* callproc.c: Fix race that killed background processes.
[emacs.git] / src / callproc.c
1 /* Synchronous subprocess invocation for GNU Emacs.
2 Copyright (C) 1985-1988, 1993-1995, 1999-2013
3 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 This file is part of GNU Emacs.
7 GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
21 #include <config.h>
22 #include <errno.h>
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <sys/types.h>
25 #include <unistd.h>
27 #include <sys/file.h>
28 #include <fcntl.h>
30 #include "lisp.h"
32 #ifdef WINDOWSNT
33 #define NOMINMAX
34 #include <sys/socket.h> /* for fcntl */
35 #include <windows.h>
36 #include "w32.h"
37 #define _P_NOWAIT 1 /* from process.h */
38 #endif
40 #ifdef MSDOS /* Demacs 1.1.1 91/10/16 HIRANO Satoshi */
41 #include <sys/stat.h>
42 #include <sys/param.h>
43 #endif /* MSDOS */
45 #include "commands.h"
46 #include "character.h"
47 #include "buffer.h"
48 #include "ccl.h"
49 #include "coding.h"
50 #include "composite.h"
51 #include <epaths.h>
52 #include "process.h"
53 #include "syssignal.h"
54 #include "systty.h"
55 #include "syswait.h"
56 #include "blockinput.h"
57 #include "frame.h"
58 #include "termhooks.h"
60 #ifdef MSDOS
61 #include "msdos.h"
62 #endif
64 #ifdef HAVE_NS
65 #include "nsterm.h"
66 #endif
68 /* Pattern used by call-process-region to make temp files. */
69 static Lisp_Object Vtemp_file_name_pattern;
71 /* The next two variables are used while record-unwind-protect is in place
72 during call-process for a subprocess for which record_deleted_pid has
73 not yet been called. At other times, synch_process_pid is zero and
74 synch_process_tempfile's contents are irrelevant. Doing this via static
75 C variables is more convenient than putting them into the arguments
76 of record-unwind-protect, as they need to be updated at randomish
77 times in the code, and Lisp cannot always store these values as
78 Emacs integers. It's safe to use static variables here, as the
79 code is never invoked reentrantly. */
81 /* If nonzero, a process-ID that has not been reaped. */
82 static pid_t synch_process_pid;
84 /* If a string, the name of a temp file that has not been removed. */
85 #ifdef MSDOS
86 static Lisp_Object synch_process_tempfile;
87 #else
88 # define synch_process_tempfile make_number (0)
89 #endif
91 /* Indexes of file descriptors that need closing on call_process_kill. */
92 enum
94 /* The subsidiary process's stdout and stderr. stdin is handled
95 separately, in either Fcall_process_region or create_temp_file. */
98 /* How to read from a pipe (or substitute) from the subsidiary process. */
101 /* A bound on the number of file descriptors. */
105 static Lisp_Object call_process (ptrdiff_t, Lisp_Object *, int, ptrdiff_t);
107 /* Block SIGCHLD. */
109 void
110 block_child_signal (void)
112 sigset_t blocked;
113 sigemptyset (&blocked);
114 sigaddset (&blocked, SIGCHLD);
115 pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &blocked, 0);
118 /* Unblock SIGCHLD. */
120 void
121 unblock_child_signal (void)
123 pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &empty_mask, 0);
126 /* If P is reapable, record it as a deleted process and kill it.
127 Do this in a critical section. Unless PID is wedged it will be
128 reaped on receipt of the first SIGCHLD after the critical section. */
130 void
131 record_kill_process (struct Lisp_Process *p, Lisp_Object tempfile)
133 block_child_signal ();
135 if (p->alive)
137 record_deleted_pid (p->pid, tempfile);
138 p->alive = 0;
139 kill (- p->pid, SIGKILL);
142 unblock_child_signal ();
145 /* Clean up files, file descriptors and processes created by Fcall_process. */
147 static void
148 delete_temp_file (Lisp_Object name)
150 unlink (SSDATA (name));
153 static void
154 call_process_kill (void *ptr)
156 int *callproc_fd = ptr;
157 int i;
158 for (i = 0; i < CALLPROC_FDS; i++)
159 if (0 <= callproc_fd[i])
160 emacs_close (callproc_fd[i]);
162 if (synch_process_pid)
164 struct Lisp_Process proc;
165 proc.alive = 1;
166 proc.pid = synch_process_pid;
167 record_kill_process (&proc, synch_process_tempfile);
168 synch_process_pid = 0;
170 else if (STRINGP (synch_process_tempfile))
171 delete_temp_file (synch_process_tempfile);
174 /* Clean up when exiting Fcall_process: restore the buffer, and
175 kill the subsidiary process group if the process still exists. */
177 static void
178 call_process_cleanup (Lisp_Object buffer)
180 Fset_buffer (buffer);
182 if (synch_process_pid)
184 kill (-synch_process_pid, SIGINT);
185 message1 ("Waiting for process to die...(type C-g again to kill it instantly)");
186 immediate_quit = 1;
187 QUIT;
188 wait_for_termination (synch_process_pid, 0, 1);
189 synch_process_pid = 0;
190 immediate_quit = 0;
191 message1 ("Waiting for process to die...done");
195 #ifdef DOS_NT
196 static mode_t const default_output_mode = S_IREAD | S_IWRITE;
197 #else
198 static mode_t const default_output_mode = 0666;
199 #endif
201 DEFUN ("call-process", Fcall_process, Scall_process, 1, MANY, 0,
202 doc: /* Call PROGRAM synchronously in separate process.
203 The remaining arguments are optional.
204 The program's input comes from file INFILE (nil means `/dev/null').
205 Insert output in DESTINATION before point; t means current buffer; nil for DESTINATION
206 means discard it; 0 means discard and don't wait; and `(:file FILE)', where
207 FILE is a file name string, means that it should be written to that file
208 \(if the file already exists it is overwritten).
209 DESTINATION can also have the form (REAL-BUFFER STDERR-FILE); in that case,
210 REAL-BUFFER says what to do with standard output, as above,
211 while STDERR-FILE says what to do with standard error in the child.
212 STDERR-FILE may be nil (discard standard error output),
213 t (mix it with ordinary output), or a file name string.
215 Fourth arg DISPLAY non-nil means redisplay buffer as output is inserted.
216 Remaining arguments are strings passed as command arguments to PROGRAM.
218 If executable PROGRAM can't be found as an executable, `call-process'
219 signals a Lisp error. `call-process' reports errors in execution of
220 the program only through its return and output.
222 If DESTINATION is 0, `call-process' returns immediately with value nil.
223 Otherwise it waits for PROGRAM to terminate
224 and returns a numeric exit status or a signal description string.
225 If you quit, the process is killed with SIGINT, or SIGKILL if you quit again.
227 usage: (call-process PROGRAM &optional INFILE DESTINATION DISPLAY &rest ARGS) */)
228 (ptrdiff_t nargs, Lisp_Object *args)
230 Lisp_Object infile, encoded_infile;
231 int filefd;
232 struct gcpro gcpro1;
233 ptrdiff_t count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
235 if (nargs >= 2 && ! NILP (args[1]))
237 infile = Fexpand_file_name (args[1], BVAR (current_buffer, directory));
238 CHECK_STRING (infile);
240 else
241 infile = build_string (NULL_DEVICE);
243 GCPRO1 (infile);
244 encoded_infile = STRING_MULTIBYTE (infile) ? ENCODE_FILE (infile) : infile;
246 filefd = emacs_open (SSDATA (encoded_infile), O_RDONLY, 0);
247 if (filefd < 0)
248 report_file_error ("Opening process input file", infile);
249 record_unwind_protect_int (close_file_unwind, filefd);
251 return unbind_to (count, call_process (nargs, args, filefd, -1));
254 /* Like Fcall_process (NARGS, ARGS), except use FILEFD as the input file.
