Initial commit, 3-52-19 alpha
[cls.git] / xlisponly / lsp / document.lsp
1 ;;;; This file provide various documentation functions, taking some existing
2 ;;;; XLISP-PLUS functionality and merging it with new Common Lisp functions.
4 ; Author -- Tom Almy, 10/96
6 ;;; It supercedes glos.lsp. Do not load glos.lsp if this file is used!
8 ;;; This file adds these new functions:
10 ;;; DOCUMENTATION -- get/set documentation string.
11 ;;; This function will fetch glossary info
12 ;;; for functions and variables defined in glos.txt (see description of GLOS
13 ;;; below) as well provided via DOCUMENTATION used with SETF or with
14 ;;; the DEF* macros listed below.
16 ;;; The documentation types variable, function, structure, and setf are stored
17 ;;; in properties named %doc-function, %doc-structure, %doc-variable, and
18 ;;; %doc-setf. In addition, documentation type type with property %doc-type
19 ;;; is provided for completeness.
22 ;;; are modified to have the documentation arguments functional.
24 ;;; GLOS -- glossary function
26 ; GLOS requires the package and multiple value return facilities to
27 ; work, and uses a file called glos.txt which is the glossary portion
28 ; of the XLISP documentation file When loaded for the first time, it
29 ; adds documentation marks for all functions which are defined in
30 ; glos.txt and are in the XLISP package. This property is the
31 ; displacement into the file. When a glossary lookup occurs (or the
32 ; DOCUMENTATION function is used) the file itself is referenced. By
33 ; operating this way, very little space is taken for this feature.
35 ; There are two user-accessable symbols. tools:*glospaging* is a variable
36 ; which causes the output to "page" (pause for user response) at every
37 ; screenful. Set it to NIL to defeat this feature or to the number of lines
38 ; per page to enable.
40 ; The main entry point is the function tools:glos. When given an
41 ; argument that is a function symbol, it will look up the glossary
42 ; definition. If the symbol is not visible, or if a second non-nil
43 ; argument is supplied, the name will be passed to APROPOS, and the
44 ; glossary definitions for all matching symbols will be displayed
46 ; For instance (glos :car) or (glos 'car) will show the definition for
47 ; the CAR function, while (glos 'car t) or (glos "car") will show that
48 ; of MAPCAR as well. (glos "X") will give the glossary listing of all
49 ; functions with names containing an X character.
52 #-:packages
53 (error "This utility was written asuming the package facility is in use")
55 #-:mulvals
56 (error "This utility was written asuming multiple value return is in use")
58 #-:common
59 (load "common") ;; make sure these are defined first
61 (in-package "XLISP")
63 (export '(documentation variable function structure setf))
65 (in-package "TOOLS")
68 ; This is the glos.lsp package, modified to be integrated with
69 ; DOCUMENTATION. Glos.lsp should not be loaded if this file is used!
72 (export '(glos *glospaging*))
74 (import '(xlisp::%doc-function xlisp::%doc-variable))
76 (defvar *glosfilename*)
78 (setq *glosfilename* nil)
80 ; We will look things up while loading
81 ; so we can toss all the code when done
83 (unless *glosfilename*
84 (format t "~&Building glossary references---")
85 (let ((lpar #\()
86 (rpar #\))
87 (dot #\.)
