Update org.apache.commons:commons-compress to 1.25.0
[egit/eclipse.git] / org.eclipse.egit.ui / plugin.properties
1 ###############################################################################
2 # Copyright (c) 2005, 2018, 2019 Shawn Pearce and others.
3 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
8 # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
10 # Contributors:
11 #    Shawn Pearce - initial implementation
12 #    Daniel Megert <daniel_megert@ch.ibm.com> - Removed two duplicate keys - http://bugs.eclipse.org/364013
13 #    Alexander Nittka <alex@nittka.de> - Repository groups - http://bugs.eclipse.org/545123
14 ###############################################################################
16 Bundle-Name=Git integration for Eclipse - UI
17 Bundle-Vendor=Eclipse EGit
19 support.egit.name=Git integration for Eclipse
20 support.egit.description=Versioning with Git, integration with Gerrit, GitHub, Gitflow, and Task repositories
22 Git=Git
24 Git_clone_category=Git
25 Git_clone_wizard=Projects from Git
26 Git_clone_description=Import one or more projects from a Git repository.
27 SmartImportGitWizard_label=Projects from Git (with smart import)
28 SmartImportGitWizard_description=Detect, import into the workspace, and configure projects and nested projects from a Git repository.
30 SharingWizard_name=Git
31 GitRemoteQuickDiffProvider_label=A Git Revision
33 DisconnectAction_label=&Disconnect
34 AssumeUnchangedAction_label=A&ssume Unchanged
35 NoAssumeUnchangedAction_label=&No Assume Unchanged
36 UntrackAction_label=&Untrack
37 Decorator_name=Git Resources
38 Decorator_description=Shows git-specific information on resources in projects under version control.
39 Repo_decorator_name=Git Repository Objects
40 Repo_decorator_description=Shows additional information on git objects (repositories, branches, tags, and so on).
41 AddToIndexAction_label=&Add to Index
42 AddToIndexAction_tooltip=Add to Index
43 RemoveFromIndexAction_label=Remove from I&ndex
44 BranchAction_label=&Switch to...
45 BranchAction_tooltip=Check out branch, tag, or reference
46 DiscardChangesAction_label=&Index
47 ReplaceWithHeadAction_label=&HEAD Revision
48 ReplaceWithCommitAction_label=&Commit...
49 ReplaceWithPreviousVersionAction.label = &Previous Revision
50 ReplaceWithRefAction_label=&Branch, Tag, or Reference...
51 ReplaceWithOursAction_label=&Our Revision
52 ReplaceWithTheirsAction_label=&Their Revision
53 FetchAction_label=&Fetch From...
54 FetchAction_tooltip=Fetch changes from upstream
55 PushAction_label=&Push...
56 ResetAction_label=&Reset...
57 ResetAction_tooltip=Reset index, working tree or branch head
58 RebaseAction_label=Re&base...
59 RebaseAction_tooltip=Rebase current branch on top of selected branch
60 RebaseWithDialog_label=&Rebase...
61 StashToolbarAction_label=Stash Changes...
62 StashToolbarAction_tooltip=Stash away changes (use menu to view stashes)
63 SynchronizeWith_label=&Synchronize
64 SynchronizeWorkspace_label=Synchronize &Workspace
65 TagAction_label=Create &Tag...
66 MergeAction_label=&Merge...
67 MergeAction_tooltip=Merge a branch or tag into the current branch
68 CommitAction_label=&Commit...
69 CommitAction_tooltip=Commit change
70 CompareWithIndexAction_label=&Index
71 CompareWithHeadAction_label=&HEAD Revision
72 CompareIndexWithHeadAction_label=I&ndex With HEAD
73 IgnoreAction_label=&Ignore
74 ApplyPatchAction_label=Appl&y Patch...
75 ShowResourceInHistoryAction_label=Show in Hist&ory
76 CompareWithRevisionAction_label=Histor&y...
78 GitPreferences_keywords = git egit repository clone cloning parallel pull remote connection timeout ssh refresh index merge whitespace credentials lfs large
79 ProjectsPreferencePage_keywords = git egit projects share branch import ignore derived gitignore
80 WindowCachePreferencePage_keywords = git egit window cache
81 DateFormatPreferencePage_keywords = git egit date format commit time zone
82 GitDecoratorPreferencePage_keywords = git egit label decoration colors fonts icon
