*** empty log message ***
[emacs.git] / lisp / gnuspost.el
1 ;;; gnuspost.el --- post news commands for GNUS newsreader
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1989 Fujitsu Laboratories LTD.
4 ;; Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Masanobu UMEDA
5 ;; $Header: gnuspost.el,v 1.2 90/03/23 13:25:16 umerin Locked $
7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
9 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
11 ;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
12 ;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
13 ;; unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
14 ;; License for full details.
16 ;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
17 ;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
18 ;; GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
19 ;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
20 ;; can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
21 ;; file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
22 ;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
24 (require 'gnus)
26 (defvar gnus-organization-file "/usr/lib/news/organization"
27 "*Local news organization file.")
29 (defvar gnus-post-news-buffer "*post-news*")
30 (defvar gnus-winconf-post-news nil)
32 (autoload 'news-reply-mode "rnewspost")
34 ;;; Post news commands of GNUS Group Mode and Subject Mode
36 (defun gnus-Group-post-news ()
37 "Post an article."
38 (interactive)
39 ;; Save window configuration.
40 (setq gnus-winconf-post-news (current-window-configuration))
41 (unwind-protect
42 (gnus-post-news)
43 (or (and (eq (current-buffer) (get-buffer gnus-post-news-buffer))
44 (not (zerop (buffer-size))))
45 ;; Restore last window configuration.
46 (set-window-configuration gnus-winconf-post-news)))
47 ;; We don't want to return to Subject buffer nor Article buffer later.
48 (if (get-buffer gnus-Subject-buffer)
49 (bury-buffer gnus-Subject-buffer))
50 (if (get-buffer gnus-Article-buffer)
51 (bury-buffer gnus-Article-buffer)))
53 (defun gnus-Subject-post-news ()
54 "Post an article."
55 (interactive)
56 (gnus-Subject-select-article t nil)
57 ;; Save window configuration.
58 (setq gnus-winconf-post-news (current-window-configuration))
59 (unwind-protect
60 (progn
61 (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-buffer)
62 (widen)
63 (delete-other-windows)
64 (gnus-post-news))
65 (or (and (eq (current-buffer) (get-buffer gnus-post-news-buffer))
66 (not (zerop (buffer-size))))
67 ;; Restore last window configuration.
68 (set-window-configuration gnus-winconf-post-news)))
69 ;; We don't want to return to Article buffer later.
70 (bury-buffer gnus-Article-buffer))
72 (defun gnus-Subject-post-reply (yank)
73 "Post a reply article.
74 If prefix argument YANK is non-nil, original article is yanked automatically."
75 (interactive "P")
76 (gnus-Subject-select-article t nil)
77 ;; Check Followup-To: poster.
78 (set-buffer gnus-Article-buffer)
79 (if (and gnus-use-followup-to
80 (string-equal "poster" (gnus-fetch-field "followup-to"))
81 (or (not (eq gnus-use-followup-to t))
82 (not (y-or-n-p "Do you want to ignore `Followup-To: poster'? "))))
83 ;; Mail to the poster. GNUS is now RFC1036 compliant.
84 (gnus-Subject-mail-reply yank)
85 ;; Save window configuration.
86 (setq gnus-winconf-post-news (current-window-configuration))
87 (unwind-protect
88 (progn
89 (switch-to-buffer gnus-Article-buffer)
90 (widen)
91 (delete-other-windows)
92 (gnus-news-reply yank))
93 (or (and (eq (current-buffer) (get-buffer gnus-post-news-buffer))
94 (not (zerop (buffer-size))))
95 ;; Restore last window configuration.
96 (set-window-configuration gnus-winconf-post-news)))
97 ;; We don't want to return to Article buffer later.
98 (bury-buffer gnus-Article-buffer)))
100 (defun gnus-Subject-post-reply-with-original ()
101 "Post a reply article with original article."
102 (interactive)
103 (gnus-Subject-post-reply t))
105 (defun gnus-Subject-cancel-article ()
106 "Cancel an article you posted."
107 (interactive)
108 (gnus-Subject-select-article t nil)
109 (gnus-eval-in-buffer-window gnus-Article-buffer
110 (gnus-cancel-news)))
113 ;;; Post a News using NNTP
115 ;;;###autoload
116 (fset 'sendnews 'gnus-post-news)
117 ;;;###autoload
118 (fset 'postnews 'gnus-post-news)
119 ;;;###autoload
120 (defun gnus-post-news ()
121 "Begin editing a new USENET news article to be posted.
