*** empty log message ***
[emacs.git] / lisp / progmodes / compile.el
1 ;;; compile.el --- run compiler as inferior of Emacs, parse error messages
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
4 ;; 2001, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6 ;; Authors: Roland McGrath <roland@gnu.org>,
7 ;; Daniel Pfeiffer <occitan@esperanto.org>
8 ;; Maintainer: FSF
9 ;; Keywords: tools, processes
11 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
13 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
16 ;; any later version.
18 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
23 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
25 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
26 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
28 ;;; Commentary:
30 ;; This package provides the compile facilities documented in the Emacs user's
31 ;; manual.
33 ;; This mode uses some complex data-structures:
35 ;; LOC (or location) is a list of (COLUMN LINE FILE-STRUCTURE)
37 ;; COLUMN and LINE are numbers parsed from an error message. COLUMN and maybe
38 ;; LINE will be nil for a message that doesn't contain them. Then the
39 ;; location refers to a indented beginning of line or beginning of file.
40 ;; Once any location in some file has been jumped to, the list is extended to
41 ;; (COLUMN LINE FILE-STRUCTURE MARKER . VISITED) for all LOCs pertaining to
42 ;; that file.
43 ;; MARKER initially points to LINE and COLUMN in a buffer visiting that file.
44 ;; Being a marker it sticks to some text, when the buffer grows or shrinks
45 ;; before that point. VISITED is t if we have jumped there, else nil.
47 ;; FILE-STRUCTURE is a list of
50 ;; FILENAME is a string parsed from an error message. DIRECTORY is a string
51 ;; obtained by following directory change messages. DIRECTORY will be nil for
52 ;; an absolute filename. FORMATS is a list of formats to apply to FILENAME if
53 ;; a file of that name can't be found.
54 ;; The rest of the list is an alist of elements with LINE as key. The keys
55 ;; are either nil or line numbers. If present, nil comes first, followed by
56 ;; the numbers in decreasing order. The LOCs for each line are again an alist
57 ;; ordered the same way. Note that the whole file structure is referenced in
58 ;; every LOC.
60 ;; MESSAGE is a list of (LOC TYPE END-LOC)
62 ;; TYPE is 0 for info or 1 for warning if the message matcher identified it as
63 ;; such, 2 otherwise (for a real error). END-LOC is a LOC pointing to the
64 ;; other end, if the parsed message contained a range. If the end of the
65 ;; range didn't specify a COLUMN, it defaults to -1, meaning end of line.
66 ;; These are the value of the `message' text-properties in the compilation
67 ;; buffer.
69 ;;; Code:
71 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
73 (defgroup compilation nil
74 "Run compiler as inferior of Emacs, parse error messages."
75 :group 'tools
76 :group 'processes)
79 ;;;###autoload
80 (defcustom compilation-mode-hook nil
81 "*List of hook functions run by `compilation-mode' (see `run-hooks')."
82 :type 'hook
83 :group 'compilation)
85 ;;;###autoload
86 (defcustom compilation-window-height nil
87 "*Number of lines in a compilation window. If nil, use Emacs default."
88 :type '(choice (const :tag "Default" nil)
89 integer)
90 :group 'compilation)
92 (defvar compilation-first-column 1
93 "*This is how compilers number the first column, usually 1 or 0.")
95 (defvar compilation-parse-errors-filename-function nil
96 "Function to call to post-process filenames while parsing error messages.
97 It takes one arg FILENAME which is the name of a file as found
98 in the compilation output, and should return a transformed file name.")
100 ;;;###autoload
101 (defvar compilation-process-setup-function nil
102 "*Function to call to customize the compilation process.
103 This function is called immediately before the compilation process is
104 started. It can be used to set any variables or functions that are used
105 while processing the output of the compilation process. The function
106 is called with variables `compilation-buffer' and `compilation-window'
107 bound to the compilation buffer and window, respectively.")
109 ;;;###autoload
110 (defvar compilation-buffer-name-function nil
111 "Function to compute the name of a compilation buffer.
112 The function receives one argument, the name of the major mode of the
113 compilation buffer. It should return a string.
114 nil means compute the name with `(concat \"*\" (downcase major-mode) \"*\")'.")
116 ;;;###autoload
117 (defvar compilation-finish-function nil
118 "Function to call when a compilation process finishes.
119 It is called with two arguments: the compilation buffer, and a string
120 describing how the process finished.")
122 ;;;###autoload
123 (defvar compilation-finish-functions nil
124 "Functions to call when a compilation process finishes.
125 Each function is called with two arguments: the compilation buffer,
126 and a string describing how the process finished.")
128 (defvar compilation-in-progress nil
129 "List of compilation processes now running.")
130 (or (assq 'compilation-in-progress minor-mode-alist)
131 (setq minor-mode-alist (cons '(compilation-in-progress " Compiling")
132 minor-mode-alist)))
134 (defvar compilation-error "error"
135 "Stem of message to print when no matches are found.")
137 (defvar compilation-arguments nil
138 "Arguments that were given to `compilation-start'.")
140 (defvar compilation-num-errors-found)
142 (defconst compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
143 '((absoft
144 "^\\(?:[Ee]rror on \\|[Ww]arning on\\( \\)\\)?[Ll]ine[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\
145 of[ \t]+\"?\\([a-zA-Z]?:?[^\":\n]+\\)\"?:" 3 2 nil (1))
147 (ada
148 "\\(warning: .*\\)? at \\([^ \n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)$" 2 3 nil (1))
150 (aix
151 " in line \\([0-9]+\\) of file \\([^ \n]+[^. \n]\\)\\.? " 2 1)
153 (ant
154 "^[ \t]*\\[[^] \n]+\\][ \t]*\\([^: \n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\(?:\\([0-9]+\\):[0-9]+:[0-9]+:\\)?\
155 \\( warning\\)?" 1 2 3 (4))
157 (bash
158 "^\\([^: \n\t]+\\): line \\([0-9]+\\):" 1 2)
160 (borland
161 "^\\(?:Error\\|Warnin\\(g\\)\\) \\(?:[FEW][0-9]+ \\)?\
162 \\([a-zA-Z]?:?[^:( \t\n]+\\)\
163 \\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:[) \t]\\|:[^0-9\n]\\)" 2 3 nil (1))
165 (caml
166 "^ *File \\(\"?\\)\\([^,\" \n\t<>]+\\)\\1, lines? \\([0-9]+\\)-?\\([0-9]+\\)?\\(?:$\\|,\
167 \\(?: characters? \\([0-9]+\\)-?\\([0-9]+\\)?:\\)?\\([ \n]Warning:\\)?\\)"
168 2 (3 . 4) (5 . 6) (7))
170 (comma
171 "^\"\\([^,\" \n\t]+\\)\", line \\([0-9]+\\)\
172 \\(?:[(. pos]+\\([0-9]+\\))?\\)?[:.,; (-]\\( warning:\\|[-0-9 ]*(W)\\)?" 1 2 3 (4))
174 (edg-1
175 "^\\([^ \n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)): \\(?:error\\|warnin\\(g\\)\\|remar\\(k\\)\\)"
176 1 2 nil (3 . 4))
177 (edg-2
178 "at line \\([0-9]+\\) of \"\\([^ \n]+\\)\"$"
179 2 1 nil 0)
181 (epc
182 "^Error [0-9]+ at (\\([0-9]+\\):\\([^)\n]+\\))" 2 1)
184 (ftnchek
185 "\\(^Warning .*\\)? line[ \n]\\([0-9]+\\)[ \n]\\(?:col \\([0-9]+\\)[ \n]\\)?file \\([^ :;\n]+\\)"
186 4 2 3 (1))
188 (iar
189 "^\"\\(.*\\)\",\\([0-9]+\\)\\s-+\\(?:Error\\|Warnin\\(g\\)\\)\\[[0-9]+\\]:"
190 1 2 nil (3))
192 (ibm
193 "^\\([^( \n\t]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)) :\
194 \\(?:warnin\\(g\\)\\|informationa\\(l\\)\\)?" 1 2 3 (4 . 5))
196 ;; fixme: should be `mips'
197 (irix
198 "^[-[:alnum:]_/ ]+: \\(?:\\(?:[sS]evere\\|[eE]rror\\|[wW]arnin\\(g\\)\\|[iI]nf\\(o\\)\\)[0-9 ]*: \\)?\
199 \\([^,\" \n\t]+\\)\\(?:, line\\|:\\) \\([0-9]+\\):" 3 4 nil (1 . 2))
201 (java
202 "^\\(?:[ \t]+at \\|==[0-9]+== +\\(?:at\\|b\\(y\\)\\)\\).+(\\([^()\n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\))$" 2 3 nil (1))
204 (jikes-file
205 "^\\(?:Found\\|Issued\\) .* compiling \"\\(.+\\)\":$" 1 nil nil 0)
206 (jikes-line
207 "^ *\\([0-9]+\\)\\.[ \t]+.*\n +\\(<-*>\n\\*\\*\\* \\(?:Error\\|Warnin\\(g\\)\\)\\)"
208 nil 1 nil 2 0
209 (2 (compilation-face '(3))))
211 (gcc-include
212 "^\\(?:In file included\\| \\) from \
213 \\(.+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:\\(:\\)\\|\\(,\\)\\)?" 1 2 nil (3 . 4))
215 (gnu
216 "^\\(?:[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:].]+: ?\\)?\
217 \\([/.]*[a-zA-Z]:?[^ \t\n:]*\\|{standard input}\\): ?\
218 \\([0-9]+\\)\\([.:]?\\)\\([0-9]+\\)?\
219 \\(?:-\\(?:\\([0-9]+\\)\\3\\)?\\.?\\([0-9]+\\)?\\)?:\
220 \\(?: *\\(\\(?:Future\\|Runtime\\)?[Ww]arning\\|W:\\)\\|\
221 *\\([Ii]nfo\\(?:\\>\\|rmationa?l?\\)\\|I:\\)\\)?"
