Initial commit, 3-52-19 alpha
[cls.git] / src / lsp / graph3.lsp
1 (provide "graph3")
2 (require "graphics")
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Options dialog stuff
6 ;;;
8 (defproto graph-toggle-item-proto '(graph message) () toggle-item-proto)
10 (defmeth graph-toggle-item-proto :isnew (title graph message)
11 (setf (slot-value 'graph) graph)
12 (setf (slot-value 'message) message)
13 (call-next-method title :value (send graph message)))
15 (defmeth graph-toggle-item-proto :set-value ()
16 (let* ((message (slot-value 'message))
17 (graph (slot-value 'graph))
18 (old (if (send graph message) t nil))
19 (new (if (send self :value) t nil)))
20 (unless (eq old new) (send graph message new))))
22 (defproto graph-backcolor-choice-item-proto '(graph) () choice-item-proto)
24 (defmeth graph-backcolor-choice-item-proto :isnew (graph)
25 (setf (slot-value 'graph) graph)
26 (call-next-method (list "White Background" "Black Background")
27 :value (if (eq (send graph :back-color) 'white) 0 1)))
29 (defmeth graph-backcolor-choice-item-proto :set-value ()
30 (let ((graph (slot-value 'graph)))
31 (case (send self :value)
32 (0 (send graph :back-color 'white)
33 (send graph :draw-color 'black))
34 (1 (send graph :back-color 'black)
35 (send graph :draw-color 'white)))))
37 (defproto graph-scaling-choice-item-proto '(graph) () choice-item-proto)
39 (defmeth graph-scaling-choice-item-proto :isnew (graph)
40 (setf (slot-value 'graph) graph)
41 (call-next-method (list "Variable Scaling" "Fixed Scaling" "No Scaling")
42 :value (case (send graph :scale-type)
43 (variable 0)
44 (fixed 1)
45 (t 2))))
47 (defmeth graph-scaling-choice-item-proto :set-value ()
48 (let ((graph (slot-value 'graph)))
49 (send graph :scale-type
50 (case (send self :value)
51 (0 'variable)
52 (1 'fixed)
53 (2 nil)))))
55 (defmeth graph-proto :set-options ()
56 "Method args: ()
57 Opens dialog to set plot options. Items are obtained using the
58 :make-options-dialog-items message."
59 (let* ((items (send self :make-options-dialog-items))
60 (d (send ok-or-cancel-dialog-proto :new items :title "Options"
61 :ok-action #'(lambda ()
62 (dolist (i items)
63 (send i :set-value))
64 (send self :redraw)))))
65 (unwind-protect (send d :modal-dialog)
66 (send d :remove))))
68 (defmeth graph-proto :make-options-dialog-items ()
69 (remove
70 nil
71 (list
72 (send graph-backcolor-choice-item-proto :new self)
73 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Vertical Scroll" self :has-v-scroll)
74 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Horizontal Scroll" self :has-h-scroll)
75 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Fixed Aspect Ratio" self :fixed-aspect)
76 (if (screen-has-color)
77 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Use color" self :use-color)))))
79 (defmeth scatmat-proto :make-options-dialog-items ()
80 (remove
81 nil
82 (list
83 (send graph-backcolor-choice-item-proto :new self)
84 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Vertical Scroll" self :has-v-scroll)
85 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Horizontal Scroll" self :has-h-scroll)
86 (if (screen-has-color)
87 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Use color" self :use-color)))))
89 (defmeth spin-proto :make-options-dialog-items ()
90 (remove
91 nil
92 (list
93 (send graph-backcolor-choice-item-proto :new self)
94 (send graph-scaling-choice-item-proto :new self)
95 (if (screen-has-color)
96 (send graph-toggle-item-proto :new "Use color" self :use-color)))))
98 ;;;;
99 ;;;;
100 ;;;; Plot Sliders and Slicers
101 ;;;;
102 ;;;;
104 ;;; Graph dialogs
106 (defproto graph-dialog-proto '(plot))
108 (defmeth graph-dialog-proto :install (plot)
109 (setf (slot-value 'plot) plot)
110 (send plot :add-subordinate self))
112 (defmeth graph-dialog-proto :clobber ()