256 If TEMPFILE_INDEX is nonnegative, it is the specpdl index of an
257 unwinder that is intended to remove the input temporary file; in
258 this case NARGS must be at least 2 and ARGS[1] is the file's name.
260 At entry, the specpdl stack top entry must be close_file_unwind (FILEFD). */
262 static Lisp_Object
263 call_process (ptrdiff_t nargs, Lisp_Object *args, int filefd,
264 ptrdiff_t tempfile_index)
266 Lisp_Object buffer, current_dir, path;
267 bool display_p;
268 int fd0;
269 int callproc_fd[CALLPROC_FDS];
270 int status;
271 ptrdiff_t i;
272 ptrdiff_t count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
275 char **new_argv;
276 /* File to use for stderr in the child.
277 t means use same as standard output. */
278 Lisp_Object error_file;
279 Lisp_Object output_file = Qnil;
280 #ifdef MSDOS /* Demacs 1.1.1 91/10/16 HIRANO Satoshi */
281 char *tempfile = NULL;
282 int pid;
283 #else
284 pid_t pid;
285 #endif
286 int child_errno;
287 int fd_output, fd_error;
288 struct coding_system process_coding; /* coding-system of process output */
289 struct coding_system argument_coding; /* coding-system of arguments */
290 /* Set to the return value of Ffind_operation_coding_system. */
291 Lisp_Object coding_systems;
292 bool discard_output;
294 if (synch_process_pid)
295 error ("call-process invoked recursively");
297 /* Qt denotes that Ffind_operation_coding_system is not yet called. */
298 coding_systems = Qt;
300 CHECK_STRING (args[0]);
302 error_file = Qt;
304 #ifndef subprocesses
305 /* Without asynchronous processes we cannot have BUFFER == 0. */
306 if (nargs >= 3
307 && (INTEGERP (CONSP (args[2]) ? XCAR (args[2]) : args[2])))
308 error ("Operating system cannot handle asynchronous subprocesses");
309 #endif /* subprocesses */
311 /* Decide the coding-system for giving arguments. */
313 Lisp_Object val, *args2;
315 /* If arguments are supplied, we may have to encode them. */
316 if (nargs >= 5)
318 bool must_encode = 0;
319 Lisp_Object coding_attrs;
321 for (i = 4; i < nargs; i++)
322 CHECK_STRING (args[i]);
324 for (i = 4; i < nargs; i++)
325 if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (args[i]))
326 must_encode = 1;
328 if (!NILP (Vcoding_system_for_write))
329 val = Vcoding_system_for_write;
330 else if (! must_encode)
331 val = Qraw_text;
332 else
334 SAFE_NALLOCA (args2, 1, nargs + 1);
335 args2[0] = Qcall_process;
336 for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) args2[i + 1] = args[i];
337 coding_systems = Ffind_operation_coding_system (nargs + 1, args2);
338 val = CONSP (coding_systems) ? XCDR (coding_systems) : Qnil;
340 val = complement_process_encoding_system (val);
341 setup_coding_system (Fcheck_coding_system (val), &argument_coding);
342 coding_attrs = CODING_ID_ATTRS (argument_coding.id);
343 if (NILP (CODING_ATTR_ASCII_COMPAT (coding_attrs)))
345 /* We should not use an ASCII incompatible coding system. */
346 val = raw_text_coding_system (val);
347 setup_coding_system (val, &argument_coding);
352 if (nargs < 3)
353 buffer = Qnil;
354 else
356 buffer = args[2];
358 /* If BUFFER is a list, its meaning is (BUFFER-FOR-STDOUT
359 FILE-FOR-STDERR), unless the first element is :file, in which case see
360 the next paragraph. */
361 if (CONSP (buffer) && !EQ (XCAR (buffer), QCfile))
363 if (CONSP (XCDR (buffer)))
365 Lisp_Object stderr_file;
366 stderr_file = XCAR (XCDR (buffer));
368 if (NILP (stderr_file) || EQ (Qt, stderr_file))
369 error_file = stderr_file;
370 else
371 error_file = Fexpand_file_name (stderr_file, Qnil);
374 buffer = XCAR (buffer);
377 /* If the buffer is (still) a list, it might be a (:file "file") spec. */
378 if (CONSP (buffer) && EQ (XCAR (buffer), QCfile))
380 output_file = Fexpand_file_name (XCAR (XCDR (buffer)),
381 BVAR (current_buffer, directory));
382 CHECK_STRING (output_file);
383 buffer = Qnil;
386 if (! (NILP (buffer) || EQ (buffer, Qt) || INTEGERP (buffer)))
388 Lisp_Object spec_buffer;
389 spec_buffer = buffer;
390 buffer = Fget_buffer_create (buffer);
391 /* Mention the buffer name for a better error message. */
392 if (NILP (buffer))
393 CHECK_BUFFER (spec_buffer);
394 CHECK_BUFFER (buffer);
398 /* Make sure that the child will be able to chdir to the current
399 buffer's current directory, or its unhandled equivalent. We
400 can't just have the child check for an error when it does the
401 chdir, since it's in a vfork.