222 1 (2 . 5) (4 . 6) (7 . 8))
224 (lcc
225 "^\\(?:E\\|\\(W\\)\\), \\([^(\n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\),[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)"
226 2 3 4 (1))
228 (makepp
229 "^makepp: \\(?:\\(?:warning\\(:\\).*?\\|\\(Scanning\\|[LR]e?l?oading makefile\\) \\|.*?\\)\
230 `\\(\\(\\S +?\\)\\(?::\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?\\)'\\)"
231 4 5 nil (1 . 2) 3
232 ("`\\(\\(\\S +?\\)\\(?::\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?\\)'" nil nil
233 (2 compilation-info-face)
234 (3 compilation-line-face nil t)
235 (1 (compilation-error-properties 2 3 nil nil nil 0 nil)
236 append)))
238 ;; Should be lint-1, lint-2 (SysV lint)
239 (mips-1
240 " (\\([0-9]+\\)) in \\([^ \n]+\\)" 2 1)
241 (mips-2
242 " in \\([^()\n ]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\))$" 1 2)
244 (msft
245 "^\\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z]:\\)?[^:(\t\n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)) \
246 : \\(?:error\\|warnin\\(g\\)\\) C[0-9]+:" 1 2 nil (3))
248 (oracle
249 "^\\(?:Semantic error\\|Error\\|PCC-[0-9]+:\\).* line \\([0-9]+\\)\
250 \\(?:\\(?:,\\| at\\)? column \\([0-9]+\\)\\)?\
251 \\(?:,\\| in\\| of\\)? file \\(.*?\\):?$"
252 3 1 2)
254 (perl
255 " at \\([^ \n]+\\) line \\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:[,.]\\|$\\)" 1 2)
257 (rxp
258 "^\\(?:Error\\|Warnin\\(g\\)\\):.*\n.* line \\([0-9]+\\) char\
259 \\([0-9]+\\) of file://\\(.+\\)"
260 4 2 3 (1))
262 (sparc-pascal-file
263 "^\\w\\w\\w \\w\\w\\w +[0-3]?[0-9] +[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]\
264 [12][09][0-9][0-9] +\\(.*\\):$"
265 1 nil nil 0)
266 (sparc-pascal-line
267 "^\\(\\(?:E\\|\\(w\\)\\) +[0-9]+\\) line \\([0-9]+\\) - "
268 nil 3 nil (2) nil (1 (compilation-face '(2))))
269 (sparc-pascal-example
270 "^ +\\([0-9]+\\) +.*\n\\(\\(?:e\\|\\(w\\)\\) [0-9]+\\)-+"
271 nil 1 nil (3) nil (2 (compilation-face '(3))))
273 (sun
274 ": \\(?:ERROR\\|WARNIN\\(G\\)\\|REMAR\\(K\\)\\) \\(?:[[:alnum:] ]+, \\)?\
275 File = \\(.+\\), Line = \\([0-9]+\\)\\(?:, Column = \\([0-9]+\\)\\)?"
276 3 4 5 (1 . 2))
278 (sun-ada
279 "^\\([^, \n\t]+\\), line \\([0-9]+\\), char \\([0-9]+\\)[:., \(-]" 1 2 3)
281 (4bsd
282 "\\(?:^\\|:: \\|\\S ( \\)\\(/[^ \n\t()]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\))\
283 \\(?:: \\(warning:\\)?\\|$\\| ),\\)" 1 2 nil (3)))
284 "Alist of values for `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.")
286 (defcustom compilation-error-regexp-alist
287 (mapcar 'car compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist)
288 "Alist that specifies how to match errors in compiler output.
289 Note that on Unix everything is a valid filename, so these
290 matchers must make some common sense assumptions, which catch
291 normal cases. A shorter list will be lighter on resource usage.
293 Instead of an alist element, you can use a symbol, which is
294 looked up in `compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist'. You can see
295 the predefined symbols and their effects in the file
296 `etc/compilation.txt' (linked below if you are customizing this).
299 HIGHLIGHT...]). If REGEXP matches, the FILE'th subexpression
300 gives the file name, and the LINE'th subexpression gives the line
301 number. The COLUMN'th subexpression gives the column number on
302 that line.
304 If FILE, LINE or COLUMN are nil or that index didn't match, that
305 information is not present on the matched line. In that case the
306 file name is assumed to be the same as the previous one in the
307 buffer, line number defaults to 1 and column defaults to
308 beginning of line's indentation.
310 FILE can also have the form (FILE FORMAT...), where the FORMATs
311 \(e.g. \"%s.c\") will be applied in turn to the recognized file
312 name, until a file of that name is found. Or FILE can also be a
313 function to return the filename.
315 LINE can also be of the form (LINE . END-LINE) meaning a range
316 of lines. COLUMN can also be of the form (COLUMN . END-COLUMN)
317 meaning a range of columns starting on LINE and ending on
318 END-LINE, if that matched.
320 TYPE is 2 or nil for a real error or 1 for warning or 0 for info.
321 TYPE can also be of the form (WARNING . INFO). In that case this
322 will be equivalent to 1 if the WARNING'th subexpression matched
323 or else equivalent to 0 if the INFO'th subexpression matched.
324 See `compilation-error-face', `compilation-warning-face',
325 `compilation-info-face' and `compilation-skip-threshold'.
327 What matched the HYPERLINK'th subexpression has `mouse-face' and
328 `compilation-message-face' applied. If this is nil, the text
329 matched by the whole REGEXP becomes the hyperlink.
331 Additional HIGHLIGHTs as described under `font-lock-keywords' can
332 be added."
333 :type `(set :menu-tag "Pick"
334 ,@(mapcar (lambda (elt)
335 (list 'const (car elt)))
336 compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist))
337 :link `(file-link :tag "example file"
338 ,(expand-file-name "compilation.txt" data-directory))
339 :group 'compilation)
341 (defvar compilation-directory nil
342 "Directory to restore to when doing `recompile'.")
344 (defvar compilation-directory-matcher
345 '("\\(?:Entering\\|Leavin\\(g\\)\\) directory `\\(.+\\)'$" (2 . 1))
346 "A list for tracking when directories are entered or left.
347 Nil means not to track directories, e.g. if all file names are absolute. The
348 first element is the REGEXP matching these messages. It can match any number
349 of variants, e.g. different languages. The remaining elements are all of the
350 form (DIR . LEAVE). If for any one of these the DIR'th subexpression
351 matches, that is a directory name. If LEAVE is nil or the corresponding
352 LEAVE'th subexpression doesn't match, this message is about going into another
353 directory. If it does match anything, this message is about going back to the
354 directory we were in before the last entering message. If you change this,
355 you may also want to change `compilation-page-delimiter'.")
357 (defvar compilation-page-delimiter
358 "^\\(?:\f\\|.*\\(?:Entering\\|Leaving\\) directory `.+'\n\\)+"
359 "Value of `page-delimiter' in Compilation mode.")
361 (defvar compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords
362 '(;; configure output lines.
363 ("^[Cc]hecking \\(?:[Ff]or \\|[Ii]f \\|[Ww]hether \\(?:to \\)?\\)?\\(.+\\)\\.\\.\\. *\\(?:(cached) *\\)?\\(\\(yes\\(?: .+\\)?\\)\\|no\\|\\(.*\\)\\)$"
364 (1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
365 (2 (compilation-face '(4 . 3))))
366 ;; Command output lines. Recognize `make[n]:' lines too.
367 ("^\\([[:alnum:]_/.+-]+\\)\\(\\[\\([0-9]+\\)\\]\\)?[ \t]*:"
368 (1 font-lock-function-name-face) (3 compilation-line-face nil t))
369 (" --?o\\(?:utfile\\|utput\\)?[= ]?\\(\\S +\\)" . 1)
370 ("^Compilation finished" . compilation-info-face)
371 ("^Compilation exited abnormally" . compilation-error-face))
372 "Additional things to highlight in Compilation mode.
373 This gets tacked on the end of the generated expressions.")
375 (defvar compilation-highlight-regexp t
376 "Regexp matching part of visited source lines to highlight temporarily.
377 Highlight entire line if t; don't highlight source lines if nil.")
379 (defvar compilation-highlight-overlay nil
380 "Overlay used to temporarily highlight compilation matches.")
382 (defcustom compilation-error-screen-columns t
383 "*If non-nil, column numbers in error messages are screen columns.
384 Otherwise they are interpreted as character positions, with
385 each character occupying one column.
386 The default is to use screen columns, which requires that the compilation
387 program and Emacs agree about the display width of the characters,
388 especially the TAB character."
389 :type 'boolean
390 :group 'compilation
391 :version "20.4")
393 (defcustom compilation-read-command t
394 "*Non-nil means \\[compile] reads the compilation command to use.
395 Otherwise, \\[compile] just uses the value of `compile-command'."
396 :type 'boolean
397 :group 'compilation)
399 ;;;###autoload
400 (defcustom compilation-ask-about-save t
401 "*Non-nil means \\[compile] asks which buffers to save before compiling.
402 Otherwise, it saves all modified buffers without asking."
403 :type 'boolean
404 :group 'compilation)
406 ;;;###autoload
407 (defcustom compilation-search-path '(nil)
408 "*List of directories to search for source files named in error messages.
409 Elements should be directory names, not file names of directories.
410 nil as an element means to try the default directory."
411 :type '(repeat (choice (const :tag "Default" nil)
412 (string :tag "Directory")))
413 :group 'compilation)
415 (defcustom compile-command "make -k "
416 "*Last shell command used to do a compilation; default for next compilation.
