Initial commit, 3-52-19 alpha
[cls.git] / Examples / addhandrotate.lsp
1 ;; add a new "mouse mode", with menu title, cusror and mouse method name
2 (send spin-proto :add-mouse-mode 'hand-rotate
3 :title "Hand Rotate" :cursor 'hand :click :do-hand-rotate)
5 ;; set up local environment with function to project (x, y) point onto
6 ;; "globe" overthe plot
7 (flet ((calcsphere (x y)
8 (let* ((norm-2 (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
9 (rad-2 (^ 1.7 2))
10 (z (if (< norm-2 rad-2) (sqrt (- rad-2 norm-2)) 0)))
11 (if (< norm-2 rad-2)
12 (list x y z)
13 (let ((r (sqrt (max norm-2 rad-2))))
14 (list (/ x r) (/ y r) (/ z r)))))))
16 ;; define the :DO-HAND-ROTATE method in the local environment
17 (defmeth spin-proto :do-hand-rotate (x y m1 m2)
18 (let* ((oldp (apply #'calcsphere
19 (send self :canvas-to-scaled x y)))
20 (p oldp)
21 (vars (send self :content-variables))
22 (trans (identity-matrix (send self :num-variables))))
23 (send self :idle-on nil)
24 (send self :while-button-down
25 #'(lambda (x y)
26 (setf oldp p)
27 (setf p (apply #'calcsphere
28 (send self :canvas-to-scaled x y)))
29 (setf (select trans vars vars) (make-rotation oldp p))
30 (when m1
31 (send self :slot-value 'rotation-type trans)
32 (send self :idle-on t))
33 (send self
34 :apply-transformation
35 trans))))))