*** empty log message ***
[emacs.git] / lisp / informat.el
1 ;;; informat.el --- info support functions package for Emacs
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
7 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
10 ;; any later version.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
19 ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21 (require 'info)
23 ;;;###autoload
24 (defun Info-tagify ()
25 "Create or update Info-file tag table in current buffer."
26 (interactive)
27 ;; Save and restore point and restrictions.
28 ;; save-restrictions would not work
29 ;; because it records the old max relative to the end.
30 ;; We record it relative to the beginning.
31 (message "Tagifying %s ..." (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))
32 (let ((omin (point-min))
33 (omax (point-max))
34 (nomax (= (point-max) (1+ (buffer-size))))
35 (opoint (point)))
36 (unwind-protect
37 (progn
38 (widen)
39 (goto-char (point-min))
40 (if (search-forward "\^_\nIndirect:\n" nil t)
41 (message "Cannot tagify split info file")
42 (let ((regexp "Node:[ \t]*\\([^,\n\t]\\)*[,\t\n]")
43 (case-fold-search t)
44 list)
45 (while (search-forward "\n\^_" nil t)
46 (forward-line 1)
47 (let ((beg (point)))
48 (forward-line 1)
49 (if (re-search-backward regexp beg t)
50 (setq list
51 (cons (list (buffer-substring
52 (match-beginning 1)
53 (match-end 1))
54 beg)
55 list)))))
56 (goto-char (point-max))
57 (forward-line -8)
58 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
59 (if (search-forward "\^_\nEnd tag table\n" nil t)
60 (let ((end (point)))
61 (search-backward "\nTag table:\n")
62 (beginning-of-line)
63 (delete-region (point) end)))
64 (goto-char (point-max))
65 (insert "\^_\f\nTag table:\n")
66 (move-marker Info-tag-table-marker (point))
67 (setq list (nreverse list))
68 (while list
69 (insert "Node: " (car (car list)) ?\177)
70 (princ (car (cdr (car list))) (current-buffer))
71 (insert ?\n)
72 (setq list (cdr list)))
73 (insert "\^_\nEnd tag table\n")))))
74 (goto-char opoint)
75 (narrow-to-region omin (if nomax (1+ (buffer-size))
76 (min omax (point-max))))))
77 (message "Tagifying %s ... done" (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))))
79 ;;;###autoload
80 (defun Info-split ()
81 "Split an info file into an indirect file plus bounded-size subfiles.
82 Each subfile will be up to 50,000 characters plus one node.
84 To use this command, first visit a large Info file that has a tag
85 table. The buffer is modified into a (small) indirect info file which
86 should be saved in place of the original visited file.
88 The subfiles are written in the same directory the original file is
89 in, with names generated by appending `-' and a number to the original
90 file name. The indirect file still functions as an Info file, but it
91 contains just the tag table and a directory of subfiles."
93 (interactive)
94 (if (< (buffer-size) 70000)
95 (error "This is too small to be worth splitting"))
96 (goto-char (point-min))
97 (search-forward "\^_")
98 (forward-char -1)
99 (let ((start (point))
100 (chars-deleted 0)
101 subfiles
102 (subfile-number 1)
103 (case-fold-search t)
104 (filename (file-name-sans-versions buffer-file-name)))
105 (goto-char (point-max))
106 (forward-line -8)
107 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
108 (or (search-forward "\^_\nEnd tag table\n" nil t)
109 (error "Tag table required; use M-x Info-tagify"))
110 (search-backward "\nTag table:\n")
111 (if (looking-at "\nTag table:\n\^_")
112 (error "Tag table is just a skeleton; use M-x Info-tagify"))
113 (beginning-of-line)
114 (forward-char 1)
115 (save-restriction
116 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
117 (goto-char (point-min))
118 (while (< (1+ (point)) (point-max))
119 (goto-char (min (+ (point) 50000) (point-max)))
120 (search-forward "\^_" nil 'move)
121 (setq subfiles
122 (cons (list (+ start chars-deleted)
123 (concat (file-name-nondirectory filename)
124 (format "-%d" subfile-number)))
125 subfiles))
126 ;; Put a newline at end of split file, to make Unix happier.
127 (insert "\n")
128 (write-region (point-min) (point)
129 (concat filename (format "-%d" subfile-number)))
130 (delete-region (1- (point)) (point))
131 ;; Back up over the final ^_.
132 (forward-char -1)
133 (setq chars-deleted (+ chars-deleted (- (point) start)))
134 (delete-region start (point))
135 (setq subfile-number (1+ subfile-number))))
136 (while subfiles
137 (goto-char start)
138 (insert (nth 1 (car subfiles))
139 (format ": %d" (car (car subfiles)))
140 "\n")
141 (setq subfiles (cdr subfiles)))
142 (goto-char start)
143 (insert "\^_\nIndirect:\n")
144 (search-forward "\nTag Table:\n")
145 (insert "(Indirect)\n")))
147 ;;;###autoload
148 (defun Info-validate ()
149 "Check current buffer for validity as an Info file.