418 Sometimes it is useful for files to supply local values for this variable.
419 You might also use mode hooks to specify it in certain modes, like this:
421 (add-hook 'c-mode-hook
422 (lambda ()
423 (unless (or (file-exists-p \"makefile\")
424 (file-exists-p \"Makefile\"))
425 (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
426 (concat \"make -k \"
427 (file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name))))))"
428 :type 'string
429 :group 'compilation)
431 ;; A weak per-compilation-buffer hash indexed by (FILENAME . DIRECTORY). Each
432 ;; value is a FILE-STRUCTURE as described above, with the car eq to the hash
433 ;; key. This holds the tree seen from root, for storing new nodes.
434 (defvar compilation-locs ())
436 (defvar compilation-debug nil
437 "*Set this to t before creating a *compilation* buffer.
438 Then every error line will have a debug text property with the matcher that
439 fit this line and the match data. Use `describe-text-properties'.")
441 (defvar compilation-exit-message-function nil "\
442 If non-nil, called when a compilation process dies to return a status message.
443 This should be a function of three arguments: process status, exit status,
444 and exit message; it returns a cons (MESSAGE . MODELINE) of the strings to
445 write into the compilation buffer, and to put in its mode line.")
447 (defvar compilation-environment nil
448 "*List of environment variables for compilation to inherit.
449 Each element should be a string of the form ENVVARNAME=VALUE.
450 This list is temporarily prepended to `process-environment' prior to
451 starting the compilation process.")
453 ;; History of compile commands.
454 (defvar compile-history nil)
456 (defface compilation-warning-face
457 '((((class color) (min-colors 16)) (:foreground "Orange" :weight bold))
458 (((class color)) (:foreground "cyan" :weight bold))
459 (t (:weight bold)))
460 "Face used to highlight compiler warnings."
461 :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces
462 :version "21.4")
464 (defface compilation-info-face
465 '((((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light))
466 (:foreground "Green3" :weight bold))
467 (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark))
468 (:foreground "Green" :weight bold))
469 (((class color)) (:foreground "green" :weight bold))
470 (t (:weight bold)))
471 "Face used to highlight compiler warnings."
472 :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces
473 :version "21.4")
475 (defvar compilation-message-face nil
476 "Face name to use for whole messages.
477 Faces `compilation-error-face', `compilation-warning-face',
478 `compilation-info-face', `compilation-line-face' and
479 `compilation-column-face' get prepended to this, when applicable.")
481 (defvar compilation-error-face 'font-lock-warning-face
482 "Face name to use for file name in error messages.")
484 (defvar compilation-warning-face 'compilation-warning-face
485 "Face name to use for file name in warning messages.")
487 (defvar compilation-info-face 'compilation-info-face
488 "Face name to use for file name in informational messages.")
490 (defvar compilation-line-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face
491 "Face name to use for line number in message.")
493 (defvar compilation-column-face 'font-lock-type-face
494 "Face name to use for column number in message.")
496 ;; same faces as dired uses
497 (defvar compilation-enter-directory-face 'font-lock-function-name-face
498 "Face name to use for column number in message.")
500 (defvar compilation-leave-directory-face 'font-lock-type-face
501 "Face name to use for column number in message.")
505 ;; Used for compatibility with the old compile.el.
506 (defvaralias 'compilation-last-buffer 'next-error-last-buffer)
507 (defvar compilation-parsing-end (make-marker))
508 (defvar compilation-parse-errors-function nil)
509 (defvar compilation-error-list nil)
510 (defvar compilation-old-error-list nil)
512 (defun compilation-face (type)
513 (or (and (car type) (match-end (car type)) compilation-warning-face)
514 (and (cdr type) (match-end (cdr type)) compilation-info-face)
515 compilation-error-face))
517 (defun compilation-directory-properties (idx leave)
518 (if leave (setq leave (match-end leave)))
519 ;; find previous stack, and push onto it, or if `leave' pop it
520 (let ((dir (previous-single-property-change (point) 'directory)))
521 (setq dir (if dir (or (get-text-property (1- dir) 'directory)
522 (get-text-property dir 'directory))))
523 `(face ,(if leave
524 compilation-leave-directory-face
525 compilation-enter-directory-face)
526 directory ,(if leave
527 (or (cdr dir)
528 '(nil)) ; nil only isn't a property-change
529 (cons (match-string-no-properties idx) dir))
530 mouse-face highlight
531 keymap compilation-button-map
532 help-echo "mouse-2: visit current directory")))
534 ;; Data type `reverse-ordered-alist' retriever. This function retrieves the
535 ;; KEY element from the ALIST, creating it in the right position if not already
536 ;; present. ALIST structure is
537 ;; '(ANCHOR (KEY1 ...) (KEY2 ...)... (KEYn ALIST ...))
538 ;; ANCHOR is ignored, but necessary so that elements can be inserted. KEY1
539 ;; may be nil. The other KEYs are ordered backwards so that growing line
540 ;; numbers can be inserted in front and searching can abort after half the
541 ;; list on average.
542 (eval-when-compile ;Don't keep it at runtime if not needed.
543 (defmacro compilation-assq (key alist)
544 `(let* ((l1 ,alist)
545 (l2 (cdr l1)))
546 (car (if (if (null ,key)
547 (if l2 (null (caar l2)))
548 (while (if l2 (if (caar l2) (< ,key (caar l2)) t))
549 (setq l1 l2
550 l2 (cdr l1)))
551 (if l2 (eq ,key (caar l2))))
553 (setcdr l1 (cons (list ,key) l2)))))))
556 ;; This function is the central driver, called when font-locking to gather
557 ;; all information needed to later jump to corresponding source code.
558 ;; Return a property list with all meta information on this error location.
559 (defun compilation-error-properties (file line end-line col end-col type fmt)
560 (unless (< (next-single-property-change (match-beginning 0) 'directory nil (point))
561 (point))
562 (if file
563 (if (functionp file)
564 (setq file (funcall file))
565 (let (dir)
566 (setq file (match-string-no-properties file))
567 (unless (file-name-absolute-p file)
568 (setq dir (previous-single-property-change (point) 'directory)
569 dir (if dir (or (get-text-property (1- dir) 'directory)
570 (get-text-property dir 'directory)))))
571 (setq file (cons file (car dir)))))
572 ;; This message didn't mention one, get it from previous
573 (setq file (previous-single-property-change (point) 'message)
574 file (or (if file
575 (car (nth 2 (car (or (get-text-property (1- file) 'message)
576 (get-text-property file 'message))))))
577 '("*unknown*"))))
578 ;; All of these fields are optional, get them only if we have an index, and
579 ;; it matched some part of the message.
580 (and line
581 (setq line (match-string-no-properties line))
582 (setq line (string-to-number line)))
583 (and end-line
584 (setq end-line (match-string-no-properties end-line))
585 (setq end-line (string-to-number end-line)))
586 (if col
587 (if (functionp col)
588 (setq col (funcall col))
589 (and
590 (setq col (match-string-no-properties col))
591 (setq col (- (string-to-number col) compilation-first-column)))))
592 (if (and end-col (functionp end-col))
593 (setq end-col (funcall end-col))
594 (if (and end-col (setq end-col (match-string-no-properties end-col)))
595 (setq end-col (- (string-to-number end-col) compilation-first-column -1))
596 (if end-line (setq end-col -1))))
597 (if (consp type) ; not a static type, check what it is.
598 (setq type (or (and (car type) (match-end (car type)) 1)
599 (and (cdr type) (match-end (cdr type)) 0)
600 2)))
601 (compilation-internal-error-properties file line end-line col end-col type fmt)))
603 (defun compilation-move-to-column (col screen)
604 "Go to column COL on the current line.
605 If SCREEN is non-nil, columns are screen columns, otherwise, they are
606 just char-counts."
607 (if screen
608 (move-to-column col)
609 (goto-char (min (+ (line-beginning-position) col) (line-end-position)))))
611 (defun compilation-internal-error-properties (file line end-line col end-col type fmt)
612 "Get the meta-info that will be added as text-properties.
613 LINE, END-LINE, COL, END-COL are integers or nil.
614 TYPE can be 0, 1, or 2.
616 (unless file (setq file '("*unknown*")))
617 (setq file (compilation-get-file-structure file fmt))
618 ;; Get first already existing marker (if any has one, all have one).
619 ;; Do this first, as the compilation-assq`s may create new nodes.
620 (let* ((marker-line (car (cddr file))) ; a line structure
621 (marker (nth 3 (cadr marker-line))) ; its marker
622 (compilation-error-screen-columns compilation-error-screen-columns)
623 end-marker loc end-loc)
624 (if (not (and marker (marker-buffer marker)))
625 (setq marker) ; no valid marker for this file
626 (setq loc (or line 1)) ; normalize no linenumber to line 1
627 (catch 'marker ; find nearest loc, at least one exists
628 (dolist (x (nthcdr 3 file)) ; loop over remaining lines
629 (if (> (car x) loc) ; still bigger
630 (setq marker-line x)
631 (if (> (- (or (car marker-line) 1) loc)
632 (- loc (car x))) ; current line is nearer
633 (setq marker-line x))
634 (throw 'marker t))))
635 (setq marker (nth 3 (cadr marker-line))
636 marker-line (or (car marker-line) 1))
637 (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer marker)
638 (save-restriction
639 (widen)
640 (goto-char (marker-position marker))
641 (when (or end-col end-line)
642 (beginning-of-line (- (or end-line line) marker-line -1))
643 (if (or (null end-col) (< end-col 0))
644 (end-of-line)
645 (compilation-move-to-column
646 end-col compilation-error-screen-columns))
647 (setq end-marker (list (point-marker))))
648 (beginning-of-line (if end-line
649 (- line end-line -1)
650 (- loc marker-line -1)))
651 (if col
652 (compilation-move-to-column
653 col compilation-error-screen-columns)
654 (forward-to-indentation 0))
655 (setq marker (list (point-marker))))))
657 (setq loc (compilation-assq line (cdr file)))
658 (if end-line
659 (setq end-loc (compilation-assq end-line (cdr file))
660 end-loc (compilation-assq end-col end-loc))
661 (if end-col ; use same line element
662 (setq end-loc (compilation-assq end-col loc))))
663 (setq loc (compilation-assq col loc))
664 ;; If they are new, make the loc(s) reference the file they point to.