403 We have to GCPRO around this because Fexpand_file_name,
404 Funhandled_file_name_directory, and Ffile_accessible_directory_p
405 might call a file name handling function. The argument list is
406 protected by the caller, so all we really have to worry about is
407 buffer. */
409 struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4;
411 current_dir = BVAR (current_buffer, directory);
413 GCPRO4 (buffer, current_dir, error_file, output_file);
415 current_dir = Funhandled_file_name_directory (current_dir);
416 if (NILP (current_dir))
417 /* If the file name handler says that current_dir is unreachable, use
418 a sensible default. */
419 current_dir = build_string ("~/");
420 current_dir = expand_and_dir_to_file (current_dir, Qnil);
421 current_dir = Ffile_name_as_directory (current_dir);
423 if (NILP (Ffile_accessible_directory_p (current_dir)))
424 report_file_error ("Setting current directory",
425 BVAR (current_buffer, directory));
427 if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (current_dir))
428 current_dir = ENCODE_FILE (current_dir);
429 if (STRINGP (error_file) && STRING_MULTIBYTE (error_file))
430 error_file = ENCODE_FILE (error_file);
431 if (STRINGP (output_file) && STRING_MULTIBYTE (output_file))
432 output_file = ENCODE_FILE (output_file);
436 display_p = INTERACTIVE && nargs >= 4 && !NILP (args[3]);
438 for (i = 0; i < CALLPROC_FDS; i++)
439 callproc_fd[i] = -1;
440 #ifdef MSDOS
441 synch_process_tempfile = make_number (0);
442 #endif
443 record_unwind_protect_ptr (call_process_kill, callproc_fd);
445 /* Search for program; barf if not found. */
447 struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3;
448 int ok;
450 GCPRO3 (buffer, current_dir, error_file);
451 ok = openp (Vexec_path, args[0], Vexec_suffixes, &path, make_number (X_OK));
453 if (ok < 0)
454 report_file_error ("Searching for program", args[0]);
457 /* If program file name starts with /: for quoting a magic name,
458 discard that. */
459 if (SBYTES (path) > 2 && SREF (path, 0) == '/'
460 && SREF (path, 1) == ':')
461 path = Fsubstring (path, make_number (2), Qnil);
463 new_argv = SAFE_ALLOCA ((nargs > 4 ? nargs - 2 : 2) * sizeof *new_argv);
466 struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4;
468 GCPRO4 (buffer, current_dir, path, error_file);
469 if (nargs > 4)
471 ptrdiff_t i;
473 argument_coding.dst_multibyte = 0;
474 for (i = 4; i < nargs; i++)
476 argument_coding.src_multibyte = STRING_MULTIBYTE (args[i]);
477 if (CODING_REQUIRE_ENCODING (&argument_coding))
478 /* We must encode this argument. */
479 args[i] = encode_coding_string (&argument_coding, args[i], 1);
481 for (i = 4; i < nargs; i++)
482 new_argv[i - 3] = SSDATA (args[i]);
483 new_argv[i - 3] = 0;
485 else
486 new_argv[1] = 0;
487 if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (path))
488 path = ENCODE_FILE (path);
489 new_argv[0] = SSDATA (path);
493 discard_output = INTEGERP (buffer) || (NILP (buffer) && NILP (output_file));
495 #ifdef MSDOS
496 if (! discard_output && ! STRINGP (output_file))
498 char const *tmpdir = egetenv ("TMPDIR");
499 char const *outf = tmpdir ? tmpdir : "";
500 tempfile = alloca (strlen (outf) + 20);
501 strcpy (tempfile, outf);
502 dostounix_filename (tempfile, 0);
503 if (*tempfile == '\0' || tempfile[strlen (tempfile) - 1] != '/')
504 strcat (tempfile, "/");
505 strcat (tempfile, "detmp.XXX");
506 mktemp (tempfile);
507 if (!*tempfile)
508 report_file_error ("Opening process output file", Qnil);
509 output_file = build_string (tempfile);
510 synch_process_tempfile = output_file;
512 #endif
514 if (discard_output)
516 fd_output = emacs_open (NULL_DEVICE, O_WRONLY, 0);
517 if (fd_output < 0)
518 report_file_error ("Opening null device", Qnil);
520 else if (STRINGP (output_file))
522 fd_output = emacs_open (SSDATA (output_file),
524 default_output_mode);
525 if (fd_output < 0)
527 int open_errno = errno;
528 output_file = DECODE_FILE (output_file);
529 report_file_errno ("Opening process output file",
530 output_file, open_errno);
533 else
535 int fd[2];
536 if (emacs_pipe (fd) != 0)
537 report_file_error ("Creating process pipe", Qnil);
538 callproc_fd[CALLPROC_PIPEREAD] = fd[0];
539 fd_output = fd[1];
541 callproc_fd[CALLPROC_STDOUT] = fd_output;
543 fd_error = fd_output;
545 if (STRINGP (error_file) || (NILP (error_file) && !discard_output))
547 fd_error = emacs_open ((STRINGP (error_file)
548 ? SSDATA (error_file)
551 default_output_mode);
552 if (fd_error < 0)
554 int open_errno = errno;
555 report_file_errno ("Cannot redirect stderr",
556 (STRINGP (error_file)
557 ? DECODE_FILE (error_file)
558 : build_string (NULL_DEVICE)),
559 open_errno);
561 callproc_fd[CALLPROC_STDERR] = fd_error;
564 #ifdef MSDOS /* MW, July 1993 */
565 /* Note that on MSDOS `child_setup' actually returns the child process
566 exit status, not its PID, so assign it to status below. */
567 pid = child_setup (filefd, fd_output, fd_error, new_argv, 0, current_dir);
569 if (pid < 0)
571 child_errno = errno;
572 unbind_to (count, Qnil);
573 synchronize_system_messages_locale ();
574 return
575 code_convert_string_norecord (build_string (strerror (child_errno)),
576 Vlocale_coding_system, 0);
578 status = pid;
580 for (i = 0; i < CALLPROC_FDS; i++)
581 if (0 <= callproc_fd[i])
583 emacs_close (callproc_fd[i]);
584 callproc_fd[i] = -1;
586 emacs_close (filefd);
587 clear_unwind_protect (count - 1);
589 if (tempfile)
591 /* Since CRLF is converted to LF within `decode_coding', we
592 can always open a file with binary mode. */
593 callproc_fd[CALLPROC_PIPEREAD] = emacs_open (tempfile,
594 O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
595 if (callproc_fd[CALLPROC_PIPEREAD] < 0)
597 int open_errno = errno;
598 report_file_errno ("Cannot re-open temporary file",
599 build_string (tempfile), open_errno);
603 #endif /* MSDOS */
605 /* Do the unwind-protect now, even though the pid is not known, so
606 that no storage allocation is done in the critical section.
607 The actual PID will be filled in during the critical section. */
608 record_unwind_protect (call_process_cleanup, Fcurrent_buffer ());
610 #ifndef MSDOS
612 block_input ();
613 block_child_signal ();
615 #ifdef WINDOWSNT
616 pid = child_setup (filefd, fd_output, fd_error, new_argv, 0, current_dir);
617 #else /* not WINDOWSNT */
619 /* vfork, and prevent local vars from being clobbered by the vfork. */
621 Lisp_Object volatile buffer_volatile = buffer;
622 Lisp_Object volatile coding_systems_volatile = coding_systems;
623 Lisp_Object volatile current_dir_volatile = current_dir;
624 bool volatile display_p_volatile = display_p;
625 bool volatile sa_must_free_volatile = sa_must_free;
626 int volatile fd_error_volatile = fd_error;
627 int volatile filefd_volatile = filefd;
628 ptrdiff_t volatile count_volatile = count;
629 ptrdiff_t volatile sa_count_volatile = sa_count;
630 char **volatile new_argv_volatile = new_argv;
631 int volatile callproc_fd_volatile[CALLPROC_FDS];
632 for (i = 0; i < CALLPROC_FDS; i++)
633 callproc_fd_volatile[i] = callproc_fd[i];
635 pid = vfork ();
637 buffer = buffer_volatile;
638 coding_systems = coding_systems_volatile;
639 current_dir = current_dir_volatile;
640 display_p = display_p_volatile;
641 sa_must_free = sa_must_free_volatile;
642 fd_error = fd_error_volatile;
