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[emacs.git] / lisp / emulation / edt.el
1 ;;; edt.el --- EDT emulation in Emacs
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 ;; It started from public domain code by Mike Clarkson
5 ;; but has been greatly altered.
7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
9 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
12 ;; any later version.
14 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
21 ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
23 (require 'keypad)
25 (defvar edt-last-deleted-lines ""
26 "Last text deleted by an EDT emulation `line-delete' command.")
27 (defvar edt-last-deleted-words ""
28 "Last text deleted by an EDT emulation `word-delete' command.")
29 (defvar edt-last-deleted-chars ""
30 "Last text deleted by an EDT emulation `character-delete' command.")
32 (defun delete-current-line (num)
33 "Delete one or specified number of lines after point.
34 This includes the newline character at the end of each line.
35 They are saved for the EDT `undelete-lines' command."
36 (interactive "p")
37 (let ((beg (point)))
38 (forward-line num)
39 (if (not (eq (preceding-char) ?\n))
40 (insert "\n"))
41 (setq edt-last-deleted-lines
42 (buffer-substring beg (point)))
43 (delete-region beg (point))))
45 (defun delete-to-eol (num)
46 "Delete text up to end of line.
47 With argument, delete up to to Nth line-end past point.
48 They are saved for the EDT `undelete-lines' command."
49 (interactive "p")
50 (let ((beg (point)))
51 (forward-char 1)
52 (end-of-line num)
53 (setq edt-last-deleted-lines
54 (buffer-substring beg (point)))
55 (delete-region beg (point))))
57 (defun delete-current-word (num)
58 "Delete one or specified number of words after point.
59 They are saved for the EDT `undelete-words' command."
60 (interactive "p")
61 (let ((beg (point)))
62 (forward-word num)
63 (setq edt-last-deleted-words
64 (buffer-substring beg (point)))
65 (delete-region beg (point))))
67 (defun edt-delete-previous-word (num)
68 "Delete one or specified number of words before point.
69 They are saved for the EDT `undelete-words' command."
70 (interactive "p")
71 (let ((beg (point)))
72 (forward-word (- num))
73 (setq edt-last-deleted-words
74 (buffer-substring (point) beg))
75 (delete-region beg (point))))
77 (defun delete-current-char (num)
78 "Delete one or specified number of characters after point.
79 They are saved for the EDT `undelete-chars' command."
80 (interactive "p")
81 (setq edt-last-deleted-chars
82 (buffer-substring (point) (min (point-max) (+ (point) num))))
83 (delete-region (point) (min (point-max) (+ (point) num))))
85 (defun delete-previous-char (num)
86 "Delete one or specified number of characters before point.
87 They are saved for the EDT `undelete-chars' command."
88 (interactive "p")
89 (setq edt-last-deleted-chars
90 (buffer-substring (max (point-min) (- (point) num)) (point)))
91 (delete-region (max (point-min) (- (point) num)) (point)))
93 (defun undelete-lines ()
94 "Yank lines deleted by last EDT `line-delete' command."
95 (interactive)
96 (insert edt-last-deleted-lines))
98 (defun undelete-words ()
99 "Yank words deleted by last EDT `word-delete' command."
100 (interactive)
101 (insert edt-last-deleted-words))
103 (defun undelete-chars ()
104 "Yank characters deleted by last EDT `character-delete' command."
105 (interactive)
106 (insert edt-last-deleted-chars))
108 (defun next-end-of-line (num)
109 "Move to end of line; if at end, move to end of next line.
110 Accepts a prefix argument for the number of lines to move."
111 (interactive "p")
112 (forward-char)
113 (end-of-line num))
115 (defun previous-end-of-line (num)
116 "Move EOL upward.
117 Accepts a prefix argument for the number of lines to move."
118 (interactive "p")
119 (end-of-line (- 1 num)))
121 (defun forward-to-word (num)
122 "Move to next word-beginning, or to Nth following word-beginning."
123 (interactive "p")
124 (forward-word (1+ num))
125 (forward-word -1))
127 (defun backward-to-word (num)
128 "Move back to word-end, or to Nth word-end seen."
129 (interactive "p")
130 (forward-word (- (1+ num)))
131 (forward-word 1))
133 (defun backward-line (num)
134 "Move point to start of previous line.
135 Prefix argument serves as repeat-count."
136 (interactive "p")
137 (forward-line (- num)))
139 (defun scroll-window-down (num)
140 "Scroll the display down a window-full.