665 (or (cdr loc) (setcdr loc `(,line ,file ,@marker)))
666 (if end-loc
667 (or (cdr end-loc) (setcdr end-loc `(,(or end-line line) ,file ,@end-marker))))
669 ;; Must start with face
670 `(face ,compilation-message-face
671 message (,loc ,type ,end-loc)
672 ,@(if compilation-debug
673 `(debug (,(assoc (with-no-warnings matcher) font-lock-keywords)
674 ,@(match-data))))
675 help-echo ,(if col
676 "mouse-2: visit this file, line and column"
677 (if line
678 "mouse-2: visit this file and line"
679 "mouse-2: visit this file"))
680 keymap compilation-button-map
681 mouse-face highlight)))
683 (defun compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords ()
684 "Return expressions to highlight in Compilation mode."
685 (if compilation-parse-errors-function
686 ;; An old package! Try the compatibility code.
687 '((compilation-compat-parse-errors))
688 (append
689 ;; make directory tracking
690 (if compilation-directory-matcher
691 `((,(car compilation-directory-matcher)
692 ,@(mapcar (lambda (elt)
693 `(,(car elt)
694 (compilation-directory-properties
695 ,(car elt) ,(cdr elt))
697 (cdr compilation-directory-matcher)))))
699 ;; Compiler warning/error lines.
700 (mapcar
701 (lambda (item)
702 (if (symbolp item)
703 (setq item (cdr (assq item
704 compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist))))
705 (let ((file (nth 1 item))
706 (line (nth 2 item))
707 (col (nth 3 item))
708 (type (nth 4 item))
709 end-line end-col fmt)
710 (if (consp file) (setq fmt (cdr file) file (car file)))
711 (if (consp line) (setq end-line (cdr line) line (car line)))
712 (if (consp col) (setq end-col (cdr col) col (car col)))
714 (if (functionp line)
715 ;; The old compile.el had here an undocumented hook that
716 ;; allowed `line' to be a function that computed the actual
717 ;; error location. Let's do our best.
718 `(,(car item)
719 (0 (compilation-compat-error-properties
720 (funcall ',line (cons (match-string ,file)
721 (cons default-directory
722 ',(nthcdr 4 item)))
723 ,(if col `(match-string ,col)))))
724 (,file compilation-error-face t))
726 (unless (or (null (nth 5 item)) (integerp (nth 5 item)))
727 (error "HYPERLINK should be an integer: %s" (nth 5 item)))
729 `(,(nth 0 item)
731 ,@(when (integerp file)
732 `((,file ,(if (consp type)
733 `(compilation-face ',type)
734 (aref [compilation-info-face
735 compilation-warning-face
736 compilation-error-face]
737 (or type 2))))))
739 ,@(when line
740 `((,line compilation-line-face nil t)))
741 ,@(when end-line
742 `((,end-line compilation-line-face nil t)))
744 ,@(when (integerp col)
745 `((,col compilation-column-face nil t)))
746 ,@(when (integerp end-col)
747 `((,end-col compilation-column-face nil t)))
749 ,@(nthcdr 6 item)
750 (,(or (nth 5 item) 0)
751 (compilation-error-properties ',file ,line ,end-line
752 ,col ,end-col ',(or type 2)
753 ',fmt)
754 append))))) ; for compilation-message-face
755 compilation-error-regexp-alist)
757 compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords)))
760 ;;;###autoload
761 (defun compile (command &optional comint)
762 "Compile the program including the current buffer. Default: run `make'.
763 Runs COMMAND, a shell command, in a separate process asynchronously
764 with output going to the buffer `*compilation*'.
766 If optional second arg COMINT is t the buffer will be in Comint mode with
767 `compilation-shell-minor-mode'.
769 You can then use the command \\[next-error] to find the next error message
770 and move to the source code that caused it.
772 Interactively, prompts for the command if `compilation-read-command' is
773 non-nil; otherwise uses `compile-command'. With prefix arg, always prompts.
774 Additionally, with universal prefix arg, compilation buffer will be in
775 comint mode, i.e. interactive.
777 To run more than one compilation at once, start one and rename
778 the \`*compilation*' buffer to some other name with
779 \\[rename-buffer]. Then start the next one. On most systems,
780 termination of the main compilation process kills its
781 subprocesses.
783 The name used for the buffer is actually whatever is returned by
784 the function in `compilation-buffer-name-function', so you can set that
785 to a function that generates a unique name."
786 (interactive
787 (list
788 (let ((command (eval compile-command)))
789 (if (or compilation-read-command current-prefix-arg)
790 (read-from-minibuffer "Compile command: "
791 command nil nil
792 (if (equal (car compile-history) command)
793 '(compile-history . 1)
794 'compile-history))
795 command))
796 (consp current-prefix-arg)))
797 (unless (equal command (eval compile-command))
798 (setq compile-command command))
799 (save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil)
800 (setq compilation-directory default-directory)
801 (compilation-start command comint))
803 ;; run compile with the default command line
804 (defun recompile ()
805 "Re-compile the program including the current buffer.
806 If this is run in a Compilation mode buffer, re-use the arguments from the
807 original use. Otherwise, recompile using `compile-command'."
808 (interactive)
809 (save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil)
810 (let ((default-directory
811 (or (and (not (eq major-mode (nth 1 compilation-arguments)))
812 compilation-directory)
813 default-directory)))
814 (apply 'compilation-start (or compilation-arguments
815 `(,(eval compile-command))))))
817 (defcustom compilation-scroll-output nil
818 "*Non-nil to scroll the *compilation* buffer window as output appears.
820 Setting it causes the Compilation mode commands to put point at the
821 end of their output window so that the end of the output is always
822 visible rather than the beginning."
823 :type 'boolean
824 :version "20.3"
825 :group 'compilation)
828 (defun compilation-buffer-name (mode-name name-function)
829 "Return the name of a compilation buffer to use.
830 If NAME-FUNCTION is non-nil, call it with one argument MODE-NAME
831 to determine the buffer name.
832 Likewise if `compilation-buffer-name-function' is non-nil.
833 If current buffer is in Compilation mode for the same mode name
834 return the name of the current buffer, so that it gets reused.
835 Otherwise, construct a buffer name from MODE-NAME."
836 (cond (name-function
837 (funcall name-function mode-name))
838 (compilation-buffer-name-function
839 (funcall compilation-buffer-name-function mode-name))
840 ((eq major-mode (nth 1 compilation-arguments))
841 (buffer-name))
843 (concat "*" (downcase mode-name) "*"))))
845 ;; This is a rough emulation of the old hack, until the transition to new
846 ;; compile is complete.
847 (defun compile-internal (command error-message
848 &optional name-of-mode parser
849 error-regexp-alist name-function
850 enter-regexp-alist leave-regexp-alist
851 file-regexp-alist nomessage-regexp-alist
852 no-async highlight-regexp local-map)
853 (if parser
854 (error "Compile now works very differently, see `compilation-error-regexp-alist'"))
855 (let ((compilation-error-regexp-alist
856 (append file-regexp-alist (or error-regexp-alist
857 compilation-error-regexp-alist)))
858 (compilation-error (replace-regexp-in-string "^No more \\(.+\\)s\\.?"
859 "\\1" error-message)))
860 (compilation-start command nil name-function highlight-regexp)))
861 (make-obsolete 'compile-internal 'compilation-start)
863 (defun compilation-start (command &optional mode name-function highlight-regexp)
864 "Run compilation command COMMAND (low level interface).
865 If COMMAND starts with a cd command, that becomes the `default-directory'.
866 The rest of the arguments are optional; for them, nil means use the default.
868 MODE is the major mode to set in the compilation buffer. Mode
869 may also be t meaning use `compilation-shell-minor-mode' under `comint-mode'.
870 NAME-FUNCTION is a function called to name the buffer.
872 If HIGHLIGHT-REGEXP is non-nil, `next-error' will temporarily highlight
873 the matching section of the visited source line; the default is to use the
874 global value of `compilation-highlight-regexp'.
876 Returns the compilation buffer created."
877 (or mode (setq mode 'compilation-mode))
878 (let* ((name-of-mode
879 (if (eq mode t)
880 (prog1 "compilation" (require 'comint))
881 (replace-regexp-in-string "-mode$" "" (symbol-name mode))))
882 (thisdir default-directory)
883 outwin outbuf)
884 (with-current-buffer
885 (setq outbuf
886 (get-buffer-create
887 (compilation-buffer-name name-of-mode name-function)))
888 (let ((comp-proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
889 (if comp-proc
890 (if (or (not (eq (process-status comp-proc) 'run))
891 (yes-or-no-p
892 (format "A %s process is running; kill it? "
893 name-of-mode)))
894 (condition-case ()
895 (progn
896 (interrupt-process comp-proc)
897 (sit-for 1)
898 (delete-process comp-proc))
899 (error nil))
900 (error "Cannot have two processes in `%s' at once"
901 (buffer-name)))))
902 (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
903 ;; first transfer directory from where M-x compile was called
904 (setq default-directory thisdir)
905 ;; Make compilation buffer read-only. The filter can still write it.
906 ;; Clear out the compilation buffer.