643 filefd = filefd_volatile;
644 count = count_volatile;
645 sa_count = sa_count_volatile;
646 new_argv = new_argv_volatile;
648 for (i = 0; i < CALLPROC_FDS; i++)
649 callproc_fd[i] = callproc_fd_volatile[i];
650 fd_output = callproc_fd[CALLPROC_STDOUT];
653 if (pid == 0)
655 unblock_child_signal ();
657 setsid ();
659 /* Emacs ignores SIGPIPE, but the child should not. */
660 signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
662 child_setup (filefd, fd_output, fd_error, new_argv, 0, current_dir);
665 #endif /* not WINDOWSNT */
667 child_errno = errno;
669 if (pid > 0)
671 synch_process_pid = pid;
673 if (INTEGERP (buffer))
675 if (tempfile_index < 0)
676 record_deleted_pid (pid, Qnil);
677 else
679 eassert (1 < nargs);
680 record_deleted_pid (pid, args[1]);
681 clear_unwind_protect (tempfile_index);
683 synch_process_pid = 0;
687 unblock_child_signal ();
688 unblock_input ();
690 #endif /* not MSDOS */
692 if (pid < 0)
693 report_file_errno ("Doing vfork", Qnil, child_errno);
695 /* Close our file descriptors, except for callproc_fd[CALLPROC_PIPEREAD]
696 since we will use that to read input from. */
697 for (i = 0; i < CALLPROC_FDS; i++)
698 if (i != CALLPROC_PIPEREAD && 0 <= callproc_fd[i])
700 emacs_close (callproc_fd[i]);
701 callproc_fd[i] = -1;
703 emacs_close (filefd);
704 clear_unwind_protect (count - 1);
706 if (INTEGERP (buffer))
707 return unbind_to (count, Qnil);
709 if (BUFFERP (buffer))
710 Fset_buffer (buffer);
712 fd0 = callproc_fd[CALLPROC_PIPEREAD];
714 if (0 <= fd0)
716 Lisp_Object val, *args2;
718 val = Qnil;
719 if (!NILP (Vcoding_system_for_read))
720 val = Vcoding_system_for_read;
721 else
723 if (EQ (coding_systems, Qt))
725 ptrdiff_t i;
727 SAFE_NALLOCA (args2, 1, nargs + 1);
728 args2[0] = Qcall_process;
729 for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) args2[i + 1] = args[i];
730 coding_systems
731 = Ffind_operation_coding_system (nargs + 1, args2);
733 if (CONSP (coding_systems))
734 val = XCAR (coding_systems);
735 else if (CONSP (Vdefault_process_coding_system))
736 val = XCAR (Vdefault_process_coding_system);
737 else
738 val = Qnil;
740 Fcheck_coding_system (val);
741 /* In unibyte mode, character code conversion should not take
742 place but EOL conversion should. So, setup raw-text or one
743 of the subsidiary according to the information just setup. */
744 if (NILP (BVAR (current_buffer, enable_multibyte_characters))
745 && !NILP (val))
746 val = raw_text_coding_system (val);
747 setup_coding_system (val, &process_coding);
748 process_coding.dst_multibyte
749 = ! NILP (BVAR (current_buffer, enable_multibyte_characters));
750 process_coding.src_multibyte = 0;
753 immediate_quit = 1;
754 QUIT;
756 if (0 <= fd0)
758 enum { CALLPROC_BUFFER_SIZE_MIN = 16 * 1024 };
761 int bufsize = CALLPROC_BUFFER_SIZE_MIN;
762 int nread;
763 bool first = 1;
764 EMACS_INT total_read = 0;
765 int carryover = 0;
766 bool display_on_the_fly = display_p;
767 struct coding_system saved_coding = process_coding;
769 while (1)
771 /* Repeatedly read until we've filled as much as possible
772 of the buffer size we have. But don't read
773 less than 1024--save that for the next bufferful. */
774 nread = carryover;
775 while (nread < bufsize - 1024)
777 int this_read = emacs_read (fd0, buf + nread,
778 bufsize - nread);
780 if (this_read < 0)
781 goto give_up;
783 if (this_read == 0)
785 process_coding.mode |= CODING_MODE_LAST_BLOCK;
786 break;
789 nread += this_read;
790 total_read += this_read;
792 if (display_on_the_fly)
793 break;
796 /* Now NREAD is the total amount of data in the buffer. */
797 immediate_quit = 0;
799 if (NILP (BVAR (current_buffer, enable_multibyte_characters))
800 && ! CODING_MAY_REQUIRE_DECODING (&process_coding))
801 insert_1_both (buf, nread, nread, 0, 1, 0);
802 else
803 { /* We have to decode the input. */
804 Lisp_Object curbuf;
805 ptrdiff_t count1 = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
807 XSETBUFFER (curbuf, current_buffer);
808 /* We cannot allow after-change-functions be run
809 during decoding, because that might modify the
810 buffer, while we rely on process_coding.produced to
811 faithfully reflect inserted text until we
812 TEMP_SET_PT_BOTH below. */
813 specbind (Qinhibit_modification_hooks, Qt);
814 decode_coding_c_string (&process_coding,
815 (unsigned char *) buf, nread, curbuf);
816 unbind_to (count1, Qnil);
817 if (display_on_the_fly
818 && CODING_REQUIRE_DETECTION (&saved_coding)
819 && ! CODING_REQUIRE_DETECTION (&process_coding))
821 /* We have detected some coding system, but the
822 detection may have been via insufficient data.
823 So give up displaying on the fly. */
824 if (process_coding.produced > 0)
825 del_range_2 (process_coding.dst_pos,
826 process_coding.dst_pos_byte,
827 (process_coding.dst_pos
828 + process_coding.produced_char),
829 (process_coding.dst_pos_byte
830 + process_coding.produced),
832 display_on_the_fly = 0;
833 process_coding = saved_coding;
834 carryover = nread;
835 /* Make the above condition always fail in the future. */
836 saved_coding.common_flags
838 continue;
841 TEMP_SET_PT_BOTH (PT + process_coding.produced_char,
842 PT_BYTE + process_coding.produced);
843 carryover = process_coding.carryover_bytes;
844 if (carryover > 0)
845 memcpy (buf, process_coding.carryover,
846 process_coding.carryover_bytes);
849 if (process_coding.mode & CODING_MODE_LAST_BLOCK)
850 break;
852 /* Make the buffer bigger as we continue to read more data,
853 but not past CALLPROC_BUFFER_SIZE_MAX. */
854 if (bufsize < CALLPROC_BUFFER_SIZE_MAX && total_read > 32 * bufsize)
855 if ((bufsize *= 2) > CALLPROC_BUFFER_SIZE_MAX)
858 if (display_p)
860 if (first)
861 prepare_menu_bars ();
862 first = 0;
863 redisplay_preserve_echo_area (1);
864 /* This variable might have been set to 0 for code
865 detection. In that case, set it back to 1 because
866 we should have already detected a coding system. */
867 display_on_the_fly = 1;
869 immediate_quit = 1;
870 QUIT;
872 give_up: ;
874 Vlast_coding_system_used = CODING_ID_NAME (process_coding.id);
875 /* If the caller required, let the buffer inherit the
876 coding-system used to decode the process output. */
877 if (inherit_process_coding_system)
878 call1 (intern ("after-insert-file-set-buffer-file-coding-system"),
879 make_number (total_read));
882 #ifndef MSDOS
883 /* Wait for it to terminate, unless it already has. */
884 wait_for_termination (pid, &status, fd0 < 0);
885 #endif
887 immediate_quit = 0;
889 /* Don't kill any children that the subprocess may have left behind
890 when exiting. */
891 synch_process_pid = 0;
893 SAFE_FREE ();
894 unbind_to (count, Qnil);
896 if (WIFSIGNALED (status))
898 const char *signame;
900 synchronize_system_messages_locale ();
901 signame = strsignal (WTERMSIG (status));
903 if (signame == 0)
904 signame = "unknown";
906 return code_convert_string_norecord (build_string (signame),
907 Vlocale_coding_system, 0);
910 eassert (WIFEXITED (status));
911 return make_number (WEXITSTATUS (status));
914 /* Create a temporary file suitable for storing the input data of
915 call-process-region. NARGS and ARGS are the same as for
916 call-process-region. Store into *FILENAME_STRING_PTR a Lisp string
917 naming the file, and return a file descriptor for reading.
