Scan dynamic libraries for GC roots
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182         $(LI <a href="std_stream.html" title="Stream I/O"></a>)
183         $(LI <a href="std_string.html" title="Basic string operations">std.string</a>)
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197         $(LI <a href="std_c_locale.html" title="Locale">std.c.locale</a>)
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205         $(LI <a href="std_c_time.html" title="Time">std.c.time</a>)
206         $(LI <a href="std_c_wcharh.html" title="Wide characters">std.c.wcharh</a>)
207         $(LI <a href="std_windows_charset.html" title="Conversion to/from Windows character sets"></a>)
208         $(LI <a href="phobos.html#std_windows" title="Modules specific to Windows"></a>)
209         $(LI <a href="phobos.html#std_linux" title="Modules specific to Windows">std.linux</a>)
210         $(LI <a href="phobos.html#std_c_windows" title="C Windows API"></a>)
211         $(LI <a href="phobos.html#std_c_linux" title="C Linux API">std.c.linux</a>)
212     )
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