150 Check that every node pointer points to an existing node."
151 (interactive)
152 (save-excursion
153 (save-restriction
154 (widen)
155 (goto-char (point-min))
156 (if (search-forward "\nTag table:\n(Indirect)\n" nil t)
157 (error "Don't yet know how to validate indirect info files: \"%s\""
158 (buffer-name (current-buffer))))
159 (goto-char (point-min))
160 (let ((allnodes '(("*")))
161 (regexp "Node:[ \t]*\\([^,\n\t]*\\)[,\t\n]")
162 (case-fold-search t)
163 (tags-losing nil)
164 (lossages ()))
165 (while (search-forward "\n\^_" nil t)
166 (forward-line 1)
167 (let ((beg (point)))
168 (forward-line 1)
169 (if (re-search-backward regexp beg t)
170 (let ((name (downcase
171 (buffer-substring
172 (match-beginning 1)
173 (progn
174 (goto-char (match-end 1))
175 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
176 (point))))))
177 (if (assoc name allnodes)
178 (setq lossages
179 (cons (list name "Duplicate node-name" nil)
180 lossages))
181 (setq allnodes
182 (cons (list name
183 (progn
184 (end-of-line)
185 (and (re-search-backward
186 "prev[ious]*:" beg t)
187 (progn
188 (goto-char (match-end 0))
189 (downcase
190 (Info-following-node-name)))))
191 beg)
192 allnodes)))))))
193 (goto-char (point-min))
194 (while (search-forward "\n\^_" nil t)
195 (forward-line 1)
196 (let ((beg (point))
197 thisnode next)
198 (forward-line 1)
199 (if (re-search-backward regexp beg t)
200 (save-restriction
201 (search-forward "\n\^_" nil 'move)
202 (narrow-to-region beg (point))
203 (setq thisnode (downcase
204 (buffer-substring
205 (match-beginning 1)
206 (progn
207 (goto-char (match-end 1))
208 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
209 (point)))))
210 (end-of-line)
211 (and (search-backward "next:" nil t)
212 (setq next (Info-validate-node-name "invalid Next"))
213 (assoc next allnodes)
214 (if (equal (car (cdr (assoc next allnodes)))
215 thisnode)
216 ;; allow multiple `next' pointers to one node
217 (let ((tem lossages))
218 (while tem
219 (if (and (equal (car (cdr (car tem)))
220 "should have Previous")
221 (equal (car (car tem))
222 next))
223 (setq lossages (delq (car tem) lossages)))
224 (setq tem (cdr tem))))
225 (setq lossages
226 (cons (list next
227 "should have Previous"
228 thisnode)
229 lossages))))
230 (end-of-line)
231 (if (re-search-backward "prev[ious]*:" nil t)
232 (Info-validate-node-name "invalid Previous"))
233 (end-of-line)
234 (if (search-backward "up:" nil t)
235 (Info-validate-node-name "invalid Up"))
236 (if (re-search-forward "\n* Menu:" nil t)
237 (while (re-search-forward "\n\\* " nil t)
238 (Info-validate-node-name
239 (concat "invalid menu item "
240 (buffer-substring (point)
241 (save-excursion
242 (skip-chars-forward "^:")
243 (point))))
244 (Info-extract-menu-node-name))))
245 (goto-char (point-min))
246 (while (re-search-forward "\\*note[ \n]*[^:\t]*:" nil t)
247 (goto-char (+ (match-beginning 0) 5))
248 (skip-chars-forward " \n")
249 (Info-validate-node-name
250 (concat "invalid reference "
251 (buffer-substring (point)
252 (save-excursion
253 (skip-chars-forward "^:")
254 (point))))
255 (Info-extract-menu-node-name "Bad format cross-reference")))))))
256 (setq tags-losing (not (Info-validate-tags-table)))
257 (if (or lossages tags-losing)
258 (with-output-to-temp-buffer " *problems in info file*"
259 (while lossages
260 (princ "In node \"")
261 (princ (car (car lossages)))
262 (princ "\", ")
263 (let ((tem (nth 1 (car lossages))))
264 (cond ((string-match "\n" tem)
265 (princ (substring tem 0 (match-beginning 0)))
266 (princ "..."))
268 (princ tem))))
269 (if (nth 2 (car lossages))
270 (progn
271 (princ ": ")
272 (let ((tem (nth 2 (car lossages))))
273 (cond ((string-match "\n" tem)
274 (princ (substring tem 0 (match-beginning 0)))
275 (princ "..."))