918 Unwind-protect the file, so that the file descriptor will be closed
919 and the file removed when the caller unwinds the specpdl stack. */
921 static int
922 create_temp_file (ptrdiff_t nargs, Lisp_Object *args,
923 Lisp_Object *filename_string_ptr)
925 int fd;
926 struct gcpro gcpro1;
927 Lisp_Object filename_string;
928 Lisp_Object val, start, end;
929 Lisp_Object tmpdir;
931 if (STRINGP (Vtemporary_file_directory))
932 tmpdir = Vtemporary_file_directory;
933 else
935 char *outf;
936 #ifndef DOS_NT
937 outf = getenv ("TMPDIR");
938 tmpdir = build_string (outf ? outf : "/tmp/");
939 #else /* DOS_NT */
940 if ((outf = egetenv ("TMPDIR"))
941 || (outf = egetenv ("TMP"))
942 || (outf = egetenv ("TEMP")))
943 tmpdir = build_string (outf);
944 else
945 tmpdir = Ffile_name_as_directory (build_string ("c:/temp"));
946 #endif
950 Lisp_Object pattern = Fexpand_file_name (Vtemp_file_name_pattern, tmpdir);
951 char *tempfile;
952 ptrdiff_t count;
954 #ifdef WINDOWSNT
955 /* Cannot use the result of Fexpand_file_name, because it
956 downcases the XXXXXX part of the pattern, and mktemp then
957 doesn't recognize it. */
958 if (!NILP (Vw32_downcase_file_names))
960 Lisp_Object dirname = Ffile_name_directory (pattern);
962 if (NILP (dirname))
963 pattern = Vtemp_file_name_pattern;
964 else
965 pattern = concat2 (dirname, Vtemp_file_name_pattern);
967 #endif
969 filename_string = Fcopy_sequence (ENCODE_FILE (pattern));
970 GCPRO1 (filename_string);
971 tempfile = SSDATA (filename_string);
973 count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
974 record_unwind_protect_nothing ();
975 fd = mkostemp (tempfile, O_CLOEXEC);
976 if (fd < 0)
977 report_file_error ("Failed to open temporary file using pattern",
978 pattern);
979 set_unwind_protect (count, delete_temp_file, filename_string);
980 record_unwind_protect_int (close_file_unwind, fd);
983 start = args[0];
984 end = args[1];
985 /* Decide coding-system of the contents of the temporary file. */
986 if (!NILP (Vcoding_system_for_write))
987 val = Vcoding_system_for_write;
988 else if (NILP (BVAR (current_buffer, enable_multibyte_characters)))
989 val = Qraw_text;
990 else
992 Lisp_Object coding_systems;
993 Lisp_Object *args2;
995 SAFE_NALLOCA (args2, 1, nargs + 1);
996 args2[0] = Qcall_process_region;
997 memcpy (args2 + 1, args, nargs * sizeof *args);
998 coding_systems = Ffind_operation_coding_system (nargs + 1, args2);
999 val = CONSP (coding_systems) ? XCDR (coding_systems) : Qnil;
1000 SAFE_FREE ();
1002 val = complement_process_encoding_system (val);
1005 ptrdiff_t count1 = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
1007 specbind (intern ("coding-system-for-write"), val);
1008 /* POSIX lets mk[s]temp use "."; don't invoke jka-compr if we
1009 happen to get a ".Z" suffix. */
1010 specbind (intern ("file-name-handler-alist"), Qnil);
1011 write_region (start, end, filename_string, Qnil, Qlambda, Qnil, Qnil, fd);
1013 unbind_to (count1, Qnil);
1016 if (lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
1017 report_file_error ("Setting file position", filename_string);
1019 /* Note that Fcall_process takes care of binding
1020 coding-system-for-read. */
1022 *filename_string_ptr = filename_string;
1024 return fd;
1027 DEFUN ("call-process-region", Fcall_process_region, Scall_process_region,
1028 3, MANY, 0,
1029 doc: /* Send text from START to END to a synchronous process running PROGRAM.
1030 The remaining arguments are optional.
1031 Delete the text if fourth arg DELETE is non-nil.
1033 Insert output in BUFFER before point; t means current buffer; nil for
1034 BUFFER means discard it; 0 means discard and don't wait; and `(:file
1035 FILE)', where FILE is a file name string, means that it should be
1036 written to that file (if the file already exists it is overwritten).
1037 BUFFER can also have the form (REAL-BUFFER STDERR-FILE); in that case,
1038 REAL-BUFFER says what to do with standard output, as above,
1039 while STDERR-FILE says what to do with standard error in the child.
1040 STDERR-FILE may be nil (discard standard error output),
1041 t (mix it with ordinary output), or a file name string.
1043 Sixth arg DISPLAY non-nil means redisplay buffer as output is inserted.
1044 Remaining args are passed to PROGRAM at startup as command args.
1046 If BUFFER is 0, `call-process-region' returns immediately with value nil.
1047 Otherwise it waits for PROGRAM to terminate
1048 and returns a numeric exit status or a signal description string.
1049 If you quit, the process is killed with SIGINT, or SIGKILL if you quit again.
1051 usage: (call-process-region START END PROGRAM &optional DELETE BUFFER DISPLAY &rest ARGS) */)
1052 (ptrdiff_t nargs, Lisp_Object *args)
1054 struct gcpro gcpro1;
1055 Lisp_Object infile, val;
1056 ptrdiff_t count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
1057 Lisp_Object start = args[0];
1058 Lisp_Object end = args[1];
1059 bool empty_input;
1060 int fd;
1062 if (STRINGP (start))
1063 empty_input = SCHARS (start) == 0;
1064 else if (NILP (start))
1065 empty_input = BEG == Z;
1066 else
1068 validate_region (&args[0], &args[1]);
1069 start = args[0];
1070 end = args[1];
1071 empty_input = XINT (start) == XINT (end);
1074 if (!empty_input)
1075 fd = create_temp_file (nargs, args, &infile);
1076 else
1078 infile = Qnil;
1079 fd = emacs_open (NULL_DEVICE, O_RDONLY, 0);
1080 if (fd < 0)
1081 report_file_error ("Opening null device", Qnil);
1082 record_unwind_protect_int (close_file_unwind, fd);
1085 GCPRO1 (infile);
1087 if (nargs > 3 && !NILP (args[3]))
1088 Fdelete_region (start, end);
1090 if (nargs > 3)
1092 args += 2;
1093 nargs -= 2;
1095 else
1097 args[0] = args[2];
1098 nargs = 2;
1100 args[1] = infile;
1102 val = call_process (nargs, args, fd, empty_input ? -1 : count);
1103 RETURN_UNGCPRO (unbind_to (count, val));
1106 #ifndef WINDOWSNT
1107 static int relocate_fd (int fd, int minfd);
1108 #endif
1110 static char **
1111 add_env (char **env, char **new_env, char *string)
1113 char **ep;
1114 bool ok = 1;
1115 if (string == NULL)
1116 return new_env;
1118 /* See if this string duplicates any string already in the env.
1119 If so, don't put it in.
1120 When an env var has multiple definitions,
1121 we keep the definition that comes first in process-environment. */
1122 for (ep = env; ok && ep != new_env; ep++)
1124 char *p = *ep, *q = string;
1125 while (ok)
1127 if (*q != *p)
1128 break;
1129 if (*q == 0)
1130 /* The string is a lone variable name; keep it for now, we
1131 will remove it later. It is a placeholder for a
1132 variable that is not to be included in the environment. */
1133 break;
1134 if (*q == '=')
1135 ok = 0;
1136 p++, q++;
1139 if (ok)
1140 *new_env++ = string;
1141 return new_env;
1144 /* This is the last thing run in a newly forked inferior
1145 either synchronous or asynchronous.