113 (let ((plot (slot-value 'plot)))
114 (if plot (send plot :delete-subordinate self)))
115 (setf (slot-value 'plot) nil))
117 ;;; Graph slicers
119 (defmeth graph-proto :add-slicer (s)
120 (setf (slot-value 'slicers) (adjoin s (slot-value 'slicers)))
121 (if (send self :allocated-p) (send self :adjust-slices)))
123 (defmeth graph-proto :remove-slicer (s)
124 (setf (slot-value 'slicers) (remove s (slot-value 'slicers)))
125 (when (send self :allocated-p)
126 (if (eq 'show (send s :type)) (send self :show-all-points))
127 (send self :adjust-slices)))
129 (defproto graph-slicer-proto
130 '(variable delta selecting)
132 (list graph-dialog-proto interval-slider-dialog-proto))
134 (defmeth graph-slicer-proto :isnew (plot var delta range
135 &rest args
136 &key select)
137 (setf (slot-value 'variable) var)
138 (setf (slot-value 'delta) delta)
139 (setf (slot-value 'selecting) select)
140 (apply #'call-next-method range
141 :action #'(lambda (x) (send plot :adjust-slices)) args)
142 (send self :install plot))
144 (defmeth graph-slicer-proto :install (plot)
145 (call-next-method plot)
146 (send plot :add-slicer self))
148 (defmeth graph-slicer-proto :clobber ()
149 (let ((plot (slot-value 'plot)))
150 (if plot (send plot :remove-slicer self)))
151 (call-next-method))
153 (defmeth graph-slicer-proto :selection ()
154 (let ((x (send self :value))
155 (var (slot-value 'variable))
156 (d (slot-value 'delta)))
157 (which (< (- x d) var (+ x d)))))
159 (defmeth graph-slicer-proto :type ()
160 (if (slot-value 'selecting) 'select 'show))
162 (defmeth graph-proto :adjust-slices ()
163 (cond
164 ((slot-value 'slicers)
165 (let ((indices (reduce #'intersection
166 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (send x :selection))
167 (slot-value 'slicers))))
168 (show (some #'(lambda (x) (eq 'show (send x :type)))
169 (slot-value 'slicers))))
170 (cond
171 (show (send self :points-showing indices))
172 (t (send self :points-selected indices)))))
173 (t (send self :unselect-all-points) (send self :show-all-points))))
175 ;; Installing graph slicers
177 (defmeth graph-proto :slicer (var &rest args
178 &key
179 (fraction 0.25)
180 title
181 (points 20))
182 (unless title (setq title "Slicer"))
183 (let* ((range (list (min var) (max var)))
184 (p (* 0.5 fraction (- (nth 1 range) (nth 0 range))))
185 (slicer (apply #'send graph-slicer-proto :new self var p
186 (list (+ (nth 0 range) p) (- (nth 1 range) p))
187 :title title
188 :points points
189 args)))
190 (send slicer :value (/ (+ (nth 0 range) (nth 1 range)) 2))
191 slicer))
193 (defmeth graph-proto :make-slicer-dialog ()
194 (let* ((fractions (list 0.1 0.2 0.3))
195 (var-item (send edit-text-item-proto :new
196 (format nil "(iseq 0 ~d) "
197 (- (send self :num-points) 1))))
198 (fraction-item (send choice-item-proto :new
199 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format nil "~a" x))
200 fractions)
201 :value 1))
202 (type-item (send choice-item-proto :new
203 (list "Select Slice"
204 "Show Only Slice")))
205 expr
206 title
208 fraction
209 select
211 (flet ((ok-action ()
212 (setq expr (read (make-string-input-stream
213 (send var-item :text))))
214 (setq title (format nil "~a" expr))
215 (setq var (eval expr))
216 (setq fraction (nth (send fraction-item :value)
217 fractions))
218 (setq select (= 0 (send type-item :value)))
220 (let* ((d (send ok-or-cancel-dialog-proto :new
221 (list (send text-item-proto :new "Variable")
222 var-item
223 (list (list
224 (send text-item-proto :new "Fraction")
225 fraction-item)
226 (list
227 (send text-item-proto :new "Slicer Type")
228 type-item)))
229 :ok-action #'ok-action)))
230 (unwind-protect (setq ok (send d :modal-dialog))
231 (send d :remove))))
232 (if ok
233 (send self :slicer var
234 :title title
235 :fraction fraction
236 :select select))))