin (assoc prog autoconf-program-builtin)))
354 (if builtin
355 (autoconf-insert-new-macro (cdr builtin))
356 ;; Not built in, try the params item
357 (autoconf-insert-new-macro "AC_CHECK_PROGS" (concat prog "," names))
358 ))))
360 ;;; Scrappy little changes
362 (defvar autoconf-deleted-text nil
363 "Set to the last bit of text deleted during an edit.")
365 (defvar autoconf-inserted-text nil
366 "Set to the last bit of text inserted during an edit.")
368 (defmacro autoconf-edit-cycle (&rest body)
369 "Start an edit cycle, unsetting the modified flag if there is no change.
370 Optional argument BODY is the code to execute which edits the autoconf file."
371 `(let ((autoconf-deleted-text nil)
372 (autoconf-inserted-text nil)
373 (mod (buffer-modified-p)))
374 ,@body
375 (if (and (not mod)
376 (string= autoconf-deleted-text autoconf-inserted-text))
377 (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
379 (defun autoconf-parameter-count ()
380 "Return the number of parameters to the function on the current line."
381 (save-excursion
382 (beginning-of-line)
383 (let* ((end-of-cmd
384 (save-excursion
385 (if (re-search-forward "(" (point-at-eol) t)
386 (progn
387 (forward-char -1)
388 (forward-sexp 1)
389 (point))
390 ;; Else, just return EOL.
391 (point-at-eol))))
392 (cnt 0))
393 (save-restriction
394 (narrow-to-region (point-at-bol) end-of-cmd)
395 (condition-case nil
396 (progn
397 (down-list 1)
398 (while (re-search-forward ", ?" end-of-cmd t)
399 (setq cnt (1+ cnt)))
400 (cond ((> cnt 1)
401 ;; If the # is > 1, then there is one fewer , than args.
402 (1+ cnt))
403 ((not (looking-at "\\s-*)"))
404 ;; If there are 0 args, then we have to see if there is one arg.
405 (1+ cnt))
407 ;; Else, just return the 0.
408 cnt)))
409 (error 0))))))
411 (defun autoconf-delete-parameter (index)
412 "Delete the INDEXth parameter from the macro starting on the current line.
413 Leaves the cursor where a new parameter can be inserted.
414 INDEX starts at 1."
415 (beginning-of-line)
416 (down-list 1)
417 (re-search-forward ", ?" nil nil (1- index))
418 (let ((end (save-excursion
419 (re-search-forward ",\\|)" (point-at-eol))
420 (forward-char -1)
421 (point))))
422 (setq autoconf-deleted-text (buffer-substring (point) end))
423 (delete-region (point) end)))
425 (defun autoconf-insert (text)
426 "Insert TEXT."
427 (setq autoconf-inserted-text text)
428 (insert text))
430 (defun autoconf-set-version (version)
431 "Set the version used with automake to VERSION."
432 (if (not (stringp version))
433 (signal 'wrong-type-argument '(stringp version)))
434 (if (and (autoconf-find-last-macro "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE")
435 (>= (autoconf-parameter-count) 2))
436 ;; We can edit right here.
438 ;; Else, look for AC init instead.
439 (if (not (and (autoconf-find-last-macro "AC_INIT")
440 (>= (autoconf-parameter-count) 2)))
441 (error "Cannot update version")))
443 ;; Perform the edit.
444 (autoconf-edit-cycle
445 (autoconf-delete-parameter 2)
446 (autoconf-insert (concat "[" version "]"))))
448 (defun autoconf-set-output (outputlist)
449 "Set the files created in AC_OUTPUT to OUTPUTLIST.
450 OUTPUTLIST is a list of strings representing relative paths
451 to Makefiles, or other files using Autoconf substitution."
452 (if (not (autoconf-find-last-macro "AC_OUTPUT"))
453 (error "Cannot update version")
454 (autoconf-edit-cycle
455 (autoconf-delete-parameter 1)
456 (autoconf-insert (mapconcat (lambda (a) a) outputlist " ")))))
458 (provide 'ede/autoconf-edit)
460 ;;; ede/autoconf-edit.el ends here