83 GlobalConfigurationPreferencePage_keywords = git egit configuration user system repository
84 CommittingPreferencePage_keywords = git egit committing staging stage untracked track message history signed warning error signing gpg signature
85 StagingViewPreferencePage_keywords = git egit staging stage
86 DialogsPreferencePage_keywords = git egit confirmation dialog configuration rebase checkout detached launch branch clone lfs fetch push log home
87 SynchronizePreferencePage_keywords = git egit synchronize fetch commit models merge
88 GitServersPreferencePage_keywords = git egit server github gitlab gitea
89 HistoryPreferencePage_keywords = git egit history branches tags refs notes rename revision comment date author committer diff first parent signing signed signature
90 HistoryColumnsPreferencePage_keywords = git egit history columns id author committer date
91 DiffPreferencePage_keywords = git egit diff merge compare
93 GitActions_label=Git
94 GitActions_description = Git commands in workbench toolbar and menu
96 GitMenu_label=&Git
99 Theme_label=Git
100 Theme_CommitGraphNormalFont_label=Commit graph normal font
101 Theme_CommitGraphNormalFont_description=This font is used to draw the revision history.
102 Theme_CommitGraphHighlightFont_label=Commit graph highlight font
103 Theme_CommitGraphHighlightFont_description=This font is used to highlight matching commits in the revision history.
104 Theme_CommitMessageFont_label=Commit message font
105 Theme_CommitMessageFont_description=This font is used to show a commit message.
106 Theme_CommitMessageEditorFont_label=Commit message editor font
107 Theme_CommitMessageEditorFont_description=This font is used when entering a commit message.
108 Theme_CommitMessageCommentColor_label=Commit message comment color
109 Theme_CommitMessageCommentColor_description=This color is used for comment lines in commit messages when editing.
110 Theme_UncommittedChangeForegroundColor_label=Uncommitted Change (Foreground)
111 Theme_UncommittedChangeForegroundColor_description=This color is used for the foreground color for resources that have outgoing changes.
112 Theme_UncommittedChangeBackgroundColor_label=Uncommitted Change (Background)
113 Theme_UncommittedChangeBackgroundColor_description=This color is used for the background color for resources that have outgoing changes.
114 Theme_UncommittedChangeFont_label=Uncommitted Change Font
115 Theme_UncommittedChangeFont_description=The font used to display outgoing changes.
116 Theme_DiffHunkBackgroundColor_label=Diff Hunk (Background)
117 Theme_DiffHunkBackgroundColor_description=This color is used for the background color for diff hunks displayed in the commit viewer.
118 Theme_DiffHunkForegroundColor_label=Diff Hunk (Foreground)
119 Theme_DiffHunkForegroundColor_description=This color is used for the foreground color for diff hunks displayed in the commit viewer.
120 Theme_DiffAddBackgroundColor_label=Diff Added (Background)
121 Theme_DiffAddBackgroundColor_description=This color is used for the background color for added diff lines displayed in the commit viewer.
122 Theme_DiffAddForegroundColor_label=Diff Added (Foreground)
123 Theme_DiffAddForegroundColor_description=This color is used for the foreground color for added diff lines displayed in the commit viewer.
124 Theme_DiffRemoveBackgroundColor_label=Diff Removed (Background)
125 Theme_DiffRemoveBackgroundColor_description=This color is used for the background color for removed diff lines displayed in the commit viewer.
126 Theme_DiffRemoveForegroundColor_label=Diff Removed (Foreground)
127 Theme_DiffRemoveForegroundColor_description=This color is used for the foreground color for removed diff lines displayed in the commit viewer.
128 Theme_DiffHeadlineForegroundColor_label=Diff Headline (Foreground)
129 Theme_DiffHeadlineForegroundColor_description=This color is used for the foreground color for the first line of a file (headline) in the commit viewer.
