Initial commit, 3-52-19 alpha
[cls.git] / src / c / mswin / config.lsp
1 (defpackage setup (:use xlisp))
3 (in-package setup)
5 (defvar *progman-available*
6 (let ((conv (dde-connect "progman")))
7 (if conv (dde-disconnect conv))
8 conv))
10 (defproto preference-item-proto
11 '(section name default) () edit-text-item-proto)
13 (defmeth preference-item-proto :isnew (section name default &rest args)
14 (setf (slot-value 'section) section)
15 (setf (slot-value 'name) name)
16 (setf (slot-value 'default) default)
17 (apply #'call-next-method default args))
19 (defmeth preference-item-proto :configure ()
20 (msw-write-profile-string (slot-value 'section)
21 (slot-value 'name)
22 (send self :text)
23 #+win32 "wxls32.ini"
24 #-win32 "wxls.ini"))
26 (defproto directory-item-proto () () preference-item-proto)
28 (defmeth directory-item-proto :isnew ()
29 (call-next-method "Xlisp"
30 "Libdir"
31 (get-working-directory)
32 :text-length 25))
35 (defproto font-name-item-proto () () preference-item-proto)
37 (defmeth font-name-item-proto :isnew (section &optional
38 (font "Courier New")
39 (size 16))
40 (call-next-method section "Font" font :text-length size))
42 (defproto font-size-item-proto () () preference-item-proto)
44 (defmeth font-size-item-proto :isnew (section &optional (size 12))
45 (call-next-method section "FontSize" (format nil "~d" size)))
47 (defmeth font-size-item-proto :configure ()
48 (let ((n (read-from-string (send self :text) nil)))
49 (unless (integerp n)
50 (send self :text (slot-value 'default)))
51 (call-next-method)))
53 (defproto progman-item-proto () () edit-text-item-proto)
55 (defmeth progman-item-proto :exec (&rest args)
56 (let ((conv (dde-connect "progman")))
57 (when conv
58 (unwind-protect
59 (dde-client-transaction conv :data (apply #'format nil args))
60 (dde-disconnect conv)))))
62 (defproto progman-group-item-proto () () progman-item-proto)
64 (defun progman-group-exists (group)
65 (let ((conv (dde-connect "progman")))
66 (when conv
67 (unwind-protect
68 (dde-client-transaction conv :type :request :item group)
69 (dde-disconnect conv)))))
72 (defmeth progman-group-item-proto :configure ()
73 (let ((group (send self :text)))
74 (when (progman-group-exists group)
75 (let ((delete (ok-or-cancel-dialog
76 (format nil "Delete existing ~a group?"
77 group))))
78 (if delete
79 (send self :exec "[DeleteGroup(~a)]" group)
80 (throw 'cancel nil)))))
81 (send self :exec "[CreateGroup(~a)]" (send self :text)))
83 (defproto progman-program-item-proto
84 '(application directory icon x y) () progman-item-proto)
86 (defmeth progman-program-item-proto :isnew (n a d i x y)
87 (setf (slot-value 'application) a)
88 (setf (slot-value 'directory) d)
89 (setf (slot-value 'icon) i)
90 (setf (slot-value 'x) x)
91 (setf (slot-value 'y) y)
92 (call-next-method n))
94 (defmeth progman-program-item-proto :configure ()
95 (let* ((dir (send (slot-value 'directory) :text))
96 (app (slot-value 'application))
97 (file (format nil "~a\\~a" dir app)))
98 (send self :exec "[AddItem(~a,~a,~a,~d,~d,~d,~a)]"
99 file
100 (send self :text)
101 file
102 (slot-value 'icon)
103 (slot-value 'x)
104 (slot-value 'y)
105 (send (slot-value 'directory) :text))))
107 (let* ((list-font-size 12)
108 (graph-font-size 12)
109 (dir-item (send directory-item-proto :new))
110 (list-font-item (send font-name-item-proto :new "Listener"))
111 (list-font-size-item (send font-size-item-proto :new "Listener"))
112 (graph-font-item (send font-name-item-proto :new "Graphics"))
113 (graph-font-size-item (send font-size-item-proto :new "Graphics"))
114 (progman-item (send toggle-item-proto :new
115 "Add Group and Items to Program Manager"
116 :value t))
117 (group-name-item (send progman-group-item-proto :new
118 (format nil "XLISP-STAT ~d.~d~a"
119 xls-major-release
120 xls-minor-release
121 #+win32 " - Win32"
122 #-win32 "")))
123 (xls-name-item (send progman-program-item-proto :new
125 #+win32 "WXLS32.EXE"
126 #-win32 "WXLS.EXE"
127 dir-item 2 30 20))
128 (lspedit-name-item (send progman-program-item-proto :new
129 "Lsp Edit" "LSPEDIT.EXE"
130 dir-item 0 90 20)))
131 (flet ((configure ()
132 (catch 'cancel
133 (send dir-item :configure)
134 (send list-font-item :configure)
135 (send list-font-size-item :configure)
136 (send graph-font-item :configure)
137 (send graph-font-size-item :configure)
138 (when (and *progman-available*
139 (send progman-item :value))
140 (send group-name-item :configure)
141 (send xls-name-item :configure)
142 (send lspedit-name-item :configure)))
143 (msw-exit))
144 (quit () (msw-exit)))
145 (let ((pref-items (list (list "Startup Directory:" dir-item)
146 (list
147 (list
148 (list "Listener Font:" list-font-item)
149 (list "Graphics Font:" graph-font-item))
150 (list
151 (list "Size:" list-font-size-item)
152 (list "Size:" graph-font-size-item)))))
153 (pm-items (list progman-item
154 (list "Program Group Name:" group-name-item)
155 (list (format nil "Program Item Name for ~a:"
156 #+win32 "WXLS32.EXE"
157 #-win32 "WXLS.EXE")
158 xls-name-item)
159 (list "Program Item Name for LSPEDIT.EXE:"
160 lspedit-name-item)))
161 (buttons (list (list (send button-item-proto :new
162 "Configure and Quit"
163 :action #'configure)
164 (send button-item-proto :new
165 "Quit"
166 :action #'quit)))))
167 (send dialog-proto :new
168 (append pref-items
169 (if *progman-available* pm-items)
170 buttons)
171 :title "XLISP-STAT Setup"
172 :location '(0 0)))))
174 (unless (probe-file "Data\\absorbtion.lsp")
175 ;; looks like a system that supports long file names -- rename
176 ;; some files in Data and Examples.
177 (rename-file "Data\\absorbti.lsp" "Data\\absorbtion.lsp")
178 (rename-file "Data\\car-pric.lsp" "Data\\car-prices.lsp")
179 (rename-file "Data\\metaboli.lsp" "Data\\metabolism.lsp")
180 (rename-file "Data\\puromyci.lsp" "Data\\puromycin.lsp")
181 (rename-file "Data\\stacklos.lsp" "Data\\stackloss.lsp")
182 (rename-file "Examples\\abrasion.lsp" "Examples\\abrasiondemo.lsp")
183 (rename-file "Examples\\addhandr.lsp" "Examples\\addhandrotate.lsp")
184 (rename-file "Examples\\dataprot.lsp" "Examples\\dataprotos.lsp")
185 (rename-file "Examples\\plotcont.lsp" "Examples\\plotcontrols.lsp")
186 (rename-file "Examples\\rotatede.lsp" "Examples\\rotatedemo.lsp")
187 (when (probe-file "xlsclien.exe")
188 (rename-file "xlsclien.exe" "xlsclient.exe")))