907 (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
908 (default-directory thisdir))
909 ;; Then evaluate a cd command if any, but don't perform it yet, else start-command
910 ;; would do it again through the shell: (cd "..") AND sh -c "cd ..; make"
911 (cd (if (string-match "^\\s *cd\\(?:\\s +\\(\\S +?\\)\\)?\\s *[;&\n]" command)
912 (if (match-end 1)
913 (substitute-env-vars (match-string 1 command))
914 "~")
915 default-directory))
916 (erase-buffer)
917 ;; output a mode setter, for saving and later reloading this buffer
918 (insert "-*- mode: " name-of-mode
919 "; default-directory: " (prin1-to-string default-directory)
920 " -*-\n" command "\n")
921 (setq thisdir default-directory))
922 (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
923 ;; If we're already in the compilation buffer, go to the end
924 ;; of the buffer, so point will track the compilation output.
925 (if (eq outbuf (current-buffer))
926 (goto-char (point-max)))
927 ;; Pop up the compilation buffer.
928 (setq outwin (display-buffer outbuf nil t))
929 (with-current-buffer outbuf
930 (let ((process-environment
931 (append
932 compilation-environment
933 (if (if (boundp 'system-uses-terminfo) ; `if' for compiler warning
934 system-uses-terminfo)
935 (list "TERM=dumb" "TERMCAP="
936 (format "COLUMNS=%d" (window-width)))
937 (list "TERM=emacs"
938 (format "TERMCAP=emacs:co#%d:tc=unknown:"
939 (window-width))))
940 ;; Set the EMACS variable, but
941 ;; don't override users' setting of $EMACS.
942 (unless (getenv "EMACS") '("EMACS=t"))
943 (copy-sequence process-environment))))
944 (if (not (eq mode t))
945 (funcall mode)
946 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
947 (with-no-warnings (comint-mode))
948 (compilation-shell-minor-mode))
949 (if highlight-regexp
950 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-highlight-regexp)
951 highlight-regexp))
952 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-arguments)
953 (list command mode name-function highlight-regexp))
954 (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function)
955 'compilation-revert-buffer)
956 (set-window-start outwin (point-min))
957 (or (eq outwin (selected-window))
958 (set-window-point outwin (if compilation-scroll-output
959 (point)
960 (point-min))))
961 ;; The setup function is called before compilation-set-window-height
962 ;; so it can set the compilation-window-height buffer locally.
963 (if compilation-process-setup-function
964 (funcall compilation-process-setup-function))
965 (compilation-set-window-height outwin)
966 ;; Start the compilation.
967 (if (fboundp 'start-process)
968 (let ((proc (if (eq mode t)
969 (get-buffer-process
970 (with-no-warnings
971 (comint-exec outbuf (downcase mode-name)
972 shell-file-name nil `("-c" ,command))))
973 (start-process-shell-command (downcase mode-name)
974 outbuf command))))
975 ;; Make the buffer's mode line show process state.
976 (setq mode-line-process '(":%s"))
977 (set-process-sentinel proc 'compilation-sentinel)
978 (set-process-filter proc 'compilation-filter)
979 (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point) outbuf)
980 (setq compilation-in-progress
981 (cons proc compilation-in-progress)))
982 ;; No asynchronous processes available.
983 (message "Executing `%s'..." command)
984 ;; Fake modeline display as if `start-process' were run.
985 (setq mode-line-process ":run")
986 (force-mode-line-update)
987 (sit-for 0) ; Force redisplay
988 (let ((status (call-process shell-file-name nil outbuf nil "-c"
989 command)))
990 (cond ((numberp status)
991 (compilation-handle-exit 'exit status
992 (if (zerop status)
993 "finished\n"
994 (format "\
995 exited abnormally with code %d\n"
996 status))))
997 ((stringp status)
998 (compilation-handle-exit 'signal status
999 (concat status "\n")))
1001 (compilation-handle-exit 'bizarre status status))))
1002 ;; Without async subprocesses, the buffer is not yet
1003 ;; fontified, so fontify it now.
1004 (let ((font-lock-verbose nil)) ; shut up font-lock messages
1005 (font-lock-fontify-buffer))
1006 (message "Executing `%s'...done" command)))
1007 ;; Now finally cd to where the shell started make/grep/...
1008 (setq default-directory thisdir))
1009 (if (buffer-local-value 'compilation-scroll-output outbuf)
1010 (save-selected-window
1011 (select-window outwin)
1012 (goto-char (point-max))))
1013 ;; Make it so the next C-x ` will use this buffer.
1014 (setq next-error-last-buffer outbuf)))
1016 (defun compilation-set-window-height (window)
1017 "Set the height of WINDOW according to `compilation-window-height'."
1018 (let ((height (buffer-local-value 'compilation-window-height (window-buffer window))))
1019 (and height
1020 (= (window-width window) (frame-width (window-frame window)))
1021 ;; If window is alone in its frame, aside from a minibuffer,
1022 ;; don't change its height.
1023 (not (eq window (frame-root-window (window-frame window))))
1024 ;; Stef said that doing the saves in this order is safer:
1025 (save-excursion
1026 (save-selected-window
1027 (select-window window)
1028 (enlarge-window (- height (window-height))))))))
1030 (defvar compilation-menu-map
1031 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Errors")))
1032 (define-key map [stop-subjob]
1033 '("Stop Compilation" . kill-compilation))
1034 (define-key map [compilation-mode-separator2]
1035 '("----" . nil))
1036 (define-key map [compilation-first-error]
1037 '("First Error" . first-error))
1038 (define-key map [compilation-previous-error]
1039 '("Previous Error" . previous-error))
1040 (define-key map [compilation-next-error]
1041 '("Next Error" . next-error))
1042 map))
1044 (defvar compilation-minor-mode-map
1045 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
1046 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'compile-goto-error)
1047 (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'compile-goto-error)
1048 (define-key map "\C-m" 'compile-goto-error)
1049 (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'kill-compilation)
1050 (define-key map "\M-n" 'compilation-next-error)
1051 (define-key map "\M-p" 'compilation-previous-error)
1052 (define-key map "\M-{" 'compilation-previous-file)
1053 (define-key map "\M-}" 'compilation-next-file)
1054 ;; Set up the menu-bar
1055 (define-key map [menu-bar compilation]
1056 (cons "Errors" compilation-menu-map))
1057 map)
1058 "Keymap for `compilation-minor-mode'.")
1060 (defvar compilation-shell-minor-mode-map
1061 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
1062 (define-key map "\M-\C-m" 'compile-goto-error)
1063 (define-key map "\M-\C-n" 'compilation-next-error)
1064 (define-key map "\M-\C-p" 'compilation-previous-error)
1065 (define-key map "\M-{" 'compilation-previous-file)
1066 (define-key map "\M-}" 'compilation-next-file)
1067 ;; Set up the menu-bar
1068 (define-key map [menu-bar compilation]
1069 (cons "Errors" compilation-menu-map))
1070 map)
1071 "Keymap for `compilation-shell-minor-mode'.")
1073 (defvar compilation-button-map
1074 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
1075 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'compile-goto-error)
1076 (define-key map "\C-m" 'compile-goto-error)
1077 map)
1078 "Keymap for compilation-message buttons.")
1079 (fset 'compilation-button-map compilation-button-map)
1081 (defvar compilation-mode-map
1082 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
1083 ;; Don't inherit from compilation-minor-mode-map,
1084 ;; because that introduces a menu bar item we don't want.
1085 ;; That confuses C-down-mouse-3.
1086 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'compile-goto-error)
1087 (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'compile-goto-error)
1088 (define-key map "\C-m" 'compile-goto-error)
1089 (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'kill-compilation)
1090 (define-key map "\M-n" 'compilation-next-error)
1091 (define-key map "\M-p" 'compilation-previous-error)
1092 (define-key map "\M-{" 'compilation-previous-file)
1093 (define-key map "\M-}" 'compilation-next-file)
1095 (define-key map " " 'scroll-up)
1096 (define-key map "\^?" 'scroll-down)
1097 (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'next-error-follow-minor-mode)
1099 ;; Set up the menu-bar
1100 (let ((submap (make-sparse-keymap "Compile")))
1101 (define-key map [menu-bar compilation]
1102 (cons "Compile" submap))
1103 (set-keymap-parent submap compilation-menu-map))
1104 (define-key map [menu-bar compilation compilation-separator2]
1105 '("----" . nil))
1106 (define-key map [menu-bar compilation compilation-grep]
1107 '("Search Files (grep)" . grep))
1108 (define-key map [menu-bar compilation compilation-recompile]
1109 '("Recompile" . recompile))
1110 (define-key map [menu-bar compilation compilation-compile]
1111 '("Compile..." . compile))
1112 map)
1113 "Keymap for compilation log buffers.
1114 `compilation-minor-mode-map' is a parent of this.")
1116 (put 'compilation-mode 'mode-class 'special)
1118 (defvar compilation-skip-to-next-location t
1119 "*If non-nil, skip multiple error messages for the same source location.")
1121 (defcustom compilation-skip-threshold 1
1122 "*Compilation motion commands skip less important messages.
1123 The value can be either 2 -- skip anything less than error, 1 --
1124 skip anything less than warning or 0 -- don't skip any messages.
1125 Note that all messages not positively identified as warning or
1126 info, are considered errors."
1127 :type '(choice (const :tag "Warnings and info" 2)
1128 (const :tag "Info" 1)
1129 (const :tag "None" 0))
1130 :group 'compilation
1131 :version "21.4")
1133 (defcustom compilation-skip-visited nil
1134 "*Compilation motion commands skip visited messages if this is t.
1135 Visited messages are ones for which the file, line and column have been jumped
1136 to from the current content in the current compilation buffer, even if it was
1137 from a different message."
1138 :type 'boolean
1139 :group 'compilation
1140 :version "21.4")
1142 ;;;###autoload
1143 (defun compilation-mode (&optional name-of-mode)
1144 "Major mode for compilation log buffers.
1145 \\<compilation-mode-map>To visit the source for a line-numbered error,
1146 move point to the error message line and type \\[compile-goto-error].