130 Theme_DiffHeadlineBackgroundColor_label=Diff Headline (Background)
131 Theme_DiffHeadlineBackgroundColor_description=This color is used for the background color for the first line of a file (headline) in the commit viewer.
132 Theme_DiffHeadlineFont_label=Diff Headline (Font)
133 Theme_DiffHeadlineFont_description=This font is used for the the first line of a file (headline) in the commit viewer.
134 Theme_IgnoredResourceForegroundColor_label=Ignored Resource (Foreground)
135 Theme_IgnoredResourceForegroundColor_description=This color is used for the foreground color for resources that are ignored.
136 Theme_IgnoredResourceBackgroundColor_label=Ignored Resource (Background)
137 Theme_IgnoredResourceBackgroundColor_description=This color is used for the background color for resources that are ignored.
138 Theme_IgnoredResourceFont_label=Ignored Resource (Font)
139 Theme_IgnoredResourceFont_description=The font used to display resources that are ignored.
141 GitPreferences_name=Git
142 GitPreferences_DiffTools_name=Diff/Merge
143 GitPreferences_WindowCachePreferencePage_name=Window Cache
144 GitPreferences_DateFormatPreferencePage_name=Date Format
145 GitPreferences_DecoratorPreferencePage_name=Label Decorations
146 GitPreferences_CommittingPreferencePage_name=Committing
147 GitPreferences_StagingViewPreferencePage_name=Staging View
148 GitPreferences_ProjectPreferencePage_name=Projects
150 ShareProjectCommand_name=Share with Git
151 ShareProjectCommand_desc=Share the project using Git
153 ShareProjectCommandParameter_name = Project
154 GitRepositoriesView_name = Git Repositories
155 GitStagingView_name = Git Staging
156 GitCategory_name = Git
157 GitRepositoryPerspective_name = Git
158 GitRepositoryPerspective_description = Perspective for managing git repositories with views for committing, browsing history, interactive rebase and other git operations.