88 (*pos* 0)
89 symbol)
90 (labels
94 (xposition (chr str &aux (pos (position chr str)))
95 (if pos pos (length str)))
97 (seek-next-fcn (strm)
98 (do ((thispos *pos* (file-position strm))
99 (text (read-line strm nil) (read-line strm nil)))
100 ((null text) nil)
101 (when (and (> (length text) 1)
102 (or (char= lpar (char text 0))
103 (char= dot (char text 0))))
104 (setf *pos* thispos)
105 (return-from seek-next-fcn
106 (cons (char= dot (char text 0))
107 (subseq text 1 (min (xposition rpar text)
108 (xposition #\space text)))))))))
110 ;; The body of the code that does the work:
111 (unless (open "glos.txt" :direction :probe)
112 (error "Could not find glossary file glos.txt"))
113 (with-open-file
114 (strm "glos.txt")
115 (setq *glosfilename* (truename strm))
116 (do ((name (seek-next-fcn strm) (seek-next-fcn strm)))
117 ((null name) nil)
118 (setq symbol (find-symbol (string-upcase (cdr name))))
119 (unless symbol
120 (if (string-equal (cdr name) "nil")
121 (setf (get nil '%doc-variable) (abs *pos*))
122 (format t
123 "~&Documented symbol ~s not found in XLISP.~%"
124 (cdr name))))
125 (when symbol
126 ;; (format t "~s ~s" symbol *pos*)
127 (setf (get symbol (if (car name)
128 '%doc-variable
129 '%doc-function))
130 (abs *pos*)))))
131 ;; Check for functions & vars in package XLISP that aren't documented
132 (format t "~&Not documented, but found in XLISP:")
133 (do-external-symbols
134 (x :xlisp)
135 (when (or (and (fboundp x) (not (get x '%doc-function)))
136 (and (specialp x) (not (get x '%doc-variable))))
137 (format t "~s " x)))
138 (format t "~&")
140 ))) ;; Ends the Flet, let, and unless
142 (defvar *linecount*)
143 (defvar *glospaging* 23)
145 (defun linechk ()
146 (when (and *glospaging*
147 (> (incf *linecount*) *glospaging*))
148 (setq *linecount* 0)
149 (if (y-or-n-p "--PAUSED-- Continue?")
150 (fresh-line)
151 (throw 'getoutahere))))
153 (defun ppstring (string &aux (strm (make-string-input-stream string)))
154 (do ((line (read-line strm nil) (read-line strm nil)))
155 ((zerop (length line))
156 (linechk)
157 (format t "~%"))
158 (linechk)
159 (format t "~a~%" line)))
161 (defun glosx (val &aux (ostrm (make-string-output-stream)))
162 (with-open-file
163 (strm *glosfilename*)
164 (file-position strm (abs val))
165 (do ((line (read-line strm nil) (read-line strm nil)))
166 ((zerop (length line))
167 (format ostrm "~%"))
168 (if (eq #\. (char line 0))
169 (format ostrm "~a~%" (subseq line 1))
170 (format ostrm "~a~%" line))))
171 (get-output-stream-string ostrm))
173 (defun glos (symbol &optional matchall
174 &aux val val2 val3 (sym (string symbol)))
175 (catch
176 'getoutahere
177 (setq *linecount* 0)
178 (if (and (null matchall) (setq val (find-symbol sym)))
179 (progn (when (setq val2 (documentation val 'function))
180 (ppstring val2))
181 (when (setq val3 (documentation val 'variable))
182 (ppstring val3))
183 (unless (or val2 val3)
184 (format t "No information on ~a~%" sym)))
185 (progn
186 (setq val
187 (do ((list (apropos-list sym) (cdr list))
188 (result nil result))
189 ((null list) result)
190 (when (setq val2 (documentation (car list) 'function))
191 (when (not (member val2 result :test #'string-equal))
192 (push val2 result)))
193 (when (setq val2 (documentation (car list) 'variable))
194 (when (not (member val2 result :test #'string-equal))
195 (push val2 result)))))
197 (if (zerop (length val))
198 (format t "No matches for ~a~%" symbol)
199 (map nil #'ppstring val)))))
200 (values)
203 (in-package "XLISP")
204 (defun documentation (sym type &aux value)
205 (unless (symbolp sym) (error "bad argument type - ~s" sym))
206 (setq
