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36 <h3>Introduction</h3>
37 <p> Common Lisp Quick Reference is a free booklet with short
38 descriptions of the thousand or so symbols defined in the ANSI standard.
39 It comes with a comprehensive index.
40 </p>
41 <p>
42 This rather humble effort is by no means meant to rival
43 the <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/index.htm">
44 Common Lisp HyperSpec</a>
45 or any of the great introductory web resources and books.
46 Its purpose is to give those who like a piece of
47 dead tree in their hands a quick overview on things they
48 know already, or some clue on what to look up elsewhere.
49 </p>
51 <p>It is written in LaTeX and formatted for printing on both
52 A4 and letter paper. After folding the sheets lengthwise,
53 they can easily be turned into a handy booklet.
54 </p>
55 <p>
56 Please report any errors to <a href="mailto:trebbu@googlemail.com?subject=CLQR ">
57 trebbu@googlemail.com</a>. Nitpickers welcome!
58 </p>
59 <p>&nbsp;</p>
61 <h3>Latest Changes</h3>
62 <p><i>2018-10-10 14:08:44 +0200</i>
63 <br />Fix bugs reported by Fengjing Xiao
64 <br />- define-compiler-macro is a macro, not a function.
65 - symbol-name and symbol-package aren't setfable.
66 </p>
67 <p><i>2018-02-05 12:00:32 +0100</i>
68 <br />Initarg names don't need to be keywords
69 <br />Fix definitions of defstruct, define-condition, signal, warn, error,
70 cerror, and assert.
71 Thanks to Fengjing Xiao for the bug report.
72 </p>
73 <p><i>2018-02-05 11:55:28 +0100</i>
74 <br />Fix argument list of scale-float
75 <br />Thanks to Fengjing Xiao for the bug report.
76 </p>
77 <p><i>2018-01-23 12:36:42 +0100</i>
78 <br />CLOS-related initargs don't need to be keywords
79 <br />Thanks to Fengjing Xiao for the hint.
80 </p>
81 <p><i>2018-01-15 15:24:54 +0100</i>
82 <br />Remove a bit-rotten LaTeX dependency
83 <br />Minor layout modifications.
84 </p> </td>
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92 <td class="footer" colspan="2">
93 &copy; 2008 - 2018 &nbsp;
94 <a href="mailto:trebbu@googlemail.com?subject=CLQR ">
95 Bert Burgemeister
96 </a>
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