Initial commit, 3-52-19 alpha
[cls.git] / tests / arith.lsp
1 ; tests of arithmetic, logical, and bit funcitons
2 (setf eps 1.e-6)
4 ;arith with integer args
5 (check #'= (+ 1 3) (* 2 2))
6 (check #'= (- (list -3 1789) 20) (list -23 1769))
7 (check #'= (* (list -7 09 -7 09) (list 100 -10 1 -9)) (- (list 700 90 7 81)))
8 (check #'<
9 (abs (- (/ (list 5 3 1 340) 3) (list 1.6666667 1. .3333333 113.3333333)))
10 eps)
11 (check #'= (floor (/ (list 5 3 1 340) 3)) (list 1 1 0 113))
12 (check #'= (^ (list 12 35 159) 2) (list 144 1225 25281))
13 (check #'= (rem (list 86 -33 123456) 5) (list 1 -3 1))
15 ;arith with real or mixed args
16 (check #'= (+ 15 .0078) 15.0078)
17 (check #'< (abs (- (- (list 23.4 1 -50) 17) (list 6.4 -16 -67))) eps)
18 (check #'< (abs (- (* 1.234e12 .02) 2.468e10)) eps)
19 (check #'< (abs (- (/ (list 15 -2 1.e3) 7.2)
20 (list 2.0833333 -.2777778 138.8888889)))
21 eps)
22 (check #'< (abs (- (rem 17.53 (list 5. 1.5)) (list 2.53 1.03))) eps)
23 (check #'< (abs (- (^ (list 1.2 5.67) 2.001) (list 1.440263 32.204733))) eps)
25 ;arith with double complex args
26 (check #'= (+ 15 .0078e0) 15.0078)
27 (check #'<
28 (abs (- (- (list 23.4 1 -50) #c(17 5))
29 (list #c(6.4 -5) #c(-16 -5) #c(-67 -5))))
30 eps)
31 (check #'< (abs (- (* 1.23456789012345e10 .02) 246913578.024690)) eps)
32 (check #'<
33 (abs (- (/ (list 15 -2. 1.e3) 7.2)
34 (list 2.0833333 -.2777778 138.8888889)))
35 eps)
37 ;logical with integer args
38 (check #'eq (< 5 (list 4 6 -5)) (list nil T nil))
39 (check #'eq (> (list 7 12345) 500) (list nil T))
40 (check #'eq (<= 17 (list 17 -1 100)) (list T nil T))
41 (check #'eq (>= -12 (list 500 0 -5 -12 -30)) (list nil nil nil T T))
42 (check #'eq (= (list 2 3 -3 4) (list 2 -3 -3 1)) (list T nil T nil))
44 ;logical with real or mixed arguments
45 (check #'eq (< 5 (list 4.9 6.123 -5)) (list nil T nil))
46 (check #'eq (> (list 7.3 12345) 7.3) (list nil T))
47 (check #'eq (> (list 7.3 12345) 7.3) (list nil T))
48 (check #'eq (<= 1.17 (list 1.17 -1.1 100.1)) (list T nil T))
49 (check #'eq
50 (>= -12.001 (list 500.001 0.001 -5.001 -12.001 -30))
51 (list nil nil nil T T))
52 (check #'eq (not T) nil)
53 (check #'eq (not (and T nil)) T)
54 (check #'= (if-else (> (iseq 1 3) 2) 100 0) (list 0 0 100))