1147 To kill the compilation, type \\[kill-compilation].
1149 Runs `compilation-mode-hook' with `run-hooks' (which see).
1151 \\{compilation-mode-map}"
1152 (interactive)
1153 (kill-all-local-variables)
1154 (use-local-map compilation-mode-map)
1155 (setq major-mode 'compilation-mode
1156 mode-name (or name-of-mode "Compilation"))
1157 (set (make-local-variable 'page-delimiter)
1158 compilation-page-delimiter)
1159 (compilation-setup)
1160 (setq buffer-read-only t)
1161 (run-mode-hooks 'compilation-mode-hook))
1163 (defmacro define-compilation-mode (mode name doc &rest body)
1164 "This is like `define-derived-mode' without the PARENT argument.
1165 The parent is always `compilation-mode' and the customizable `compilation-...'
1166 variables are also set from the name of the mode you have chosen, by replacing
1167 the fist word, e.g `compilation-scroll-output' from `grep-scroll-output' if that
1168 variable exists."
1169 (let ((mode-name (replace-regexp-in-string "-mode\\'" "" (symbol-name mode))))
1170 `(define-derived-mode ,mode compilation-mode ,name
1171 ,doc
1172 ,@(mapcar (lambda (v)
1173 (setq v (cons v
1174 (intern-soft (replace-regexp-in-string
1175 "^compilation" mode-name
1176 (symbol-name v)))))
1177 (and (cdr v)
1178 (or (boundp (cdr v))
1179 (if (boundp 'byte-compile-bound-variables)
1180 (memq (cdr v) byte-compile-bound-variables)))
1181 `(set (make-local-variable ',(car v)) ,(cdr v))))
1182 '(compilation-buffer-name-function
1183 compilation-directory-matcher
1184 compilation-error
1185 compilation-error-regexp-alist
1186 compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
1187 compilation-error-screen-columns
1188 compilation-finish-function
1189 compilation-finish-functions
1190 compilation-first-column
1191 compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords
1192 compilation-page-delimiter
1193 compilation-parse-errors-filename-function
1194 compilation-process-setup-function
1195 compilation-scroll-output
1196 compilation-search-path
1197 compilation-skip-threshold
1198 compilation-window-height))
1199 ,@body)))
1201 (defun compilation-revert-buffer (ignore-auto noconfirm)
1202 (if buffer-file-name
1203 (let (revert-buffer-function)
1204 (revert-buffer ignore-auto noconfirm))
1205 (if (or noconfirm (yes-or-no-p (format "Restart compilation? ")))
1206 (apply 'compilation-start compilation-arguments))))
1208 (defvar compilation-current-error nil
1209 "Marker to the location from where the next error will be found.
1210 The global commands next/previous/first-error/goto-error use this.")
1212 (defvar compilation-messages-start nil
1213 "Buffer position of the beginning of the compilation messages.
1214 If nil, use the beginning of buffer.")
1216 ;; A function name can't be a hook, must be something with a value.
1217 (defconst compilation-turn-on-font-lock 'turn-on-font-lock)
1219 (defun compilation-setup (&optional minor)
1220 "Prepare the buffer for the compilation parsing commands to work.
1221 Optional argument MINOR indicates this is called from
1222 `compilation-minor-mode'."
1223 (make-local-variable 'compilation-current-error)
1224 (make-local-variable 'compilation-messages-start)
1225 (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-screen-columns)
1226 (make-local-variable 'overlay-arrow-position)
1227 ;; Note that compilation-next-error-function is for interfacing
1228 ;; with the next-error function in simple.el, and it's only
1229 ;; coincidentally named similarly to compilation-next-error.
1230 (setq next-error-function 'compilation-next-error-function)
1231 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-extra-managed-props)
1232 '(directory message help-echo mouse-face debug))
1233 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-locs)
1234 (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness 'value))
1235 ;; lazy-lock would never find the message unless it's scrolled to.
1236 ;; jit-lock might fontify some things too late.
1237 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-support-mode) nil)
1238 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-maximum-size) nil)
1239 (let ((fld font-lock-defaults))
1240 (if (and minor fld)
1241 (font-lock-add-keywords nil (compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords))
1242 (setq font-lock-defaults '(compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords t)))
1243 (if minor
1244 (if font-lock-mode
1245 (if fld
1246 (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
1247 (font-lock-change-mode)
1248 (turn-on-font-lock))
1249 (turn-on-font-lock))
1250 ;; maybe defer font-lock till after derived mode is set up
1251 (run-mode-hooks 'compilation-turn-on-font-lock))))
1253 ;;;###autoload
1254 (define-minor-mode compilation-shell-minor-mode
1255 "Toggle compilation shell minor mode.
1256 With arg, turn compilation mode on if and only if arg is positive.
1257 In this minor mode, all the error-parsing commands of the
1258 Compilation major mode are available but bound to keys that don't
1259 collide with Shell mode. See `compilation-mode'.
1260 Turning the mode on runs the normal hook `compilation-shell-minor-mode-hook'."
1261 nil " Shell-Compile"
1262 :group 'compilation
1263 (if compilation-shell-minor-mode
1264 (compilation-setup t)
1265 (font-lock-remove-keywords nil (compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords))
1266 (font-lock-fontify-buffer)))
1268 ;;;###autoload
1269 (define-minor-mode compilation-minor-mode
1270 "Toggle compilation minor mode.
1271 With arg, turn compilation mode on if and only if arg is positive.
1272 In this minor mode, all the error-parsing commands of the
1273 Compilation major mode are available. See `compilation-mode'.
1274 Turning the mode on runs the normal hook `compilation-minor-mode-hook'."
1275 nil " Compilation"
1276 :group 'compilation
1277 (if compilation-minor-mode
1278 (compilation-setup t)
1279 (font-lock-remove-keywords nil (compilation-mode-font-lock-keywords))
1280 (font-lock-fontify-buffer)))
1282 (defun compilation-handle-exit (process-status exit-status msg)
1283 "Write MSG in the current buffer and hack its mode-line-process."
1284 (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
1285 (status (if compilation-exit-message-function
1286 (funcall compilation-exit-message-function
1287 process-status exit-status msg)
1288 (cons msg exit-status)))
1289 (omax (point-max))
1290 (opoint (point)))
1291 ;; Record where we put the message, so we can ignore it later on.
1292 (goto-char omax)
1293 (insert ?\n mode-name " " (car status))
1294 (if (and (numberp compilation-window-height)
1295 (zerop compilation-window-height))
1296 (message "%s" (cdr status)))
1297 (if (bolp)
1298 (forward-char -1))
1299 (insert " at " (substring (current-time-string) 0 19))
1300 (goto-char (point-max))
1301 ;; Prevent that message from being recognized as a compilation error.
1302 (add-text-properties omax (point)
1303 (append '(compilation-handle-exit t) nil))
1304 (setq mode-line-process (format ":%s [%s]" process-status (cdr status)))
1305 ;; Force mode line redisplay soon.
1306 (force-mode-line-update)
1307 (if (and opoint (< opoint omax))
1308 (goto-char opoint))
1309 (if compilation-finish-function
1310 (funcall compilation-finish-function (current-buffer) msg))
1311 (let ((functions compilation-finish-functions))
1312 (while functions
1313 (funcall (car functions) (current-buffer) msg)
1314 (setq functions (cdr functions))))))
1316 ;; Called when compilation process changes state.
1317 (defun compilation-sentinel (proc msg)
1318 "Sentinel for compilation buffers."
1319 (if (memq (process-status proc) '(exit signal))
1320 (let ((buffer (process-buffer proc)))
1321 (if (null (buffer-name buffer))
1322 ;; buffer killed
1323 (set-process-buffer proc nil)
1324 (with-current-buffer buffer
1325 ;; Write something in the compilation buffer
1326 ;; and hack its mode line.
1327 (compilation-handle-exit (process-status proc)
1328 (process-exit-status proc)
1329 msg)
1330 ;; Since the buffer and mode line will show that the
1331 ;; process is dead, we can delete it now. Otherwise it
1332 ;; will stay around until M-x list-processes.
1333 (delete-process proc)))
1334 (setq compilation-in-progress (delq proc compilation-in-progress)))))
1336 (defun compilation-filter (proc string)
1337 "Process filter for compilation buffers.
1338 Just inserts the text, but uses `insert-before-markers'."
1339 (if (buffer-name (process-buffer proc))
1340 (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
1341 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
1342 (save-excursion
1343 (goto-char (process-mark proc))
1344 (insert-before-markers string)
1345 (run-hooks 'compilation-filter-hook))))))
1347 ;;; test if a buffer is a compilation buffer, assuming we're in the buffer
1348 (defsubst compilation-buffer-internal-p ()
1349 "Test if inside a compilation buffer."
1350 (local-variable-p 'compilation-locs))
1352 ;;; test if a buffer is a compilation buffer, using compilation-buffer-internal-p
1353 (defsubst compilation-buffer-p (buffer)
1354 "Test if BUFFER is a compilation buffer."
1355 (with-current-buffer buffer
1356 (compilation-buffer-internal-p)))
1358 (defmacro compilation-loop (< property-change 1+ error)
1359 `(while (,< n 0)
1360 (or (setq pt (,property-change pt 'message))
1361 (error ,error compilation-error))
1362 ;; prop 'message usually has 2 changes, on and off, so re-search if off
1363 (or (setq msg (get-text-property pt 'message))
1364 (if (setq pt (,property-change pt 'message))
1365 (setq msg (get-text-property pt 'message)))
1366 (error ,error compilation-error))
1367 (or (< (cadr msg) compilation-skip-threshold)
1368 (if different-file
1369 (eq (prog1 last (setq last (nth 2 (car msg))))
1370 last))
1371 (if compilation-skip-visited
1372 (nthcdr 4 (car msg)))
1373 (if compilation-skip-to-next-location
1374 (eq (car msg) loc))
1375 ;; count this message only if none of the above are true
1376 (setq n (,1+ n)))))
1378 (defun compilation-next-error (n &optional different-file pt)
1379 "Move point to the next error in the compilation buffer.
