descriptionDoom2D Source Restoration Project
homepage URL
last changeWed, 5 Apr 2023 13:17:37 +0000 (5 16:17 +0300)
content tags
This repository contains restored sources of Doom2D created by Prikol Software in 1996.
All sources are based on source code of Doom2D v1.35 published by its original programmer Alexey Volynskov.

Branches with *_rev postfix includes hacks to build binaries almost identical to original binaries.
Use them only if you need to compare original binaries with binaries builded from source. Don't use this branches for source-ports.

All sources are buildable, every branch have build instructions in README.TXT

Useful links:
1 - Original sources of Doom2D v1.35
2 - Restoration Project discussions 1.30 / 1.35 / 1.40
3 - Patch 1.41b by 666
2023-04-05 DeaDDooMERinstall: add install sources and resources1.35
2023-04-04 DeaDDooMERsetup: add setup sources and resources
2023-04-04 DeaDDooMERlibs: add lib FSOUND and OSNDDRV
2023-04-03 DeaDDooMERbuild: remove docu from build.bat
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMERlibs: make build scripts shorter
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMEReditor: add editor sources
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMERlibs: fix build GUI library
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMERlib: add GUI library
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMERutils: add fnt2obj3 and vga2obj3
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMERdocu: repository -> branch
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMERdoom2d: set encoding
2023-03-31 DeaDDooMERdoom2d: add game sources, lib sources and scripts
9 months ago 1.41b
9 months ago 1.41b_rev
12 months ago 1.35
12 months ago 1.30_rev
12 months ago 1.30
12 months ago 1.40
12 months ago 1.40_rev
12 months ago 1.40_rev_setup