122 Type \\[describe-mode] once editing the article to get a list of commands."
123 (interactive)
124 (if (or (not gnus-novice-user)
125 (y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to post to all of USENET? "))
126 (let ((artbuf (current-buffer))
127 (newsgroups ;Default newsgroup.
128 (if (eq major-mode 'gnus-Article-mode) gnus-newsgroup-name))
129 (subject nil)
130 (distribution nil))
131 (save-restriction
132 (and (not (zerop (buffer-size)))
133 ;;(equal major-mode 'news-mode)
134 (equal major-mode 'gnus-Article-mode)
135 (progn
136 ;;(news-show-all-headers)
137 (gnus-Article-show-all-headers)
138 (narrow-to-region (point-min)
139 (progn (goto-char (point-min))
140 (search-forward "\n\n")
141 (point)))))
142 (setq news-reply-yank-from (mail-fetch-field "from"))
143 (setq news-reply-yank-message-id (mail-fetch-field "message-id")))
144 (pop-to-buffer gnus-post-news-buffer)
145 (news-reply-mode)
146 (gnus-overload-functions)
147 (if (and (buffer-modified-p)
148 (> (buffer-size) 0)
149 (not (y-or-n-p "Unsent article being composed; erase it? ")))
150 ;; Continue composition.
151 ;; Make news-reply-yank-original work on the current article.
152 (setq mail-reply-buffer artbuf)
153 (erase-buffer)
154 (if gnus-interactive-post
155 ;; Newsgroups, subject and distribution are asked for.
156 ;; Suggested by yuki@flab.fujitsu.junet.
157 (progn
158 ;; Subscribed newsgroup names are required for
159 ;; completing read of newsgroup.
160 (or gnus-newsrc-assoc
161 (gnus-read-newsrc-file))
162 ;; Which do you like? (UMERIN)
163 ;; (setq newsgroups (read-string "Newsgroups: " "general"))
164 (or newsgroups ;Use the default newsgroup.
165 (setq newsgroups
166 (completing-read "Newsgroup: " gnus-newsrc-assoc
167 nil 'require-match
168 newsgroups ;Default newsgroup.
170 (setq subject (read-string "Subject: "))
171 (setq distribution
172 (substring newsgroups 0 (string-match "\\." newsgroups)))
173 (if (string-equal distribution newsgroups)
174 ;; Newsgroup may be general or control. In this
175 ;; case, use default distribution.
176 (setq distribution gnus-default-distribution))
177 (setq distribution
178 (read-string "Distribution: " distribution))
179 ;; An empty string is ok to ignore gnus-default-distribution.
180 ;;(if (string-equal distribution "")
181 ;; (setq distribution nil))
183 (news-setup () subject () newsgroups artbuf)
184 ;; Make sure the article is posted by GNUS.
185 ;;(mail-position-on-field "Posting-Software")
186 ;;(insert "GNUS: NNTP-based News Reader for GNU Emacs")
187 ;; Insert Distribution: field.
188 ;; Suggested by ichikawa@flab.fujitsu.junet.
189 (mail-position-on-field "Distribution")
190 (insert (or distribution gnus-default-distribution ""))
191 ;; Handle author copy using FCC field.
192 (if gnus-author-copy
193 (progn
194 (mail-position-on-field "FCC")
195 (insert gnus-author-copy)))
196 (if gnus-interactive-post
197 ;; All fields are filled in.
198 (goto-char (point-max))
199 ;; Move point to Newsgroup: field.
200 (goto-char (point-min))
201 (end-of-line))
203 (message "")))
205 (defun gnus-news-reply (&optional yank)
206 "Compose and post a reply (aka a followup) to the current article on USENET.
207 While composing the followup, use \\[news-reply-yank-original] to yank the
208 original message into it."
209 (interactive)
210 (if (or (not gnus-novice-user)
211 (y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to followup to all of USENET? "))
212 (let (from cc subject date to followup-to newsgroups message-of
213 references distribution message-id
214 (artbuf (current-buffer)))
215 (save-restriction
216 (and (not (zerop (buffer-size)))
217 ;;(equal major-mode 'news-mode)
218 (equal major-mode 'gnus-Article-mode)
219 (progn
220 ;; (news-show-all-headers)
221 (gnus-Article-show-all-headers)
222 (narrow-to-region (point-min)
223 (progn (goto-char (point-min))
224 (search-forward "\n\n")
225 (point)))))
226 (setq from (mail-fetch-field "from"))
227 (setq news-reply-yank-from from)
228 (setq subject (mail-fetch-field "subject"))
229 (setq date (mail-fetch-field "date"))
230 (setq followup-to (mail-fetch-field "followup-to"))
231 ;; Ignore Followup-To: poster.