1380 Prefix arg N says how many error messages to move forwards (or
1381 backwards, if negative).
1382 Does NOT find the source line like \\[next-error]."
1383 (interactive "p")
1384 (or (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
1385 (error "Not in a compilation buffer"))
1386 (or pt (setq pt (point)))
1387 (let* ((msg (get-text-property pt 'message))
1388 (loc (car msg))
1389 last)
1390 (if (zerop n)
1391 (unless (or msg ; find message near here
1392 (setq msg (get-text-property (max (1- pt) (point-min))
1393 'message)))
1394 (setq pt (previous-single-property-change pt 'message nil
1395 (line-beginning-position)))
1396 (unless (setq msg (get-text-property (max (1- pt) (point-min)) 'message))
1397 (setq pt (next-single-property-change pt 'message nil
1398 (line-end-position)))
1399 (or (setq msg (get-text-property pt 'message))
1400 (setq pt (point)))))
1401 (setq last (nth 2 (car msg)))
1402 (if (>= n 0)
1403 (compilation-loop > next-single-property-change 1-
1404 (if (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
1405 "No more %ss yet"
1406 "Moved past last %s"))
1407 ;; Don't move "back" to message at or before point.
1408 ;; Pass an explicit (point-min) to make sure pt is non-nil.
1409 (setq pt (previous-single-property-change pt 'message nil (point-min)))
1410 (compilation-loop < previous-single-property-change 1+
1411 "Moved back before first %s")))
1412 (goto-char pt)
1413 (or msg
1414 (error "No %s here" compilation-error))))
1416 (defun compilation-previous-error (n)
1417 "Move point to the previous error in the compilation buffer.
1418 Prefix arg N says how many error messages to move backwards (or
1419 forwards, if negative).
1420 Does NOT find the source line like \\[previous-error]."
1421 (interactive "p")
1422 (compilation-next-error (- n)))
1424 (defun compilation-next-file (n)
1425 "Move point to the next error for a different file than the current one.
1426 Prefix arg N says how many files to move forwards (or backwards, if negative)."
1427 (interactive "p")
1428 (compilation-next-error n t))
1430 (defun compilation-previous-file (n)
1431 "Move point to the previous error for a different file than the current one.
1432 Prefix arg N says how many files to move backwards (or forwards, if negative)."
1433 (interactive "p")
1434 (compilation-next-file (- n)))
1436 (defun kill-compilation ()
1437 "Kill the process made by the \\[compile] or \\[grep] commands."
1438 (interactive)
1439 (let ((buffer (compilation-find-buffer)))
1440 (if (get-buffer-process buffer)
1441 (interrupt-process (get-buffer-process buffer))
1442 (error "The compilation process is not running"))))
1444 (defalias 'compile-mouse-goto-error 'compile-goto-error)
1446 (defun compile-goto-error (&optional event)
1447 "Visit the source for the error message at point.
1448 Use this command in a compilation log buffer. Sets the mark at point there."
1449 (interactive (list last-input-event))
1450 (if event (posn-set-point (event-end event)))
1451 (or (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
1452 (error "Not in a compilation buffer"))
1453 (if (get-text-property (point) 'directory)
1454 (dired-other-window (car (get-text-property (point) 'directory)))
1455 (push-mark)
1456 (setq compilation-current-error (point))
1457 (next-error 0)))
1459 ;; Return a compilation buffer.
1460 ;; If the current buffer is a compilation buffer, return it.
1461 ;; Otherwise, look for a compilation buffer and signal an error
1462 ;; if there are none.
1463 (defun compilation-find-buffer (&optional other-buffer)
1464 (next-error-find-buffer other-buffer 'compilation-buffer-internal-p))
1466 ;;;###autoload
1467 (defun compilation-next-error-function (n &optional reset)
1468 (interactive "p")
1469 (set-buffer (compilation-find-buffer))
1470 (when reset
1471 (setq compilation-current-error nil))
1472 (let* ((columns compilation-error-screen-columns) ; buffer's local value
1473 (last 1)
1474 (loc (compilation-next-error (or n 1) nil
1475 (or compilation-current-error
1476 compilation-messages-start
1477 (point-min))))
1478 (end-loc (nth 2 loc))
1479 (marker (point-marker)))
1480 (setq compilation-current-error (point-marker)
1481 overlay-arrow-position
1482 (if (bolp)
1483 compilation-current-error
1484 (copy-marker (line-beginning-position)))
1485 loc (car loc))
1486 ;; If loc contains no marker, no error in that file has been visited. If
1487 ;; the marker is invalid the buffer has been killed. So, recalculate all
1488 ;; markers for that file.
1489 (unless (and (nth 3 loc) (marker-buffer (nth 3 loc)))
1490 (with-current-buffer (compilation-find-file marker (caar (nth 2 loc))
1491 (or (cdar (nth 2 loc))
1492 default-directory))
1493 (save-restriction
1494 (widen)
1495 (goto-char (point-min))
1496 ;; Treat file's found lines in forward order, 1 by 1.
1497 (dolist (line (reverse (cddr (nth 2 loc))))
1498 (when (car line) ; else this is a filename w/o a line#
1499 (beginning-of-line (- (car line) last -1))
1500 (setq last (car line)))
1501 ;; Treat line's found columns and store/update a marker for each.
1502 (dolist (col (cdr line))
1503 (if (car col)
1504 (if (eq (car col) -1) ; special case for range end
1505 (end-of-line)
1506 (compilation-move-to-column (car col) columns))
1507 (beginning-of-line)
1508 (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
1509 (if (nth 3 col)
1510 (set-marker (nth 3 col) (point))
1511 (setcdr (nthcdr 2 col) `(,(point-marker)))))))))
1512 (compilation-goto-locus marker (nth 3 loc) (nth 3 end-loc))
1513 (setcdr (nthcdr 3 loc) t))) ; Set this one as visited.
1515 (defvar compilation-gcpro nil
1516 "Internal variable used to keep some values from being GC'd.")
1517 (make-variable-buffer-local 'compilation-gcpro)
1519 (defun compilation-fake-loc (marker file &optional line col)
1520 "Preassociate MARKER with FILE.
1522 This is useful when you compile temporary files, but want
1523 automatic translation of the messages to the real buffer from
1524 which the temporary file came. This only works if done before a
1525 message about FILE appears!
1527 Optional args LINE and COL default to 1 and beginning of
1528 indentation respectively. The marker is expected to reflect
1529 this. In the simplest case the marker points to the first line
1530 of the region that was saved to the temp file.
1532 If you concatenate several regions into the temp file (e.g. a
1533 header with variable assignments and a code region), you must
1534 call this several times, once each for the last line of one
1535 region and the first line of the next region."
1536 (or (consp file) (setq file (list file)))
1537 (setq file (compilation-get-file-structure file))
1538 ;; Between the current call to compilation-fake-loc and the first occurrence
1539 ;; of an error message referring to `file', the data is only kept is the
1540 ;; weak hash-table compilation-locs, so we need to prevent this entry
1541 ;; in compilation-locs from being GC'd away. --Stef
1542 (push file compilation-gcpro)
1543 (let ((loc (compilation-assq (or line 1) (cdr file))))
1544 (setq loc (compilation-assq col loc))
1545 (if (cdr loc)
1546 (setcdr (cddr loc) (list marker))
1547 (setcdr loc (list line file marker)))
1548 loc))
1550 (defcustom compilation-context-lines 0
1551 "*Display this many lines of leading context before message.
1552 If nil, don't scroll the compilation output window."
1553 :type '(choice integer (const :tag "No window scrolling" nil))
1554 :group 'compilation
1555 :version "21.4")
1557 (defsubst compilation-set-window (w mk)
1558 "Align the compilation output window W with marker MK near top."
1559 (if (integerp compilation-context-lines)
1560 (set-window-start w (save-excursion
1561 (goto-char mk)
1562 (beginning-of-line (- 1 compilation-context-lines))
1563 (point))))
1564 (set-window-point w mk))
1566 (defun compilation-goto-locus (msg mk end-mk)
1567 "Jump to an error corresponding to MSG at MK.
1568 All arguments are markers. If END-MK is non-nil, mark is set there
1569 and overlay is highlighted between MK and END-MK."
1570 (if (eq (window-buffer (selected-window))
1571 (marker-buffer msg))
1572 ;; If the compilation buffer window is selected,
1573 ;; keep the compilation buffer in this window;
1574 ;; display the source in another window.
1575 (let ((pop-up-windows t))
1576 (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer mk)))
1577 (if (window-dedicated-p (selected-window))
1578 (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer mk))
1579 (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer mk))))
1580 ;; If narrowing gets in the way of going to the right place, widen.
1581 (unless (eq (goto-char mk) (point))
1582 (widen)
1583 (goto-char mk))
1584 (if end-mk
1585 (push-mark end-mk t)
1586 (if mark-active (setq mark-active)))
1587 ;; If hideshow got in the way of
1588 ;; seeing the right place, open permanently.
1589 (dolist (ov (overlays-at (point)))
1590 (when (eq 'hs (overlay-get ov 'invisible))
1591 (delete-overlay ov)
1592 (goto-char mk)))
1594 ;; Show compilation buffer in other window, scrolled to this error.
1595 (let* ((pop-up-windows t)
1596 ;; Use an existing window if it is in a visible frame.
1597 (w (or (get-buffer-window (marker-buffer msg) 'visible)
1598 ;; Pop up a window.