141 Accepts a prefix argument for the number of window-fulls to scroll."
142 (interactive "p")
143 (scroll-down (- (* (window-height) num) 2)))
145 (defun scroll-window-up (num)
146 "Scroll the display up a window-full.
147 Accepts a prefix argument for the number of window-fulls to scroll."
148 (interactive "p")
149 (scroll-up (- (* (window-height) num) 2)))
151 (defun next-paragraph (num)
152 "Move to beginning of the next indented paragraph.
153 Accepts a prefix argument for the number of paragraphs."
154 (interactive "p")
155 (while (> num 0)
156 (next-line 1)
157 (forward-paragraph)
158 (previous-line 1)
159 (if (eolp) (next-line 1))
160 (setq num (1- num))))
162 (defun previous-paragraph (num)
163 "Move to beginning of previous indented paragraph.
164 Accepts a prefix argument for the number of paragraphs."
165 (interactive "p")
166 (while (> num 0)
167 (backward-paragraph)
168 (previous-line 1)
169 (if (eolp) (next-line 1))
170 (setq num (1- num))))
172 (defun move-to-beginning ()
173 "Move cursor to the beginning of buffer, but don't set the mark."
174 (interactive)
175 (goto-char (point-min)))
177 (defun move-to-end ()
178 "Move cursor to the end of buffer, but don't set the mark."
179 (interactive)
180 (goto-char (point-max)))
182 (defun goto-percent (perc)
183 "Move point to ARG percentage of the buffer."
184 (interactive "NGoto-percentage: ")
185 (if (or (> perc 100) (< perc 0))
186 (error "Percentage %d out of range 0 < percent < 100" perc)
187 (goto-char (/ (* (point-max) perc) 100))))
189 (defun update-mode-line ()
190 "Ensure mode-line reflects all changes."
191 (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
192 (sit-for 0))
194 (defun advance-direction ()
195 "Set EDT Advance mode so keypad commands move forward."
196 (interactive)
197 (setq edt-direction-string " ADVANCE")
198 (define-key function-keymap "\C-c" 'isearch-forward) ; PF3
199 (define-key function-keymap "8" 'scroll-window-up) ; "8"
200 (define-key function-keymap "7" 'next-paragraph) ; "7"
201 (define-key function-keymap "1" 'forward-to-word) ; "1"
202 (define-key function-keymap "2" 'next-end-of-line) ; "2"
203 (define-key function-keymap "3" 'forward-char) ; "3"
204 (define-key function-keymap "0" 'forward-line) ; "0"
205 (update-mode-line))
207 (defun backup-direction ()
208 "Set EDT Backup mode so keypad commands move backward."
209 (interactive)
210 (setq edt-direction-string " BACKUP")
211 (define-key function-keymap "\C-c" 'isearch-backward) ; PF3
212 (define-key function-keymap "8" 'scroll-window-down) ; "8"
213 (define-key function-keymap "7" 'previous-paragraph) ; "7"
214 (define-key function-keymap "1" 'backward-to-word) ; "1"
215 (define-key function-keymap "2" 'previous-end-of-line) ; "2"
216 (define-key function-keymap "3" 'backward-char) ; "3"
217 (define-key function-keymap "0" 'backward-line) ; "0"
218 (update-mode-line))
220 (defun edt-beginning-of-window ()
221 "Home cursor to top of window."
222 (interactive)
223 (move-to-window-line 0))
225 (defun edt-line-to-bottom-of-window ()
226 "Move the current line to the top of the window."
227 (interactive)
228 (recenter -1))
230 (defun edt-line-to-top-of-window ()
231 "Move the current line to the top of the window."
232 (interactive)
233 (recenter 0))
235 (defun case-flip-character (num)
236 "Change the case of the character under the cursor.
237 Accepts a prefix argument of the number of characters to invert."
238 (interactive "p")
239 (while (> num 0)
240 (funcall (if (<= ?a (following-char))
241 'upcase-region 'downcase-region)
242 (point) (1+ (point)))
243 (forward-char 1)
244 (setq num (1- num))))
246 (defun indent-or-fill-region ()
247 "Fill region in text modes, indent region in programming language modes."
248 (interactive)
249 (if (string= paragraph-start "^$\\|^\f")
250 (indent-region (point) (mark) nil)
251 (fill-region (point) (mark))))
253 (defun mark-section-wisely ()
254 "Mark the section in a manner consistent with the major-mode.