232 (if (or (null gnus-use-followup-to) ;Ignore followup-to: field.
233 (string-equal "" followup-to) ;Bogus header.
234 (string-equal "poster" followup-to))
235 (setq followup-to nil))
236 (setq newsgroups (or followup-to (mail-fetch-field "newsgroups")))
237 (setq references (mail-fetch-field "references"))
238 (setq distribution (mail-fetch-field "distribution"))
239 (setq message-id (mail-fetch-field "message-id"))
240 (setq news-reply-yank-message-id message-id))
241 (pop-to-buffer gnus-post-news-buffer)
242 (news-reply-mode)
243 (gnus-overload-functions)
244 (if (and (buffer-modified-p)
245 (> (buffer-size) 0)
246 (not (y-or-n-p "Unsent article being composed; erase it? ")))
247 ;; Continue composition.
248 ;; Make news-reply-yank-original work on current article.
249 (setq mail-reply-buffer artbuf)
250 (erase-buffer)
251 (and subject
252 (setq subject
253 (concat "Re: " (gnus-simplify-subject subject 're-only))))
254 (and from
255 (progn
256 (let ((stop-pos
257 (string-match " *at \\| *@ \\| *(\\| *<" from)))
258 (setq message-of
259 (concat
260 (if stop-pos (substring from 0 stop-pos) from)
261 "'s message of "
262 date)))))
263 (news-setup nil subject message-of newsgroups artbuf)
264 (if followup-to
265 (progn (news-reply-followup-to)
266 (insert followup-to)))
267 ;; Fold long references line to follow RFC1036.
268 (mail-position-on-field "References")
269 (let ((begin (point))
270 (fill-column 79)
271 (fill-prefix "\t"))
272 (if references
273 (insert references))
274 (if (and references message-id)
275 (insert " "))
276 (if message-id
277 (insert message-id))
278 ;; The region must end with a newline to fill the region
279 ;; without inserting extra newline.
280 (fill-region-as-paragraph begin (1+ (point))))
281 ;; Make sure the article is posted by GNUS.
282 ;;(mail-position-on-field "Posting-Software")
283 ;;(insert "GNUS: NNTP-based News Reader for GNU Emacs")
284 ;; Distribution must be the same as original article.
285 (mail-position-on-field "Distribution")
286 (insert (or distribution ""))
287 ;; Handle author copy using FCC field.
288 (if gnus-author-copy
289 (progn
290 (mail-position-on-field "FCC")
291 (insert gnus-author-copy)))
292 (goto-char (point-max)))
293 ;; Yank original article automatically.
294 (if yank
295 (let ((last (point)))
296 (goto-char (point-max))
297 (news-reply-yank-original nil)
298 (goto-char last)))
300 (message "")))
302 (defun gnus-inews-news ()
303 "Send a news message."
304 (interactive)
305 (let* ((case-fold-search nil)
306 (server-running (gnus-server-opened)))
307 (save-excursion
308 ;; It is possible to post a news without reading news using
309 ;; `gnus' before.
310 ;; Suggested by yuki@flab.fujitsu.junet.
311 (gnus-start-news-server) ;Use default server.
312 ;; NNTP server must be opened before current buffer is modified.
313 (widen)
314 (goto-char (point-min))
315 (run-hooks 'news-inews-hook)
316 (goto-char (point-min))
317 (search-forward (concat "\n" mail-header-separator "\n"))
318 (replace-match "\n\n")
319 (goto-char (point-max))
320 ;; require a newline at the end for inews to append .signature to
321 (or (= (preceding-char) ?\n)
322 (insert ?\n))
323 (message "Posting to USENET...")
324 ;; Post to NNTP server.
325 (if (gnus-inews-article)
326 (message "Posting to USENET... done")
327 ;; We cannot signal an error.
