fix: no more flickering of signcolumn minimum width set to 2
[edyt.git] / lua / core / options.lua
1 ---@diagnostic disable: codestyle-check
2 -- With cursor on an option use <leader>h to open HELP page for it <--
3 MAP().nmap("<leader>h", ":h '<C-r><C-w>'<CR>*<C-w>Lzz<C-w><C-p>", "open [h]elp for current word")
4 -->--
6 local global_options = { --<--
7 autowriteall = true, -- Autosave when quitting
8 browsedir = "buffer", -- Use directory of buffer if browser
9 cmdwinheight = 20, -- Lines of command-line window <C-f>
10 completeopt = "menu,menuone,preview",
11 confirm = true, -- Ask when closing unsaved changes
12 diffopt = "filler,context:3,vertical,closeoff,hiddenoff,followwrap,internal",
13 display = "lastline,uhex",-- Show last line in window, and hexadecimal as <xx>
14 eadirection = "ver", -- Make only vertical splits equal with <C-w>e
15 equalalways = false, -- Don't make all split equal when creating new
16 exrc = true, -- Source .nvim.lua, .nvimrc, .exrc files in cwd
17 fillchars = "diff: ,eob: ", -- No fillchars in diff and end of buffer
18 --foldclose = "all", -- Fold is closed when the cursor isn't in it
19 fsync = true, -- Fsync() will be called after saving a file
20 gdefault = true, -- ":substitute" flag 'g' is default on
21 ignorecase = true, -- Ignore case in search patterns
22 inccommand = "split", -- Show effect of :s of off-screen lines
23 keywordprg = ":help", -- Open vim help with K
24 laststatus = 3, -- Global statusline at the bottom
25 more = true, -- listing continues until finished
26 mouse = "nvicr", -- mouse in norm, vis, ins, comm, more-prompt
27 mousemodel = "popup_setpos", -- cursor will be moved where the mouse was clicked
28 report = 0, -- Threshold for reporting number of lines changed
29 ruler = false, -- Hide cursor position in status line
30 scrolljump = 10, -- Going down from the last line scroll 10 lines
31 shortmess = "atsOFWc", -- Avoids many prompt messages
32 showcmdloc = "statusline", -- Show : in statusline when starting a command
33 showmode = false, -- Don't show mode in last line
34 showtabline = 2, -- Always show tabline
35 sidescrolloff = 999, -- keeping the cursor horizontally centered
36 signcolumn = "auto:2-9", -- Show sign in the number column
37 smartcase = true, -- If search starts with capital don't ignore case
38 splitbelow = true, -- New window below current
39 splitkeep = "screen", -- Resizing splits keeps text on the same screen line
40 splitright = true, -- Split to the right
41 statusline = "%S %l/%L col:%c %= %y Buffer:%n ",
42 termguicolors = true, -- 24-bit color in the TUI
43 tildeop = true, -- Tilde behaves like operator
44 timeoutlen = 300, -- Wait time for mapping to complete
45 updatetime = 250, -- Decrease cursorhold update time
46 wildoptions = "fuzzy,pum" -- Use fuzzy to find completion matches
48 -->--
50 local window_options = { --<--
51 breakindent = true, -- wrapped line will continue visually indented
52 breakindentopt = "min:50", -- no text occupying lot of vertical space
53 concealcursor = "n", -- text can also be concealed in NORMAL mode
54 conceallevel = 1, -- Concealed text is replaced with one character
55 cursorline = true, -- Highlights the text line with cursor on it
56 cursorlineopt = "number,line", -- Number is highlighted too
57 foldmarker =
58 "<-".."-,>".."--",
59 foldmethod = "marker",
60 list = true, -- Show icons for whitespace
61 listchars = {
62 nbsp = '⦸', -- Non breakable space character 0xA0 and U+202F
63 tab = '‣ ', -- ⇨
64 trail = '•',
65 extends = '→', -- When line keeps going to the left of window
66 precedes = '←',
67 --eol = '↵',
69 number = true,
70 relativenumber = true,
71 numberwidth = 3,
72 -- statuscolumn = "%s%=%T%{v:relnum?v:relnum:v:lnum}│ %T",
73 virtualedit = "block,insert",
74 } -->--
76 local buffer_options = { --<--
77 copyindent = true, -- Copy structure when autoindenting newline
78 expandtab = true, -- Use spaces in insert mode (<C-v><TAB> for tab)
79 shiftwidth = 4,
80 tabstop = 4,
81 undofile = true,
82 } -->--
84 -- Globals <--
86 -- disable builtin plugins for faster startuptime
87 vim.g.loaded_python3_provider = 1
88 vim.g.loaded_python_provider = 1
89 vim.g.loaded_node_provider = 1
90 vim.g.loaded_ruby_provider = 1
91 vim.g.loaded_perl_provider = 1
93 if not vim.g.colors_name then
94 vim.cmd.colorscheme("sorbet")
95 end
97 -->--
99 vim.opt.iskeyword:append("-")
101 for _, tbl in ipairs({ global_options, buffer_options, window_options }) do
102 for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
103 vim.opt[k] = v