descriptionDoom 2D on SMD
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last changeWed, 24 Mar 2021 17:44:29 +0000 (24 20:44 +0300)
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2021-03-24 fgsfdslimit tickrate to half refresh ratemaster
2021-03-24 fgsfdsadd splitscreen; who fucking knows what else
2019-09-29 fgsfdsunwad: also rip DMI instruments
2019-09-29 fgsfdsunwad: add DS->WAV export
2019-09-16 fgsfdsPAL0 and PAL1 are now map specific
2019-09-16 fgsfdsadapt to mdmap changes; replace MAP01 with megadm
2019-09-16 fgsfdsadd texpal tool
2019-09-16 fgsfdsrework mdmap a bit
2019-09-16 fgsfdsunwad: transliterate 866 names instead of converting...
2019-09-16 fgsfdsadded stb_image and stb_image_write
2019-09-16 fgsfdsadded unwad (extracts doom2d.wad and exports shit)
2019-09-15 fgsfdsfix some pointer shenanigans
2019-09-15 fgsfdsmdmap: use stb_image instead of SDL_image
2019-09-13 DeaDDooMERremove shit
2019-09-13 DeaDDooMERdeduplicate textures
2019-09-13 fgsfdsstore (flagged) fg tiles for open doors
3 years ago master