255 Uses mark-defun for emacs-lisp, lisp,
256 mark-c-function for C,
257 and mark-paragraph for other modes."
258 (interactive)
259 (cond ((eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
260 (mark-defun))
261 ((eq major-mode 'lisp-mode)
262 (mark-defun))
263 ((eq major-mode 'c-mode)
264 (mark-c-function))
265 (t (mark-paragraph))))
267 ;;; Key Bindings
268 ;;;###autoload
269 (defun edt-emulation-on ()
270 "Emulate DEC's EDT editor.
271 Note that many keys are rebound; including nearly all keypad keys.
272 Use \\[edt-emulation-off] to undo all rebindings except the keypad keys.
273 Note that this function does not work if called directly from the .emacs file.
274 Instead, the .emacs file should do \"(setq term-setup-hook 'edt-emulation-on)\"
275 Then this function will be called at the time when it will work."
276 (interactive)
277 (advance-direction)
278 (edt-bind-gold-keypad) ;Must do this *after* $TERM.el is loaded
279 (setq edt-mode-old-c-\\ (lookup-key global-map "\C-\\"))
280 (global-set-key "\C-\\" 'quoted-insert)
281 (setq edt-mode-old-delete (lookup-key global-map "\177"))
282 (global-set-key "\177" 'delete-previous-char) ;"Delete"
283 (setq edt-mode-old-lisp-delete (lookup-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\177"))
284 (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\177" 'delete-previous-char) ;"Delete"
285 (define-key lisp-mode-map "\177" 'delete-previous-char) ;"Delete"
286 (setq edt-mode-old-linefeed (lookup-key global-map "\C-j"))
287 (global-set-key "\C-j" 'edt-delete-previous-word) ;"LineFeed"
288 (define-key esc-map "?" 'apropos)) ;"<ESC>?"
290 (defun edt-emulation-off ()
291 "Return from EDT emulation to normal Emacs key bindings.
292 The keys redefined by \\[edt-emulation-on] are given their old definitions."
293 (interactive)
294 (setq edt-direction-string nil)
295 (global-set-key "\C-\\" edt-mode-old-c-\\)
296 (global-set-key "\177" edt-mode-old-delete) ;"Delete"
297 (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\177" edt-mode-old-lisp-delete) ;"Delete"
298 (define-key lisp-mode-map "\177" edt-mode-old-lisp-delete) ;"Delete"
299 (global-set-key "\C-j" edt-mode-old-linefeed)) ;"LineFeed"
301 (define-key function-keymap "u" 'previous-line) ;Up arrow
302 (define-key function-keymap "d" 'next-line) ;down arrow
303 (define-key function-keymap "l" 'backward-char) ;right arrow
304 (define-key function-keymap "r" 'forward-char) ;left arrow
305 (define-key function-keymap "h" 'edt-beginning-of-window) ;home
306 (define-key function-keymap "\C-b" 'describe-key) ;PF2
307 (define-key function-keymap "\C-d" 'delete-current-line);PF4
308 (define-key function-keymap "9" 'append-to-buffer) ;9 keypad key, etc.
309 (define-key function-keymap "-" 'delete-current-word)
310 (define-key function-keymap "4" 'advance-direction)
311 (define-key function-keymap "5" 'backup-direction)
312 (define-key function-keymap "6" 'kill-region)
313 (define-key function-keymap "," 'delete-current-char)
314 (define-key function-keymap "." 'set-mark-command)
315 (define-key function-keymap "e" 'other-window) ;enter key
316 (define-key function-keymap "\C-a" 'GOLD-prefix) ;PF1 ("gold")
318 (fset 'GOLD-prefix GOLD-map)
320 (defvar GOLD-map (make-keymap)
321 "`GOLD-map' maps the function keys on the VT100 keyboard preceeded
322 by the PF1 key. GOLD is the ASCII the 7-bit escape sequence <ESC>OP.")