277 (princ tem))))))
278 (terpri)
279 (setq lossages (cdr lossages)))
280 (if tags-losing (princ "\nTags table must be recomputed\n")))
281 ;; Here if info file is valid.
282 ;; If we already made a list of problems, clear it out.
283 (save-excursion
284 (if (get-buffer " *problems in info file*")
285 (progn
286 (set-buffer " *problems in info file*")
287 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
288 (message "File appears valid"))))))
290 (defun Info-validate-node-name (kind &optional name)
291 (if name
293 (goto-char (match-end 0))
294 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
295 (if (= (following-char) ?\()
297 (setq name
298 (buffer-substring
299 (point)
300 (progn
301 (skip-chars-forward "^,\t\n")
302 (skip-chars-backward " ")
303 (point))))))
304 (if (null name)
306 (setq name (downcase name))
307 (or (and (> (length name) 0) (= (aref name 0) ?\())
308 (assoc name allnodes)
309 (setq lossages
310 (cons (list thisnode kind name) lossages))))
311 name)
313 (defun Info-validate-tags-table ()
314 (goto-char (point-min))
315 (if (not (search-forward "\^_\nEnd tag table\n" nil t))
317 (not (catch 'losing
318 (let* ((end (match-beginning 0))
319 (start (progn (search-backward "\nTag table:\n")
320 (1- (match-end 0))))
321 tem)
322 (setq tem allnodes)
323 (while tem
324 (goto-char start)
325 (or (equal (car (car tem)) "*")
326 (search-forward (concat "Node: "
327 (car (car tem))
328 "\177")
329 end t)
330 (throw 'losing 'x))
331 (setq tem (cdr tem)))
332 (goto-char (1+ start))
333 (while (looking-at ".*Node: \\(.*\\)\177\\([0-9]+\\)$")
334 (setq tem (downcase (buffer-substring
335 (match-beginning 1)
336 (match-end 1))))
337 (setq tem (assoc tem allnodes))
338 (if (or (not tem)
339 (< 1000 (progn
340 (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
341 (setq tem (- (car (cdr (cdr tem)))
342 (read (current-buffer))))
343 (if (> tem 0) tem (- tem)))))
344 (throw 'losing 'y)))
345 (forward-line 1))
346 (or (looking-at "End tag table\n")
347 (throw 'losing 'z))
348 nil))))
350 ;;;###autoload
351 (defun batch-info-validate ()
352 "Runs `Info-validate' on the files remaining on the command line.
353 Must be used only with -batch, and kills Emacs on completion.
354 Each file will be processed even if an error occurred previously.
355 For example, invoke \"emacs -batch -f batch-info-validate $info/ ~/*.info\""
356 (if (not noninteractive)
357 (error "batch-info-validate may only be used -batch."))
358 (let ((version-control t)
359 (auto-save-default nil)
360 (find-file-run-dired nil)
361 (kept-old-versions 259259)
362 (kept-new-versions 259259))
363 (let ((error 0)
364 file
365 (files ()))
366 (while command-line-args-left
367 (setq file (expand-file-name (car command-line-args-left)))
368 (cond ((not (file-exists-p file))
369 (message ">> %s does not exist!" file)
370 (setq error 1
371 command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))
372 ((file-directory-p file)
373 (setq command-line-args-left (nconc (directory-files file)
374 (cdr command-line-args-left))))
376 (setq files (cons file files)
377 command-line-args-left (cdr command-line-args-left)))))
378 (while files
379 (setq file (car files)
380 files (cdr files))
381 (let ((lose nil))
382 (condition-case err
383 (progn
384 (if buffer-file-name (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
385 (find-file file)
386 (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
387 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
388 (fundamental-mode)
389 (let ((case-fold-search nil))
390 (goto-char (point-max))
391 (cond ((search-backward "\n\^_\^L\nTag table:\n" nil t)
392 (message "%s already tagified" file))
393 ((< (point-max) 30000)
394 (message "%s too small to bother tagifying" file))
396 (Info-tagify file))))
397 (let ((loss-name " *problems in info file*"))
398 (message "Checking validity of info file %s..." file)
399 (if (get-buffer loss-name)
400 (kill-buffer loss-name))
401 (Info-validate)
402 (if (not (get-buffer loss-name))
403 nil ;(message "Checking validity of info file %s... OK" file)
404 (message "----------------------------------------------------------------------")
405 (message ">> PROBLEMS IN INFO FILE %s" file)
406 (save-excursion
407 (set-buffer loss-name)
408 (princ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
409 (message "----------------------------------------------------------------------")
410 (setq error 1 lose t)))
411 (if (and (buffer-modified-p)
412 (not lose))
413 (progn (message "Saving modified %s" file)
414 (save-buffer))))
415 (error (message ">> Error: %s" (prin1-to-string err))))))
416 (kill-emacs error))))
418 ;;; informat.el ends here