1146 Copy descriptors IN, OUT and ERR as descriptors 0, 1 and 2.
1147 Initialize inferior's priority, pgrp, connected dir and environment.
1148 then exec another program based on new_argv.
1150 If SET_PGRP, put the subprocess into a separate process group.
1152 CURRENT_DIR is an elisp string giving the path of the current
1153 directory the subprocess should have. Since we can't really signal
1154 a decent error from within the child, this should be verified as an
1155 executable directory by the parent. */
1158 child_setup (int in, int out, int err, char **new_argv, bool set_pgrp,
1159 Lisp_Object current_dir)
1161 char **env;
1162 char *pwd_var;
1163 #ifdef WINDOWSNT
1164 int cpid;
1165 HANDLE handles[3];
1166 #else
1167 int exec_errno;
1169 pid_t pid = getpid ();
1170 #endif /* WINDOWSNT */
1172 /* Note that use of alloca is always safe here. It's obvious for systems
1173 that do not have true vfork or that have true (stack) alloca.
1174 If using vfork and C_ALLOCA (when Emacs used to include
1175 src/alloca.c) it is safe because that changes the superior's
1176 static variables as if the superior had done alloca and will be
1177 cleaned up in the usual way. */
1179 register char *temp;
1180 size_t i; /* size_t, because ptrdiff_t might overflow here! */
1182 i = SBYTES (current_dir);
1183 #ifdef MSDOS
1184 /* MSDOS must have all environment variables malloc'ed, because
1185 low-level libc functions that launch subsidiary processes rely
1186 on that. */
1187 pwd_var = xmalloc (i + 6);
1188 #else
1189 pwd_var = alloca (i + 6);
1190 #endif
1191 temp = pwd_var + 4;
1192 memcpy (pwd_var, "PWD=", 4);
1193 memcpy (temp, SDATA (current_dir), i);
1194 if (!IS_DIRECTORY_SEP (temp[i - 1])) temp[i++] = DIRECTORY_SEP;
1195 temp[i] = 0;
1197 #ifndef DOS_NT
1198 /* We can't signal an Elisp error here; we're in a vfork. Since
1199 the callers check the current directory before forking, this
1200 should only return an error if the directory's permissions
1201 are changed between the check and this chdir, but we should
1202 at least check. */
1203 if (chdir (temp) < 0)
1204 _exit (EXIT_CANCELED);
1205 #else /* DOS_NT */
1206 /* Get past the drive letter, so that d:/ is left alone. */
1207 if (i > 2 && IS_DEVICE_SEP (temp[1]) && IS_DIRECTORY_SEP (temp[2]))
1209 temp += 2;
1210 i -= 2;
1212 #endif /* DOS_NT */
1214 /* Strip trailing slashes for PWD, but leave "/" and "//" alone. */
1215 while (i > 2 && IS_DIRECTORY_SEP (temp[i - 1]))
1216 temp[--i] = 0;
1219 /* Set `env' to a vector of the strings in the environment. */
1221 register Lisp_Object tem;
1222 register char **new_env;
1223 char **p, **q;
1224 register int new_length;
1225 Lisp_Object display = Qnil;
1227 new_length = 0;
1229 for (tem = Vprocess_environment;
1230 CONSP (tem) && STRINGP (XCAR (tem));
1231 tem = XCDR (tem))
1233 if (strncmp (SSDATA (XCAR (tem)), "DISPLAY", 7) == 0
1234 && (SDATA (XCAR (tem)) [7] == '\0'
1235 || SDATA (XCAR (tem)) [7] == '='))
1236 /* DISPLAY is specified in process-environment. */
1237 display = Qt;
1238 new_length++;
1241 /* If not provided yet, use the frame's DISPLAY. */
1242 if (NILP (display))
1244 Lisp_Object tmp = Fframe_parameter (selected_frame, Qdisplay);
1245 if (!STRINGP (tmp) && CONSP (Vinitial_environment))
1246 /* If still not found, Look for DISPLAY in Vinitial_environment. */
1247 tmp = Fgetenv_internal (build_string ("DISPLAY"),
1248 Vinitial_environment);
1249 if (STRINGP (tmp))
1251 display = tmp;
1252 new_length++;
1256 /* new_length + 2 to include PWD and terminating 0. */
1257 env = new_env = alloca ((new_length + 2) * sizeof *env);
1258 /* If we have a PWD envvar, pass one down,
1259 but with corrected value. */
1260 if (egetenv ("PWD"))
1261 *new_env++ = pwd_var;
1263 if (STRINGP (display))
1265 char *vdata = alloca (sizeof "DISPLAY=" + SBYTES (display));
1266 strcpy (vdata, "DISPLAY=");
1267 strcat (vdata, SSDATA (display));
1268 new_env = add_env (env, new_env, vdata);
1271 /* Overrides. */
1272 for (tem = Vprocess_environment;
1273 CONSP (tem) && STRINGP (XCAR (tem));
1274 tem = XCDR (tem))
1275 new_env = add_env (env, new_env, SSDATA (XCAR (tem)));
1277 *new_env = 0;
1279 /* Remove variable names without values. */
1280 p = q = env;
1281 while (*p != 0)
1283 while (*q != 0 && strchr (*q, '=') == NULL)
1284 q++;
1285 *p = *q++;
1286 if (*p != 0)
1287 p++;
1292 #ifdef WINDOWSNT
1293 prepare_standard_handles (in, out, err, handles);
1294 set_process_dir (SDATA (current_dir));
1295 /* Spawn the child. (See w32proc.c:sys_spawnve). */
1296 cpid = spawnve (_P_NOWAIT, new_argv[0], new_argv, env);
1297 reset_standard_handles (in, out, err, handles);
1298 if (cpid == -1)
1299 /* An error occurred while trying to spawn the process. */
1300 report_file_error ("Spawning child process", Qnil);
1301 return cpid;
1303 #else /* not WINDOWSNT */
1304 /* Make sure that in, out, and err are not actually already in
1305 descriptors zero, one, or two; this could happen if Emacs is
1306 started with its standard in, out, or error closed, as might
1307 happen under X. */
1309 int oin = in, oout = out;
1311 /* We have to avoid relocating the same descriptor twice! */
1313 in = relocate_fd (in, 3);
1315 if (out == oin)
1316 out = in;
1317 else
1318 out = relocate_fd (out, 3);
1320 if (err == oin)
1321 err = in;
1322 else if (err == oout)
1323 err = out;
1324 else
1325 err = relocate_fd (err, 3);
1328 #ifndef MSDOS
1329 /* Redirect file descriptors and clear the close-on-exec flag on the
1330 redirected ones. IN, OUT, and ERR are close-on-exec so they
1331 need not be closed explicitly. */
1332 dup2 (in, 0);
1333 dup2 (out, 1);
1334 dup2 (err, 2);
1336 setpgid (0, 0);
1337 tcsetpgrp (0, pid);
1339 execve (new_argv[0], new_argv, env);
1340 exec_errno = errno;
1342 /* Avoid deadlock if the child's perror writes to a full pipe; the
1343 pipe's reader is the parent, but with vfork the parent can't
1344 run until the child exits. Truncate the diagnostic instead. */
1347 errno = exec_errno;
1348 emacs_perror (new_argv[0]);
1349 _exit (exec_errno == ENOENT ? EXIT_ENOENT : EXIT_CANNOT_INVOKE);
1351 #else /* MSDOS */
1352 pid = run_msdos_command (new_argv, pwd_var + 4, in, out, err, env);
1353 xfree (pwd_var);
1354 if (pid == -1)
1355 /* An error occurred while trying to run the subprocess. */
1356 report_file_error ("Spawning child process", Qnil);
1357 return pid;
1358 #endif /* MSDOS */
1359 #endif /* not WINDOWSNT */
1362 #ifndef WINDOWSNT
1363 /* Move the file descriptor FD so that its number is not less than MINFD.