207 value
208 (case type
209 (variable (get sym '%doc-variable))
210 (function (get sym '%doc-function))
211 (structure (get sym '%doc-structure))
212 (setf (get sym '%doc-setf))
213 (type (get syp '%doc-type))
214 (t (error "invalid documentation type - ~s" type))))
215 (if (numberp value)
216 (tools::glosx value)
217 value))
219 (defsetf documentation (sym type) (val)
220 (case (eval type)
221 (variable `(setf (get ,sym '%doc-variable) ,val))
222 (function `(setf (get ,sym '%doc-function) ,val))
223 (structure `(setf (get ,sym '%doc-structure) ,val))
224 (setf `(setf (get ,sym '%doc-setf) ,val))
225 (type `(type (get ,sym '%doc-type) ,val))
226 (t (error "invalid documentation type - ~s" type))))
228 ;; If we haven't done it before, save function binding of defining words
230 (unless (fboundp 'old-defun)
231 (setf (symbol-function 'old-defun)
232 (symbol-function 'defun)))
233 (unless (fboundp 'old-defmacro)
234 (setf (symbol-function 'old-defmacro)
235 (symbol-function 'defmacro)))
236 (unless (fboundp 'old-defvar)
237 (setf (symbol-function 'old-defvar)
238 (symbol-function 'defvar)))
239 (unless (fboundp 'old-defparameter)
240 (setf (symbol-function 'old-defparameter)
241 (symbol-function 'defparameter)))
242 (unless (fboundp 'old-defconstant)
243 (setf (symbol-function 'old-defconstant)
244 (symbol-function 'defconstant)))
245 (unless (fboundp 'old-defstruct)
246 (setf (symbol-function 'old-defstruct)
247 (symbol-function 'defstruct)))
249 ;; Redefine defun, defmacro, defvar, defconstant, defparameter, and defstruct
250 ;; to update the property list and then do the original function.
251 ;; In the case of defmacro and defvar, the documentation string is removed
252 ;; from the definition.
254 (defmacro defun (&rest arglist)
255 (if (and (stringp (third arglist)) (cdddr arglist))
256 (progn
257 (unless (symbolp (first arglist))
258 (error "bad argument type - ~s" (first arglist)))
259 (setf (get (first arglist) '%doc-function) (third arglist))
260 `(old-defun ,(first arglist)
261 ,(second arglist)
262 ,@(cdddr arglist)))
263 `(old-defun ,@arglist)))
265 (defmacro defmacro (&rest arglist)
266 (if (and (stringp (third arglist)) (cdddr arglist))
267 (progn
268 (unless (symbolp (first arglist))
269 (error "bad argument type - ~s" (first arglist)))
270 (setf (get (first arglist) '%doc-function) (third arglist))
271 `(old-defmacro ,(first arglist)
272 ,(second arglist)
273 ,@(cdddr arglist)))
274 `(old-defmacro ,@arglist)))
276 (defmacro defvar (&rest arglist)
277 (when (stringp (third arglist))
278 (progn
279 (unless (symbolp (first arglist))
280 (error "bad argument type - ~s" (first arglist)))
281 (setf (get (first arglist) '%doc-variable) (third arglist))))
282 `(old-defvar ,@arglist))
285 (defmacro defparameter (&rest arglist)
286 (when (stringp (third arglist))
287 (progn
288 (unless (symbolp (first arglist))
289 (error "bad argument type - ~s" (first arglist)))
290 (setf (get (first arglist) '%doc-variable) (third arglist))))
291 `(old-defparameter ,@arglist))
294 (defmacro defconstant (&rest arglist)
295 (when (stringp (third arglist))
296 (progn
297 (unless (symbolp (first arglist))
298 (error "bad argument type - ~s" (first arglist)))
299 (setf (get (first arglist) '%doc-variable) (third arglist))))
300 `(old-defconstant ,@arglist))
302 (defmacro defstruct (&rest arglist)
303 (when (stringp (second arglist))
304 (let ((sym (if (consp (first arglist))
305 (caar arglist)
306 (first arglist))))
307 (unless (symbolp sym)
308 (error "bad argument type - ~s" (first arglist)))
309 (setf (get sym '%doc-structure) (second arglist))))
310 `(old-defstruct ,@arglist))