159 Synchronize_Name=Git
160 Synchronize_ChangeSet=Git Commits
162 GitRepositoriesContentName = Git Repositories
163 AddRepositoryCommand = Add a Git Repository...
164 AddRepositoryCommand.description = Adds an existing Git repository to the Git Repositories view
165 CloneRepositoryCommand = Clone a Git Repository...
166 CloneRepositoryCommand.description = Clones a Git repository and adds the clone to the Git Repositories view
167 CreateRepositoryCommand = Create a Git Repository...
168 CreateRepositoryCommand.description = Creates a new Git repository and adds it to the Git Repositories view
170 CheckoutCommand = Check Out
171 CopyPathCommand = Copy Path to Clipboard
172 DeleteBranchCommand = Delete Branch...
173 RenameBranchCommand = Rename Branch...
174 FetchCommand = Fetch...
175 CommitCommand = Commit
176 PushCommand = Push...
177 RemoveRepositoryCommand = Remove Repository
178 ImportProjectsCommand = Import Projects...
179 ImportProjectsCommand_description = Import or create in local Git repository
180 CreateBranchCommand = Create Branch...
181 NewRemoteCommand = Create Remote...
182 ConfigureFetchCommand = Configure Fetch...
183 ConfigurePushCommand = Configure Push...
184 DeleteRemoteCommand = Delete Remote
185 ConfigureGerritRemoteCommand = Gerrit Configuration...
186 SimplePushCommand = Push
187 ChangeCredentialsCommand = Change Credentials
188 ClearCredentialsCommand = Clear Credentials
189 SimpleFetchCommand = Fetch
190 RemovePushCommand = Delete Push
191 RemoveFetchCommand = Delete Fetch
192 OpenInEditorCommand = Open in Editor
193 DeleteFileCommand = Delete
194 OpenCommand = Open
195 LinkWithSelectionCommand = Toggle "Link with Editor and Selection" (Git Repositories View)
196 SynchronizeCommand = Synchronize...
197 UntrackCommand.name = Untrack
199 ConfigurationPage.name = Configuration
200 DeleteTagCommand.name = &Delete Tag
201 MergeCommand = Merge
202 MergeWithDialogCommand = Merge...
203 ResetCommand = Reset...
204 gitsyncwizard.description = Git Synchronization
205 ShowRepositoryAction_label = Show in Repositories &View
206 TeamMenuCommandsLabel = The commands for the Team menu
207 SharedCommandsLabel = The shared commands
208 RepositoryCommandsLabel = The commands for the repositories view
209 HistoryViewCommandsLabel = History View Commands
210 HistoryViewCommands.extension.name = The history view commands
211 CommitViewerCommands.extension.name = The commit viewer commands
212 CompareViewerCommands.extension.name = Additional comparison viewer commands
213 CompareWithEachOtherCommand.name = Compare with Each Other
214 CompareWithEachOtherCommand.description = Compare two files selected in the Compare Editor with each other.
215 CompareCommand.name = Compare with Each Other
216 CompareWithMenu.label= Comp&are With
217 CompareWithWorkTreeCommand.name = Compare with Working Tree
218 CompareWithCommitCommand.name = Compare with Commit...
219 CompareWithHistoryCommand.name = Compare with Branch, Tag or Reference...
220 ReplaceWithMenu.label=Rep&lace With
221 ReplaceWithPreviousCommand.name = Replace with Previous Revision
222 ReplaceWithOursCommand.name = Replace Conflicting Files with Our Revision
223 ReplaceWithTheirsCommand.name = Replace Conflicting Files with Their Revision
224 OpenCommand.name = Open
225 CompareModeCommandParameter.name = Compare mode
226 CreatePatchCommand.name = Create Patch...
227 PushCommit.name = Push Commit...
228 ResetCommand.name = Reset...
229 ResetModeCommandParameter.name = Reset mode
230 ResetQuickdiffCommand.name = Reset quickdiff baseline
231 ResetTargetCommandParameter.name = Reset target (HEAD, HEAD^1)
232 SetQuickdiffBaselineCommand.name = Set quickdiff baseline
233 RepoViewFetch.label = &Fetch...
234 RepoViewFilterTagCommand.label= &Filter Tags...
235 RepoViewFilterTagCommand.tooltip=Filter Tags by Name
236 RepoViewCommit.label = &Commit...
237 RepoViewPush.label = &Push...
238 RepoViewPushBranch.label = &Push Branch...
239 RepoViewPushTag.label = &Push Tag...
240 RepoViewImportProjects.label = &Import Projects...
241 RepoViewCheckout.label = &Check Out