1364 If the file descriptor is moved at all, the original is closed on MSDOS,
1365 but not elsewhere as the caller will close it anyway. */
1366 static int
1367 relocate_fd (int fd, int minfd)
1369 if (fd >= minfd)
1370 return fd;
1371 else
1373 int new = fcntl (fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, minfd);
1374 if (new == -1)
1376 emacs_perror ("while setting up child");
1377 _exit (EXIT_CANCELED);
1379 #ifdef MSDOS
1380 emacs_close (fd);
1381 #endif
1382 return new;
1385 #endif /* not WINDOWSNT */
1387 static bool
1388 getenv_internal_1 (const char *var, ptrdiff_t varlen, char **value,
1389 ptrdiff_t *valuelen, Lisp_Object env)
1391 for (; CONSP (env); env = XCDR (env))
1393 Lisp_Object entry = XCAR (env);
1394 if (STRINGP (entry)
1395 && SBYTES (entry) >= varlen
1396 #ifdef WINDOWSNT
1397 /* NT environment variables are case insensitive. */
1398 && ! strnicmp (SDATA (entry), var, varlen)
1399 #else /* not WINDOWSNT */
1400 && ! memcmp (SDATA (entry), var, varlen)
1401 #endif /* not WINDOWSNT */
1404 if (SBYTES (entry) > varlen && SREF (entry, varlen) == '=')
1406 *value = SSDATA (entry) + (varlen + 1);
1407 *valuelen = SBYTES (entry) - (varlen + 1);
1408 return 1;
1410 else if (SBYTES (entry) == varlen)
1412 /* Lone variable names in Vprocess_environment mean that
1413 variable should be removed from the environment. */
1414 *value = NULL;
1415 return 1;
1419 return 0;
1422 static bool
1423 getenv_internal (const char *var, ptrdiff_t varlen, char **value,
1424 ptrdiff_t *valuelen, Lisp_Object frame)
1426 /* Try to find VAR in Vprocess_environment first. */
1427 if (getenv_internal_1 (var, varlen, value, valuelen,
1428 Vprocess_environment))
1429 return *value ? 1 : 0;
1431 /* For DISPLAY try to get the values from the frame or the initial env. */
1432 if (strcmp (var, "DISPLAY") == 0)
1434 Lisp_Object display
1435 = Fframe_parameter (NILP (frame) ? selected_frame : frame, Qdisplay);
1436 if (STRINGP (display))
1438 *value = SSDATA (display);
1439 *valuelen = SBYTES (display);
1440 return 1;
1442 /* If still not found, Look for DISPLAY in Vinitial_environment. */
1443 if (getenv_internal_1 (var, varlen, value, valuelen,
1444 Vinitial_environment))
1445 return *value ? 1 : 0;
1448 return 0;
1451 DEFUN ("getenv-internal", Fgetenv_internal, Sgetenv_internal, 1, 2, 0,
1452 doc: /* Get the value of environment variable VARIABLE.
1453 VARIABLE should be a string. Value is nil if VARIABLE is undefined in
1454 the environment. Otherwise, value is a string.
1456 This function searches `process-environment' for VARIABLE.
1458 If optional parameter ENV is a list, then search this list instead of
1459 `process-environment', and return t when encountering a negative entry
1460 \(an entry for a variable with no value). */)
1461 (Lisp_Object variable, Lisp_Object env)
1463 char *value;
1464 ptrdiff_t valuelen;
1466 CHECK_STRING (variable);
1467 if (CONSP (env))
1469 if (getenv_internal_1 (SSDATA (variable), SBYTES (variable),
1470 &value, &valuelen, env))
1471 return value ? make_string (value, valuelen) : Qt;
1472 else
1473 return Qnil;
1475 else if (getenv_internal (SSDATA (variable), SBYTES (variable),
1476 &value, &valuelen, env))
1477 return make_string (value, valuelen);
1478 else
1479 return Qnil;
1482 /* A version of getenv that consults the Lisp environment lists,
1483 easily callable from C. */
1484 char *
1485 egetenv (const char *var)
1487 char *value;
1488 ptrdiff_t valuelen;
1490 if (getenv_internal (var, strlen (var), &value, &valuelen, Qnil))
1491 return value;
1492 else
1493 return 0;
1497 /* This is run before init_cmdargs. */
1499 void
1500 init_callproc_1 (void)
1502 #ifdef HAVE_NS
1503 const char *etc_dir = ns_etc_directory ();
1504 const char *path_exec = ns_exec_path ();
1505 #endif
1507 Vdata_directory = decode_env_path ("EMACSDATA",
1508 #ifdef HAVE_NS
1509 etc_dir ? etc_dir :
1510 #endif
1511 PATH_DATA);
1512 Vdata_directory = Ffile_name_as_directory (Fcar (Vdata_directory));
1514 Vdoc_directory = decode_env_path ("EMACSDOC",
1515 #ifdef HAVE_NS
1516 etc_dir ? etc_dir :
1517 #endif
1518 PATH_DOC);
1519 Vdoc_directory = Ffile_name_as_directory (Fcar (Vdoc_directory));
1521 /* Check the EMACSPATH environment variable, defaulting to the
1522 PATH_EXEC path from epaths.h. */
1523 Vexec_path = decode_env_path ("EMACSPATH",
1524 #ifdef HAVE_NS
1525 path_exec ? path_exec :
1526 #endif
1527 PATH_EXEC);
1528 Vexec_directory = Ffile_name_as_directory (Fcar (Vexec_path));
1529 /* FIXME? For ns, path_exec should go at the front? */
1530 Vexec_path = nconc2 (decode_env_path ("PATH", ""), Vexec_path);
1533 /* This is run after init_cmdargs, when Vinstallation_directory is valid. */
1535 void
1536 init_callproc (void)
1538 char *data_dir = egetenv ("EMACSDATA");
1540 register char * sh;
1541 Lisp_Object tempdir;
1542 #ifdef HAVE_NS
1543 if (data_dir == 0)
1545 const char *etc_dir = ns_etc_directory ();
1546 if (etc_dir)
1548 data_dir = alloca (strlen (etc_dir) + 1);
1549 strcpy (data_dir, etc_dir);
1552 #endif
1554 if (!NILP (Vinstallation_directory))
1556 /* Add to the path the lib-src subdir of the installation dir. */
1557 Lisp_Object tem;
1558 tem = Fexpand_file_name (build_string ("lib-src"),
1559 Vinstallation_directory);
1560 #ifndef MSDOS
1561 /* MSDOS uses wrapped binaries, so don't do this. */
1562 if (NILP (Fmember (tem, Vexec_path)))
1564 #ifdef HAVE_NS
1565 const char *path_exec = ns_exec_path ();
1566 #endif
1567 Vexec_path = decode_env_path ("EMACSPATH",
1568 #ifdef HAVE_NS
1569 path_exec ? path_exec :
1570 #endif
1571 PATH_EXEC);
1572 Vexec_path = Fcons (tem, Vexec_path);
1573 Vexec_path = nconc2 (decode_env_path ("PATH", ""), Vexec_path);
1576 Vexec_directory = Ffile_name_as_directory (tem);
1577 #endif /* not MSDOS */
1579 /* Maybe use ../etc as well as ../lib-src. */
1580 if (data_dir == 0)
1582 tem = Fexpand_file_name (build_string ("etc"),
1583 Vinstallation_directory);
1584 Vdoc_directory = Ffile_name_as_directory (tem);
1588 /* Look for the files that should be in etc. We don't use
1589 Vinstallation_directory, because these files are never installed
1590 near the executable, and they are never in the build
1591 directory when that's different from the source directory.