1599 (display-buffer (marker-buffer msg))))
1600 (highlight-regexp (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer msg)
1601 ;; also do this while we change buffer
1602 (compilation-set-window w msg)
1603 compilation-highlight-regexp)))
1604 (compilation-set-window-height w)
1606 (when highlight-regexp
1607 (unless compilation-highlight-overlay
1608 (setq compilation-highlight-overlay
1609 (make-overlay (point-min) (point-min)))
1610 (overlay-put compilation-highlight-overlay 'face 'next-error))
1611 (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer mk)
1612 (save-excursion
1613 (if end-mk (goto-char end-mk) (end-of-line))
1614 (let ((end (point)))
1615 (if mk (goto-char mk) (beginning-of-line))
1616 (if (and (stringp highlight-regexp)
1617 (re-search-forward highlight-regexp end t))
1618 (progn
1619 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1620 (move-overlay compilation-highlight-overlay
1621 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
1622 (current-buffer)))
1623 (move-overlay compilation-highlight-overlay
1624 (point) end (current-buffer)))
1625 (if (numberp next-error-highlight)
1626 (sit-for next-error-highlight))
1627 (if (not (eq next-error-highlight t))
1628 (delete-overlay compilation-highlight-overlay))))))
1629 (when (and (eq next-error-highlight 'fringe-arrow))
1630 (set (make-local-variable 'overlay-arrow-position)
1631 (copy-marker (line-beginning-position))))))
1633 (defun compilation-find-file (marker filename dir &rest formats)
1634 "Find a buffer for file FILENAME.
1635 Search the directories in `compilation-search-path'.
1636 A nil in `compilation-search-path' means to try the
1637 current directory, which is passed in DIR.
1638 If FILENAME is not found at all, ask the user where to find it.
1639 Pop up the buffer containing MARKER and scroll to MARKER if we ask the user."
1640 (or formats (setq formats '("%s")))
1641 (save-excursion
1642 (let ((dirs compilation-search-path)
1643 buffer thisdir fmts name)
1644 (if (file-name-absolute-p filename)
1645 ;; The file name is absolute. Use its explicit directory as
1646 ;; the first in the search path, and strip it from FILENAME.
1647 (setq filename (abbreviate-file-name (expand-file-name filename))
1648 dirs (cons (file-name-directory filename) dirs)
1649 filename (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
1650 ;; Now search the path.
1651 (while (and dirs (null buffer))
1652 (setq thisdir (or (car dirs) dir)
1653 fmts formats)
1654 ;; For each directory, try each format string.
1655 (while (and fmts (null buffer))
1656 (setq name (expand-file-name (format (car fmts) filename) thisdir)
1657 buffer (and (file-exists-p name)
1658 (find-file-noselect name))
1659 fmts (cdr fmts)))
1660 (setq dirs (cdr dirs)))
1661 (or buffer
1662 ;; The file doesn't exist. Ask the user where to find it.
1663 (let ((pop-up-windows t))
1664 (compilation-set-window (display-buffer (marker-buffer marker))
1665 marker)
1666 (let ((name (expand-file-name
1667 (read-file-name
1668 (format "Find this error in: (default %s) "
1669 filename)
1670 dir filename t))))
1671 (if (file-directory-p name)
1672 (setq name (expand-file-name filename name)))
1673 (setq buffer (and (file-exists-p name)
1674 (find-file name))))))
1675 ;; Make intangible overlays tangible.
1676 (mapcar (function (lambda (ov)
1677 (when (overlay-get ov 'intangible)
1678 (overlay-put ov 'intangible nil))))
1679 (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
1680 buffer)))
1682 (defun compilation-get-file-structure (file &optional fmt)
1683 "Retrieve FILE's file-structure or create a new one.
1686 (or (gethash file compilation-locs)
1687 ;; File was not previously encountered, at least not in the form passed.
1688 ;; Let's normalize it and look again.
1689 (let ((filename (car file))
1690 (default-directory (if (cdr file)
1691 (file-truename (cdr file))
1692 default-directory)))
1694 ;; Check for a comint-file-name-prefix and prepend it if appropriate.
1695 ;; (This is very useful for compilation-minor-mode in an rlogin-mode
1696 ;; buffer.)
1697 (if (boundp 'comint-file-name-prefix)
1698 (if (file-name-absolute-p filename)
1699 (setq filename
1700 (concat (with-no-warnings comint-file-name-prefix) filename))
1701 (setq default-directory
1702 (file-truename
1703 (concat (with-no-warnings comint-file-name-prefix) default-directory)))))
1705 ;; If compilation-parse-errors-filename-function is
1706 ;; defined, use it to process the filename.
1707 (when compilation-parse-errors-filename-function
1708 (setq filename
1709 (funcall compilation-parse-errors-filename-function
1710 filename)))
1712 ;; Some compilers (e.g. Sun's java compiler, reportedly) produce bogus
1713 ;; file names like "./bar//foo.c" for file "bar/foo.c";
1714 ;; expand-file-name will collapse these into "/foo.c" and fail to find
1715 ;; the appropriate file. So we look for doubled slashes in the file
1716 ;; name and fix them.
1717 (setq filename (command-line-normalize-file-name filename))
1719 ;; Now eliminate any "..", because find-file would get them wrong.
1720 ;; Make relative and absolute filenames, with or without links, the
1721 ;; same.
1722 (setq filename
1723 (list (abbreviate-file-name
1724 (file-truename (if (cdr file)
1725 (expand-file-name filename)
1726 filename)))))
1728 ;; Store it for the possibly unnormalized name
1729 (puthash file
1730 ;; Retrieve or create file-structure for normalized name
1731 (or (gethash filename compilation-locs)
1732 (puthash filename (list filename fmt) compilation-locs))
1733 compilation-locs))))
1735 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^No more [-a-z ]+s yet$")
1737 ;;; Compatibility with the old compile.el.
1739 (defun compile-buffer-substring (n) (if n (match-string n)))
1741 (defun compilation-compat-error-properties (err)
1742 "Map old-style error ERR to new-style message."
1743 ;; Old-style structure is (MARKER (FILE DIR) LINE COL) or
1744 ;; (MARKER . MARKER).
1745 (let ((dst (cdr err)))
1746 (if (markerp dst)
1747 ;; Must start with a face, for font-lock.
1748 `(face nil
1749 message ,(list (list nil nil nil dst) 2)
1750 help-echo "mouse-2: visit the source location"
1751 keymap compilation-button-map
1752 mouse-face highlight)
1753 ;; Too difficult to do it by hand: dispatch to the normal code.
1754 (let* ((file (pop dst))
1755 (line (pop dst))
1756 (col (pop dst))
1757 (filename (pop file))
1758 (dirname (pop file))
1759 (fmt (pop file)))
1760 (compilation-internal-error-properties
1761 (cons filename dirname) line nil col nil 2 fmt)))))
1763 (defun compilation-compat-parse-errors (limit)
1764 (when compilation-parse-errors-function
1765 ;; FIXME: We should remove the rest of the compilation keywords
1766 ;; but we can't do that from here because font-lock is using
1767 ;; the value right now. --stef
1768 (save-excursion
1769 (setq compilation-error-list nil)
1770 ;; Reset compilation-parsing-end each time because font-lock
1771 ;; might force us the re-parse many times (typically because
1772 ;; some code adds some text-property to the output that we
1773 ;; already parsed). You might say "why reparse", well:
1774 ;; because font-lock has just removed the `message' property so
1775 ;; have to do it all over again.
1776 (if compilation-parsing-end
1777 (set-marker compilation-parsing-end (point))
1778 (setq compilation-parsing-end (point-marker)))
1779 (condition-case nil
1780 ;; Ignore any error: we're calling this function earlier than
1781 ;; in the old compile.el so things might not all be setup yet.
1782 (funcall compilation-parse-errors-function limit nil)
1783 (error nil))
1784 (dolist (err (if (listp compilation-error-list) compilation-error-list))
1785 (let* ((src (car err))
1786 (dst (cdr err))
1787 (loc (cond ((markerp dst) (list nil nil nil dst))
1788 ((consp dst)
1789 (list (nth 2 dst) (nth 1 dst)
1790 (cons (cdar dst) (caar dst)))))))
1791 (when loc
1792 (goto-char src)
1793 ;; (put-text-property src (line-end-position) 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-warning-face)
1794 (put-text-property src (line-end-position)
1795 'message (list loc 2)))))))
1796 (goto-char limit)
1797 nil)
1799 ;; Beware: this is not only compatiblity code. New code stil uses it. --Stef
1800 (defun compilation-forget-errors ()
1801 ;; In case we hit the same file/line specs, we want to recompute a new
1802 ;; marker for them, so flush our cache.
1803 (setq compilation-locs (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness 'value))
1804 (setq compilation-gcpro nil)
1805 ;; FIXME: the old code reset the directory-stack, so maybe we should
1806 ;; put a `directory change' marker of some sort, but where? -stef
1808 ;; FIXME: The old code moved compilation-current-error (which was
1809 ;; virtually represented by a mix of compilation-parsing-end and
1810 ;; compilation-error-list) to point-min, but that was only meaningful for
1811 ;; the internal uses of compilation-forget-errors: all calls from external
1812 ;; packages seem to be followed by a move of compilation-parsing-end to
1813 ;; something equivalent to point-max. So we speculatively move
1814 ;; compilation-current-error to point-max (since the external package
1815 ;; won't know that it should do it). --stef
1816 (setq compilation-current-error nil)
1817 (let* ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
1818 (mark (if proc (process-mark proc)))
1819 (pos (or mark (point-max))))
1820 (setq compilation-messages-start
1821 ;; In the future, ignore the text already present in the buffer.
1822 ;; Since many process filter functions insert before markers,
1823 ;; we need to put ours just before the insertion point rather
1824 ;; than at the insertion point. If that's not possible, then
1825 ;; don't use a marker. --Stef
1826 (if (> pos (point-min)) (copy-marker (1- pos)) pos))))
1828 (provide 'compile)
1830 ;; arch-tag: 12465727-7382-4f72-b234-79855a00dd8c
1831 ;;; compile.el ends here