328 (ding) (message "Article rejected: %s" (gnus-status-message)))
329 (goto-char (point-min)) ;restore internal header separator
330 (search-forward "\n\n")
331 (replace-match (concat "\n" mail-header-separator "\n"))
332 (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
333 ;; If NNTP server is opened by gnus-inews-news, close it by myself.
334 (or server-running
335 (gnus-close-server))
336 (and (fboundp 'bury-buffer) (bury-buffer))
337 ;; Restore last window configuration.
338 (and gnus-winconf-post-news
339 (set-window-configuration gnus-winconf-post-news))
340 (setq gnus-winconf-post-news nil)
343 (defun gnus-cancel-news ()
344 "Cancel an article you posted."
345 (interactive)
346 (if (yes-or-no-p "Do you really want to cancel this article? ")
347 (let ((from nil)
348 (newsgroups nil)
349 (message-id nil)
350 (distribution nil))
351 (save-excursion
352 ;; Get header info. from original article.
353 (save-restriction
354 (gnus-Article-show-all-headers)
355 (goto-char (point-min))
356 (search-forward "\n\n")
357 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
358 (setq from (mail-fetch-field "from"))
359 (setq newsgroups (mail-fetch-field "newsgroups"))
360 (setq message-id (mail-fetch-field "message-id"))
361 (setq distribution (mail-fetch-field "distribution")))
362 ;; Verify if the article is absolutely user's by comparing
363 ;; user id with value of its From: field.
364 (if (not
365 (string-equal
366 (downcase (mail-strip-quoted-names from))
367 (downcase (mail-strip-quoted-names (gnus-inews-user-name)))))
368 (progn
369 (ding) (message "This article is not yours"))
370 ;; Make control article.
371 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *GNUS-posting*"))
372 (buffer-flush-undo (current-buffer))
373 (erase-buffer)
374 (insert "Newsgroups: " newsgroups "\n"
375 "Subject: cancel " message-id "\n"
376 "Control: cancel " message-id "\n"
377 ;; We should not use the value of
378 ;; `gnus-default-distribution' as default value,
379 ;; because distribution must be as same as original
380 ;; article.
381 "Distribution: " (or distribution "") "\n"
383 ;; Prepare article headers.
384 (gnus-inews-insert-headers)
385 (goto-char (point-max))
386 ;; Insert empty line.
387 (insert "\n")
388 ;; Send the control article to NNTP server.
389 (message "Canceling your article...")
390 (if (gnus-request-post)
391 (message "Canceling your article... done")
392 (ding) (message "Failed to cancel your article"))
393 (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
398 ;;; Lowlevel inews interface
400 (defun gnus-inews-article ()
401 "NNTP inews interface."
402 (let ((signature
403 (if gnus-signature-file
404 (expand-file-name gnus-signature-file nil)))
405 (distribution nil)
406 (artbuf (current-buffer))
407 (tmpbuf (get-buffer-create " *GNUS-posting*")))
408 (save-excursion
409 (set-buffer tmpbuf)
410 (buffer-flush-undo (current-buffer))
411 (erase-buffer)
412 (insert-buffer-substring artbuf)
413 ;; Get distribution.
414 (save-restriction
415 (goto-char (point-min))
416 (search-forward "\n\n")
417 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
418 (setq distribution (mail-fetch-field "distribution")))
419 (widen)
420 (if signature
421 (progn
422 ;; Change signature file by distribution.
423 ;; Suggested by hyoko@flab.fujitsu.junet.
424 (if (file-exists-p (concat signature "-" distribution))
425 (setq signature (concat signature "-" distribution)))
426 ;; Insert signature.
427 (if (file-exists-p signature)
428 (progn
429 (goto-char (point-max))
430 (insert "--\n")
431 (insert-file-contents signature)))
433 ;; Prepare article headers.
434 (save-restriction
435 (goto-char (point-min))
436 (search-forward "\n\n")
437 (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
438 (gnus-inews-insert-headers)
439 ;; Save author copy of posted article. The article must be
440 ;; copied before being posted because `gnus-request-post'
441 ;; modifies the buffer.
442 (let ((case-fold-search t))
443 ;; Find and handle any FCC fields.
444 (goto-char (point-min))
445 (if (re-search-forward "^FCC:" nil t)
446 (gnus-inews-do-fcc))))
447 (widen)
448 ;; Run final inews hooks.
449 (run-hooks 'gnus-Inews-article-hook)
450 ;; Post an article to NNTP server.
451 ;; Return NIL if post failed.