242 RepoViewSynchronize.label = &Synchronize with Workspace
243 RepoViewSynchronizeEachOther.label = &Synchronize with Each Other
244 RepoViewFetchSimple.label = &Fetch
245 RepoViewPushSimpleLabel = &Push
246 RepoViewChangeCredentialsLabel = Change Credentials...
247 RepoViewClearCredentialsLabel = Clear Credentials
248 RepoViewRemove.label = &Remove Repository from View
249 RepoViewCreateBranch.label = Create &Branch...
250 RepoViewCreateTag.label = Create &Tag...
251 RepoViewMerge.label = &Merge...
252 RepoViewMergeSimple.label = &Merge
253 RepoViewCreateRemote.label = Create &Remote...
254 RepoViewConfigureFetch.label = &Configure Fetch...
255 RepoViewConfigurePush.label = &Configure Push...
256 RepoViewConfigureGerritRemote.label = &Gerrit Configuration...
257 RepoViewReset.label = &Reset...
258 RepoViewOpenInEditor.label = Open in &Editor
259 RepoViewOpenInCommitViewer.label = Open in Commit &Viewer
260 RepoViewAddToIndex.label = Add to Index
261 RepoViewDeleteFile.label = &Delete
262 RepoViewDeleteBranch.label = &Delete Branch
263 RepoViewRemoveRemote.label = &Delete Remote
264 RepoViewDeleteFetch.label = &Delete Fetch
265 RepoViewDeletePush.label = &Delete Push
266 RepoViewCopyPath.label = &Copy Path to Clipboard
267 RepoViewPastePath.label = Paste R&epository Path or URI
268 RepoViewRenameBranch.label = Re&name Branch...
269 RepoViewCompareVersions.label = &Compare with Each Other
270 RepoViewCompareVersionsInTree.label = Compare with Each Other in &Tree
271 RepoViewCompareUnified.label = Show &Unified Diff
272 RepoViewFilterRemoteBranches.label = Remote Tracking Branches
273 RepoViewFilterRemoteBranches.description = Hides Remote Tracking Branches
274 RepoViewFilterTags.label = Tags
275 RepoViewFilterTags.description = Hides Tags
276 RepoViewFilterReferences.label = References
277 RepoViewFilterReferences.description = Hides References
278 RepoViewFilterRemotes.label = Remotes
279 RepoViewFilterRemotes.description = Hides Remotes
280 RepoViewFilterStashes.label = Stashed Commits
281 RepoViewFilterStashes.description = Hides Stashed Commits
282 RepoViewFilterSubmodules.label = Submodules
283 RepoViewFilterSubmodules.description = Hides Submodules
284 RepoViewFilterWorktree.label = Working Tree
285 RepoViewFilterWorktree.description = Hides Working Tree
286 RepoViewCollapseWorktreeCommand.label = Collapse Working Tree
287 RepoViewCollapseWorktreeCommand.description = Collapse the complete Working Tree of the current Repositories View selection
288 AddToIndexCommand.name = Add to Index
289 RemoveFromIndexCommand.name = Remove from Index
290 BranchCommand.name = Branch
291 BranchCommand.description = Check out, rename, create, or delete a branch in a git repository
292 CommitCommand.name = Commit...
293 CompareWithHeadCommand.name = Compare with HEAD Revision
294 CompareIndexWithHeadCommand.name = Compare File in Index with HEAD Revision
295 CompareWithIndexCommand.name = Compare with Index
296 ReplaceWithIndexCommand.name = Replace with File in Index
297 ReplaceWithHeadCommand.name = Replace with HEAD revision
298 ReplaceWithCommitCommand.name = Replace with commit
299 ReplaceWithRefCommand.name = Replace with branch, tag, or reference
300 FetchCommand.name = Fetch
301 IgnoreCommand.name = Ignore
302 MergeCommand.name = Merge
303 PushCommand.name = Push...
304 PushBranchCommand.name = Push Branch...
305 PushTagsCommand.name = Push Tags...
306 ResetCommand.name2 = Reset
307 SynchronizeCommand.name = Synchronize
308 TagCommand.name = Create Tag...
309 ShowInHistoryCommand.name = Show in History
310 ShowRepoViewCommand.name = Show Git Repositories View
311 ApplyPatchCommand.name = Apply Patch
312 ChangeSetModel.name = Git Commits
313 RepoViewDeleteRepository.label = &Delete Repository...
314 DeleteRepositoryCommand.name = Delete Repository
315 CreateRepositoryGroupCommand.name = Create a Repository Group
316 CreateRepositoryGroupCommand.label = Create a Repository &Group
317 CreateRepositoryGroupCommand.description = Create a repository group for structuring repositories in the Git Repositories view
