descriptionmodified QuakeC compiler for Doom2D:VCD
last changeFri, 12 Jul 2013 10:50:04 +0000 (12 13:50 +0300)
content tags
2013-07-12 ketmarvalue now can be casted to virtual "bool" typemaster
2013-07-12 ketmarshortbools: forgot to make one last check; fixed
2013-07-12 ketmarshort boolean evaluation now seems to generate correct...
2013-07-12 ketmarremoved even more options (no legacy code -- no legacy...
2013-07-12 ketmarwe have no legacy code, so we need no 'lax casts'
2013-07-12 ketmarah, there were alot of useless compiler flags; another...
2013-07-12 ketmarand another useless option was annihilated
2013-07-12 ketmaranother useless option removed
2013-07-12 ketmarremoved another useless flag
2013-07-12 ketmarsome cosmetix
2013-07-10 ketmarsubscoped locals aren't optional now
2013-07-09 ketmarsubsoped locals will not produce silly redeclaration...
2013-07-09 ketmar'for' now subscoped
2013-07-09 ketmarfor: made local decs more flexible
2013-07-09 ketmarfor now allows declaration of locals inside init expression
2013-07-09 ketmarsome cleanups
10 years ago master