452 (prog1
453 (gnus-request-post)
454 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
457 (defun gnus-inews-do-fcc ()
458 "Process FCC: fields."
459 (let ((fcc-list nil)
460 (fcc-file nil)
461 (case-fold-search t)) ;Should ignore case.
462 (save-excursion
463 (save-restriction
464 (goto-char (point-min))
465 (while (re-search-forward "^FCC:[ \t]*" nil t)
466 (setq fcc-list (cons (buffer-substring (point)
467 (progn
468 (end-of-line)
469 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
470 (point)))
471 fcc-list))
472 (delete-region (match-beginning 0)
473 (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
474 ;; Process FCC operations.
475 (widen)
476 (while fcc-list
477 (setq fcc-file (car fcc-list))
478 (setq fcc-list (cdr fcc-list))
479 (cond ((string-match "^[ \t]*|[ \t]*\\(.*\\)[ \t]*$" fcc-file)
480 (let ((program (substring fcc-file
481 (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
482 ;; Suggested by yuki@flab.fujitsu.junet.
483 ;; Send article to named program.
484 (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) shell-file-name
485 nil nil nil "-c" program)
488 ;; Suggested by hyoko@flab.fujitsu.junet.
489 ;; Save article in Unix mail format by default.
490 (funcall (or gnus-author-copy-saver 'rmail-output) fcc-file)
496 (defun gnus-inews-insert-headers ()
497 "Prepare article headers.
498 Path:, From:, Subject: and Distribution: are generated.
499 Message-ID:, Date: and Organization: are optional."
500 (save-excursion
501 (let ((date (gnus-inews-date))
502 (message-id (gnus-inews-message-id))
503 (organization (gnus-inews-organization)))
504 ;; Insert from the top of headers.
505 (goto-char (point-min))
506 (insert "Path: " (gnus-inews-path) "\n")
507 (insert "From: " (gnus-inews-user-name) "\n")
508 ;; If there is no subject, make Subject: field.
509 (or (mail-fetch-field "subject")
510 (insert "Subject: \n"))
511 ;; Insert random headers.
512 (if message-id
513 (insert "Message-ID: " message-id "\n"))
514 (if date
515 (insert "Date: " date "\n"))
516 (if organization
517 (let ((begin (point))
518 (fill-column 79)
519 (fill-prefix "\t"))
520 (insert "Organization: " organization "\n")
521 (fill-region-as-paragraph begin (point))))
522 (or (mail-fetch-field "distribution")
523 (insert "Distribution: \n"))
526 (defun gnus-inews-path ()
527 "Return uucp path."
528 (let ((login-name (gnus-inews-login-name)))
529 (cond ((null gnus-use-generic-path)
530 (concat gnus-nntp-server "!" login-name))
531 ((stringp gnus-use-generic-path)
532 ;; Support GENERICPATH. Suggested by vixie@decwrl.dec.com.
533 (concat gnus-use-generic-path "!" login-name))
534 (t login-name))
537 (defun gnus-inews-user-name ()
538 "Return user's network address as `NAME@DOMAIN (FULL NAME)'."
539 (let ((login-name (gnus-inews-login-name))
540 (full-name (gnus-inews-full-name)))
541 (concat login-name "@" (gnus-inews-domain-name gnus-use-generic-from)
542 ;; User's full name.
543 (cond ((string-equal full-name "") "")
544 ((string-equal full-name "&") ;Unix hack.
545 (concat " (" login-name ")"))
547 (concat " (" full-name ")")))
550 (defun gnus-inews-login-name ()
551 "Return user login name.
552 Got from the variable `gnus-user-login-name', the environment variables
553 USER and LOGNAME, and the function `user-login-name'."
554 (or gnus-user-login-name
555 (getenv "USER") (getenv "LOGNAME") (user-login-name)))
557 (defun gnus-inews-full-name ()
558 "Return user full name.
559 Got from the variable `gnus-user-full-name', the environment variable
560 NAME, and the function `user-full-name'."
561 (or gnus-user-full-name
562 (getenv "NAME") (user-full-name)))
564 (defun gnus-inews-domain-name (&optional genericfrom)
565 "Return user's domain name.
566 If optional argument GENERICFROM is a string, use it as the domain
567 name; if it is non-nil, strip of local host name from the domain name.
568 If the function `system-name' returns full internet name and the
569 domain is undefined, the domain name is got from it."
