[dormin.git] /
1 open Format;;
3 let xyzofvec v = (v.Vec.x, v.Vec.y, v.Vec.z)
5 let qof f = Qtr.make f.(5) f.(6) f.(7) f.(8);;
6 let vof f = Vec.make f.(1) f.(2) f.(3);;
8 type t = int * (string * int32 array * float array * int array * float);;
10 let rt sbuf strtab =
11 let d = Array.init 3 (fun n -> Xff.r32 sbuf (n*4)) in
12 let f9 = Array.init 9 (fun n -> Xff.rfloat sbuf (12 +n*4)) in
13 let h = Array.init 3 (fun n -> Xff.rint sbuf (48 + n*4)) in
14 let f = Xff.rfloat sbuf 60 in
15 (Xff.rcstrtabent strtab 0 (Int32.to_int d.(0)), d, f9, h, f)
18 let r1 xff sbufxff =
19 if Array.length xff.Xff.sections != 2
20 then
21 Xff.sbuferr sbufxff 0 "number of xff sections is not 2"
23 let sectpos = xff.Xff.sections.(1) in
24 let sectbuf = Xff.sbufplus sbufxff sectpos in
25 let skbbuf = Xff.sbufplus sectbuf xff.Xff.entry in
27 let count1 = Xff.rint skbbuf 4 in
28 let _pos1 = Xff.rint skbbuf 8 in
29 let tabpos1 = Xff.rint skbbuf 12 in
30 let strtab1 = Xff.sbufplus sectbuf tabpos1 in
32 let bones = Array.init count1 (fun n ->
33 let pos = Xff.rint skbbuf (44 + n*8) in
34 let sbuf = Xff.sbufplus sectbuf pos in
35 pos + sectpos, rt sbuf strtab1)
37 bones
40 let vertices bones =
41 let parentinfo = Array.make (Array.length bones + 1) (, Vec.origin) in
42 let mapf i (_pos, (_name, _offsets, floats, neighbors, _float)) =
43 let curq = qof floats in
44 let curv = vof floats in
46 let parent = neighbors.(2) in
47 let parentq, parentv = parentinfo.(parent + 1) in
49 let v = Qtr.apply parentq curv in
50 let v = Vec.add v parentv in
52 let q = Qtr.compose curq parentq in
53 parentinfo.(i + 1) <- (q, v);
54 xyzofvec parentv, xyzofvec v;
56 Array.mapi mapf bones;
59 let vertices1 bones rotations poseno =
60 let parentinfo = Array.make (Array.length bones + 1) (, Vec.origin) in
61 let mapf i (pos, (name, offsets, floats, neighbors, float)) =
62 let curq = rotations.(i).(poseno) in
63 let curv = vof floats in
65 let parent = neighbors.(2) in
66 let parentq, parentv = parentinfo.(parent + 1) in
68 let v = Qtr.apply parentq curv in
69 let v = Vec.add v parentv in
71 let q = Qtr.compose curq parentq in
72 parentinfo.(i + 1) <- (q, v);
73 xyzofvec parentv, xyzofvec v;
75 Array.mapi mapf bones;
78 let draw data =
79 let quad = GluQuadric.create () in
80 let rta = vertices data in
82 let sphere origin =
83 GlMat.mode `modelview;
84 GlMat.push ();
85 GlMat.translate3 (origin);
86 let radius = Rend.view.Rend.radial_scale*.0.009 in
87 GluQuadric.sphere ~radius ~stacks:5 ~slices:5 ~quad ();
88 GlMat.pop ()
91 fun () ->
92 GlDraw.polygon_mode `both `line;
93 Gl.disable `depth_test;
94 Array.iteri
95 (fun i (pos, (n, d, m, h, f)) ->
96 GlDraw.line_width 0.1;
97 GlDraw.color (0., 0., 1.);
98 let v0, v1 = rta.(i) in
99 sphere v1;
100 GlDraw.line_width 2.0;
101 GlDraw.begins `lines;
102 GlDraw.vertex3 v0;
103 GlDraw.vertex3 v1;
104 GlDraw.ends ();
105 ) data;
106 Gl.enable `depth_test;
109 let draw1 bones =
110 fun rotations poseno ->
111 let rta = vertices1 bones rotations poseno in
112 fun () ->
113 GlDraw.polygon_mode `both `line;
114 GlDraw.color (0., 0., 1.);
115 Gl.disable `depth_test;
116 for i = 0 to Array.length bones - 1 do
117 (* GlDraw.line_width 0.1; *)
118 let v0, v1 = rta.(i) in
119 (* sphere v1; *)
120 GlDraw.line_width 2.0;
121 GlDraw.begins `lines;
122 GlDraw.vertex3 v0;
123 GlDraw.vertex3 v1;
124 GlDraw.ends ();
125 done;
126 Gl.enable `depth_test;
129 let func bones anim =
130 let posecount, rotations = anim in
131 let draw0 = draw bones in
132 let draw1 = draw1 bones in
133 let rec subfunc dodraw poseno draw = function
134 | Rend.Char ('f'|'b' as c) ->
135 let poseno =
136 if c = 'b' then
137 let poseno = if poseno = 0 then posecount else poseno in
138 (poseno - 1) mod posecount
139 else
140 (poseno + 1) mod posecount
142 let draw = draw1 rotations poseno in
143 rotations poseno;
144 Skin.anim ();
145 Rend.Func (subfunc dodraw poseno draw)
146 | Rend.Char 'r' ->
147 Rend.Func (subfunc dodraw 0 draw0)
148 | Rend.Draw ->
149 if dodraw then draw ();
150 Rend.Func (subfunc dodraw poseno draw)
151 | Rend.Char 's' -> Rend.Func (subfunc (not dodraw) poseno draw)
152 | Rend.Char _ -> Rend.Func (subfunc dodraw poseno draw)
154 subfunc false 0 (draw bones)
157 let dummy draw =
158 let rec subfunc = function
159 | Rend.Draw -> draw (); Rend.Func subfunc
160 | _ -> Rend.Func subfunc
162 subfunc
165 let skin bones =
166 let skel =
167 (fun (_, (_, _, floats, neighbors, _)) -> (neighbors.(2), floats))
168 bones
170 Skin.set_skel skel;
173 let main name =
174 let func =
176 let name = Filename.chop_extension name ^ ".skb" in
177 let xff, sbuf = Xff.test2 name in
178 let bones = r1 xff sbuf in
179 begin try
180 let anim_name =
181 match !Rend.anb_name with
182 | None -> raise (Failure "no animation set")
183 | Some name ->name
185 let xff, sbuf = Xff.test2 (Filename.basename anim_name) in
186 let anim = Anb.r xff sbuf in
187 skin bones;
188 func bones anim
189 with exn ->
190 prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
191 dummy (draw bones)
192 end;
193 with exn ->
194 prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
195 dummy (fun () -> ())
197 Rend.add_func func