318 DeleteRepositoryGroupCommand.label = &Delete Repository Group...
319 RenameRepositoryGroupCommand.label = &Rename Repository Group
320 RepositoryGroupMenu.label = Repository &Groups
321 RepoViewAddRepository.tooltip = Add an existing local Git Repository to this view
322 RepoViewCloneRepository.tooltip = Clone a Git Repository and add the clone to this view
323 RepoViewCreateRepository.tooltip = Create a new Git Repository and add it to this view
324 RepoViewAddRepository.label = &Add a Repository...
325 RepoViewCloneRepository.label = &Clone a Repository...
326 RepoViewCreateRepository.label = Create a &Repository...
327 RepoViewLinkWithSelectionMenu.label = Link with Editor and &Selection
328 RepoViewLinkWithSelection.tooltip = Link with Editor and Selection
329 RepoViewCreateRepositoryCommand.name = Create a Repository
330 CreateRepositoryWizard.name = Git Repository
331 CreateRepositoryWizard.description = Create a Git repository
332 HierarchyLayout.label = &Hierarchical Branch Layout
333 BranchCommit.label = &Display Latest Branch Commit
334 ToggleLayoutCommand.name = Toggle Branch Representation
335 ToggleBranchCommitCommand.name = Toggle Latest Branch Commit
336 RepoViewHierarchicalBranchRepresenation.tooltip = Hierarchical Branch Layout
337 RepoViewBranchCommit.tooltip = Display Latest Branch Commit
338 ConfigureTraceCommand.name = Configure Git Debug Trace
339 PullIntoCurrentBranchMenuLabel = P&ull
340 PullWithOptions.name=Pull...
341 PullWithOptions.tooltip=Specify remote and reference for a pull operation and run it
342 CherryPickCommand.name = Cherry Pick
343 SquashCommitsCommand.name = Squash Commits
344 RewordCommitCommand.name = Reword Commit
345 EditCommitCommand.name = Edit Commit
346 RevertCommand.name = Revert Commit
347 RebaseCurrentCommand.name = Rebase
348 RebaseInteractiveCurrentCommand.name = Interactive Rebase
349 DisconnectCommand.name = Disconnect
351 RepoViewPullMenu.label = P&ull
352 RepoViewPullCommand.name = Pull
353 TeamPullCommand.name = Pull
354 PullIntoCurrentBranch.tooltip = Pull changes from upstream into current branch
355 RemoteSubMenu.label = R&emote
356 RepositorySubMenu.label = &Repository
357 PushToUpstreamAction.label = &Push to Upstream
358 PushToUpstreamAction.tooltip = Push current branch to upstream if configured or start push branch wizard
359 FetchFromUpstreamAction.label = &Fetch from Upstream
360 CompareWithBranchOrTagAction.label = &Branch, Tag, or Reference...
361 MergeToolAction.label = &Merge Tool
362 CompareWithCommitAction.label = &Commit...
363 CreatePatchAction.label = Crea&te Patch...
364 TreeCompareView.name = Git Tree Compare
365 TeamMenu.label = T&eam
366 RebaseCommand.label = Rebase on
367 PushToUpstreamCommand.label = &Push to Upstream
368 FetchFromUpstreamCommand.label = &Fetch from Upstream
369 PushTagsCommand.label = Push &Tags...
370 RebaseCommand.label2 = Rebase...
371 RebaseMenu.label = Rebase
372 AbortCommand.label = &Abort
373 ContinueCommand.label = &Continue
374 SkipCommand.label = &Skip commit and continue
375 ShowInHistoryCommand.label = History
376 ShowInHistoryCommand.name2 = Show in History
377 RebaseCommand.name = Rebase on
378 RebaseWithDialogCommand.name = Rebase...
379 AbortRebaseCommand.name = Abort Rebase
380 SkipRebaseCommand.name = Skip commit and continue
381 ContinueRebaseCommand.name = Continue Rebase
382 SubmoduleUpdateCommand.name = Update Submodule
383 SubmoduleUpdateCommand.label = Update Submodule
384 SubmoduleSyncCommand.name = Sync Submodule
385 SubmoduleSyncCommand.label = Sync Submodule
386 SubmoduleAddCommand.name = Add Submodule
387 SubmoduleAddCommand.label = Add Submodule...
388 CleanCommand.name = Clean...
389 CleanCommand.label = C&lean...
390 StashCreateCommand.name = Stash Changes...
391 StashApplyCommand.name = Apply Stashed Changes
392 StashApplyCommand.label = Apply Stashed Changes
393 StashDropCommand.name = Delete Stashed Commit...
394 StashDropCommand.label = Delete Stashed Commit...
395 MergeToolCommand.name = Merge Tool