1593 Instead, if these files are not in the nominal place, we try the
1594 source directory. */
1595 if (data_dir == 0)
1597 Lisp_Object tem, tem1, srcdir;
1599 srcdir = Fexpand_file_name (build_string ("../src/"),
1600 build_string (PATH_DUMPLOADSEARCH));
1601 tem = Fexpand_file_name (build_string ("GNU"), Vdata_directory);
1602 tem1 = Ffile_exists_p (tem);
1603 if (!NILP (Fequal (srcdir, Vinvocation_directory)) || NILP (tem1))
1605 Lisp_Object newdir;
1606 newdir = Fexpand_file_name (build_string ("../etc/"),
1607 build_string (PATH_DUMPLOADSEARCH));
1608 tem = Fexpand_file_name (build_string ("GNU"), newdir);
1609 tem1 = Ffile_exists_p (tem);
1610 if (!NILP (tem1))
1611 Vdata_directory = newdir;
1615 #ifndef CANNOT_DUMP
1616 if (initialized)
1617 #endif
1619 tempdir = Fdirectory_file_name (Vexec_directory);
1620 if (! file_accessible_directory_p (SSDATA (tempdir)))
1621 dir_warning ("arch-dependent data dir", Vexec_directory);
1624 tempdir = Fdirectory_file_name (Vdata_directory);
1625 if (! file_accessible_directory_p (SSDATA (tempdir)))
1626 dir_warning ("arch-independent data dir", Vdata_directory);
1628 sh = getenv ("SHELL");
1629 Vshell_file_name = build_string (sh ? sh : "/bin/sh");
1631 #ifdef DOS_NT
1632 Vshared_game_score_directory = Qnil;
1633 #else
1634 Vshared_game_score_directory = build_string (PATH_GAME);
1635 if (NILP (Ffile_accessible_directory_p (Vshared_game_score_directory)))
1636 Vshared_game_score_directory = Qnil;
1637 #endif
1640 void
1641 set_initial_environment (void)
1643 char **envp;
1644 for (envp = environ; *envp; envp++)
1645 Vprocess_environment = Fcons (build_string (*envp),
1646 Vprocess_environment);
1647 /* Ideally, the `copy' shouldn't be necessary, but it seems it's frequent
1648 to use `delete' and friends on process-environment. */
1649 Vinitial_environment = Fcopy_sequence (Vprocess_environment);
1652 void
1653 syms_of_callproc (void)
1655 #ifndef DOS_NT
1656 Vtemp_file_name_pattern = build_string ("emacsXXXXXX");
1657 #elif defined (WINDOWSNT)
1658 Vtemp_file_name_pattern = build_string ("emXXXXXX");
1659 #else
1660 Vtemp_file_name_pattern = build_string ("detmp.XXX");
1661 #endif
1662 staticpro (&Vtemp_file_name_pattern);
1664 #ifdef MSDOS
1665 synch_process_tempfile = make_number (0);
1666 staticpro (&synch_process_tempfile);
1667 #endif
1669 DEFVAR_LISP ("shell-file-name", Vshell_file_name,
1670 doc: /* File name to load inferior shells from.
1671 Initialized from the SHELL environment variable, or to a system-dependent
1672 default if SHELL is not set. */);
1674 DEFVAR_LISP ("exec-path", Vexec_path,
1675 doc: /* List of directories to search programs to run in subprocesses.
1676 Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (try default directory). */);
1678 DEFVAR_LISP ("exec-suffixes", Vexec_suffixes,
1679 doc: /* List of suffixes to try to find executable file names.
1680 Each element is a string. */);
1681 Vexec_suffixes = Qnil;
1683 DEFVAR_LISP ("exec-directory", Vexec_directory,
1684 doc: /* Directory for executables for Emacs to invoke.
1685 More generally, this includes any architecture-dependent files
1686 that are built and installed from the Emacs distribution. */);
1688 DEFVAR_LISP ("data-directory", Vdata_directory,
1689 doc: /* Directory of machine-independent files that come with GNU Emacs.
1690 These are files intended for Emacs to use while it runs. */);
1692 DEFVAR_LISP ("doc-directory", Vdoc_directory,
1693 doc: /* Directory containing the DOC file that comes with GNU Emacs.
1694 This is usually the same as `data-directory'. */);
1696 DEFVAR_LISP ("configure-info-directory", Vconfigure_info_directory,
1697 doc: /* For internal use by the build procedure only.
1698 This is the name of the directory in which the build procedure installed
1699 Emacs's info files; the default value for `Info-default-directory-list'
1700 includes this. */);
1701 Vconfigure_info_directory = build_string (PATH_INFO);
1703 DEFVAR_LISP ("shared-game-score-directory", Vshared_game_score_directory,
1704 doc: /* Directory of score files for games which come with GNU Emacs.
1705 If this variable is nil, then Emacs is unable to use a shared directory. */);
1706 #ifdef DOS_NT
1707 Vshared_game_score_directory = Qnil;
1708 #else
1709 Vshared_game_score_directory = build_string (PATH_GAME);
1710 #endif
1712 DEFVAR_LISP ("initial-environment", Vinitial_environment,
1713 doc: /* List of environment variables inherited from the parent process.
1714 Each element should be a string of the form ENVVARNAME=VALUE.
1715 The elements must normally be decoded (using `locale-coding-system') for use. */);
1716 Vinitial_environment = Qnil;
1718 DEFVAR_LISP ("process-environment", Vprocess_environment,
1719 doc: /* List of overridden environment variables for subprocesses to inherit.
1720 Each element should be a string of the form ENVVARNAME=VALUE.
1722 Entries in this list take precedence to those in the frame-local
1723 environments. Therefore, let-binding `process-environment' is an easy
1724 way to temporarily change the value of an environment variable,
1725 irrespective of where it comes from. To use `process-environment' to
1726 remove an environment variable, include only its name in the list,
1727 without "=VALUE".
1729 This variable is set to nil when Emacs starts.
1731 If multiple entries define the same variable, the first one always
1732 takes precedence.
1734 Non-ASCII characters are encoded according to the initial value of
1735 `locale-coding-system', i.e. the elements must normally be decoded for
1736 use.
1738 See `setenv' and `getenv'. */);
1739 Vprocess_environment = Qnil;
1741 defsubr (&Scall_process);
1742 defsubr (&Sgetenv_internal);
1743 defsubr (&Scall_process_region);