Make the previous fix clozure-specific
[cxml-stp.git] / DOM-COMPARISON
1 -*- indent-tabs: nil -*- 
3 DOM Interface                 STP Class
4 ========================================================================
5 Attr                          ATTRIBUTE
6 Comment                       COMMENT
7 Document                      DOCUMENT
8 DocumentType                  DOCUMENT-TYPE
9 Element                       ELEMENT
10 Node                          NODE
11 ProcessingInstruction         PROCESSING-INSTRUCTION
12 Text                          TEXT
14 CDATASection                  none
15 CharacterData                 none (TEXT and COMMENT are disjoint)
16 DocumentFragment              none (use DOCUMENT)
17 DOMImplementation             none
18 Entity                        none (but recorded in INTERNAL-SUBSET)
19 EntityReference               none
20 NamedNodeMap                  none (see FIND-ATTRIBUTE, LIST-ATTRIBUTES)
21 NodeList                      none (see MAP-CHILDREN, LIST-CHILDREN)
22 Notation                      none (but recorded in INTERNAL-SUBSET)
24 Type checks
25 ========================================================================
26 ELEMENT_NODE                  [ none, use TYPEP or TYPE-OF instead
27 ATTRIBUTE_NODE                  .
28 TEXT_NODE                       .
29 CDATA_SECTION_NODE              .
31 ENTITY_NODE                     .
33 COMMENT_NODE                    .
34 DOCUMENT_NODE                   .
35 DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE              .
37 NOTATION_NODE                   . ]
39 Methods
40 ========================================================================
41 DOMImplementation.hasFeature            none
42 DOMImplementation.createDocumentType    [ not a method ]  MAKE-DOCUMENT-TYPE
43 DOMImplementation.createDocument        [ not a method ]  MAKE-DOCUMENT
44 Node.nodeName                           not a method on NODE
45 Node.nodeValue                          vaguely similar: VALUE
46 Node.nodeType                           none (use TYPEP and TYPE-OF instead)
47 Node.parentNode                         PARENT (node)
48 Node.childNodes                         none (see MAP-CHILDREN, LIST-CHILDREN)
49 Node.firstChild                         FIRST-CHILD
50 Node.lastChild                          LAST-CHILD
51 Node.previousSibling                    PREVIOUS-SIBLING
52 Node.nextSibling                        NEXT-SIBLING
53 Node.attributes                         [none, especially not on NODE]
54                                           but see class ELEMENT, functions
55                                           FIND-ATTRIBUTE, LIST-ATTRIBUTES
56 Node.ownerDocument                      DOCUMENT
57 Node.insertBefore                       [method on PARENT-NODE, not NODE]
58                                           INSERT-BEFORE, INSERT-AFTER,
59                                           INSERT-CHILD, ...
60 Node.replaceChild                       [method on PARENT-NODE, not NODE]
61                                           REPLACE-CHILD, REPLACE-CHILDREN
62 Node.removeChild                       [method on PARENT-NODE, not NODE]
63                                           DELETE-CHILD, DELETE-CHILD-IF,
64                                           DELETE-NTH-CHILD
65 Node.appendChild                       [method on PARENT-NODE, not NODE]
66                                           APPEND-CHILD, PREPEND-CHILD
67 Node.normalize                         not yet
68 Node.isSupported                       none
69 Node.namespaceURI                      [method on ATTRIBUTE/ELEMENT, not NODE]
70                                          NAMESPACE-URI
71 Node.prefix                            [method on ATTRIBUTE/ELEMENT, not NODE]
72                                          NAMESPACE-PREFIX
73 Node.localName                         [method on ATTRIBUTE/ELEMENT, not NODE]
74                                          LOCAL-NAME
75 Node.hasAttributes                     not yet (seems uninteresting?)
76 NodeList.item                          [method on NODE, not NodeList]
77                                          NTH-CHILD
78 NodeList.length                        [method on NODE, not NodeList]
79                                          COUNT-CHILDREN, COUNT-CHILDREN-IF
80 NameNodeMap.*                          see various ATTRIBUTE-related functions
81                     [method on TEXT/COMMENT]
82                                          DATA
83 CharacterData.length                   none (use DATA and LENGTH)
84 CharacterData.substringData            none (use DATA and SUBSEQ)
85 CharacterData.appendData               none (use (SETF DATA) and CONCATENATE)
86 CharacterData.insertData               none (use (SETF DATA) and REPLACE)
87 CharacterData.deleteData               none (use (SETF DATA) and REPLACE)
88 CharacterData.replaceData              none (use (SETF DATA) and REPLACE)
89                              QUALIFIED-NAME
90 Attr.specified                         none
91 Attr.value                             VALUE
92 Attr.ownerElement                      none, use PARENT
93 Element.tagName                        QUALIFIED-NAME
94 Element.getAttribute                   ATTRIBUTE-VALUE
95 Element.setAttribute                   (SETF ATTRIBUTE-VALUE)
96 Element.removeAttribute                none, use REMOVE-ATTRIBUTE
97                                          with FIND-ATTRIBUTE-NAMED
98 Element.getAttributeNode               FIND-ATTRIBUTE-NAMED, FIND-ATTRIBUTE-IF
99 Element.setAttributeNode               ADD-ATTRIBUTE
100 Element.removeAttributeNode            REMOVE-ATTRIBUTE
101 Element.hasAttribute                   FIND-ATTRIBUTE, FIND-ATTRIBUTE-IF
102 Element.getAttributeNS                 [ see above, we /only/ have functions
103 Element.setAttributeNS                   with namespace support
104 Element.removeAttributeNS                .
105 Element.getAttributeNodeNS               .
106 Element.setAttributeNodeNS               .
107 Element.removeAttributeNodeNS            .
108 Element.hasAttributeNS                   . ]
109 Text.splitText                         not (yet?)
110                      ROOT-ELEMENT-NAME
111 DocumentType.entities                  none, use INTERNAL-SUBSET
112 DocumentType.notations                 none, use INTERNAL-SUBSET
113 DocumentType.publicId                  PUBLIC-ID
114 DocumentType.systemId                  SYSTEM-ID
115 DocumentType.internalSubset            INTERNAL-SUBSET
116           TARGET
117             DATA
118 Document.doctype                       DOCUMENT-TYPE
119 Document.implementation                none
120 Document.documentElement               DOCUMENT-ELEMENT
121 Document.createElement                 [ not a method ] MAKE-ELEMENT
122 Document.createDocumentFragment        none, use MAKE-DOCUMENT
123 Document.createTextNode                [ not a method ] MAKE-TEXT
124 Document.createComment                 [ not a method ] MAKE-COMMENT
125 Document.createCDATASection            none
126 Document.createProcessingInstruction   [ not a method ]
127                                          MAKE-PROCESSING-INSTRUCTION
128 Document.createAttribute               [ not a method ] MAKE-ATTRIBUTE
129 Document.createEntityReference         none
130 Document.getElementsByTagName          (FILTER-RECURSIVELY (OF-NAME "x") node)
131 Document.importNode                    COPY
132 Document.createElementNS               [ see above, we /only/ have functions
133 Document.createAttributeNS               with namespace support
134 Document.getElementsByTagNameNS          ]
135 Document.getElementById                not yet