396 PushUpstreamCommand.name = Push to Upstream
397 FetchUpstreamCommand.name = Fetch from Upstream
398 ConfigureUpstreamFetchCommand.name = Configure Upstream Fetch
399 ConfigureUpstreamPushCommand.name = Configure Upstream Push
400 OpenInTextEditorCommand.name = Open in Text Editor
401 OpenInCommitViewerCommand.name = Open in Commit Viewer
402 OpenInCommitViewerCommand.tooltip = Opens selected commit(s) in Commit Viewer(s)
403 ConfigureFetchFromUpstreamCommand.label = Configure F&etch from Upstream...
404 ConfigurePushToUpstreamCommand.label = Configure P&ush to Upstream...
405 CommitMessageProviderExtension-point.name = CommitMessageProvider
406 CloneSourceProviderExtension-point.name = CloneSourceProvider
407 BranchNameProviderExtension-point.name = BranchNameProvider
408 ShowInSystemExplorerCommand.name = Show In System Explorer
409 ShowUnifiedDiffCommand.name = Show Unified Diff
410 DiffViewerContext = In Diff Viewer
411 UnifiedDiffQuickOutlineCommand.name = Quick Outline
412 UnifiedDiffQuickOutlineCommand.description = Show the quick outline for a unified diff
413 ToggleCurrentChangesCommand.name = Ignore Changes from Ancestor to Current Version
414 ToggleCurrentChangesCommand.description = Toggle ignoring changes only between the ancestor and the current version in a three-way merge comparison
416 FetchFromGerritCommand.name = Fetch From Gerrit
417 FetchFromGerritCommand.label = Fetch from &Gerrit...
418 FetchFromGitHubCommand.name = Fetch GitHub Pull Request
419 FetchFromGitHubCommand.label = Fetch GitH&ub Pull Request...
420 FetchFromGitLabCommand.name = Fetch GitLab Merge Request
421 FetchFromGitLabCommand.label = Fetch Git&Lab Merge Request...
422 FetchFromGiteaCommand.name = Fetch Gitea Pull Request
423 FetchFromGiteaCommand.label = Fetch Git&ea Pull Request...
425 RepositoriesViewContext.name= In Git Repositories View
426 RepositoriesViewClone_repositoryUri_Name=Repository URI
428 SwitchToMenu.label = S&witch To
429 SwitchToMenuMultiple.label = S&witch Repositories To
431 StashesMenu.label = &Stashes
433 DialogsPreferencePage.name = Confirmations and Warnings
434 GitServersPreferencePage.name = Servers
435 SynchronizePreferencePage.name = Synchronize
436 HistoryPreferencePage.name = History
437 HistoryColumnsPreferencePage.name = Columns
439 AdvancedMenu.label = Ad&vanced
440 RenameBranchMenu.label = &Rename Branch...
441 DeleteBranchMenu.label = &Delete Branch...
442 DeleteBranchCommand.name = Delete Branch
443 RenameBranchCommand.name = Rename Branch
444 CompareInTreeCommand.name = Compare in Tree
445 CompareWithPreviousCommand.name = Compare with Previous Revision
446 CompareWithPreviousAction.label = &Previous Revision
447 CommitEditor.name = Git Commit Editor
448 DiffEditor.name = Git Diff Editor
449 CommitSearchPage.label = Git Search
450 CommitSearchResults.label = Git Search Results
451 NavigationActionSet.label = Git Navigation Actions
452 OpenCommitAction.tooltip = Open Git Commit...
453 OpenCommitAction.label = Open Git Commit...
454 OpenCommit.name = Open Git Commit
455 ShowBlameAction_label = &Show Revision Information
456 ShowBlameCommand.name = Show Revision Information
457 ShowVersionsCommand.name=Open this Version
459 GitVariable_git_dir=The path to the .git directory for the selected or named resource
460 GitVariable_git_repo_relative_path=Path of the selected or named resource relative to the Git repository
461 GitVariable__git_work_tree_description=Work tree root of the Git repository for the selected or referenced resource
462 GitVariable_git_branch_description=Current HEAD in the Git repository that contains the selected or referenced resource
464 GitTemplateVariableResolver_GitConfigDescription=Retrieve a value from the Git configuration.<br><br>\
465 Examples:\
466 <br>${name:git_config(user.name)}\
467 <br>${email:git_config(user.email)}\
468 <br>\
469 <br>Variable name before colon can be any unique value,\
470 <br>git_config parameter in parentheses is mandatory and must be a valid configuration key.
