Update vendor/ for the last commit
[debiancodesearch.git] / vendor / github.com / apache / thrift / test / py.twisted / test_suite.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
4 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
6 # distributed with this work for additional information
7 # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
8 # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9 # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10 # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
12 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15 # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17 # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
18 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
19 # under the License.
22 import sys
23 import os
24 import glob
25 import time
26 basepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
27 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(basepath, 'gen-py.twisted'))
28 sys.path.insert(0, glob.glob(os.path.join(basepath, '../../lib/py/build/lib.*'))[0])
30 from ThriftTest import ThriftTest
31 from ThriftTest.ttypes import Xception, Xtruct
32 from thrift.transport import TTwisted
33 from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
35 from twisted.trial import unittest
36 from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
37 from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientCreator
39 from zope.interface import implements
42 class TestHandler:
43 implements(ThriftTest.Iface)
45 def __init__(self):
46 self.onewaysQueue = defer.DeferredQueue()
48 def testVoid(self):
49 pass
51 def testString(self, s):
52 return s
54 def testByte(self, b):
55 return b
57 def testI16(self, i16):
58 return i16
60 def testI32(self, i32):
61 return i32
63 def testI64(self, i64):
64 return i64
66 def testDouble(self, dub):
67 return dub
69 def testBinary(self, thing):
70 return thing
72 def testStruct(self, thing):
73 return thing
75 def testException(self, s):
76 if s == 'Xception':
77 x = Xception()
78 x.errorCode = 1001
79 x.message = s
80 raise x
81 elif s == "throw_undeclared":
82 raise ValueError("foo")
84 def testOneway(self, seconds):
85 def fireOneway(t):
86 self.onewaysQueue.put((t, time.time(), seconds))
87 reactor.callLater(seconds, fireOneway, time.time())
89 def testNest(self, thing):
90 return thing
92 def testMap(self, thing):
93 return thing
95 def testSet(self, thing):
96 return thing
98 def testList(self, thing):
99 return thing
101 def testEnum(self, thing):
102 return thing
104 def testTypedef(self, thing):
105 return thing
108 class ThriftTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
110 @defer.inlineCallbacks
111 def setUp(self):
112 self.handler = TestHandler()
113 self.processor = ThriftTest.Processor(self.handler)
114 self.pfactory = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory()
116 self.server = reactor.listenTCP(
117 0, TTwisted.ThriftServerFactory(self.processor, self.pfactory), interface="")
119 self.portNo = self.server.getHost().port
121 self.txclient = yield ClientCreator(reactor,
122 TTwisted.ThriftClientProtocol,
123 ThriftTest.Client,
124 self.pfactory).connectTCP("", self.portNo)
125 self.client = self.txclient.client
127 @defer.inlineCallbacks
128 def tearDown(self):
129 yield self.server.stopListening()
130 self.txclient.transport.loseConnection()
132 @defer.inlineCallbacks
133 def testVoid(self):
134 self.assertEquals((yield self.client.testVoid()), None)
136 @defer.inlineCallbacks
137 def testString(self):
138 self.assertEquals((yield self.client.testString('Python')), 'Python')
140 @defer.inlineCallbacks
141 def testByte(self):
142 self.assertEquals((yield self.client.testByte(63)), 63)
144 @defer.inlineCallbacks
145 def testI32(self):
146 self.assertEquals((yield self.client.testI32(-1)), -1)
147 self.assertEquals((yield self.client.testI32(0)), 0)
149 @defer.inlineCallbacks
150 def testI64(self):
151 self.assertEquals((yield self.client.testI64(-34359738368)), -34359738368)
153 @defer.inlineCallbacks
154 def testDouble(self):
155 self.assertEquals((yield self.client.testDouble(-5.235098235)), -5.235098235)
157 # TODO: def testBinary(self) ...
159 @defer.inlineCallbacks
160 def testStruct(self):
161 x = Xtruct()
162 x.string_thing = "Zero"
163 x.byte_thing = 1
164 x.i32_thing = -3
165 x.i64_thing = -5
166 y = yield self.client.testStruct(x)
168 self.assertEquals(y.string_thing, "Zero")
169 self.assertEquals(y.byte_thing, 1)
170 self.assertEquals(y.i32_thing, -3)
171 self.assertEquals(y.i64_thing, -5)
173 @defer.inlineCallbacks
174 def testException(self):
175 yield self.client.testException('Safe')
176 try:
177 yield self.client.testException('Xception')
178 self.fail("should have gotten exception")
179 except Xception as x:
180 self.assertEquals(x.errorCode, 1001)
181 self.assertEquals(x.message, 'Xception')
183 try:
184 yield self.client.testException("throw_undeclared")
185 self.fail("should have thrown exception")
186 except Exception: # type is undefined
187 pass
189 @defer.inlineCallbacks
190 def testOneway(self):
191 yield self.client.testOneway(1)
192 start, end, seconds = yield self.handler.onewaysQueue.get()
193 self.assertAlmostEquals(seconds, (end - start), places=1)