first commit
[deary.git] / system / logs / log-2008-03-04.php
1 <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); ?>
3 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:43 --> Config Class Initialized
4 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:43 --> Hooks Class Initialized
5 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:43 --> URI Class Initialized
6 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:44 --> Router Class Initialized
7 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:44 --> Output Class Initialized
8 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:44 --> Input Class Initialized
9 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:44 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
10 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:44 --> Language Class Initialized
11 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:44 --> Loader Class Initialized
12 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:44 --> Helpers loaded: url, form
13 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:45 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
14 ERROR - 2008-03-04 21:38:45 --> Severity: Warning --> mysql_pconnect() [<a href='function.mysql-pconnect'>function.mysql-pconnect</a>]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) /Users/manu/Sites/Carnet/system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_driver.php 69
15 ERROR - 2008-03-04 21:38:45 --> Unable to connect to the database
16 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:45 --> Language Class Initialized
17 DEBUG - 2008-03-04 21:38:45 --> Language file loaded: language/english/db_lang.php