570 (let ((domain (or (if (stringp genericfrom) genericfrom)
571 (getenv "DOMAINNAME")
572 gnus-your-domain
573 ;; Function `system-name' may return full internet name.
574 ;; Suggested by Mike DeCorte <mrd@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>.
575 (if (string-match "\\." (system-name))
576 (substring (system-name) (match-end 0)))
577 (read-string "Domain name (no host): ")))
578 (host (or (if (string-match "\\." (system-name))
579 (substring (system-name) 0 (match-beginning 0)))
580 (system-name))))
581 (if (string-equal "." (substring domain 0 1))
582 (setq domain (substring domain 1)))
583 (if (null gnus-your-domain)
584 (setq gnus-your-domain domain))
585 ;; Support GENERICFROM as same as standard Bnews system.
586 ;; Suggested by ohm@kaba.junet and vixie@decwrl.dec.com.
587 (cond ((null genericfrom)
588 (concat host "." domain))
589 ;;((stringp genericfrom) genericfrom)
590 (t domain))
593 (defun gnus-inews-message-id ()
594 "Generate unique Message-ID for user."
595 ;; Message-ID should not contain a slash and should be terminated by
596 ;; a number. I don't know the reason why it is so.
597 (concat "<" (gnus-inews-unique-id) "@" (gnus-inews-domain-name) ">"))
599 (defun gnus-inews-unique-id ()
600 "Generate unique ID from user name and current time."
601 (let ((date (current-time-string))
602 (name (gnus-inews-login-name)))
603 (if (string-match "^[^ ]+ \\([^ ]+\\)[ ]+\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\) [0-9][0-9]\\([0-9][0-9]\\)"
604 date)
605 (concat (upcase name) "."
606 (substring date (match-beginning 6) (match-end 6)) ;Year
607 (substring date (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) ;Month
608 (substring date (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)) ;Day
609 (substring date (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)) ;Hour
610 (substring date (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)) ;Minute
611 (substring date (match-beginning 5) (match-end 5)) ;Second
613 (error "Cannot understand current-time-string: %s." date))
616 (defun gnus-inews-date ()
617 "Bnews date format string of today. Time zone is ignored."
618 ;; Insert buggy date (time zone is ignored), but I don't worry about
619 ;; it since inews will rewrite it.
620 (let ((date (current-time-string)))
621 (if (string-match "^[^ ]+ \\([^ ]+\\)[ ]+\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9:]+\\) [0-9][0-9]\\([0-9][0-9]\\)"
622 date)
623 (concat (substring date (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)) ;Day
625 (substring date (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) ;Month
627 (substring date (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)) ;Year
629 (substring date (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))) ;Time
630 (error "Cannot understand current-time-string: %s." date))
633 (defun gnus-inews-organization ()
634 "Return user's organization.
635 The ORGANIZATION environment variable is used if defined.
636 If not, the variable `gnus-your-organization' is used instead.
637 If the value begins with a slash, it is taken as the name of a file
638 containing the organization."
639 ;; The organization must be got in this order since the ORGANIZATION
640 ;; environment variable is intended for user specific while
641 ;; gnus-your-organization is for machine or organization specific.
642 (let ((organization (or (getenv "ORGANIZATION")
643 gnus-your-organization
644 (expand-file-name "~/.organization" nil))))
645 (and (stringp organization)
646 (string-equal (substring organization 0 1) "/")
647 ;; Get it from the user and system file.
648 ;; Suggested by roland@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Roland McGrath).
649 (let ((dist (mail-fetch-field "distribution")))
650 (setq organization
651 (cond ((file-exists-p (concat organization "-" dist))
652 (concat organization "-" dist))
653 ((file-exists-p organization) organization)
654 ((file-exists-p gnus-organization-file)
655 gnus-organization-file)
656 (t organization)))
658 (cond ((not (stringp organization)) nil)
659 ((and (string-equal (substring organization 0 1) "/")
660 (file-exists-p organization))
661 ;; If the first character is `/', assume it is the name of
662 ;; a file containing the organization.
663 (save-excursion
664 (let ((tmpbuf (get-buffer-create " *GNUS organization*")))
665 (set-buffer tmpbuf)
666 (erase-buffer)
667 (insert-file-contents organization)
668 (prog1 (buffer-string)
669 (kill-buffer tmpbuf))
671 (t organization))
674 (provide 'gnuspost)
676 ;;; gnuspost.el ends here