472 ReflogView = Git Reflog
473 ShowIn = Show In
474 RefLogViewCheckout.label = C&heck Out
475 RefLogViewOpenInCommitViewer.label = &Open in Commit Viewer
476 RefLogShowUnifiedDiff.label = Show &Unified Diff
477 ReflogResetHard.label=&Hard (HEAD, Index, and Working Tree)
478 ReflogResetMenu.label=&Reset
479 ReflogResetMixed.label=&Mixed (HEAD and Index)
480 ReflogResetSoft.label=&Soft (HEAD Only)
482 RepositoryConfigPropertyPage = Configuration
483 RepositoryStatisticsPage = Statistics
485 CloneUri.label = Clone URI
487 AssumeUnchangedCommand = Assume Unchanged
488 NoAssumeUnchangedCommand = No Assume Unchanged
490 ConfigurBranchCommand.label = C&onfigure Branch...
492 ReflogCopyCommand.label = &Copy Commit Id
493 RepoViewConfigureBranchCommand.name = Configure Branch
494 ReflogViewContext = In Git Reflog View
495 ReflogViewCommands = Reflog View Commands
496 ReflogCopyCommandName = Copy Commit Id
497 PushToGerritCommand.label = Push Current Head to Gerrit
498 PushToGerritMenu.label = Push to Ge&rrit...
499 GarbageCollectCommand.label = Collect Garbage
501 GitInteractiveRebaseView_name = Git Interactive Rebase
503 GitIgnoreContentTypeName = Gitignore File
505 extension.traceComponent.name = Git
507 ImportChangedProjects.label = Import Changed Projects
508 ImportChangedProjectsCommand = Import Changed Projects
510 HistoryCheckoutCommand.label=&Check Out
511 HistoryCheckoutCommand.label2=&Check Out...
512 HistoryCherryPick.label=C&herry-Pick...
513 HistoryCompareVersions.label=Compare with &Each Other
514 HistoryCompareVersionsInTree.label=Compare with Each Other in &Tree
515 HistoryCompareWithWorkingTree.label=Compare with &Working Tree
516 HistoryCreateBranch.label=Create &Branch...
517 HistoryCreatePatch.label=Create P&atch...
518 HistoryCreateTag.label=Create &Tag...
519 HistoryDeleteBranch.label=&Delete Branch
520 HistoryDeleteTag.label=De&lete Tag...
521 HistoryMerge.label=&Merge
522 HistoryModifyMenu.label=Modi&fy
523 HistoryModifyEdit.label=&Edit
524 HistoryModifyReword.label=&Reword
525 HistoryModifySquash.label=&Squash
526 HistoryOpenInCommitViewer.label=Open in Commit &Viewer
527 HistoryOpenInTextEditorCommand.label=Open in Te&xt Editor
528 HistoryPushCommit.label=&Push Commit...
529 HistoryQuickdiffMenu.label=&Quick Diff
530 HistoryQuickdiffSet.label=&Set as Baseline
531 HistoryRebaseCurrent.label=R&ebase HEAD on
532 HistoryRebaseInteractive.label=&Interactive Rebase
533 HistoryRenameBranch.label=Re&name Branch...
534 HistoryResetHard.label=&Hard (HEAD, Index, and Working Tree)
535 HistoryResetMenu.label=&Reset
536 HistoryResetMixed.label=&Mixed (HEAD and Index)
537 HistoryResetQuickDiffHead.label=Reset Baseline to &Current Revision (HEAD)
538 HistoryResetQuickDiffHeadParent.label=Reset Baseline to &Previous Revision (HEAD^1)
539 HistoryResetSoft.label=&Soft (HEAD Only)
540 HistoryRevert.label=&Revert Commit
541 HistoryShowBlame.label=&Show Revision Information
542 HistoryShowVersions.label=&Open
543 HistoryShowUnifiedDiff.label=Show &Unified Diff
545 RebaseInteractiveOpenInCommitViewer.label=&Open in Commit Viewer
546 RebaseInteractiveShowUnifiedDiff.label=Show &Unified Diff
548 InstallLfsLocalCommand.label=Enable LFS locally
550 GitSearchActionSet.label=Git Search
551 GitSearchActionSet.description=Action set containing search related Git actions
552 searchMenu.label= Se&arch
553 OpenCommitSearchPageAction.label=&Git...
554 ShowInSystemExplorer.label=Show In System Explorer