324 (defun define-keypad-key (keymap function-keymap-slot definition)
325 (let ((function-key-sequence (function-key-sequence function-keymap-slot)))
326 (if function-key-sequence
327 (define-key keymap function-key-sequence definition))))
329 ;;Bind GOLD/Keyboard keys
331 (define-key GOLD-map "\C-g" 'keyboard-quit) ; just for safety
332 (define-key GOLD-map "\177" 'delete-window) ;"Delete"
333 (define-key GOLD-map "\C-h" 'delete-other-windows) ;"BackSpace"
334 (define-key GOLD-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent) ;"Return"
335 (define-key GOLD-map " " 'undo) ;"Spacebar"
336 (define-key GOLD-map "%" 'goto-percent) ; "%"
337 (define-key GOLD-map "=" 'goto-line) ; "="
338 (define-key GOLD-map "`" 'what-line) ; "`"
339 (define-key GOLD-map "\C-\\" 'split-window-vertically) ; "Control-\"
341 ; GOLD letter combinations:
342 (define-key GOLD-map "b" 'buffer-menu) ; "b"
343 (define-key GOLD-map "B" 'buffer-menu) ; "B"
344 (define-key GOLD-map "d" 'delete-window) ; "d"
345 (define-key GOLD-map "D" 'delete-window) ; "D"
346 (define-key GOLD-map "e" 'compile) ; "e"
347 (define-key GOLD-map "E" 'compile) ; "E"
348 (define-key GOLD-map "i" 'insert-file) ; "i"
349 (define-key GOLD-map "I" 'insert-file) ; "I"
350 (define-key GOLD-map "l" 'goto-line) ; "l"
351 (define-key GOLD-map "L" 'goto-line) ; "L"
352 (define-key GOLD-map "m" 'save-some-buffers) ; "m"
353 (define-key GOLD-map "M" 'save-some-buffers) ; "m"
354 (define-key GOLD-map "n" 'next-error) ; "n"
355 (define-key GOLD-map "N" 'next-error) ; "N"
356 (define-key GOLD-map "o" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window) ; "o"
357 (define-key GOLD-map "O" 'switch-to-buffer-other-window) ; "O"
358 (define-key GOLD-map "r" 'revert-file) ; "r"
359 (define-key GOLD-map "r" 'revert-file) ; "R"
360 (define-key GOLD-map "s" 'save-buffer) ; "s"
361 (define-key GOLD-map "S" 'save-buffer) ; "S"
362 (define-key GOLD-map "v" 'find-file-other-window) ; "v"
363 (define-key GOLD-map "V" 'find-file-other-window) ; "V"
364 (define-key GOLD-map "w" 'write-file) ; "w"
365 (define-key GOLD-map "w" 'write-file) ; "W"
366 ;(define-key GOLD-map "z" 'shrink-window) ; "z"
367 ;(define-key GOLD-map "Z" 'shrink-window) ; "z"
369 ;Bind GOLD/Keypad keys
370 (defun edt-bind-gold-keypad ()
371 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?u 'edt-line-to-top-of-window) ;"up-arrow"
372 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?d 'edt-line-to-bottom-of-window) ;"down-arrow"
373 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?l 'backward-sentence) ;"left-arrow"
374 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?r 'forward-sentence) ;"right-arrow"
375 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?\C-a 'mark-section-wisely) ;Gold "PF1"
376 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?\C-b 'describe-function) ;Help "PF2"
377 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?\C-c 'occur) ;Find "PF3"
378 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?\C-d 'undelete-lines) ;Und Line "PF4"
379 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?0 'open-line) ;Open L "0"
380 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?1 'case-flip-character) ;Chgcase "1"
381 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?2 'delete-to-eol) ;Del EOL "2"
382 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?3 'copy-region-as-kill) ;Copy "3"
383 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?4 'move-to-end) ;Bottom "4"
384 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?5 'move-to-beginning) ;Top "5"
385 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?6 'yank) ;Paste "6"
386 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?7 'execute-extended-command) ;Command "7"
387 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?8 'indent-or-fill-region) ;Fill "8"
388 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?9 'replace-regexp) ;Replace "9"
389 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?- 'undelete-words) ;UND word "-"
390 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?, 'undelete-chars) ;UND Char ","
391 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?. 'redraw-display) ;Reset Window "."
392 (define-keypad-key GOLD-map ?e 'shell-command)) ;"ENTER"
394 ;; Make direction of motion show in mode line
395 ;; while EDT emulation is turned on.
396 ;; Note that the keypad is always turned on when in Emacs.
398 (or (assq 'edt-direction-string minor-mode-alist)
399 (setq minor-mode-alist (cons '(edt-direction-string edt-direction-string)
400 minor-mode-alist)))
402 ;;; edt.el ends here