Added mcarry, modified Makefile accordingly.
[deployable.git] / remote
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use 5.006_002;
6 our $VERSION = '0.0.3';
7 use English qw( -no_match_vars );
8 use Fatal qw( close chdir opendir closedir );
9 use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
10 use File::Path qw( mkpath );
11 use File::Spec::Functions qw( file_name_is_absolute catfile );
12 use File::Basename qw( dirname );
13 use POSIX qw( strftime );
14 use Getopt::Long qw( :config gnu_getopt );
17 use Archive::Tar;
19 my %default_config = ( # default values
20 workdir => '/tmp/our-deploy',
21 cleanup => 1,
23 my %config;
24 GetOptions(
25 \%config, 'usage|help|man',
26 'version', 'cleanup|c!',
27 'dryrun|dry-run', 'no-deploy!',
28 'show|show-options|s!', 'workdir|work-directory|deploy-directory|w=s',
29 'no-tempdir!', 'bundle|all-exec|X!',
30 'inspect|i=s', 'filelist!',
31 'tar!',
34 usage() if $config{usage};
35 version() if $config{version};
37 if ($config{tar}) {
38 binmode DATA;
39 binmode STDOUT;
40 while (read DATA, my $buffer, 4096) {
41 print {*STDOUT} $buffer;
43 exit 0;
46 my $tar = Archive::Tar->new();
47 $tar->read(\*DATA);
49 if ($config{filelist}) {
50 local $\ = "\n";
51 print for $tar->list_files();
52 exit 0;
55 my %script_config = (%default_config, get_config($tar));
56 if ($config{show}) {
57 require Data::Dumper;
58 print {*STDOUT} Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%script_config);
59 exit 1;
62 # Merge configurations and go on
63 %config = (%script_config, %config);
65 if ($config{inspect}) {
66 $config{cleanup} = 0;
67 $config{'no-deploy'} = 1;
68 $config{'no-tempdir'} = 1;
69 $config{workdir} = $config{inspect};
72 if ($config{dryrun}) {
73 require Data::Dumper;
74 print {*STDOUT} Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%config);
75 exit 1;
78 # go into the working directory, creating any intermediate if needed
79 mkpath($config{workdir});
80 chdir($config{workdir});
81 print {*STDERR} "### Got into working directory '$config{workdir}'\n\n";
83 my $tempdir;
84 if (!$config{'no-tempdir'}) { # Only if not prohibited
85 my $now = strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', localtime);
86 $tempdir =
87 tempdir($now . 'X' x 10, DIR => '.', CLEANUP => $config{cleanup});
89 chdir $tempdir;
90 print {*STDERR}
91 "### Created and got into temporary directory '$tempdir'\n";
92 print {*STDERR} "### (will clean it up later)\n" if $config{cleanup};
93 print {*STDERR} "\n";
94 } ## end if (!$config{'no-tempdir'...
96 eval { # Not really needed, but you know...
97 $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin';
98 save_files($tar);
99 execute_deploy_programs() unless $config{'no-deploy'};
101 carp $EVAL_ERROR if $EVAL_ERROR;
103 # Get back so that cleanup can successfully happen, if requested
104 chdir '..' if defined $tempdir;
106 sub execute_deploy_programs {
107 my @deploy_programs = @{$config{deploy} || []};
109 if ($config{bundle}) { # add all executable scripts in current directory
110 print {*STDERR} "### Auto-deploying all executables in main dir\n\n";
111 my %flag_for = map { $_ => 1 } @deploy_programs;
112 opendir my $dh, '.';
113 for my $item (sort readdir $dh) {
114 next if $flag_for{$item};
115 next unless ((-f $item) || (-l $item)) && (-x $item);
116 $flag_for{$item} = 1;
117 push @deploy_programs, $item;
118 } ## end while (my $item = readdir...
119 closedir $dh;
120 } ## end if ($config{bundle})
123 for my $deploy (@deploy_programs) {
124 $deploy = catfile('.', $deploy)
125 unless file_name_is_absolute($deploy);
126 if (!-x $deploy) {
127 print {*STDERR} "### Skipping '$deploy', not executable\n\n";
128 next DEPLOY;
130 print {*STDERR} "### Executing '$deploy'...\n";
131 system {$deploy} $deploy;
132 print {*STDERR} "\n";
133 } ## end for my $deploy (@deploy_programs)
135 return;
136 } ## end sub execute_deploy_programs
138 sub get_config {
139 my ($tar) = @_;
141 my ($file) = $tar->get_files('deployable/');
142 return unless $file && $file->has_content();
144 my $config = eval 'my ' . $file->get_content() or return;
145 return $config unless wantarray;
146 return %$config;
147 } ## end sub get_config
149 sub save_files {
150 my ($tar) = @_;
152 for my $file ($tar->get_files()) {
153 my ($area, $full_path) = split /\//mxs, $file->full_path(), 2;
154 next unless $area eq 'root' || $area eq 'here';
156 my $dirprefix = $area eq 'here' ? '.'
157 : $config{inspect} ? $area : '';
158 my $real_path = join('/', $dirprefix, $full_path);
160 print {*STDERR} "### Extracting $full_path in '$area' => $real_path\n";
161 if ($file->is_dir()) {
162 mkpath($real_path);
164 else {
165 mkpath(dirname $real_path);
166 write_file($real_path, $file->get_content());
169 chmod $file->mode(), $real_path;
172 return;
173 } ## end sub save_files
175 sub write_file {
176 my $filename = shift;
177 open my $fh, '>', $filename or croak "open('$filename'): $OS_ERROR";
178 binmode $fh;
179 print {$fh} @_;
180 close $fh;
181 return;
184 sub usage {
185 print {*STDOUT} <<"END_OF_USAGE" ;
186 $0 version $VERSION
188 More or less, this script is intended to be launched without parameters.
189 Anyway, you can also set the following options, which will override any
190 present configuration (except in "--show-options"):
192 * --usage | --man | --help
193 print these help lines and exit
195 * --version
196 print script version and exit
198 * --bundle | --all-exec | -X
199 treat all executables in the main deployment directory as scripts
200 to be executed
202 * --cleanup | --no-cleanup
203 perform / don't perform temporary directory cleanup after work done
205 * --dryrun | --dry-run
206 print final options and exit
208 * --filelist
209 print a list of files that are shipped in the deploy script
211 * --inspect <dirname>
212 just extract all the stuff into <dirname> for inspection. Implies
213 --no-deploy, --no-tempdir, ignores --bundle (as a consequence of
214 --no-deploy), disables --cleanup and sets the working directory
215 to <dirname>
217 * --no-deploy
218 prevent execution of deploy scripts (they are executed by default)
220 * --no-tempdir
221 execute directly in workdir (see below), without creating the
222 temporary directory
224 * --show-options | -s
225 print configured options and exit
227 * --tar
228 print out the tar file that contains all the shipped files
230 * --workdir | -w
231 working base directory (a temporary subdirectory will be created
232 there anyway)
235 exit 1;
236 } ## end sub usage
238 sub version {
239 print "$0 version $VERSION\n";
240 exit 1;
243 __END__